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My most memorable experience is the day I loss one of the person’s I truly look up to, my
Lolo whom I call daddy. It was
October 21, 2015, exactly a month
before his birthday, I was at school
and it was our periodical exam
when he was rushed in the
hospital. My sister is calling me to
go and visit him but I was so
hesitant because I can’t stand
seeing him in pain and I can’t just
leave my exam. It was already
lunch when my sister called me
again and told me the news I never
wanted to hear, my lolo just passed
away. I froze, I couldn’t digest
whatever my sister is saying, my
tears started to fall down, my body
weakens and slowly, my heart is
like being torn little by little, I just
loss my number one supporter and

I’ve grown up without a father but that doesn’t affected me that much because I have my
grandfather who stand as my own father and who is always been by my side since I was a baby.
He never made me feel incomplete, he filled the missing piece in my heart with love and care that
a father could ever give. He made my life extra special, yes he is a very strict person that
sometimes it annoys me but he always pushes me to do what I want and explore things that I can
do. He protects me from my enemy and always defend me specially when me and my mom is not
in good terms. I still remember how he always fetch me up even if its late at night just to make sure
I’ll get home safe, we always do jogging early in the morning, and the memory of me sitting on his
lap like he was my Santa Claus.

He always wanted me to study in University of the Philippines since he graduated there, I still
remember how he talked to me privately when I passed the entrance exam for Regional High
School, he told me that I should study there so I have advantage and can get more chance to
study in UP. He even promised me that he would give everything I want and would always visit me
there but I declined him because I was too young at that time. But I still tried my best to study hard
and excel in academics, and it became our dream, a dream we always look forward to but I wasn’t
able to pass the UPCAT though I was open for reconsideration. I wasn’t able to achieve our dream
but I still tried my best to make him happy even if he’s gone by enrolling in engineering school, and
look at me now dad I’m 2 steps closer to becoming an engineer.
My Lolo is such a selfless person that he couldn’t even buy things for his own, I still
remember how he really wanted to have a Rolex watch but didn’t bought one even if he can afford
it. He always prioritizes our needs, the needs of his family because he wants nothing but the best
for us. Even if he is already gone for 5 years, the pain of losing him was still in my heart.
Sometimes I still blame myself because the night before he was rushed to the hospital I prayed to
God that all of the illness and pain he is feeling would end and God did really answer my prayer
but in a way I never expected. How I wish I could still see him and hug him again even for a short
time, but that is too impossible. He may be gone physically but he will forever remain in my heart, I
will continue pursuing our dream, make him proud and buy the Rolex watch he really wanted even

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