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Biotechnology 8 (Q4-Lesson 1 & 2)

Application of Biotechnology in Health

I. Introduction

Biotechnology has played a major role in overcoming human health

issues. One of these problems, which we are still dealing with today, was
when COVID-19 began to spread and infect people, resulting in millions of
deaths around the world, thanks to biotechnology because vaccines were
created to aid people in fighting this infection. In the year 2021, the
Philippine government and other countries around the world began
distributing these vaccines to the general public. Quality of life and life
expectancy has also improved as a result of biotechnology's services; these
are only a few examples of biotechnology's positive effects on health.

In this learning activity sheet, you will be provided with different

activities that will improve your understanding of the application of
biotechnology in health.

II. Learning Competency

➢ Describe the application of biotechnology in health

III. Objectives

At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
1. identify the application of biotechnology in health;
2. describe the different application of biotechnology in health; and
3. cite the benefits of biotechnology in health aspects.

IV. Discussion
Biotechnology and Health
Infectious diseases are the world's second leading cause of death, and new
infectious diseases appear on a regular basis. Infants and children are particularly
vulnerable. Fortunately, biotechnology is helping to improve the chances for
millions of patients with life-threatening conditions all over the world, as well as
combating the daily challenges that the developing world faces.

1. Diagnostics
Genetic diagnosis by gene testing, is the process of testing for suspected
genetic defects before administering treatment. It is done by genetic testing. In
some cases, in which a genetic disease is present in an individual’s family, family
members may be advised to undergo genetic testing. For example, mutations in
the BRCA genes may increase the possibility of developing breast and ovarian
cancers in women and some other cancers in women and men. A woman with
breast cancer can be screened for these mutations. If one of the high-risk
mutations is found, her female relatives may also wish to be screened for that
particular mutation, or simply be more vigilant for the occurrence of cancers.
Genetic testing is also offered for fetuses (or embryos with in vitro fertilization) to
determine the presence or absence of disease-causing genes in families with
specific debilitating diseases.

2. Drug production
Drug production is the process in which pharmaceutical products are
produced through the application of biotechnological techniques; these medicines
are produced for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Some of this drug
produces for the benefit of human are the

Humulin N is a man-made insulin that is used to

control high blood sugar in adults and children with
diabetes mellitus. Diabetes means that there is high
sugar level in the blood.


Interferon is used to inhibit transmission of

viral genome from one cell to another; it inhibits
the cell division of abnormal cell. Interferon is
also used to treat cancer patients thus improving
the life.
Human growth hormone is
used to treat dwarfism due to
hypo pituitary activity. Dwarfism is caused by growth hormone
deficiency that can be diagnosed by what we HGH testing.


Immunization is a global health and development success story, saving millions of
lives every year. Vaccines reduce risks of getting a disease by working with your
body’s natural defense to build protection. When you get a vaccine, your immune
system responds.

Some common diseases in the Philippines that can be prevented using vaccines are
the following;

Diseases Description Vaccine

✓ caused by a bacterium called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
✓ the bacteria usually attack the BCG or Bacille
lungs, but TB bacteria can attack Calmette-Guerin
any part of the body such as the
kidney, spine, and brain

✓ is a serious liver infection caused

by the hepatitis A virus. Spread by
Hepatitis A fecal-oral transmission or by Hepatitis A vaccine
consuming food or water that has
been contaminated.

✓ is a disabling and life-threatening

Polio or
disease caused by the poliovirus.
The virus spreads from person to Polio vaccine
person and can infect a person's
spinal cord, causing paralysis

✓ is an infection that inflames the air

sacs in one or both lungs. The air
sacs may fill with fluid or pus Pneumococcal
(purulent material), causing cough vaccine
with phlegm or pus, fever, chills,
and difficulty breathing

✓ is caused by a virus in the

paramyxovirus family and it is
normally passed through direct
Measles contact and through the air. The MMR vaccine
virus infects the respiratory tract, measles, mumps,
and then spreads throughout the and rubella
body. Measles is a human disease
and is not known to occur in

Diptheria, ✓ Diphtheria is a serious infection pentavalent vaccines

tetanus, caused by strains of bacteria called
Hepatitis B, Corynebacterium diphtheriae that
make toxin (poison). It can lead to
difficulty breathing, heart failure,
paralysis, and even death
✓ Tetanus, also called lockjaw, is a
serious infection caused by
Clostridium tetani. This bacterium
produces a toxin that affects the
brain and nervous system, leading
to stiffness in the muscles
✓ Hepatitis B is a vaccine-
preventable liver infection caused
by the hepatitis B virus it is
through direct blood-to-blood
contact with an infected person.

Antibiotics are chemical substances that can inhibit the growth and even destroy
diseases caused by bacteria. They are derived from special microorganisms or other
living systems and are produced on an industrial scale using the fermentation
process. Although the principles of antibiotic action were not discovered until the
twentieth century, the first known use of antibiotics was by the Chinese over 2,500
years ago. Today, over 10,000 antibiotic substances have been reported.

Antibiotics can treat bacterial infections, such as:

➢ Most sinus infections
➢ Strep throat
➢ Urinary tract infections
➢ Pneumonia
➢ Most ear infections (otitis media)
➢ Nasty bacterial skin infections (impetigo)

3. Pharmacogenomics
Pharmacogenomics comes from two words pharma which means medicine
or drug and genomics means the study of genes. Pharmacogenomics is the study
of how genes affect a person's response to drugs. This helps in the development of
tailor-made medicines, ensures more appropriate methods of determining drug
dosage to an improved process of drug discovery and approval. Pharmacogenomics
aims to make drugs that are responsive to everyone.

Does not
Respond to Respond to Respond to respond to
drugs 30-60% drugs respond to drugs 0%
everyone else drugs 100%


The image shows that Pharmacogenomics aims to make drugs that are responsive
not only to somebody but to everyone

4. Therapeutics
Biotechnology improves today’s version of therapeutic regimen, the
therapeutic advances make the following feasible

A. Gene therapy
Gene theraphy is used to correct genetic diseases while cell therapy is used
to produce replacement tissues and organs. Gene therapy is the technique
used to cure heritable diseases by replacing mutated genes with good genes.
For example, suppose a brain tumor is forming by rapidly dividing cancer
cells. The reason this tumor is forming is due to some defective or mutated
gene. The therapy chosen for this case would be to use a herpes virus that
has its damage removed, rendering it harmless.
B. Genetic testing
Gene testing is the examination of a patient’s DNA molecule to determine
his/her DNA sequence for mutated genes. Genetic testing can be used to
detect the mutations regarding disorders like cystic fibrosis and
haemophilia, patients born with these are not able to induce blood clots and
suffer from external and internal bleeding that can be life-threatening.
Other examples of chromosomal diseases that can be detected through gene testing
are Turner syndrome and Down syndrome.

Application of gene testing

a) Forensic identity testing such as in crime

Forensic identification expertise encompasses
fingerprint, handwriting, and firearms (“ballistics”),

and tool mark comparisons, all of which are used by crime laboratories to associate
or dissociate a suspect with a crime. Shoe and tire prints also fall within this large
pattern evidence domain. These examinations consist of comparing a known
exemplar with evidence collected at a crime scene or from a suspect.

b) New born screening

It refers to a set of special tests, including
blood, hearing, and heart screening, done to one-
to two-day-old infants, usually before they leave
the hospital. This is to check for any serious
health disorders that do not show signs at birth.
The tests often scan for genetic and metabolic
abnormalities, hearing problems, specific heart
problems, and other conditions that can hinder
their development.

c) Prenatal screening tests

It is a blanket term that covers a variety
of testing your doctor may recommend or you
may choose to have during pregnancy.
Some prenatal screening tests are done to
determine whether a baby is likely to have
specific health conditions or chromosomal
abnormalities, like Down syndrome

d) Carrier testing
Carrier testing is used to identify people who
carry one copy of a gene mutation that, when present
in two copies, causes a genetic disorder. This type of
testing is offered to individuals who have a family
history of a genetic disorder and to people in certain
ethnic groups with an increased risk of specific
genetic conditions. If both parents are tested, the test
can provide information about a couple's risk of
having a child with a genetic condition.

5. Tissue engineering

Tissue engineering is a form of

regenerative medicine that uses a
combination of cells, engineering,
materials methods, and suitable
biochemical and physicochemical
factors to restore, maintain, improve,
or replace different types of
biological tissues. Usually occurs on
a tissue scaffold but can be grown on
or in other organisms. It replaced
damaged or diseased tissues.

More than 200 biologic medicines and vaccines are available today,
benefiting millions of patients around the world. Furthermore, over 1,200 biotech
diagnostic tests are used in hospitals all over the world. About 600 new biologic
drugs are in the works, including therapies for cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's
disease, and a variety of other rare diseases.
Biotechnology-based drugs have lower manufacturing costs, which is one of
the main reasons why the pharmaceutical industry has embraced this technology
and made it an integral part of its own. Biotechnology has successfully developed
treatments for a number of diseases, such as cardiovascular disorders, arthritis,
hepatitis B, bone fractures, and so on, which benefits us.

V. Activities

Activity # 1: MATCH IT

Match the terms on the definition on the right. Write the correct letter on the
blank provided before each number.

__________1. Genetic testing

__________2. Tissue Engineering
__________3. Gene therapy
__________4. Vaccines
__________5. Pharma
__________6. Pharmacogenomics
__________7. Genomics
__________8. polio
__________9. Humulin N

A. growth hormone deficiency
B. inability to clot blood.
C. identifying gene variants in an
_________10. Interferon individual that may lead to
genetic disease in that individual.
_________11. Dwarfism
D. cure heritable diseases by
_________12. Hemophilia replacing mutant genes with good
_________13. Diabetes genes.
E. the study of how genes affect a
_________14. Drug production person's response to drugs
_________15. Human growth F. means drug or medicine
Hormone G. means study of genes
H. high sugar level in blood
I. form of regenerative medicine
J. use to treat diabetes.
K. process in which pharmaceutical
products are produce through the
application of biotech techniques
L. reduce risks of getting a disease
by building protection
M. inhibit transmission of viral
genome from one cell to another
N. caused by polio virus
O. treat dwarfism due to hypo
pituitary activity.

Activity # 2: IS IT A FACT OR BLUFF?

Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if the statement is

incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

____________1. Antibiotics are used to inhibit bacterial growth infection.

____________2. Tetanus, also called lockjaw, is a serious infection caused
by Clostridium tetani.
____________3. You can be infected by Hepatitis A through direct blood-
to-blood contact with an infected person.
____________4. Tetanus is causes by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
____________5. Hepatitis A is a diseased that can infect people though
contaminated food.
____________6. Pharmacogenomics is the study of the effect of drugs on
humans, this aims to make drugs that are responsive to
chosen people.
____________7. MMR vaccine protect people to be infected with measles,
mumps, and rubella
____________8.Diabetes is caused by growth hormone deficiency that can
be diagnose by HGH testing.

_____________9.Patients with Hemophilia are not able to induced blood
clots and suffer from external and internal bleeding.
____________10.Forensic identity associate or dissociate a suspect with a
____________11.Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
____________12.Biotechnology has successfully found cure for numerous
diseases including cardiovascular disorders, arthritis,
hepatitis B, bone fractures and others.
____________13.Pneumococcal vaccines used protect people from
____________14. New born screening is used to determine the
abnormalities of a new born baby
____________15. Prenatal screening is done on pregnant woman.

Activity # 3 WHERE IT APPLIES?

Identify the application of biotechnology that we can use in the following

situation. Write your answer on the space provided.

Content 5 points
Organization 5 points
Total 10 points

1. Lately, Jona feels weak, has pale or yellowish skin, irregular heartbeats,
shortness of breath, and cold hands and feet. Her mother thinks that Jona
is anemic. What application in biotechnology should Jona undergo to prove
their suspicion and why?

2. Hazel is 9 months pregnant with her first child and is supposed to give birth
this month. After birth, she wants to know if her baby has any serious
health disorders that do not show signs at birth. What application in
biotechnology should Hazel let her baby undergo?


3. Ana is recently married to John, Ana is a carrier of fragile X syndrome; a

genetic disease of the X chromosome that is the most common inherited
cause of mental disability. They were told by the doctor that it will only
appear to their child if both of them were a carrier. What application in
health biotechnology does John can undergo to check the probability and

VI. Assessment
Explain how health biotechnology helps in solving the following problems or
situations. Write your answer on the space provided.

Originality 5 points
Content 5 points
Organization 5 points
Total 15 points

1. One of the episodes of the famous news magazine program in the Philippines
“Kapuso mo, Jessica Soho” is “Baby switching in Rizal: A case of motherly
instinct and concerns over hospital’s accountability” It's been a long and
difficult road but after these two babies finally reunited with their biological
parents. This is the first documented case of baby switching in the
Philippines according to the Department of Health. What process did they
undergo to succeed?

2. This is a story of a Fil-Australian returning to Philippines to be reunited to

his biological mother. Joel was five years old when he got hopelessly lost
from his mother when he wandered away from their home and got into a
busy city market in the Philippines. He searched but couldn’t find her, and

eventually was taken to an orphanage. Joel is also lucky because he was
adopted by a caring and loving Australian family. He goes on to lead a happy
and successful life there. 30 years after getting lost, Joel De Carteret
couldn't ignore the pain any longer and started looking for his biological
mother. Luckily he succeeded. How was he able to find her biological

3. How does health Biotechnology help to solve crimes?


VII. Reflection

Explain why biotechnology is essential to our health and how it helps us.
Show your answer through, slogan, poster, or song. Write this task on
the space provided.

Organization 5points
Creativity 5 points
Clarity of message 5points
Relevance to the topic 10 points
TOTAL 25 points


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