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Name: Jasmir L.

Omang__________ Course & Year: BSIT 1-B_________Score: _________


Lesson 1
Activity 1. Explain each communication model and give a situational example. Also,
emphasize the barriers that possibly occur in each model and suggest ways to
overcome such. (10 points each model)

Aristotle Model is mainly focused on speaker and speech. It can be broadly divided into 5
primary elements: Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience and Effect. ... The audience is
passive, influenced by the speech. This makes the communication process one way, from
speaker to receiver.

Shannon Weaver Model The sender encodes the message and sends it to the receiver
through a technological channel like telephone and telegraph. The sender converts the
message into codes understandable to the machine. The message is sent in codes through a

The Osgood-Schramm model of communication is a circular, rather than linear, experience

that involves a sender, who encodes a message, and a recipient, who decodes it. ...
The model takes into account the concepts of field of experience, a commonality between the
two communicators, that makes communication simpler.

While, Eugene White's Model tells that communication in circular and continuous, without a

beginning or an end. He also introduced the concept of feedback
Activity 2. Compare and contrast the roles and significance of speaker and
listener with the use of Venn Diagram. (10 points)

the purpose of speakers is to

produce audio output that can
be heard by the
 The role of a listener is to
listener. Speakers are
build upon what has been
transducers that convert
said and then contribute in a
electromagnetic waves into
way that moves the
sound waves.
conversation forward.
The speakers receive audio
input from a device such as a
computer or an audio

speaker and
the listener are the
two most important
keys, as there would
not be a
Lesson 2 communication
exchange without
Activity 1. Choose three communication principles and illustrate actualized
example. (5 points each)

1. Example of Feedback
Feedback should be clearly stated, specific, and based on what is observed; both the
action and the impact of the action. Feedback should be descriptive not
evaluative; feedback is not about personal judgement, but based on observed behavior
and actions. Feedback should refer to behavior that can be changed.
Example: After explaining the job to the subordinated he must ask them whether they
have understood it or not.

2. Principle of Clarity:
The idea or message to be communicated should be clearly spelt out. It should
be worded in such a way that the receiver understands the same thing which the
sender wants to convey. There should be no ambiguity in the message. A clear
message will evoke the same response from the other party.

Example: A patient you prescribed an inhaler to while describing it as being ‘for

your chest’, returns to say it’s not helping their breathing. On questioning the
patient, you discover they have been spraying the inhaler onto their chest rather
than into their mouth.

3. Principle of Timeliness:
This principle states that communication should be done at proper time so that it
helps in implementing plans. Any delay in communication may not serve any
purpose rather decisions become of historical importance only.

For example, if we receive a request and we're totally swamped, we can respond
immediately, briefly explain, and ask if we can get back this afternoon, tomorrow or
whenever we can be available. Our timely response is important and will be appreciated.

Activity 2. Design a poster employing the principles of communication. (15

Lesson 3
Activity 1:From the given video, observe the delivery of the speaker. Then, evaluate if it adheres to
the communication ethics mentioned in the readings. Feedbacks and Observations will be organized
to form an evaluative essay. Also, include the suggestions to strengthen the communication ethics
of the speaker. (30 points)

For me, the speech of president Duterte is good and nice. He speaks naturally, and communicate by
guided by certain ethical principles. He speaks some plans for our country during 2020 State of the
Nation Address. He speaks truth and honesty. While delivering his speech he talks about
responsibility as a president of the country and how to solve pandemic. He talks with a heart and
deliver his speech pleasant and good.

Lesson 4

Activity 1. Choose three types of Englishes. Show its features and provide five examples.

Philippine English is any variety of English native to the Philippines, including those

used by the media and the vast majority of educated Filipinos.
Examples: Boodle fight, Salvage, Eat-All-you-can, Bedspace, Chancing

British English is the standard dialect of the English language as spoken and written in
the United Kingdom. Variations exist in formal, written English in the United Kingdom. 

Examples: Dustbin, Wardrobe, Coot, Aubergine, trousers

Australian English (AuE, AuEng) is the set of varieties of the English language native

to Australia. Although English has no official status in the Constitution, Australian
English is the country's national and de facto official language as it is the first language
of the majority of the population.

Examples: Aussie, Grongo, Fair Dinkum, Amber, Gander

Activity 2. Research information about Globalization and its impact in the whole world.
Then, cite one country which is not affected by the globalization and describe its customs,
culture, and beliefs. (30 points)

Globalization, or globalisation, is the process of interaction and integration among

people, companies, and governments worldwide. Globalization is associated with rapid
and significant human changes. The movements of people from rural to urban areas
has accelerated, and the growth of cities in the developing world especially is linked to
substandard living for many. Globalization is most often used in an economic context,
but it also affects and is affected by politics and culture. In general, globalization has
been shown to increase the standard of living in developing countries, but some
analysts warn that globalization can have a negative effect on local or emerging
economies and individual workers.
I think the country does not affected is the African Countries, The relative instability of
many African nations is cited by experts as one of the reasons why Africa has not
benefited from globalization.

Activity 3. Make a slogan about the relationship of local and global communication. (15 points)
Activity 1. Create a concept map that describes the multimedia Communication. (15 points)

Image Communication is a form of

Text messaging,
communication in the same way that or texting, is the act of
text is a form of communication, composing and sending
Examples include browsing an online electronic messages on
photo album, opening and viewing devices, desktops/laptops,
images attached to an email and or other type of compatible
looking at photos

Audio communication is any

form of transmission that is
based on
hearing. Audio communicative
Video conferencing is a visual
forms are found in such
communication session between platforms as audio books,
two or more users regardless of television, movie soundtracks
their location, featuring audio and music records.
and video content transmission
in real time.

Activity 2. For instance you are invited as a resource speaker in an event to be held in a remote
barangay, what will be your devised strategies and tools to be used? Why did you consider in
utilizing those forms of media? Explain comprehensively. (30 points)

- Because those forms of media are very important in communicating with other people. As a
speaker we need to speak with our best so that our listener will learn from us. I will speak
fluently and remain patience and calm. I will avoid some nonsense speech and I will always
remember to speak meaningful speech.
Activity 3. Dichotomize the characteristics of Visual Communication and Multimedia
Communication. Show the comparison and contrast with the use of the Venn Diagram. (15 points)

Characteristics of
Visual Communication
Visual communication Characteristics of
Multimedia Communication
- Visible ( easy to and Multimedia
- Multimedia systems must
see ) communication are one be computer controlled.
- Errorless of the most important - Multimedia systems are
ways that people integrated.
- Easy to use - The information they
communicate and share
- Attractive information.
handle must be represented digitally.
- Relevant - The interface to the final
presentation of media is
usually interactive.

Lesson 6.
Date: Feb. 05, 2021
Topic: Life during Japanese Regime
Objectives: To learn more about their story during Japanese Regime
Interviewer: Jasmir L. Omang
Interviewee: Virginia Lopernes
Transcription of Interview Session:

Me: Hello, Good afternoon Nay,

Lola Virgi: Good afternoon too
Me: Nay, can you please share me your story during the Japanese colonization here in our
country before. I just want to learn and to know more about our history during Japanese
Me: What happen to you during those times nay?
Lola Virgi: Before when I was 6 years old, we started to evacuate in some different places like
in the cave during war. We always finding some new home so that the Japanese soldiers will
never find us. After those times, we move to other neighboring towns to evacuate for a while.
Me: What happen to you nay, did the Japanese soldier find you?
Lola Virgi: Thanks to God, were not actually we heard about the news when Americans came to
fight against Japanese soldiers.
Me: What did you do during the war nay?
Lola Virgi: We are always hiding in our house as long as I remember, I has been 2 years that
the Japanese colonize our country during that time if the war stop, we plant corn, kamote,
balanghoy, in order for us to survive and had a food to eat.
Me: I think, this generation are so lucky because we never experienced those things during
world war 2. Now I learn that your life before is not easy because you will do everything hiding
everywhere in order to survive.
Me: What did you learn during Japanese colonization nay?
Lola Virgi: we learn how to be care for others, unity with each neighbors in time of war and

Figure 1. Format of the Output in Activity

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