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Subject: Cookery

Activity Title: Creative sandwich preparation and presentation

Learning Targets: I can create creative sandwich plating using suitable garnish,
condiments and service ware. (TLE_HECK912SW-IIIh-i-13)

Learning Concept:
In presenting sandwiches, you should make sure that your sandwich is
appealing visually up to the taste. Customers eat with their eyes first so it is important
that the sandwiches look tempting, attractive, and delicious.
Where sandwiches are being presented for functions or any in-house dining
they should always be presented with an appropriate garnish and accompanied by
suitable service ware.
1. Garnishes – Garnishing is the addition of items to the individual plate, take-
away container or platter of sandwiches to enhance presentation and make the
sandwiches visually more appealing. The role of the garnish is to supplement
the sandwiches, not dominate them. For this reason, less is more. The two
standard requirements are that all garnishes should be edible and be of high
Examples of garnishes are:
A. Flowers – edible flowers can be added to platters these include: Radishes may
be carved into rose and chrysanthemum shapes and added to platters. Spring onion
tassels may also be prepared. These should be kept in chilled water prior to use to
maintain optimum appearance and quality.
B. Green-colored garnish (asparagus, celery, parsley)
Arranging a bed of greens offers a festive and inviting cold tray presentation for
any kind of event.
 Spread leaf lettuce on a tray, decorate the tray edges with the top curly part of
the leaves the base of the leaves point toward the center of the tray. This creates
a decorative bed for the sandwiches and garnishes.
 Spear the center of each sandwich with a long toothpick if it is layered, such as
club sandwiches or slices of submarine sandwiches. The pick keeps the
sandwich together on the tray and makes them neater for guests to select, so the
sandwich won’t fall apart when someone picks it up.
 Arrange the sandwiches by the filling, with the contents exposed to make
sandwich selection more obvious.
 Sandwich quarters should be arranged with cut edge of the sandwich pointing up
at the viewer.
 Arrange finger sandwiches in a spiral, or setting up the sandwiches in rows in the
tray, with a row of garnishes between each row of sandwiches.
 Place vegetarian sandwiches on a separate tray from sandwich made with meat
 Handle food picks carefully. Remove food picks before giving sandwiches to
 Plate pinwheel sandwiches in a circular design on a platter with the pin wheel
filling facing upward to show off the colors of the ingredients.
C. White-colored garnish (cream cheese, cucumber, shredded white cabbage)
D. Red-colored garnish (cherries, beetroot, tomatoes, pimiento)
E. Carrot curl
The following steps can be used to produce a carrot curl suitable as a garnish:
1. Wash and peel carrot
2. Remove thin strip of carrot with vegetable peeler
3. Roll strip of carrot into a curl
4. Secure with toothpick
5. Place in iced water
F. Fruits (Apple, Pear, Grapes, Kiwi fruit, Orange, Lemon, Strawberry)

2. Condiments – it is appropriate to offer a range of condiments (salt, pepper,

mustards and a limited number of sauces, such as horseradish, mint and
cranberry) where a large quantity of sandwiches is being presented.
3. Service ware – refers to the items used to serve the sandwiches and the items
used by customers to eat them. Some establishments will have basic service
ware (plates and platters) while others will have elaborate and quite ornate
service items.
Examples of relevant service ware include:
o Platters and trays
o Tongs
o Forks
o Knives or small spoons – for using sauces and mustards with the
Note: When serving from platters it is good practice for the waitperson to
offer napkins as they serve, especially if the function is stand up at a
cocktail party.

Creative Sandwich Plating examples:

Learning Task:
A. It’s Plating Time!
I. Prepare and present your own version of sandwich recipe. It should be done
attractively using suitable garnishes, condiment and service wares.
II. Make a short video presentation of your output and submit documentation or any
proof of completion for this activity via online. Your output will be rated using
rubrics below.

Product Evaluation Rubrics

Dimension Performance Level
Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs No Points
(4pts.) (3pts.) (2pts.) Improvement attemp Earned
(1pt.) t
1.Cleanliness Observe Observe Observe Observe No
and Sanitation cleanliness and cleanliness and cleanliness and cleanliness attempt
sanitation in all sanitation most sanitation not and sanitation
times of the time so frequent sometimes
2. Used proper Used proper Used proper Used proper Used proper No
tools and tools and tools and tools and tools and attempt
equipment in equipment in equipment in equipment in equipment in
preparation preparation preparation and preparation preparation
and cooking and cooking all cooking most of and cooking and cooking
time the time sometimes incorrectly
3.Plating and The The presentation The The No
Presentation presentation of of sandwich is presentation of presentation attempt
sandwich is neat and the sandwich is of sandwich is
neat and the color is neat and the neat and the
color is moderately color is slightly color is not
extremely appetizing. appetizing. appetizing.
4. Overall Correct Correct Final product Final product No
Evaluation of preparation of preparation of was edible; but was attempt
Final Product food products food products lacked in flavor, undercooked;
resulted in resulted in very texture, and and inedible,
excellent good flavor, consistency. Flavor and
flavor ,texture texture and texture not
and consistency. visible.
5. Time Work Work completed Work Work No
Management completed within allotted completed completed attempt
ahead of time time ___(days/week ____(days/we
) beyond ek) beyond

Total Points:

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