The Flying Drones: Beyond Maa NHS Teachers' Myopic Visions

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The Flying Drones: Beyond Maa NHS Teachers’ Myopic Visions

Teachers of Maa National High School today are left with the challenging "new
normal" that defines their profession. It is time for the rest of us to stop looking back and
instead embrace their new normal and all of its promise as a way to finally restore our
Alma Mater educational system to an elite status.
Our teachers are our future, and their expertise and unwavering dedication to
their profession will be the difference in the lives of each children for generations to
come. They build a relationship while maintaining high standards and expectations for
all of their students regardless of differing learning styles or backgrounds. We are now
in a midst of a pandemic but they are still doing their jobs to pursue and give accessible
education to all.
Our teachers are our real heroes whom give us courage yesterday, and today
they give us strengths to carry on. In addition, they also have the ability to save the
world from being wild, dull and ignorant by just using their superpowers – their “brains
and good characteristics” that inspires everyone to dream more. Even though they do
not have the ability to fly but our teachers are like flying drones in which their lectures
and teaching could travel miles away and could even reach on the other side of the
globe; changing greatly the lives of some people living in a particular place. Despite all
of the education barriers that may hamper in doing their duties, they still assure that
every student can access a better quality education – it may be online or modular
learning schemes. They are our great heroes in this world – they are our “TEACHERS”.
It is really frustrating not being able to do anything to stop it – this pandemic
outbreak, that seems just like in a warp speed setting before us that will turn to be one
of our nightmares, but through the sacrificial efforts and imagination, teachers inspire
students to reach out and move beyond their horizons. Good teaching results in
ensuring that we, as a society, have knowledgeable and forward looking citizens who
can assume the mantle of leadership in the future.
Our teachers in Maa National High School has taught us to see a bigger picture
ahead, and live life to the fullest. They encourage us students to learn fortitude in life
and see wider horizons on the other side. They value hard work, pursue excellence
while leaving a legacy that provides a good foundation to our own life quests. Their
guts and enthusiasm, their dreams and unending visions, their smiles and openness
bear their trademarks as professionals of great courage!
To my fellow students, we may not be able to change the happenings in the
outside world but we can start within us and I know that everyone can do the same thing
that our teachers do - which is to continue! . People only considered it as a single step.
But I highly believe that a single step may lead into a journey of a new chapter of
something wonderful. Learners as we are, we carry in us the seeds of a bright
tomorrow. From us comes the promise that one day the sun will rise again to a new and
more beautiful Maa National High School with the aides of our teachers’ visions beyond
their own myopias.

Written by:
Joricel Tarnate

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