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Adult age 1 Number of Adult 0

Adult age 2 Number Children 0

Child age 1
Child age 2
Child age 3
Sum Insured
Plan Number Deductible

Coverage opted on individual basis

covering each member of the family Coverage opted on individual basis covering multiple me
separately (at a single point in time) policy (Sum insured is available for each member of the fam
Age of the members insured

Premium (Rs.) Sum insured (Rs.) Premium (Rs.) Discount, (if any)

Total Premium for all members of the family is, Rs 0 (excluding GST) Total Premium for all members of the family is, Rs 0 (exclu
when each member is covered separately under a single policy

Sum insured available for each individual is Rs with deductible Rs Sum insured available for each individual is Rs with deducti
l basis covering multiple members of the family under a single Coverage opted on family floater basis with overall Sum insured (Only one sum
le for each member of the family) insured is available for the entire family)

Premium or consolidated Floater discount,

Premium after discount (Rs.) Sum insured (Rs.) premium for all members of if any
family (Rs.)

ers of the family is, Rs 0 (excluding GST) when they are covered Total Premium when policy is opted on floater basis is, Rs 0 (excluding GST)
under a single policy

h individual is Rs with deductible Rs Sum insured available for each individual is Rs with deductible Rs
with overall Sum insured (Only one sum

Premium after
discount (Rs.) Sum insured

d on floater basis is, Rs 0 (excluding GST)

al is Rs with deductible Rs

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