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(like heating, cooling, & ventilation). Avail- tuned-up to keep them operating efficiently and safely.

able through utility companies and private Mechanical system inspection should be done annually,
contractors, an Energy Audit may include and furnace filters should be changed every month. The
several diagnostics, such as a blower door energy savings alone might pay for the inspection!
test, infrared camera scan, and a combus-
tion appliance test. The results can help you 4. Heat Efficiently
decide what energy improvements to do As prices escalate, some people seek other fuel types that
first, and which ones can wait. appear (presently) cheaper. Because fuel prices fluctuate
over time, investing in one particular type of heating
2. Seal Air Leaks system should be based on something other than fuel
An enormous amount of energy is price shock. Replacing old inefficient systems with new
wasted when inside air (either heated or high efficiency options makes the most sense. Fuel type
cooled) escapes to the outside through should be selected according to local and long-term
leaks in attics, walls, windows, and availability and environmental effects. Also, don’t use
doors. Wires, pipes, and ducts that enter the attic must fans—either on a furnace or the ceiling—to control
have caulking or foam sealant applied—insulation is not uneven heating; moving air makes us feel cooler and
Many people are concerned about energy use and its
enough! Doors and windows need tight weather strip- fans use electricity.
effects on budgets and the environment. Sometimes
ping and caulking, and wall penetrations (faucets, wires) Seal ductwork
energy issues may seem complex, expensive, and out of
need to be sealed or caulked, too. And sealing joints in and direct airflow
our control. The reality, however, is that conservation
duct work with approved foil tape or mastic can increase through registers
and efficiency are the most effective ways to reduce
the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems by and baffles to
energy usage. Our cumulative efforts will make for real
delivering heated or cooled air where you want it. increase comfort
changes in our energy independence, our fiscal security,
and reduce heat-
and our actions to mitigate global climate changes.
ing demand. And
Here, then, are 10 simple things you can do to save
don’t be fooled
energy and change
into thinking that electric space heaters will automati-
other stuff, too...
cally save you money; they add to your electric bill,
1. Have an which has increased environmental effects.
Energy Audit 5. Use a Programmable Thermostat
Before you do any- If you adjust your thermostat 1 degree (down in winter,
thing else, find out up in summer) for 16 hours a day, you can save 2% of
how your house is your fuel bill. Letting a programmable thermostat do
working, right now. it for you means you won’t forget, and allows you to be
An Energy Audit (or comfortable when you are home, and save energy when
Home Performance you are gone. Easy to install, a programmable thermo-
Review) will give you
an evaluation of your
3. Check Mechanical Systems stat will pay for itself in no time, and it can control your
We maintain cars, lawns, software... why not our fur- furnace, air conditioner, air exchanger, and humidifier.
energy use, insulation And it is a myth that it takes more energy to bring your
nace? Water heaters, air conditioners, furnaces, gas fire-
levels, air leakage and house back to your comfort temperature.
places, and ventilation systems should be inspected and
mechanical systems (over)
6. Control Hot Water Use 8. Use Outlet Switches
A standard showerhead Standby power or “phantom load” is the electricity that
can use up to 5.5 gal- flows through appliances and devices when they are
lons of water a minute. turned “off”–up to 40% of “on” for some things!
Depending on your Televisions, VCR/DVD players, cell phone
mix of hot/cold water, and battery chargers, computer and of-
that means a 10 minute fice equipment can all use substantial
shower could use 40 gal- amounts of electricity just to keep
lons of hot water! New, them ready for your instant
low-flow showerheads use. (In fact, all the standby
deliver a high pressure power used in Minne-
spray at under 2 gallons sota could power all
per minute. Not only do you save the energy to heat all the single-family
that water, you save the water, too. And don’t forget to homes in St.
turn down your water heater to 120 degrees, and wash Paul!) Plug
clothes in cold water. things in to
an outlet switch
7. Replace Light Bulbs and only use them
A CFL bulb can save $30 over the life of the bulb in when you need to. And, new generation outlet strips
energy costs. If every household in the country replaced have meters to show you exactly how much electricity
their five most frequently used incandescents with you are using—and how much you can save by turning
CFLs, 21 power plants would not need to be built! And something off!
no excuses about size or shape or colors! CFL bulbs are
now made to fit nearly every fixture and for nearly every 9. Install Timers/Motion Detectors
use–spots, 3-ways, dimmables, outdoor, and more. And Why keep things on when you aren’t using them? Tim-
a word about mercury: CFLs do contain a small amount ers and motion detector switches can operate devices
and need to be disposed of properly, but that are used infrequently or have switches that are
the amount is less than what is emit- hard to get to. Outside security lights, lights that are
ted by a coal plant to produce the frequently left on (bathroom or basement) or lights in
amount of electricity to run an remote locations (like a garage) can be set up to turn
incandescent for the same on when a person walks within range and turn off after
amount of time. And they have left. You can also use timers
keep an eye out for to control engine block heaters, bat-
the next lighting tery chargers, indoor security lights,
technology: or other devices that are only used
LEDs. during limited times.

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