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Non-traditional Views on the Days of Genesis 1

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Non-traditional Views on the Days of Genesis 1


Many scientists claim to believe in the bible. There are many positions with a non-

traditional view on Christianity; first, some Christians have a symbolic interpretation of the bible

and think that the seven-day creation account does not mean precisely seven days (Mortenson et

al. 2011)1. Hasel tries to interpret Genesis 1 to a literal genre; he states that this approach intends

to limit the meaning of Genesis 1 to a form that does not demand any accurate reading of what

happened earlier. He concluded that there is no relation in Genesis 1's literal genre after

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reviewing different genres presented by Genesis 1 (Longman 2015, 98)2. Theology got inspired

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by early poets such as Home and Hesiod. Theology originated along with philosophers who

prospered before Socrates' time; these philosophers were of ancient Greece. The pre-Socrates
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had questions about the ultimate nature of the universe and its origin. Yom has various

translations, and it depends on the situation it is being used together with other words in a
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sentence. Creation week is viewed as when God created all that exists; two processes took place
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at the time of creation, first says creation was in six days, and the seventh God rested; the

timeline of the second lacks a clear outline. The non-traditional view does not claim the timing of
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creation. There are many positions which a non-traditional Christian chooses; first, some

Christians have a symbolic interpretation of the bible and believe that the seven days creation

account does not mean precisely seven days.


1 Mortenson, Terry. “Young-Earth Creationist View Summarized And Defended.” Answers Research Journal. (2011).

2 Longman, Tremper. How to Read Genesis. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2015.

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Overview of [Non-traditional View]

Theology is derived from the Latin word theologia (the study of God or gods), which is

driven from theos, meaning God, and logos, which is a reason. Theology originated along with

philosophers who prospered before Socrates' time; these philosophers were of ancient Greece.

Theology was inspired by early poets such as Home and Hesiod. The pre-Socrates had questions

about the ultimate nature of the universe and its origin. Theological ideas become quickly

accepted by Christians (Kulikovsky et al. 2005)3.

Days which is translated to yom in Hebrew, relates to the time concept. Yom is not only

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for days but also for time. The translation of yom depends on the situation it is being used

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together with other words in a sentence. The day is used the same way in the English language,

for example “cars did not speed, in my grandfather’s day.” When yom was first used (Gen. 1:4-
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5), it meant daily dark/light cycle of night and day. Creationist Gleason accurately gives a

different definition of yom. It can mean; light period – as compared to the period of darkness, the
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period of 24 hours, a vague time, a year, and a period of time. Holladay in Hebrew-English
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Lexicon describes yom in relation to Genesis 1 as a twenty-four-hour day.

According to Biblical literalists, Creation week says that it is when God created all that
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exists. Genesis outline that two processes took place, the first process is when creation took six

days, and the seventh declared a day to rest. The second version has no timescale, as Biblical

literalists demonstrate (Humphrey et al. 2007)4. The creation story has created many stories, and

it is the most known is how God could create the world in six days.

3 Kulikovsky, Andrew. “How Could Adam Have Named All the Animals in a Single Day?” Answers Research Journal. 27, no.
4 Humphrey, Francis. “The meaning of yôm in Genesis 1:1–2:4.” Journal of Creation. 21, no. 2(2007)52-55.

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The non-traditional view does not claim the timing of creation or require ancient earth in

history. There are many positions which a non-traditional Christian chooses; first, some

Christians have a symbolic interpretation of the bible and believe that the seven days creation

account does not mean precisely seven days. Instead, they argue that the numbers in the bible are

often symbolic. They argue that the creation account was meant to portray perfection connected

to number 7 in the bible and not precisely seven days.

Response to [Non-traditional View]

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Fischer stated any intellectual person who would look at the scriptural evidence should

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conclude that a day was not intended to be 24 hours in God's creation. Norman also stated an

exciting statement; there are many signs in the Bible that the days were not literal. Several
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arguments have been raised to discover the non-literal position in the scripture (Walton and John

2015, 170)5. Hasel tries to interpret Genesis 1 to a literal genre; he states that this approach
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intends to limit the meaning of Genesis 1 to a form that does not demand any accurate reading of
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what happened earlier. He concluded that there is no relation in Genesis 1's literal genre after

reviewing different genres presented by Genesis 1. When Gen 1 is compared to the hymns,
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parables, poems, cultic liturgies of the Bible, he concludes, it proves to be none of theseYEC has

stated that their view is rooted in ancient citing, Judaism, as explained by Ibn Ezra between 1089

– 1164, comment on Genesis. Shai cherry notes that recent Jewish theologians have rejected such

literal interpretation in the written text. Some Jewish supporters agree with scientific evidence

that the earth is old, even if they disagree with some scientific findings.

5 Walton, John H. The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. Westmont: InterVarsity
Press, 2010. <>.

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The chronology that was accepted traced creation back to 4004 BC; this is because it was

printed in the King James Bible. The youngest recorded date with the Christian tradition of

creation is 3616BC, while the oldest was 6984. many early Jewish participated in Genesis's

allegorical interpretation, which included Philo. Some reformers like Martin Luther and John

Calvin were inclined by Protestant reformation hermeneutic, which is not a good thing to do. The

support that earth was created a long time ago is declining rapidly among philosophers and

scientists as from the 18th century due to the development of the Age of Enlightenment and

scientific revolution. Peter Enns in his book, “The Evolution of ADAM” suggested various

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options one of which was that the need to rethink Genesis and Paul. He goes on to state that we

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need to re-evaluate what we might expect from Genesis, since this will help individuals think

artificially about how evolution and Christianity can be in dialogue. He added, the reason why he
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wrote the book is to present one way of pressing the need for a dialogue for those who are

interested in such exercise. Peter in the book states that what is making Christians to contemplate
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rethinking some important issues is the state of scientific knowledge.

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Days which is translated to yom in Hebrew, relates to the time concept. Yom is not only

for days or days but also for time. The translation of yom depends on the situation; it is being

used together with other words in a sentence. Theology originated along with philosophers who

prospered before Socrates' time; these philosophers were of ancient Greece. According to

Biblical literalists, Creation week says that it is when God created all that exists. The creation

story has created many stories, and it is the most known is how God could create the world in six

days. The chronology that was accepted traced creation back to 4004 BC; this is because it was

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printed in the King James Bible. The youngest recorded date with the Christian tradition of

creation is 3616BC, while the oldest was 6984. Some reformers like Martin Luther and John

Calvin were inclined by Protestant reformation hermeneutic, which is not a good thing to do.

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Reference List

Kulikovsky, Andrew. “How Could Adam Have Named All the Animals in a Single Day?”
Answers Research Journal. 27, no. 3(2005)27-28.

Humphrey, Francis. “The meaning of yôm in Genesis 1:1–2:4.” Journal of Creation. 21, no.

Mortenson, Terry. “Young-Earth Creationist View Summarized And Defended.” Answers

Research Journal. (2011).

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Longman, Tremper. How to Read Genesis. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2015.

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Walton, John H. The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate.
Westmont: InterVarsity Press, 2010.
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