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The modern Filipino is a child of both the east and the west, and
the fusion of the two cultures has brought about many changes
in his life, affecting not only his thinking, customs, literature,
and fashion, but also his culinary taste and practices; hence, the
various recipes presented in this book represent the blending of
two cultures. These dishes and delicacies are distinctly Filipino.
In the novel, dishes are categorized by type for ease of
comparison, such as pork adobo, chicken, and so on. Desserts
are divided from the main courses, soups, appetizers, salads, and
sandwiches.The main guideline for the preparation of this book
was the easiness of preparing meals, simple to follow and
readily available cooking instructions

Soups……………………………...... Page 5-24

Appetizers………………………. Page 26-45
Sandwich/Salads……………. Page 47-66
Main dish…………………………. Page68-87
Desserts……………………………. Page 89-108

Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:45 minutes

• 1 kilo Choice Cuts Chicken
(Thigh part), Skin removed
• 5 pcs hard boiled eggs COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
• 2 cups cooked rice
• In a pot, heat the cooking oil then Crispy
• 6 cups chicken broth (or 6 cups
plain water if broth not Fry the Chicken Skin, once crispy like
available) chicharron set aside
• 1 cup onion, minced • Next sauté the garlic, onion, and ginger.
• 3 tbsp fish sauce Dash-in some ground black pepper
• 1 tsp garlic • Add the chicken and cook until outer
• 1/2 tsp ground black pepper layer color turns golden brown.
• 1 cup scallions (red onions), • Then Add the fish sauce and the cooked
minced rice then mix and cook for a few minutes
• 3 knobs ginger, julienned • Now, pour in the water and bring to a
• 2 pcs chicken cube (bouillon) boil (Add the chicken cube, stir until the
[optional: if you don’t have the
cube melts)
broth then you need this]
• 5 pcs calamansi • Stir occasionally and simmer until the
• 3 tbsp Canola cooking oil chicken is fully cooked (about 15 to 20
• Removed the Egg shells and put-in the
hard-boiled eggs
• Serve hot with Chicken Skin chicharron
on top, garlic, minced scallions, and
• Share and Enjoy!
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour:50 minutes

• 1 1/2 lbs. beef shank (with
bone marrow), cut into
• 1 small bundle Chinese
cabbage, pechay
• 1 small bundle botchy
• 1 small head cabbage, HOW TO BULALO:
• In a stock pot, simmer the beef
• 1 medium onion, quartered or
shank for at least an hour or until
tender. For a quick process, you
• 6-7 cups water
can use a pressure cooker if you
• 2 pieces white or yellow have one. It will only take 10
corns, cut in halves minutes from the time it starts
• 1 tablespoon fish sauce (patis) boiling.
• 1 tbsp whole peppercorns • Remove the scum that rises above
• Salt to taste the soup. Add more hot water if
• When beef is fork tender, add the
onion, salt, whole peppercorn and
corn. Let stand for 5-8 minutes.
• Add the cabbage, Chinese cabbage
and botchy. Season with fish sauce
according to taste.
• Remove from heat.
• Serve with hot steamed rice.
• Enjoy!
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour: 30 minutes

• 1 lb. miki noodles boiled for 1
minute and drained
• 1 lb. pork
• 1 lb. pig's intentesines;
cleaned boiled, and sliced
• 1/4 lb. pig liver sliced into strips
• 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper Instructions
• 2 teaspoons sugar
• Boil water in a cooking pot.
• 1 teaspoon shrimp paste bagoong
• Put-in salt, sugar, onion powder, ground
or guinamus * optional
black pepper, and shrimp paste. Cook
• 1 teaspoon onion powder for a minute.
• 1 cup pork cracklings chicharron, • Add the pork and cook until tender
crushed (about 30 to 45 minutes)
• 3 tablespoons spring • Put-in the intestines and liver, and then
onion chopped cook for 6 to 10 minutes.
• 1/4 cup toasted garlic • Remove the pork, liver, and intestine
• 7 cups water from the broth (caldo). Set aside.
• Slice the pork into strips.
• Arranged the cooked miki noodles in a
single serving bowl.
• Place the strips of pork, liver, and
intestine on top of the miki noodles.
• Pour the broth in the bowl, and then
garnish with spring onions and toasted
• Serve hot. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time2 hours

• 1/2 recipe for beef pares
• 1 lb. round miki noodles
• 1/2 cup chopped scallions
• 3 tablespoons toasted
garlic Instructions
• 4 boiled eggs • Pour water in a pot. Add the beef
• 1 lb. beef neck bones neck bones. Let boil. Simmer for 2
• 8 cups water hours.
• 2 tablespoons fish sauce • Add salt and ground black pepper
to taste.
• Salt and ground black
• Arrange the miki noodles in a
pepper to taste cooking basket. Submerge in
boiling broth for 10 minutes.
Remove, drain, and the set aside.
• Arrange the cooked miki noodles
along with a serving of beef pares
in individual bowls. Top with
chopped scallions, toasted garlic,
and a piece of boiled egg, sliced in
• Pour a cup or two of hot beef
stock in the bowl. Season with
some fish sauce and ground black
• Serve. Share and enjoy.
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:1 hour Instructions
• Sauté the garlic, onion, and ginger
• Put-in the chicken and cook until
Ingredients color turns light brown
• Add the fish sauce. Stir. Pour rice
• 1 whole chicken cut into serving washing into the cooking pot. Let
pieces boil. Cover the pot and simmer for
• 36 ounces rice washing 45 minutes. Note: add water if
• 1/2-piece green papaya cut into needed.
• Add green papaya. Cook for 5
• 1 tablespoon garlic minced • Add the hot pepper leaves or
• 1 piece onion chopped malunggay leaves. Stir and cook for
• 1 thumb ginger cut into strips 1 minute.
• 2 tablespoon fish sauce • Season with ground black pepper.
Note you can also add fish sauce or
• 1 cup Hot pepper leaves
salt if needed.
• 3 tablespoons fish sauce • Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper hot. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:1 hour
• Combine chicken breast, onion. And 2 quarts
• 12 oz. chicken breastbone-in water. Let the water boil.
• 1 piece Knorr Chicken Cube • Add Knorr Chicken Cube. Continue to boil
• 1 lb. fresh noodles for 40 minutes between low to medium heat.
• 2 cups Napa cabbage chopped • While the chicken is cooking, prepare the
• 3 eggs boiled toasted garlic. Combine crushed garlic and
• 1 cup carrot julienne cooking oil in a small pan or pot. Turn the
• 1 cup green onion chopped heat on and cook slowly while stirring until
• 1 piece onion wedged garlic browns. Filter the garlic using a
• 1 head garlic crushed kitchen sieve. Note: Save the oil to cook other
• 2 quarts water dishes
• 1/2 cup cooking oil • Heat 1 quart water in a small pot. Let boil.
Add fresh noodles. Cook for 1 minute.
• Salt and ground black pepper to
Discard water. Arrange noodles in serving
bowls, including Napa cabbage, carrot, and
• Once the chicken cooks completely, remove
from the pot. Separate the meat from the
bone and let it cool down. Slice the chicken
into serving pieces.
• Arrange the noodles, vegetable, and chicken
in a serving bowl. Pour hot broth and top
with chopped green onions and toasted
garlic. Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time: 5 mins.
Cook Time: 15 mins

• 1 cup freshly cracked
• 1 medium onion, chopped
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 3 cups chicken broth INSTRUCTIONS:
• 2 cups whole corn kernel • In a large saucepan, sauté onion in
• 4 tablespoons All-purpose butter until tender.
flour • Add flour and stir until blended.
• 1 cup fresh milk • Add milk gradually, stirring
• 1/2 teaspoon salt constantly.
• 1/4 teaspoon pepper • Lower the heat to medium low
then add the corn and cook until
• 2 tablespoons fish sauce tender.
• 1/8 cup ground parsley • Add the crabmeat, green onions,
• 3 tablespoons chopped parsley, pepper, seasoning salt,
green onions and fish sauce and simmer.
• Cook over low heat until heated
through (do not boil).
• Adjust seasonings to suit your
• Serve hot with bread.
Prep Time: 15 mins.
Cook Time: 40 mins

• 1/4 kilo Sotanghon noodles
• 1 cup Chicken meat
• 5 cups chicken stock
• 2 pieces tomatoes
• 2 tablespoon Canola oil
• 4 pcs cloves of garlic, minced
• 1 small sized onion, sliced • In a small bowl with hot water, put int
• tablespoon fish sauce/Patis and soak the dried black mushrooms
• 4 pcs dried Black for about 15 minutes.
mushrooms (optional) • Remove the mushrooms from the
• 4 stalks of scallions, chopped water, drain and squeeze out excess
the water.
• Cut the mushrooms stems and discard,
slice mushroom caps into fourths.
• Heat Canola oil in a frying pot.
• In a medium heat, sauté onions and
garlic for 3 minutes then add tomatoes,
and sauté for another 2 minutes.
• Add mushrooms, chicken meat and
Fish sauce. Cover the frying pot and
simmer for about 3 minutes.
• Add the chicken stock, cover it again
and bring to boil.
• When it boils, add-in the Sotanghon
noodles into the Chicken soup and
simmer until the sotanghon noodles
are tender and cooked.
• Garnish the soup with chopped
• Serve hot with steamed rice and fried
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:50 minutes

• 3 tablespoons butter
• 3/4 cup uncooked elbow
• 2 pieces chicken breast fillet
• 2 cloves garlic, minced INSTRUCTIONS
• 1/2 onion, chopped
• Place chicken in a saucepan, add water,
• 2 pcs regular hotdog, sliced and bring to a boil.
• 1 red bell pepper, cubed • Simmer for 20 minutes. Take chicken out
• 1 carrot, cubed of the water and set aside.
• 2 stalks celery, cut into half- While the water in the saucepan is still
inch pieces boiling, add the macaroni. Simmer for 10-
• 1/2 cup evaporated milk 12 minutes, adding in the carrots and
• salt and pepper to taste celery in the last 5 minutes.
• 1 chicken broth cube for added • While waiting for the macaroni to cook,
taste cut the chicken into cubes or tear into
• 6 cups water shreds using two forks.
• In a skillet, melt the butter then sauté the
garlic, onion, hotdog, and chicken.
• When the chicken have slightly browned,
add the red bell pepper and sauté all the
ingredients in the skillet together for
another minute.
• Transfer all the ingredients in the skillet
carefully into the saucepan.
• Add milk and stir. Add salt and pepper to
• For more flavor, add one chicken broth
cube and stir until dissolved.
• Serve hot.
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:1 hour

• 1 whole chicken about 1 1/2 to 2
lbs., cut into serving pieces
• 3 cups young coconut water
• 1 1/2 cups young coconut meat
• 2 cups chicken broth
• 2 1/2 tablespoons fish sauce Instructions
• 1 small green papaya wedged
• Heat a cooking pot and pour-in cooking
• 1 cup hot pepper leaves oil.
• 4 stalks lemon grass cut in 1
• Saute garlic when the oil is hot.
inch length and pounded
• Put-in onions, ginger, and lemon grass,
• 1 medium onion chopped
and then cook for 1 minute.
• 1 knob ginger about 1
• Add the chicken. Stir and cook until the
tablespoon, chopped
color turns light brown (about 3 to 5
• 4 cloves garlic minced
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black
• Add ground black pepper and fish sauce.
• 3 tablespoons cooking oil
• Put-in the young coconut meat, young
coconut water, and chicken broth. Allow
to boil, and then simmer for 30 to 40
• Add the green papaya. Cook for 5 minutes.
• Put-in the hot pepper leaves and cook for a
minute more.
• Turn the heat off, and then transfer to a
serving bowl.
• Serve with steamed rice.
• Share and enjoy
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes

• 1 ½ lbs. ox tripe cut into serving
• 1 cup uncooked rice
• 17 ounces water about 500 ml
• 17 ounces beef stock about 500 ml
or 1 piece beef cube (bouillon)
diluted in 17 ounces of water
• 2 tablespoons fish sauce
• 1 teaspoon garlic minced Instructions
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper • In A Pot, Heat The Cooking Oil Then
• 1 cup onion minced Sauté The Garlic, Onion, And Ginger
• 4 pieces hard boiled eggs • Dash-In Some Ground Black Pepper
• Add The Ox Tripe And Cook For 2
• 1 cup scallions green onions,
• Pour-In The Fish Sauce And Water
• 2 knobs ginger julienned Then Simmer Until The Ox Tripe Is
• 1 tablespoon safflower kasubha Tender (You May Use A Pressure
• 1 piece lemon or 4 pieces calamansi Cooker For Faster Results)
• Add The Uncooked Rice And Stir
• ¾ cup chicharron pork rinds,
• Pour-In The Beef Broth And Bring To A
• 2 tablespoons cooking oil • Stir Occasionally Until The Rice
Reaches The Desired Consistency
(About 40 Minutes). Add Water As
• Put-In The Hard-Boiled Eggs Then Stir.
• Add The Safflower For Additional
Color And Aroma.
• Serve Hot With Minced Green Onions,
Crushed Chicharron, And Lemon. Share
And Enjoy
• Prepare Kadyos by soaking it
• 1 whole Native chicken cut into overnight or If you don't time just
serving pieces wash kadios in water.
• 1 cup kadyos pigeon peas • Boil it in 2 cups water for 5
minutes to release the scum from
• 6 cups water
the kadios.
• 1 piece medium-sized • Remove from the flame then
onion quartered discard water and wash the kadios
• 1 thumb sized ginger (peel and again.
bruised) • Pour water in a cooking pot then
• 2 pieces ubad banana tree core, add the Native Chicken,
Lemongrass and a little salt and
Kadyos beans.
• 2 bundled tanglad or lemongrass • Bring to a boil then add the ginger,
• 3 pieces Siling haba birds eye chili onions, siling haba and ubad, then
• 1 Chicken cube optional let it boil until the chicken and
• salt and pepper to taste Kadyos beans are tender.
• Add chicken cube, salt to taste and
• Cover the cooking pot and simmer
for 5 minutes.
• Serve hot with steamed rice and
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 2 hrs
• Saute garlic and onions
INGREDIENTS • Add beef and ginger into the pot
and pour just enough water to
• 1 kilo Beef Shank cover most of the meat
• Lemon grass (2 stalk) • Leave it to boil for about an hour to
• 2 medium onions two hours until the meat is soft.
• Lower heat to simmer, add more
• Fresh ginger (1/2 cup, sliced)
water into the pot until meat is
• 2 long hot pepper completely submerged
• Atchuete powder (1 • Mix in batwan fruit or sinigang
Tablespoon) mix, salt, and pepper (we used
• 6 pcs. batwan fruit (a souring about half of the pack of sinigang
agent for soup that is locally mix, if you want it more sour use
famous and widely used in the whole pack)
Visayas) or Sinigang mix (1 pack • Mix in pepper (add more if you
or to taste) want it to be spicier)
• 1/4 kilo green unripe Jackfruit • Put in sliced green jackfruit
(sliced ) • Leave to simmer until jackfruit is
• 6 cloves garlic, crushed cooked and beef is very soft
• salt & pepper (to taste) • When it’s almost done, put in
lemongrass (tie it into a knot) and
atchuete for color
• Simmer for about 10 minutes and
serve with hot rice.
Prep Time12 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 10 minutes

• 1 1/2 lbs Pork Hocks sliced

• 1 unripe jack
fruit chopped
• 1 cup pigeon pea kadyos
• 2 cups sweet potato
• 1 1/2 tablespoons sinigang
mix or 5 pieces batuan
• 3 to 5 stalks lemongrass
• 1 piece beef cube or pork
• 6 cups water per batch • Pour water in a cooking pot (first
batch) and add a little salt. Add pork
• salt and pepper to taste
hocks. Let boil and simmer for 5
• Throw away the liquid. Pour-in
second batch of water and let boil.
• Put-in lemon grass and beef cube.
Simmer for 40 to 45 minutes or until
pork is tender.
• Add the pigeon peas. Cook for 20 to
25 minutes. Note: For dried pigeon
peas, you need to soak it in water
• Put-in the sinigang mix, salt, pepper,
and jack fruit. Cook for 10 minutes.
• Add the sweet potato leaves. Cover
the cooking pot and turn the heat off.
• Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
Ingredients • Heat a cooking pot then pour-in
cooking oil.
• 1 lb miki noodles
• When the oil is hot enough, sauté the
• 3 cloves garlic crushed and minced garlic and onions.
• 1 medium onion minced • Put-in the sliced pork and cook until
• 1/4 lb cooked Kikiam quekiam, sliced the color turns medium brown.
• 1/4 lb pork sliced into thin strips • Add-in the ham and liver then cook for
• 6 to 8 pieces cooked meatballs 2 minutes.
• 3 tablespoons cassava flour diluted in 3 • Add fish sauce and soy sauce then stir.
tablespoons water • Pour-in the broth and let boil. Simmer
• 1/4 lb ham chopped until the pork strips are tender (about
• 1/4 lb pig’s liver sliced 20 to 30 minutes)
• 1 1/2 tablespoons fish sauce • Put-in the cooked meatballs and kikiam
• 1 tablespoon soy sauce then simmer for 3 minutes.
• 1 teaspoon ground black pepper • Add-in the ground black pepper and
• 6 cups pork or beef broth miki noodles then cook for 5 to 6
• 1 cup chicharon pork cracklings or pork minutes.
rinds, pounded • Add the cassava flour diluted in water
• 1 piece raw egg beaten and stir well. Cook until the sauce
• 2 tablespoons onion leeks or thickens.
scallions chopped (optional) • Turn-off the heat then pour-in the
• 2 to 3 pieces hard boiled eggs optional beaten egg. Stir constantly until the egg
is well incorporated.
• 2 tablespoons cooking oil
• Transfer to a serving bowl and top with
chicharon and sliced boiled egg.
Garnish with onion leeks.
• Serve hot. Share and enjoy
Prep Time2 minutes
Cook Time1 hour

• 2 lbs. pork belly or shoulder,
• 1 medium yellow onion
• 1 medium cabbage quartered
• 2 medium potatoes peeled Instructions
and cubed • Heat the cooking oil in a deep cooking
• 4 pieces ripe saba pot.
banana sliced in half • Once the oil becomes hot, saute the
crosswise onion.
• Add the whole pepper corn. Continue to
• 6 to 8 cups beef or pork broth
cook for 20 seconds.
• 1 teaspoon whole peppercorn • Put-in the pork. Cook until the color
• Salt to taste turns light brown (about 3 to 5 minutes).
• 3 tablespoons cooking oi • Pour-in the beef or pork broth. Bring to a
boil. Simmer for 45 to 60 minutes or until
the pork becomes tender.
• Add the saba banana and potatoes. Stir
and cook for 12 minutes.
• Put-in the cabbage. Add salt to taste. Stir.
Cover and continue to cook for 3
• Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve with a
spicy fish sauce dipping sauce.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 12 minutes

Ingredients Instructions
• 1 kilo beef shank • Combine the water and beef broth in a large
• 8 potatoes cut the same size as cooking pot. Bring to a boil.
the beef • Add the onion, star anise, and celery.
• 1 bundle Pechay (Bok choy) cut Reduce the heat in medium. Cover the pot
into 2 pieces and continue to boil for 20 minutes.
• 1 small cabbage, quartered • Remove the onion, star anise, and celery
• 5 onions, diced from the boiling liquid using a skimmer or a
• 4 tablespoons of patis (fish sauce) strainer. You can discard these ingredients.
• 10 corns of black pepper • Add the beef. Simmer for 60 to 90 minutes
• 1 liter of water or until the beef becomes tender. You can
• Salt and pepper to taste add more water if necessary.
• Put-in the saba banana and potatoes. Cook
for 10 minutes.
• Add the bok choy and cabbage. Sprinkle
salt and pepper. Stir.
• Cover and turn the heat off. Let the pot stay
with cover-on for 2 to 5 minutes to cook the
• Transfer to a serving bowl.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour

• 1/2 lb ox tripe
• 1/2 lb cow’s small intestine
• 1/2 lb beef thinly sliced and
• 1/2 lb cow’s heart Instructions
• 2 tbsp bile
• 2 thumbs ginger julienned • Heat a cooking pot and pour-in 4 cups of
water and put-in 1 tablespoon salt. Bring to
• 1 piece onion diced
a boil.
• 6 cloves garlic crushed and • Put-in the ox tripe and small intestines and
chopped simmer until tender. This should take
• 8 cups water approximately 35 to 50 minutes.
• 4 to 6 pieces finger chilies • Turn off heat. Remove the tender ox tripe
• 2 1/2 tablespoons salt and small intestines then slice. Set aside.
• 1/2 tablespoon ground black Discard the water.
pepper • Heat a clean cooking pot and pour-in
cooking oil.
• 1 to 2 pieces lemon or 5 to 8 pieces
calamansi • When the oil is hot enough, sauté garlic,
onion, and ginger.
• 2 tablespoons cooking oil
• Add the beef, heart, sliced intestines, and
tripe then cook for about 3 to 4 minutes.
• Add 1 1/2 tablespoon salt and ground black
pepper then stir for a minute.
• Pour-in remaining 4 cups of water and
bring to a boil. Simmer for 40 minutes (you
may add more water if needed).
• Add bile then simmer for 5 minutes.
• Add the finger chilies and squeeze-in the
lemon juice then simmer for 3 minutes.
• Turn off the heat and transfer to a serving
• Serve hot. Share and enjoy
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 2 hours

• 500g beef brisket or any cheap
cut, cubed • In a deep pot, put oil then sauté garlic,
• 300g beef tendons, cut into onions and ginger.
squares • Add beef and brown all sides. Once
• 300g pre-cooked beef tripe, brown, add the beef tendons.
cubed • Add water to the pot enough to cover
• 1/4 cup diluted beef bile or 2– the meat pieces. Bring it to a boil then
3 pcs bitter gourd, roughly simmer soup for 45 minutes in low
chopped heat.
• 500g kamias or tamarind • Turn off the heat then drain the soup
using a fine sieve to have a clear broth.
• 1 whole garlic, minced
Set aside the meat pieces. Place clear
• 1 thumb size ginger, thinly broth on another pot together with
sliced the tendons and set aside the beef.
• 2 large onion, quartered Bring it to a boil and simmer until
• 6 pcs finger chillies, thinly sliced tendons are soft (this might take 60 to
• fish sauce or sea salt 90 minutes more) add water if needed.
• spinach leaves, optional • Add the beef, tripe, finger chillies and
• oi bile (if using). At this stage if you are
using bitter gourd place it in a muslin
cloth together with tamarind or
kamias, wrap it well then place into
the pot. Simmer for 30 minutes.
• Press the muslin cloth over the soup
to extract the juices then season with
salt or fish sauce. If you want to add
some leafy greens, I suggest spinach.
Serve hot
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minute


• 1 lb. shrimp cleaned

• 44 grams Knorr Sinigang sa
Sampaloc Mix
• 1 bunch kangkong
• 15 pieces snake beans Instructions
• 5 pieces okra
• 1 piece eggplant • Boil water in a cooking pot. Add
• 1 cup daikon radish sliced onion, tomato, and radish. Cover and
continue to boil for 8 minutes.
• 1 piece tomato sliced
• Add shrimp. Cook for 1 minute.
• 3 pieces long green pepper
• Add Knorr Sinigang sa Sampaloc
• 1 piece onion
Recipe Mix. Stir until it dilutes
• 2 quarts water
completely. Cover and cook for 3
• Fish sauce and ground minutes.
black pepper to taste
• Add long green pepper, snake beans,
okra, and eggplant. Stir. Cook for 5
• Put the kangkong stalks into the pot.
Season with fish salt and ground black
• Add kangkong leaves. Cook for 1
• Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve warm
with rice
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time1 minute

• 3 medium daikon
radishes Instructions
• 1 medium red
onion sliced • Slice the daikon crosswise as thin
• 1 1/2 cup cane or white as possible.Use a mandolin slicer
vinegar for better results.
• 3 teaspoons whole • Sprinkle 3 1/4 tablespoons of salt
peppercorn over the daikon. Mix well. Leave
• 4 tablespoons granulate for 30 minutes. Put the daikon in a
d white sugar colander and wash with running
• 3 1/2 tablespoons sea water. Let the water drip.
• Meanwhile, combine vinegar, 1/4
teaspoon salt, sugar and whole
peppercorn. Mix well and then
microwave for 30 seconds. Set
• Arrange the daikon and onion in a
pickling jar. Pour-in the vinegar
9 mixture.Cover the jar and
refrigerate for 3 days.
• Serve as side dish during lunch or
• Share and enjoy
Prep Time1 hour
Cook Time15 minutes
Ingredients • Wash the flat mustard leaves and
• 8 ounces fresh flat mustard pat dry. Soak under the sun for 1
hour or until wilted.
• Meanwhile, prepare the rice water
• 2 tablespoons coarse sea salt
by combining rice and water in a
• 3 tablespoons rice
pot. Cover and cook the rice in
• 1 ½ cups water
medium heat until soft.
• Combine salt and mustard leaves in
a bowl. Gently mash the mixture.
Arrange in a resealable jar.
• Place a mesh strainer over the jar.
Pour the rice water from the pot.
Note: the soft rice should be filtered
by the mesh. We only need the
water for this process.
• Cover the jar. Let it stay in room
temperature for 4 to 6 days.
• Serve as an appetizer or use an
ingredient to cook fish, egg, and
other dishes. You can stock it in
cooler temperature (50 to 55F) for
the flavor to develop further.
• Share and enjoy
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time18 minutes

• 2 lbs mussels tahong, cleaned
and boiled until the shells
• 1/2 cup butter softened
• 7 cloves garlic pounded and
• 1 cup quickmelt cheese grated

• Preheat oven to 375 degrees
• Combine butter and garlic then mix
• Remove the extra shell from the
mussel. Place some butter and
garlic mixture on the mussels using
a teaspoon or brush.
• Top the mussels with grated
quickmelt cheese.
• Arrange the mussels in a baking
tray lined with Aluminum foil.
• Bake for 15 to 18 minutes.
• Remove from the oven and transfer
to a serving plate.
• Serve as an appetizer dish. Share
and enjoy!
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time50 minute
• Clean the intestines well with
Ingredients running water.
• 2 lbs. pre-cleaned pork large • Boil water in a large pot.
intestines • Once the water starts to boil, add
• 5 tablespoons coarse rock salt the intestines. Boil for 15 minutes.
• 5 pieces dried bay leaves dahon Discard the water. Pour a clean
ng laurel batch of water on the pot. Boil
• 1 tablespoon whole peppercorn with the intestines for 15 to 20
minutes. Discard one more time.
• Water for boiling
• Pour the third batch of water in a
• 3 cups cooking oil
pot. Let boil. Add 3 tablespoons
rock salt, bay leaves, and
peppercorn. Continue to boil in
low to medium heat for 1 hour.
Remove the intestine and let cool.
• Cut the intestines crosswise into
small pieces. Rub the remaining
salt all over these and let it stay for
5 minutes.
• Heat the oil in a large pot. Once
the oil gets hot, deep-fry the
intestines until crispy.
• Remove the crispy intestines from
the pot and arrange in a serving

Serve with spicy vinegar. Share and

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time35 minutes
Ingredients • Prepare the chicken. Start to boil the
chicken by pouring 1 quart water on a
• 1 lb. boneless chicken breast
cooking pot over a stove top. Apply heat
• 1 lb elbow macaroni
and let boil. Add 1 teaspoon salt and put
• 1 1/2 cups Lady's Choice the chicken breasts into the pot. Cover and
Mayonnaise boil in medium heat for 22 minutes.
• 1 can pineapple chunks 20 oz Remove chicken from the pot. Let it cool
• 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese down. Manually shred into pieces and set
• 1 bottle pimiento 6.5 oz chopped aside.
• 1 cup carrot chopped • Prepare the macaroni by following package
• 1-piece green bell pepper chopped instructions. Boil 3 quarts water in a pot.
• 1 cup raisins Add 1 teaspoon salt. Pour the macaroni
• 1/4 cup sweet relish into the pot. Stir. Cover the pot and
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder continue to boil the macaroni in medium
heat for 9 minutes or until al dente. Make
• 3 teaspoons salt this will be used
sure to stir every 3 minutes to prevent the
when boiling chicken and
macaroni from sticking to each other.
macaroni, and as a seasoning
Drain the water. Set macaroni aside.
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
• Arrange Macaroni in a large mixing bowl.
• Water for boiling
Add shredded chicken. Toss.
• Put-in pineapple, pimiento, green bell
pepper, raisins, carrot, sweet relish, and
cheese. Toss until ingredients are blended.
• Add lady's Choice Mayonnaise and garlic
powder. Gently toss until well blended.
• Season with salt and ground black pepper.
• Serve! Share with the family and enjoy.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time12 minutes
Ingredients • In a bowl, combine the ground chicken,
garlic powder, onion powder, 1 piece egg,
• 1 lb. ground chicken
and bread crumbs, salt and ground black
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
pepper. Mix well. Set aside.
• 1 teaspoon onion powder
• Arrange the long green pepper in the middle
• ¼ teaspoon ground black
of the lumpia wrapper. Cover the pepper
with 1 to 2 tablespoons of the ground
• ½ teaspoon salt chicken mixture. Wrap the pepper and
• 1 cup bread crumbs chicken mixture. See this egg roll recipe
• 10 pieces long green video for guidance. However, you will only
pepper siling pansigang or need to cover one side completely; the side
finger peppers with the pepper stem should be open so that
• Lumpia wrappers part of the pepper will be visible.
• 1 cup Panko bread crumbs • Heat the cooking oil in a frying pan.
• 2 eggs • While the oil is being heated, beat an egg in
• 1 ½ cups cooking oil a wide bowl.
• Dip the wrapped lumpia in beaten egg then
roll over the Panko bread crumbs. Make sure
that the lumpia is fully coated with crumbs.
• Gently place each piece of lumpia on the
frying pan. Fry in low to medium heat for 5
to 6 minutes per side or until the color of the
outer part turns golden brown. Note: the oil
should be hot enough to fry the lumpia, but
not too hot to the point of quickly browning
the bread crumbs (250F is good enough).
Otherwise, there is a possibility that the
chicken will be somewhat raw.
• Transfer to a plate line with paper towels.
This will absorb the oil.
• Arrange in a serving plate.
Serve. Share and enjoy
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time3 minutes

• 1/2 lb medium to large
sized squid cleaned and
sliced into rings
• 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
• 1 piece raw egg beaten
• 3/4 cup breadcrumbs
• 1 teaspoon salt Instructions
• 1/2 teaspoon ground • Combine squid, salt, and ground
black pepper black pepper then mix well. Let
• 2 cups cooking oil stand for 10 minutes.
• Heat a cooking pot the pour-in
cooking oil.
• Dredge the squid in flour then dip in
beaten egg and roll over
• When the oil is hot enough, deep-fry
the squid until the color of the
coating turns brown. Note: This
should only take about 2 to 3
minutes in medium heat. Do not
overcook the squid.
• Remove the fried squid from the
cooking pot and transfer in a plate
lined with paper towels.
• Serve with sinamak or Asian dipping
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time12 minute

• 2 lbs. crablets cleaned
• 4 tablespoons gin or
sherry optional
• 1 cup cornstarch
• 1/2 tablespoon salt
• 2 teaspoons ground
black pepper
• 3 cups cooking oil
• Place the crablets in a bowl then
pour-in gin or sherry. Mix
• Sprinkle salt and ground black
pepper then mix well.
• Heat a frying pan or cooking pot
and pour-in cooking oil.
• Dredge the crablets in
cornstarch then deep fry until
the texture becomes crispy.
• Remove from the pan and place
in a plate lined with paper
• Once excess oil drips-off
completely, arrange in a serving
plate and serve with spicy
vinegar dip.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes

• 1 large bag blue tortilla chips
• 1 lb. fresh crab meat
• 1 cup whole kernel corn canned
• 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar
• 4 tablespoons cup green
onion chopped
Cheese sauce ingredients Instructions
• 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar • Prepare the cheese sauce by melting
cheese butter in a sauce pan.
• 1/4 cup all-purpose flour • Stir-in flour. Cook in medium heat
• 2 cups fresh milk while gently stirring for 1 minute.
• 1 10 oz. can chopped tomato with • Gradually pour water. Continue to
green chilies, drained stir until the texture becomes
• 1/4 cup butter smooth.
• 1/4 teaspoon salt • Add tomato with chilies, cheese,
• 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper salt, and cayenne pepper. Stir until
powder all ingredients are well blended. Set
• Preheat oven to 375F
• Arrange the blue corn tortilla chips
over a baking dish or tray.
Alternately arrange crab meat and
corn. Pour the cheese sauce over and
then top with cheddar cheese.
• Bake for 9 minutes.
• Remove from the oven and top with
green onion.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
• Combine the salt, garlic powder, onion
Ingredients powder, and ground black pepper in a bowl
mix well.
• 1 lb. thick tilapia fillet. each
• Rub the mixture all over the sliced tilapia
piece sliced lengthwise into
3 to 4 pieces
• Meanwhile, pour the oil in a deep cooking
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
pot. Turn-on the heat and start to heat-up
• 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
the oil.
• 1 teaspoon sea salt
• Dip the tilapia fillet in the bowl with beaten
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black egg then dredge the tilapia in Panko
pepper breadcrumbs. ake sure that the tilapia is well
• 2 eggs beaten coated. To save more breadcrumbs and for
• 1 cup Panko breadcrumbs better coating, you can place the
• 2 cups cooking oi breadcrumbs in a container with cover.
Simply put 2 to 3 pieces if tilapia fillet in the
container with breadcrumbs, cover it, and
then shake the container back and forth. You
will see that the tilapia will be coated
• Put the breaded tilapia into the hot oil and
start to deep fry the fish until the color turns
golden brown. Use medium heat in this step
• Remove the deep fried crispy tilapia sticks
from the cooking pot and place in a plate
lined with paper towel.This will absorb the
excess oil.
• Transfer the crispy tilapia sticks in a serving
plate and serve with a bowl of fresh ranch
dressing. You can also serve this with tartar
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time25 minutes
Ingredients • In a mixing bowl, combine the ground
• 2 lbs ground chicken chicken, shrimp, mushroom, carrots,
onion, chicken powder, ground black
• 3/4 cup minced shrimp
pepper, garlic powder, salt, sesame oil,
• 1/4 cup sesame oil
and egg. Mix well using a spatula.
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• Lay a piece of wonton wrapper in a
• 1 cup minced white mushroom
plate. Scoop about a tablespoon of
• 2 teaspoons chicken powder mixture and place it in the center of
• 1 large yellow onion minced the wrapper. Wrap the mixture by
• 1 cup minced carrots folding the sides until the meat
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black mixture is enclosed. Do this step until
pepper the mixture is consumed.
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder • Pour the water in a steamer. Bring it to
• 2 teaspoons salt a boil.
• 1 egg • Meanwhile, arrange the chicken siomai
• A pack of wonton wrappers in the steamer. Make sure that you
• 4 to 6 cups water grease the steamer using a cooking
spray or by rubbing with cooking oil.
This will prevent the wrapper from
• Steam the chicken siomai for 15 to 25
minutes. The time will depend on the
size of the siomai.
• Transfer to a serving plate. Serve with
your favorite dipping sauce and chili.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time18 minutes

• Melt butter in a pan.
• 2 1/2 lbs. mussels cleaned • Once the butter melts and starts to
• 2 cups white wine Pinot get hot, add the garlic. Continue to
Grigio cook in low to medium heat until
• 3 teaspoons minced garlic the garlic turns light brown. Do
• 1/4 cup butter not cook in high heat because the
• 1/4 teaspoon salt butter can get burnt.
• 1/4 cup chopped parsley • Pour-in the white wine. Let boil.
• 1 lime wedged Continue to cook and liquid
evaporate until it reduces to half.
• Add the mussels. Stir. Cover and
cook for 10 minutes in medium
• Add salt and chopped parsley. Stir.
Cook for 2 minutes.
• Transfer to a serving plate. Serve
with lime wedges.
• Share and enjoy
Prep Time8 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes

• Prepare the ground pork stuffing by
• 8 pieces long green pepper heating 3 tablespoons oil in a pan. Saute
• 4 ounces cheddar cheese garlic and onion until the latter softens.
• 8 pieces lumpia wrapper Add ground pork. Saute until medium
• 2 cups cooking oil brown. Season with salt and ground
black pepper. Remove from the pan and
Ground pork stuffing
put on a large bowl. Let it cool down.
• 6 ounces ground pork Beat 1 piece of egg and pour into the
• 1 piece onion minced cooked ground pork. Mix well. Set aside.
• 3 cloves garlic crushed and • Slice one side of the peppers lengthwise
minced all the way to the bottom. Remove the
• 1 piece egg seeds by gently scraping using a small
• 2 tablespoons cooking oil spoon or a butter knife. Set aside.
• Salt and ground black pepper • Slice the cheddar cheese into long pieces.
to taste Stuff individual slices of cheese into each
pepper. Sccop the cooked meat mixture
and stuff into the chili peppers. Make
sure that there is enough meat.
• Wrap the stuffed peppers in lumpia
• Heat 2 cups of oil in a pan. Fry each piece
of dynamite lumpia in medium heat for 2
minutes per side or until lumpia wrapper
turns golden brown. Note: you may fry
longer if needed.
• Remove from pan and place over a wire
rack. Let it cool down. Arrange in a
serving plate and then serve with your
favorite condiment.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes

• 1 lb. mussel meat meat Instructions
removed from the shell
• Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of salt and 1/2
• 1 cup water
teaspoon of ground black pepper
• 1/ 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
on the mussel meat. Mix well and
• 1/4 cup cornstarch then let it stand for 30 minutes.
• 2 medium eggs • Meanwhile, make the batter by
• 1 teaspoons garlic powder combining 3/4 cup flour,
• 1 teaspoon ground black cornstarch, eggs, water, garlic
pepper powder, and remaining salt and
• 3 teaspoon salt pepper in a medium bowl. Mix well
• 2 to 3 cups cooking oil until the texture becomes smooth.
• Heat the oil in a deep cooking pot.
• Dip the mussel meat in the batter
and then dredge in the remaining
flour. This will prevent the mussel
meat from sticking to each other.
• Deep fry the coated mussel meat in
medium heat until the color of the
coating turns golden brown.
• Serve with garlic sauce. Share and
Prep Time1 hour
Cook Time1 minute

• Combine lemon juice, salt,
• 10 ounces fresh or fresh garlic powder, ginger
frozen ahi tuna, cubed powder, and sugar. Mix
• Juice from 3 pieces lemon well.
• 6 pieces Thai chili chopped • Place the cubed ahi tuna
• 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder in a large bowl. Pour-in
• 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder the lemon mixture and
• 1/4 teaspoon granulated gently toss until all the
white sugar ingredients are well
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• Add the chopped chili and
• A dash of ground black
ground black pepper.
pepper optional
Gently toss. Cover and
place inside the fridge for
at least 1 hour.
• Serve chilled. Share and
F H and C R
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time7 minutes
Ingredients • Remove the dark ends of the sliced
• 8 slices bread
• Heat the cooking oil in a cooking pot.
• 4 ounces ham sliced into
• Place the bread slices in a zip lock
thick strips
bag. Flatten using a rolling pin.
• 3 ounces cheese sliced
• Spread mayonnaise on the flatten
into thick strips
piece of bread
• 1/4 cup pimento optional
• Arrange the ham, cheese, and
• 3/4 cup Panko
pimento strips on the bread. Roll the
bread until the filling is covered.
• 2 pieces eggs beaten
Secure with a toothpick.
• 2 cups cooking oil
• Dip the rolled bread in beaten egg.
• 1/2 cup mayonnaise
Place the Panko breadcrumbs in a
large Ziploc bag and then put the
dipped rolls in. Shake until
everything is covered with crumbs.
• Fry in low to medium heat until the
color turns golden brown (about 5 to
7 minutes).
• Arrange the fried rolls in a plate line
with paper towels.
• Serve as a snack or slice into pieces
and serve as an appetizer.

Share and enjoy!

Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time12 minutes Instructions

• Combine ground pork and

Ingredients longanisa. Add carrot, onion,
singkamas, and green onion. Season
• 1 ½ lb. ground pork with garlic powder, salt, and
• 2 pieces longanisa ground black pepper. Mix well.
• 1 piece Knorr Pork Cube • Grate a piece of Knorr Pork Cube
• 1 piece carrot minced using a cheese grater. Add egg. Mix
• ¾ cup green onion chopped until all ingredients are well
• ¾ cup singkamas minced blended.
• 1 piece onion minced • Scoop a tablespoon of mixture.
• ¼ teaspoon garlic powder Place it on a piece of lumpia
• 1 piece egg wrapper. Secure the filling by
• 1 ½ teaspoons salt wrapping. Note: see video below for
• ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
• Heat oil in a deep pot or deep fryer.
• 20 pieces lumpia wrapper
Deep-fry the lumpia for to 12
• 2 cups cooking oil
minutes using medium heat (320F).
• Once the lumpia turns golden
brown, remove from the fryer. Set
• Make the sweet and sour sauce by
combining sugar, ketchup, soy
sauce, and vinegar in a pot. Apply
heat and boil. Pour cornstarch and
water mixture. Stir until thick. Set
• Arrange the lumpia is a serving
plate. Serve with sweet and sour
sauce. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes


• 2 lbs. cooked shrimp head

and shell removed and
• 1 ½ cups mayonnaise
• ½ cup sour cream
• 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
• ¼ cup sugar Instructions
• 1 large red onion sliced
• In a mixing bowl, combine the
mayonnaise, sour cream, sugar,
• 1/3 cup dill lemon juice, salt, dill, and red
• ¼ tablespoon salt onions then mix thoroughly.
• Add the shrimps then muddle
up until the mixture covers
the shrimps.
• Cover the top of the bowl with
cling wrap then refrigerate
• Serve cold as an appetizer.
Share and enjoy!
(D F S W )
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes Instructions
• Prepare the filling by heating 2
tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan.
• Saute the onion. Add the shrimp and cook
• 2 cups chopped bottle for 1 minute.
gourd upo • Put-in the chopped upo. Put-in the garlic
• 10 pieces medium powder. Stir and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
shrimp shells and head • Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir.
removed, chopped
• Transfer to a plate. Let the temperature
• 1 medium yellow cool down.
onion minced
• Wrap the mixture in the wonton
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder wrapper. Do this by first lining the sides
• 2 cups cooking oil of the wrapper with beaten egg. Dip your
• 15 pieces square wonton finger into the beaten egg and run it
wrapper through the side of the wrapper. Scoop
• 1 egg beaten about a tablespoon of mixture and place it
• Salt and pepper to taste in the middle of the wrapper. Fold the
wrapper such that a triangular shape is
formed. Press the sides to seal. Do this
procedure until the entire mixture is
• Heat the remaining oil in a cooking pot.
• Deep fry the wontons with filings until
the color turns medium to golden brown.
Transfer to a serving plate. Serve!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes

• 1 12 oz. can tuna Instructions
• 2 medium red onions minced
• Prepare the tuna by draining the
• 1/4 cup chopped scallions liquid. You can place it in a cheese
• 1/2 cup crushed chicharon cloth and squeeze until the liquid
• 2 teaspoons soy sauce comes-out.
• 3 to 4 pieces Thai chili • Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan. Pan
pepper chopped fry the tuna until it turns light to
• 1/4 cup mayonnise medium brown.
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder • Add onion. Continue to saute until
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black the onion becomes soft.
pepper • Add scallions and chili pepper.
• 1/2 teaspoon salt Saute for 2 more minutes.
• 1 teaspoon butter • Season with garlic powder, ground
• 3 tablespoons cooking oil black pepper, and soy sauce. Stir
and cook for 1 minute.
• Add half of the chicharon and put
the mayonnaise into the pot. Mix
well. Set aside.
• Melt butter in sizzling plate (metal
plate), put the cooked tuna sisig on
the plate. Continue to cook for 30
seconds or until sizzling hot.
• Top with remaining chicharon.
Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes Instructions
Cook Time30 minutes
• Place the julienned papaya in a large bowl
Ingredients and combine 1/4 cup salt then mix until the
salt is well distributed.
• 3 to 4 lbs. green • Cover the bowl and place inside the
papaya julienned refrigerator overnight (the salt will
• 2 medium sized dehydrate the papaya).
carrots julienned • Place the julienned papaya in a colander or
• 1 large onion thinly sliced strainer then rinse with running water.
lengthwise • Using cheesecloth (or any cloth) as a
• 10 cloves garlic thinly sliced container, put the rinsed papaya inside the
• 2 tbsp whole peppercorn cloth and squeeze until all the liquid comes
• 1 large red bell pepper cut out.
into strips • Put the papaya back in the large bowl and
• 1 knob ginger cut into thin combine with carrots, garlic, ginger, onions,
strips whole peppercorn, bell pepper, and raisins
• 1/4 cup salt to dehydrate • Heat the saucepan and pour-in the vinegar
papaya and bring to a boil.
• 1 1/2 tsp salt for the brine or • Add the sugar and 1 1/2 tsp salt then stir until
syrup well diluted
• 2 cups white vinegar • Turn off the heat and allow the syrup to cool
• 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar down until temperature is low enough to
• 2 small boxes raisins handle.
• Place the combined vegetables and spices in a
sterilized airtight jar and pour-in the syrup
• Seal the jar and place inside the refrigerator
for a week (or 5 days minimum to achieve the
expected texture and flavor).
• Serve cold with fried dishes. Share and Enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time1 minute

Ingredients Instructions
• 2 salted duck eggs itlog • Slice the salted eggs in half.
na maalat • Scrape the egg white and yolk
• 2 medium plum then arrange in a bowl.
tomatoes cubed • Add the cubed tomatoes and
• 1 teaspoon fish sauce fish sauce. Mix well.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time1 minute

• ¼ lb. lato or sea grapes,
• In a bowl, combine vinegar,
salt, pepper, sugar, tomato,
• 1 large plum tomato cored and onion. Stir to mix.
and diced
• Add the lato or sea grapes.
• 1 medium red onion minced Toss. Let it stay for at last 10
• ¼ cup white vinegar minutes.
• 1/8 teaspoon ground black • Transfer to a serving bowl.
pepper Serve.
• ¼ teaspoon salt • Share and enjoy!
• ¼ teaspoon granulated
white sugar
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 minute

• 2 medium green Instructions
mangoes peeled and sliced into
cubes • Combine mango, onion, and
• 3 medium tomato cubed tomato in a bowl.
• 1 medium white or red • Pour calamansi or lime juice
onion cubed and then add shrimp paste.
• Juice from 1 lime or 2 pieces • Toss until all the ingredients
calamansi optional are well blended.
• 4 to 5 tablespoons shrimp • Top with more shrimp paste if
paste bagoong alamang desired.
• Serve with with your favorite
fried or grilled food.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes Instructions
• Wash the cucumber and pat dry.
• Thinly slice the cucumber
Ingredients crosswise. I prefer to use a
• 2 medium sized vegetable peeler for this step so
cucumbers that I can get the thinnest slice
• 1 teaspoon salt possible. You may also use a knife
• A dash of ground black if you prefer thicker slices. I did
pepper not peel the skin off but you may
• 1 small red onion sliced do so if preferred.
• Combine salt, ground black
• 1 tablespoon sugar
pepper, sugar, ginger, and vinegar
• 1 tablespoon ginger minc
ed then mix well. (You may also
• 1/4 cup apple cider include the cucumber right away
vinegar or white vinegar then mix everything together as
shown in the photo)
• Put-in the sliced cucumber and
onion. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
• Serve. Share and Enjoy
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes

• Heat-up the grill. Grill the eggplant,

Ingredients onion, and tomato. The onion and
tomato should only be grilled for 3
• 2 medium chinese eggplant
minutes per side, while the eggplant
• 1 medium plum
should be grilled longer until the
tomato sliced and half
inner part is fully cooked and soft.
• 1 medium yellow
This should take around 10 to 12
onion peeled and sliced in
minutes per side or more.
• 1/2 cup cane or white • Once the eggplant, tomato, and
vinegar onion are done, peel the skin from
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black the eggplant and slice. Slice the
pepper tomato and onion, as well. Arrange
• 1/2 teaspoon sugar in a serving plate.
• 1/4 teaspoon salt • Combine vinegar, sugar, salt, and
• 1/4 cup shrimp paste ground black pepper in a bowl. Stir.
Make sure that the salt and sugar
dissolves completely. Pour over the
tomato, eggplant, and onion.
• Serve with shrimp paste on the side.
• Share and enjoy
Prep Time30 minutes
Time10 minutes

• 1 bunch kangkong
blanched and Instructions
drained • Put everything in a bowl and
• 4 pcs medium toss until completely mixed.
tomatoes sliced • Serve with fried or grilled fish
• 1 pc medium and steamed rice.
onion chopped
• 4-5 tbsp shrimp
bagoong sautéed
Prep Time: 15 mins

• 1 packed cup
flaked tinapa Instructions
• 1 large tomato, • In a bowl combine all
seeded ingredients, toss and mix well
• 2 salted duck eggs , then serve
peeled and chopped
• 1 small white onion,
finely diced
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time4 minutes

Ingredients Instructions
• 1 bunch Chinese Kang • Pour water in a cooking pot and let
kong chopped into 5- boil.
inch pieces • Put-in kangkong and cook for 3 to
• 1/2 tablespoon sesame 4 minutes.
oil • Pour ice water and add ice cubes in
• 1/4 teaspoon fish a large bowl.
sauce patis • Transfer the vegetable from the
• 1/4 cup ginisang cooking pot to the large bowl with
bagoong cold water. Let it stay for 3
minutes. Drain.
• 4 to 6 cups water for
• Combine sesame oil and fish sauce.
Brush the kang kong leaves with
• 4 to 6 cups ice water this mixture.
• 12 pieces ice cubes • Transfer to a serving plate. Serve
• Cooking Procedure with bagoong.
• Share and enjoy!

INGREDIENTS 1. Prepare the sweet potato tops by
• 1 bundle sweet removing the hard stems and wash
• potato tops thoroughly.
• fish sauce or 2. In a pot, pour 1 cup of water and
bagoong isda to bring to a boil.
taste 3. Add the sweet potato tops and cook
for 3 minutes. Do not overcook.
• 5 pieces cherry
4. Remove the vegetable from hot
water and transfer in a bowl.
• 1 red onion
5. Was the tomatoes, cut into dices
• MSG (optional and add to the bowl.
6. Wash the onion and thinly slice, add
to the bowl.
7. Add a pinch of MSG if you like.
8. Serve with rice and fried fish. Enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
• Cut butter into cubes and freeze for about 1 hour. In a bowl,
Cook Time30 minutes whisk together flour, sugar and salt and chill in the refrigerator
for about 30 minutes.
Ingredients • Add butter to flour mixture. Cut the butter into the flour using
>>Filling: a pastry blender or by pinching the fat into the flour mixture
• 1 lb. ground beef 85% lean with hands. Work them together until resembling coarse
cornmeal with pea-like, butter-speckled pieces.
• 1/2 cup raisins
• Slowly drizzle water to flour-butter mixture and with hands,
• 1/2 cup green peas
mix until just combined. If the dough is too crumbly and does
• 1 small yellow onion minced
not hold together, add more water a tablespoon at a time. DO
• 1/2 cup beef broth
• 1 teaspoon salt DOUGH.
• 1/2 teaspoon paprika • Gently gather dough into a ball. Wrap with plastic wrap and
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black chill in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
pepper • Meanwhile, in a wide pan over medium heat, heat oil. Add
• 1 teaspoon granulated white onions and garlic and cook until softened.
sugar • Add ground beef and cook, breaking into pieces with the back
• 2 tablespoons cooking oil of the spoon, for about 6 to 8 minutes, or until no longer pink.
>>Dough: • Add tomato sauce and water and bring to a boil. Lower heat,
• 3 cups AP flour cover and simmer until meat is cooked.
• 1 cup cold unsalted • Add potatoes and carrots and cook until tender.
butter cut into 8 parts • Add green peas and raisins. Continue to cook until vegetables
• 1/2 teaspoon baking powder are heated through and liquid is reduced. Season with salt and
• 1/2 teaspoon salt pepper to taste.
• 3 tablespoons granulated • In a colander, drain meat filling and allow to cool completely.
white sugar • Divide pie crust into 12 balls. Place each ball between two
• 6 tablespoons ice cold water sheets of parchment paper and with a rolling pin, gently flatten
• 3 cups cooking oil for frying each ball into 5-inch diameter and 1/4-inch thickness.
• Using a round biscuit cutter or an inverted bowl, cut into
the dough by gently twisting to form circles with smooth
edges. Trim any excess dough.

• On a flat work surface, lay dough circle and spoon about a

heaping tablespoon of filling in the middle. Fold the bottom of
the dough over filling and with fingers, press edges firmly.
Using tines of a fork, press on sides of dough to firmly seal.
Repeat with remaining dough and filling.
• In a bowl, whisk together eggs, milk and salt.
• On a lightly greased baking sheet, arrange prepared empanadas
in a single layer and brush top with egg wash. Bake in a 375 F
oven for about 25 to 30 minutes or until lightly browned.
• Remove from oven and allow to slightly cool for about 1 to 2
minutes before removing from the baking sheet.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 minute
• Place the eggs in a bowl. Mash
using a fork.
Ingredients • Add mayonnaise, sugar, mustard
powder, onion powder, salt, and
• 6 hardboiled eggs
pepper. Fold until all the
• 1/4 cup mayonnaise ingredients are well blended.
• 1/4 cup sweet pickle relish • Add the sweet pickle relish. Fold
• 1 teaspoon white sugar once more until the pickles blends
• 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard with the other ingredients.
powder • Transfer in a container. Refrigerate
• 1/2 teaspoon onion powder for 1 hour, or you can use it
• 1/2 teaspoon salt immediately. Spread over your
• 1/8 teaspoon ground black favorite slice of bread.
pepper optional • Share. Share and enjoy
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
• Arrange the cheese, embutido,
• 2 slices white bread basil, and tomato over a slice of
• 3 slices pork white bread. Top with the
embutido Steamed Filipino remaining slice to form sandwich.
meatloaf • Melt half of the butter in medium-
• 2 slices of quick melt cheese sized pan.
• 3 pieces chopped fresh basil • Gently slide the sandwich in the
• 6 pieces grape tomato sliced pan. Cook one side in medium heat
in half lengthwise for 60 to 90 seconds or until it
• 3 tablespoons butter turns golden brown. Gently press
the sandwich with your spatula
while doing this.
• Slide the spatula under the
sandwich and lift it up high enough
to add the remaining butter to the
pan. Once the butter melts, turn
the sandwich over to cook the
other side until it turns golden
• Remove the sandwich from the
pan. Slice in half. Serve.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time12 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes


• 1 lb ground pork
• 2 teaspoons garlic powder
• 1/2 cup onion diced
• 1 tablespoon finely
chopped fresh basil
• 1 teaspoon olive oil
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon ground black
pepper Instructions
• 4 hamburger buns or
slices of loaf bread
• Combine all the ingredients
in a large mixing bowl. Mix
• Refrigerate for about an
• Scoop the mixture and then
form into patties.
• Grill each side for 5 minutes.
• Place the patty between the
bread slices.
• Serve with apple coleslaw.
Share and enjoy
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes


• 4 slices whole grain

• 6 teaspoons butter s
• 2 slices Swiss

• Heat a grill pan or skillet.
• Spread some butter on one side
of the sliced bread. Place the
buttered side directly on the
• Put one Swiss cheese slice over
the bread.
• Butter the second sliced bread.
Arrange the bread on top of the
cheese (buttered side on top).
• Flip the bread once the first
side browns. Let the other side
• Transfer to a serving plate.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Ingredients • Heat a nonstick frying pan.
• Spread half of the butter on one side of
• 2 slices of whole grain
the first bread slice.
• When the pan becomes hot, put in the
• 1 egg cooked over easy bread (buttered side down)
• 2 ounces sliced black • Arrange the cheese and ham on top of
forest ham the bread.
• 1 slice of Swiss or cheddar • Spread the remaining butter on the
cheese second bread slice. Top the second
• 2 tablespoons unsalted bread slice on the ham (buttered side
butter up). Let it cook for 1 to 2 minutes or
until the cheese melts.
• Flip the bread using a spatula to cook
the other side of the bread. Cook for 1
to 2 minutes.
• Remove the bread from the pan and
then place in a plate.
• Remove the second bread slice and
arrange the egg on top of the ham. Put
the second bread slice over the egg.
• Serve. Share and enjoy
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Ingredients • Prepare the pork burger patties
based on the recipe link above. Once
• 6 pieces hamburger buns
the burger patties are formed, heat a
• 6 singles cheddar cheese wide pan and then pour oil.
• Half the recipe for pork • Pan-fry the burger patties in
burger patties medium heat for 2 ½ minutes per
• 1 cup coleslaw side. Do this twice so that each side
• ½ cup mayonnaise is fried for around 5 minutes.
• 3 tablespoons cooking oil Remove from the pan and place in a
• Prepare the buns by spreading
mayonnaise on the inner part of
both sliced.
• Arrange the bottom slice of bun in a
plate and then top with cheese. Put
a piece of pork burger over the
cheese and then top coleslaw. Cover
with the top bun.
• Serve with ketchup. Share and
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time8 minutes

• Grease a frying pan with
cooking oil. Fry the Spam for
2 minutes per side. Set aside.
Ingredients • Place the bread slices in a
toaster. Toast for 2 minutes.
• 2 slices of Spam Lite
• Spread the mayonnaise on
• 2 bread slices or 1 French
one side of each bread slice.
bread Set one bread slice on a plate
• 1 egg cooked sunny side-up – side with mayonnaise
• 1 slice American cheese facing up. Put the American
• 1 teaspoon light mayonnaise cheese followed by the Spam
• 1 cup cooked crispy fries and egg. Top with the
remaining bread slice – side
• 1 teaspoon cooking oil
with mayonnaise facing
• Serve with Crispy French
• Share and enjoy!

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 5 minutes

• Combine the drained tuna, onion,

pickle relish, and mayonnaise in a
medium bowl. Gently mix the
Ingredients ingredients.
• Use a small teaspoon to taste the
• 10 ounces Albacore Tuna in
mixture. Add salt as needed. Mix
can, drained
• 1 medium yellow
• Arrange the cheese on top of one
onion minced
slice of bread. Top with 1/3 of the
• 4 to
tuna mixture. Place another slice of
5 tablespoons mayonnaise
cheese on top of the tuna mixture,
• 1 1/2 tablespoons sweet and then top with the second bread
pickle relish slice. Do this step until all 3
• 6 bread slices sandwiches are assembled.
• 6 thick slices Swiss cheese • Heat a skillet. Put one tuna
• salt to taste sandwich on the heated skillet and
let one side cook for 1 to 3 minutes
or until the cheese starts to melt.
Flip the sandwich to toast the other
• Remove the sandwich from the
skillet. Slice in half.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time1 minute

• 1 12 oz. can tuna, drained
• 1 small yellow
onion chopped
• 2 tablespoons sweet pickle
• 1 cup cup mayonnaise
• 1 teaspoon granulated white
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/8 teaspoon ground black

• Arrange the onion in a bowl.

Microwave for 30 seconds.
• Add the remaining ingredients
in the same bowl.
• Fold the ingredients until well
• Use as a sandwich spread
for Pandesal. Enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour

• 2 lbs pork belly • Combine the pork belly, soy

• 2 tablespoons garli sauce, and garlic then marinade
c minced or for at least 1 hour
crushed • Heat the pot and put-in the
• 5 pieces dried bay marinated pork belly then cook
leaves for a few minutes
• 4 tablespoons vine • Pour remaining marinade
gar including garlic.
• 1/2 cup soy sauce • Add water, whole pepper corn,
• 1 tablespoon peppe and dried bay leaves then bring
rcorn to a boil. Simmer for 40 minutes
• 2 cups water to 1 hour
• Salt to taste • Put-in the vinegar and simmer
for 12 to 15 minutes
• Add salt to taste
• Serve hot. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
• Arrange the pork belly in a wide and deep cooking
pot. Pour-in the water. Make sure that the pork
belly is fully submerged in water. Let boil.
• Once the water starts to boil, add the garlic, onion, 1
• 2 to 2 tablespoon salt, and whole black peppercorn.
1/2 lbs. whole pork Simmer for 30 to 40 minutes.
belly • Remove the boiled pork belly from the cooking pot
• 1 medium red and place in a plate. Let it cool to room temperature.
• Rub the remaining 1/2 tablespoon of salt all over the
boiled pork belly. Let is stay for 10 to 20 minutes.
• 1 tablespoon whole • Heat the cooking oil in a deep cooking pot. When
black peppercorn the oil gets hot, gently put-in the pork belly and
• 1 deep-fry in medium heat until the pork belly turns
1/2 tablespoons sal golden brown and the texture gets crispy. The oil
will splatter during this process, so be careful. Make
t sure that you do not cover the cooking pot
• 6 cloves crushed completely while deep frying. You can put a splatter
garlic guard on top of the cooking pot to control the oil.
• 4 to 6 cups water • Once the pork belly is golden brown and crispy,
remove it from the cooking pot and arrange in a
• 3 cups cooking oil plate lined with paper towel. Turn the stove off and
let the pork belly cool down to room temperature.
• When the pork belly cools down, heat-up the oil on
more time. Deep fry the same pork belly for the
second time in medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes or
until it gets extra crispy.
• Remove from the cooking pot and place in a plate
lined with paper towel. Let the towel absorb the
excess oil.
• Slice the pork bagnet into serving pieces and serve
with bagoong monamon (also known as bugguong
munamon) or even guinamos or bagoong Balayan.
Note: you can squeeze lemon or calamansi on the
bagoong to make it taste better.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time55 minute

• Combine ginger, garlic, onion, Thai

chili pepper, pork, and coconut
• 2 lbs. pork belly sliced s milk in a pan. Mix well. Cover the
into strips pan and turn the heat to on. Let the
• 2 cups coconut milk mixture boil.
• 2 cups coconut cream • Remove the cover. Stir. Add half of
• 1/2 cup shrimp the bagoong and pour around 1 cup
paste bagoong alamang of coconut cream and a cup of
• 4 cloves garlic crushed water. Stir and adjust the heat to
• 6 pieces Thai chili low. Cook until the sauce reduces
pepper chopped to a quarter (around 50 minutes).
• Add the remaining coconut cream
• 1 thumb ginger minced
and bagoong alamang (as needed).
• 1 piece onion chopped Also add the Serrano peppers.
• 1 pieces Serrano Continue cooking in low heat until
pepper sliced the sauce thickens (around
• 1 cup water optional • Transfer to a serving plate and
serve with warm rice.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time18 minutes • Combine beef, oyster sauce, Knorr
Liquid Seasoning, Sesame oil, cooking
wine, and sugar in a bowl. Mix well.
• 1 lb. beef sliced into thin pieces
Marinate beef for 15 minutes. Add
• 2 cups broccoli cut into florets
cornstarch and mix to blend with all
• 2 teaspoons ginger minced
the ingredients. Set aside.
• 2 cloves garlic minced
• Heat 2 tablespoons cooking oil in a
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch
cooking pot. Sauté ginger and garlic.
• 1/2 to 3/4 cups water optional
Add broccoli before the garlic starts
• ¼ cup cooking oil
to brown. Stir-fry for 1 to 2 minutes.
• Salt and ground black pepper to
Remove from the pot. Set aside.
• Pour the remaining oil into the pot.
Marinade ingredients: Add marinated beef once the oil gets
• 1/4 cup oyster sauce hot. Stir-fry until the beef browns.
• 1 tablespoon Knorr Liquid You can add water to tenderize the
Seasoning beef further. If water is added, let it
• 1/2 teaspoon Sesame boil and stir as it evaporates. Add salt
oil optional and ground black pepper to taste.
• 3 tablespoons cooking • Put the cooked broccoli into the pot
wine optional with the beef. Stir-fry for 3 minutes.
• 1 teaspoon granulated white • Transfer to a serving plate. Serve!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes

• 3 cloves garlic crushed

• 1 piece large onion sliced
• 2 lbs beef chuck cubed
• 8 ounces tomato sauce
• 1 cup water
• 3 tbsp cooking oil
• 1 slice lemon with rind
• 1 piece large potato cubed
• 1/4 cup soy sauce
• 1/2 tsp. ground black • Heat cooking oil in a pan then
pepper saute the garlic and onion.
• 2 pieces bay leaves laurel • Put-in the beef and saute for
• salt to taste about 3 minutes or until color
turns light brown
• Add the tomato sauce and
water then simmer until the
meat is tender. Add water as
needed. Note this can take 60 to
120 minutes depending on the
quality of the beef.
• Add the soy sauce, ground
black pepper, lemon rind, laurel
leaves, and salt then simmer
until excess liquid evaporates
• Put-in the potatoes and cook
until the potatoes are soft
• Place in a serving plate then
serve hot with rice. Share and
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 40 minutes

• Marinate beef in soy sauce, lemon

(or calamansi), and ground black
• 1 1/2 lbs beef sirloin thinly pepper for at least 1 hour. Note:
sliced marinate overnight for best result
• 5 tablespoons soy sauce • Heat the cooking oil in a pan then
• 4 pieces calamansi or 1-piece pan-fry half of the onions until the
lemon texture becomes soft. Set aside
• 1/2 tsp ground black pepper • Drain the marinade from the beef.
• 3 cloves garlic minced Set it aside. Pan-fry the beef on the
same pan where the onions were
• 3 pieces yellow onion sliced
fried for 1 minute per side. Remove
into rings from the pan. Set aside
• 4 tablespoons cooking oil • Add more oil if needed. Saute garlic
• 1 cup water and remaining raw onions until
• 1 pinch salt onion softens.
• Pour the remaining marinade and
water. Bring to a boil.
• Add beef. Cover the pan and
simmer until meat is tender. Note:
Add water as needed.
• Season with ground black pepper
and salt as needed. Top with pan-
fried onions.
• Transfer to a serving plate. Serve
hot. Share and Enjoy!
Prep Time12 hours
Cook Time15 minutes

• 1 1/2 lb beef
sirloin thinly sliced
• 5 tablespoons soy sauce
• 3 tbsp minced garlic or
1 tablespoon garlic • In a container, combine soy
powder sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, and
• 2 tbsp sugar sugar and mix well. Set aside
• 1/4 teaspoon salt • Place the beef in the clear
plastic bag
• 1/4 teaspoon ground
• Pour-in the the mixed
black pepper seasonings in the clear plastic
bag with meat and mix well
• Place inside the refrigerator and
marinate for a minimum of 12
• In a pan, place 1 cup water and
bring to a boil
• Add 3 tbsp of cooking oil
• Put-in the marinated beef tapa
and cook until the water
Prep Time1 hour
Cook Time18 minutes

• 2 lbs chicken cut into

serving pieces
• 2 tablespoons ginger minc
• 2 tablespoons garlic mince
• 3/4 cup lemongrass chopp
• 1 cup coconut vinegar
• 1/2 cup lemon or calamansi • In a freezer bag or large bowl,
juice combine chicken, lemongrass,
• 1 tablespoon salt salt, ground black pepper,
• 1/4 cup brown sugar ginger, garlic, brown sugar,
• 1 cup lemon soda softdrink vinegar, lemon-lime soda, and
lemon juice.
• 1/2 tablespoon ground
black pepper • Stir or shake the mixture until
every ingredient is well
• Basting Sauce:
incorporated. Marinade for 1
• 3 tablespoons annatto
to 3 hours.
oil atsuete oil
• In a bowl, combine margarine,
• 1/2 cup margarine softened
annatto oil, salt, and lemon
• 1/4 teaspoon salt juice then stir. Set aside.
• 1 teaspoon lemon or • Grill the chicken while
calamansi juice basting generous amount of
the margarine mixture.
• Transfer the grilled chicken to
a serving plate.
• Serve with sinamak. Share and
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes

• Pour water in a cooking pot then let

• Put-in dried bay leaves, whole
• 1 piece whole pig peppercorn, star anise, and 4
leg cleaned teaspoons of salt.
• 6 pieces dried bay leaves • Add the whole pig’s legs in the
cooking pot then simmer until the leg
• 2 tablespoons whole becomes tender (about 45 to 60
peppercorn minutes).
• 4 pieces star • Remove the tender leg from the
anise optional cooking pot and set aside until the
• 6 teaspoons salt temperature goes down.
• Rub the leg with garlic powder,
• 2 teaspoons ground black
ground black pepper, and remaining
pepper salt. Let stand for 15 minutes to absorb
• 2 teaspoons garlic the rub.
powder • Heat a clean large cooking pot
• 12 cups water (preferably with cover) and pour-in
cooking oil.
• 6 cups cooking oil
• When the oil becomes hot, deep fry
the rubbed pork leg. Continue cooking
in medium heat until one side becomes
crispy, and then cautiously flip the leg
to crisp the other side. Note: Be extra
careful in doing this procedure.
• Turn-off the heat; remove the crispy
pork leg; and transfer it to a wide
serving plate.
• Serve with atcharang papaya and soy
sauce – vinegar dipping sauce.
• Share and enjoy!

Prep Time 5 mins

Cooking Time 15 mins

• In a preheated pan with 2

tablespoons of oil, saute garlic
and dried alamang together.
When the alamang is crispy, set it
aside in a strainer to remove
excess oil.
• Beat eggs, then add salt,
pepper, kutsay, and half of the
cooked alamang. Set aside half of
the cooked alamang as a crunchy
• Preheat the frying pan with the
rest of the oil. Scoop 1/4 cup of the
mixture and fry until golden
brown and crisp. Cook 2 at a
time. Drain excess oil in a
• 1/2 cup oil, divided strainer.
• 80 grams alamang • Serve each piece with the
• 6 medium eggs remaining crispy
• 1/4 teaspoon salt dried alamang on top and the
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black mayonnaise on the side.
• 1/4 cup chinese chives
(kutsay), chopped
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes Instructions
• Combine chicken, pineapple juice
from the pineapple tidbits can, and
soy sauce in a bowl. Mix well.
• 2 lbs. chicken cut into Cover and refrigerate overnight.
serving pieces • Arrange a colander over a large
• 1 can pineapple tidbits 20 bowl. Pour the chicken mixture.
oz. Let the it stay for 10 minutes or
• 3 tablespoons brown until the marinade completely
sugar drips-off the chicken. Set the
• 1/4 cup soy sauce marinade aside.
• 1 piece onion chopped • Heat oil in a cooking pot. Pan-fry
• 4 cloves garlic crushed chicken for 2 to 3 minutes per side.
• 5 tablespoons cooking oil Remove from the pot. Set aside.
• Salt and ground black • Using the remaining oil, saute
pepper to taste onion and garlic until onion
• Add chicken pieces,. Pour
marinade. Let boil. Cover and cook
in low heat for 30 to 35 minutes.
Note: add water as needed.
• Add sugar and pineapple tidbits.
Stir. Cover and continue to cook
for 10 minutes.
• Season with salt and pepper.
• Transfer to a serving plate. Serve.
Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
• Heat oil in a wok or pan.
• Pan fry the shrimp for 1 minute per
side. Remove from the wok. Set
• 7 pieces shrimp cleaned and aside.
deveined • Saute onion. Add garlic and
• 3 ounces pork sliced continue to saute until the onion
• 3 ounces boneless chicken becomes soft.
breast sliced • Add pork and chicken. Stir fry
• 1 ½ cup cauliflower florets until light brown.
• 1 piece carrot sliced • Add soy sauce and oyster sauce.
crosswise into thin pieces Stir.
• 15 pieces snow peas • Pour water. Let boil. Cover and
• 8 pieces baby corn cook in medium heat for 15
• 1 piece red bell pepper sliced minutes.
into squares • Add cauliflower, carrots, bell
• 1 piece green bell peppers, snow peas, and young
pepper sliced into squares corn. Stir.
• 1 ½ cups cabbage chopped • Add cabbage. Toss. Cover and
cook for 5 to 7 minutes.
• 12 pieces quail eggs boiled
• Put the pan-fried shrimp into the
• 1 piece yellow onion sliced
pot and add ground black pepper.
• 4 cloves garlic crushed
• Add the boiled quail eggs and
• ¼ cup soy sauce
cornstarch diluted in water. Toss.
• 1 ½ tablespoons oyster sauce
• Transfer to a serving plate. Serve.
• ¾ cup water
• Share and enjoy!
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch dilut
ed in ½ cup water
• ¼ teaspoon ground black
• 3 tablespoons cooking oil
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes

• 2 lbs. pork
shoulder cubed
• 1 1/4 cups pork blood
• 1 piece Knorr Pork Cube
• 4 pieces long peppers
• 2 pieces onion chopped
• 6 cloves garlic minced
• 2 cups water • Heat oil in a cooking pot
• ¾ cup white vinegar • Saute onion for 30 seconds. Add
• 3 pieces dried bay leaves garlic. Continue to cook until
• 3 tablespoons cooking oil onion softens.
• 1 tablespoon granulated • Add pork. Saute for 3 to 5
white sugar minutes.
• Salt and ground black • Pour water. Let boil. Add bay
pepper to taste leaves and vinegar. Let the liquid
• Add Knorr Pork Cube. Stir. Cover
and simmer for 1 hour. Note: add
water as needed.
• Add long green peppers and pour
pork blood into the pot. Stir.
Continue to cook between low to
medium heat for 15 minutes while
stirring every 3 minutes.
• Add sugar and season with salt
and ground black pepper.
• Transfer to a serving bowl. Enjoy
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time2 hours 30 minutes

• 3 lbs oxtail cut in 2 inch slices you

an also use tripe or beef slices
• 1 piece small banana flower
bud sliced
• 1 bundle pechay or bok choy
• 1 bundle string beans cut into 2
inch slices
• 4 pieces eggplants sliced • In a large pot, bring the water to a
• 1 cup ground peanuts boil
• 1/2 cup peanut butter • Put in the oxtail followed by the
• 1/2 cup shrimp paste onions and simmer for 2.5 to 3 hrs or
• 34 Ounces water about 1 Liter until tender (35 minutes if using a
• 1/2 cup annatto seeds soaked in a pressure cooker)
cup of water • Once the meat is tender, add the
• 1/2 cup toasted ground rice ground peanuts, peanut butter, and
• 1 tbsp garlic minced coloring (water from the annatto
seed mixture) and simmer for 5 to 7
• 1 piece onion chopped
• salt and pepper
• Add the toasted ground rice and
simmer for 5 minutes
• On a separate pan, saute the garlic
then add the banana flower,
eggplant, and string beans and cook
for 5 minutes
• Transfer the cooked vegetables to
the large pot (where the rest of the
ingredients are)
• Add salt and pepper to taste
• Serve hot with shrimp paste. Enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes

• 1 lb. Apple snails kohol,
shell removed
• 1 large bunch fresh
• 2 cups coconut milk
• 6 pieces red chillies
• 1 medium onion sliced
• 4 cloves garlic crushed
and chopped
• 2 thumbs ginger sliced
• 1/4 cup shrimp paste • Heat the cooking oil in a cooking
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pot.
pepper • Once the oil gets hot, saute the
• 3 tablespoons cooking oil garlic and onion. Add the ginger
and continue to cook for 1 to 2
• Put the apple snails in the cooking
pot. Stir and cook for 2 minutes.
• Add the shrimp paste and chillies.
• Pour-in the coconut milk. Let boil.
Cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
• Add the ground black pepper and
spinach. Stir and cook for 5
minutes without covering.
• Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve
for pulutan or as a main dish with
warm white rice. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 10 minutes

• 3.5 oz taro leaves dried

• 6 cups coconut milk
• 2 cups coconut cream
• 1/2 cup shrimp
paste bagoong or balaw
• 1/2 lb. pork
shoulder thinly sliced
• 5 to 7 pieces red chilies
• 1 piece onion sliced • Combine the coconut milk, pork,
• 1/2 cup sliced ginger shrimp paste, ginger, onion, and garlic
in a cooking pot. Heat the pot and let
• 8 cloves garlic crushed
• Once the mixture starts to boil, gently
stir to mix the ingredients. Cover the
pot and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
Make sure to stir once in a while to
prevent the ingredients from sticking
on the bottom of the cooking pot.
• Add the dried taro leaves. Do not stir.
Let it stay until the leaves absorb the
coconut milk. This takes about 20 to 30
minutes. You can gently push the leaves
down so that it can absorb more
coconut milk.
• Once the leaves absorb the coconut
milk, stir the leaves and then continue
to cook for to 10 minutes.
• Pour the coconut cream into the
cooking pot. Add the red chilies. Stir.
Cook for 10 to 12 minutes.
• Transfer to a serving plate. Serve.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time30 minutes Instructions
Cook Time3 hours 45 minutes
• Rub 5 tablespoons Knorr SavorRich on the
s meat part of the pork. Spread evenly. Turn
the pork over and rub the remaining
• 5 lbs. pork belly whole slab
SavorRich and soy sauce on the skin of the
• 6 tablespoons Knorr
pork. Let it marinate for 30 minutes.
SavorRich Pork Seasoning
• Preheat oven to 350F.
• 1/2 cup soy sauce
• Chop the scallion, onion, and garlic. Crush
• 1 piece onion
the lemon grass and slice into pieces. Place
• 3 heads garlic
all the garlic and onion over the belly. Add
• 2 bunches scallions
scallion and lemongrass. Roll the belly and
• 3 stalks lemongrass secure by tying kitchen twine.
• 1/2 cup cooking oil • Rub oil all over the belly roll. Pour 4 cups
of water in a roasting pan and put
remaining scallions and lemongrass.
• 1 cup white vinegar
Arrange a roasting rack over the pan and
• 2 tablespoons soy sauce place the rolled belly on the rack. Roast for
• 1 piece red onion chopped 1 hour.
• 6 cloves garlic crushed and • Prepare the basting sauce by combining 2
chopped tablespoons soy sauce and ¼ cup oil. Mix
• ½ teaspoon white sugar well. Brush all over the pork.
• 1 tablespoon whole • Increase the heat to 360F. Continue to
peppercorn roast for another hour. Note: add more
• 6 pieces Thai chili chopped water on the pan if needed.
• Increase the heat to 370F. Brush with
basting sauce. Roast for 1 hour more.
• Increase heat to 400F. Continue to roast
until the skin gets very crispy. Remove
from the oven and let the pork belly cool
• Make the dipping sauce by combining all
the sauce ingredients as listed above.
Microwave for 30 seconds.
• Remove the twine from the belly roll and
chop into serving pieces. Serve with spicy
vinegar dip.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time12 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes
• Pour the water in a pan and bring to
a boil Add salt and pepper.
• 1 lb. pig ears • Put-in the pig’s ears and pork belly
• 1 1/2 lb pork belly then simmer for 40 minutes to 1 hour
(or until tender).
• 1 piece onion minced
• Remove the boiled ingredients from
• 3 tablespoons soy sauce
the pot then drain excess water
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black
pepper • Grill the boiled pig ears and pork
belly until done
• 1 knob ginger minced
• Chop the pig ears and pork belly into
fine pieces
• 3 tablespoons chili flakes
• In a wide pan, melt the butter or
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
margarine. Add the onions. Cook
• 1 piece lemon or 3 to 5 until onions are soft.
pieces calamansi
• Put-in the ginger and cook for 2
• ½ cup butter or margarine minutes
• ¼ lb chicken liver • Add the chicken liver. Crush the
• 6 cups water chicken liver while cooking it in the
• 3 tablespoons mayonnaise pan.
• 1/2 teaspoon salt • Add the chopped pig ears and pork
• 1 piece egg (optional) belly. Cook for 10 to 12 minutes
• Put-in the soy sauce, garlic powder,
and chili. Mix well
• Add salt and pepper to taste
• Put-in the mayonnaise and mix with
the other ingredients
• Transfer to a serving plate. Top with
chopped green onions and raw egg.
• Serve hot. Share and Enjoy (add the
lemon or calamansi before eating)
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes

• 1 lb pig ears
• 1 lb pork belly liempo
• 1 lb tofu extra firm tofu
• 1 1/2 cup white vinegar
• 1/4 cup soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon sugar
• 1 tablespoon salt
• 1 tablespoon whole
• 1 piece onion sliced
• 2 stalks scallions cut in 1/2 • Pour-in water in a pot and bring to a boil
inch length • Add salt and whole peppercorn
• 1/8 teaspoon ground black • Put-in the pig's ears and pork belly then
pepper simmer until tender (about 30 mins to 1
• 5 cups water hour)
• 2 cups cooking oil • Pour cooking oil on a separate pan and allow
to heat
• When the oil is hot enough, deep-fry the tofu
until color turns golden brown and outer
texture is somewhat crispy
• Cube the fried tofu and slice the boiled pig's
ears and pork belly into bite-sized pieces
then set aside
• Combine the sugar, salt, soy sauce, and
vinegar in bowl. Stir.
• Microwave for 1 minute.
• Add the ground black pepper, onions, green
onions, and chili pepper. Transfer the sauce
in a serving bowl.
• Place the sliced meat and tofu in a serving
plate with the bowl of sauce by the side
• Serve hot! Share and Enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour

• 2 lbs. pork
• 1/4 lb. pig liver
• 1 cup potatoes diced
• 1 piece carrot cubed
• 1/2 cup soy sauce
• 1/2 piece lemon
• 1 piece onion chopped
• 3 cloves garlic minced
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 3/4 cup tomato sauce
• 1 cup water • Combine pork, soysauce, and
• 4 pieces hotdogs sliced lemon in a bowl. Marinate for
diagonally at least 1 hour.
• 2 tablespoons cooking oil • Heat oil in a pan
• 2 to 3 pieces dried bay • Saute garlic and onion.
leaves • Add the marinated pork. Cook
• Salt and pepper to taste for 5 to 7 minutes.
• Pour in tomato sauce and
water and then add the bay
leaves.Let boil and simmer for
30 minutes to an hour
depending on the toughness of
the pork. Note: Add water as
• Add-in the liver and hot
dogs.Cook for 5 minutes.
• Put-in potatoes, carrots,
sugar,salt, and pepper. Stir and
cook for 8 to 12 minutes.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes

• Combine water and powdered gelatin

• 1 1/2 cup young then stir using a spoon.
coconut cut into • Add Buko Pandan flavoring then stir
until everything is evenly distributed.
• Heat a saucepan and pour-in the
• 5 ounces condensed mixture. Bring to a boil while
milk continuously stirring.
• 8 ounces Table • Turn off the heat and transfer the
cream or all-purpose mixture to a mold. Allow the
cream temperature to cool. The texture of the
mixture should be firm once cooled.
• 3 ounces powdered
You may also place this inside the
gelatin refrigerator for faster results (allow the
• 1 1/4 cups water temperature to go down before
• 6 drops Buko Pandan putting-in the refrigerator).
flavoring • Combine condensed milk, table cream,
sago pearls, and young coconut then
• 2 scoops vanilla ice
mix well. Allow the texture to thicken
cream optional by chilling in the refrigerator or freezer
• 1/2 cup sago for a few hours.
pearls cooked • Slice the firm gelatin into 1 inch cubes
(optional) then combine with the condensed
milk-cream-young coconut-sago
• Transfer to individual serving platters
or cups then top with a scoop of vanilla
• Serve for dessert. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes
• Prepare latik by boiling 2 cups coconut
milk in a saucepan. Adjust heat to
medium. Continue boiling while stirring
until texture thickens. Lower the heat
• 2 cups glutinous once oil becomes visible. Cook and stir
constantly until the color of the residue
rice washed
turns golden brown (note: latik is the
• 1 ½ cups water residue formed after boiling coconut
• 2 cups brown milk). Separate the oil from the latik
sugar using a strainer or filter paper. Set aside.
• 4 cups coconut • Start making the biko by combining
glutinous rice and water in a rice
cooker. Set the cooker to “cook” mode.
• ½ teaspoon salt Wait until the process is complete.
• 2 cups coconut • Boil 4 cups coconut milk in a cooking
milk pot for 7 minutes.
• Add brown sugar and salt. Stir.
• Add cooked rice. Stir until well
blended. Continue cooking while
stirring until rice absorbs the coconut
milk mixture completely.
• Line banana leaves over a baking tray.
Brush coconut oil over the leaves.
• Transfer biko into the tray once the
consistency becomes thick and sticky
(paste-like). Top with latik. Let it cool
down for at least 15 minutes.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes Instructions
• Preheat oven to 370F (188C).
• Combine glutionous and Jasmine rice
in a bowl. Pour water into it and let it
soak overnight.
• 1/4 cup glutinous
rice malagkit • Drain remaining water. Pour the
soaked rice into a food processor and
• 1/2 cup Jasmine rice
add coconut cream. Cover and turn
• 1 1/2 cup water the unit on. Continue until the mixure
• 1 1/4 cup coconut becomes smooth.
cream kakang gata • Add eggs, salt, sugar, baking powder,
• 3 eggs and 4 tablespoons of melted butter.
• 3/4 cup granulated white Cover and activate the food processor
sugar for 1 to 2 minutes or until all the
ingredients are well blended.
• 3 teaspoons baking powder
• Line a clean piece of pre-cut fresh
• 5 tablespoons butter melte banana leaf over a round baking pan
(9" diameter). Pour the mixture into
• 1/4 cup grated cheddar the pan. Bake in the oven for 35
cheese minutes.
• 1/2 teaspoon salt • Remove from the oven and let it cool
down. Tranfer to a plate. Brush the
remaining butter on top and sprinkle
with grated cheddar cheese (you can
also use shredded coconut).
• Serve with a cup of coffee. Share and
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes

• 4 cups young coconut buko,

• 6 ounces sugar palm
fruit kaong, drained
• 12 ounces coconut gel nata
de coco, drained
• 2 cans 15 ounces each fruit Instructions
cocktail, drained
• In a mixing bowl, combine
• 8 ounces pineapple
young coconut, kaong, nata de
chunks drained
coco, pineapple chunks, and
• 1 14 ounce can sweetened
fruit cocktail. Gently stir to
condensed milk
distribute the ingredients.
• 7 ounces table cream
• Add sweetened condensed
milk and table cream. Mix
until all the ingredients are
properly distributed.
• Refrigerate for at least 4 hours
or place in the freezer for 1
• Transfer to a serving bowl.
• Serve for dessert.
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes Instructions
• Combine egg whites and cream of tartar then beat
using an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
Ingredients • Make the meringue by gradually adding the
• 10 large raw granulated sugar while mixing the ingredients.
Continue mixing until the texture is semi-firm.
eggs yolks and
whites separated • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Place wax paper on top of a cookie sheet or large
• 1/2 teaspoon cream of
rectangular baking pan and grease the surface.
• Place the meringue on top of the greased wax paper
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
then spread evenly using a spatula.
• Bake the meringue for 20 to 22 minutes or until the
• 3/4 cup granulated
color of the top part turns light to medium brown.
• While the meringue is in the oven, make the filling by
• 3 tablespoons confect combining the egg yolks and condensed milk in a
ioners’ sugar small cooking pot. Apply heat and cook the mixture
• 14 ounces condensed while continuously stirring until the texture becomes
milk thick.
• Add the vanilla extract to the condensed milk and egg
yolk mixture, turn off the heat, and mix thoroughly.
Set aside.
• Remove the meringue from the oven and cool down
for a few minutes.
• Sprinkle the confectioners sugar on top of the
meringue then place wax paper on the top part of the
meringue followed by a similar sized baking pan or
tray. The meringue should now be in the middle of
two baking trays.
• Flip the meringue: the new cookie sheet/baking tray
placed on top should now be below. Remove the
baking tray and the wax paper (you should now see
the opposite side of the baked meringue) then spread
the filling (cooked egg yolks, condensed milk, and
vanilla extract mixture) over the meringue.
• Roll the meringue. Complete rolling side to side
starting at the longest side. Make sure that the layer
with filling is rolled inward.
• Transfer to a serving plate then serve.
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes

• 2 cups coconut milk

• 2/3 cups fresh milk
• 1 can 7.6 ounce table
cream (all-purpose
cream and heavy
whipping cream can be
• 1 cup sweet corn cream
• 6 tablespoons granulat
ed white sugar • Combine fresh milk, table
• 6 tablespoons cornstar cream, and cornstarch in a
ch bowl. Stir to mix. Set aside.
• 7 ounces 1/2 can • Heat the coconut milk in a pot.
condensed milk Let boil.
• ¼ cup latik • Add the sugar, condensed milk,
cream style sweet corn. Stir.
Add the cornstarch mixture
from step 1. Continue to cook
while stirring until the texture
thickens to a paste-like texture.
• Transfer the mixture to a mold.
Let it cool down. Refrigerate
for 1 hour.
• Top with latik.
• Slice into serving pieces.
• Serve. Share and enjoy
Prep:10 mins
Cook:10 mins
Additional:10 mins

• 1 cup sweet rice flour • . In a mixing bowl, combine sweet rice flour,
(glutinous rice flour can sweetened shredded coconut, and coconut milk.
be used as a substitute) Mix well until a dough is formed.
• 1 cup sweetened • 2. Scoop about a tablespoon and a half of the
shredded coconut mixture then form into a ball shaped figure. Set
• 3/4 cup coconut milk aside.
• 2 cups cooking oil • 3. Heat a cooking pot then pour-in cooking oil.
• 4. Deep fry the mixture that were formed into
balls in medium heat for 5 to7 minutes or until
• 1/4 cup brown sugar the color turns light to medium brown.
• 1/2 cup coconut milk • 5. Turn off heat and remove the balls from the
cooking pot. Transfer the balls to a plate lined
with paper towel. Set aside.
• 6. Start making the coating by heating a
saucepan and pouring the coconut milk in. Let
the coconut milk boil then add the brown sugar
and stir continuously until the mixture thickens.
Turn off heat.
• 7. Dip the fried balls into the coating then
skewer, if desired.
• 8. Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes

• 14 ounces sweet shredded

coconut or desiccated
• 1/2 cup butter • Place the butter in a big bowl and
• 1/2 cup brown sugar cream using a fork
• 3 pieces raw eggs • Add-in the brown sugar and mix well
• 14 ounces condensed milk • Add the eggs and condensed milk then
stir/beat until all ingredients are
• Put-in the Sweetened Shredded
Coconut and distribute evenly with
the other ingredient in the mixture
• In a mold (with paper cups if
possible), place 1 tablespoon of the
mixture on each of the cups
• Pre-heat oven at 370 degrees
Fahrenheit for 10 minutes
• Bake the Coconut Macaroon mixture
for 20 to 30 minutes or until color
turns golden brown.
• Serve during dessert or snack time.
Share and Enjoy!
Prep Time4 hours
Cook Time3 minutes

• 1 1/2 cup gelatin red,

yellow, and green jelly
cooked according to
package instructions and
• 1 1/4 cups whipping
cream • Het the pineapple juice in the
• 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice microwave oven for 35 seconds.
• Pour in a mixing bowl. Add the
• 1 can condensed milk 14
colorless unflavored gelatin. Stir
until the gelatin completely
• 4 packets unflavored dilutes in the juice.
gelatin colorless • Pour the whipping cream in the
bowl and then add the
condensed milk. Stir until well
• Add the colored jelly cubes. Stir.
• Pour the mixture in a Jelly mold
large enough to hold
• Refrigerate for 4 hours.
• Transfer to a plate. Slice and
• Share and enjoy!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time13 minutes

• Melt Chocolate chip using a double

boiler or chocolate melter.
• 2 cups all-purpose • Combine flour, salt, and baking powder
flour sifted in a large bowl. Mix well. Set aside.
• 1/2 cup canola oil • Combine sugar and cocoa powder in a
• 1 1/4 cup granulated sugar mixing bowl. Mix alltogether until well
• 4 pieces eggs distributed.Continue mixing while
• 1 tablespoon vanilla extract adding oil, vanilla extract, melted
• 5 ounces bitter sweet chocolate chips, and eggs. Note: Using a
chocolate chips stand mixer with paddle attachment is
• 1 cup unsweetened cocoa ideal for this task.
powder • Gradually add the flour mixture while
• 1/2 teaspoon salt mixing. Continue the process until all
• 2 teaspoons baking powder the ingredients are well distributed.
• 1 cup powdered sugar Cover the mixing bowl and refrigerate
for at least 4 hours.
• Preheat oven to 350F. Scoop a
tablespoon of chocolate mixture and
shape it into a ball using your hands.
Roll it over the powdered sugar until
completely coated. Arrange in a baking
tray lined with parchment paper.
Perform this step until the chocolate
mixture is completely consumed.
• Bake for 13 minutes.
• Remove from the oven and let it cool for
10 minutes.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes
• Create the crust by combining the flour, sugar, and salt
then mix well.
• Add the butter in the middle and mix using a pastry
• >>Pie Crust mixer.
• 2 1/2 cups all-purpose • Gradually pour the cold water while mixing the
flour ingredients. Continue mixing until all the ingredients
• 1 teaspoon salt are well incorporated.
• 1 cup unsalted • Gather the dough and mold it into a ball-shaped figure.
butter chilled and cut • Refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes to harden
into cubes the butter.
• 1/4 to 1/2 cup cold water • Sprinkle flour on a clean flat surface and flatten the
refrigerated dough using a rolling pin. The flattened
• 2 tablespoon granulated
dough should be wide enough to cover a 9 inch circular
baking pan.
• >>Filling • Arrange the flattened dough on top of the baking pan
• 1 3/4 cups evaporated and cut the extra edge using a pair of scissors.
milk • Refrigerate while doing the filling.
• 3 pieces raw eggs • Start making the filling by scalding the evaporated milk.
• 1 piece egg white This is done by heating it in the microwave oven for 2
separated from the yolk minutes.
• 1 teaspoon vanilla • In a large mixing bowl, combine the 3 raw eggs and the
extract separated egg yolk then whisk.
• 1 cup granulated sugar • Gradually add the granulated sugar while whisking.
• Put-in the vanilla extract then whisk until every
ingredient is properly distributed.
• Pour-in the scalded milk then mix thoroughly.
• Beat the separated egg white using an electric mixer
until it forms soft peaks.
• Fold the processed egg white in the milk-eggs-sugar
• Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Pour the filling mixture on the refrigerated pie crust.
• Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit then
lower the heat to 325 degrees Fahrenheit and continue
baking for 30 to 40 minutes.
• Remove the egg pie from the oven and let cool.
• Serve for dessert. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes

• 3 cups glutinous rice

flour toasted
• 1/2 cup sweet rice
flour toasted
• 2 cups sugar
• 3 cups coconut milk
• 1 1/2 cups grated
coconut toasted • In a cooking pot, pour-in the coconut
milk and bring to a boil.
• 1 tsp vanilla essence
• Add the sugar and stir continuously for
10 minutes.
• Put-in the toasted grated coconut and
cook for 5 minutes.
• Add the vanilla essence and toasted rice
flour and cook for 40 minutes to 1 hour
or until the mixture becomes really
thick while folding.
• Remove the mixture from the pot and
allow to cool down.
• Dust the toasted sweet rice flour in a
flat surface.
• Divide the mixture into parts and roll
over the dusted sweet rice flour until a
cylindrical shape is formed.
• Slice according to your preference.
• Put in a serving plate or wrap in paper
or banana leaf. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time1 minute

• Drain the fruit cocktail by pouring each

• 16 oz. 473 ml cold heavy can in a strainer. Set aside.
whipping cream • Prepare the whipping cream mixture by
• 7.6 oz. 225 ml table cream or pouring the heavy whipping cream in a
all purpose cream mixing bowl. Whisk in medium speed
• 2 15.25 oz. cans of fruit using an electric mixer. Set to high speed
cocktail after 2 minutes and continue to whisk
• 9 tablespoons condensed until soft peaks form (around 5 more
milk minutes).
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • Stir-in the table cream, condensed milk,
• 12 pieces Graham crackers and vanilla extract. Continue to whisk for
• 8 to 10 pieces Maraschino 1 to 2 minutes.
cherries • Arrange a layer of Graham crackers at the
• 3 tablespoons crushed bottom of a wide 8x8 baking pan.
Graham • Pour-in half of the whipping cream
mixture. Spread.
• Create another layer by adding half of the
fruit cocktail. Spread.
• Make another layer of Graham crackers.
Top with the remaining heavy cream
• Arrange the remaining fruit cocktail on
top and add some cherries.
• Sprinkle the crushed Graham on top.
• Refrigerate for 3 to 5 hours. Serve.
• Share and enjoy
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes

• 1 1/2 cups sweet

potatoes kamote, diced
• 1 cup taro roots gabi, diced
• 1 1/2 cups purple yam
• 1 1/4 cup plantains saging na
saba, diced
• 1 cup ripe jackfruit langka,
• 2 cups small tapioca
pearls cooked
• 12 to 20 pieces glutinous rice • Pour water in a large cooking pot and
balls bilo-bilo apply heat. Let boil.
• 1 cup granulated white sugar • Add 1 3/4 cups of coconut milk then
• 3 1/2 cups coconut milk wait until it re-boils.
• 2 cups water • Put-in the sweet potatoes, purple yam,
and taro roots and simmer for 8
• Pour-in the remaining coconut milk,
sugar, and glutinous rice balls then stir.
Simmer for 7 minutes.
• Add the plantains then cook for an
additional 2 minutes.
• Put-in the jack fruit and cook for 2
minutes more.
• Slowly slide-in the cooked tapioca
pearls then stir. Simmer for 1 minute.
• Turn off heat and transfer to a serving
• Serve either hot or cold. Share and
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time1 hour

• 1 1/2 cup rice flour

• 1/2 cup all-purpose
flour • In a mixing bowl, combine all
• 1 cup brown sugar the dry ingredients starting from
• 3 cups water the rice flour, all-purpose flour,
• 1 1/2 tsp lye water and brown sugar then mix all
• 2 tsp anatto seeds the ingredients.
• While mixing, add water
gradually and continue to mix
until all ingredients are
completely distributed.
• Add lye water and anatto water
(soak the anatto seed in 3 tbsp
water) then continue mixing.
• Place the mixture into individual
molds and steam for 40 minutes
to an hour.
• Serve with grated or shredder
coconut on top. Share and Enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes

• 1 lb sweet
potato sliced
crosswise about 1.5 cm
thick (Asian sweet
potato is preferred)
• 1 cup brown sugar
• 1 cup cooking oil
• Heat the pan and pour the
cooking oil.
• Let the cooking oil heat-up then
put-in the brown sugar.
• When the brown sugar floats,
put-in the sweet potato and fry
for 7 to 10 minutes. Flip the sweet
potato once in a while to allow
the sugar to stick.
• Remove the sweet potato from the
pan one after the other. You could
directly skewer the fried sweet
potatoes once removed from the
• Let it cool down for a few minutes
then serve. Share and Enjoy.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes

• Using all the eggs, separate the yolk from

the egg white (only egg yolks will be
• 10 pieces eggs used).
• 1 can condensed • Place the egg yolks in a big bowl then
milk (14 oz) beat them using a fork or an egg beater
• 1 cup fresh milk or • Add the condensed milk and mix
evaporated milk thoroughly
• 1 cup granulated sugar • Pour-in the fresh milk and Vanilla. Mix
• 1 teaspoon vanilla well
extract • Put the mold (llanera) on top of the stove
and heat using low fire
• Put-in the granulated sugar on the mold
and mix thoroughly until the solid sugar
turns into liquid (caramel) having a light
brown color. Note: Sometimes it is hard
to find a Llanera (Traditional flan mold)
depending on your location. I find it
more convenient to use individual Round
Pans in making leche flan.
• Spread the caramel (liquid sugar) evenly
on the flat side of the mold
• Wait for 5 minutes then pour the egg
yolk and milk mixture on the mold
• Cover the top of the mold using an
Aluminum foil
• Steam the mold with egg and milk
mixture for 30 to 35 minutes.
• After steaming, let the temperature cool
down then refrigerate
• Serve for dessert. Share and Enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes • Prepare the filling. Combine mango,
peaches, sugar, cinnamon powder, and
cornstarch in a bowl. Mix well. Set
• Flatten a slice of bread using a rolling
pin. Slice the flattened bread in half.
• 3 pieces mango ripe • Make a symmetrical fold and seal the
• 7 ounces peaches canne edges by rubbing water and then
d pressing against each other. Leave one
• 3 tablespoons brown side open.
sugar • Fill the pocket with enough peach-
• 1 teaspoon cornstarch mango filling. Seal. You now have your
• ¼ teaspoon cinnamon peach mango nuggets.
powder • Heat oil in a pot.
• 5 slices loaf bread • Beat eggs in a bow. Dip nuggets in egg
• 2 pieces eggs and then roll over bred crumbs until
• ½ cup Panko completely coated. You can press the
breadcrumbs crumbs lightly towards the nuggets to
• 1 ½ cups cooking oil ensure that it adheres well.
• Fry one side in medium heat until it
turns golden brown. Do the same to
the opposite side.
• Remove from the pot and place on a
plate lined with paper towel.
• Serve for dessert. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time2 days
Cook Time3 minutes
• Combine all types of rice in a large
mixing bowl. Pour water. Soak for 2
• 1 1/3 cups sticky purple days.
rice • Drain the water by pouring the
• 1 1/3 cups glutinous white contents of the bowl into a large sieve.
rice malagkit • Put the soaked rice in a large food
• 2/3 cup long grain purple processor. Start to grind the rice until it
rice becomes very fine. Note: It took me
• 6 cups water for soaking around 10 minutes to achieve this
the rice consistency.
• 3/4 cups muscovado • Fill your puto bumbong steamer with
sugar water halfway through. Apply heat and
• 1 1/2 cups freshly grated then let the water boil.
coconut • Meanwhile, fill each bumbong (bamboo
• 1/2 cup softened butter tube) with powdered rice. Note: Do not
compress the rice so that steam can
pass easily.
• Once the water starts to boil rapidly,
arrange each bamboo tube on the
steamer. Continue to cook until steam
comes out of the tube.
• Remove the tube from the steamer.
Arrange the contents over a piece of
banana leaf. Spread butter all over and
then top with freshly grated coconut
and muscovado sugar.
• Serve. Share and enjoy!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes

• 7 pieces egg yolks
• 1 can condensed
milk (14 oz.)
• 3 tablespoons butter
• 5 tablespoons choppe
d walnuts or peanuts Instructions
• Combine egg yolks and condensed
milk. Mix well.
• Add chopped walnuts. Whisk until
well blended.
• Melt butter in a cooking pot or pan.
Pour the egg yolk mistuxe into the
• Continue to cook until the
consistency becomes very thick to
the point that it can easily form a
shape when molded.
• Transfer the mixture to a bowl. Let it
cool down.
• Cut the cellophane into 3x3 inch
pieces. Scoop 1 tablespoons of
mixture and place at the middle of
the cellophane. Wrap the yema while
molding to form a pyramid shape
piece (note: watch the video for
details). Continue to wrap the yema
until all the mixture are consumed.
• Serve. Share and enjoy.

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