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What did you learn in the 6th grade? PRE-TEST D> PRONOUNS (@) Complete the sentences. Use the correct pronouns: she, it, her, them, us, me. | saw Marcia yesterday. | met__near the swimming pool. She showed _ her swimming costume. She bought ____ for the competition. __ will compete with two other friends, Vicky and Jane. Then we saw ____ coming. They waved at @ Write sentences that mean the same. Example: This hat belongs tome. > Itis my hat. / This hat is mine. 1. Dothese books belong to them? > Arethese____ books? / Are these books _? Does this dog belong to you? > Is this dog? /|Is this dog. ? The ball belongs tous. > Iti ball. / The ball i 4, This car belongs toher. > Thisis car. / This caris @® Complete the questions with how, what, which, whose, who. 1. subject do youlike best? «6, _hatis this? Isit yours? 2. '___ aris this?’ ‘Mine! 7. ____dress do you want: the 3. is your address? blue one or the red one? 4. _____ often doyou go out? 8. ____ many sports do you play? 5. is your best friend? (@ Complete the sentences with the correct compound pronouns ~ beginning with any-, some- and no-. 1. Thaven't bought new this year. 2. Isaw standing in your garden. What is he doing there? 3. [have to make to eat. Is. hungry? 4, Im afraid there's inthe fridge. D> TENSES © Complete the questions with the present simple or continuous tense. 1 you usually to pop music? (listen) 2. Where'sHarry?__—he football? (play) 3. Why___you always ___ your homework so late? (do) 4, you__ to the seaside every summer? (go) 5. she lunch at the moment? (prepare) 1 10 2 PRE-TEST © Complete the sentences with the past simple or continuous tense. 1. Whilel down the street, I my friend Steve. (walk / meet ) 21 a bad cold last night. (catch) 3. Peter his carwhenhe a bear. (drive / see) @ Complete the sentences with the present perfect or the past simple tense. wt (just /finish) reading this book. 2. Peter (never / be) to Serbia. 3. __ {you /tell) your mother about your marks last night? 4 (not visit) us since September. 5. she / meet) your new boyfriend? D> TYPE 1 CONDITIONALS (®) Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. Ifitrains, a.if you give me your book. 2. Ifyou pass your test, b, she will go to the concert. 3, lle able to domy homework .we won't go for a walk. 4, If she gets a ticket, dtl buy youa new mobile. Primes © Write the times. 1. 855 2. 10.45 D> QUESTION TAGS QO Add the correct question tags. 1. You are on holiday, — ? 4. It’s very hot in here, 2 2. Heis at school, 5. Weare late, 3. They are Swedish, ? 6. lamclever, 2 D> ARTICLES 1) put an article where necessary. 1. Jupiteris___ planet. Itis_ biggest planet. 2. What does his father do? He's actor. 10 12 2 a Nick lives in __ United Kingdom. Do you goto school by __ bus? Today is first day of __ April. exon ae b> MATCH Match the questions and the answers. 1. Who's that? 2.Whose jumper is that? 3.What's that? 4.Which room is it in? Dp WHICH IS CORRECT? Circlea or b. 1. __this film yet? a.Have you seen —_b. Did you see 2. |_Mary yesterday. a. have visited b visited 3. |__ onthe bus every morning. getting b.get 4, |__tennis next Sunday. going toplay _b. play 5. Idon't ke ___ homework. b.doing 6.He enjoys ice cream. beating 7. Let's meet at the cinema_6 pm. . When were you born? _21* March. a.On bin 9.She is beautiful girl in our school. a. the more b.the most How many languages does he speak? Only a. It’s my sister's b.Ir’sin my sister's bedroom. It’s my sister. d. It’s my sister's mobile phone. PRE-TEST ——— Which musical instrument does he play? He plays violin. French. Ibought __ cat and two fish yesterday. ___cat is black and white. [4] [e] 10.Thisis__ day this year. a hotter b, the hottest. 11. Your marks are __ this year. a. worse b. badder 12.1will__ to learn English properly. a.must b have 13.She_ see her dentist yesterday. a. had b. had to 14, You __ forget your homework. a. mustn't b. don't have to 15.1haven'theard __newalbum. a. theirs b. their 16.We were __at the party so we left. a.bored b. boring 17.Itwas a very football match. a.interested b. interesting Total score TEST 1 i VOCABULARY Units 1 and 2 @) Complete the text using the words in the box. Susan lives in Hull which is in the 1). England. She's 14 and she goes toa 2) part of competitions __ school. At the Ps out having moment, she is 3)__a party with her friends. i | taking events Her hobby is 4), photosandshehas gotavery "770 5) camera. She used to 6) tennis, butshe | ; ae eastern 7. it up last year. She often goes to various sporting | " / * | play manages 8) and likes hanging 9) with her L t ar brother, whois an 10) / oP expensive Her father isa farmer and raises 11)___.She sometimes |" "gave athlete 12) tohelp him when she isn’t busy taking i 13), D> WHICH WORD? @ Circle a, bore. in photography 14) comprehensive 1. Who___care of the children when 6. Youshould give_ smoking. It's bad youare at work? for you. a. does b.has c.takes ain b.up for 2. Lalways__aholiday with my 7. Heis well-known __ writing parents. interesting books. ahave —b.go ctravel a. for b. with cof 3. lusually cricket inthe summer. 8. Heisinterested___reading history ado «go books. 4, Last year we cyclingin the 2 at bon cin mountains. 9. He didn’t want to take part___ the a.did b.played —c.went compe 5. How many times a week do you__ a cin aerobics? aplay bdo «go D> WORD FORMATION @ Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words on the right. 1. He gave me some good onhowtodothetest. advise (v) 2. He didn’t win the but he was satisfied. race (v) 3. Why didn't you more? practice (n) 4. He lives ina area. mountain (n) 5. When will the school take place? compete (v) 4 TEST 1 the party, Mary? (you/ enjoy) ‘Be quiet! | to the news’ (listen) She always the 7 o'clock news. (watch) — GRAMMAR D> THEING FORM @ Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form. 8 1. Mike __tobed late, but | distike__ up early. (go/ get) 2. She enjoys gymnastics, and she doesn’t mind _ football (do/play) 3. They like __ cakes, but they hate __ for them to cook. (make / wait) 4, Idon't mind but hate (swim /run) DP THE PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS TENSES. © Make sentences using the present simple. 10 1. Peter {always /go) to school by bus. 2. We ___(never/ drive) fast. BI (not hit) my friends. 4, Harry (usually /not do) his homework. 5. Marcia__ ___ (often /wear) a long skirt © Make questions. 12 1. When _ you_____to school? In the morning. 2. What. Kathy ? She collects dolls. 3. What Michael in winter? He makes model ships. 4, What languages __you 2 French and Spanish. 5. Where exactly they 2 At33, Camden Road. 6. Why __Nick muscles? Because he exercises a lot. (2 Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous tense. 16 al my holidays at the seaside every year. (not spend) 2. 'Can you help me?"Sorry, not just now. | _ (work) 3. He tennis on Sundays. (not play) 4, What ___ today? (Peter / do) 5. Look! Roger his dinner. (prepare) 6. 7. 8. TEST 1 ed 1 OyAYN DP INDIRECT COMMANDS (®) What does your mother usually tell you to do/not to do? Make six sentences. Study every day! She Keep your room tidy! Give mea hand with Don't stay out late at tells me the dishes! night! Don't talk on the phone for hours! Don't eat fast food! DTHE PAST SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS TENSES (@ Make sentences from these words. 1. met / two days / Helen /ago/I were / playing / they / football / four / at / o'clock? 2 didn't / together / the concert / we / at /ast night /sit know / him / you / very well / did? cooking /1/ were / was / they / while / sitting / in the living room he /all day / was / what / doing? 40 Four people are talking about what they saw in their dreams. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form. 1 2, 3, 4. through the jungle when |____ a whale while | intoa building when ina huge hall, someone _alion. (walk / meet) in the sea. (see / swim) my leg. (go / break) me. (dance / hit) Total score 100 Units 3. and 4 TEST 2 VOCABULARY @ Sort out the anagrams. 1. Don't aest or you will go to prison! 2. There isa large mtoaun of milk in the fridg 3. Doyou prefer meomhdae cakes or cakes from the baker's? 4. Ican'tdance to this rytmhh, 5. My sister is a vegetarian so she doivas meat 6. What presents did you eercive for your birthday? 7. 8 9. 1 She is wearing a ysinh silver watch. Wow! You look fbuatiule today! Can you put these scodrteaoni on the tree, please? _ . You're worevghite because you eat too much! @ complete the sentences by using the correct form of the given word. 1. What's the biggest tourist in your town? (attract) 2. She is very . (success) 3. lam very Is there anything to eat? (hunger) 4. Doyou have an ___ for your behaviour? (explain) 5. California is for its warm climate. (fame) 6. Wewent on holiday in the winter, but we hada lot of __days. (sun) 7. She's wearing a _ dress. (colour) D> WHICH WoRD? ® Circea, bore. 1. We went tothe seaside___ to 4. We'll meet___ 11.30 on Saturday. the mountains. We went to a lake. aon bat cin a. neither ... or b. neither ... nor 5, Please do the homework __ ceither... or advance. 2. Willyou help me wrap __ the aon bat cin ? Presents? 6. Animals can't find much to eat _ a.down bup cin winter. 3. Illwear__ayellowT-shirt__a aon bat in white one. | haven't decided yet. a.neither..or —bneither..nor 7 | Prefer carrots __ cabbage. a.than c- more than cc. either... 10 TEST 2 Se GRAMMAR _ > COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (@ Look at these nouns. Put them into the correct boxes. milk, book, tea, bread, table, homework, mouse, noun, letter, water, love, computer mec (ier ©@ Circle the correct word. 1. There is___milk. a.any b.some cafew 2, There aren't___ children. a.any b.some no 3. How___moneydoyouhave? a. many b. much cafew 4, Idon't eat___ vegetables. a. many b. much < fewer 5. Ihave friends. a. much bany no © Complete the sentences with a little or a few. 1. You've made mistakes.Try 4. He has sugar in his coffee. harder next time. 5. Jackhas___friends, so he 2. You've eaten plums.Now doesn't feel lonely. you can have some strawberries. 6. Canlaskyou____questions? 3. Eat____honeyeverydayand 7. The doghasdrunk__ water. you will be healthy. He'll be better soon. p> ARTICLES @ Add an article where necessary. 1. Im hungry. What are wehavingfor 4 vegetables are good for you. dinner? 5. What do you doon Boxing Day? 2. What do you want:__milkor____ 6. How long do you spend at_ yoghurt? school? 3. ‘What would you like to drink?” 7. "What do they do?’ ‘He is__artist '__ glass of water, please’ and sheis__writer’ D> THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE @ Add since or for. 1. John hasn't written to us _ 3. Cameron hasn't been to the ten years. mountains he was a child. 2. [have had a headache 4. We have known each other. this morning, along time. Ask questions to get the following answers. 6 1. Ihave been at the seaside for two weeks. ~ 2. Mary has lived in France for three month: 3. Martin has sold his old house. — 40 Put the verbs into the present perfect or past simple tense. 10 1. When Mount Everest? (Hillary /limb) 2. How many countries while you were touring last year? (youvisit) 3. _ _Marcia recently? (you/ see) 4 Lisa her glasses. She can't see anything! (just /break) 51 (eat /never) such a good fruit cake. DP TENSES i Put the verbs in the sentences into the correct form. 3 1. ‘Ym looking for your keys!" already them. (find) 241 football tomorrow. |arranged it last week. (play) 3. Myparents never ____ (see) any of the lakes in Scotland. 4. I promise | next time. (not lie) 5. Peter yet. (not artive) 6 (visit) America in 2006, but |_ (not travel) since then 7. Tknow! We (have) a party! 8 ‘What this summer?’ (do) 9. ‘We (go) to France. |__ (buy) the tickets yesterday’ 10. ‘Does Peter have any plans for the weekend?’He (study)! 11. Lthinkhe __ (come) tomorrow. _ DB THE PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE (2 Complete the sentences with the present simple passive. 10 1. Playstations —__ (not make) in Germany. 2 (oranges / grow) in Greece? 3. Tea (not make) with cold water. 4, The windows (close) every evening. 5. Where. (the address / write) on an English letter? Total score 100 10 a @Q TEST 3 Units 5 and 6 VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with the correct word. {(haircut elder miss frozen shelter wicked secret seasons adults goggles spoil | 1. It’s going to rain. Let's start looking for 2. There are only two near the Pole: summer and winter. 3. Doyou wear. when you go swimming? 4. Michael asked me not to tell anyone. It’s a — 5. His sister looks great. She's got a new. 6. Doyou prefer fresh or __ food? 7. Both children and ___like going to amusement parks. 8. Her parents her ~ they buy her everything she wants. 9. Mealy you. When will you visit me? 10.Sheisa woman. She tried to kill him! Solve the anagrams to write the film or music styles. 1rlihtrel 2. zazj_ B.iecsneetifconi 4. kore 5. manitade 6.vyehatelam Complete the sentences by adding the prefix un-, or the suffix -able or -ment to a word from the box. punish happy entertain healthy comfort excite value 1. What kind of. __do you like best? Going toa disco, pethaps? 2. ‘Is that chair. _ "It's wonderful, thanks!" 3. Why are you eating chips? They are very 4. Ican't believe the which the teacher gave us. 5. She is very she cantt stop crying. 6. There was great __ when everyone heard that the painting was very Ask questions beginning with how (much, many, long). 1 did you stay at the concert last night? 2 did you pay for the tickets? 3 people were there? did the film last? books did you buy at the Book Fair? i] TEST 3. an (®) Add the missing word. 2 || 1. Doyou like the red car orthe blue Thanks ___you, | passed! ‘What’s___at the cinema?"Let's have a look in the newspaper! want to follow in my brother's and become a singer, too. ‘What do you want to do tomorrow?"It depends __ the weather! In the summer, the sun never__at the North Pole. Isaw an excellent___at the theatre. eNO eey ‘Smoke was coming out ofthe on his roof, 9. The film brought the characters fromthe book ___ life 10, Itishotter today _it was yesterday. 11. She asked the students to pay to what she was saying. 12. my opinion, sheis a very good person. GRAMMAR D> THE PASSIVE VOICE (© Complete the sentences using the past simple passive form 2 of the verbs on the right. Three days ago journalists ship, the Blue Whale. It about the missing : tell build use, found nottake a last year and it for transporting gold, It yesterday afternoon, but it straight to the harbour because of bad weather. Last night, the families of the missing sailors any information about their relatives. } notgive ©) Complete the sentences with the present simple or past simple passive of the given verbs. 12 1. America _____ in 1492 discover 2. Atree ____inthe centre of London every decorate Christmas. 3. Thisbook on the table yesterday. leave 4 __these paintings_ inthe 17th century? paint 5. Presents____usually before Christmas Eve. wrap up 6. This bridge _ two years ago. not build 2 ~=©TEST3 D> RELATIVE PRONOUNS (8) Complete the sentences with who, which, and whose. 1. Thisisthebook __Dave gave me. Iknow the girl s driving that car. He had ideas changed the world. __ father is a singer. live in France speak French. This is my friend yaRey People D> THE COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (© Put the adjectives into the comparative or superlative form. 1. long The Amazon My dress was Money isn't _____ thing in the world, Itis__ ____in Belgrade than at the seaside. Frenchis than English. Your results are __ than the Mississippi. cheap than yours. important cold difficult bad easy _____ this year than last year. What is way to get to the park? Noyawn > MODAL VERBS 49 Use can or must/have to in the correct form and correct tense. 1 Igo tothe party, please? 6. _ you open the window, 2. Don't complain! You please? go out last night. It was your choice. 7. |___run Skmyesterday 3. You listen to your parents - and today my legs are hurting. they know best. 8. Peter exercise m 4 J eat this? I hate ~heis already very healthy. ore cabbage! a1 play the piano very 5. Help!i____ swim! well - I'm in an orchestra. > COMPOUND PRONOUNS AND ADVERBS @® complete the words in the sentences with some, any and no. |. We went where last night — we stayed at home. . I didn't see body in the garden. . can prepare___thing for lunch if you want. |. My bagishere___where! Il ind it soon. . Ohno! There's __thing in the refrigerator and I'm hungry. _______body is looking for you. Come quickly! . Why are you talking? __bodyis listening to you. Total score Navren 100 Units 7 and 8 TEST 4 13 —$—_ VOCABULARY (@ complete the sentences using a word from the box. 10 1. Iweara short__ in the summer, but trousers anda___inthe winter. = 2. We see each other every day because helives bother 3. Children! Don't your father while he is driving i 4, She jumped off a into the sea. height » She jumpec ——- admit 5. I'm thirsty. Let's go to a café for some . rock 6. Canyou __ the baby? She's hungry. feed 7. ‘What's the of that tree?"About 5 metres I think! ait i i baggy 8. Hewill never that he is wrong. eae 9. love wearing trousers. (Q Use a word from the box to make compound words. 9 1. Anew ____work was added to the museum last week. 2. What size of ___wear do you wear? 3. Wewent___seeing in Paris. i i ' \ 4, There is so much life in your garden! foot sight 5. We travelled by ground. high under 6. He wearsa __suit when he runs. swimming r post trad Anew pool was built last year. wild wos Next year she will go to school. \ J 9. Where is the nearest office? @ Find and correct the wrong words. 1. ‘Have you made off your mind yet?”No, I don't know what todo!’ 2. 1am looking forward to visit you. 3. This shorts are lovely. _ 4, fm going to get dress before | have breakfast. 5. Can Itry off these trousers in the changing rooms, please? 6. She didn't want to take up her hat because she was cold, _ 7. Idliking to be a singer. _ 8. There were three thousands people at the concert. 9. They started playing when the noise died off. 10. This is a waste on time. I'll never pass. 14 TEST4 GRAMMAR D> CONDITIONAL SENTENCES @ Complete the Type 1 conditionals using the verbs on the right in the correct tense. 1. 1 to the match this afternoon ifit jot go/ rain 2. Ifwe _at once, we __ the bus. } notleave /miss 3. People in England ___youifyou___ 5 help /ask them for directions. 3 al __ this shirt fit expensive. uy /not be 5. She ___the jeans ifthey _ ot buy /be expensive. 6. What____you__if they youthe job? } do/offer (Complete the Type 2 conditionals using the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, 1. Ifyou _ (have) a car, where (you/ go)? 2.11 (win) the lottery, 1 (buy) a house. 3. He _ (get) better marks if he (not be) solazy. 4 ____{stay) athome ifit___ (snow) tomorrow. 5.1 ___{g0) to the party if __ (not be) so tired. D> ARTICLES © Add the where necessary. We went to (1)___Lendon in (2)__ England. First, we went for a walkin (3)___ Regent's Park and then we went to (4) ___ Trafalgar Square. After that we visited (5) __ Natural History Museum and hada cruise on (6)___ River Thames. n the evening, we walked along (7)__ Oxford Street and crossed over (8)___ Westminster Bridge. ® mopats @®) Write must or mustn't. 1. You___ drive fast ~itis snowing. 2. She _work harder. Her marks are bad. 3. You play your music loudly. The neighbours will complain. 4. He _find a job. He has no money. 5. Children_____play with matches. 12 10 TEST4 D apverss (® Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentence. 1. Their baby cries at night. /usually My father works in the garden. /rarely They have talked to me. /never Ihave polished my shoes. /just Do you swim in this lake? /sometimes payy (© Complete the sentences by putting the adverbs in brackets inthe correct order. Helen arrived (on Christmas Day, in Leeds). Marcia walked (yesterday, to the shops, quickly). She sang (last night, beautifully). He ran (to school, last week, happily). They travelled (on Tuesday, home). vawna 40) Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 1. Who sings______in the choir? (well) 2. She behaved than she normally did. (badly) 3. [left the party. than my friends. (late) 4, Harry runs than his brother. (quickly) 5. The last song lasted of all the ones on the album. (long) 6. They usually work much than they did yesterday. (effectively) DB WHICH WORD? G1 Choose the correct word. 1. Herglasses____ found on the table. a. was: b, were 2. Myjeans____old,but__ new. a. look books a. b. they are 3. Where my pyjamas? Have you seen anywhere? ais b. are ait b.them 4, Myclothes____ been outside all night! a. have b. has 5. Michael can make model ships _ a. good _b. well 6. Canyou run ? a.quick —_b. quickly 7. How many __ marks has he got? a. bad b. badly Total score 15 16 FINAL TEST What have you learned in the 7th grade? Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. D TENSES 1. Wait a minute. She __to her mother on the phone. (still talk) 2. How many tests so far this week? (you /do) 3. How _ ____ to Egypt last year? (she / travel) 4. ‘Why are you dressed like that! my room soon’ (paint) 5. Water ___at 100°C. (boil) 6. You that hat when I saw you yesterday. (wear) 7. Excuse mel How much _ 2 (this dress /cost) 8.1 to school since Monday. (not be) 9. Someone stole his bike while he _ pigeons at Trafalgar Square. (feed) 10. My mother coffee. (not usually / drink) 11. Lam hungry. think | another piece of cake. (have) 12, Marcia Serbia. (never / visit) DP THE PASSIVE VOICE 13. The thief _ last night. (catch) 14, Her mother always. nicely. (dress) 15. This book _ by vo Andrié. (write) 16. you in writing poems for our book? (interest) 17. When, this bridge 2 (build) DP CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 18. If you an umbrella, you will get wet. (not take) 19. Ifshe toher coach, she will win. (listen) 20.1 you the answer if knew it. (tell) 21. Ifhe up earlier, he would be able to do a lot more things. (wake) 22.161 any more food, | will be sick. (have) D> THE COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS 23. Jane is girl | know. (funny) 24, Whose house is _ John’s or Steve's? (far) 25. Who sings. Vicky or Marcia? (well) 26. [ike this dress than any other. (much) 64 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. FINAL TEST 17 D> WORD FORMATION This isa very road, There were a lot of accidents on it last year. (danger) Which is the most important __ of the 20” century? (invent) Whois the most ____actor in the world? (fame) Yellowstone is a park. (nation) The teacher's___ wasn't clear to me. (explain) ‘Walt Disney buil _ parks for children and adults. (amuse) B Circle the correct answer. 36 1. Jane livesin____ Park Street. a.the b.- ca 2. Have youeverbeento_____ Scotland? aa b. cthe 3. Willyou give me __ book which is on the table? ba c. the 4. dus for ___ Christmas. a. ba the 5. [haven't seen him __ . a. later b. lately latest 6 He goes to work by car. He loves driving. a.just balready — calways 7. She has been a singer 1999, a. from b. since for 8, Jane never makes spelling mistakes. a.any some 9. Tve got milk in the fridge. | must buy some more. aa few ba little cfew 10. There are___ bananas on the table. Can you give them to me? a. little b.afew c. fewer 11. There is____grass in front of my house. a.alittle b.afew cfew 12. Don’t make a big meal. I'll just have__ bread and butter. a.any some 13. She’s such a nice girl. ____ wants to be her friend. a. Nobody b. Everybody —c. Anybody 14. Hehasn'tgot___ to talktto. a. anybody b. nobody cc. somebody 15. Mary and John were looking at in surprise. a.oneanother —b.eachother _c. one other 18 ee 16. She was wearing _ and a top when I saw her. a.a shorts b. shorts c short 17. Three__ were helping her get out of the swimming pool. a.woman b, womans ‘women 18. He must walk because he has hurt his leg. a.slow bmoreslow slowly 19. He hits the ball__ of all the boys in the class. achardest b. harder hardly 20. Today she played than ever. a.badly b. worse worst 21. The people___ live next door are very noisy. a. whose b. which that 22. of these pencils is yours? a.Who b. Which Whose 23. Come___ today ‘tomorrow. I'm not busy. a.neither...nor B.either...or neither ... or _ breakfast ___lunch today. im so hungry! nor beeither..or neither ... or 25. He thinks that everything depends___me. a.from bon cof 26. | prefer walking __ going by bus. a.than b. of cto 27. Thanks my brother, she finished the essay. a.of < from 28. My mother is sometimes very angry__me. a.of b.on with 29. There were two___ people waiting outside. a. hundred’s b. hundred < hundreds 30. Doyouenjoy____ classical music? a. in listening b.listeningto —c.listento. 31. Would you mind the CD? a. change b.changing ——_c.tochange 32. He told me _ in the office. a.nottosmoke — b.tonotsmoke —c. don't smoke 33. She asked me her inside. a.follow follow <.will follow 34. This book last year. a.was publish. was published. published 35. | will be very happy if he me some flowers. a. bring b. brings < brought 36. If don't arrive on time, they __for me. a. don't wait b.won'twait c.can'twait ‘Total score | 100 KEY 11. her 4. She 5. them 6. us 2 1.their /theirs 2. your/yours 3. our/ ours 4, her/hers 3. 1.Which 2.Whose 3.What 4. How 5. Who 6.Whose 7. Which 8, How 4 1.anything 2. somebody 3. something / anybody 4. nothing 5 1.Doyou usually isten...? 2.Ishe playing...? _3.Why do you always do....? 4. Doyougo....?_ §.1sshe preparing...? 6 1. While Iwas walking..., Imet.... 2.1 caught 3. Peter was driving... when he saw... 7 1.[have just finished... .2. Peter has never been... 3. Did you tell...? 4. They haven't visited us... 5. When did she meet...?, 8 1c 2d 3a 4b 9 eight fifty-five / five (minutes) to nine 2. ten forty-five /a quarter to eleven 3. two thirty / half past two 4. four fifteen / a quarter past four 10 1.aren'tyou 2.isn'the 3.aren't they 4. isn'tit 5.aren't we 6. aren't! 11 1.a/the 3.the 4.the 5-/- 6.- 7.the/- 8.a/the 12 1c 2a 3d 4b 13 1a 2b 3b 4a Sb 6b 7b 8a 9b 10b 1a 12b 13b 14a 15b 16a 17b 19 KEY rs — UNITS 1 AND 2 VOCABULARY 1 1.eastern 2.comprehensive 3.having 4.taking 5. expensive 6. play 7. gave 9.out 10. athlete 11. cattle 12. manages 13. part 14. competitions 2 1c 2a 3b 4c 5b 6b 7a 8c 9c 3 1.advice 2.race 3. practise 4. mountainous 5. competition GRAMMAR 4 1.going/ getting 2.doing /playing 3. making / waiting 4. swimming / running 5 1.Peter always goss... 2.We never drive... 3.1 don't hit... 4, Harry doesn't usually do... 5, Marcia often wears... 6 1.When do you go to school? 2.What does Kathy collect? 3.What does Michael do/make in winter? _ 4. What languages do you speak? 5. Where exactly do they live? 6. Why does Nick have muscles? 7 1.1don't spend... 2.'m working. 3.He doesn't play... 4, What is Peter doing today... 5. Roger ispreparing... _6.Are you enjoying. 7.1m listening .. 8. She always watches... 8 1, She tells me to study every day. 2.She tells me to keep my room tidy. 3. She tells me to give hera hand with the dishes. 4, She tells me not to stay out late at night. 5. She tells me not to talk on the phone for hours. 6. She tells me not to eat fast food. 9 1.1 met Helen two days ago. 2. Were they playing football at four o'clock? 3. We didn't sit together at the concert last night. 4, Did you know him very well? 5.1 was cooking while they were sitting in the living room. 6. What was he doing all day? 10 1. Iwas walking /I met... 2. saw /I was swim my leg. 4.1 was dancing / someone hit jing... 3.1 was going / | broke KEY 21 ———— — UNITS 3 AND 4 VOCABULARY 1 Lsteal 2.amount 3.homemade 4. rhythm 5. avoids 6.receive 7. shiny 8.beautiful 9.decorations 10. overweight 2 Lattraction 2 successful 3. hungry 4. explanation S.famous 6.sunny 7. colourful 3 1b 2b 3c 4b Sc 6c 7b GRAMMAR 4 Countable Uncountable book, table, mouse, noun, letter, milk, tea, bread, homework, water, computer love 5 1b 2a 3b 4a 5c 6 1.afew 2.afew 3.alittle 4.alittle 5.afew 6.afew 7.alittle 7 Ws Qej- B.a Ae SG Danja 8 1.for 2.since 3.since 4. for 9 1. How long have you been at the seaside? 2. Where has Mary lived for three months? 3. What has Martin sold? 10 sa did Hillary climb...2 sadid you visit...? Have you seen...? Lisa has just broken, Thave never eaten: pauns " Ihave already found... 121. aren’tmade 1am playing ... . Are oranges grown... 1 2 ‘My parents have never seen ... 3. ...isn’t made... 4, 5, won't lie... are closed... Peter hasn't arrived yet. Ivisited .../1 haven't travelled... We will have. What are you going to do...? 1. We are going... I bought 10. He is going to study... 11....-he will come... PEnNAnayna |. Where is the address written...? UNITS 5 AND 6 VOCABULARY 1 1.shelter 2.seasons 3.goggles 4 secret 5.elder/haircut 6. frozen 7 adults 8. spoil 9. miss 10. wicked 2 1.thriller 2. jazz 3. science fiction 4. rock 5. animated 6. heavy metal 3. 1.entertainment 2. comfortable 3. unhealthy 4. punishment 5. unhappy 6.excitement / valuable 4 1.Howlong 2.Howmuch 3.Howmany 4.How long 5. How many 5 lone 3.on 4.footsteps 5.on 6.sets 7. play 8.chimney 10.than 11.attention 12.In GRAMMAR 6 1.were told 2.wasbuilt 3.wasused 4. was found 5. wasn't taken 6. weren't given 7 1. was discovered decorated 3. was eft 4. Were these paintings painted 5. are usually wrapped up 6. wasn't built 8 1.which 2.who 3.which 4.whose 5.who 91.longer 2.cheaper 3.the most important 4. colder 5. more difficult 6. worse 7. the easiest 10 1.Can 2.didn'thaveto 3.must 4. Must (or Dol have to) 5. can’t 6.Can 7.Jhadto 8. doesn't have to 9.can 11 I.nowhere 2. anybody 3.something 4.somewhere 5.nothing 6. Somebody 7. Nobody KEY 23 — UNITS 7 AND 8 VOCABULARY 1 L.skirt/jumper 2.nearby 3.bother 4.rock 5.refreshments 6. feed T.height 8 admit 9. baggy 2 1.waxwork 2.footwear 3.sightseeing 4.wildlife 5. underground 6. tracksuit 7. swimming pool 8. high school 9. post office 3 1.madeup visiting you 3.These shorts 4.toget dressed _5.try on 6.take off 7.Idlike 8.three thousand 9. died down. 10. waste of 4 J.won'tgo/rains 2.donttleave /‘II miss 3.willhelp/ask —4."ll buy / isn't S.won'tbuy/are 6.will you do / offer 5 1.had/wouldyougo 2.won/‘dbuy 3.'d get /wasn't (or weren't) 4d stay/ snowed —5.'d go/ wasn't (or weren't) 6 1. 2+ 3+ 4+ S.the 6the 7.- 7 L.mustn't 2.must 3.mustn’t 4.must 5. mustn't 8 1. Theirbaby usually cries at night. 2. My father rarely works in the garden. 3. They have never talked to me. 4, Ihave just polished my shoes. 5. Do you sometimes swim in this lake? 91, Helen arrived in Leeds on Christmas Day. 2. Marcia walked quickly to the shops yesterday. 3. She sang beautifully last night. 4, He ran happily to school last week. 5. They travelled home on Tuesday. 10 2.worse 3.later 4. more quickly 5. longest 6. more effectively 11 1b 2a;2b 3b;3b 4a Sb 6b 7a 24 es — A KEY Tenses 2NOWAWN 10. u 12. I is still talking have you done did she travel am going to paint boils were wearing does this dress cost haven't been was feeding doesn’t usually drink will have has never visited Passive voice 1b Ma 2Ic 31b 13. 14, 15, 16. 17, was caught is always dressed was written Are you interested was this bridge built 2b 3c as 12 13b Ma 22b -23b- 24a 32a 33b_ 4b 5b 15b 25b 35b 6c 16b 26c 36b Conditionals 18. 19. 20. 2 22. don’t take listens would tell woke have Comparison 23. 24, 25. 26. the funniest further (or farther) better more Word formation 7b 17 27b 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32, dangerous invention famous national explanation amusement 8a 9b 10b 18 19a -20b 28¢ 29 ~—-30b

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