SITHCCC006 - AT2 of 3 - Practical Project

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31736 | CRICOS 03010G


Prepare appetisers and salads
Assessment Tool 2 of 3: Practical project

PRINT CLEARLY - Please fill out the following using Black or Blue colour only.

Qualification Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Student name

Student number

Student email

Assessor name

Assessment due date 18/2/21

Submission date Attempt 1 Date: 5/2/21 Attempt 2 Date: Attempt 3 Date:

Result for attempt

(S or NS)
Note: If you have not signed the student declaration on the next page your submission will not be accepted.
SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

Student declaration of authenticity

Before you submit this Assessment Tool you must declare that the work is your own. Read the
text below. Sign the declaration if you agree with all of the statements.

I declare:

 This assessment is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has
been copied from any other source, except where due acknowledgement/reference has been
made. (Plagiarism is not permitted in any form)
 A late submission fee of $150 per unit of competency will apply before my submission will be
marked if my submission is made past the due time and date.
 If this assessment is based on teamwork, as authorised by the assessor, I have not submitted
the same final version of any assessment material as another student.
 I have not previously submitted this assessment or any part of this assessment for this or any
other course/unit unless required to do so in a resubmission.
 I have kept a copy of my assessment.
 I give permission for my assessment to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived
for the purposes of detecting plagiarism or collusion and to fulfil Queensford College’s
requirements as an RTO.
 Any assessment marked as unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment;
reassessment may involve different assessment to that originally undertaken.
 I have read and understand the policies and procedures relating to assessment as outlined in
the Queensford College Student Handbook (or the International Student Handbook) and the
Student Assessment Guide.
Signed: Dated: 5/2/21

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

Assessment Tool 2 of 3: Practical project

As you have discovered in your learning, when you commence work in the kitchen you begin with
mise en place.
To demonstrate your understanding of the mise en place required, you will produce:
 A Food preparation list;
 An Equipment list; and
 A Jobs checklist.
 This is required for each of the 2 weeks over which you will be preparing appetisers and salad
dishes in the kitchen.

For the simulated work environment assume that you are an employee of the Queensford College
Your practical class will be conducted in a simulated industry environment of a commercial
cookery training kitchen, i.e., the kitchen facilities of the College (or those hired by the College for
this purpose).
This Assessment Tool is to be completed in your own time, at home or in the College computer lab
and submitted via Moodle.

Resources supplied by your assessor

SITHCCC006_AT 2 of 3_Food preparation list_blank_dishes1-4
SITHCCC006_AT 2 of 3_Food preparation list_blank_dishes5-9
Physical resources
Kitchen facilities and all equipment except for chef’s knives

Resources you will need to provide

Computer and internet access

How to submit this Assessment Tool

What?  2 x completed Food preparation lists (Excel spreadsheet) correctly named
with 2 x completed Equipment lists (2nd sheet of the above Excel spreadsheet)
 2 x Jobs checklists (entered into 2 different copies of this Word document,
correctly named) Remember to fill in the cover sheet before submission.
When? Your assessor will advise when this Assessment Tool is due.
Where? Upload the 4 documents to the submission link for Assessment Tool 2 of 3 in
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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

If your assessor advises not to use Moodle you may hand in your printed copy of this
Assessment Tool however you MUST keep a copy.
Note: The mise en place lists you make for this Unit will be required to be submitted
at a later date for another Unit: SITHKOP005. You MUST keep a copy of the lists in
a safe place. Submission in this Unit will not count as submission in SITHKOP005
i.e. you will be required to upload the lists again.

What you must do to achieve Satisfactory for this Assessment Tool

This Assessment Tool is the second of 3 assessments for this Unit of Competency. You must
achieve a Satisfactory result for each of the 3 Assessment Tools to achieve an overall mark of
Competent of this Unit of Competency.
You are permitted 3 attempts at this assessment.

Instructions in 1st week of appetisers and salads practical

1. You need to prepare 3 lists:

 Food preparation list
 Equipment list
 Jobs checklist
for the following dishes:

 Fruit salad
 Caesar salad with grilled chicken
 Spinach, beetroot, feta, caramellised walnut and sweet potato salad (with Mustard
 Antipasto
Part A_Food prep list and Equipment list
1. Download the following document from Moodle:
SITHCCC006_AT 2 of 3_Food preparation list_blank_Dishes1-4

It is an Excel spreadsheet with 2 sheets i.e. 1 for food ingredients and 1 for equipment.

2. Make a copy of the Excel document. Name it SITHCCC006_[Your Name]_AT 2 of 3_dishes 1-

4_submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)

3. Complete the amount of ingredients for 1 portion of each of the 4 dishes and total the
amount of each ingredient required.

4. Complete the equipment list on the 2 nd spreadsheet in that document for each of the 4

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

Part B_Jobs checklist

5. Make a copy of this Assessment Tool document. Name it SITHCCC006_[Your Name]_AT 2 of
3_dishes1-4_submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)

6. Complete the cover sheet and sign the declaration of authenticity. Your submission will be
rejected unless both of these are completed. Rejection may mean a delay in your
submission and the imposition of a late fee which must be paid before your work will be

7. Make a Jobs checklist using the table below. Add more rows as you need.

Jobs checklist for:

 Fruit salad
 Caesar salad with grilled chicken
 Spinach, beetroot, feta, caramelised walnut and sweet potato salad (with Mustard vinaigrette)
 Antipasto
1 Make stock syrup and refrigerate to chill
2 Prepare sweet potato. Roast 1-1 ½ hrs until tender
3 Prepare beetroot. Roast 1 hr until tender
4 Caramelise walnuts
5 Squeeze lemon
6 Make vinaigrette for antipasto and mustard vinaigrette for spinach, beetroot and feta salad
7 wash spinach leaves for spinach/beetroot /fate salad
8 Wash cos lettuce for Caesar salad and antipasto
9 Wash radicchio leaves
10 Peel and slice red onion
11 Roast red capsicum and leave to cool
12 Make fruit salad
13 Prepare rockmelon for antipasto and wrap with prosciutto
14 Peel, slice and marinate red capsicum
15 Shave parmesan
16 Chop anchovies
17 Prepare croutons for Caesar salad
18 Prepare bacon ready to fry caesar salad
19 Put saucepan of water on stove to boil to coddle egg a spoon to lower and remove eggs
20 Get grill pan or grill and tongs ready to grill the chicken breast
21 Get deep pan with water and vinegar ready to poach egg. Get slotted spoon
22 Slice banana into fruit salad and add stock syrup. Mix through gently
23 For service, check all these items are ready:
Fruit salad:
-serving dishes
-bowl of fruit salad
-serving spoon

Caesar salad:
-bowl and whisk, lemon juice and pepper ready to make dressing and toss salad
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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

-chicken ready to cook and chopping board as well as knife should be ready
-poaching water in saucepan/frypan
-slotted spoon

Spinach, beetroot, feta, caramelised walnut and sweet potato salad

 Plates
 Tongs
 Bow in which to toss salad
 Spinach leaves
 Beetroot
 Sweet potato
 Frypan (and butter) or container in which to microwave beetroot and sweet potato to
warm them through
 Red onion
 Feta
 Caramelised walnuts
 Mustard vinaigrette and whisk
 Lemon juice

 Board
 Tongs
 Spoons/forks
 Cos lettuce
 Radicchio
 Vinaigrette
 Cherry tomatoes
 Bocconcini
 Anchovy fillets
 Pickled vegetables
 Red capsicum
 Olives – 2 types
 Rockmelon (with prosciutto)
 Salami
 grissini

8. When you have completed the 2 documents (Excel document and Word document) submit
them to Moodle by clicking on the link named SITHCCC006_AT 2 of 3_Submission link. You
MUST keep the original of this document somewhere safe.

9. Bring a copy of each document to the class when Assessment Tool 3 of 3 Observation is
conducted as you will need the lists to help you in the kitchen.

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

Dishes 1-4
Marking criteria (assessor to complete)
Did the student… S N Feedback (MUST be provided if NS is
S ticked) If you provided feedback on the
submitted document rather than in the
column below indicate this below
Part A
1 Complete the Food preparation list for
the ingredients for 1 portion of each of
the dishes specified, from standard
2 Total the amount of ingredients required
for 1 portion of each of the dishes
3 Complete the list of equipment required
for preparation and service of each of
the dishes specified, from standard
Part B
1 Complete the Jobs checklist to
demonstrate efficient sequencing of the
stages of food preparation and

Instructions in 2nd week of appetisers and salads practical

2. You need to prepare 3 lists:

 Food preparation list
 Equipment list
 Jobs checklist
for the following dishes:

 Spanish omelette (served with Aioli and Garlic bread)

 Spanish rice
 Pea and potato salad with mint and crispy pancetta
 Tomato bruschetta
 Cucumber, salmon and horseradish cream canapes
Part A_Food prep list and Equipment list
10. Download the following document from Moodle:
SITHCCC006_AT 2 of 3_Food preparation list_blank_Dishes5-9

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

It is an Excel spreadsheet with 2 sheets i.e. 1 for food ingredients and 1 for equipment.

11. Make a copy of the Excel document. Name it SITHCCC006_[Your Name]_AT 2 of 3_dishes 5-
9_submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)

12. Complete the amount of ingredients for 1 portion of each of the 5 dishes and total the
amount of each ingredient required.

13. Complete the equipment list on the 2 nd spreadsheet in that document for each of the 5

Part B_Jobs checklist

14. Make a copy of this Assessment Tool document. Name it SITHCCC006_[Your Name]_AT 2 of
3_dishes5-9_submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)

15. Complete the cover sheet and sign the declaration of authenticity. Your submission will be
rejected unless both of these are completed. Rejection may mean a delay in your
submission and the imposition of a late fee which must be paid before your work will be

16. Make a Jobs checklist using the table below. Add more rows as you need.

Jobs checklist for:

 Spanish omelette (served with Aioli and Garlic bread)
 Spanish rice
 Pea and potato salad with mint and crispy pancetta
 Tomato bruschetta
 Cucumber, salmon and horseradish cream canapes
1 Remove butter for Garlic bread and Cream Cheese for Canape from refrigerator to soften
2 Put potatoes on to boil for Potato and pea salad and Omelette
3 Roast capsicum. Leave to cool.
4 Slice bread for garlic bread and get alfoil sheets ready
5 Cook peas for Potato and pea salad
6 Make garlic bread up to Step 7
7 Peel and slice roasted capsicum
8 Prepare ingredients for Omelettes. Refrigerate.
9 Make vinaigrette with chopped mint
10 Prepare Aioli. Refrigerate
11 Prepare tomatoes for Tomato Bruschetta
12 Peel garlic for Tomato Bruschetta
13 Prepare Canapes. Refrigerate
14 Get frypan abd tongs ready for cooking pancetta (and warming potatoes and peas)
15 Ensure oven is on for cooking garlic bread and Omelette
16 For service, check all these items are ready:
Spanish Omelette
 Plates
 Frypan

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

 Olive oil
 Spatula
 Pre-cooked diced potatoes
 Sliced roast capsicum
 Pieces of bacon
 Diced onion
 Eggs
 Bowl
 Whisk
 Grated cheese
 Sliced chorizo
 Wedges of tomato
 Washed rocket
 Tongs
 Garlic Bread
 Knife and board to cut through garlic bread
Pea and potato salad
 Small dishes
 Frypan
 Tongs
 Pancetta
 Potatoes – pre-cooked
 Vinaigrette
 Plate with paper towel
 Spoon
Tomato bruschetta
 Plates
 Bowl of tomatoes
 Serving spoon
 Garlic cloves peeled
 Bowl of olive oil with pastry brush
 Sliced bread
 Cracked pepper
 Basil sprigs
 Tongs
 Tray of canapes – pre-prepared (covered to prevent drying out)
 Trays for service

17. When you have completed the 2 documents (Excel document and Word document) submit
them to Moodle by clicking on the link named SITHCCC006_AT 2 of 3_Submission link. You
MUST keep the original of this document somewhere safe.

18. Bring a copy of each document to the class when Assessment Tool 3 of 3 Observation is
conducted as you will need the lists to help you in the kitchen.

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

Dishes 5-9
Marking criteria (assessor to complete)
Did the student… S N Feedback (MUST be provided if NS is
S ticked) If you provided feedback on the
submitted document rather than in the
column below indicate this below
Part A
1 Complete the Food preparation list for
the ingredients for 1 portion of each of
the dishes specified, from standard
2 Total the amount of ingredients required
for 1 portion of each of the dishes
3 Complete the list of equipment required
for preparation and service of each of
the dishes specified, from standard
Part B
1 Complete the Jobs checklist to
demonstrate efficient sequencing of the
stages of food preparation and

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

Result (for use by assessor only)

Has the student signed the declaration of ☐ Yes ☐ No
authenticity or this has been done through
Has reasonable adjustment been made by ☐ Yes ☐ No
the assessor in assessing the student’s If Yes, the assessor must specify the arrangements
competency in respect of this Assessment of the reasonable adjustment.
Tool? Describe here:

Name of assessor
Signature of assessor

Date of marking assessment Click here to enter a date.

Overall Result for this Assessment Tool Satisfactory ☐
Not Satisfactory ☐
If resubmission is required, provide date Click here to enter a date.
If resubmission is required, specify Resubmission due date and time:

The following must be resubmitted:

Note to assessor: once this Result section is completed, copy the result of S or NS to the cover
page and transfer result to the Student Assessment Tracker.

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