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Types of Kiln

Silica Refractories
Firing of Refractories
Metall. Res. Technol. 112, 410 (2015)

c EDP Sciences, 2015 Metallurgical Research
DOI: 10.1051/metal/2015028

A review: influence of refractories on steel

Jacques Poirier

CEMHTI, CNRS UPR3079/Université d’Orléans, 1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique, 45071 Orléans

Cedex 2, France

Key words: Abstract – Chemistry and inclusion control are two of the main keys to the production
Refractories; steel quality; oxide of quality steel products. The refractory materials have a direct influence on the quality
cleanliness; desulphurisation; of elaborate grades at different levels: (i) The control of solute elements such as carbon,
Ca treatments; clogging of sulphur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen. (ii) The prevention of non-metallic inclusions. A good
submerged nozzles; oxygen pick up knowledge of the metal-slag-refractory products interactions is consequently necessary in
order to have a better control of elaboration procedures. Among all the points brought up,
we could mention all the developments that will limit the contribution of refractory prod-
Received 8 July 2015 ucts in clogging phenomena, carbon pick up and atmospheric re-oxidation, in conjunction
Accepted 4 August 2015 with efforts of the metallurgists to produce clean steels.

nder the pressure from users and Table 1. Lower limits of residual elements in

U faced with competition from other

materials, steel makers have to pro-
pose steel grades with narrower composi-
steel making elaboration.

tion ranges, lower guaranteed contents of
certain residuals and controlled inclusion
size distributions to obtain reproducible ser-
vice properties. These results can only be in industrial conditions, a liquid steel with C
reached by a strict control of processes and content <20 ppm is presently possible. In the
also of products used during steel mak- same way, the sulphur levels for HIC steels
ing [1]. In particular, steel cleanliness and or oxygen levels for bearing grades can be
purity requirements make the selection of re- lowered to values of a few ppm, which, in
fractory products more and more important. this case, makes it possible to increase dra-
Certain metallic residuals or non metal- matically the operating life of bearings. Ta-
lic impurities have a marked influence on the ble 1 shows typical limits of these elements
physical and mechanical properties of steels. for current steel making technologies.
Figure 1 summarizes the role that non metal- In this context, the impact of refractory
lic elements could have on various proper- products on the metal may be assessed at
ties of the metal. three levels:
Consequently, the steel maker must con-
ceive more and more complex elaboration
modes to eliminate these elements and limit – the possibility to keep the chemical com-
pollution risks. position of the liquid steel within the
Significant progress has been made lately specified range for a given process;
on the control of elements C, H, N, O, P, S – the achievement of the required metal
for which contents from a few ppm to sev- cleanliness, i.e. the amount and nature
eral tens of ppm are currently obtained on of non-metallic inclusions;
the most sensitive grades, whenever neces- – the prevention of defects concerning the
sary. For example, after vacuum treatment steel surface.

Article published by EDP Sciences

J. Poirier: Metall. Res. Technol. 112, 410 (2015)

Non metallic elements

Hydrogen Internal soundness

Electromagnetic Deep drawing


Surface defects

Toughness Oxygen
Control of inclusions Fatigue

Weldability Sulfur
Control of inclusions

Fig. 1. Influence of non metallic elements on steel properties.

1 Influence of refractories if subsequent floatation is still possible.

on steel quality For example:
and inclusionary cleanliness
Adjustment of this high level of quality and – corrosion of the magnesia refractory
of steel cleanliness within the steel plant pro- lining by the slag and cracking of the
duction cycle is accomplished during sec- alumina refractory wall have an im-
ondary metallurgy and is maintained during pact on the composition of the desul-
continuous casting. phurisation slag;
Taking metallurgical aspects more and – carbon pick up of 5 to 10 ppm by
more into account imposes a new approach the steel may result from magnesia-
of interactions between metal, slag, atmo- carbon refractories pollution.
sphere and refractory products [2]. These
interactions are generally controlled by the
microstructures, the phases distribution, the – The tundish lining, which can have a pol-
chemical and mineral composition of the re- luting action (exchange of oxygen, hy-
fractory products. drogen, silicon and magnesium between
Figure 2 summarises the main classes of the magnesia refractory and the steel).
refractory in relation with the quality and – The stopper which may be a source of
metal cleanliness. reoxidation.
The refractory parts and products most – The submerged nozzle materials with
involved in the problems of metal quality their direct and indirect role on clog-
are: ging and unclogging, leading to metal
– The steel ladle and the degassing devices contamination by alumina particles or
which may be a source of pollution even clusters.
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Secondary metallurgy Degassing



Magnesia graphite /
magnesia chrome
Steel ladle
Dolomite, High alumina
Alumina- spinel

Plate Al2O3 - C
Al2O3-C Stopper
Ladle Al2O3 - C
St dl
Sprayed magnesia

nozzle Al2O3 - C and
ZrO2-C insert

Continuous casting

Fig. 2. Main classes of refractories in relation with the steel quality and inclusionary cleanliness.

2 Interactions of refractories – oxido-reduction reactions, between an

and steel during the processes oxide and a metallic element;
of secondary metallurgy – combination of the refractory and a non-
dissolved element present in the steel (in-
With the development of secondary metal- clusion).
lurgy, the role of the steel ladle has changed.
It has become a metallurgical reactor in the
steel making process. 2.1 Reactions between refractories,
In a steel ladle or in a degassing device, steel and slag [3, 4]
many reactions between refractories, steel
and slag can contribute to degrading the 2.1.1 Dissolution
steel quality:
– direct dissolution of the refractory with Among the refractory compounds used in
or without precipitation; steel ladles, only carbon can be affected by
– dissociation, volatilisation; a dissolution in steel. For example carbon
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Boundary Refractory
Slag layer CArefractory



Fig. 3. Dissolution of the refractory by slag: gradient composition at the interface slag/refractory.

(residual carbon from the binders or addi- The saturation solubility of the refractory
tional carbon in MgO-C bricks) can be dis- oxides can be determined using thermody-
solved directly into the liquid steel. namic calculations or phase diagrams.
The corrosion between refractory lining Consider the dissolution of a MgO-C
and slag is often controlled by a direct refractory by a CaO-SiO2 slag (CaO/SiO2
dissolution, chemical exchanges are con- weight ratio of 0.9 and T = 1630 ◦ C) [6]:
trolled by a boundary layer at the liq- if the liquid slag is saturated with magnesia
uid/refractory interface [5]. The gradient of (≈19%wt of MgO) then d[CMgO ]/dt = 0 and
chemical potential, which is usually assimi- it cannot dissolve MgO (Fig. 4).
lated to a composition gradient, is the driv- The dissolution mechanism can be het-
ing force of the corrosion process (Fig. 3). erogeneous with the precipitation of new
Two elementary steps govern the dissolu- phases in the interface layer [7]. In this case,
tion mechanism: the wear rate will decrease.
The examination of the microstructures
– a thermo chemical reaction at the of refractories after laboratory corrosion
solid/liquid interface; tests is extremely useful to determine the
– a diffusion of species. mechanisms of chemical attack.
The dissolution wear rate is expressed by Laboratory corrosion tests, based on the
Nersnt’s equation: static crucible method, were performed with
a bauxite brick and an Al2 O3 -CaO slag
d[CA ]/dt = h(CA (weight ratio of Al2 O3 /CaO = 1). Typical
s − C ) with h = D/e
characteristics of the bauxite refractory are
– CA listed in Table 2.
s : saturation solubility of A in the liquid
phase For corrosion testing, the crucible was
– CA : concentration of A in the liquid phase filled with 40 g of slag and heat treated in
outside the boundary layer air at 1600 ◦ C using electric furnace. Heating
– h: mass transport constant, D: diffusion rate was 15 ◦C/min up to 900 ◦ C and 9 ◦ C/min
coefficient, e: thickness of the boundary up to 1600 ◦ C. After 6 h firing, the crucible
layer. was quenched in cold water (T ≈ 8 ◦ C) in
order to avoid partial crystallisation of the
The dissolution rate decreases with decreas- liquid phase during cooling.
ing D or increasing e. To minimise the cor- Figure 5 shows a microstructure of the
rosion rate, it is recommended to minimise precipitation zones of the bauxite refractory
s –C ). after corrosion.
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J. Poirier: Metall. Res. Technol. 112, 410 (2015)

Saturation solubility of MgO

T = 1630°C
MgO in slag

slag CaO-SiO2 with

SiO2/CaO = 0.9

0 50 100 150
Time (min)
Fig. 4. Dissolution of magnesia in MgO-C refractory by CaO-SiO2 slag for different times, at 1630 ◦ C.

Table 2. Typical chemical composition, bulk density and apparent porosity of bauxite bricks.

Composition (wt%) Mineral phases Bulk density (g/cm3 ) Apparent

Al2 O3 SiO2 Fe2 O3 TiO2 other porosity (%)
79.5 14 1.6 2.9 2 A***, M**, TiO2 *, (Al,Fe)2 3.24 16.17
TiO5 * vitreous phase*
A: corundum, M: mullite. (***: major; **: mean; *: minor).

CA2 layer

CA6 layer

200 µm
Fig. 5. Microstructure of bauxite bricks corroded by Al2 O3 -CaO slag (weight ratio of Al2 O3 /CaO
= 1, lab crucible test); Backscattered electrons S.E.M micrographs on polished sections (Transition
between the three mono-mineral layers of the precipitation zone).

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Table 3. Mechanism of submerged nozzles clogging by alumina build-up.

Outside Refractory sidewall of the nozzle Hot face

Starting Air Permeable refractory made of Molten steel containing Al, O,C
oxides + carbon + porosity
O2 leakage − Temperature generates direct − Reoxydation of some sub-
reduction of some oxides by the oxides
carbon and direct oxidation of carbon
mechanisms − Oxidation of aluminium
− Negative presure generates gas
Dissolution of the refractory carbon
Vapor phases transfer At the interface
Temperature generates − CO C+O
− Na2O + C 2 Na(g) +CO(g)
Various − K2O + C 2 K(g) +CO(g) − Reoxidation oxidation Al
− SiO2 + C SiO(g) +CO(g) Na, K, SiO,Si
− SiO2 + 2 C Si(g) + 2CO(g)
− Formation of:
o a high silica viscous slag
of composition close to
6 SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O
o Al2O3
O2 pick up Transfert of O2 and oxidation of carbon At the interface
C + ½ O2 CO(g) CO(g) C+O
3/2O2 +2 Al Al2O3

The alteration of the refractory For example, let us consider the

microstructure can be explained by chromium volatilisation of the magnesite-
dissolution-precipitation processes in- chrome lining in RH/OB vacuum de-
side a liquid phase. Several mineral layers gassers [8].
can be observed. The texture of the layers, as While dissociation or volatilization of
well as the shape and habit of the crystals, chromium oxides are of no consequence
clearly indicates that they are precipitated when used at atmospheric pressure, it does
slowly from a liquid phase and do not result become a problem under even a vacuum of
from a fast crystallisation during cooling. 10−3 atmosphere.
Corundum from the first layer shows The observations (see Fig. 6) have clearly
well-formed crystals that differ clearly from shown different factors of corrosion, namely:
those of the transformed bauxite. The CA6 – the presence of iron oxides and attack by
layer is still present, but in the case of an slag;
important corrosion of the refractory, when – the influence of vacuum and atmosphere;
the remaining slag composition shows a – the impregnation-spalling process.
significant change: the CA2 layer is absent. The microstructure of a used brick (Fig. 7) il-
lustrates the process of destruction. The mi-
2.1.2 Dissociation-volatilization crograph shows a shiny corroded area with a
thickness of 1–2 mm. The periclase grains are
Under normal pressure conditions and in saturated with iron oxide, associated with a
the range of steel treatment temperatures, swelling effect with dislocations and the for-
the oxides composing the refractories can mation of compounds with a melting point
not dissociate. This type of reaction can oc- lower than the treatment temperature. The
cur when vacuum degassing occurs (RH, refractory, being infiltrated, is worn out by a
RH/OB, DH, . . . ). densification-spalling mechanism.
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Fig. 6. Corrosion by iron oxides of a bottom in a vacuum degasser (RH/OB) and structural spalling
of a brick after use.


Hot face

100 µm

Fig. 7. Microstructure of the hot face of a magnesia-chrome refractory after use in a RH/OB vacuum

By comparing X-ray diffraction patterns – This evolution results in a net disappear-

obtained on samples taken respectively from ance of the chromium.
near the hot face, behind the used bricks, and The chromium oxide volatilisation is a com-
from new bricks, the following evolution is plex phenomenon:
also shown:
– the Cr2 O3 oxide dissociates with forma-
– An evolution of the spinel composition tion of several possible oxide species;
between a solid solution of the (Mg Fe) – it depends upon the nature of the gaseous
(Cr Al)2 O4 type for the new brick and a atmosphere;
solution of the type Mg (Al Fe)2 O4 for an – the partial pressure of oxygen plays an
area located near the corrosion front (see important role; volatility increases with
Fig. 8). an increase in P(O2 ); this is due to the fact
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ance of the refractory oxides. A re-oxidation

of the liquid steel occurs which gives rise to
the formation of solid inclusions.
– Al2 O3 , MgO and CaO are stable when
faced with Mn, Al, Si and C, while this is
not true for Al2 O3 and MgO with regard
to Ca. A calcium treated steel can, there-
fore, attack an aluminous lining, or react
partially with a magnesia or dolomitic
– SiO2 and Cr2 O3 turn out to be especially
reactive with all the elements found in
steel. In particular, an aluminium deox-
idized steel can react with a refractory
At 1mm from the hot face
containing silica or chromium oxide.
For example, consider the reduction of the
silica by the dissolved manganese:

2Mn + SiO2 → 2MnO + Si

This reaction develops rapidly and is not

curbed by the growth of a protective layer
because the MnO formed combines with
the silica of the lining to form low fusion
point phases (1250 ◦ C) which are quickly
eliminated from the refractory. Corrosion re-
actions can develop easily, and except for
high silicon steels, the inclusions formed
are always liquid. In fact, their composi-
Cold face of the brick tion obtained by microanalysis is generally
very near that of the rhodonite MnSiO3 (see
Fig. 8. Evolution of the X-ray diffraction patterns of magne- Fig. 9).
site chrome refractories after use in a RH/OB vacuum degasser.
The spinels of general formulation A2+ B3+2
crystallise in the
cubic crystal system, with the oxide anions arranged in a cubic 2.1.4 Carbo-reduction
close-packed lattice and the cations A and B occupying some
or all of the octahedral and tetrahedral sites in the lattice. At
At high temperature, a great number of re-
1 mm from the hot face of the refractory, the XRD powder pat-
tern can be indexed with Mg(AlFe)2 O4 spinel. At the cold face
dox or carbo-reduction reactions may occur
of the brick, the XRD pattern is clearly different. While a good simultaneously, resulting from the reduc-
match is obtained with the Mg(AlFe)2 O4 spinel at 1 mm from tion as:
the hot face, a better indexation of the pattern can be achieved
– secondary phases present in the refracto-
by adjusting the cubic lattice parameters of the spinel phase.
– carbonaceous raw materials (graphite,
that CrO3 and CrO2 , as gaseous species,
amorphous carbon);
are richer in oxygen than Cr2 O3 .
– metallic elements.
Under such conditions, the chromium oxide
can decompose and release pure chromium. As an example, consider the possible carbo-
reduction reactions in the case of magnesia
2.1.3 Oxido-reduction reactions
carbon refractories in contact with slag in
(between an oxide and a metallic steel ladles.
element) Magnesia can be reduced to form mag-
nesium as a gas and CO. At equilibrium and
These metal-refractory reactions promote at 1600 ◦ C, the partial pressure of magne-
the reduction and the progressive disappear- sium is as high as 1 × 10−2 at. But several
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Fire clay refractory

Silicate of manganese crystals

Fig. 9. Reduction of silica from clay refractory by manganese dissolved in steel; formation of
silicate-manganese crystals (whose composition is close to MnSiO3 ) at the interface clay refrac-

other reduction reactions can occur simul- and/or slags are examined using a few met-
taneously, resulting from the reduction of allurgical examples concerning:
other oxides to be found in the brick, or from
– control of oxide cleanliness;
the reduction of the periclase grains by the
– steel desulphurisation;
metallic additions or the carbides which may
– Ca treatments of alumina de-oxidation
form, when antioxidants are used. All these
reactions lead to the formation of gaseous
– elaboration of ultra low carbon steels.
species, either Mg(g), SiO(g) or Si(g), which
may diffuse to the exterior of the brick.
Near the hot face, where more oxidising 2.2.1 Control of oxide cleanliness
conditions prevail (PO2 = 10−8 at), the pre-
vious gaseous species Mg, SiO and/or Si re- Oxide cleanliness is measured by the to-
act with either CO2 or O2 to revert back to tal mass of oxide inclusions that can be
an oxide form. This leads to the well-known formed in the liquid steel. It is determined
phenomenon of magnesia transport to com- by thermodynamics, the treatment tempera-
pensate for carbon oxidation on the hot face. ture and time.
MgO is reduced within the brick. Both Clean steel elaboration is dependent
Mg(g) and CO diffuse away towards the hot upon the four fundamental steps necessary
face; in the decarburised zone resulting from to remove oxide inclusions from steel:
the oxidation of carbon at 1600 ◦ C when
PO2 is >10−16 at, the Mg gas can recombine – generation of the inclusion;
to form condensed MgO (Fig. 10). Such net – transport of the inclusion to the slag/steel
transfer of MgO has seldom been observed interface;
under practical steel making conditions – separation of the inclusion to the inter-
– removal of the inclusion from the inter-
2.2 Metallurgical consequences face.
Potential consequences of steel ladles refrac- Aluminium (or silicon) additions to steel
tory behaviour with respect to liquid metal have been used to transform soluble oxygen
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Fe particles MgO dense layer

100 µm

Slag MgO-C refractory

Fig. 10. Carbo-reduction of magnesia in a MgO-C refractory at high temperature; microstructure of
a MgO dense layer at the hot face of a magnesia-carbon (steel ladle slag line).

into alumina (or silica). Thus after alu- The choice of refractory products for
minium addition at a ladle metallurgy fa- metal cleanness must also take into account
cility, total oxygen minus soluble oxygen is the metal-slag-refractory reactions which
a measure of the mass of alumina in the steel may occur during elaboration. It is in-
and total oxygen levels are used as a measure deed not rare to find often undesirable el-
of steel cleanliness. ements in the liquid steel or in the inclu-
Today, total oxygen contents less than sions coming from impurities or even made
20 ppm are currently obtained for alu- of refractory products: Ti from bauxite, Cr
minium killed steels and even in the case of from magnesia-chrome, C from alumina-
specialty steels with medium or high carbon graphite. The calculation models make it
contents (bearing steels, for example), for possible to determine potential transfer
which utmost precautions are taken to reach of elements between refractories, slag and
levels lower than 5 ppm in the product [9]. metal [10]. They can be used as a guide to se-
However, various mechanical properties lect refractory product qualities best adapted
can be affected by the presence, even in to the elaboration of a given grade. It should
very small numbers, of exogenous, generally be recalled that the mineralogical composi-
large inclusions resulting, in particular, from tion of the products used has an influence
the mechanical or chemical deterioration of on the kinetics of these reactions. Solutions
refractory products (erosion of particles af- should be based upon developing highly sta-
ter dissolution by the steel of phases serv- ble refractories for given steel grades.
ing as a binder). As corrosion and erosion
problems are time and temperature depen-
dent, these degradations often occur during 2.2.2 Steel desulphurisation
extended ladle treatment times and long se-
quence casting. They also tends to increase Desulphurisation of liquid steel is obtained
with certain steel grades (such as high man- by metal-slag stirring in secondary met-
ganese or Ca treated steels). allurgy. The lime in the ladle slag reacts
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Fig. 11. Sulfur partition coefficient at equilibrium between liquid slags of the CaO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 -
MgO system and steel with a(Al) = 0.03, at 1625 ◦ C.

with the sulphur dissolved in the steel and when bauxite refractories with a high oxy-
with a deoxidation element, forming cal- gen potential are used. In industrial condi-
cium sulphide and the oxide of the reduction tions, advanced desulphurisation can only
compound. be reached reliably and reproducibly in la-
dles with a basic lining. A deterioration of
CaO + S = CaS + O and O + Xi = XiO desulphurisation results may also be due
→ CaO + S + Xi = CaS + XiO to a bad control of the physical quality of
slag (partially solid slag over-saturated in
For aluminium killed steels, rates of desul- lime, for example). In a study on vacuum
phurisation higher than 90% (with final sul- treatments in dolomite ladles, Bergmann
phur contents less than 10 ppm and even et al. [13] have shown (Fig. 12) that the op-
5 ppm) can be obtained. Desulphurisation timal slag compositions, concerning desul-
requires working with a liquid slag, close phurisation rates and the wear of the mag-
to lime saturation, and at low contents in nesia refractories, corresponded to a narrow
oxides easily reducible by the aluminium domain of composition located around lime
from the metal. This is shown by the par- saturation.
tition coefficient curves between slag and
liquid metal in Figure 11 [11]. To obtain re-
producible results in industrial conditions, 2.2.3 Ca treatments of alumina
it is, consequently, essential to control well deoxidation inclusions
the slag composition. Now, considering the
narrowness of the composition domain of One of the goals of these treatments, on alu-
favourable slag, any refractory dissolution minium killed steels, is to improve the casta-
adding silica or alumina will cause the prop- bility of these grades by transforming the
erties of desulphurisation of slag to deteri- alumina deoxidation inclusions into liquid
orate (Fig. 11). The behaviour of ladle re- lime aluminate inclusions. These liquid in-
fractories to slag corrosion was the object clusions, contrary to alumina, do not stick to
of extensive research [12]. The oxygen po- the nozzle refractories, which they even tend
tential of the refractory products must be as to dissolve when they are too rich in lime.
low as possible. In laboratory tests, dolomite During treatment, calcium, having a
exhibits the best results, magnesite is some- higher affinity for oxygen than most metallic
what poorer and magnesite/chromium are elements used in iron and steel making, can
significantly worse. The results are degraded reduce, at least partially, some constituents
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Fig. 12. Effect of degree of lime saturation of the slag on desulphurisation and refractory wear [13].
The two lines for each parameter (MgO content and desulphurization index) represent the dis-
persion zone of the measurements. The orange coloured region represent the theoretical target
(optimal slag for desulphurisation and magnesia refractories). Lime saturation index lower 1 cor-
respond to liquid slags. In practise, beyond lime saturation (index >1) solids are in suspension in
the slag. Reproducible chemical and physical behaviour of slag cannot be expected.

of the refractories (SiO2 , Cr2 O3 , Al2 O3 ,. . . ). The reliability of calcium treatment thus
A notable improvement in the efficiency of requires not only an optimisation of added
a calcium addition was, for example, noted quantities, but also an adequate selection of
when high alumina ladle refractories were the refractory in contact with the metal.
replaced by dolomite or magnesia refracto-
ries, more stable with respect to alkaline-
earth elements. This transformation made it 2.2.4 Elaboration of ultra-low
carbon steels
possible to increase drastically the percent-
age of ladles cast in billets without clogging Ultra-low carbon steels, such as interstitial
of the calibrated nozzle [14]. free steels (IFS), require a high oxygen con-
However, even with the use of basic re- tent during decarburization (CO degassing)
fractories, it must not be forgotten that an and the slag line of the steel ladle has long
oxide such as magnesia is, from a thermo- lasting contacts with iron oxide rich slag.
dynamic point of view, less stable than lime Carbon pick up strongly varies with the
and can be reduced by calcium, which leads composition of ladle slag after deoxidation
to a transfer of magnesia towards the inclu- (Fig. 14).
sions whose MgO content increases at the The presence, in a limited amount, of
expense of Al2 O3 . these iron oxides in the slag can have a ben-
As an example, Figure 13 shows the aver- eficial effect on the corrosion of magnesia
age composition of inclusions obtained fol- carbon bricks used in the ladles. Indeed, in
lowing too large an addition of SiCa to steel contact with FeO, a protective MgO dense
in a dolomite ladle. These inclusions, have layer [16, 17] can be formed on the hot face
a final composition of 55% MgO-35% CaO- of the MgO-C refractories.
10% Al2O3 after following the path shown on Inside the magnesia carbon brick, the fol-
the figure during treatment. They are solid lowing reaction occurs:
at casting temperature (Tliq > 2400 ◦ C) and,
MgO(s) + C(s) → Mg(g) + CO(g)
like most solid inclusions, may stick to the
refractory walls and especially participate in At high temperature, magnesia is reduced
nozzle clogging. by the carbon to form Mg. Mg vapor is
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Fig. 13. Formation of inclusions in Al killed steels created by reaction of the dolomitic lining
with calcium addition in excess [15]. The reduction by calcium lead to refractory inclusions. After
complete solidification at equilibrium, compositions marked as red points, correspond to a mixture
CaO, 3CaO.Al2O3, and MgO.

Oxido reduction and vaporisation

of magnesia in MgO-C refractory

At the interface , condensation with slag Mg

Mg(g) =FeO MgO + Fe

steel ( after killed with Al)

Carbon pick up (ppm) in

14 MgO
0 2 4 6
[Fe] (%) in slag
Fig. 14. Relationship between carbon pick up and iron content in slag for a ultra low carbon steel
(killed aluminium) [6].

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transported to the hot face where it is oxi-

dized to a secondary MgO dense layer by
reduction of iron oxides and precipitation of
iron [6].

Mg (g) + FeO (l) → MgO (s) + Fe (s)

A careful control of service conditions such

as the level of iron oxidation (FeO, Fe2 O3 )
and the composition of the slag is required
to trigger the formation of this secondary
MgO dense layer [2, 17, 18].

3 Interactions of refractory
materials and steel during
continuous casting

The role of shaped refractory parts used in

continuous steel casting is to guide and pro-
tect liquid metal from the ladle to the mould
where steel is solidified. Fig. 15. Alumina build up clogging in a sub-
In continuous casting, it may be consid- merged nozzle.
ered that the most relevant refractory parts
and products in the problems of metal clean-
liness are: very well understood yet. Build-up is known
– First, the submerged nozzle materials to be affected by parameters such as steel
with their direct and indirect role in clog- grade, steel cleanliness, flow conditions in
ging and unclogging, leading to metal the casting channel, beat flow control, refrac-
contamination by alumina particles or tory composition, and air leakage, but corre-
clusters. lation to an exact cause is illusive. Several
– Then, the tundish lining which can have mechanisms of build-up are mentioned in
a purifying or polluting action. the literature. They include: oxide precipita-
– Finally, the ladle shroud tube where re- tion and deposition on the nozzle bore due to
actions similar to the ones met in sub- a high thermal conductivity of the refractory,
merged nozzles can take place and the non uniform fluid flow within the nozzle re-
whole sliding gate system where the state sulting in dead spots of liquid steel, chemi-
of the plates after service indicates pollu- cal wetting of the liner by the steel facilitat-
tion risks. ing oxide deposition, air leakage through the
refractory oxidizing aluminium-killed steel,
refractory surface roughness enhancing ox-
3.1 Submerged nozzles ide deposition, and the redox reactions sup-
plying oxygen for dissolved aluminum ox-
Submerged nozzles are, for the most part, idation and deposition. Although build-up
alumina-graphite products. Clogging of may be affected by one or several of these
submerged nozzles by alumina build-up mechanisms simultaneously, this paper fo-
(Fig. 15) constitutes one of the major sources cuses on the influence of the refractory com-
of dysfunction of aluminum-killed steel con- position on buildup.
tinuous casting [19]. This detrimental build-
up degrades the quality of the steel pro-
duced, reduces the casting sequences, and 3.1.1 Clogging mechanism [20]
thus limits the productivity of the steel
maker. Although this phenomenon has been The mechanism described herein focuses on
studied for the last twenty years, it is not the deposition of Al2 O3 as a result of the
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thermo-chemical reduction of nozzle con- With the flow of molten steel inside the
stituents coupled with the oxidation of the nozzle, a negative pressure is present from
aluminium in the steel. In this scenario, the the outside inward. This “vacuum” tends
deposit builds up in the three following to drive these gases from the refractory to
steps: the molten metal. At the steel/refractory in-
– dissolution of the carbon of the refractory terface, the partial oxygen pressure is in
into the steel; the order of 10−13 at. This oxygen poten-
– build-up of a first layer of deposit made tial is enough to re-oxidize and condense
up of Al2 O3 and a vitreous phase by the gaseous species into a low melting point
volatilization and oxidation reactions; phase. This phase, at the operating tempera-
– oxidation of aluminum by carbon ture, dissolves either refractory or steel alu-
monoxide (CO). mina to form a very viscous liquid that may
constitute a sort of glue, whose composition
is close to that of albite (Na2 O-Al2 O3 -6SiO2 ):
3.1.2 Carbon dissolution
2Na(g) + 6SiO(g) + Al2 O3(refractory) + 7O
Superficial carbon dissolution from the re- → Na2 O-Al2 O3 -6SiO2
fractory, occurring at the very beginning of
2Na(g) + 6SiO(g) + 2Al + 10 O
the casting, results in a localized modifica-
tion of the refractory/steel interface. Here, → Na2 O-A12 O3 -6SiO2
the activity of the aluminium in the steel in-
Here again, it is the carbon in the refractory
creases as carbon activity increases. Over-
which initiates the gas transfer of refractory
all, the steel chemistry is such that dissolved
sub-oxides, leading to the build-up on the
oxygen in the steel O is in equilibrium with
nozzle wall. On the other hand, the mag-
the dissolved aluminium Al. A localized in-
nitude of this mechanism’s contribution to
crease in aluminium activity leads to the pre-
alumina build-up is unclear.
cipitation of alumina, forming a fledgling
layer of alumina on the refractory surface
via: 3.1.4 Alumina formation through
2Al + 3O → Al2 O3 (s) oxidation of the aluminium
It is the decarburization of the refractory by by carbon monoxide
the steel which triggers this reaction.
The predominant amount of alumina de-
posit occurs outside the thin layers described
3.1.3 Build- up of a first layer of above. Its thickness tends to vary from a few
deposit by volatilisation and millimetres to a few centimetres, and it is
oxidation reactions physically an heterogeneous composite of
alumina and metallic nodules at room tem-
After the carbon dissolution, a layer com- perature. The particles of alumina take on
posed predominantly of alumina particles a plate-like shape and their size does not
and, to a lesser extent, a vitreous phase con- exceed 20 µm (Fig. 16). The source of this
sisting of alumina, silica and alkalis is ob- deposition is suggested to be oxidation of
served on the refractory. The origin of these aluminium in the steel by oxygen due to the
species forming this vitreous phase is be- refractory (i.e. air permeation, redox equilib-
lieved to be the refractory. Alumina graphite rium,. . . ).
refractories contain secondary phases and The sequence of relationships is thus:
impurities such as SiO2 , Na2 O, K2 O which
can be reduced by the refractory carbon CO(refractory) → C+O
at steel-making temperatures, and generate ↓
gaseous species by the following reactions:
2Al + 3O → Al2 O3
SiO2 (s) + C(s) → SiO(g) + CO(g)
According to this reaction, if the refrac-
Na2 O(s) + C(s) → 2Na(g) + CO(g)
tory imposes a partial pressure of CO (PCO )
K2 O(s) + C(s) → 2K(g) + CO(g) greater than the one already in equilibrium
410-page 15
J. Poirier: Metall. Res. Technol. 112, 410 (2015)

Fig. 16. Scanning electron microscopy microstructure of a alumina deposit in a submerged

nozzle [20].

in the steel, then the reaction will proceed minium dissolved in the steel at the in-
to the right and alumina will precipitate. terface between the steel and the alumina
The carbon content of the steel grade plays graphite refractory. As a result, even if
an important role in the decomposition of the steel is perfectly clean, clogging will
the refractory CO(g) and thus the forma- still occur, suggesting that steel born in-
tion of alumina. It is well known that alu- clusions are not the primary source of
mina build-up occurs predominantly with blockage;
low-carbon steel grades. This is because the – the alumina build up is caused by the
CO(g) has an opportunity to be dissolved gaseous transfer through the refractory
into the steel, providing oxygen to the alu- sidewall. The permeability of the refrac-
minium. Also illustrated by this reaction is tory and the air tightness of the assembly
the increase in the carbon content in the steel therefore play an essential part;
C, resulting in the localized increased activ- – the clogging phenomenon will be greater
ity of aluminium, further driving this reac- if the content of impurities and sec-
tion to the right. Once again, it is the carbon ondary phases (silica, alkalis) in the raw
in the refractory which triggers the forma- material from the refractory is higher.
tion of alumina. Improvements can be sought by using
It becomes clear that the carbon in the highly pure A12 O3 -C mixtures, with as
refractory may be responsible for the depo- little silica and alkaline impurities as pos-
sition of alumina at the interface between the sible;
steel and the refractory. The carbon acts: – carbon from the refractory is an increas-
– to increase the aluminium activity; ing factor for the clogging mechanism.
– as a redox agent that carries the oxygen This questions the current use of carbon
from the refractory to the steel and in refractories in continuous casting and
all cases it leads to the precipitation of justifies a change to carbon-free refrac-
alumina causing build-up. Under these tory with little permeability and as inert
conditions, removal of the carbon from as possible for the steel.
the refractory should eliminate some of
these alumina deposition mechanisms.
3.1.5 Carbon-free refractories [21, 22]
The clogging mechanism involves the fol-
lowing consequences: The absence of refractory carbon during
– clogging takes place by in situ nucleation steel casting would be beneficial to prevent
of alumina from the oxidation of alu- alumina build-up. Several approaches have
410-page 16
J. Poirier: Metall. Res. Technol. 112, 410 (2015)

been made to produce such materials. The 1

properties of such refractories were targeted

Quantity of oxygen (g)

0,8 Preheating
as follows: at 180°C
– not permeable to gaseous exchange; 0,6
– chemically inert with steel;
– thermal shock resistant;
– mechanically resistant to steel flow. 0,2 Preheating
at 1200°C
Among the countermeasures, carbon-free 0
inside liner nozzles and annular step nozzles 0 2 4 6 8
have been developed with different tech- % FeO
nologies by suppliers and come to be widely
used by many customers. The carbon-free Fig. 17. Relationship between oxygen (caught by
materials do not supply SiO(g) and CO(g) aluminium) and the FeO content of the tundish
which react with any dissolved Al in the refractory (laboratory trials) [25, 27].
molten steel to form network alumina. In
addition, their stable surface condition due
to the lack of decarburized refractory carbon MgO-Al2 O3 spinel according the reaction:
is advantageous in retaining surface flatness
and wettability. 3(2MgO-SiO2 )refract. + 4[Al]steel
→ 2(MgO-Al2 O3 )refract. + 4(MgO)refract.
+ 3[Si]steel
3.2 Tundish lining [23, 24]
At the interface steel/refractory lining, a
layer composed of MgO-Al2 O3 spinel is ob-
The tundish refractory is usually made of served (Fig. 18). No oxides are formed in the
magnesia and forsterite (2MgO-SiO2 ) raw steel or migrate to the steel due to this min-
materials. Its lining thus may easily react eralogical transformation, which has no in-
with it, if the conditions, especially compo- fluence on steel cleanliness. Only a change of
sition, allow it. This reaction will be made density of the lining resulting from the spinel
easier by the great porosity, thus the active formation could be observed. Spalling due to
surface, of the lining. These reactions can be the different properties between the spinel
positive (purifying role) or negative (pollut- layer and the MgO-forsterite refractory lin-
ing role): as a source of oxygen and silicon. ing can lead to MgO-Al2 O3 inclusions in the
Due to the high potential of some oxides steel.
in the tundish lining, especially the silica and Potential hydrogen sources are also
the iron oxides, reduction according to the present in the tundish during casting. Sub-
following reactions are possible with oxygen stantial diffusion of water occurs when ba-
pick up by the steel. sic refractory tundish spray linings are used.
Complete expulsion of the moisture can-
3(SiO2 )refract. + 4[Al]steel → 3[Si]steel not always be guaranteed even when the
+ 2(Al2 O3 )inclusion tundish is well pre-heated.
Figure 19 shows the evolution of the hy-
3(FeO)refract. + 2[Al]steel → 3[Fe]steel
drogen content in steel during a sequence of
+ (Al2 O3 )inclusion three ladles. The initial hydrogen contents
were 1.5 ppm. The hydrogen contents mea-
Laboratory tests [25–27], had shown a re- sured in the tundish using Heraeus Electro-
lationship between the FeO content of the Nite technique, indicates hydrogen pick up
tundish refractory and the oxygen pick up during casting, particularly in the first heat
by steel (see Fig. 17). of the sequence. In this context, to limit hy-
Plant trials as well as the laboratory ex- drogen pick up in the steel, it is important to
periments [23] demonstrate also a chemi- improve the refractory composition and the
cal transformation of the forsterite into the preheating procedures of the tundish.
410-page 17
J. Poirier: Metall. Res. Technol. 112, 410 (2015)

Magnesia – olivine based refractory The basic function of the sliding gate sys-
tem is the control of metal flow-rate during
teeming. This requires:
– reliable and robust mechanics;
– operating regularity;
– easy dismounting;
– easy replacement of worn parts;
– fast, easy upkeep.
The systems were then basically defined by
mechanical engineers.
The second function is ensuring quality
of the metal.
The plates of the sliding gate system
are subjected to severe thermo-mechanical
stresses which systematically lead to the
cracking of the refractory in service. Such
cracks are the cause of air leakage through
the plates with adverse effects on the clean-
MgO-Al2O3 spinels
liness of the steel and the wear of the refrac-
Fig. 18. Observation of spinel crystals at the tory by corrosion.
steel/tundish lining-laboratory trials (SEM mi- Taking into consideration the complex-
crograph). ity of thermo-mechanical conditions inside
slide gate systems, especially inside refrac-
tory parts, is difficult and evolutions are
3.3 Protection between ladle slow. Today the design of most of the existing
and tundish slide gates only takes little or no account of
steel quality exigency, even if improvements
3.3.1 The ladle shroud [28] have been made, generally based on certain
empiricism. Radial and lengthways cracks,
Most of the time, this ladle shroud is made of due to a concentration of stresses near the
alumina-graphite. The same reactions as in hole and a non-symmetry of the design af-
the submerged nozzle can take place. How- fect the behaviour of plates (Fig. 20a). In con-
ever, a few specificities may be noted: sequence, relatively badly controlled plates
wear is encountered due to variable air in-
– it is often reused;
take and an acceleration of wear between
– it is connected by a collecting nozzle to
first and last heat because of the deteriora-
the ladle closing system using a high
tion of refractory permeability. This deterio-
speed connection system. Consequently,
ration has repercussions on metal cleanliness
manipulations can lead to a deteriora-
(oxygen pick up, inclusions).
tion of its outside enamel and can in-
In an optimised slide gate design
crease its permeability. The connection is
(Fig. 20b), it would be better to take into
not always perfect and deteriorates dur-
account the thermo- mechanical stresses, to
ing successive uses, favouring air intake.
which the parts will be subjected, to de-
Consequences will be accelerated wear
fine the refractory plates, their frame and
in the materials and re-oxidation of the
their geometry in order to reduce and even
metal, and thus its pollution.
suppress their in-operation cracking which
may lead to re-oxidation of the metal by air
3.3.2 Sliding gate system [29] intake.

The sliding gate system for steel ladles con- 4 Conclusion

sists of a mechanical assembly containing
the refractory plates. Plates are different The secondary steel making and casting is
shapes: rectangular or circular. the key to the production of clean steels, with
410-page 18
J. Poirier: Metall. Res. Technol. 112, 410 (2015)

Hydrogen [ppm]
0 1 2 3 4
Number of casting during a sequence

Fig. 19. Measurement of the hydrogen content in steel during a sequence of 3 ladles.

lutions of the refractory products, in this

field, will depend on such considerations. A
good knowledge of the metal-slag-refractory
product reactions is, consequently, neces-
sary in order to better control steel making.
Among all the points raised, we could men-
tion all the developments that will limit the
contribution of refractory products to clog-
ging and carbon pick up, in conjunction with
efforts of the metallurgists to produce clean


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