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Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR


Z. Qiu*, P.J. McCarthy*, G.J. Brown*, Y. Zhang**, H. Wang***

* ADI Systems Inc. 1133 Regent Street, Suite 300, Fredericton, NB Canada E3B 3Z2,
zpq@adi.ca, pjm@adi.ca, gjb@adi.ca
** Guangzhou Paper Ltd., Guangzhi Road, Guangzhou P.R.China 510281,
***Anhui Shan Ying Paper Industry Co. Ltd, No. 3 Qinjian Road, Maanshan, Anhui, P.R.China
243021, whb66898@tom.com

Abstract The paper presents two case studies of using sequencing batch reactors (SBR)
technology to treat pulp and paper effluent in two large paper mills in China. Both paper mills
chose SBR systems to treat their pulping and paper effluent to meet stringent environmental
discharge limits. This paper provides a brief description of the SBR process, information on
the mills, details on the startup of the systems, and the operating data during the first several
months of operation. The operating results show that SBR systems are suitable for pulp and
paper effluent treatment. The mills are pleased with the simplicity and flexibility provided by
the SBR systems.

Keywords China, Pulp and Paper Effluent, SBR, Sequencing Batch Reactor, Startup,

In China, pulp and paper mill effluent has long been regarded as the major pollutant source
and efforts are being taken to tackle this environmental issue. Chinese paper mills are
constantly seeking solutions for their effluent treatment. Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
technology has been successfully used in several paper mills around the world (McCarthy et
al. 1998, 2001). Although many SBR systems can be designed to remove nutrients
(Shamskhorzani and Norcross 2000, Goronszy and Klug 1992), organic carbon removal is
still the first priority (Soriano et al. 2000). It is well known that the pulp and paper
wastewater is deficient in N and P, and in most cases requires only carbon removal. In
China, these batch time-oriented systems compete strongly against conventional continuous-
flow activated sludge systems. Even though other technologies, such as low sludge
production (LSP) process has been reported (Stuart et al. 2000) to be successfully utilized for
the pulp and paper industry, SBR systems remain the first choice for most new pulp and
paper mills in China due to its ease of operation and high quality effluent.

ADI Systems Inc. in Canada has spearheaded the utilization of SBR technology in the
pulp and paper industry in China since 1997. So far five SBR systems were put into
operation in China and one is under construction. The objective of this paper is to present
information on the two largest full-scale SBR systems. Startup experience and first several
months operation data are presented.

Water Practice & Technology Vol 1 No 3 © IWA Publishing 2006 doi: 10.2166/WPT.2006067
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

SBR Technology
SBR systems have been successfully used for the treatment of both domestic and industrial
wastewaters (Irvine et al. 1993). The advances in the automation make the SBR
implementation more attractive (Dölgen and Alpaslan 2000, Shamskhorzani and Norcross
2000). SBR, as its name implies, is a batch reactor system, which treats wastewater in one
vessel and accomplishes different events in a timed sequence. ADI Systems Inc. developed
its own SBR expertise based on extensive pilot studies and full scale installations (McCarthy
et al. 1998, 2001, in press); these SBRs are called ADI-SBRs.

An ADI-SBR system consists of one or several basins. Each basin is equipped with a
simple influent distribution system, waste sludge collection manifold, and jet/diffused
aeration system, all of which are located on the basin floor. Each basin is also equipped
with one, or more ADI-ASD decanters and instrumentation. The instrumentation generally
includes a dissolved oxygen sensor, a level indicating transmitter, and a level switch.

Each SBR basin is equipped with an aeration system (in these cases a jet aeration system
with one or two jet aerators running the length of the basin for oxygen supply and mixing).
The jet aeration system has demonstrated that it has an excellent efficiency in transferring
oxygen from the air to the process water, as is reliable in terms of maintenance.

The decanter used in these applications is the ADI-ASD (air seal decanter), which is
fabricated in stainless steel and floats on the surface of the SBR. During aeration, the
orifices in the decanter are raised out of the water surface to prevent mixed liquor from
entering. During the DECANT event, the sealed air is released and the orifices sink to
below the water level. The only moving part on the decanter and in the basin is an air-
operated pinch valve. This rugged decanter has proven to be solids excluding. The float
box on the decanter also serves as a scum baffle.

The air supply for each basin is provided by one or several centrifugal blowers. Energy
consumption is minimized in that each blower is regulated by a control valve on the suction
side of the blower. As oxygen demand increases or decreases in the basin, the blower(s)
power draw and air flow is increased or decreased via the inlet control valve(s).

The control system is designed for flexible operation of the ADI-SBR system. The DCS
or PLC operator interface is intuitive and bilingual (if required). The SBR cycle length is
variable, and the system can be run with any number of basins on line. Individual event
adjustable. The aeration system can also be operated on a manual “power draw” output set
point should the dissolved oxygen monitoring system be out of service for maintenance.
All setpoints are adjustable by the operator or supervisory staff.

Case Study #1: Guangzhou Paper Mill SBR System

The paper mill is located in Guangzhou city-centre on the shore of Pearl River in Southern
China. It is one of the largest paper mills in China. The paper mill has CTMP, sulfite
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

pulping, groundwood pulping, and paper-making operations. Prior to the wastewater

treatment upgrade, approximately 5 000 m3/d of the wastewater generated in the mill was
pre-treated in a high-rate aerobic system which was not operating well. The low-strength
wastewater (65 000 m3/d) from the mill was pretreated in two large dissolved air flotation
units. The combined treated effluent is discharged into the Pearl River.

The new effluent regulations required the mill to have an effluent quality with less than
200 mg/ℓ COD (chromate digestion), 30 mg/ℓ BOD5, and 200 mg/ℓ TSS. The most
stringent of these limits was COD. It was concluded that a high degree of biological
treatment was required to meet these limits.

ADI supplied process design, assisted with equipment specifications and site layout,
designed the SBR internal piping, prepared a design manual to assist the local engineering
firm, and supplied equipment including proprietary stainless steel decanters, a jet aeration
system, control valves, SBR instrumentation, and a distributed control system (DCS) for
monitoring and automatic control. ADI also inspected equipment installation, and provided
operator training, start-up assistance, and on-going process operations guidance.

Partners on the project included the mill, which provided project and construction
management and Changsha Designing Institute of Light Industry that provided detail design.
Paper mill staff did the DCS programming.

Design and Construction

The treatment plant included an existing equalization basin, an SBR influent pumping
station, nutrient addition systems, and an ADI-SBR system, and a new DCS-based control

The ADI-SBR system is comprised of five on-grade, cast-in-place concrete basins.

Aeration is supplied by centrifugal blowers and a jet aeration system. The treatment plant
was constructed using 1 000 tonnes of concrete and 1 600 piles. The average depth of piles
is 14 m with a pile diameter of 40 cm. The total weight of reinforcing steel used in the
project was 1 400 tonnes. The number of construction workers involved was 200. During
the construction period, the concrete and steel prices increased substantially and the
contractor had to resolve the price escalation problems with the mill before resuming the
construction work. Therefore, there was a delay in the treatment plant construction
schedule. However, pressure from the local government was so high that the mayor of the
city promised the public that he would swim in the Pearl River in 2005.

The new influent equalization basin (EQB) has a volume of approximately 6 000 m3 for a
hydraulic residence time of approximately 2.4 h at design flow. A new triplex influent
pumping station was constructed to convey the EQB contents to the ADI-SBR system
(Figure 1).
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

Figure 1 Guangzhou Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment System Schematic

Nutrient supplementation was required for biological treatment. Urea (dry) was selected
for nitrogen, and 75% phosphoric acid was selected for phosphate. Urea was purchased in
bags and dissolved and stored in fiberglass tanks. Phosphoric acid was transferred into the
fiberglass storage tanks directly from tanker trucks. Each storage tank is equipped with a
level-indicating transmitter. The daily chemical consumption is calculated based upon the
liquid level change.

There are ten control valves on the influent piping (two for each basin), six on the waste
activated sludge (WAS) gravity header (one for each basin and one fail-close back-up), five
modulating control valves on the aeration blower inlet (one for each blower), and ten
modulating valves on the SBR system effluent piping (two for each basin). All control
valves are pneumatic. There is one flow meter (magmeter) on the influent pipe line and one
on the common WAS discharge line.

Each SBR basin measures 31.5 m by 68 m and has a wall height of 7.5 m. Adjacent
basins share their longest wall. Each basin has its own emergency overflow to the EQB.

These SBR basins are as large in volume as any SBR basin currently in use in the pulp
and paper industry. McCarthy et al. (1998, 2001) reported on the SBR basin volumes in
use in Canada and China; none of these systems had larger basins than those constructed at
this site.
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

Startup and Commissioning

Although the construction was delayed, the mill asked for a fast-track startup. Equipment
supplied by ADI was inspected prior to the startup. Two process engineers were sent to site
on November 18, 2004 to startup the SBR system. The site preparation was completed and
the DCS system programmed. Figure 2 shows the landscaped and fully operational WWTP
after startup.

Figure 2 Landscaped SBR System at Guangzhou Paper Mill

A two-week period was given to ADI for startup of the SBR system to meet the effluent
discharge limits. When the ADI engineers arrived on site, SBR #1, 2, 4, and 5 were
aerating manually and charged with seed sludge taken from the high rate aerobic system.
However, the seed sludge was filamentous and this caused some initial concerns.

Within three days, four of five SBR reactors were put into fully automatic operation. The
other basin was down for touch-up grouting of the walls.

One ADI process engineer spoke Mandarin; this helped with communications between
ADI and the mill staff. Although the Process Operations Manual and other start-up
materials were written in English, all screens on the interface with the DCS were bilingual
(Chinese and English).

The major challenge during the startup was dispersed biomass in the basins resulting in
poor settleability; this condition was the result of poor seed quality. Microscopic
examination revealed the presence of three distinct filamentous organisms: types 1851, 0041,
and 0675. The majority of the filamentous bacteria found extending out of the floc were
primarily types 1851 and 0041.

SBR System Performance

To date the plant has received daily flows very close to design but with much higher COD,
BOD, and TSS concentrations and consequently higher-than-design organic and solids
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

The design wastewater characteristics for the biological treatment plant and the
operational parameters for the first six months are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1 – Summary of Design and Operational Data for Guangzhou Paper Mill SBR System
Parameters Design Six-month operation
Avg. flow, m /d 60 000 50 000-60 000
Influent COD, mg/l ≤750 1 000-3 000
Influent BOD5,mgl ≤325 200-600
Influent TSS, mg/l ≤200 200-1 000
Effluent COD, mg/l ≤200 200-500
Effluent BOD, mg/l ≤30 10
Effluent TSS, mg/l ≤200 46
Temp.,˚C ≤40 ≤40

As shown in Table 1, the SBR system is performing very well although the SBR influent
COD and TSS are constantly above design conditions (the weekly average influent COD is
frequently more than double the design value). The average effluent BOD for the past six
months was 10 mg/l; however, the effluent COD was higher than discharge limit due to the
high influent values and the non-biodegradable COD fraction which is typical high for
pulping wastewaters. The owner has been very satisfied with the SBR system performance
due to the excellent BOD removal, low maintenance, ease of operation, and its reliability.
They are especially pleased with the SBR system’s capability to handle higher than design
COD, BOD, and TSS loadings.

The first six months of the operating MLSS concentrations and the sludge volume indices
(SVI) for each SBR basin are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. The sludge
settleability has generally been improved over time. The supernatant depth in each SBR
has increased from an average of 2 m after 60 minutes of settle to an average of 4 m with
improving SVI (data not shown). Four SBRs showed an SVI jump after the two-week
shutdown due to the high MLSS and longer SRT, but the SVIs have gradually improved
since the shutdown.


MLSS Concentration (mg/L)





10/20/04 11/19/04 12/19/04 01/18/05 02/17/05 03/19/05 04/18/05 05/18/05


Figure 3 SBR MLSS Concentrations

Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology



SBR SVI (L/mg) 400




10/20/04 11/09/04 11/29/04 12/19/04 01/08/05 01/28/05 02/17/05 03/09/05 03/29/05 04/18/05 05/08/05 05/28/05


Figure 4 SBR SVI Trends

The SBR effluent ammonia nitrogen concentrations and the orthophosphate phosphorus
concentrations were targeted at 0.5-1.5 mg/ℓ and 0.25-0.75 mg/ℓ, respectively. The actual
N and P addition is normally dictated by maintaining a target COD:N:P ratio in the raw
wastewater feed to the SBR. The pH of the basins has remained approximately neutral
without chemical addition.

Case Study #2: Shan Ying Paper Mill SBR System

Shan Ying Paper Mill is located in Ma’anshan city, which is on shore of Yangtze River.
The city is applying for National Environmental Model City and this project is one of the
model projects for the city. The paper mill doubled its board production in 2005 from 22
000 tonne per year to 42 000 tonne per year. The raw materials used at the paper mill are
imported and/or domestic waste board blended with imported or domestic virgin pulp.
Most of the wastewater originates from the de-inking process as well as the board-making
machines. The old treatment plant had sedimentation tanks without any biological
treatment. The new treatment plant has coarse screens, flocculation and primary
clarification followed by an SBR system.

The treated effluent from the new treatment plant is discharged directly into Yangtze
River. The discharge limits are 100 mg/l COD, 30 mg/l BOD, and 60 mg/l TSS.

Similar to Guangzhou Paper, ADI Systems Inc. provided process design, a mechanism for
the primary clarifier, ADI Model ASD decanters, jet aeration system, SBR instrumentation,
PLC control system, and startup assistance for the treatment plant. A local engineering
group executed detailed design and procurement of all other equipment.
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

SBR System Design

The clarified and cooled effluent flows by gravity to the SBR system, which consists of four
10 000 m3 basins, each serving as an SBR (Figure 5). The SBR basins accept flow in
sequence, alternating between the four basins. Influent valves are used to direct flow from
the cooling tower or primary clarifier to the SBR in FILL event.

Jet Recirculation ADI-SBR SYSTEM

Pumps (2 per basin)
Reactor 1 To Discharge
(10,000 m3)

Reactor 2
(10,000 m3)

Reactor 3 Influent From

(10,000 m3) Cooling Tower

Reactor 4
(10,000 m3)

Aeration Blowers
(50 m3/min, each)

Figure 5 Schematic for Shan Ying Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment System

Each SBR is equipped with a jet aeration system. Centrifugal aeration blowers are used
to supply air to the jet headers located on the bottom of each SBR during the AERATED
FILL and REACT events of the cycle. Two basins will be aerating at any one time.

Each SBR is equipped with two ADI-ASD decanters, one WAS withdrawal pipe, and a
WAS control valve. Settled sludge is wasted automatically each cycle from the SBR during
DECANT by opening the control valve. The supernatant is released from the surface of the
SBR through the decanters.

The concrete SBR basins were built with one third of their height embedded under
ground, which has been found to be inconvenient when comes to the equipment
maintenance. The above-ground outside wall was tiled attractively.

The SBR system was designed to treat the effluent which has the characteristics shown in
Table 2. Our experience has shown that a short duration of anoxic mixing is beneficial to
forming flocs and improving sludge settling characteristics. However, Goronszy et al.
(1992) noted that specific formal anoxic mixing sequences after the fill period and before the
fill-aeration sequence made no difference to process performance or sludge settling
characteristics. In the PLC program, the mixing events are set up and their duration can be
zero if it is deemed that these mixing events do not help the process at all. Normally the
mixing time is set up to be 5 to 10 minutes.
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

Table 2 – Summary of Design Parameters for Shan Ying Paper Mill SBR System
Parameters Design
Avg. flow, m3/d 40 000
Influent COD, mg/l ≤800
Influent BOD5,mgl ≤220
Influent TSS, mg/l ≤260
Effluent COD, mg/l ≤100
Effluent BOD, mg/l ≤30
Effluent TSS, mg/l ≤60
Temp.,˚C ≤38

The startup process took longer time than scheduled due to poor site readiness. When the
process engineer got to site, the primary clarifier mechanism was not working properly and
the basins were leaking. The nutrients addition system is far away from the treatment plant
and it was not under PLC control. At the end of two weeks’ startup, the primary clarifier
and three of the SBR basins were commissioned.

The settleability of the MLSS is very good with an SVI of 90 at the very beginning.
There is no NH4-N or PO4-P measurement available at the lab at the startup and some time
later. Therefore, the urea and compound phosphorus fertilizer addition was based on an
influent COD:N:P ratio.

Mixed liquor concentration increased quickly due to inadequate dewatering capacity

during the first few weeks of the commissioning.

SBR System Performance

The daily flow and load to the SBR system since the startup is represented in Figure 6. The
SBR system has been treating wastewater flow ranged from 10 000 m3/d to 35 000 m3/d.

The influent COD to the SBR system ranged between 1 000 and 2 500 mg/l, which was at
times much higher than the design influent COD concentration. Despite the big fluctuation
in COD load, an average of COD removal rate of approximately 90 percent has been
achieved (Figure 7).

Due to the increased flow and lack of the dewatering capacity, the primary clarifier sludge
was not able to be withdrawn on time, resulting in very high COD and TSS (ranged from
500-1 500 mg/l) entering into the SBR system for a month starting the middle of May. The
effluent TSS, however, has been consistently lower than the TSS discharge limit as shown in
Figure 8.
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

40000 100000

30000 75000

Daily COD Load (kg/d)

Daily Flow (m /d)

20000 50000

10000 25000

0 0
30-Mar 29-Apr 29-May 28-Jun 28-Jul 27-Aug

Daily total flow Daily total COD load

Figure 6 SBR Daily Total Flow and Daily Total COD Load

5000 100

4500 90

4000 80

3500 70

3000 60

COD Removal Rate (%)

COD Concentration (mg/l)

2500 50

2000 40

1500 30

1000 20

500 10

0 0
30-Mar 29-Apr 29-May 28-Jun 28-Jul 27-Aug

SBR Influent SBR Effluent SBR4 COD removal

Figure 7 SBR COD Concentrations and COD Removal

During the startup period the MLSS showed a very good settleability. But after the COD
and TSS overload period caused by the inadequate sludge dewatering capability, SVI
deteriorated quickly. There are many reasons for sludge bulking such as high/low F/M,
nutrients deficiency, low DO, etc. (Goronszy and Klug, 1992). The most possible cause for
this one could be low F/M ratio because after the flow was decreased, the MLSS
concentration was not adjusted quickly enough to maintain a high enough F/M ratio.
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

3000 180

2500 150

Effluent TSS Concentration (mg/l)

Influent TSS Concentration (mg/l)
2000 120

1500 90

1000 60

500 30

0 0
30-Mar 29-Apr 29-May 28-Jun 28-Jul 27-Aug

SBR4 Influent SBR4 Effluent

Figure 8 Influent and Effluent TSS for SBR

The paper demonstrates that the SBR technology is being successfully employed in the pulp
and paper industry in China to treat wastewater. The two full scale SBR treatment plants
described in this paper have been put on line for more than half a year. The performance
data from one case study showed that SBR can handle higher than design load without
compromising the effluent quality. In the second case, the flow fluctuation and the lack of the
adequate sludge handling capability has impacted the performance of the SBR a little, but the
overall effluent quality is good and most of the time is within discharge limits. The two case
studies confirm that SBR technology treating pulp and paper wastewater is effective, that the
operation of SBR basins is simple and flexible, and that the SBR is resilient to flow and load

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Industry – A Bench-marking Study 1998 TAPPI Proceedings, International Environmental
Conference & Exhibit, Book 3, Vancouver, Canada
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74th Annual conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Treatment of Pulp and Paper Effluent in China with SBR Technology

McCarthy P. J. and Zhiping Qiu (in press) SBR System for Large Chinese Pulp & Paper Mill
Environmental Science & Engineering, Aurora, ON, Canada
Shamskhorzani R. and Norcross K. L. (2000) SBR Systems: An Attractive Biological Nutrient Removal
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Poster Presentations, Narbonne, France
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