Early Childhood Education Papers (Belia)

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Belia 5 (1) (2016)

Early Childhood Education Papers (Belia)


Terapi Okupasi (Occupational Theraphy) untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Down

Syndrome) (Studi Kasus Pada Anak Usia 5 – 6 Tahun di Balai Pengembangan
Pendidikan Khusus Semarang)

Ria Dewi Irawan

Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Faculty of Science of Education, Semarang State
University, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

Received April 2016 Child with down syndrome have one of them character is muscle weak, short fingers
Accepted May 2016
Published June 2016
and short feet. Cause of there certainly the children hard to doing activity gross and
fine motor skills. One of method therapy is repair occupation therapy. The formulati-
on of the problem in this study (1) how to application therapy occupation to children
Keywords: of special need (down syndrome) on BP-DIKSUS Semarang. (2) What of media
occupstion therapy; and infrastructure to needed when therapy occupation to children special need (down
children eged 5-6 syndrome). (3) How are form evaluation therapy occupation to children special need
years; down syndrome (down syndrome). Purpose of research is knowing application therapy occupation.
Media and infrastructure needed and form of evaluation therapy occupation to
children down syndrome Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang. This
type research used in this study is a qualitative case studies that form the research pro-
cedure that produce descriptive data in the form of words, written or spoken words
of people, people and observed behavior. The process accumulation data by means of
observation, interview, notation, and documentation. Based on this research study
indicate therapy occupation that on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Se-
marang is therapy process (opening and pray, colleague activity and kernel activity),
the activity adjusted purpose to realized, be reward and punishment, before the child
to treated occupation previous child behavior treated, therapy occupation more given
to pre academy, pre motor skill and independence self. Media and infrastructure pre-
sence CCTV, tools of gross motor skill is sensory integrity that is (a pool ball, slide,
stairs), tools of gross motor skill (puzzle, tassel, sewing tools, color cube), the facility
of children got (book related, report, absent card), spot of therapy not appropriation
yet. Though form of evaluation on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Se-
marang is ordinary evaluation. The problem is therapy schedule once in one week,
a form of evaluation like a report and book related, and home program. Based of
conclusion suggested (1) therapy to raising application and evaluation appropriate of
basic and to adding supported therapy media. (2) parent more consistent to send the
children and get insight about therapy occupation.

© 2016 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Corresponding author: ISSN 2252-6382
Gedung A3 Lantai 1 FIP Unnes
Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229
E-mail: pgpaud@mail.unnes.ac.id
Ria Dewi Irawan / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 5 (1) (2016)

INTRODUCTION was experience fine motor skill. The children

usually hard to doing anything the other can do
Child was born in the word have different it. For example to write or cutting. This therapy
character and there in every of them, because the can to as one to seek growing physical ability and
presence stimulations learning to gived of parent mentalism of child to follow activity to involve
since on the womb. When to get education can’t gross motoric and fine motor skill, in other that
same between one of other, child who have per- be anonymous an can grow along with to ac-
fection on grows with the child has disturbance cepted in social.
in grows or children with special need. Will have In Semarang occupational therapy not
to impact on different and unperfection when to only to give in education valley like a school ex-
accept of learning or material giving from educa- traordinary/ therapy center, at hospital be found
tor. Children with special need is down syndrome facility occupational therapy like RSUP Kariadi
be needed education and special service (therapy) and RSIA Hermina, and one of education spe-
for them in order get to growing potential huma- cial valley it’s to give occupational therapy facili-
nity and be self efficiacy in order to soon of them ty for student have down syndrome it’s on Balai
get to accept social life is seen to be normal. Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang.
Children with special need is child have The other down syndrome in there be found
been individual need cannot same with the any student children special need out non down
children normal. Opinion of James, Lynch on syndrome basicly in the there be found extraordi-
Astati (2003) that of children include of catego- nary school until the children was study in there
ry special need is disable children, straitened or getting therapy facility in Balai Pengembangan
then impaired children, unschool child, irregular Pendidikan Khusus Semarang. In addition to at
children, dropout children, sickly children, young Semarang there is also the center of terapi in the
worker children, and street children. Special need area Purbalingga. One of the center of terapi in
caused possible of different from born or owned Purbalingga, in the district Bojong district Pur-
then to caused economy problems, emotional so- balingga the Mutiara Centers. Mutiara Centers
ciety condition, politic condition, and disaster. is the first therapy children with special needs in
Meanwhile down syndrome is some condition the Purbalingga. There are some kind of therapiy
backwardness of physical grows, and mentalism children autism offered in center of the therapy,
children any due abnormality of chromosome among them is Speech Therapy and Applied Be-
grows. Difference on this chromosome to impact havioral Analysis (ABA) Artanti, P. (2012).
backwardness physical grows and mentalism On Balai Perngembangan Pendidikan
children. That invention first known in 1866 by Khusus Semarang every children get one faci-
Down (E.Kosasih, 2012;79). lity therapy cause more children following the
Actually assembling in to education therapy and limiteness therapist. Schedule of
children special need to needed therapy useful occupational therapy only once week and every
to help in order that of them can to growing in once session therapy as long as 45 minutes. The
physic thing and mentalism. Therapy has given children who can follow occupational therapy in
expended can stimulate physical grows children Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khususn Se-
to be good, so that can do anything like a doing marang maximal until 13 years old. The using
by other children and can to change the trouble occupational therapy can doing since baby belike
communicate grows, social, attitude happened in occur happen to them who took support fine mo-
children with the result that produce be positive tor skills and gross like for sufferer med stroke,
and could be self efficiacy children. victim accident. However at Balai Pengemban-
Kind of therapy used to children special gan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang not give fa-
need (down syndrome) with to apply occupatio- cilities to except people SLB Negeri Semarang.
nal therapy or called terapi okupasi. Occupatio- Beside occupational therapy to support fine and
nal therapy a purpose to help children to growing gross motor skills, children also given learning
strength and coordination brain of them (E. Ko- is among other life skill (like toilet training, wa-
sasih, 2012;84). According Kamarul, pediatrician shing hand and another) language, and cognitive
from RSAB Harapan Kita, children with down absolutely can to using support life of children
syndrome will get experience problem on fine for communicated with another, socialize, be
motor skill because size hand short of them. This autonomous. And the children be able to them
is can impact to them need occupational therapy. self absolutely every parents hope their children
Occupational therapy be purpose to help children can socialize and useful for their circles as well

Ria Dewi Irawan / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 5 (1) (2016)

as on family and society. Grouping in learning, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

break down the group, changing the task,
and independent learning is the strategy for Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus
teachers to manage the children with different Semarang be location on Jalan Elang Raya No.2
abilities (Windiarti, 2015). Semarang is a once unit the implementation of
the technical (UPT) Dinas Pendidikan Provin-
si Jawa Tengah who have to take duty to give a
RESEARCH METHOD education, training and therapy to children spe-
cial need. In be sides Balai Pengembangan Pen-
Methods used in research is method rese- didikan Khusus Semarang also be the center of
arch with approachment descriptive qualitative. education and giving training to SLB teacher on
Approachment descriptive qualitative it’s fissi- center of Java. Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan
on problem procedure investigated to explain or Khusus Semarang called BP-DIKSUS had visi-
describe conditional subject or object research ons, that is “Bring in to reality special first educa-
(person, valley, society, and another) at now ba- tion and create human resource children special
sically looked facts are there. Bogdan and Taylor need be self efficiacy and be wealthy on society”.
(Moleong, 2005;4) propose about methods quali- This vision will be to real by means of missions
tative form research procedure to generates data BP-DIKSUS, that is give the change to every
descriptive that is written word as well as spoken children special need to get special education like
form people and attitude observed. Method re- as basic capability of children owned, to compo-
search qualitative is basicly from ideology post sing a graduate have personality and can be gro-
positivism, used to researching for conditional wing their faith, knowledge, and adequate of skill
nature object, researcher as key instrument take in to society, expand the link or networking of
sample, source of data in snowball sampling data growing means and socializing special education.
manner, technique collecting data used triangu- One of programs therapy there’s in Balai
lation, analysis have the quality inductive qua- Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang
litative, and research output qualitative more to is occupstional therapy. Service of occupational
pressure sense of generalitation. Snowball techni- therapy needed to children with down syndrome.
que sampling is researcher leave to sampler roll BP-DIKSUS have 18 children with down syndro-
over like a snowball, till the point saturated of me was following programs occupational thera-
data, that it’s never again possibility of data will py various aged. Occupational therapy have 3
to collect for support a research. therapist, every therapist handling with different
This study was implemented on Balai Pen- aggregate. Mr. Andika therapist 11 children, Mr.
gembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang. This Jonet has 5 children and Ms. An has 2 children.
location is chosen because this location have oc- Every therapist teach different things, Mr.
cupational therapy facility and children of down Andika more to occupation like a pre academic,
syndrome aged 5-6 years old is quite a lot. This pre motoric, self efficiacy. Mr. Jonet teach about
located on Jalan Elang Raya No.2 Sambiroto, censor gross and fine motoric skills. Ms. An more
Semarang. Time of implementation research at to ADL (Activity Daily Learning). In every day
there start from 23 September 2015 till 22 Octo- after therapy, therapist discuss with their parents
ber 2015. by connect book, about growing of children or
Primary data will be taken from observa- therapy activity yield of that day.
tion output of children down syndrome with the Opinion of Kosasih (2012:23) assembling
take photo was the children following activity occupational therapy implemented sistematicly,
of therapy and interview with their parents and start with identification activity, analysis, diag-
therapist while recording interview was continue. nosis, realization to follow up of service to get
Children with down syndrome would to observa- cure the optimum. Opinion of Chia and Lynne
ting has 3 children, 2 children is boy and 1 child (2002;4) process of realization occupational the-
is girl. As many children following occupational rapy starting of referral and then with assessment,
therapy have 11 children, 7 children of them is the assessment is needed to data support and act
boy and 4 children is girls. And 1 therapist from of determining with true therapy, estabilishment
children with down syndrome be a informant. of relationship connection about children, thera-
Meanwhile of data secondary on this research is pist and their parents expected to make on pro-
a book, the journal, or article about this research, cess this occupational therapy, and then after of
with result of expansion children as support do- assessment other step is goal setting want to long
cument on this research. and short time, the next process is selection of

Ria Dewi Irawan / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 5 (1) (2016)

professional, delineation, and application models adapted with of basic.

of this step is important step then would when Form of evaluation occupational therapy
occupational therapy was doing, use of occupa- on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Se-
tions, and then implementation of individual / marang is a ordinary evaluation and not compa-
group therapy, adaption of models, occupations tible with the basic, constraint of schedule once
and environment, evaluation with review every a week, form of evaluation like a raport to gived
looked from the process therapy, every step was every semester or once a six month and the book
implemented mutual connectly and continue. connection to used therapist to communicating
Implement occupational therapy on Balai with their parents every therapy, home program
Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang is gived to children if in one year the long time pur-
process therapy compose of opening of activity pose and short time the children not achieved.
(greeting and pray), partner activity, content of
activity was doing adapting with goal be would CONCLUSION
achived, when process therapy giving a reward
and punishment for children, before the children Be based on discussion of output this rese-
was occupational therapy attitude the children do arch. Then it can be concluded implementation
therapy first, occupational therapy gived more to of occupational therapy on Balai Pengemban-
pre academy, pre motoric and self efficiacy. gan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang, composed of
On implement occupational therapy will : opening (this activity like composing children
go fine if facility and infrastructure support on table to praying and greeting), activity of side
owned by place of therapy has agree basicly. (activity before activity of core), activity of core
Requisite of therapy must have a place and that (the purpose of reached). Occupational therapy
place must adapted of function. Meanwhile of on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan khusus Se-
prime is for tools of occupational therapy is the marang more to focus to training pre academic,
tools used not dangerous and agreeable with nee- pre motoric, and self efficiacy of children. Before
ded for children. to getting occupational therapy when the attitude
Facility and infrastructure occupational of children still bad and then attitude of children
therapy on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan was therapy first so that the future as follow the-
Khusus Semarang support with CCTV till to rapy more easily. The provision reward and pu-
hoping the parents can monitoring and look the nishment when the therapy it’s important, but in
activity while, tools of gross skill motoric has the implementation gifted punishment to ward
completely in sensory integrity, that is (a poll ball, children over time must be eliminated. Facilities
slide, stairs, bicycle, etc), tools of fine skill moto- and infrastructure occupational therapy on Balai
ric (puzzle, tassel, sewing tools, color cube, etc), Pengembangan Pendidikan Khusus Semarang,
the facility of children got (book related, report, that is : book connection, raport semester, absen
absent card), the place of therapy not adapted yet card of therapy, note card of therapy. Media to
with basicly better than room and tools to used used fine motoric skill that’s : puzzle, square, card
not variation. education, sewing, tassel. Meanwhile to media of
According Chia and Lynne (2002) eva- gross that is : swing, a pool ball, mattres, bicycle,
luation of service that they give be increasingly pilates ball, soccer ball, slide, stair. Form of evalu-
important to therapist. While according by Pera- ation on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Khu-
turan Menteri Kesehatan no. 76 tahun 2014 eva- sus Semarang still ordinary and not adapted with
luation/ re-evaluation to be done occupational basicly. Form of evaluation like a connect book
therapist according to the purpose of planning (daily evaluation) and raport semester. Presence
intervention, evaluation/ re-evaluation is the ac- of the goal for a long and short time, for goal of
tivities of the monitoring evaluation done when short time every children almost same with prin-
intervention and after period intervention along ciple is diligence, submissive, focus, desire, after
with documentation to medic recording, the re- that is activity of pre academic. Goal of long time
sult of evaluation/ re-evaluation can be like con- is children can efficiacy self on 3 aspects that is
clusion, include and no limit on planning stoped daily activity, productivity and unoccupied time,
programs or refer to doctor/ professional, output but act of determining of goal parents not mixed
of evaluation/ re-evaluation wrote on record up with that. Be based of conclusion out put of
page medical patient better than page of record research do on Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan
integrated although on page of study specifically Khusus Semarang, researcher present opinion to
on occupational therapy. But the service or place some side this is : To rising progress in applicated
of therapy often disregard form of evaluation be occupational therapy is better to adding therapist,

Ria Dewi Irawan / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 5 (1) (2016)

increasing therapist used to schedule of therapy the parents can to dispatch the children therapy
not one a week, until therapy of children can be consistently. To rising knowledge parent about
maximal. To rising process of applicate occupa- occupational therapy it’s good if the parents mi-
tional therapy on Balai Pengembangan Pendidi- xed and be participated in applicated this activity,
kan Khusus Semarang is better the therapy not so this activity can be doing in home.
only give therapist but also make a duty as thera-
pist like a plan of therapist/ RP. To rising facility REFERENCES
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