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Myedelle S. Seacor

Ms. Lei T. Asis

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

11 March 2019


Transwomen are women

Transwomen are humans who are born as men and had an operation or surgery to change

their reproductive system from that of a male to a female. My stand on this issue is that,

transwomen should not be considered as women because considering them as women would

invalidate the distinction of real women. There is nothing wrong if members of the LGBT choose

something they would be happy about but considering transwomen as women is a different story.

Acknowledging transwomen as women will create a confusion not only to the present generation

but also unto the next one. There is a community in the society called the Lesbians, gays,

bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT) because that is what they are supposed to be called.

Transwomen should be accepted by the society as transwomen, that should be their distinction in

the society.

Honesty is required for public officials

“Honesty is the best policy.” This is a quote that everyone should live upon, it does not

matter if you are running for a position in the public office or not because I believe that honesty

should prevail at all costs. There are a lot of officials today who are running just for the money

and not for the purpose to serve the country, some officials run to acquire power and superiority

from the community which is why a lot of issues are emerging in the government which affects

the citizens and the country itself. My stance on this issue is that, honesty should be possessed by

individuals who run for public office to provide transparency to the citizens because it would

give way for assurance to the people that their government is in good hands so as their country.

Only highly educated individuals can run for public office

Education is a right to every individual and for me, it is mandatory that candidates who

run for public office should receive proper education to provide an efficient and feasible

governance to the country. Public officials should at least have a bachelor’s degree in relation to

politics or governance. I am not saying that being highly education is the only qualification to

run as a candidate for public office because for me, the most important characteristic possessed

by the candidates is the ability to lead and serve the people rightfully. Having both the leadership

and degree as the most important qualification to run for public office will give way to a

government that is more capable to lead the country.

Only highly educated citizens can vote

Right to suffrage should be given to every human being because everyone has the right to

choose who people who would lead them. Even though everyone has the right to vote, people

should still be capable enough to identify what a good leader should possess and see if they are

able to lead and serve the country. Being highly educated is not a mandatory to be able to vote

because if you have the capability to scrutinize the characteristics of the candidates running for

public office then you deserve the right to vote. Citizens with proper knowledge and not with

high education are people who deserve the right to vote.

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