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3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Milwakuee, USA 19-22 Oct 2014

Predicting probabilistic wind power generation using

nonparametric techniques

Soraida Aguilar *, Reinaldo Castro Souza José Francisco Pensanha

Department of Electrical Engineering Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro State University
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Abstract— Wind power is becoming one of the most interesting forecasts different lead times. The technical literature reports
and promising alternative for clean generation of electrical that point forecasts, which is a deterministic forecasts, is the
energy. The incorporation of this alternative source of energy major approach employed [1]. However, this kind of
within existing electric power system generates a series of prediction has an important shortcoming, because information
challenges for their optimal operation. For such, reliable and
about any deviation from the predicted values is not provided,
accurate wind energy forecasting is required. A great deal of
literature has been dedicated to this task, the majority of them limiting its use in decision-making processes. For that reason,
departures from point forecasts to the wind speed which probabilistic forecasting has become increasingly more
produces the corresponding energy point forecast using the plant attractive option, due to a probability density function (pdf)
wind power curve. Such methods do not take into account the gives the necessary flexibility for several decision-making
uncertainty associated with wind speed. This paper proposes an problems, allowing the incorporation of such uncertainty, for
alternative approach to generate wind energy forecasts, by instance, finding the optimal forecast quantile to bid into the
developing a full probabilistic density forecast for the wind electricity market. Other application is to the system operators,
power for each wind speed predicted by time series methods for since the pdf representation set the required operating reserve
each lead time, using Double Seasonal Holt Winters and
conditional density kernel estimation. The method was tested
for the current and next days.
with real data from a Brazilian wind farm and the results The majority of recent publications on forecasting models
obtained were very promising of wind generation is done in two stages: in the first stage fits
a model (be it statistical, computational intelligence or even
Keywords-wind power; wind speed; forecasting; conditional hybrid) to predict the speed of the wind incident on the wind
kernel estimation. turbines blades, and then using the power curve to generate the
conversion of wind energy [2][3]. The most important
I. INTRODUCTION physical and statistical algorithms for wind power forecasting
Nowadays, wind power generation has a privileged are mentioned in the state-of-the-art report of [4]. Models
position inside the energy matrix. The production of this based on the analysis of time series of wind speed typically
energy is growing, and due to these increases, the generation use a statistical focus to predict the speed, and then forecasts
of predictions of this type of renewable resource becomes the wind power output.
essential for a proper use. Accurate forecasting of wind (and / On the other hand, quantile regression, kernel density
or prediction of wind speed) energy reduce the risk of estimation, probabilistic forecasting based on ensemble and
uncertainty and enable better grid planning and integration of artificial intelligence are non-parametric models available
wind power into the system. today for probabilistic wind power forecasting to VSHFL¿F
Probabilistic wind power forecasting is a recently approach quantiles or intervals [5]. Conditional kernel density
of the energy prediction, that aims to provide better estimation provides the tool to build models which is shown in
forecasting through the wind power probability density [6] and [7], and that have as output a pdf of the forecasted
function instead of a point forecast. Although there are great wind power. This can be transformed into several uncertainty
advantages in the use of wind energy, the random nature of representations, such as quantiles, standard deviation, or
wind makes its prediction a very complex task. This directly skewness. This approach, therefore, provides a complete and
affects the power system planning for unit commitment and robust representation of wind power probabilistic forecasts.
dispatch, because once the wind farm comes into operation II. KERNEL DENSITY FORECAST METHODOLOGY
and is connected to the electrical system, it is necessary for
operators to obtain accurate predictions in order to minimize A. Kernel Density Estimation
the technical and financial risks. The basic idea of the kernel estimation is to provide a
The uncertainty associated with the wind has been treated density (pdf) of a random variable Y. Notice, that the kernel
using several statistical techniques, such as prediction tools to


ICRERA 2014 709

3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Milwakuee, USA 19-22 Oct 2014

estimator is a generalization of the naive estimator which

allows one to overcome the problem of continuity and
differentiability at all points were the function is continuous.
The methods of density estimation may be classified as
parametric and non-parametric. Such parametric approach
aims to choose a distribution family from both; a Weibull
distribution or a Gaussian distribution, while the non-
parametric approach estimate from the data based the
underlying distribution. The kernel density estimator computes
a smooth density estimation from the data sample by placing
to each sample point a function representing its contribution
to the density. The distribution is obtained by summing all
these contributions.
Different kernel estimators has been used to compute the
Figure 1. Conditional density estimation of wind power on wind speed
conditional density of the wind power output. In [6] was
employed an adaptation of the classic Nadaraya-Watson kernel
density, while [8] applied the two-step CKD estimator of [9] III. DOUBLE SEASONAL HOLT-WINTERS EXPONENTIAL
and the Parzen-Rossenblatt estimator [10] [11], in which the SMOOTHING METHODS
two-step CKD estimator led them to results slightly more
accurate than those produced by Parzen-Rosenblantt estimator. The basic Holt-Winter method deals with series that have
In [12] the estimator used was Nadaraya-Watson with time level, trend and a single seasonal pattern. The multiplicative
adaptive. Following the same approach of those works our seasonality structure of the method is presented in expressions
focus will be on Nadaraya-Watson estimator. (4)-(7) in the basic form [13]. There are two main variations of
this method that differ of the seasonal component. The
B. The Nadaraya-Watson Estimator additive method is chosen when the seasonal variations are
practically constant through the series, while the multiplicative
Conditional density estimation provides the assessment of
method is chosen when the seasonal variations are changing
the pdf of a random variable Y, given an explanatory variable
proportional to the level of the series.
X with the value of x known to be predicted for time t + k
given the information available up to time t:
§ Xt ·
Level: S t D ¨¨ ¸¸  1  D S t 1  Tt 1 (4)
f Y (Yt  k X t )
f Y , X (Yt  k , X t )
© I t s ¹
fX (Xt ) Trend: Tt J S t  S t 1  1  J Tt 1 (5)
§ Xt ·
The expressions in (1) is unknown, for this reason, this Seasonality: I t G ¨¨ ¸¸  1  G I t  s (6)
density function is estimated from the data, i.e., with the © St ¹
sample available and using the non-parametric estimator Forecasting: Xˆ t k S t  kTt I t sk (7)
known as the Nadaraya-Watson estimator. According with [9],
the conditional density estimation is given by where X t , is an observed value, I t is the local s-period
fˆ ( y | X x) ¦K i 1
hy y  Yi ˜ wi x (2) is the k-step-ahead forecast. Despite of this method being
widely used, it is only able to perform one seasonal pattern,
where expression (8)-(12) present the extension considering an
additional seasonal pattern [13].
K hx x  X i
wi x (3) § Xt ·
Level: S t D¨ ¸  1  D S t 1  Tt 1
hx x  X i ¨ D t s W t s ¸
© 1 2 ¹
i 1
Trend: Tt J S t  S t 1  1  J Tt 1 (9)
and where N is the length of the sample, K h (·) = K(·/h)/h is § Xt ·
a kernel function and h the bandwidth parameter. This Seasonality 1: Dt G¨ ¸  1  G D t  s (10)
estimator has two bandwidth, h x and h y , that controls the ¨ S tW t  s ¸ 1
© 2 ¹
amount of smoothing; i.e., h y controls the smoothing of each
conditional density and h x controls the smoothing of the § Xt ·
Seasonality 2: Wt Z¨ ¸  1  Z W t  s (11)
explanatory variable. ¨ S t D t s ¸ 2
© 1 ¹
Using (2) and (3), the resulting conditional density
estimation is depicted in Figure. 1.

ICRERA 2014 710

3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Milwakuee, USA 19-22 Oct 2014

Forecasting: Xˆ t k S t  kTt D t s k W t s k (12) formulation was considered, i.e., a constant model for the trend
1 2
implying that only one smoothing constant for the trend need to
be estimated. Thus, we use a more simplified structure than
where D t and W t represent the daily and weekly seasonal that one suggested by the equations (8)-(12) was used, with
factors. The additive Double Seasonal Holt-Winters Model VPRRWKLQJFRQVWDQWVĮįDQGȦ.
can be obtained in a similar fashion from the basic additive
Holt-Winters Model, by the addition of the corresponding Figure 4 below presents observed and forecasted wind
speed for a lead-time of 24 hours to January 1st, 2008. The in
seasonal effects and updating equations.
sample period used to obtained the smoothing parameters was
January 1st, 2007 to December 31th, 2007. The smoothing
A. The wind power and wind speed data constants found by the optimization procedure.
The database used belongs to a wind farm in Brazil, but for
confidentiality reasons we are not allowed to publish its name
and the location of the park. The dataset is composed of data
ranging from January 1, 2007 until January 1, 2008, a total of
8784 hourly observations of wind speed in m/s (Figure 2) and
power in kW for one turbine, whose capacity is around of
2,200kW. In the Figure 3 it is shown the wind power output
versus wind speed for the time period described above, thereby
generating the power curve of history dataset.

Figure 4. Wind speed (m/s) forecasting 24 hours ahead.

It was calculated some error measures in-sample to assess

the model, as well as some out-of-sample ones. The RMSE and
MAE statistics depicted in Table I indicate good quality of the
model fit to the time series of wind speed.


In-Sample Out-of-Sample
Figure 2. Wind speed (m/s)
RMSE (m/s) 1.6879 1,4878
MAE (m/s) 1.2704 1,1620

Using these results to provide the forecasting of wind

power output we have Figure 5:

Figure 3. Power Curve Figure 5. Wind speed (m/s) forecasting 24 hours ahead.


After estimate the double seasonal Holt-Winters method The results show that the process of probabilistic forecasts
wind speed was forecasted for the time horizon considered (24- of wind generation is consistent. This density has a good fit
hours-ahead), there was no need to assume a growth for the because it provides reasonable point forecasts of the wind
trend model. Therefore, a further simplification in the power output, which is validated with the error measures that

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3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Milwakuee, USA 19-22 Oct 2014

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