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Re-Test - OBE (Trimester-III) PGDM Batch 20-22

Course Code: CC306 Course: Research Methodology

Date: 09/08/2021 Marks: 60 Duration: 3 hours

Question-1 (12 Marks)

Read the case lets below and answer the question that follows:

a. The Chinese Chilly Fast Food Restaurant is dedicated to improving customer satisfaction specially the
youngsters through their wide variety of vegetarian food, food quality, ambience and the service quality that they
believe in providing to their customers. They want to conduct a research to know whether the youngsters are
satisfied from their services or not and want to know more suggestions to enhance the same.
b. You are the Human resource manager with MNX Pvt ltd. MNX has recently taken over a major unit in Pune.
You are sent on a posting there and are given the task of introducing a new performance appraisal system which
your parent organisation feels will motivate the employees. But you perceive during your stay that there is a major
unrest amongst the employees regarding the appraisal system and now it is essential to gauge their view and
opinion before introducing the new system.
Q. No. Question Marks CO BL PO
Given the two case lets, apply the fundamental concepts to
determine the:
(i) Research Questions (any 2)
1. 6+6 = 12 CO1 L3 PO1,2,4,6,7
(ii) Research Problem
Illustrate the strength of your choice by giving reasons in

Question-2 (12 Marks)

Answer the following question.
You are employed by the product manager of Tasty Treat
Foods Ltd. who wants to know the preference of customers
towards company's frozen vegetables. The customers of the
frozen vegetables are mostly working women.
Determine the following research components:
2. 1. Research Method 3*4=12 CO2 L3 PO1,2,4,6,7
2. Research Approach
3. Objectives(two in number)
Illustrate the strength of your choice by giving strong
reasons in support.

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Question-3 (6 Marks)
Read the case let below and answer the question that follows:

Cosmetic Limited
Cosmetics Limited is a company manufacturing several cosmetic products. It is interested to know the attitude of
consumers towards cosmetic products in general and its own products in particular. In addition, it would like to
know the amount of expenditure incurred on different items of cosmetics by households. It feels that such
information would be extremely helpful in improving its existing products as also in bringing new products into
the market.
The marketing manager of Cosmetics Limited has approached you to help him in the preparation of a sampling
plan in this connection.

Analyze the situation above and specify

(i) Population (ii) Sampling frame and (iii) sampling
3. 6 CO3 L4 PO1,2,4,6,7
method. Render appropriate reasons in support of your

Question-4 to 6 (18 Marks)

Answer the following questions.

How would you phrase the question to know the attitude of

consumers towards cosmetic products in each of the
following measurement scales:
4. a) Likert Scale 6 CO3 L3 PO1,2,4,6,7
b) Multiple Choice Scale
Apply the concepts of scaling techniques to frame
appropriate close ended questions.

A huge Jewelry showroom was set up in Jodhpur about a

year ago. The owner of this showroom wanted to know
about the satisfaction of its shoppers. For this purpose, he
5. 8 CO4 L4 PO1,2,4,6,7
decided to conduct a study on shoppers. Outline the
questions of an unstructured interview format to register
various aspects relating to the shoppers’ satisfaction.

A leading hospital located in Delhi is interested to know

what the doctors feel about the quality of services available
in the hospital. Assume that the administrating management
approached you for doing a research on this. Which data
6. collection technique will you use here to collect the service 4 CO4 L4 PO1,2,4,6,7
feedback of the Hospital? Why do you think this tool should
be used? Analyze the appropriateness of the data collection
tool chosen by you by bringing reasons in support of your

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Question-7 (12 Marks)
Answer the following question.
Given the testing output obtained after applying chi square test on two variables to test the hypothesis.
Here, the dependent variable is: Information security
And independent variable is: gender

Gender * Do you feel secure to share your information online? Cross tabulation
Do you feel secure to share your information
online? Total
yes no
male 12 10 22
female 6 21 27
Total 18 31 49
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value df
(2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5.450a 1 .020
Continuity Correctionb 4.148 1 .042
Likelihood Ratio 5.517 1 .019
Fisher's Exact Test .036 .021
5.339 1 .021
N of Valid Cases 49
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.08.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table
Analyze both the above output in detail and report the 4+4+4=
7. CO5 L4 PO1,2,4,6,7
Results. Also, outline the hypothesis for this test. 12


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