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Choose or take a problem of your choice and concisely and explicitly
gives the details analysis following Object Oriented Techniques with
appropriate diagram where necessary.

Hint: Use detail requirement definition and specification on Page 82/83

for your documentation.
Software to solve the long queue in bank while depositing in the
banking hall.

This Software can be used in the banking industry and its main
aim is to reduce the stress involve in depositing funds into bank
accounts and to safe time. This Software will help both the depositor
and the cashier to safe time in depositing the funds into the account.

A deposit account is a savings account, current account or any

other type of bank account that allows money to be deposited and
withdrawn by the account holder. These transactions are recorded on
the bank's books, and the resulting balance is recorded as a liability for
the bank and represents the amount owed by the bank to the
customer. Some banks may charge a fee for this service, while others
may pay the customer interest on the funds deposited.
In banking, the Term “deposit" means a customer paying money
into an account, from a legal and financial accounting standpoint.
Deposit is used by the banking industry in financial statements to
describe the liability owed by the bank to its depositor, and not the
funds that the bank holds as a result of the deposit, which are shown as
assets of the bank.

This Software can be used on the System by the Bank cashier and
the depositor must have a mobile phone. A Bank cashier is an
employee of a bank who deals directly with customers, they are
responsible for posting funds into accounts and handling receipt to the
customers for the confirmation of the receipt of funds into the account
while Depositor on the other hand is the customer paying money into
an account, he/she might be an account holder or not. The software
should work on Windows/Mac OS, Androids and iOS operating system.

 How to use the Software by the Customer.

The Software can be embedded in banks App as one

Of the features or can be used on mobile phones through USSD code.

These processes involve the following:

1. Start
2. Request the account number to be deposited to.
3. Check account number
i) If account number is correct go to 4 else
ii) If account number is incorrect try to resolve if resolved go to 4
else go to 8.
4. Verify account holder name.
I. If correct go to 5 else
II. Go to 8
5. Enter amount to be deposited.
6. Transaction Successful
I. If Yes go to 7 else
II. If No, generate error and go to 8
7. Generate reference number
8. End.
 How to use the Software by the Bank Cashier.
The Software which has already been built will be embedded in the
bank server which can be easily accessible by the cashier with their ID;
the customer will tender the reference number generated by the
software to the cashier.

These Processes involves the following:

1. Start
2. Enter reference number
I. If correct go to 3 else
II. Go to 4
3. Confirm transaction and Print receipt.
4. End.
Time constraints determine when a project or its tasks start and
when they must be finished. Types of time constraints includes: Start
No Earlier Than (SNET), Finish No Later Than (FNLT) and As Soon as
Possible (ASAP).

As soon as possible (ASAP) time constraints can be used in

developing this type of software. ASAP constraints are often urgent.
Needing a task completed ASAP may not appear at first to be a
constraint until it is viewed within the context of a project or within the
context of your relationship with a client. Though, an ASAP constraint
often involves additional costs for the client or the service provider. In
the example of a server software upgrade, backing up the existing
system settings and data would be a task with an ASAP constraint since
no work can begin on the server until the backup is complete.

Accuracy constraint is a restriction on the degree of freedom you

have in providing a solution in the software development. One way to
describe constraints is via the Object Constraint Language (OCL). The
OCL is a formal language similar to structured English to express side-
effect-free constraints within UML models. OCL can appear on any UML
diagram or in the supporting documentation describing a diagram, such
as business rule definitions. It can even be used on non-UML diagrams
for that matter. OCL can be used for a wide variety of purposes,
including specifying the invariants of classes, preconditions and post
conditions on operations, and constraints on operations. The reality is
that a graphical model, such as a UML class diagram, isn't sufficient for
a precise and unambiguous specification. One must describe additional
constraints about the objects in the model, constraints that are defined
in the supplementary specification of the developed software.
There are some events whereby the software might be down due
to some logical reasons, server error or network issues. The App must
be able to indicate the cause of the error should incase there is any.
Garbage includes objects, data, or other regions of the memory of a
computer system (or other system resources), which will not be used in
any future computation by the system, or by a program running on it.
As computer systems all have finite amounts of memory, it is frequently
necessary to de-allocate garbage and return it to the heap, or memory
pool, so the underlying memory can be reused.

Garbage is generally classified into two types: semantic garbage

that is any object or data never accessed by a running program for any
combination of program inputs, and syntactic garbage that refers to
objects or data within a program's memory space but unreachable from
the program's root set.

Upon using the software by the bank cashier and there is a power
failure, the software will be programmed in a way whereby it will
always save any instance on the Read Only Memory (ROM) of the
System, So as to start the applications from where it was left of.

 What the software should do if it can’t handle

every situation.
1. The software should be able to handle deposit at any given
2. The accuracy should be close enough to 100% since it has to
deal with funds.
3. The software should indicate error and state the precise
error so as to know what’s next to do by the cashier or the
 Assumptions in developing the software
An assumption is a belief of what you assume to be true in the
future. One makes assumptions based on your knowledge, experience
or the information available on hand. Assumptions are supposed to be
true but do not necessarily end up being true; Sometimes, they may
turn out to be false, which can affect your project significantly. They
add risks to the project because they may or may not be true.

The software can be implemented using any high level language

i.e. C#, C++, Java, among others. In order to develop the software, one
must have a certified compiler to write codes and one should
understand fully the use of the compiler syntax.

There are little changes to be made to the software but it should

be accessible to the programmer so as to make few changes in the
nearest future should it require any changes or upgrade.

UML - Unified Modeling Language

OCL - Object Constraint Language

ROM - Read Only Memory

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

SNET - Start No Earlier Than

FNLT - Finish No Later Than

APP - Application

ID - Identity

OS- Operating System


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