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Real conditionals - present and future

The present real conditional is used to talk about general truths, habits, and things that
happen again and again. It is formed by using the simple present in both the if-clause
(the condition) and the result clause.

If-clause Result clause

If you visit this city, you probably see many people.

If he doesn’t get trouble with his town, he never phones me.

Both if and when are used in the present real conditional. Using if suggests that
something happens less frequently. Using when suggests that something happens
 When I have a day off from work, I usually go to my home village.
 If I have a day off from work, I usually go to my home village.
The future real conditional is used to talk about what will happen under certain
conditions. The if-clause gives the condition. The result clause states a prediction as the
result of the situation in the if-clause. The future real conditional is formed by using the
simple present in the if-clause and a modal (will, can, may, might, shall) in the result

If-clause Result clause

If we travel to London, we will visit the museums.

If she doesn’t take the bus, she will not arrive in time.

If you live in the countryside, work may be more difficult.

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

Both if and when are used in the future real conditional, but the use is different from
other real conditional forms. In the Future Real Conditional, if suggests that you do not
know if something will happen or not; when suggests that something will definitely
happen at some point; we are simply waiting for it to occur. Notice also that the Simple
Future is not used in if-clauses or when-clauses.
 When you call me, I will give you the address.
 If you call me, I will give you the address.

Exercise 1.6.
A. Underline the if- or when-clause and circle the result clause.
1. If I am late to work, my boss gets very angry.
2. When I leave work, I usually go to the fitness center to work out.
3. When he eats, he tries to choose healthy foods.
4. If his car breaks down or he has any problems, he calls the auto club.
5. When his car breaks down or he has any problems, he calls the auto club.
6. When she goes on vacation, she always goes somewhere quiet and peaceful.
7. If Diane goes on vacation, she goes somewhere exotic.
8. When he goes to the movies, he always gets large popcorn with tons of butter.
9. If she watches any television at all, it is usually a documentary or a news program.
10. When I get a letter from my friend, I usually write back immediately.

B. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
conditional form.
I am not sure what I am going to do when I (graduate) 1. ………………, but I do know
I want to travel. I am probably going to work at my father's restaurant for a few months
during the summer. When I (have) 2. ……………… enough money, I (go) 3.
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………………to Europe to visit some friends I met while studying.

I have always wanted to visit Europe. I especially want to visit Sweden. If I (get) 4.
………………to go to Sweden, I (stay) 5. ………………with my friend Gustav. His
family has a house on an island in a lake near Stockholm. I am sure we (spend) 6.
………………a few days on the island if weather conditions (allow) 7. ………………

I am not sure what other countries I will visit. If it (be) 8. ……………… not too
expensive, I (spend) 9. ……………… a couple of days in Paris sightseeing. If I (go) 10.
……………… to Paris, I (climb) 11. ………………the Eiffel Tower, (take) 12.
……………… a boat tour of the Seine, and (photograph) 13. ……………… daily life
in the Latin Quarter.

Organizing and developing a paragraph

A paragraph should discuss one main idea from beginning to end and develop the main
idea with specific details.
The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. It identifies the topic, or
subject, of the paragraph. It also gives the main idea (or controlling idea), which
explains what the writer will say about the topic.
The supporting sentences are the middle sentences of a paragraph. They support the
topic sentence with two or three smaller ideas, or subtopics. Subtopics are supported
with specific details, such as examples, explanations, facts, definitions, and reasons.
The concluding sentence is usually the last sentence of a paragraph. It summarizes the
main points of the paragraph and restates the topic sentence, but in different words.
An outline is a plan you make before you start writing. Outlines help you put your ideas
in order. When you write an outline for a paragraph, include the topic sentence, the
subtopics, important supporting details, and the concluding sentence.
Example of an outline:
1. Topic sentence: Miami is the perfect place to take a vacation.
2. Subtopics and supporting details:
A. wonderful weather

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

1. sunny
2. warm
B. gorgeous beaches
1. soft white sand
2. beautiful water
C. restaurants and hotels
1. many fine restaurant in Miami area
2. hotels offer terrific entertainment nightly
3. Concluding sentence: It’s no wonder that Miami is my first choice for a vacation

Exercise 1.7.
A. Write a topic sentence for each paragraph. Make sure your topic sentence
expresses the main idea of the paragraph.
1. ___________________________________________________ . He has collected
stamps and coins ever since he was a child. He is very proud of his valuable collections.
Paul also enjoys painting and drawing. Recently he has become interested in gardening.
Out of all his hobbies, Paul’s favourite one is reading. He usually reads at least one
book every week. Paul keeps busy with all of his hobbies.
2. _________________________________________________ . It never starts in cold
weather. The horn and the left turn signal don’t work properly. Worst of all, the radio
only gets one station and the CD player is completely broken. I wish I could get a new
3. __________________________________________________ . First and most
importantly, the work is very interesting. I learn new things every day and I get to travel
a lot. In addition, my boss is very nice. She is always willing to help me when I have a
problem. I have also made many new friends at my job. Last, but not least, the salary is
4. ____________________________________________________. To start things off,
my plane was six hours late. When I finally got to my hotel, I was very disappointed. It
was small and dirty. On the third day, my wallet was stolen, and I lost all my credit
cards. It rained every day except one, and on that day I got terrible sunburn. All in all, it
wasn’t a vacation to remember.
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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

B. Read the following paragraphs and underline the supporting sentences.

1.) Use of the internet has grown very quickly. In 1983, there were 562 computers
connected to the Internet. By the turn of the century, there were 72.3 million computers
in 247 countries on-line. Experts say that the Internet is now growing at a rate of
approximately 40 percent a year. As time goes on, the Internet is becoming more and
more popular.
2.) There are many reasons I hate my apartment. The plumbing doesn’t work properly
and the landlord refuses to fix it. I also have noisy neighbours who keep me up all night.
Furthermore, there are so many bugs in my apartment that I could start an insect
collection. I really want to move.
C. Write a concluding sentence for each paragraph.
1.) There are many reasons why I am against wearing a school uniform. For one thing, I
don’t like they style of the uniform. The navy blazer and plaid skirt are too conservative
for me. Secondly, the uniform isn’t comfortable. I prefer to wear baggy pants and a
sweater instead of a skirt and a jacket. Finally, I want the freedom to express my
individuality through my style of dressing.
____________________________________ .
2.) Credit cards have a lot of advantages. First of all, credit cards are convenient because
you don’t have to carry a lot of cash around. You can buy the products and services you
need even if you do not have cash in your pocket. In addition, credit cards are very
helpful in emergencies. Finally, you can become a better money manager as you learn to
use credit cards responsibly.
______________________________________ .

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In this assignment, you are going to organize, develop, and write a paragraph about a
place you have visited.

Follow these steps to choose a topic and to brainstorm ideas about your topic.
1. Look at the topics and add your own idea. Then choose one of the topics to write
The place you have visited
things that surprised you
funny/interesting experiences
1. Think about your topic and write it below. Brainstorm some things you can
remember the most about the place (when and where you went; what you saw and did
there; who you went with; why you enjoyed this trip or why you thought this place was
interesting or when is the best time to visit this place…)
Write an outline for your paragraph.
Use your outline from Activity B to help you write your paragraph in your
otebook. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist below to guide your writing.
Read a partner's paragraph. Answer the questions and discuss them with your
Review the answers to the questions in Activity A. You may want to revise and
rewrite our paragraph.
Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the final draft of
your paragraph. Be prepared to hand in your work or discuss it in class.

Self assessment

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

Yes No Is the punctuation correct?

Are all words spelled correctly?

Does the paragraph include vocabulary from the unit?

Are all words used in their correct form?

Does the paragraph include conditionals? Are they used correctly?

Sample writing: Describe a place that you have visited.

Last weekend I went to Penang Hill with my dearest family. For me, a trip to Penang
is not complete if we don’t ride up to the funicular railway to the highest point of the
island. I was excited as I could see the monkeys on both sides when the tram
struggled to go up and my heart was beating wildly in anticipation of the awesome
view! When I reached the peak, I got a panoramic view of the whole island, ships in
the horizon seem to be moving so slowly and the water was blue and let me felt like
leaping into it! By night, the view was even more spectacular because the view of
twinkling lights of the city below was simply breathtaking. The weather was cool
also and the environment was very peace as the destination was away from the
hustle and bustle of city life which I hate so much. Penang Hill is a place where I
can relax and feel as I am in another world. If you are thinking of a great place to go
to, Penang Hill would be a treat.

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