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Byline anes one tage gio oF Five pipers M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bar Master of Education, Two Year Course A, Ordinance Vise examinations for the degree of Master of Education shall sist of two parts, — 1. The previous exiasinations. amd 2 The fins! exumnniati 4 candidate having passed B.A, (109243) with Education in B.A. Final is eligible for adnission in M.A, Patt. A candidate atfer completing regular eourse of the study for one academe year 1 affitiated ealtege or department of the university and passing the M.A, previous exinnstions af the university shall be admined tw the fine) examination for the depres of Mat Bdveation, at A Candidate who has pas: ed the M.A, previous exantinations for the degree of Master of Education of another University may alse be admitted to the M.A. Butal examination te The deere. af Master af &ducation provided that he offered for his M.A. previous exam Gf aun eytivstlont standard with almost identical sy! "this university and has attended a reg ir ee ts et course of the stady for oy iwaleinic year i aot attiliaed eollege of the university. BUL the final decision will he wt universits: College will not responsible to give admission for such cansidate, Vhaue shall be Qwo examinations. one at the end of each year. The less heivey M. Presiots aunt the second MLA. Final examination © The M.A, previous will vor: comput oes papers af MIO nrarks cach Le: Paper ae Nawe Max, murks 0 Philesophical Foundatious of Edecetion toa 102! Sociological Foundations of Education 100 103 Psychological Foundations of Exducation oo 104 Reseach Methodolog, & Statistics in Education 100 1s Special Excation 100 1OUAL sau While Ma Vinal examin ton will consist of three compulsory papers, Paper iV) will be given belo). Paper '¥ will be Dissertation > fue pry Bite Shea a, \ Y a aay ( students securing $8% oF above marks in M.A. Previous will be entitled 1 otter dissertation ) For persuing eisertanon final devision will be of supervisor The topic of the paper (dissertation) will he decided with the coasultation of the stat? members of the deptt. who will avts ay supervisor, Each paper will consist of 100 marks. Ex-studeats candidates for M.A. final examination as has already undergone course of dissertation (if they opt) required under the rules . shall not be required to undergo aga ‘They shall submit their ote thesis. Paper no. Name Max. marks Compulsory Papers 201 Contpatative Educatio 100 202 Vocational Guidance and Counselling 100 20% Educational Technology 100 2M Optional Paper (any one trom given below) soo A. Teacher Edneation 18, Adult and Continuing Education C. Beonomies of Education 1b, Managemen’ and Administration of Eatncation 1, Pdueational Measurement and Evaluation 1 Gender fssues in Education f 205 Dissertation Essay Contpory teemes 00 erations PESO Coe tipennny Hermes oy YVOTAL 500 For pass is M.A. Pre/Final eanclidate is required to obtained 36% marks aggregate in theory andl Dissertation Essay separately tor each examination Division shall be awarded vt the final examination wiley taking in to aecouKL Marks hained by the eandidate in Pre & Final examination together as unde: = First Division - 00% and above Second Division - 48% and more hut less than 61% Third Division - 36% and above but less than 48% ph B, Regulations 4 nsf eV wy Vv Mester of Education Note - Candidates for the M.A. Examination have the option of answering question through the medium of indi or Fnglish Each Paper - 100 Marks Dissertation- 100 Marks Potal 100 marks of Dissertation will be divided as follows. | Internal Assessment 35 marks | External Assessment - 35 marks Vive- voce : 30 marks Marks of dissertation will be send consolidated out wf [00 A, Education ‘Two year course. YY LLABUS Paper N: Name Max. marks 0 Philosophical Foundations of Education 100 102 Sociological Foundations of Education 100 ioe Psvehologieal Foundations of Educations iow lod Research Methodulogy and Statistics in. Edueation ou 05 Special Education 100 Fotal 500 Mek oy PAPER 10 Philosopli Course Objectives: The students will he able to 1 detine the com of Education and philosophy and explain the rel snship denween them, 2. Describe the contribution of various Indian and Wester Schools of Philosophy to the fields of Education Write a critica note on the contribution of indian Philosophers 10 contempors Indian Edneation, 4. lustrate meanin jmetion of democracy and responsiblity and their relevane in Education 5. Justify the impaet of value Education in our fife Course contents 1. Concept, Need, Elements and definition of Education. 2. Concept, Need, Ploments and definition of Philosophy 3. Relationship between Education & Phifosophy, 4 Need and émportance of philosuphy in Education. 55° Anterdependence of Education on Philosophy. 1, Indian Schools of Philosophy Samakhya, Vedanta, Buddhism, Islamic Philosophy with special references to their educational implications, 2. Western Philosophies (a) Naturalism tb) Kdealism fey Progmatism (d) Realism fe) Existentialism: (9) Marxism, Logical Positivism «a! reference to their educational implivations for aims. content and ion Sovtal Philosophy of Education: (a) Freedom ch) Discipline } fc) Equality } (d) Demoeracy | 2. Education and sts role in developing National values. ‘ | Unit 1V- Conteibution of following Indian Philosophers to Educational Thought \ (a) Vivekanand (bh) Tagore: ww) Gandhi | (Aurobindo and be | Sy Se pX y qoety (ey J, Krishnamurthy. VED READINGS : ioudy .H.$.1977) Building a Philosophy of Education, New York: Kringec ~ Chandra. S.S.. Shamma, R.K. (2004) Principles of Education, New Delhi: Atiantic Publishers and Distributors = Dewey, John (866) Demoeraey and Education, New York: MeMitlan. = Brufucher bhp, S (1969) Modern Philosophies of Education, New Delhi: Tata MeGraw Hill - Narvene. VS. 1978) Modern Ietian Thoughts, New York, Orient Longmans Ltd = Pandey K.P. G0s3y Prakashaw spective in Social Foundations of Education, Gaziabud: Amitash ~ Pandey RS. 1982) An ty Pustak Mandir juction to Major Philosophies of Education, a. Vinod = Sodi. TS. And Suri Aruna (1998) Phitasophival and Soviolou Education, Patiala: Bawa Publication. at Foundations of Saxena Swaroop. NR. (2001) Philosophical and Sociological Foundation ef Education, Meerut : Surv Publiy tion, + Taner, VAR. (2002) Foundations of Education, Chandigarh: Mohindts Cumtal Publishers harmu.R.N. : Philosophy ant Sociology of Education, Surjevt Publication. New Dells Paper 102 Sociological Foundations of Education ne fe ¢ Qh Sevwees An a. re so cor Course Objectives: Students wilt be able to 1, define meaning and concepts of Educationall sociology. 2. explain the concept af social organization and factors effecting it 3. tHustrate the meaning and eo: Understand the refationshin infeyration and intemational underst ding, Course contents + Soctal principles in Sducation 1 Meaning and netuce of edveationsl sociology and sociology of education, Factors intlucneing social organtzation Unit. Education and Society 1 As ct process in social system. 2 As. process of socialisation, As process of Social progress 4. Bducatic 1 velivion, Unit WI Social Interactions and their edueational implications: I Social stratification concept and its iuaplications, 2 Sociat group inter-yroup relationship-group dynamic 6 c Education with demoeracy freedom, = , & Cri Xe y vept of social change with special reference India National Mustrate education as a process of sovial system, socialization and social progress. Dynamite Charzetersties of social organisation and its educationst| implications at & Culture : Meaning and Nature 1 Role of eSueation in cultural context 2. Cultural determinams of Education. 3. Educativtt and Cultural changes, Unit Educational opportunity, Equality and Equity- Education us refated to social equity and equality of opportunities. 2. Socially and Economically. disadvantaged sections of the society with special nec to scheduled castes and scheduled tribe women and rural population. 3. Soviatl change: its meaning and eoneept with special reference to India 4. Concept of urbanization, Modemization, post-modemisation, Wester tion. with, special reference to Indian society and its educational implicattions. TED READING! - Gore M.S.(1984) Education and Modemization in India . Rawat Publishers, Jaipur + Kamat A.R, (1985) Faucation and Social Change in India, Bombay Samaiya Publishing Co ~ Maubolicin K. (1962) An tn Paul, London, roduction to Sociology of Education, Routledge and Ke: = MH.R.D. (1996) Towards on Enlightened and Human Society. Department of Education, New Delhi = Pandey K.P. (1983) Perspective in Social Foundations of Education, Amita Prakash. Ghaziabad + Saxena, S (2001) Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education, Surya Publication eer + Singh BN. (2005) Education ; Social Change and Economie Development, Jaipur: RBSA Publlisiners \ \s hye Gye te : oe x ® ‘ | “Sanghi, T'S. & Suri, Aruna (1998) Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Eéucacion, Patiala: Bawa Publications. sma, RN ~ Philosophy and Sociology of Education , Surjeet Publication, New Delhi Paper 103 Psychological dations of edueation, Course ofje } } Students will be able to - | ycrnderstane! convepts and principles of educational psychology as an applied science 2 Outlines the scope of edudeational psychology | Describe the pnwess of growth and development! 4. Pnverstand the nature and concept of erativeity, intelligence, personality and ' learning. Thustrate the concept of motivation 1 Meaning of Education and Psychology: | (a) Kelutionship of education and psychology aad seope (>) Different schools of psychology” steuctaralismn , fanetionafism, behaviowralism, psychoanalytic, Bandura: social learning construetivisan Methods of fdueational Psychology | uk? (ee * a re EE (a) Experimental {b). Clinical (o) Differential Unit 1. Growth and Development childhood and adolescence with reference to piaget vd (psycho-sexual), Friekson (psycho-social). Kohlberg (moral development). Individeist differences : concept and areas Role of Heredity and environment — in developing individual differences, Unit Intelligence: |. Definition and nature of intelligence, 2 Theor of intellignece- (a) Two factor theory (spearmian) (hb) Multifactor theory, {2 Group fretor ehory, (ey) HMigrarchivat Emedticnat intelfigenee by Golems and Stenberg, Leura and motivation: 1. Meaning and charactersties. 2 ‘Theories and their Educational implications a Pavlov's classical conditioning Hi Skinav-’s oper conditioning, Gil) Learning by insight (ix) Lowin's field theory (9) Fostonsffluening earn ye Spa bef ey Vv ® JK Pranster of learning andl theories 4, Concept of motivation and theories of motivation Unit. Creativity and Personality: 1. Concept, charactersties and development of creativity, importance of creativity in cucation, 2 Meaning and determinants of Personality. Types and Theories, Assessment of nersonaliry hy subjective and projective methous LECTED READIN = Baller Awerren. R Charles, Don, C. (1962): ‘The Psychology of Human Growth and Development. New York. Halt, Riuchait and Winston. = Baum. A. . Newmar, S.M. West R. & MeManus C, (1997) : Cambridge Handbook Or Psychology. Health & Medicine, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. = Coleman JC. (1970) + Abnormal Psychology and Modem Lite . Bombay. 9.8 Tarapotewala sons & Cos = Dicapro .N.S. (1974) : Personality Theories, New York . Harper ne RM. #1077} - The Conduetions of Leaming, New York, Chicago, Holt, Rinebart and Winston, ~ Gales A, TEPAs, (1963) : Educational Psychology, New York, MeMilian Hi E.R. « theories of Leaning. NewYork . Appleton Century Cratts, + Kundu. CLL. (1984) : Educational Psychology, Delhi Sterling Publishers, ~ Kund. ©.L. & Tuto. D.N{1988) - Educational Psychology. New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Private itd = Saraswat, Malti & Singh, Madhurima : Shiksha Manovigyun Ki Rooprekha . Alok Prakashan, Lucknow gabe ar Paper 04 Research Methodology and Statistics in Education. Course objectives ‘The stugtents will be able to = 1 Define meaning, nature, scope and purposes of Educational Research. Describe the emerging trends in Educational Research, Ulusirate meaning, eritesia and sources of identitying the research proilem. Explain the types, tools and techniques and collection of data. Explain the research design. {lustre the preparation of research synopsis, Compute different types of statistical measures. #Xplain the concept & application of measures af central tendeney dispersion — and Telative positions Course contents + Nature and scape of eduestional rease: : Ir 4 Meaning, nature. need and purpose of educational research. 5. Pundamental. applied and action research e (Quantititative and qualitiative research, Main approaches to Research L._ Descriptive Reserach, 2, Historica! Research. 3. Experimental Research 4 EX post facto Research Unit 1 peo pak Zadeh aaa x Y nn ee rn enn ea Re Permation of research problem and collection of data 1. Criteria ancl sotrves far identifying the problem, 2 Review of related literature : importance and various sources ineluding — intemet, 3. Developing hyhothesis in varous types of research. 4 Types of data + Quantitiative and Qualitative. 5. Tools, techniques and chareetersties off good research tool - Questionnaire b Intrerview Observation Sampling and analysis of dats 1 Conee of population and sample, characterstics of a good sample. 2. Various methods of sampling * Probablity and Non probability 3 Descriptive and inferential statisties, null hypothesis. types of errors. one tailed and two tailed tests: the t test, F test, Non parametric test (chi-square) Normat bability Curve and its applications, 2 SDM DOD. 3. Weiting Research Report (Syropsi in Research, S- Prejparvn 4 Sqmerpiia, a : ECTE D) 4 Use of computers ~ Agganeal. YP (1998), The Science of Educational Research : A Source Book, Normal. Kurukshetra = Best, John W, and Kahn James V. (993) : Research in B eation, Prentice hall. New Delhi ~ Bur = RLB. (1991): Introduetion to Resear in lucation. Prentice hall, New Det Kerlinger, LN. (19) Foundation of Behaviuoral Rescareh, Holt, Rinehart ane Winste NewYork, + Koul, Lokesh (1988). Medhodology of Educational Research , Vikas. New Delhi, Mouly, A.J. (1963) The Science of Edueational Research, Eurasia, New Delhi = Young. PV. (1960} : Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Prentice Hall, New Detii = Miller D.C. & Salkind . NW. (2002) + Handbook nf Research Design and Social Measurement. Sage Publications, London, + Ruane, Janet M (2004), : Essentials of Research Methods to Social Seienee Research, Blackwell Pabiications Lid. + Aggarwal, Y P (998) : Statistical Methods, Sterling, New Delhi + Kurtz, A.K. and Mayo 8.1. (4980), : Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology. Narola, New Delbi, + Garrett, HE, (1973) : Statistes in Psychology and Education, Vakils: Fetfer and Simon. Bombay | > Rothart C8, (2009) + Research, Methodology ( inethods and techniques). New al Pablislors, New Delhi Internat = Ray, Parsnath, } Anusandhan Parichaya, Navrang Printers , Avra — © Paper 105 | Spevial Education Course objectives : {Students will be able to - } FG explaia the concept of special edueation } 2 describe the concept of physical and mental diseities 3 Understand the various suggestions given by different recent commissions » ‘ | Geb ov oy X ® a (4. Understand various educationat intervention programmes tor meet exceptional learners. veation of children with special needs for reali @ Education’ 1s the concept of "Universalisation the needs of ‘Course contents: Unitt Conceptal fourdation af special education 1. concep and nature of special education, Needs of exceptional children. 3. Problems of Exceptional ebildren 4. Various issues and trends in special education such as -inelusive education. integration, labelin ann streaming. Government Initiatives regarding special and inclusive education. Unit tte Education of Mentally retarted ehitdren: i concep). chessification, Ltioloy 2 Educational programmes tor edueable mentally retarted Unit! Edveation of vi ally impared children: 1 coment, charaetersties 2. Degree of impairement 3. Etiology and intervention 4 Fdueational Programmes. * Unit ly WT ya oe . | {ypes and identifiction, Etiology. Educational intervention programmes. Education for gifted and ereative childr 1 Meanings ane eharactersties 2. Assessment and testi 3 Fducatinnal imervention programmes Unit VE Education of Leaning Disabled children : 1 Meaning and charactersties. 2. Types und identifications 3 Educational vention programmes, ECTED READINGS : ~ Bender. W.N. (19953; Leaming Disability. London : Allya & Bacon Das. M. (2007): Education of Exceptional Children, New Dethi, Atlantic Publisher and Distrsbwnors Pet, Ll ~ Jorden, T.E, (1977): The Exceptional Child, Ohio, Merrill, = Shanker. U, (1878) ; Exceptional Children, Jalandhar: Sterling Publications = Singh NN. & Beale, LL. (1999) ; Learning Disabilities- Nature, ‘Theery and Treatment, fewYork : Springer Verlag - Smith C.R. (1991) + Learning Disabilities - The interaction of Learner, Task and Setting SE A, Miaachustts, London: Allyn & Bacon Strange. Ruth. (2004): Exceptional Chitdren and Youth, N.t. : Prentice Hall Aggarwal. Asha Vishisht Batak Alok Prakashan. Lucknow M.A. Tl Year Panes no Name Max. marks Compuisory Papers 201 Comparative Education 100 202 Vocational Guidance and Counselling 100 203 Educational Technology 100 204 Optional Paper {ivy one trom given below) 100 A, Teacher Education §8. Adult and Continuing Education ‘eanoaties of Education 1D. Vianagement and Administration of Education E, Educational Measurement and Evaluation F. Gender Issues in Educaiton 208 Dissertation | Fssay tao Total - S00) onderstandt comparative edizeation as an verving discipline understand the educational system in terms of factors attd approaches ot comparative education, Orient with skill to assess the efficiency of educatiional systems of various countries int terms of prevailing trends in those count understand the concept of secondary education and its voeationalization Ale a perspective about the implications of education for solving the prevailing Comparative educations meaning, aims, need and scope of comparative education. Factors influencing Bdueation system, Unit it; 1 Historical Development of Comparative Education eal, 2 Approacies of comparative extucations= Hist problent approaels Soe rea hilosophical, sociological 2 ye v Salieni leatures of Edueation system of USA, UK, India. on in USA, UK, India, Pros Prune cab Primary edueation in USA, UK, India Secondary education in USA, UK, india. Higher education in USA. UK. India, 8 trends in World Education National and Global Role of UNO in improving educational opportunities among the membe various official angans ofthe UNO and their educational activities, countries, Unit ¥ 1. Problems prevailing én developing countries with special ret and sohuion through education 1ee 10 India, Their causes a, Poverty b. unemployment ¢. Population explosion d, Rervorism e. casteism and communalism — f. illiteracy SELECTED READINGS : - Baradey. G28 Publishing Co. 04} + Comparative methods itn Education, New Delhi. Oxtord and IBIT = Cramer, LF, & Brown. GS. (1965) + Contemporary Education : 4 comparative study of National System, New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, Dent, H.C (1881) Educational System of England, London: Hooder and Stoughton = Hons, No CL9@1)° Comme ive Education. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Seal ba ok / vs © SMudhi 1.8. (1988) + A Textbook of Comparative Education, New Delhi ; Association of “dian Universities, IGNOU Kandel, (1. 1/903): Studies in Comparative Education, New York: George Harrup. Parmaii, S. (L984) ; Distanei ducation. New Delhi : Sterling Publishers Put. Ltd. “= William M.A. (1966) : Planning Curricullum for Schools, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. = Gautam . Tulnatmak Shiksha, Alok Prakashan, Lucknow Paper 202, Yo al Guidance and Counselling in Education t Course objectives - The students will be able to = [1 develop an understanding the counselling needs of college students so that they may be in positions to be counsellors in higher education. explain the importance ef taking right choiee in Tife, education and voeation ere to give students enough intormstion snul skill So that may suecesstully shoulder the responsibil ity of Guidance worker helping students plan their Edeational and bt wr we v Novational future 4. describe the importance of working with @ group, fora group andl ina Assess the aveds of the individual coneetly. Course contents ~ a 1 Concept. mezning, prineiples. need and portance and functions of ‘Types of Guidance -Edueationa isiannwe, uid e. vocational zundance and 3 Develupasent of Guidanee for understanding the individual 1 Counselling ~ meaning. need, procedure and types - 41 Direetive eounselding ~ concept, advantages and limitations. h Non directive counselling -- concept, utivantages gad limitaions. &. Elective counselling ~ voneept, advantages and lintitations 1 Occupational information ~ weaning and need 2. Methods of unparting occupational information 3. Sources of oceapateonal information mn Indi 1. Job analysis -- meaning. types and purpose of job analysis, 2 dob sattistiy su) = meaning and htctors affecting jab Satisiaction Unit v group, guidance, personal Placement service - meaning, funetions and prineiples Kollow up servive - meaning, purposes and characterstics SELECTED READINGS : = Beran, H.W, & Daniel EW, (1977): Principles of Guidane Thomas ¥. Crowell Company. Second Edition, New York- Jones j.A. (1970): Principles of Guidance, Bombay, Tata MeGraw Fh Taloer E1907) dnwoduetion of Counselling, Mew York: MeGraw Hl > + Strang. Ruth, (1949) : Counselling Teclniques itn Colleges and Secondary Schools, New York, Haxper + Taxler. A.B. (1964): Techniques of Guidance, NewYork, MeGraw Hill, “PRobinon, EP. (1950) : Principles and Procedures in student counselling, New York! Hurper -& Brother Super, D.E. (1949) : Apprising Vocational Fitness, NewYo Harper & Brother, Paper- 203 Educational Technology Students will be able w — 4. understand about tie meaning, nature, scope and significance of — Educational ‘Technology and tis important components in tems of Hardware and Software, Aquaint the suuents with skill of teaming educational objectives use educational technology for imoroving teacher's behaviow develop different types of evaluatiion tools Concept meaning . nature, scope and significance of Eduestiona! Technology. Components of ET. - software . hardware systems approach, Educational ivchrivioyy and instructional technology’ informating and communication technology ICP) and concept of Samar: eliessivostin Multimedia approach in Educational Technology - meaning. uses, fimitanons Designing and Formulation of instructional objectives, leaching Models, Jask aualysis discussion! nmed [nstruetion —— a origin, principles and charactersties. b Types - Linear, Branching and Matheties. & Sa ay eX y . Developmen of programmed insituction material Teaching machines, e Computer Assisted mstructiony, feation uf teaching behaviour: Micro teaching . Plander’s interaction and Simulation, ‘Communication process : concept of communication and principles, 3. Moles nid harriers to communication. 4. Claysroom communieation ( interaction, verbal and nonverbal ) Unit V Emerging irends in Educational Technology - videotupe, aadin.tetevision, ontereneing, CCTV, CAL INSAT. Problems of now technologies. 2. Educational Technology in formal, nonlormal and informal education, Distance education, oper le ning systems and E 53. Evaluation and ET. - Deceeen, J.P. (1988) : Fhe Psychology of Leaning and Insicuction, New Delhi, Prentice Hall Kulkarni, $.$. (19N6) : Introduction to Educational Technology, New Delhi, Oxtord and IBN Publishing Company: = Kumar, K.L. (1996) ; Educational ‘Technology, New-Dethi: New Age Intemational publishers = Mavi, NS.(LUS4) - Peogrammed Learnings An Empirical Approach, Kuruksnewa, Vishit Publishers. Symes ye yey a) Bduetional Technology. Surya Publication, Meerut, Bhai Vogendraiget (2014-15) : Shiksha mein Navachar Evam Naveen Praveattivan, Agrawal = RanaBalwant (2015): Shiksha mein Naveen Pravrattivan . Vinod Pusiak Mandir. Agra Paper 204 (A) ¥ ye Qi EN a Sy y @ sation Meaning and concept of teacher education in sia Aims and objectives df teacher education perspective. dia with its historical ‘Teaching profession ane types of teacher education programme Development of eather edication curriculum ins nd. Zourse co Unit 1 Meaning . concept and scope uf teacher ed sation. 2. Aims and objectives of teacher eduestion at dit“srent levels a Elementary level b. Secondary tevel SN © College ieve! Recommendations of various commis ons an teactwer eduieation with special nelerence to a. Kothari Commission bb. NPE 1986 Programme of Action 1997 we NCTE 2 NCERT ft SCERT g — NCF 2005.2009,2012 education h, RUSA.RMSA, PPP niadel of Unit M1 Issues in Teacher Educ: “sy ey ~ Quality assurance in Teacher Education Research trends in Teacher Education Drstanee and 11 in Teacher Pducation Pro- service teacher edkt different levels, ion meat objectives and evaluation a In-service teacher education -- meaning, objectives and strategies 1. Professional preparation of teacher educators and edeational —admimistrators 2 Techniques of teacher training core teaching micro teaching analysis. 3. Tnfewrated teicher edueation programme. 4, Internship of teacher education, 1 Researel set it in the field of teacher eds tion and their ianpliation with respect to i= a. Teaching effectiveness b. Criteria of admission. ©. Modification of sacher behav 10x di. Sehoul cffveriveness SELECTED READINGS + CABF. (1992) : Report of the CABE Committee on Policy Perspective Gove. ot India, MHRD, New Delhi = Dunkin, J, Michal (1987): The intertational Encyclopedia of Teach Education, Pergamon Press. ng and Teacher - Manglu. Sheela (2000), - Teacher Education: Trends and St tegies. Now Delhi, Radha ay ‘ Som SN ss wey ® of Education (1964-66)": Education and National Development Report of Incfan 2 R961), The Ethics of the Rhetoric of Teacher Prot her Education, 713). fonatigm . Feaching and Paper 204 (B) Adult and continuing Edueation. Course objectives: Students will be able we - 1 Enderstand the basic concept, need and nature of distance ecueation. 2, Understand the development taking place in this field in India. 3. Expose students to different kinds of Inforination and Communication ‘Technology (ICT) and their use in teaching learning process. 4. Understand the working of different agencies in Continuing Adult Education Progamme, Course contents + learning Methods of Teaching Literacy - Traditional method, Zero Method. Alphabetic. tod Literacy method, Merhods of Adult Bdueation - Leciure. Diseussion and Demonstration, Student support services in Distance Education and their managment. ‘Technical and vocational programmers through Distance Educatrion Programmes for women through Distance lacation, it IV. Problems of Adult Edueation 2. Research pr jorities in Adtult Education, Evolution procedure in Adult Education, Types of Evaluation. formative and surumative evaluation, SELECTED READINGS : = Bonlia, Anil, LR. Kidd & 4.4, Drapert (eds.) (1973) » Adult Education ig, india- A Book OF © Rewlings. Hombuy: Nachiketa Publications Lud. Qa “ aa .S.. (1984) ; Compaigning for Literaey- Bight National Experiences of the eentieth Century with a Memorandon to decision anakers, UNESCO. Paris. = Cropley, A.J. (1977) Life Long Education : A Psychological Analysis . New York, Pergamon Press. ~ Dutta $.C-.: (1987) ; Adult Education in the Third World, New Dethi, and Criterian Publications . = Dutta $C, (1973) ; Social Education And Social Balures in Adult Education in India, Bombay. Nachiketa Publications. + Kundu. CL. (1987): Ad t Falucation Researeh . Future Directions bur. R, & Prony Chand (1981) : Adult Education Programme : Analysis of Stren and Deticieney, New Delhi, tndian Adult Education Association, + Ministry of Human Resourse Development (2886) : National Policy of Education, Govt, OF India. New Bells Vaper 204 (C Economics of Education Course objectives - Students will be able - 1. understand ihe basic coacept at economies of education, 2. develop awareness of the productivity of education in evonomic — devefopment Kau the concept and relationship between input and output of eduestion net ar dw ¥ e Course contents: ‘Meaning. aims, scope and significance of Economies of Education Recent trends in economies af education. Education asx comsumption : concept, significance and strategies Education as investment : concept. signiticance and strategies returns and social returns 4. Measurement of benetits in Education, Unit te 1. Resourees for Education » Role of the eentre, states and lastitutions for faancig education. Grant-in-aid scheme. Privatization of Education, 2 Human capital tormiation and Manpower planing. Unit Vv Education ni! unemployment 1 Causes of edueated unemployment Estimating unemployment. Senet 32 Problems of unemployment and education. 4. Bfiets of educated unemployment on economy. 5. Various remedies and schemes for employment LED READINGS : ~ Alex. V. Alexender (1983) : Human Capital Approach to Beonomie Development Metropotiton Book Co, . New Dethi, July 1. M. (1972): Economies of Education, The English Language Book Society snd island. - Nagpal S.C. & Mital A.C.4993) : Eeonomics of Education, Sterling Publishers Pvt. {td New Delhi = Natrajan.S, (1990) - Intraduction to Economies of Education, Sterling Publishers pvt. Lud. . Now Delhi HN. (1909) > Measurment of Cost Productivity and Efficieney Of Education . = Rao. VERY (1965) ; Edueation and Human Resourse Development. Allied Publishers . Sew Delhi. = Singh, Baljit (1983) onomies of Indian Education, Meenakshi Prakashan, New Dell, = Sodhi TS, (1990): Economies of Education. New Delhi * Vikas - Viney. 1. (1962) + Costs of Education, London, Feber UNESCO (1968) . Readings in the Economics of Education, Paris, UNESCO Publicatinns present day e.Tavlorism ey hae woh peay xy various Meaning, need and importince of Educational planning 2. Problems of Edueational planning 3. Approaches fo fducational planning. 4. Types Fducational planning: a. institutional Planning, ib. Perspective Planning, ' Devefopnrent af modem coneepts of educational administration Fon, LO to b. Administration as a process ¢. Human relations approach to Administration Ww Meeing the psychological jieeds of employ. Specific trends in Educational Administration. a. Decision making, b. Ore: ational eompliance, © Crganizational Development A. PERT ¢. Managment by objectives (MBO) caning, need and importance of leadership. a. Thories of leader hip. b. Styles of leadership . Measurement of leadership, Fducational supervision <4 Meaning. and nature of educational supervisic b, Traditional and Modem supervisic © Ned ani! {unetion oF supervision SELECTED READINGS: + Unruh, A. & Ture E. (1970) ; Supervision for change and Imiovation , NewYork, Bhatnagar JP & AGGARWAL. V (2004) : Educational Administration. Supervision, Planning sind Financing. Meerut: R. Lal, Book Depot = Haring, H. (O87) Management Appreciation, London, Pitan Publishing ~ Ravishankar ,S., Mishra, R.K..& Sharma, M.L., (1988) : Human Resource Develapment, Bombay: Dhray & Deep = Shukle PID. (1983) - Administration of Edueation in tadia, New Dell » Vikas Publication Sinha, PS.N. (ed) (2002): Ma Commonwealth Publishers, awement and Administration in Govt. . New Dells. “84 ars, H. (1955) : laproving the Supervision of Instruction. N.Y. + Prentice Hall. = Wiles, K. (4955) : Supervision of Better Schools. N.Y, : Prentice Hall = Gupta & Gautany Shoikshik Prashast |< Prabandhan Evan Swasdhya Shiksha, Mok Prakashan. Lucknow + Wudysia, UC. (2012) : Shikslia Prashashan, Agrawal Publications, Paper 204 (Fy Iueational Me: urement and, Course Obje Students will he able (9 = 1. Aguaint the student with the basie concepts and practives adopted in Educational Mewsurcment and Evaluation. i CR 8 EN 2. Orient the students with tools and techniques of measurement and evaluation, 3 De clop skills and competencies in constructing and standerdizing a test 4, Make the students anderstand how various reqaicements of education mreasured: evaluated, interpreted and their rules are recorded to help learners: 5. Develop the ability to explain and use appropriate statistical techniques and test of significance in measurement and evaluation, Course Contents : Educational Measurement and Evaluation - 1, Concept. scope, atid need, Levels of measurement. Evaluation - functions and basic principles of Evabwation 4 Inter-relat henship between Measurement and Evaluation ny Coneept and measurement of the following - a. Achievement tests b, Aptitude tests ©. Intelfimeave tests d, Attitude and Value Seales ©. Interest inventories Unit Tools of Measurement andl Evaluation - Fesay type fests, objective Lyne tests Questonnaive ant) Schedule 3. Performance tests 4. Reliability and validity of tests, “~ Sas : eNO OY 5 Notes New trends in Mes carement and Evaluation ~ |. Grading system Relative merits and demerits of marking and grading 2 Semester sysiem 3, Continunes and eampreteasive evaluation 4. Question Banks Fest Standardization - £. Norm referenced an eriterian rel need tests, 2, Standard scores: 1- score and ¢- scare 3. Construction and standardization of an aehievement test 4, Interpret tion of test sores and inethods of feedback te students SELECTED READINGS : ~ Adams . G.K, (1965) : Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology, Guidance, Holt, Rinehan & Winston, NewYork irvidl. V.P. (1998) : Statistical Methods © concepts. applications and computation Sterling New Dell + Aggarwal, RUN. and Asthana, Vipin (1983) : Educational Measurement and Evaluation Vinod , Agta, ikon. LR, (98S): Psychological Testing and Assessment. Allyn and Bacon, Bostan. Anastast. A (192). Psychological testing. Mae Millan, New York Ebel. RAL. and FrishegD.®, (1990): Exsemtiats of Education:! Myasurement, Prentice Hull jew Delhi - Freman, ['S, (1965) . Theory and Practice of Psychology Testing, Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Sharma, Jyoti (2008) : Shaikshik Maapan Evan Mulvankan, Agrawal Publications. Agr = Bhargava, Mahesh. Adhuaik Manovaigyanik Parikshan Evam Maapan., Archana Printers Agra ¢ 204 (1) Gender Issues in Education Course objectives | j Students wil! be able te 1. Develop basic understanding of Gender and its related key concepts onderstand (ike problems of girl child in Indian society Learn about gentler issucs in schoo! curriculum, text and pedavouicul processes Understand the relationship of gender. power and sextattty in education, 2 i 4 m (liber \l, Radical socialist) patriarchy.masculinity.feminini Gi} Gender bins, Gender stereotype, Gender roles | (ii) Gender and other forms of inequality in relation to caste, religion, class. ethnicity and disability( in Indian context ) Unit St: Gender issues in curriculum G) Genter Realities ond challenge of Schooling among. girls {in rele 0 lite vey Pale, drop out enrolment rate) 412) Gender bias in curriculum textbooks and analysis of hidden curriculum (iii) Critical examination of schoo! and elassroom processes-challen: cuter bis and stereot ypes | (iy) Understanding telationsbips within the school; child-child, teacher-chilel and teacher peer groups relationships from the perspective of gender, teacher as nt of chang Unit Ill: Gender powe mo 6 formal on ander identities a ind socialization practices in fimily.other formal and in- mization (ii) Power control in patriarchal patrilineal matriarchal and matrilineal societies: sssessing effect on education of boys and girls, , Vokv @ Gii) Changing provisions with legal provisions: right to inhe Unit IV: Women in Indian Society: (i) Situational analysis of Women in Indian Society( focus on sex ratio pattern education health. work participation .violence agains! wenten), Gi Policy initiatives for gender equality and empowerment in independent India Gil) Historical backdrop of women movement in Indiat landmarks of social reform movement) ED READING: -Bhasin.Kamla(204} Expiring Masculinity.N.Deihi.women Unlimited ~Bhattacharjee.N.1990) “Yhrough the Looking Glass: Gender Socialisation in x primary school”, in T.S.Suctswathi (ed) culture,socialization and human development:theory .feseareh and applivation itt India, New Delhi -Gectla.V. 42002). Gender. Kolkata; Stree. Mazumdar, Vina {1 98%) Gender Issues and educational Development: an overview from sia, Oveasional paper N.Dell:i: Centre for women’s Development Studies, -Ramachnatra, Vinla (2094) Gender and social equity in Education: Hi jehies oF Aceves New Delhi: Save -Rao.Anupama(ed.) (203) Gender and Caste, New Dethi: Kali for women, MiA: (Selucstin) TL Yeo \ Paper 205, Essay on Contemporary Issues in Education Maxiznum marks ; 100 Note: Attempt any two questions Write d ow the essay on two areas Bach carry 50 marks. Areas i. Teacher Education, 2. Adult and continuing Education, 3. Management and Administration of Education, 4. Educationst Measurement and Evalution, 5. Gonder issues in Education. Selected Reading Already given with Paper 204 hashutlons fer Selecking et “Tepte ee eg t y- SLekion ve) Topre tam be dent from tae daledad tytlabus of wens oneitorad Above Detailed tytlobes vy aboady given oo Rapes No - \ . ~ eetdig AROS * 2 Taple ould tomer. cenlionPeraty Hfwek an Uhal” 4P ‘He & gill \ we ra mets Th Soak Shooma yy tye) vie

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