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Module Code CH4214 Module Title Environmental Engineering and Management

Credits 4.0 Lectures 42h

Hours/Week Pre - requisites CH2140
GPA/NGPA GPA Lab/Assignments 42h
To introduce principles of environmental engineering, design of pollution control processes
Module Aim:
and concepts of environmental management
Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, student should be able to:

LO1 – Discuss environmental management systems

LO2 – Describe international protocols related to global environmental problems
LO3 – Apply environmental accounting in project analysis
LO4 – Formulate solid and hazardous waste management strategies for given cases
LO5 – Assess environmental impacts
LO6 – Select suitable pollution control techniques for a pollution control system
LO7 – Design environmental pollution control equipment to meet discharge standards
Module Outline Outcomes
Section 1 Wastewater Engineering [15 hrs]
LO6, LO7
Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Management; Wastewater Engineering
Section 2 Air Pollution Control [6 hrs]
LO6, LO7
Air Pollution Control
Section 3 Solid Waste Management and Engineering [6 hrs]
Solid Waste Management and Engineering
Section 4 Hazardous Waste Management [3 hrs]
Hazardous Waste Management
Section 5 Environmental Management [3 hrs]
History of Environmental Management and Development of Quality; Environmental LO1
Management Systems Management; Greening of the supply chain
Section 6 International protocols related to global environmental problems [3 hrs]
International protocols related to global environmental problems
Section 7 Environmental impact assessment principles and process; Methods of
assessing environmental impacts [3 hrs]
Environmental impact assessment principles and process; Methods of assessing
environmental impacts
Section 8 Basics of Environmental Accounting [3 hrs]
Basics of Environmental Accounting LO3

Category Type Assessed LOs Weightage (%)

Quiz 1 [10%] LO6, LO7

Assessments Quiz 2 [10%] LO6, LO7

CA 40%
Quiz 3 [10%] LO6
Assignment [10%] LO1, LO5
WE End Semester Examination All 60 %

Recommended Texts:
1. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, Metcalf and Eddy, inc
2. Handbook of air pollution prevention and control by Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Butterworth Heinemann
3. Environmental Engineering by Ruth E. Weiner and Robin A. Matthews
4. Lecture notes/Presentations/data sheets/past paper questions & solutions which are available at the course

UOM/ENG/QAC/F/03 Last Modified 31/01/2020

Mapping of Module Learning Outcomes (MLO) to the Programme Outcomes (PO)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
LO-1 M M M H
LO-2 M M L
LO-3 M M L M H M
LO-4 M H H H H M
LO-5 M H M H H M M
LO-6 M M H H H L L M
LO-7 H M H H H L L M
Module M M H M H H L L L H M

(H - High M- Medium L- Low)


UOM/ENG/QAC/F/03 Last Modified 31/01/2020

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