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‘SRM _ Paley for Research Promotion Village ~ Hadauri, Post - Tindola, Lucknow-Deva Road, Barabank ~ 225003 Policy for Research Promotion (w.e.f. session 2018-19) el No: SRMU/RO Pater] 19/0 ‘SRNL _ Pelley for Research Promaticn INDEX Details of Topic Introduction University Research Promotion Fund (URPF) Constitution of University Research Board Composition of University Research Board (URE) Establishment of the Research Facilities Resource Mobilization for Research Compliance of Research Ethics Dissemination of Research Work Innovative Ecosystem ‘Academic, Research & Industrial Collaboration Outreach programs for Society & Industry Faculty recruitment, appraisal & training Incentives & Awards for Research Achievement RefNo: SRMU/RO/Potier7 | — Compiled By ‘Checked By Researeh/2018-19/-2) ieoue Nel @pok Doe Date ottemse July 11,2018 | faeries | see 2018-19) Introduction Research isa core element ofthe higher education and its promotion reflects both in ae Vision {& Mission statements of the University, Research not only fullls the aia ofthe fundamental concept of the Universite. to contribute for the economic and social development of the regjon and nation but also has role in determining the status and the quality of the University ‘The objectives ofthe Research Policy ofthe University for establishing thriving researc culture snd environment inthe University a follows: 8) Establishment ofthe Research Facilites 1b) Resource Mobilization for Research ©} Compliance of Reseach Ethice 4) Dissemination of Research Work Innovation Beosystem ‘Academic, Research & Industral Collaborstion (Outreach programs fr Society & Industry Faculty cruitment, appraisal & txining Incentives & Awards or Research Achievement To achleve the above mentioned objectives, Director, Research & Consultancy along with the University Research Boar shall be responsible through various pices and plans University Research Promotion Fund (URPF) A University Reseerch ®romotion Fund (URPH) shall be created to promote rescarch environment in the Univesity. Tae general principle governing the allocation ofall Research funding in the University i that iis an investment intended to maximize the range of reaesrth outcomes that the University expects to result from faculty members and students research ‘work. The fund shall be utilized for various rescatch promotional activities and research {scholarship on the recommendations of University Research Board (URE), Constitution of University Research Board ‘The purpose of University Research Board shall be to enhance the Jong-term quality and ‘quantity of research related aetvites by recognizing the ley areas of research feasible with the available expertise in the University. The Bosrd's scope encompasses faculty research, sponsored research, collatorative reaarch and student research 3.1 The URE shall promate and support basic, imovative and applied research; intes-and ‘mult-diseiplinay ressarch; as well wx the production of scholarty and erestive works. tn ‘compliance of the mission of the University, the Research Board shall lao support the research specific to shanging needs of the industry and society with intediacptinnry ‘approach, and cllaberatians with the national and international centers of excellence, 3.2 The URD shal recognize the erical importance of frecdom of thought and expression in the pursuit of rescarey excellence and the innovation af knowledge “Ref, Noi SRMU/RO/Policy/ | Compiled By Chee By Researos/2018-19/0 Dateottane July 11,2018 | “ater eataeraial "SRL _ Paley for Research Promation “Za Te shall serve ne an mlvocate for obeereane to high standard of research elie, TalegTy land conduct, ‘The bron objectives ofthe research hoard area fllows: ‘To review and develop the University’s Research Strategy, in acordance with the University Pan, for approval by Academie Council ‘To ndviae University Executive Board on the allocation of resources to deliver the aime and objectives articulated with respect tothe University’ Strategic Plan, ‘To monitor internal and external developments & trends and take account of them in Aeveloping strategy and pois, ‘To oversee the devaopment of policies necessary forthe responsible conduct of research ‘To monitor the implementation ofthe strategy and to cvsluste its impact, ‘To provide guidanes to Ph.D. degree Program and ordinance related toi ‘To make reports to Academic Counell on Its activities and plans ‘To explore funding sources in India & nbrosd and create linkages as desirable Periodical Review the overall Research Profle ofthe University to identify the gaps ares andl examine means of supporting reteareh in deserving cases and emerging arcas, ‘a grant academle approval to National and International Canferenocs tobe organized by the Inaitute/Faculy of the University. ‘o grant the approval forthe financial support tothe faculty members ofthe University for attending the National/Interntional Conferences) Workshop/ Symposia as per the University policy sil, To facilitate activities related to Intellectual Property Rights 4, Composition of University Research Board (URB) ExOfficio Member(s) Pro-Vice Chancellor Research) Chairman (Bx Officio) Director Research & Carsultancy Member (E<-0ffeo) CChairperson- Collaboration Cell Member (B0ffee) Deputy Registrar (Research) Member Secretary (2x-Offis) In the absence of ro-Vice Chancellor, Vee Chancellor shall be the Charman ofthe URE. Directors of Institate(e) Co-opted Member(s) Nominated Members: Acatemic and External Members 1 Macully member haviny excelent rack record in research from each institte/Raculty, nominated by the Viee Chanoetor ofthe University forthe period of 2 yeas. Merten) el Wo: SEMU/RO/Polley7 | Compiled By Checked By aera », Deputy Registrar Dateof sue: July 11,2018 |" [Acndemics. Consults 'SRMU Paley for Research Promotion ‘External Members 4 Professor/Aasocate Professor) Senior Scientist, of reputed Univursity Init Laboratory having excellent track record of research, ominated by the Vice Chancellor of the University forthe period of 2 years ‘The minimum one third members are required for forming quorum ‘At east haf ofthe cxmmittee members shall be preset in case of voting UURR should meet at last twice in an academic year as well as whenever requied ‘The minutes of al URB meetings shall be prepared by Member Secretary and put up to the next Aeademie Council by the Chairman for atifictin, Establishment of the Research Faciliti ‘The University shall establish Research Cente(s) on the recommendation of URB ta raise the Research profile of the Uiversy. The focus strengths of the Research Centce shall bein areas here there is a conceniration of Research excellence and to maximize external Research, funding. Research Centra) help position and promote the University’s areas of Research excellence and build the University’s Research reputation, They also serve aa vehicles for engaging with other Research institutions nd industry and feciitate interdacplinary and smultdiscipinary relationships. Resource Mobilization for Research, ‘To promote and excel ressrch in the University, the URE shall recommend the allocation of regearch fund under following categories: + "Seed Money’ to Facaky: membefs) for starting research work in the feld of hle/her sptcialization, The research work by faculty memberfa) in wich eases should lend to a project capable of getting funding frm external funding agencies For establishing centralize research facilites ‘To aupport faculty members/ students fr attending the Conterence/Warkshop. ‘Allocation of funds for Research Scholarship for PO and PhD, students ‘To conduct International National Conferences / Workshops ‘Te Director, RAC shall conduct seminar/workshop for the faculty members and research student for avareness to get research funding ftom exter agencies. All applications for aay ‘external Research funding shall be submitted through the R&C Ofc, Compliance of Research Ethics University shall have Retearch Ethies Committe, which shall ensure the good research, practices in the Univeralty Reseach Ethive Ply uf ne Usiveraty ball be devetoped by URB. Incorporating points such as Basic research ethics ensuring the academic honesty inthe conduction and dissemination of the research work inthe University by Faculty members and students Tel No: SRAU/RO/Paiy] | Compiled By Checked By Resereh/2018-18/ 6) Tasue No. 01 pot Deputy Regletrar_| Director: Research & [Date ofesue: duly 11,2018 | Asdemies ‘Consultancy "SRM __ Paiy for Research Promotion “Compltance with Lagisation, Guidelines and Codes such ax legion Tor Copy ait, Intellectual Property Right, Humen Rights, Animal Protection and Esvironmental Protection for research. In adition to lsation, the guidelines and codes issued by the governing agencies such as University Grants Commiauion (UCC), Indian Counel f Medical Research shal lan be Complied by the University for Research Activities, Bthies for research involving Human Partleipation in research felis of Social Sciences Law, Media Studies, Maragement and Medical should comply with the codes and practices Issued by Government of ini [Ethics for research involving Animals in the experimentation on animals should comply ‘with the codes and practices lsued by Government of india Research projects that involve human or animal subject, including those undertaleen as part of teaching programme, must be approved in advance bythe competent committee/authorty In order to eur the menace of plagiarism, the University shall develop polly on plagariam per the guidlines issued by UGC (Promotion of academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism in higher eduction institutions] regulations ~ 2017 issued on 1 September, 2017 tnd get it approved by the Academie Counel fr implementation in the University Dissemination of Research Work Sharing outcome ofthe research work at ight platforms is of prime importance as it maximizes transparency, accountabifty and scrutiny of research findings. The publishing research papers in good journals and preeenting research worl in good conferences increases the impact and Visibility of research. Italo provides credit to the researcher as wel na increases the status of the Univeral ‘The URE shall prepare the intelectual Property Policy ofthe University as per the IPR law of Govt. of India and get it approved by Academic Counc. Faculty members and PG research students are required to comply with the University's Inteliectual Property Policy. ‘The faculty members shall be make aware about publishing in peer reviewed! indexed journals in the list of UOC approved journals, If the faclty member/ research student does ‘ot have research funding then the expenditure towards the publication in journal (UGC ‘spproved only) shall be epported by URPY’ on the recommendations of URB, ‘The faculty members shall be encouraged to present their research workin the conferences organized by premium HEls/Laboratories/esearch Centers/Soctles, 1 the faculty Imember/ research atdent doca not have research funding. then the expenditure for Presenting the research paper in conference shall be supporied by URPF aa per the University’s HR policy fo: Faculty Development Program on the recommendations of URB. Innovation Ecosystem “The innovative ecosystem in the University evolves by promoting and providing support to the culty members and students who come up with unique ideas which results in business propositions “The URB shall make a proposal for governance and function of University’ Incubation Center’ to initiate & incubate innovative ideas and develop & cotsmercalaa the reulting product. The University’s Incubation Center shall work with the mission of stimulating the establishment of technology & socio econo based start companies entering the grvth of local industrial & ‘agricultural products and providing stution to the socio-soonomic sues, el Wo: SRMU/RO]Potley7 | — Compiled By ‘Checked By Mamet ot | @pasbmbe 7 Deputy Registrar | Director, Réararch & Date of sue: July 11, 2018 atdemi) |" Conaultane "SRI _ Peliy for Research Promotion 0. Academic, Research & Industrial Collaboration ‘A collaboration policy considering the academic, research and industrial collaboration to shee the knowledge, practices experimental facilities forthe purpose ofthe growth of the University to create new knowledge and human resource shell be developed by Director Research & Consultan. 11, Outreach programs for Soctety & Industry ‘An ‘tension Policy’ ia rquired by the University for working in the Toca, regional, national fand global societies and contributing positively to community lie, Such policy shall be ‘developed by Director Research & Consultancy ofthe University 12, Faculty recruitment, appraisal & training 12.1. Recruitment: 2.14 Im the focity recruitment process, the Research related Academie Progress Index (API) defined by UGC (guidelines for appointinent of Paculty members) issued in May, 2016 shall be used by Racully Recruitment Committe(s in sereenng and appointment proces of the Faculty members [At the time of appointment, the reacerch interest of the recruited faculty ‘member alongwith a short proposal of reaearch work he/she want to pursue in the University shall be subsatted to Office of Director: RBC through HOt 122 Appraisal 12.2.1. Research can integral part ofthe faculty member's duty in University therfore, AAPL related to research work shall be considered for eppraisl. The annual ‘appraisal ef the faculty members shall be baged on total APL scare attained by faculty member in the assessment year. To motivate the faculty members for research work, URB shall fame n policy for APL based performance dependent ‘appraisal policy for faculty members 12.2.2 The teaching load of faculty members with good research related API shall be relaxed so that they can devote more tine for research, 12.8. Training: 12.3.1 Peculty members shall be duly supported by URPF on recommendation of URE for attending the summer schools organized by UGC, DST and premium ‘organizations to enhance the research skill. Duty eave shall be provided to Faculty menbers as per the HR policy of the Univer 1 is expiced from the faculty members, attending sich workshop, summer ‘school fo ghe a seminar or conduct a workshop inthe faculty for students and faculty members to transfer the knowledge and information gained in those ‘workshopo, summer echoot 13. Incentives & Awards for Research Achievement Incentive and avvards are motivators. In order to promote research activites, the University ‘hl reward tie laculty members for thelr nehievements in any fla aa mentloned Below: 13.1 Research Publications in UGC approved Journals: A leter of appreciation along With a eash rewerd based on the indexing and SCI impact factor may be awarded to Faculty member publishing research paper from SRMU in UGC approved journal Re Noi SRMU/RO/Poligy7 | Compiled By ‘Checked By intel” | @ga bets] DD Date of feswe: July 11,2018 | (Academica) ‘Consultan: 'SRUU__ Pelley for Research Promotion TSR Research Projects Focully member who submitted] granted jarareh project or funding by extemal funding agencies may be ised a letter of appreciation as well as teaching oad may be adjusted to lok after the research project. Ia ease the warded te fixed by the Jnieralty authorities, may be divided monthly for the period of he research projectand credited tothe faculty member with salary. Organising Conference: If a faculty member succeeds in getting partial oF fil funding trom government bodies agency to organize conference/ workshop, a letter of fapprecation anc an honorarium may be provided tothe faculty member a¢ feed by the University authorities, Consultancy: If a faculty membar gets a research consultancy, letter of appreciation may be ised to faculty member. The additonal duty leaves i profit sharing shall be done a per the eonsultancy policy ofthe Univers Patent: Ifa patent io granted toa faulty member, a letter of apprecintion along with ‘8 suitable cash reward aa fixed by University authorities may be awarded to the faculty member Book Publication: A leiter of appreciation along with a cash award as fxed by the University autharites separately for ‘book chapter ancl ‘book’ published by reputed ‘publisher may be awarded to the faculty member. Citation: The importance of research work reflect in the numberof citations received by a research paper. A letter of appreciation along with a cash avwerd fixed by University autharities on the basis of number of citations may be awarded to the facuity members. Best Researcher Award: The University shall establish a “Rest Researcher Award at the University/ Institate/Paculty/Department level and felicitate the faculty member(s) in evay Academic Year for their research achievements in that academic year. The seletien process shall be based on quantitative metrics and benchmark set by University authorities. A cash reward aa ‘ined ty University authorities and a CCeriicate/Trophy may be awarded to the winner ofthis sword "Rel Nor SROHU/RO [Foley] | —Compiied By Checked By Research/2018-19/0) Tse No, = 01 @Bosket VX. iret earch & Deputy Registrar Date of fosue: July 11,2018 | "“{Astdemics ‘Conaultaney

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