Essay - Youth Bulge

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Youth bulge in Pakistan:boom or doom



2-Which factors presently make youth bulge a doom for Pakistan ?

a-Disparity created by slow increase of resources compared to rapid growth of youth

i- Inability of State to accomplish needs of all citizens( Population grwoth theory of


ii- Sharp decline of living standards of majority population(LDCs vs MDCs)

b- Failure of Goverment to provide employment to youth

i- Brain drain is depriving nation of talented minds(Migration of doctors,engineers,

scientists from Pakistan)

ii- Youth is indulging in social evils and increased crime ratio(Social Strain theory)

c- Frustrated youth as an easy bait of extremists elements(Suicidal attackers involve youth)

d-By absence of appropeaite education youth cannot uplift the country in economic and social

e-Dissatisfied and misguided youth posing threat to natioanl integration (Rise of PTM in
Northern Pakistan)

3-Does youth possess the capability to become a boom for a country?

i-Educated youth is a source of human development(Japan s initiatives for youth)

ii- Skilled youth can transform the socio-economic condiotions(Chinese model of economy)

iii-Progressive mindset of youth termiantes backward tendencies in the nation(Turkish example)

4- How the doom of youth bulge can be turned into a boom for prosperous future of

i-Investment in youth be a primary goal of the State

ii- Programs to be introduced tfor economic support of youth(Enterpreneurship model of USA)

iii-Skilled and technical education to turn youth into human capital

iv-Capacity and character building of the youth is a sine qua non


Youth of Pakistan can prove to be a great asset for the nation if government takes right steps.

Youth is the most capable and resourceful part of the population of any nation.Youth has a
tremendous amount of potential and zest. This energy can transform the destiny of any nation if
the talent of youth is utilized in the right direction such as China and Japan have done. Pakistan
is currently having the largest ratio of young people which maounts to 60 percent of the
population. The ill luck is that the egneral sense of disappoint looms over teh horizons of young
minds. They are devoid of opportunities sans state patronage. Pakistani government has not
taken this issue as a serious challenge in the past. While the fact of the matter is that the
destiny of the country is in the hands of this unguided youth. The repercussions of this
negligence are insurmountable. Not just the talent of our youth is corroding but the best minds
are shwoing lack of trust. The absence of educational,political and civic training has pushed
youth on the brink of meeting the expenses by evil means. This situation can make the future of
Pakistan bleak. Neverthless, if the postential of this youth is utilized, the doom can trn into a
blessing.Youth bulge in Pakistan is a formidable challenge for Pakistan but it can turn into a boon
if State gives direction to its policies. in the following lines, the stance ahs been corrobortaed
and the look forwrad strategy has been suggested.

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