Ethical Frameworks Rights and Duties Maximising The Amount of Good in The World Making Decisions For Yourself Leading A Virtuous Life

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Rights and duties Maximising the amount of good in Making decisions for yourself Leading a virtuous life
the world
Certain human rights should This a simple ethical framework. Humans can make their own This is probably the oldest
always be permitted, according Truth should be told, because lies decisions. In the past, doctors told framework. Good life consists of
to many people. The right to life, can make people very unhappy. patients what was best for them. acting virtuously. People always
the right to a fair trial and the However, telling a truth can bring Nowadays, patients can act consider the virtues people need to
about more unhappiness. autonomously and make up their have for professionals that they rely
right to freedom of speech. Some
Sometimes a white lie may be own minds about things. You will on, such as, teachers, doctors,
countries include these rights in
needed in order not to hurt the need to give written permission for hairdressers, etc.
their constitutions. feelings of people close to you. If a surgeon to perform an operation The seven virtues traditionally are:
Rights come with duties. As a you do not like the present you on you, after you have made an justice, prudence, temperance,
parent (or pet owner) one has were given, and you were asked informed decision. fortitude, faith, hope and charity.
the duty to feed, wash, protect whether you liked it, you would One, can autonomously decide to What virtues might you like to see in
etc, a baby or a pet. The parent probably resort to telling a white lie. be selfish. A utilitarian may argue a teacher, doctor, parent, husband?
can be prosecuted if these This ethical approach is called that pros and cons should be
responsibilities are not carried utilitarianism. People who use this considered to establish that being
out. ethical framework do not have selfish has outweighing benefits
Who dishes out the rights? Some moral absolutes and will probably than costs. Only if benefits outweigh
never say that something is always costs would autonomy be desired.
think that they come with their
right or always wrong. Keeping a But, someone who believes in rights
religion teachings (i.e. the ten
promise, which is normally the right and duties may argue that
commandments). thing to do, under certain autonomy is a right for anyone if the
Many modern people in circumstances it may be wrong. duty to take account of the effect on
developed countries are non- Something which is normally wrong, others is considered.
believers. For them, rights are in other circumstances may be the Can everybody decide for
social conventions built up over right thing to do. him/herself? Not really since people
thousands of years. Being a part with dementia, for example, cannot
of such a society one must abide give informed consent. In these
by these rights. situations, someone may be
appointed to make decisions for

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