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Project Description



TABLE of CONTENT ......................................................................................................... i

Table of figure ..................................................................................................................... iii
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND...................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................................................................................1
HYDROCONTEST ............................................................................................................. 2
2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT ...................................................................................................................2
2.2 DATE AND LOCATION OF THE EVENT ...................................................................................................2
KSATRIA HYDROS ........................................................................................................... 3
3.1 ABOUT US ...........................................................................................................................................................3
3.2 TEAM STRUCTURE .........................................................................................................................................4
3.3 DESIGN AND PRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................5
A. Design Phase Flow Chart .......................................................................................................................5
B. Design Concept and Innovation ..............................................................................................................6
C. Production ................................................................................................................................................ 10
D. Trial ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.4 TEAM TOOLS, RESOURCES, AND PARTNERS ................................................................................... 12
A. Tools............................................................................................................................................................ 12
B. Resources .................................................................................................................................................. 14
C. Partners ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.5 DEVELOPMENT PLAN ................................................................................................................................ 15
A. Heavyweight ............................................................................................................................................ 15
B. Lightweight .............................................................................................................................................. 16
3.6 METHODOLOGY OF THE PROJECT........................................................................................................ 16
A. Problem Identification ........................................................................................................................ 16
B. Literature study and data study ...................................................................................................... 17
C. System design & simulation .............................................................................................................. 17
D. Production ................................................................................................................................................ 17
E. System and propulsion optimization ............................................................................................ 18
F. Trial & Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 18

G. Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................. 18
H. Finishing .................................................................................................................................................... 19
CLOSING ........................................................................................................................... 20
BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................. 21
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................ 22

Figure 1. Team's structure ..................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Design Phase Flow Chart...................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Lightweight ship’s (KH-016 LW RE) concept .............................................................. 6
Figure 4. Heavyweight ship’s (KH-015 HW RE) concept............................................................ 8
Figure 5. Production Flow Chart ....................................................................................................... 10



The comparison of Indonesia’s land and sea stands in 70%:30%, along with more
than 11.224 islands surrounded by the waters spreading across the nation, shows of how
prosperous our country in the term of marine resources. This also view the significant and
dominant sea’s portrayal in Indonesia’s community daily living in order to drive a
sustainable nation development. Thus, it is particularly needed to have an efficient
transportation as a tool to operate in utilizing the major part of Indonesia, which drives in
the sea. Aforementioned, the society needs to take a part in consideration of having
involvement in the development needed.

Hydrocontest may help that prospect to be actualized and is our main aim in joining
the contest. Ksatria Hydros is ready to take place in achieving recognition through
participating for Hydrocontest 2018. As we had been awarded before in UNDIP Research
Fair, it validates our determination and dedication to raise awareness among engineers and
architects, along with the hope of Hydro Contest facilitating our will to develop the marine
technology and bridge them out to be spotted by industries in the future.


1. Improve the international recognition towards Indonesia as a maritime country.

2. Spread the narrative of the importance in Indonesia’s successors involvement
regarding the nation’s development, particularly in the marine and vessel
technology world.
3. Produce an eco-friendly marine technology.
4. Improve the technology and research climate among the college students and
societies around the world.
5. Actualize Ksatria Hydros role as a media in developing the research of vessel



Hydrocontest is a competition which put the focus on creating efficient and

effective marine transportation. Hydrocontest has been held since 2014 with the
participants from all over the world for students and society in general. There are three
categories which use time trial system :
A. Mass Transport
Track length : 400 m
Lading : 200 kg
B. Lightweight Transport
Track length : 600 m
Lading : 20 kg
C. Long Distance Race
Track length : 300 m
Lading : 20 kg


Time : 2-9 September 2018

Place : Saint Tropez, France



Ksatria Hydros Diponegoro University Team was initiated from Hydrotech Bureau,
Naval Architecture Department, Diponegoro University, with the particular purpose of
exercising and improving the innovation in the hydromodelling field. Especially in the
international scope, regarding to design analysis and efficient hull’s shape development in
naval architecture.

Other than that, the main motivation of this team is obtained by the awareness of
how ships are highly used as the vehicle for transportations all over the world. With that
fact, us, as Indonesia’s successors, mainly in the field of naval architecture, are triggered to
create a highly efficient hull design and analytical observance in order to support the
habitude of ships. Our major ambition from this team is to give a narrative to the society of
how big the young successor’s involvement is in the development of marine technology,
also with proving it through achieving awards in this Hydrocontest held by the Hydros
Foundation in 2018. The values nurtured in our team occur from the reflection of a Ksatria
(Warrior) in never giving up to innovate, mainly to innovate in the field of marine
technology that could promote and advance the maritime in Indonesia and even the world.

Our team contains 11 members which include 1 project officer, 4 non-technical

division members, 6 technical division members, and one lecturer as the team mentor from
Naval Architecture Engineering Diponegoro University.



Head of Head of Non-

Technical technical

Creative Documents
Electrical Mechanic Hull analysis Production Treasurer
media & Proposals


Figure 1. Team's structure


A. Design Phase Flow Chart

We are using the spiral

design, design phase Main calculation
which is a repetitive measurements
design process. Errors
occurring will be fixed
through evaluating and
repeating the step. Initial Design
Here is the design flow




Resistance Stabilization


Production and

Figure 2. Design Phase Flow Chart

B. Design Concept and Innovation
1. Lightweight ship (KH-016 LW RE)

Figure 3. Lightweight ship’s (KH-016 LW RE) concept

Our lightweight ship is formed as a Catamaran ship with a ‘U’ shaped hull
and separated super structure from both of the hulls. The characteristic is combined
with ship’s fins on both of the sides to give a lift likewise in a semi-planned hull
ship. With a light tonnage and a compatible shape of hull, it could give efficiency
(which leads to power optimization) in a slow nor fast velocity of the ship.

• Catamaran hull (breaker in front, stabilization in the back)
• Added fin/chine in both of the hulls
• 2 rudders
• Propeller (middle hull)
• Separated superstructure (connected with tubular)
• Loads and carriage in both of the hulls
• Electrical material placed above

Ship’s Dimension (in millimeters):

• LPP : 2295
• LWL : 2392
• LOA : 2418
• T : 123
• H : 243
• B : 176
• S : 900
• Overall height : 770
• Overall breadth : 1076

2. Heavyweight ship (KH-015 HW RE)

Figure 4. Heavyweight ship’s (KH-015 HW RE) concept

For our heavyweight ship, it is formed with a deep displacement, delta

shaped hull to carry heavy and enormous loads. The characteristic of the ship is
combined with air bubbles injector (to reduce resistance on the hull’s surface) also
an elongated and thin fin (flow path for the bubbles). Made with a large amount of
tonnage, the air bubble will maintain an efficient velocity.

• Deep displacement hull (breaker in front, stabilization in the back)
• Added fin and air bubbles injector under the hull
• 2 rudders
• Propeller (middle hull)
• Superstructure is combined with the hull
• Loads and electrical materials inside of the hull

Ship’s dimension (in millimeters):
• LPP : 2900
• LWL : 3000
• LOA : 3000
• T : 200
• H : 448
• B : 757
• Overall height : 800
• Overall breadth : 762

C. Production

Production Flow

Lightweight (KH-016 LW RE) Heavyweight (KH-015 HW RE)

Mould Making Hull Making

Hull Making Primare Painting

Primare Painting

Mechanical Electrical System

Instalation Installation

Electrical System
Installation Double check all

Double check all

components Trial

Trial Evaluation

Evaluation Finishing


Figure 5. Production Flow Chart

For lightweight production, we use mold making method to print the hull’s
shape. Generally there are 2 steps of production, which are mold and hull
making. Unlike the lightweight ship, we don’t use the mold method for the
heavyweight. We use laser cutting to divide the stations, buttock, and skin.
Hence, give a shorter amount of time and effective process. Also supported with
a more precise result compared to any other method.

✓ Mold making
The mold making contains two sessions. The first is an automatic
session, which is dividing stations, buttock, and skin using laser cutting.
The second session is assembling the divided parts and make an inner
mold using fiberglass. We divided the mold into two parts, above and
bottom. To amplify, we used fiberglass that is shaped similar with the
letter ‘U’.

✓ Hull making
After the mold is ready, we prepare the hull making. We make the
bottom part first then the upper part, and combine them for final. Before
painting and putting stickers, we’d sublimate the surface and attach all
mechanics and electrical components.

For the hull made without mold, we’d arrange the stations and buttock
beforehand, cover the skin with a thin balsa plywood. After covered, we start
the fiberglass phase with combining resin and catalyst which then poured on a
mat fiber layer. To amplify, we used fiberglass that is shaped similar with the
letter ‘U’. Sublimate with putty and continue to the finishing phase.

D. Trial
The last step after all electrical and mechanical components are attached is
trial. Trial is needed for the following reasons:

1. To ensure the ship’s capability in the field

2. To examine all the components performance
3. To compare the hull’s efficiency with the software analysis
4. Pilot adaptation in controlling the ship
5. To overcome further deficiencies with doing evaluation and reparation

The trial will be done in Marina Beach, Semarang, Middle Java, Indonesia.
This decision was made based on several reasons:

1. The place is reachable

2. The area is spacious and comprehensive enough with the actual arena in the
3. The beach area has an adequate sea condition (wave and salt water) to test out
the ship’s stability and is comprehensive with actual arena in the competition


A. Tools
• Software
- Ansys
- Delftship
- Inventor
- Maxsurf
- Tydn

• Material

Mold Making :

- Polywood
- Resin and Catalyst
- Mat
- Gelcoat
- Pigmen

Hull making :
- Resin and Catalyst
- Mat
- Fibercloth
- Gelcoat
- Pigmen
- Paint
• Mechanical Tools

• Engine : Watt & Sea POD 1.200 W
• Battery : Leclance
Chemistry : Li-ion – NMC
Nominal Tension : 36 V
Nominal Capacity : 7.8 Ah
Dimensions :-
Weight :-
• Electronic Speed Controller
• Electronic Tools
• AMASS MT60 (for speed controller - engine connexion)
• AMASS XT90-S (for speed controller - battery connexion)
• Cable 20 A
• Multimeter

• Tx FlySky FS-I6s 10 CH
• Rx FlySky FS-I10 10 CH
• VTx Aomway 5.8 GHz
• VRx Aomway 5.8 GHz
• Antenna for Aomway 5.8 GHz Clover
• 12 Volt Water Pump (for water cooling system)
• DC Fan (for extra cooling system)
• Emergency Button
• Servo 48 Kg

B. Resources
We will be provided with equipment and materials from Hydrocontest 2018
committees in accordance to the rules provided, and we are also cooperating with
Hydrodynamic Towing Test Laboratory, Diponegoro University and attempted
trials in our university’s lake.

C. Partners
o Diponegoro University, Semarang
o Hydrodynamic Towing Test Laboratory, Diponegoro University
o Indonesia Creative Hobby Waru
o CV. Cemani Berkah Marine


A. Heavyweight
Our heavyweight ship is a mono-hulled ship with an axe bow form. The
ship is designed to be able to transport heavy loads and carry passengers. The skeg
is designed with a hollow as a space to lift heavy loads and provide upper space to
carry passengers. This creates a double function ship which compliments the
efficiency offered in distributing loads from one region to another. Other than that,
it also supports the Indonesian government’s program of “Tol Laut”. Tol laut (Sea
toll) is a system made by the government where vessels sail from port to port
always fully loaded both passengers and cargo vessels.

This program is developed in the purpose pressing the logistic cost and
implement equal infrastructure development in every region. It is defined as a
supportive scheduled program of connecting each and every region through the sea,
since 80% economical improvement can only be seen in the west part of Indonesia,
different from what we can see in the east. Until today, from 2015, the program had
succeed in pressing logistic charges up to 40% in the eastern region such as Nusa
Tenggara Timur and Papua.

Other contributive factor is on how this ship manage to reduce the amount
of pollution. Previously, pollution happens as a result from a large amount of ships
traveling back and forward to deliver some loads. This, could be prevented with
applying the double-functioned heavyweight ship. On its appliance, the ship will
improve the efficiency on transporting a large amount of loads, end up in less
number of traveling ships, hence, less pollution conducted by the ship.

With that being said, we can see the benefits which can be obtain through
the heavyweight ship development. From supporting the infrastructure
development, to being environmentally friendly. Those contribution leads to one
major goal, which is the society’s prosperity by integrating every piece of land
through the sea, achieve justice and sustainable economic development.

B. Lightweight
Aside from having the same design in the hull and bow form with
heavyweight ship, the difference can be found through its main purpose in the
society. Our design of Lightweight vessel is able to be used for a passenger ship
with fewer passengers capacity just as yacht which supports tourism and traveling.
In Indonesia, the government targeted 15 million tourists to come, hence, this
program in developing the lightweight ship will give a chance to distribute better
facilitation provided and contribute to the sustainability of economy.

Other than that, this ship can also be a tool to support the nation’s secure
system across the sea, a good case in point can be seen where this ship can be an
offshore patrol ship. Our consideration about the design will support Indonesian
activity at sea, particularly for coastal residents.


A. Problem Identification
Nowadays, the global economy stability is developing rapidly with most
help coming from the maritime sector. The global economic stability always
involves technology’s research and development which is equivalent with its sector
in the maritime world. It’s necessary to know that naval engineering plays one of
the main role in this matter. With the effectiveness it offers in using ships built for
supplies distribution, we believe that it leads to the global economic sector’s

In Indonesia, maritime sector becomes the government’s main pedestal in

upholding the country’s sovereignty and build up the economy sustainability. To
reach the mentioned goals, the government intended to implement several programs
as a starting point. A case in point, we can see “Tol Laut” (Sea toll) as a program to
develop the maritime tourism sector, comes out as one of the prior event about to
be conducted. Thus, we indeed need a supportive and innovative improvement in

the maritime technology development and with participating in this competition
through being contributive successors, we surely believe it will also takes a place in
reaching the goals for our country.

B. Literature study and data study

The literature study was taken from Engineering Faculty Diponegoro
University Library in naval architecture books, shipbuilding journals, and grads
thesis. Data study was obtained from lectures references and news which surrounds
the project and were also contributed by lectures along the way.

C. System design & simulation

In System Design, we used several shipbuilding softwares. Namely,
Delftship (to produce parameters we employ in designing the ships), Maxsurf and
Ansys (to run a projection of the ships) until we reached the final parameters in
designing the ship.

After that, the Simulation will be done using the prototypes. We will test the
prototypes in two different places, with 1:3,5 as the scale. The test will be
conducted in Hydrodynamic Towing Test Laboratory, Diponegoro University and
in our university’s lake.

D. Production
For Heavyweight production:
We use balsa wood as the skin and laser cutting for the manufacturing
phase. After the hull is closed, the next step is to coat it with fiberglass and get to
the finish with painting. To decrease the cost of shipping, we employ the system of
block cutting and measure it with the power and hull load space. The blocks can be
reconnected considering the secure system in each and every block.

For the lightweight ship, we have 3 steps of production, which are:

1. Making the design template and laser cutting are used in manufacturing the
hull’s design. Because this is a particularly primary step in determining the
quality of the hull, hence the template must be made with high precision.
2. After creating a précised design template, the next step will be mold making.
The mold was made based on the ship’s hull design with using fiberglass as its
main printed materials.
3. The next one is to make the hull based on the previous mold. The method used
is the mold method, and the original hull from the mold will be made of
fiberglass, finished with painting the whole hull.

E. System and propulsion optimization

After the hull is ready, the next step is to add the electrical system and
propulsion. The addition is considered and done by the rules and the security of the

F. Trial & Analysis

Trial is needed after the arrangement of electrical system is attached properly to
check on the hull’s readiness and system contained. Other than that, trial can be
used to analyze the validation of parameters created in the first place. The
parameters analyzed are:
1. Pilot adaptation with actual track during competition.
2. Ensure velocity, stability, maneuver and resistance faced by the ships to be
similar with the software simulations.
3. Ensure electrical system and propulsion works properly as how it is needed.

G. Evaluation
Evaluation is the next step after trial and analysis and is implemented to
ensure the attainment of the parameters. Whether or not the parameters fulfilled the
actual condition based on the simulation in the software, and how the solutions

need to be provided after problematic matter is found during and after the trial.
Another trial and analysis will be conducted after along with the new solutions
regarding the problems, and create better parameters from hull analysis and
electrical system and propulsion. Hence, making a more sufficient and adequate
system to run the ship.

H. Finishing
In finishing, we do sand grinding using sand paper before the painting. The
painting it self, is done based on the design template and will be followed by
stickering. To protect and sealed the paint, we will do another painting using
varnish paint and polish everything as final.


Thereby the proposal from Ksatria Hydros of Diponegoro University regarding

Hydrocontest participation, we believe this could be the beginning of a more innovative
future for engineers and architects and we greatly hope to be qualified to join Hydrocontest
2018 in Saint Tropez, French.

Semarang, March 6th 2018


A.F. Mollan, J. W. (1994). Resistance Experiments of A Systematic Series of High Speed

Displacement Catamaran Forms: Variation of Length-Displacement Ratio and
Breadth-Draught Ratio . Ship Science Report 71.

Dimas Bagas Prakoso, I. S. (n.d.). Kajian Eksperimen Penambahan Properties Outlet

pada Gas Buang Engine untuk Menambah Daya Dorong dan Efek Turbulensi.

Kemenpar Optimis Target 15 Juta Kunjungan Turis Asing Tahun ini Tercapai. (2017,
October 28). Retrieved January 20, 2018, from

Menyambung Indonesia, Jokowi Bangun Tol Laut. (n.d.). Retrieved from Detik Finance:

Pembangunan Tol Laut: Memandang Laut sebagai Penghubung, Bukan Pemisah Pulau.
(2015, May 14). Retrieved January 20, 2018, from

Penurunan Biaya Logistik, Menhub Pangkas Tarif Jasa Labuh. (2018, January 19).
Retrieved January 20, 2018, from

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