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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

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Effects of swine manure storage time on solid-liquid separation and biogas

production: A life-cycle assessment approach
C.E. Hollas a, A.C. Bolsan b, A. Chini a, B. Venturin a, G. Bonassa a, D. Cândido c, F.G. Antes d, R.L.
R. Steinmetz d, N.V. Prado e, A. Kunz a, c, d, *
UNIOESTE/CASCAVEL/CCET/PGEAGRI, Western Paraná State University, 85819-110, Cascavel, PR, Brazil
Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná, 85660-000, Dois Vizinhos, PR, Brazil
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, 99700-000, Erechim, RS, Brazil
Embrapa Suínos e Aves, 89715-899, Concórdia, SC, Brazil
Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná, 85601-970, Francisco Beltrão, PR, Brazil


Keywords: In the present study was evaluated and compared the effects of swine manure storage on a low-cost solid-liquid
Animal manure separation approach. We also determined the consequences of these stages on further treatment for energy re­
Anaerobic digestion covery and environmental impact reduction. Different hydraulic retention times were studied in the solid-liquid
separation techniques to determine the best pre-treatment conditions and apply these conditions in anaerobic
Waste management
digestion. This evaluation highlighted the possibility and advantages of applying solid-liquid separation using a
Energy recovery settling pre-treatment in the swine chain. Storage time significantly affected the efficiency of screening which
Circular economy was reduced by 80 ± 0.5% after 5 d compared to fresh manure screening. This directly reflected the sludge
volume generated in the following stages, with sludge increments of 51 ± 0.1% for settling. The waste solid-
liquid separation provided better energy production results when the manure storage time was less than 5 d,
resulting in improved power generation capacity of the system (up to 4.5 kWh of electricity for each m3 of raw
manure). We observed the positive contribution of adequate manure management in swine sustainability
through the life-cycle assessment of the swine chain during manure storage, solid-liquid separation, and
anaerobic digestion. It promoted low greenhouse gas emissions, resulted in a carbon-neutral chain, and maxi­
mized energy production and recovery. The results highlighted the importance of previous solid-liquid separa­
tion in anaerobic digestion and the relevance of proper effluent management because more than 5 d of storage
time compromised subsequent processes. This was also observed during the life-cycle assessment.

sources have become a global challenge. Despite constant technological

evolution, which makes the production processes more sustainable, the
1. Introduction search for a sustainable energy matrix and reducing GHG remain a
global problem [5–8]. Swine production has contributed to GHG emis­
Increasing demand for animal protein has prompted at shift in swine sions (i.e., carbon dioxide [CO2], nitrous oxide [N2O] and methane
production from small family-owned farms to larger industrialized fa­ [CH4]), and inadequate waste management is one of the main causes [9,
cilities, such as confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), worldwide 10]. Although these gases are emitted during all swine production
[1,2]. With such intensification, large quantities of manure are gener­ phases, storage is considered the critical stage of the process because it
ated, limiting the worldwide continuous agronomic use of agricultural can change waste constituents and promote gas emission because of
waste as a fertilizer. Unfortunately, constant concerns regarding soil, degradation [11,12].
water, and air contamination have required more sustainable systems To mitigate these problems, currently several technologies are
and better management and technological strategies for its residues [3, currently available to manage swine effluents, among which anaerobic
4]. digestion (AD) is one of the most attractive alternatives for the treatment
The mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions combined with of swine wastewater fractions [13,14]. Hence, swine manure has been
reducing fossil fuel dependence and searching for alternative energy

* Corresponding author. Embrapa Suínos e Aves, 89715-899, Concórdia, SC, Brazil.

E-mail address: (A. Kunz).
Received 3 October 2020; Received in revised form 22 June 2021; Accepted 5 July 2021
Available online 17 July 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Abbreviations Bmax Maximum biogas yield (mLN biogas g−VS1)

CfLF1 Chemical flocculation Liquid fraction
AD Anaerobic digestion CfSF1 Chemical flocculation Solid fraction
BMP Biochemical methane production (mLN CH₄ g−VS1) e Euler number
CHP Combined heat and power EP Electric energy production for each fraction (kWh kg− 1)
CLB Covered lagoon biodigester M1 Swine Raw manure (for the SLS tests)
CSTR Continuous stirred-tank reactor M2 Swine Raw manure (for the BMP tests)
EEP Electric energy potential (kWh d− 1) Qf Daily swine manure flow rate (m3fraction d− 1)
FS Fixed solids (g L− 1) Qm Daily mass flow rate (kgfraction d− 1)
FSS Fixed suspended solids (g L− 1) Rec Methane recovery rate (%)
GHG Greenhouse gases Ren Energy requirement for biogas production (kWh m− 3CH4)
HRT Hydraulic retention time (min) SLF1 Screening liquid fraction (for the SLS tests)
LCA Life-cycle assessment SLF2 Screening liquid fraction (for the BMP tests)
LCI Life-cycle inventory SSF1 Screening solid fraction (for the SLS tests)
LCV methane lower calorific value (kWh m− 3) SSF2 Screening solid fraction (for the BMP tests)
MP Methane production (m3N CH₄ m− 3fraction) StLF1 Settling liquid fraction (for the SLS tests)
SLS Solid-liquid separation StLFHRT_10min Settling liquid fraction for HRT of 10 min
TAN Total ammonia nitrogen (gN L− 1) StLFHRT_30min Settling liquid fraction for HRT of 30 min
TN Total nitrogen (gN L− 1) StLFHRT_5min Settling liquid fraction for HRT of 5 min
TOC Total organic carbon (g L− 1) StSF1 Settling solid fraction (for the SLS tests)
TP Total phosphorus (gP L− 1) StSFHRT_10min Settling solid fraction for HRT of 10 min
TS Total solids (g L− 1) StSFHRT_30min Settling solid fraction for HRT of 30 min
TSS Total suspended solids (g L− 1) StSFHRT_5min Settling solid fraction for HRT of 5 min
VS Volatile solids (g L− 1) ε Efficiency of the conversion of biogas into electricity (%)
VSS Volatile suspended solids (g L− 1) λ Lag phase (d)
μmax Maximum rate of biogas production (mLN biogas g−VS1 d− 1)
B(t) Accumulated biogas yield (mLN biogas g−VS1)

explored as a potential renewable energy source to replace fossil fuels, is a good approach to compare and measure the environmental impact of
contributing to energy matrix diversification in several countries [15, biogas production from swine manure and ensure its sustainability as an
16]. This management enables energy recovery, promotes a circular energy resource. The LCA considers all inputs and outputs of materials
economy, and mitigates GHG emissions of the swine production chain and energy flow during all stages, examining and promoting information
[17,18]. related to the sustainability of swine production and manure treatment,
In recent years, the improvement of treatment technologies under which can be positive or negative [13,36]. The LCA is defined according
several conditions and wastewater pre-treatment has been the focus of to ISO 14040–14044:2006 [37,38] as the “compilation and evaluation
many studies. Because of the solid content of swine manure, solid-liquid of the inputs, outputs and potential environmental impacts of a product
separation (SLS) is a widespread pre-treatment applied to these effluents system throughout its life cycle”. Such an evaluation is an effective tool
before to biological processes (except for high solid rate biodigesters) for assessing and solving environmental problems from the biogas pro­
[19–21]. SLS as a pre-treatment for AD can be used for process opti­ duction based on a wide range of feedstocks and wastes [39].
mization, increasing the biogas/methane yield, because of better use of According to Tabatabaei et al. [40], in regard to different types of
the highly biodegradable fraction (liquid fraction), especially in covered biofuels present in the renewable matrix, biogas from organic wastes in
lagoon biodigesters (BLC). Additionally, it can also reduce costs and AD is a promising alternative energy source with which to solve a
operational problems in the treatment system, such as siltation and its portion of global energy and environmental challenges. Despite these
subsequent process overload because of solid deposition inside the benefits, they can also be produced from different types of organic
reactor, reducing the hydraulic retention time [22–28]. wastes. Many studies have addressed the LCA for biogas production
SLS can be performed using a distinct range of technologies. Among [41]. In Table 1, some studies regarding biogas production using the
the commonly applied strategies for swine manure pre-treatment, LCA approach are presented for different biomasses and wastes.
screening, settling, and chemical flocculation, are commercial According to Table 1, the type of pre-treatment applied to the wastes
methods [29–31]. Despite the established efficiency of these can play different roles in biogas yield, and consequently, LCA. Addi­
pre-treatments, their costs remain a limiting factor in swine wastewater tionally, the importance of LCA analysis has been observed in different
management [32,33]. Thus, settling has become an attractive alterna­ production chains. Several strategies has been proposed to increase AD
tive because of its low-cost and simple operation [23,34]. However, efficiency, and the best is based on biomass characteristics (i.g., waste
once organic manure matter easily degrades and suspended particles biodegradability) [59]. Consequently, this significantly improves the
destabilize, the biomass storage time should be as short as possible to environmental and economic feasibility of biogas production plants by
avoid compromising the efficiency of SLS technologies, and subse­ reducing capital and operating expenses [60].
quently, the AD [21,22]. Reduced manure storage time also minimizes Until now, most studies have determined the impacts of animal
GHG emissions and improves energy recovery [8,35]. manure pre-treatment on AD yield and LCA. Although some reports also
Although SLS and AD can manage the waste from swine production determined the impact of manure storage time in the LCA because of
to solve environmental issues and, supply an energy demand, the CH4 and N2O emissions [41], there is little information that correlates
appropriation of this route, and sustainability in relation to environ­ the influence of manure storage time on SLS efficiency and the combined
mental impacts (i.e., GHG emissions) must be carefully analyzed. global effect on the swine LCA. This knowledge provides a solid strategy
Therefore, the life-cycle assessment (LCA) standardization methodology to improve the efficiency of biogas production and energy recovery of

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Application of LCA approach on different biomass and wastes for biogas Biomass Main considerations Reference
directly influenced by the entire
Biomass Main considerations Reference treatment of the farm.
Food waste Biogas production from food wastes is [42] Animal manure AD was evaluated as an alternative to [52]
more suitable than other biological manage the wastes from dairy farm, with
alternatives from LCA. the LCA approach; Then, the
Food waste Co-digestion of food waste (nappies and [43] environmental categories of global
expired food wastes) were assessed by warming potential, acidification,
LCA; The tested approach showed a eutrophication and photochemical ozone
positive environmental impact: lower creation were assessed, which promoted
emissions of CO2 were obtained with less reductions in the environmental impact of
human damage if compared with 25.7, 49.5, 18.1 and 16.1, respectively;
landfilling and incineration of the wastes. Besides, the manure accumulation and
Food waste Biogas production from co-digestion of [44] storage time on the sand bed is one of the
food waste with corn silage; According to highest contributors to global warming
the LCA, this is an alternative to the and photochemical ozone potential, due
reduction of 42% in the carbon footprint to excessive emissions of CH4. With such,
of the electricity produced. there are also losses on biogas production.
Municipal solid waste Biogas production from co-digestion of [45] Microalgae The advantages of microalgae AD are due [53]
municipal solid waste with sewage sludge that this biomass fast grow in non-arable
as an alternative to incineration, land areas and accumulates a high
composting and landfilling; The co- quantity of digestible macromolecules in
digestion showed lower environmental the biomass, for biogas production;
impact, with advantages in relation to the During the microalgae growing, it
LCA (global warming potential, reduces CO2 from air to its cultivation,
acidification, eutrophication and which also does not require fresh water
ecotoxicity); The benefits were also and nutrients, impacting the LCA
related with environmental and economic positively.
sustainability. Lignocellulosic biomass To apply these kinds of wastes, some kind [54]
Food waste Integration of pyrolysis with anaerobic [46] of pretreatment before the AD is required
digestion were compared, according with (i.e. sulfuric acid (SA), sodium hydroxide
the LCA; Eutrophication can be reduced (SH), aqueous ammonia (AA), and
around 64% and acidification 51%, with sodium carbonate (SC)); These
food waste management;Biochar and pretreatments affect biogas yield and
biogas are generated as alternative energy consequently the LCA.
sources. Municipal solid waste Manage gas from AD as vehicle [55]
Animal manure (effluent Tests with digestion of cow-dung and co- [47] applications promote better
slurry) digestion of cow-dung with potato-pulp; environmental issues than as energy,
The proportions of manure-pulp mixtures according with the LCA results; The
impact the LCA categories (i.e. climate advantages related with the utilization of
change, eutrophication, and acidification methane as road transport fuel in
potential); The evaluation demonstrates substitution of fossil fuels is about the
the importance and relevance of these minimization of greenhouse gases
types of assessments. emission, more than if it was applied as an
Animal manure Some kind of pretreatment is necessary to [48] energy source.
increase the yield of biogas from manure, Sludge from wastewater The AD was evaluated as an alternative to [56]
due to it high solids content; treatment plant organic matter treatment of sludges from
Pretreatments approaches also impacts WWTP, to evaluate the consequently the
the LCA of animal manure AD and biogas environmental impacts according with
production: it increases the sustainability the LCA; Low CO2 emissions were
of the chain, through better waste use. observed with the implementation of this
Animal manure The management of poultry litter by AD [49] management.
and biogas production leads to reduced Food waste The palm oil waste was evaluated as a [57]
environmental impacts of this waste, source to biogas production by AD;
terrestrial acidification, and According with the LCA, from the point of
eutrophication. According to the LCA, the view of global warming, land use and
AD of this feedstock conducts valorization water consumption, this a promising
pathways in the circular economy and technology that can be used to meet the
reduces environmental impacts. goals for a sustainable energy matrix; The
Animal manure and In relation to fossil diesel, gains around [50] sustainability of biogas production can be
municipal organic 93–131% in greenhouse gases emissions enhanced with better techniques of
waste were achieved with the management of biogas production (i.e. pretreatment
the wastes by AD, according with the routes), utilization and digestate
LCA; Acidification and territorial management.
eutrophication impacts were also reduced Vinasse The LCA of vinasse AD were analyzed to [58]
(257 and 700%, respectively); Fertilizer compare the environmental impact of this
and nutrient recovery techniques with the system with open lagoons; According,
digestate from the AD would promote an 77% of the impact was reduced with the
ever-great sustainability to the chain. AD management, with the biogas
Animal manure Pretreatment of dairy and swine manure [51] production and recovery, reducing the
would improve the efficiency of the AD, negative environmental impact of this
due to the fibrous content of these wastes; category.
The management of wastes, pretreatment
and AD efficiency affects the global LCA,
since the environmental performance is

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

the swine production system, creating adjustments that reduce its 2.2.1. Solid-liquid separation by settling
environmental impact. The experimental apparatus used for SLS experiments was composed
Accordingly, research is needed that addresses certain issues and of (i) a feed tank continuously stirred by a mechanical stirrer (RW20 D
presents a systematic and reliable assessment of the LCA, considering the S32, Ika); (ii) two peristaltic pumps (07554–95, Master Flex and BP-600,
SLS and manure storage time. In this study, we (i) determined the in­ Milan) for system feeding; and (iii) a conical decanter with a working
fluence of swine manure storage time on SLS efficiency (based on volume of 1 L. The decanter operated with continuous feeding at the top,
screening, settling, and chemical flocculation); (ii) explored the influ­ intermittent disposal of sludge at the bottom (10 ± 3% of the feed vol­
ence of SLS on swine biogas and methane yield; and (iii) conducted an ume), and 30 min of hydraulic retention time (HRT).
LCA to evaluate the environmental impact of biogas production during To monitor the effects of manure storage time on SLS, the solid
different scenarios, including variation in manure storage time and SLS. (StSF1) and liquid fractions (StLF1) from the tests were characterized
daily according to the physicochemical properties of the solid and liquid
2. Material and methods fractions generated during the SLS experiment.

2.1. Samples and storage 2.2.2. Solid-liquid separation by chemical flocculation

SLS tests with chemical additives were performed by chemical floc­
A representative fresh raw swine manure (M1) sample (200 L) was culation, using as coagulant a 10% (v v− 1) aqueous solution of poly­
collected directly from the reception pits inside a gestating sow house phenolic organic polymer (liquid form containing 30% tannic acid (TA)
(previously cleaned 1 d before sample collection) in the experimental and 0.01%, w v− 1, Veta Organic®, Brazilian Wattle Extracts, Brazil) and
swine production system at the National Swine and Poultry Research an aqueous solution of polyacrylamide (PAM) (granular form, Activator
Center (Embrapa Suínos e Aves) located in Concórdia, Santa Catarina, Q®, Brazilian Wattle Extracts, Brazil). Both coagulants were prepared
Brazil (27◦ 18′ S, 51◦ 59′ W). The manure was stored in a dark poly­ immediately before use by dilution with water under vigorous stirring
ethylene container at room temperature (25 ± 3 ◦ C). for 15 min.
For the biochemical methane potential (BMP) experiments, raw These tests were conducted using a Jar-Test (JT102/3, Milan,
swine manure (M2) sample was collected after 3 d of storage in recep­ Colombo, Brazil) with a working volume of 1 L, with the following steps:
tion pits inside a gestating sow house. (i) the influent was stirred for 5 min at 200 rpm with 75 mL of TA (10% v
v− 1), (ii) 15 mL of PAM (0.01% w v− 1) was added to the system at 50
2.2. Solid-liquid separation experiments rpm for 10 min, and finally (iii) the mixture was maintained without
mixing for 15 min for solid fraction settling [61]. Both fractions
The effects of storage time on the SLS of raw manure (at drainage (chemical flocculation solid fraction (CfSF1) and chemical flocculation
channels) were determined using simplified and low-cost separation liquid fraction (CfLF1)) were characterized using physicochemical
strategies based on screening and settling and compared with chemical analyses.
flocculation. The experiments were performed for 20 d. During this
period, samples were collected daily and submitted to an initial SLS by 2.3. Biochemical methane potential
screening using a 2 mm sieve for coarse particle separation. The
resulting solids retained in the sieve (SSF1) were characterized, and the The BMP was determined using raw swine manure and each of the
liquid fraction (SLF1) was subjected to another SLS using settling or fractions from the SLS: solid retained in the sieve (SSF2), supernatant
chemical flocculation techniques (Fig. 1). Moreover, the supernatant from screening (SLF2), settled sludge (StSF30, StSF 10, and StSF5), and
from the settling was subjected to settling tests for 60 min in an Imhoff supernatant from settling (StLF30, StLF10, and StLF5). Samples of su­
cone. All tests were performed in triplicate. pernatant from settling and settled sludge were collected at three HRT
(5, 10, and 30 min).
AD experiments were performed to determine the BMP, in batches

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of swine manure solid-liquid separation tests for screening and subsequent settling or chemical flocculation.

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

and triplicate, under mesophilic temperature conditions (37 ◦ C) ac­ where B(t) represents the accumulated biogas yield (mLN biogas g−VS1) at
cording to VDI 4630 [62]. For all SLS fractions and raw manure, the tests time t; Bmax is the maximum biogas yield (mLN biogas g−VS1); μmax is the
were conducted using a 250 mL reactor flask, and the gas volume was maximum rate of biogas production (mLN biogas g−VS1 d− 1); λ refers to the
measured using eudiometer graduated tubes (500 mL). The mesophilic lag phase (d); t means the incubation time (d); and e is the Euler number.
anaerobic inoculum was prepared as described by Steinmetz et al. [63].
The gas production was monitored daily by displacement of the column 2.6. Electric energy potential
of liquid sealant [64] in the eudiometer tube, and the dried biogas
volume was corrected to 273.15 K and 1013 hPa. The test was consid­ The energy potential of biogas from the SLS fractions and raw swine
ered stabilized and finalized when the daily biogas production was less manure was calculated according to Equation (2), and the electric en­
than or equal to 1% of the total volume [62]. ergy production for each fraction, as a function of the concentration of
For the biogas composition evaluation (CH4), the samples were VS and considering the energetic consumption of AD, were calculated
analyzed by infrared and electrochemical sensors on a BIOGAS 5000 according to Equation (3). This was estimated for three scenarios
(Landtec, Dexter, USA). (Fig. 2), considering a hypothetical farrow-to-wean unit with 5000
breeding females and 111.9 m3 d− 1 of manure [68,69].
2.4. Analytical methods
EEP = MP⋅ LCV⋅ Qf ⋅ ε ⋅ Rec (2)
All analytical determinations were performed at least in triplicates, ( ) ( )
and the results represent the average and standard deviation. Total MP⋅ LCV ⋅ Qf ⋅ ε ⋅ Rec − Ren. ⋅ MP⋅ Qf
EP = (3)
ammonia nitrogen (TAN: NH+ 4 –N + NH3–N, expressed as NH3–N) was Qm
measured by a colorimetric method in a flow injection analysis system
(model 2500, Fialab Instruments, Seattle, USA), based on the method where EEP is the electric energy potential for each fraction (kWh d− 1);
Rice et al. [65], as described by Hollas et al. [66]. Total solids (TS), fixed MP is the methane production related to the fraction volume (m3N CH₄
solids (FS), volatile solids (VS), total suspended solids (TSS), volatile m− 3fraction); LCV is the methane lower calorific value (9.45 kWh m− 3); Qf
suspended solids (VSS), and fixed suspended solids (FSS) were quanti­ is the daily flow rate generated for each fraction (m3fraction d− 1); ε is the
fied gravimetrically according to standard methods [65]. total efficiency of the conversion of biogas into electricity (30%) [70];
The soluble total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were and Rec is the methane recovery rate (%), which represents the ratio
determined using a TOC analyzer (TOC-LCPH/CPN, Shimadzu, Kyoto, between the reactor yield and the BMP value from the fraction, ac­
Japan) following the manufacturer’s recommendations. A the relative cording to previously presented values [71]. EP is the electric energy
standard deviation of less than 2.5% was obtained in triplicate to the production for each fraction, as a function of the VS concentration and
determine of TOC and TN. Total phosphorous (TP) was quantified by the considering the energy consumption of AD (kWh kg− 1); Ren. Is the en­
molibdovanadato colorimetric method using a UV-VIS spectrophotom­ ergy requirement for biogas production, estimated according to Boula­
eter (model Cary 50, Agilent, Santa Clara, USA). Potassium was quan­ manti et al. [72] using the ratio 0.16 kWh m− 3CH4; and Qm is the daily
tified by flame photometry (B-462, Micronal, Santo André, Brazil) [65]. mass flow rate generated for each fraction (kgfraction d− 1).
Total phosphorous (TP) was quantified by the molibdovanadato
colorimetric method using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer (model Cary 50, 2.7. Life-cycle assessment
Agilent, Santa Clara, USA). Potassium was quantified by flame
photometry (B-462, Micronal, Santo André, Brazil) [65] The LCA was applied to evaluate the environmental aspects and
possible impacts associated with swine manure storage time and energy
2.5. Kinect model use by AD. The evaluation was performed according to the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO14040 and 14,044) provided for
The modified Gompertz model (Equation (1)) was used to adjust the any LCA study [37,38]. The software OpenLCA 1.10.2 [73] was used to
biogas potential data to a theoretical logistic model [67]. perform the evaluation, (free open-source software), with detailed in­
{ [ ]} sights regarding the results and analysis performed, allowing for greater
μ ⋅e⋅(λ − t)
B(t) = Bmax ⋅exp − exp max +1 (1) reliability and transparency.
Bmax The LCA approach was split into three scenarios to compare the

Fig. 2. Hypothetical scenarios to estimate the energy potential with or without use of solid-liquid separation.

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

environmental profiles of swine manure treatment systems (Fig. 3). The change (short term), freshwater acidification, freshwater ecotoxicity,
of scenarios included manure production and storage in swine produc­ freshwater eutrophication, human toxicity (cancer and non-cancer
tion installations; manure organic matter stabilization followed by field related), marine eutrophication, photochemical oxidant formation and
application and/or biogas production, or electricity and heat cogene­ terrestrial acidification.
ration at the combined heat and power (CHP) plant; AD digestate stor­ A sensitivity analysis was conducted by varying the percentages of
age and application as fertilizer. emissions during the storage stage to verify how an increase or decrease
The baseline was comprised of the storage of waste in the in­ in emissions would affect the overall performance of each scenario,
stallations (~8 d) [74], followed by stabilization in an open storage tank considering 15% and 25% variation in the emissions at this stage [85].
(120 d) [75], transportation to the field, and soil application as a fer­
tilizer source (N, P, and K). Scenario 1 included manure storage in the
installation (8 d), followed by organic matter degradation by AD (30 d), 2.8. Data processing and statistical analysis
and storage of digestate in an open storage tank (60 d). Then, the
digestate was applied as fertilizer in the soil (after 60 d of storage, a hot Differences between the treatments over time were assessed by an
spot for emissions in LCA studies of biogas systems), and the gaseous analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test for means
fraction (biogas) could be used for electricity and heat production. In comparisons, both with p < 0.05 considered statistically significant.
Scenario 2, the swine manure storage in the installations was reduced to To describes the behavior of sludge volume production through
3 d. The effluent was pretreated by before AD of both fractions. The storage, screening, settling and chemical flocculation over time, a simple
biological process occurred in separate reactors because of to the con­ linear regression was performed. The coefficient of determination (R2)
centration of manure solids. As in Scenario 1, the liquid fraction was also describes the explanation percentage of the adjusted model.
used as a fertilizer and gaseous product for heat and electricity pro­ Statistical analyses (ANOVA, Tukey test, and linear regression) and
duction (Fig. 3). For all scenarios, the impacts related to the construction the mathematical modeling required for the kinetic analysis of the
steps of the physical installations were not included in the assessment, Gompertz model were performed using the software R version 3.6.3.
because they were not a result of changes in manure management, and
the objective was to verify the impacts associated with effluent storage 3. Results and discussion
time and biogas production.
The LCA modeling for the current study was projected for the 3.1. Effect of swine manure storage on solid-liquid separation
treatment of 1 m3 of swine manure. The life-cycle inventory (LCI) was
constructed to understand the magnitude and significance of the po­ According to the data obtained for physicochemical parameters
tential environmental impacts of the effluents. LCI considered the pro­ during manure storage (Fig. 4), it was possible to verify that the con­
cess involved (and corresponding inputs and outputs) and the emissions centrations of TN, K, and TP exhibited smaller variations over time,
and energetic demands from each phase. To understand and describe the unlike TAN and TOC, which presented increases of approximately 20%
consequences of a decision (Baseline, Scenario 1 or 2) for the environ­ and 5%, respectively. Popovic and Jensen [86] also fund that TP con­
ment, we used some marginal data from the Ecoinvent 3.6 [76] data­ centration in swine manure did not significantly influence the storage
base, data estimation based on the relevant literature, the inventory process, during 43 weeks at 25 ◦ C.
described by Cherubini et al. [77] and the experiments developed in However, TS was the parameter most affected by storage time, with
present the study (Table 2). More detailed information on the inventory an average reduction of 10% in TS after 20 d of storage. Provolo et al.
estimates is provided in the Supplementary Material. [87] also verified a pronounced reduction in TS (approximately 15%)
IMPACT World+, a globally regionalized life-cycle impact assess­ when the waste manure was stored for 28 d. Shin et al. [88] assessed the
ment method, was used to evaluate the described systems (Table 2). The effects of storage and acidification of swine manure on biogas produc­
method integrates Latin America and relates spatial variability to pri­ tion, attaining a decrease in TS of approximately 20% after 40 d of
ority elementary flows in a regionalized way [84]. Because the scenario storage, and approximately 1–3% of this reduction was related to CH4
in this study refers to environmental impacts, midpoint impact cate­ emission.
gories were used in the LCA methodology. For this, the following Perazzolo et al. [89] studied the behavior of cattle slurry stored in
midpoint categories of environmental impacts were used: climate different seasons of the year and showed that the temperature was a
determining factor in the acceleration of the waste degradation process

Fig. 3. Scenarios and system limits, being that: the dashed box represents the system limits; black arrows indicate the flows and (T) means transport.

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Table 2
Life-cycle inventories for all three scenarios (mass balances per m3 manure).

Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Reference

Manure, in m3 1.0 1.0 1.0

Electricity from Brazilian grid for SLS, in kWh n.a.b n.a.b 0.3 [78]
Electricity from Brazilian grid for AD, in kWh n.a.b n.a.b 0.93 [72]
Heat wood-based for AD, in MJ n.a.b n.a.b 16.35 [72]
Electricity from Brazilian grid for CHP, in kWh n.a.b 0.33 0.52 [72]
Mineral and lubricating oil for CHP, in g n.a.b 7.32 11.68 [72]


Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Reference

Product avoided
Chemical fertilizer NPKa, in kg 3.58 3.28 3.51 study data
Electricity from Brazilian in grid, in kWh n.a.b 6.22 8.34 study data
Heat wood-based, in MJ n.a.b 48.50 65.01 study datac

Emissions to air Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Reference

CO2 in storage, in kg 8.09 4.41 4.02 [79]

CH4 in storage, in kg 5.69 3.11 2.83 [80]
NH3 in storage, in kg 0.11 0.070 0.066 [81]
CH4 in AD, in g n.a.b 7.32 11.68 [19]
SO2 in CHP, in g n.a.b 0.073 0.11 [19]
NOx in CHP, in g n.a.b 11.53 18.40 [19]
NMVOC in CHP, in g n.a.b 0.40 0.64 [19]
CH4 in CHP, in g n.a.b 41.36 65.99 [19]
CO in CHP, in g n.a.b 3.14 5.02 [19]
CO2 in CHP, in kg n.a.b 11.71 18.68 [19]
N2O in CHP, in g n.a.b 0.22 0.35 [19]
NH3 in spreading, in kg 0.46 0.47 0.47 [77]
N2O in spreading, in kg 0.025 0.014 0.014 [77]
N2 in spreading, in kg 0.074 0.064 0.064 [77]
NO in spreading, in kg 0.18 0.18 0.18 [77]

Emissions to water Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Reference

NO3 leaching, in kg 0.71 0.67 0.68 [77]

P leaching, in kg 0.30 0.30 0.30 [82]

Emissions to soil Baseline Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Reference

Copper, in g 8.98 7.44 7.44 [83]

Zinc, in g 63.58 53.42 53.42 [83]
NPK as N, P2O5 and K2O.
Not applicable.
65% heat recovery [70].

because it favors the growth of microorganisms. According to Browne swine manure, whereas for dissolved fractions such as ammoniacal ni­
et al. [90], countries with tropical climates have effluent storage limited trogen, they obtained an efficiency approximately 3.2%. In the present
to environmental conditions because they can promote significant losses study, for the first 5 d, the efficiency of TAN removal was 6.7 ± 2.6%.
of nutrients and greenhouse gases, and consequently, compromise sub­ For the separations conducted after screening, the manure age had a
sequent treatment efficiency. significant influence on the concentrations of some of the analyzed
According to Moset et al. [91], manure storage has a direct influence physicochemical parameters (Table 3). According to the Tukey test (p <
on organic matter biodegradability, and consequently, on gas emissions. 0.05), VS, TN, and TAN did not change significantly over time. In gen­
In addition to the carbon emitted as methane, stored waste releases eral, it was possible to verify an increase in TAN, TP, K, and TOC con­
considerable amounts of nitrogen (as nitrous oxide or ammonia) into the centrations in the supernatants of the separation techniques adopted.
atmosphere, which is subsequently deposited in aquatic environments, On average, the TS removal efficiency after 19 d was 59.5 ± 0.2%
triggering eutrophication and acidification. Finally, the agronomic and and 75.9 ± 0.2% for settling and chemical flocculation, respectively.
energetic potential of the waste are reduced [7,8,22,92]. Regarding screening and settling using the SLS technique, the removal
Manure storage severely compromised the screening, the first step of efficiencies of K were 7.3 ± 0.3%, TP 61.2 ± 0.2%, and TAN 15.1 ±
SLS. In the first 5 d, the efficiency of TS retained by screening was 27.9 0.3%; for screening and chemical flocculation, the efficiencies were 8.9
± 19.6%. After this period, the efficiency decreased to 3.7 ± 2.7%. This ± 0.2%, 66.9 ± 0.2% and 14.8 ± 0.1%, respectively. Riaño and García-
effect was also observed with 8 d of manure storage by Kunz et al. [74], González [32] applied screening and chemical flocculation as SLS ap­
where the efficiency was reduced by 30%. proaches and obtained efficiencies similar to those of the present study,
Mechanical screening-based techniques generally have low effi­ removing 68.3% of TS, 22% of TKN and 76.6% of TP.
ciency for solids removal (approximately 30% for TS). This is because According to the results of the SLS supernatant over time (Table 3),
the sieves act mainly on the suspended particles, which have a diameter there was an increase in the concentration of the analyzed parameters,
greater than the sieve mesh [31,93,94]. Based on this, the efficiency which was mostly because by a reduction in separation efficiency, and
achieved in the first days was consistent with the average efficiency of some transformations that occurred in the manure supported these in­
the process and was also compatible with the results obtained by Marti crements. It is well known that for TP, the soluble fraction in swine
et al. [95]. The authors achieved 27% efficiency in TS removal from waste is present in orthophosphate form, but most of it is associated with

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Fig. 4. Swine raw manure physicochemical parameters concentration as a function of storage time. A) Relation between swine raw manure (C0) and solids and TOC;
B) Relation between swine raw manure (C0) and mineral forms. C0: TS:17.5 g L− 1; FS: 4.6 g L− 1; VS: 12.9 g L− 1; TOC: 3.95 g L− 1; TN: 1.83 g L− 1; K: 0.55 g L− 1; TP:
0.41 g L− 1; TAN: 0.97 g L− 1.

TS, supporting the high efficiency of removal [94]. emission of pollutant gases, and improve the entire management of
However, with solid decomposition, phosphorous tends to solubilize swine manure treatment routes.
during manure storage and consequently its transformation into insol­
uble species decreases over time [86,96], corroborating the increase
observed in this work. The TOC increment observed in the liquid frac­ 3.2. Effect of solid-liquid separation of swine manure on BMP
tion from SLS was a consequence of manure degradation, which resulted
in organic matter solubility, whereas part of it could be lost as methane As concluded, the manure storage time should not be longer than 5
[97]. d therefore, the waste used was collected with a maximum of 3 d of
The degradation of organic matter also leads to an increase in TAN storage. Several studies have mentioned the effects of storage on organic
concentration (Table 3) because of the ammonification process that matter degradation and the consequent adverse outcomes regarding
occurs in waste with nitrogen, such as swine manure, caused by organic biogas production. Not only in the pre-treatment stage, but also in the
nitrogen degradation [98]. Hui et al. [99] stated that degradation caused AD stage, storage negatively affects the treatment system.
by storage promotes an increase in such parameters in the liquid frac­ Shin et al. [88] investigated the effects of storage on GHG emissions
tion. This reduction is directly reflected in subsequent treatment pro­ and biogas production and noted that waste stored for 40 d emits
cesses (i.e., AD, nitrification/denitrification) and mainly in SLS approximately 3.7 kgCO2 eq. Ton−manure and reduced the effluent BMP by
efficiencies [30,90]. up to 40%. Im et al. [8] also studied the storage effect during 80 d at
Comparing the two SLS techniques, chemical flocculation showed 35 ◦ C on cattle manure degradation and stated that it emitted 375.1
superior efficiency. In the settling process, mainly discrete particles will kgCO2 eq. Ton−VS1 and the biogas potential was reduced by 42%. It is
be removed, whereas chemical flocculation also removes suspended evident that stockpiling affects the treatment system not only in terms of
particles, substantiating the difference [100–102]. However, it is process efficiency, but also in terms of the environmental damage it can
important to highlight that although the settling showed lower perfor­ cause because of the emissions associated with this practice, compro­
mance, the difference may not imply that flocculation should be adopted mising environmental quality.
instead of settling once the cost associated with chemical flocculation To better understand the influence of SLS on biogas production, the
makes the system onerous. It corresponds to approximately 30% of the mass balances of the fractions under study were initially determined
operating cost of the treatment plant. This demonstrated the screening (Table 4). It was possible to verify that screening generates a sludge
and settling approach as a considerable and applicable strategy for SLS volume of approximately 3.5 ± 2.0% and settling of approximately 10.0
of swine manure [33,66,103]. ± 5.0%, both related to the input volume into the SLS system. Yang et al.
Additionally, the storage time also influenced the volume of sludge [27] obtained similar proportions in relation to the SLS volumetric
generated in different stages and with different separation techniques balance, with 85% of the final volume related to the supernatant and
(Fig. 5a). As a consequence of reduced screening efficiency, the sludge 15% to the sludge from the separation process, using a separation system
volume retained in the sieve is also reduced by 52 ± 0.5%, which in­ composed of a hydraulic wedge-shaped sieve followed by 3 h of settling.
terferes with the settleable solids volume (Fig. 5b), increasing in volume Yang et al. [33] obtained volumetric efficiencies ranging from 10 to 30%
because of the degradation of the solid fraction [22,88]. The sludge from in sludge generation in the process of SLS of swine manure through a
chemical flocculation tends to be more stable because of the use of settling column made of plexiglass.
chemical products, and does not show as much interference from the The composition of animal manure is influenced by several factors,
degradation process during sludge densification (Fig. 5c) [34,101]. including animal diet, production phase, age, water consumption, and
The observed settleable solid volumes were consistent with those management system, which directly affect the characteristics of the final
documented by Fragoso et al. [100], wherein the produced sludge vol­ material. Consequently, a solid fraction is present, which supports the
ume after 30 min of settling was 400 mL L− 1. The sludge volume ob­ divergent values in the literature and the data observed in this study on
tained in the chemical flocculation tests (600 ± 71 mL L− 1) was close to the removal during the separation stages, both by sieving and sedi­
that found by Steinmetz et al. [61], who applied the same concentration mentation, in addition to operational differences in the SSLstage itself (e.
of PAM and TAN during the SLS. g., mesh of sieve, sedimentation time, use of centrifuges) [32,33].
The generation of sludge in treatment plants is an important issue, Even with the HRT changes imposed on SLS, the separation ratios
and because of the costs associated with its management, it deserves were maintained, as shown in Table 4, based on the volumetric balance.
attention. Hence, there are several technologies that can be used in However, the separation efficiency varied depending on the HRT
sludge treatment, ranging from agronomic use to energy reuse by AD employed for each SLS test. As the settling time increased, the concen­
[104–106]. Thus, it is evident that manure storage time should be trations of the analyzed parameters showed a tendency to decay in the
reduced to avoid compromising the sludge volume generated, avoid the supernatants, being concentrated in the sludge, as previously discussed.
TS removal efficiencies obtained by SLS were higher than those report

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Table 3
Swine manure characteristics (liquid fraction) after the solid-liquid separation process.
Time (d) TS (g L− 1) FS (g L− 1) VS* (g L− 1) TOC (mg L− 1) TN* (mg L− 1) K (mg L− 1) TP (mg L− 1) TAN* (mg L− 1)


1 6.4 ± 0.4aA 2.0 ± 0.1dA 4.4 ± 0.3 1792 ± 144fA 1211 ± 55 508 ± 41cB 83 ± 6eA 730 ± 71
2 5.7 ± 0.2bA 1.9 ± 0.1dA 3.9 ± 0.1 1729 ± 114fA 1247 ± 22 555 ± 16bA 81 ± 4eA 756 ± 19
3 5.5 ± 0.1bA 1.9 ± 0.1dA 3.5 ± 0.1 2039 ± 167eA 1202 ± 54 532 ± 40bB 84 ± 2eA 849 ± 123
4 5.0 ± 0.2bA 1.6 ± 0.1eB 3.4 ± 0.2 1759 ± 58fA 1223 ± 44 505 ± 39cA 81 ± 8eA 774 ± 39
5 5.7 ± 0.2bA 2.1 ± 0.1cA 3.6 ± 0.1 1975 ± 79eA 1314 ± 55 554 ± 33bA 93 ± 1eA 825 ± 19
6 5.6 ± 0.1bA 2.1 ± 0.1cA 3.5 ± 0.1 2042 ± 59eA 1254 ± 43 481 ± 4cB 107 ± 4dA 925 ± 136
7 5.5 ± 0.2bA 2.0 ± 0.1dA 3.5 ± 0.2 2250 ± 180dA 1293 ± 49 464 ± 7cA 106 ± 3dA 827 ± 44
8 5.6 ± 0.1bA 2.1 ± 0.1cA 3.5 ± 0.1 1669 ± 111fB 1135 ± 8 488 ± 34cA 115 ± 1dA 867 ± 37
12 5.9 ± 0.2aA 2.3 ± 0.1bA 3.7 ± 0.1 2386 ± 124cA 1117 ± 66 468 ± 20cA 139 ± 6cA 911 ± 52
15 5.6 ± 0.1bA 2.2 ± 0.1bA 3.4 ± 0.1 2539 ± 45bA 1269 ± 91 535 ± 23bB 153 ± 2bB 985 ± 58
19 6.3 ± 0.3aA 2.4 ± 0.1aA 3.8 ± 0.2 3049 ± 181aA 1326 ± 100 595 ± 24aA 183 ± 7aA 1025 ± 40

Chemical Flocculation

1 4.5 ± 0.3aB 1.7 ± 0.1cB 2.7 ± 02 1495 ± 35fB 1089 ± 25 564 ± 36aA 44 ± 4fB 673 ± 1
2 3.7 ± 0.2bB 1.8 ± 0.1cA 1.9 ± 0.2 1366 ± 43fB 1162 ± 39 565 ± 25aA 54 ± 3fB 747 ± 24
3 3.7 ± 0.3bB 1.9 ± 0.1cA 1.9 ± 0.2 1506 ± 81fB 1155 ± 23 610 ± 5aA 69 ± 7fB 806 ± 19
4 3.8 ± 0.8bB 1.8 ± 0.1cA 2.0 ± 0.7 1542 ± 50fB 1254 ± 71 539 ± 16bA 91 ± 10eA 875 ± 17
5 3.8 ± 0.1bB 2.0 ± 0.1bA 1.8 ± 0.1 1610 ± 36eB 1230 ± 36 519 ± 14bA 91 ± 4eA 852 ± 9
6 3.8 ± 0.2bB 2.0 ± 0.1bA 1.8 ± 0.2 1672 ± 9eB 1165 ± 57 533 ± 25bA 110 ± 8dA 885 ± 13
7 3.9 ± 0.1bB 2.0 ± 0.1bA 1.8 ± 0.2 1877 ± 35cB 1273 ± 39 484 ± 24cA 116 ± 3dA 880 ± 8
8 3.6 ± 0.1bB 2.0 ± 0.1bA 1.6 ± 0.1 1807 ± 47dA 1062 ± 69 488 ± 14cA 96 ± 11eB 919 ± 71
12 4.3 ± 0.2aB 2.3 ± 0.1aA 2.0 ± 0.2 2045 ± 66bB 1137 ± 51 494 ± 27cA 137 ± 9cA 920 ± 11
15 4.1 ± 0.4aB 2.2 ± 0.1aA 1.9 ± 0.3 2237 ± 73aB 1157 ± 35 602 ± 17aA 171 ± 20aA 1008 ± 11
19 3.7 ± 0.3bB 2.2 ± 0.1aB 1.6 ± 0.2 2331 ± 80aB 1337 ± 66 585 ± 8aA 156 ± 10bB 1029 ± 12

* Showed no significant variation over time according to Tukey test (p < 0.05).
Note: Different lowercase letters indicate different means between days for each parameter inside the treatments and different uppercase letters indicate different
means between treatments for each day and parameter, according to Tukey test, p < 0.05.

by Zhang et al. [34], which achieved 40% after 120 min of SLS of swine Rico et al. [26] studied the effects of chemical treatment and
wastes by settling. This difference can be explained by the storage time screening at the technique for the separation of dairy cattle manure and
because the authors stocked the manure for 2 months, compromising the found changes in the BMPs of the different fractions obtained in the SLS.
SLS. The dairy manure changed from 0.320 m3 kgvs− 1 to 0.580 m3 kgvs− 1 in the
After the SLS balances were determined, BMP tests were performed separated liquid fraction and 0.258 m3 kgvs− 1 in the solid fraction. In
to compare the effect of SLS on AD. As presented by Jingura and addition to the increase in BMP, another important observation made by
Kamusoko [107], BMP tests are the basis for determining the perfor­ these authors was changes in the degradation times of the fractions.
mance of the AD process, being a high reliability and widely used Although the liquid fraction took 21 d to reach 90% recovery of biogas,
method. These tests resulted in a higher methane yield value in the su­ the solid fraction and raw manure took 48 and 52 d, respectively, to
pernatant from settling with a 30 min HRT, as shown in Table 5. As the reach this percentage of recovery. This reinforces the discussion of the
HRT in the settling step increased, the potential also increased, even beneficial effect of SLS on the AD of animal waste, resulting in higher
reducing the solids concentration. There was an increase in the methane rates of biogas and methane production, giving higher loading capacity
production potential up to 1.2 times compared to the raw manure value. in digestion reactors with shorter retention times [30].
Supernatants, in general, correspond to 30–90% of the swine manure According to the results obtained in this study, the sludge fractions
methane potential. have the capacity to produce from 4.5 to 51.4 m3 of methane for each m3
Amaral et al. [23] also showed that BMP was higher in the super­ of digested sludge. These values are approximately 7.5 times higher than
natant from SLS. According to the authors, the organic matter of these that of the supernatants, which shows the capacity to produce from 1.58
fractions has greater bioavailable for AD, reducing the HRT of bio­ to 3.45 m3 of CH4 for each m3 of the digested fraction. Deng et al. [108]
digesters. This makes it possible to treat these fractions in high-loading also reported that the biogas potential from sludge was approximately
rate reactors (i.e., upflow anaerobic sludge blanket, UASB) [17,71]. 6.7 times higher than that from SLS. Yang et al. [33] stated that because
Different sedimentation times affect the composition of the fractions of the higher levels of solids (sludge fractions), a higher HRT may be
present in the substrate, not only in terms of VS, but also in relation to needed, which influences reactor size. However, the methane yield was
their biodegradability, resulting changes in the C/N ratio and potentially still higher than that of the digestion of raw manure.
inhibiting the process by the concentration of inhibitors in a particular Fig. 6 shows the relative behavior of the accumulated biogas yield in
fraction. Based on this, it was possible to verify the optimal operation the stratified fractions compared to that of raw manure (Figure A1). The
conditions for the pre-treatment stage, considering not only the effi­ supernatants exhibited a production delay when compared to the sludge
ciency of the separation process but also the performance of the AD fractions. However, after 1.7 d the settled supernatant (HRT 30 min) had
stage. an equal yield to that of raw manure. After the initial delay presented by
The sludge retained in the sieve exhibited the highest methane the supernatants (compared to the other fractions) yield rates increased,
production, 51.38 ± 3.11m3N CH₄ m− 3fraction, with a BMP similar to that and the settled supernatant (HRT 30 min) stood out in relation to other
of other analyzed fractions. In a general way, all sludge fractions had a fractions, with a yield 14% higher than that of the raw manure.
higher BMP because of their high solids concentration (1–12%) According to Cao et al. [109], this behavior occurs because the
compared to that of the supernatants (0.3–0.8%). Furthermore, the methane production rate is lower than that the hydrolysis at the
sludge corresponds to 10–60% of the biogas potential of swine manure, beginning of the process. With an improvement in biodegradability
but with an increase of up to 14% in methane production in relation to caused by SLS, the hydrolysis and acidification rates are higher and
that of raw manure. methanogenesis is reversibly inhibited by acid accumulation. Because it

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Fig. 5. Non-linear regressions of the monitoring of sludge and settleable solids during the experiment. a) mass of sludge retained on the sieve, where y = mass of
solids retained on the sieve (g kg− 1) and x = time (d); b) settleable solids of the supernatant after screening, where y = volume of settleable solids (mL L− 1) and x =
time (d); c) settleable solids from chemical flocculation, where y = volume of settleable solids (mL L− 1) and x = time (d).

Table 4
Volumetric balances (v v− 1) from each fraction after swine manure solid-liquid separation and mass fraction (w w− 1) of physicochemical parameters compared to
swine raw manure.
volumetric balance

M2 Supernatant from screening Solid retained in sieve Settled supernatant Settled sludge

100% 96.5 ± 1.5% 3.5 ± 2.0% 86.5 ± 5% 10 ± 5%

Mass fractiona


SLF2 0.93 ± 0.15 1.00 ± 0.06 0.94 ± 0.02 0.90 ± 0.03

StLF5 0.83 ± 0.14 0.92 ± 0.04 0.67 ± 0.06 0.67 ± 0.05
StLF10 0.78 ± 0.07 0.91 ± 0.04 0.49 ± 0.07 0.46 ± 0.07
StLF30 0.61 ± 0.08 0.89 ± 0.04 0.40 ± 0.03 0.36 ± 0.09

M2 (Raw manure): TOC: 3952 ± 633 mg L− 1; TAN:1124.9 ± 238.5 mgN L− 1; TS: 12.45 ± 0.3 mg L− 1; VS: 8.9 ± 0.3 mg L− 1.
C/C0 (Mass/M2 Mass).

is a reversible inhibition with biogas production, yield increases again resulting from SLS of swine manure, whereas for the solid fraction and
(Fig. 6), as also reported by Jiang et al. [110]. The modified Gompertz the raw manure, the peak production ranged between 3 and 9 d. These
model was used as a support for the kinetic analysis of biogas production rates were related to the biodegradability and availability of organic
on the stratified swine manure samples (Table 6). The correlation co­ matter and indicated that SLS contributed to biogas improvement, with
efficient (R2) of each treatment was higher than 99.70 ± 0.01, indicating differences from the literature being inherent to the substrate [111].
that the proposed model fit the data and there was no significant dif­
ference between the expected biogas yield and that obtained 3.3. Energy production potential and GHG mitigation
According to that observed on day 5.3 ± 0.2, the maximum rate of Considering the proposed scenarios in accordance with the results
biogas production exhibited the lowest value for the sludge retained in discussed above, Table 7 shows the bioenergy potential production of
the sieve (47.5 ± 2.7 mLN biogas g−VS1 d− 1) and higher values were the three hypotheses. Generally, a hypothetical farm with 5000 breeding
observed for the supernatant from screening (60.8 ± 1.8 mLN biogas g−VS1 females and a daily average effluent production of 111.9 m3 had a
d− 1) and the settled supernatant (HRT 30 min) (60.2 ± 2.4 mLN biogas g−VS1 maximum energy potential of 1161.1 ± 34.9 kWh d− 1.
d− 1). Yang et al. [27] found that daily methane production peaked on Scenario 2 stood out in terms of energy production, with values 1.2
day 3 for the SLS fractions, whereas for the pig slurry fraction peak times higher than that the other scenarios. The adoption of strategies,
production was reached on day 4 only. Amaral et al. [23] obtained the such as those proposed in Scenarios 2 and 3, which separated the
maximum methane production on day 1 for most of the liquid fractions treatment according to the waste solids content, improved the perfor­
mance of the CLB, increasing its efficiency and useful life. These oper­
ational advantages are related to the SLS that promotes better use of
Table 5 organic matter as well as lower solids load and HRT for the reactor.
Methane production potential for the studied fractions. Because of this, in the medium/long term, the energy gain would offset
Fraction VS (g L− 1) BMP (mLN CH₄ g−VS1) Production (m3N CH₄ m− 3
fraction) the investment in yet another unit process (in this case, SLS) [27,71].
M2 8.9 ± 0.3cd
410.2 ± 8.2 bcd
3.66 ± 0.11cd Atelge et al. (2020) [30] emphasized that waste pre-treatment is an
SLF2 8.3 ± 0.1cd 417.1 ± 5.2abc 3.45 ± 0.05cde important step prior to AD. It allows better solid degradation, improves
SSF2 125.1 ± 6.0a 410.6 ± 21.0bcd 51.38 ± 3.11a treatment performance, and consequently, lowers costs of the installa­
StLF5 6.0 ± 0.1cd 435.7 ± 62.5bcd 2.61 ± 0.33def
tion and maintenance of the systems. The AD of swine waste is be an
StSF5 11.6 ± 0.4c 384.7 ± 23.7bcd 4.46 ± 0.64c
StLF10 4.1 ± 0.3d 447.8 ± 18.9ab 1.85 ± 0.13ef adequate alternative to mitigate GHG emissions resulting from manure
StSF10 19.1 ± 0.4b 357.0 ± 31.0d 6.82 ± 0.53b storage [4]. For the theoretical scenarios, the emission reductions would
StLF30 3.2 ± 0.1d 488.7 ± 9.4a 1.58 ± 0.05f be approximately 280 TonCO2 eq year− 1, which is a low value compared
StSF30 22.6 ± 1.3b 370.7 ± 14cd 8.39 ± 0.50b to national indicators.
Note: Different letters means statistically significant difference by Tukey test (p In Brazil, there are 334 plants for animal waste treatment through
< 0.05). AD, which implements the energy use of biogas. Together, they have an

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Fig. 6. Stratified swine manure samples cumulative

biogas yield compared to the swine raw manure. M2:
Swine raw manure; SSF2: Screening solid fraction;
SLF2: Screening liquid fraction; StLFHRT_30min:
Settling liquid fraction for HRT of 30 min;
StSFHRT_30min: Settling solid fraction for HRT of 30
min; StLFHRT_10min: Settling liquid fraction for HRT of
10 min; StSFHRT_10min: Settling solid fraction for HRT
of 10 min; StLFHRT_5min: Settling liquid fraction for
HRT of 5 min; StSFHRT_5min: Settling solid fraction for
HRT of 5 min.

Table 6
Kinetic parameters of biogas production on stratified swine manure samples based on the modified Gompertz model.
Sample Experimental biogas yield (mLN biogas Predicted biogas yield (mLN biogas g¡1
VS ) μmax (mLN biogas g¡1
VS μmax day λ (d) R2 (%)
VS ) Bmax d¡1) (d)

M2 550.2 ± 11.0abA 541.6 ± 10.6abA 59.3 ± 2.4ab 4.7 ± 0.1a 1.4 ± 0.0b 99.85 ±
abA abA b a b
SLF2 559.2 ± 7.0 550.6 ± 6.6 60.8 ± 1.8 4.7 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1 99.86 ±
aA aA a a
SSF2 624.8 ± 32.0 615.6 ± 32.4 47.5 ± 2.7 5.3 ± 0.2 0.6 ± 0.0a 99.70 ±
StLF5 557.6 ± 80.0abA 554.6 ± 83.4abA 53.3 ± 9.3ab 5.4 ± 0.2a 1.5 ± 0.5b 99.84 ±
StSF5 550.9 ± 34.0abA 538.9 ± 33.0abA 55.3 ± 3.0ab 5.0 ± 0.1a 1.5 ± 0.1b 99.78 ±
StLF10 566.4 ± 24.0abA 562.7 ± 24.2abA 56.0 ± 1.0ab 5.4 ± 0.1a 1.7 ± 0.1b 99.94 ±
StSF10 494.2 ± 43.0bA 490.2 ± 41.4bA 59.1 ± 7.3ab 4.3 ± 0.3a 1.2 ± 0.2b 99.88 ±
StLF30 625.3 ± 12.0aA 618.18 ± 13.3aA 60.2 ± 2.4b 5.2 ± 0.3a 1.5 ± 0.1b 99.88 ±
StSF30 506.3 ± 20.0bA 501.2 ± 20.1bA 58.8 ± 1.4ab 4.7 ± 0.1a 1.6 ± 0.0b 99.88 ±

Note: Different lowercase letters indicate different means between the treatments for each parameter and different uppercase letters indicate different means between
the parameters for each treatment, according to Tukey test, p < 0.05.

Table 7
Energy potential in each stratified swine manure fraction according to the proposed scenarios.
Fraction CH4 (m3CH₄ d− 1) Bioenergy (kWh d− 1) Bioenergy Productiona (kWh kg−VS1)

Maximum potential of raw manure 409.6 ± 12.3 1161.1 ± 34.9 1.10 ± 0.03

Scenario 1
Raw manure (CLB) 245.7 ± 7.4 696.6 ± 20.94 0.66 ± 0.02

Scenario 2
Solid fraction (CSTR) 171.0 ± 1.8 484.9 ± 12.2 0.53 ± 0.02
Liquid fraction (CLB) 158.5 ± 30.6 449.5 ± 86.8 1.45 ± 0.30
Total 329.5 ± 15.6 934.4 ± 48.09 1.98 ± 0.23

Scenario 3
Solid fraction (CSTR) 138.0 ± 1.5 391.4 ± 15.5 0.46 ± 0.02
Liquid fraction (CLB) 159.5 ± 20.2 452.1 ± 57.2 1.14 ± 0.18
Total 297.5 ± 11.52 843.5 ± 37.8 1.60 ± 0.13
Considering the mass flow rate of the system and the energy consumption of the AD.

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

Fig. 7. Environmental impacts of each stage of the three management systems for the life cycle of one m3 of swine manure. Environmental charges are shown above
the “0” line, while credits are shown below “0” line with a negative algebraic sign.

annual capacity to produce 164.67 × 106 m3 of methane, annually denitrification, followed by soil application). This shows that treatment
mitigating the emission of 153.8 × 106 TonCO2 eq. However, considering systems that aim to reduce manure storage time contribute to the
the amount of waste generated by the energy potential, these data still reduction of impacts associated with management systems.
represent a small portion [112]. The positive effects observed in the baseline are attributed to
According to Freitas et al. [36], biogas from biomass represents nutrient recovery categories, because of the mitigation of environmental
0.08% of the Brazilian energy matrix. In total, animal waste corresponds damage compared to the use of chemical fertilizers. Several studies have
to only 1.73%. Tursi [16] pointed out that biomass is a valuable source found the same positive effects associated with replacing the use of
to supply worldwide energy needs, with the capacity to suppress more mineral fertilizers with the effects associated with climate change.
than 80 times the annual consumption of energy in the world. That it is Lansche and Müller [115] verified a reduction of up to 10 gCO2 eq.
not only present in animal waste, but also in different areas, with distinct Brockmann et al. [114] observed a reduction of approximately 20% in
energy potentials and composition for each waste. emissions. Ramírez-Islas et al. [10] found a benefit of 50 gCO2 eq
The emergence of alternative energy sources to replace fossil fuels attributed to replacement of chemical fertilizers. The impacts generated
has been discussed worldwide, and several countries have been invest­ for photochemical oxidant formation were mitigated by the environ­
ing in the use of waste as an energy source [14]. In this sense, and ac­ mental gains from the substitution products. The most harmful stage is
cording to the data throughout the present research, animal manure is related to the operation of the treatment plants, which supported the
an excellent alternative to complement the Brazilian energy matrix, most favorable values for the baseline scenario.
because it allows the management and reduces environmental impacts For freshwater eutrophication and acidification categories, the sce­
and GHG emissions [77,113]. narios did not differ in terms of impact. In terms of While terrestrial
acidification, marine eutrophication, and freshwater ecotoxicity, the
3.4. Life-cycle impact assessment results of analyzed studies variation among the scenarios was low (2–5%). For human toxicity
(cancer and non-cancer related), the discrepancies were between 5%
The baseline presented the greatest environmental impact compared and 20%. In general, for these categories, the transportation and fertil­
to Scenarios 1 and 2. These higher impacts were related to the swine ization stages negatively contributed to the impacts.
manure storage for a long period (120 d), which promotes GHG emis­ Transportation and fertilization promote the release of higher
sions and nutrient losses by leaching into soil and water. amounts of gases into the atmosphere, such as ammonia and other
The “climate change, short term” category is the one that showed the nitrogenous compounds. This occurrence is associated with manure
greatest negative influence of manure storage. As the storage time spreading, which impacts air, water, and soil. Phosphorous, ammonia,
decreased, there was a reduction of up to 50% of the impacts caused by nitrate, copper, and zinc are the main factors responsible for eutrophi­
manure storage in this midpoint category (Fig. 7). Brockmann et al. cation, soil acidification, and environmental toxicity [10,19,116,117].
[114] assessed the effects of manure storage and application in the soil According to the LCA of the fertilization process verified by
and found that storage promoted an impact four times greater than the Corbala-Robles et al. [116], the disposal of effluents in the field gener­
scenario with effluent treatment and disposal (nitrification and ates relevant environmental impacts. It contributes to eutrophication,

C.E. Hollas et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150 (2021) 111472

acidification, and toxicity processes, similar to the results found in the swine manure is a conventional biological process used to convert
present study (Fig. 7). organic matter into energy (methane-rich biogas) and fertilizer.
Despite the impacts associated with the operational stage of the The development of renewable energy from animal manure is
treatment plants, Scenarios 1 and 2 stood out in relation to the baseline, conducive to improving the energy structure worldwide, reducing car­
with the advantages related to nutrient recovery, energy, and heat bon emissions, and achieving the purpose of protecting the ecological
production. Scenario 2 exhibited the best environmental results. Thus, environment. Therefore, because there is an urgent need to develop an
the performance of the system in energy recovery was higher, which alternative to animal manure management, renewable power genera­
may be attributed to the lower manure storage time, SLS techniques, and tion from it is an approach for recycling waste. However, the current
AD in both phases (liquid and solid). Thus, the biogas yield was higher technologies used for animal waste management (AD) needs to be re-
and in relation to Scenario 1, Scenario 2 presented an increase up to 1.3 evaluated. Improving technologies and optimizing agricultural prac­
times. According to Dennehy et al. [9], suitable manure management of tices are essential for the sustainable development of renewable power
each fraction (solid and liquid) is one of the key elements to mitigate generation from manure management. Based on the results of this study,
GHG emissions in a swine treatment installation, as evidenced in the some suggestions regarding manure storage time and SLS techniques
present study. Additionally, energy recovery is attractive from an eco­ before AD, may be good alternatives to maximize the use of waste and
nomic viewpoint, reducing the cost of swine production units. energy production.
The pre-treatment technologies presented promising results In response to the above SLS technique, the swine manure storage
regarding the treatment and energy recovery of the system, emphasizing time also has implications for the feasibility of yield treatment. Based on
the importance of handling the waste during the storage stage, which the results, the key for a treatment system to maximize energy produc­
has a direct effect on the emission rates of the systems. Because there is tion, must be a perfect balance between manure storage time, the SLS
an uncertainty associated with the emission rates, the sensitivity anal­ technique, and AD. Moreover, beyond SLS methodologies, some
ysis performed to investigate how an increase or decrease of 15% and research is needed to determine the best technique, which may vary
25% in the emissions during the storage stage would affect the perfor­ according to the type of waste in question (i.e., solids, content, and
mance of the scenarios (Figure A2). biodegradability of organic matter).
The highest sensitivity was observed for the climate change category, Under the above circumstances, the volume of sludge also changed
where both the 25% reduction and increase in emission rates resulted in according to the manure storage time. This is related to swine farms,
an increase or reduction of 27.31%, 30.82%, and 31.51%, respectively because sludge has limited applications in AD. Thus, the present
in the baseline, Scenario 1, and Scenario 2. For 15% variation in emis­ assessment shows that the efficiency and sustainability of swine manure
sion rates, there was an increase or decrease in impacts by 16.35%, management is critically dependent on an integrated understanding of
18.57%, and 18.64% in the baseline, Scenario 1, and Scenario 2, the underlying component interactions, which also impacts the LCAs.
respectively. Photochemical oxidant formation was the second most Credits for the whole farm system benefit from the aforementioned sit­
sensitive category, with an increase or decrease in the impact by 14.90% uation of the entire treatment: greenhouse gas emissions and farm
for a 25% variation in emissions and an increase or decrease in the environmental effects are minimized with the combination of the ideal
impact by 8.92% for the 15% variation, at baseline. manure storage time, SLS, and AD. From a global perspective, these
The other categories presented lower sensitivities, for freshwater methods also maximize biogas production and yield.
acidification, the baseline scenario presented similar variation either in Although the results are promising, there are many factors that in­
the increase or decrease of emissions from storage for the two percent­ fluence the systems under study. According to Aghbashlo et al. [119],
ages. An impact of 5.44% occurred given a variation of 25% in emissions AD plant designs depend on more advanced engineering analyses, not
and by 3.63% for 15% variation in emissions. In Scenario 2 for the same only on the design, but also on the operations and processes involved
category, the variation in emission rates presented different impacts, [120]. In addition to the LCA approach, studies of the processes, ener­
related to the increase, or decrease in rates. A 25% reduction in emis­ getic and/or thermodynamic, by means of exergy and exergoenvir­
sions from storage resulted in a reduction of 3.13% in the effect, whereas onmental analyses, are important tools for determining the
an increase of 25% in emission rates resulted in an increase of 2.73% in environmental sustainability of AD projects [121,122].
the impact of this category. For the marine eutrophication category, Looking toward future projections and applicability based on the
Scenario 1, exhibited a 4.51% reduction in the category impact with a implemented results, before the advanced wastewater-based swine
25% reduction in emissions, whereas an increase resulted in a 3.94% manure biogas production technologies, more research is needed to: (i)
increase in impacts. For the terrestrial acidification category, 15% better understand the mechanisms of swine manure organic matter
emission rate variations resulted in a 1.12% reduction and 2.62% in­ degradation/removal according to storage time and/or AD; (ii) improve
crease for Scenario 2, whereas the 25% variation in Scenario 2 resulted the capabilities of SLS technologies for different types of wastewater
in a 3.68% increase or reduction in the impact for the terrestrial acidi­ with sludge and solid content; (iii) optimize the parameters of SLS; (iv)
fication category. optimize the environmental parameters and techniques to combine the
These data corroborated those observed by Duan et al. [19], who also best conditions for storage time, SLS, and AD directly on swine farms; (v)
found the highest sensitivity associated with the climate change cate­ develop efficient and cost-effective SLS methods; (vi) integrate the
gory by changing emissions rates by 25%. Cherubini et al. [77], biorefinery processes and concepts for economical production of biogas
emphasized that in LCA modeling, the greatest uncertainties are related from swine manure; (vii) conduct techno-economic assessment to
to emission estimates in waste management because of the difficulties determine the economic viability of the aforementioned set; (viii)
regarding inaccurate measurements and estimates. analyze LCA of other environmental impacts of the swine farms; and (ix)
These results demonstrated the importance of management related perform more in-depth investigations using advanced thermodynamic
to waste storage, because the emission rates are directly related to the methods, such as exergy, exergoeconomic, and exergoenvironmental
storage time varying according to the characteristics of the waste. This analyses. All these will guide the system to integrate and innovate farms
strongly reflected the impact on climate change. in a more sustainable, economically viable, and environmentally
friendly way. The profits for the producer are in the maximization of
3.5. Future perspectives and practical implications of this study energy generation and biofertilizer quality. It all adds to the sustain­
ability tripod and circular economy concepts.
Because of global activities and prospects of carbon emissions
reduction, the feasibility of the swine manure production in a view of
“carbon-neutral” operation is being globally emphasized [118]. AD of

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