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ONE PAGE SOLO ENGINE Describe where your character is and When you need to advance the action, roll When you have a broad question or need
Version: 1.6 CC-BY-SA 4.0 what they are trying to accomplish, then on the tables below and describe the to know details about something, draw on
A minimal, all-in-one toolkit to play your roll or choose a SCENE C OMPLICATION . results as the GM normally would. one of the tables below. Remember to
favorite tabletop RPGs without a GM. apply the S UIT D OMAIN when interpreting
Use a P ACING M OVE when there is a lull in the result.
HOW TO PLAY 1 Hostile forces oppose you the action, or you think “what now?” Use
1. Create one or more characters using 2 An obstacle blocks your way a F AILURE M OVE to move things forward A CTION F OCUS ( CARD ):
your chosen game system. when the PCs fail a check.
3 Wouldn’t it suck if… What does it do?
2. Roll a starting P LOT H OOK and a
4 An NPC acts suddenly P ACING M OVES ( D 6):
R ANDOM E VENT , then S ET THE S CENE . 2 Seek 9 Command
3. Start asking the O RACLE questions. 5 All is not as is seems 1 Foreshadow Trouble 3 Oppose T Take
Interpret the answers in context. 6 Things actually go as planned 2 Reveal a New Detail 4 Communicate J Protect
4. Play the game to overcome the
3 An NPC Takes Action 5 Move Q Assist
challenges of the scene.
Roll 1d6, on a 5+, it is an A LTERED S CENE . 4 Advance a Threat
5. Use GM M OVES to move the action. 6 Harm K Transform
6. S ET THE S CENE for the next thing you A LTERED S CENE ( D 6): 5 Advance a Plot 7 Create A Deceive
want your character to do. 6 Add a R ANDOM E VENT to the scene
1 A major detail of the scene is 8 Reveal
enhanced or somehow worse F AILURE M OVES ( D 6):
USING PLAYING CARDS 2 The environment is different D ETAIL F OCUS ( CARD ):
1 Cause Harm
This system uses a deck of playing cards 3 Unexpected NPCs are present What kind of thing is it?
2 Put Someone in a Spot
to inspire answers. Look up the rank in 4 Add a S CENE C OMPLICATION
3 Offer a Choice 2 Small 9 Unsavory
the appropriate table and combine with 5 Add a P ACING M OVE
the S UIT D OMAIN below to determine the 4 Advance a Threat 3 Large T Specialized
answer. When you draw a Joker, shuffle 5 Reveal an Unwelcome Truth 4 Old J Unexpected
the deck and add a R ANDOM E VENT .
ORACLE (YES/NO) 6 Foreshadow Trouble 5 New Q Exotic
6 Mundane K Dignified
S UIT D OMAIN : When you need to ask a simple question,
choose the likelihood and roll 2d6.
RANDOM EVENT 7 Simple A Unique
– Physical (appearance, existence) 8 Complex
Answer (d6) Mod (d6) When you need to create a random event,
– Technical (mental, operation) draw the following.
Likely Yes on 3+ 1 but…
– Mystical (meaning, capability) Even Yes on 4+ 2-5 T OPIC F OCUS ( CARD ):
What happens: ACTION F OCUS
Unlikely Yes on 5+ 6 and… What is this about?
– Social (personal, connection) Involving: T OPIC F OCUS
2 Current Need 9 Rumors
O PTIONAL : U SE O NLY C ARDS 3 Allies T A Plot Arc
When you would roll a d6, draw a card ORACLE (HOW) COMPLEX QUESTIONS 4 Community J Recent Events
and use the rank divided by 2 (round When you need to know how big, good, When you need to ask an open-ended 5 History Q Equipment
down). Discard Aces. strong, numerous, etc. something is. question, try to find the most appropriate 6 Future Plans K A Faction
O RACLE (F OCUS ) to use. If the question is
1 Surprisingly lacking 7 Enemies A The PCs
not sufficiently answered, add results
O PTIONAL : U SE O NLY D ICE 2 Less than expected 8 Knowledge
from a second O RACLE (F OCUS ).
When you would draw a card, roll a d12 3-4 About average
for the rank and a d4 for the suit. On a 12,
5 More than expected
flip a coin to see if you use the Q or K.
6 Extraordinary
ONE PAGE GENERATORS Use this to generate NPCs that may be Use this when exploring a dangerous Use this to generate maps of larger areas.
Version: 1.6 CC-BY-SA 4.0 encountered while playing. location like a typical dungeon. Whenever the characters enter a hex,
Content-neutral generators to aid your generate the T ERRAIN and C ONTENTS of all
GM-less adventures in any setting. surrounding hexes, then roll an E VENT for
the current hex.
GENERIC GENERATOR 2 Outlaw 9 Entertainer
How it looks: D ETAIL F OCUS
How it is used: A CTION F OCUS
Use this to generate towns, spaceships, 3 Drifter T Adherent R EGION
factions, magic items, taverns, monsters, 4 Tradesman J Leader The first area always has 3 exits. As you Each hex is part of a region. Define the
or anything else you can think of.
5 Commoner Q Mystic explore, roll once on each table below to three terrain types for the starting region
6 Soldier K Adventurer create the new area. (common, uncommon, and rare). New
What it does: A CTION F OCUS
regions might be discovered later.
How it looks: D ETAIL F OCUS 7 Merchant A Lord
How significant: O RACLE (H OW ) 8 Specialist L OCATION ( D 6):
T ERRAIN ( D 6):
1-2 Same as current hex
G OAL ( CARD ): 2 Transitional area
Use this to generate plot hooks, quests, or 3-4 Common terrain
3 Living area or meeting place
missions for the PCs to follow. 2 Obtain 9 Enrich Self
4 Working or utility area 5 Uncommon terrain
3 Learn T Avenge 6 Rare terrain
5 Area with a special feature
O BJECTIVE ( D 6): 4 Harm J Fulfill Duty
6 Location for a specialized purpose
5 Restore Q Escape
1 Eliminate a threat C ONTENTS ( D 6):
6 Find K Create
2 Learn the truth
7 Travel A Serve E NCOUNTER ( D 6): 1-5 Nothing notable
3 Recover something valuable
8 Protect 1-2 None 6 Roll a F EATURE
4 Escort or deliver to safety
5 Restore something broken 3-4 Hostile enemies
6 Save an ally in peril N OTABLE F EATURE ( D 6): 5 An obstacle blocks the way F EATURES ( D 6):
6 Unique NPC or adversary
A DVERSARIES ( D 6): 1 Unremarkable 1 Notable structure
2 Notable nature 2 Dangerous hazard
1 A powerful organization O BJECT ( D 6):
3 Obvious physical trait 3 A settlement
2 Outlaws
4 Quirk or mannerism 1-2 Nothing, or mundane objects 4 Strange natural feature
3 Guardians
5 Unusual equipment 3 An interesting item or clue 5 New region (set new terrain types)
4 Local inhabitants
6 Unexpected age or origin 4 A useful tool, key, or device 6 D UNGEON C RAWLER entrance
5 Enemy horde or force
6 A new or recurring villain 5 Something valuable
Draw a D ETAIL F OCUS for the description 6 Rare or special item E VENT ( D 6):
R EWARDS ( D 6): of the notable feature.
1-4 None
1 Money or valuables
2 Money or valuables
Attitude to PCs: O RACLE (H OW ) 1-2 Dead end
3 Knowledge and secrets Conversation: T OPIC F OCUS 3-4 1 additional exit
4 Support of an ally
5-6 2 additional exits
5 Advance a plot arc
6 A unique item of power
GM MOVES NON-PBTA GAMES I’ve seen this used to great success in
MORE INFORMATION Though the GM Moves section is highly
systems like World vs Hero and decided to
When playing a Non-PbtA game, it is apply it to a generic solo engine. Instead
inspired by PbtA games, the system will
One Page Solo Engine was designed to be important to remember that not every of having a huge table with every
work with virtually any tabletop RPG. The
incredibly concise and minimalistic, but failure should result in a GM Move. adjective you can pull from the
reason the PbtA framework was chosen is
still have all the essential tools required dictionary, you have a smaller table with
that it gamifies the role of the GM with
to run a game without a GM. The first two more general words and a domain that
discrete moves that can fit in a table. Sometimes the Spot check just fails
pages of this document are all that are they can apply to. This results in more
because there was nothing there. GM
required to play. I understand some interpretation and less guesswork about
How you use the GM Moves will depend Moves should be used when a roll fails
people might want to know a bit more, how “divinely slippery” could possibly
on the game system you are playing. If and there are consequences for failure, or
though, so here are some notes. apply to your current situation.
you’re playing a PbtA game, it will be the action needs to pick up. Checking the
obvious when to use them because PbtA is room for secret doors? Probably not.
Climbing a cliff in the rain to escape
built around the concept of partial
success. If you aren’t, just use them when group of cultists? Definitely. • Ask mostly yes/no questions
you want to move things along. • Loose interpretations are okay
This is really meant for people who are
• Always go with what’s cool
already familiar with RPGs and playing
• If it doesn’t make sense, try again
them solo. Most of the tools assume you If you need more information on how to
• Use GM Moves to drive the action
have already encountered similar use the individual GM Moves, check out
• Try group play with no GM, it’s great
concepts in other products. If you’re any PbtA game such as Dungeon World,
Some solo RPG tools contain dozens of
completely new to solo or GM-less Uncharted Worlds, or many others.
tables with hundreds of entries each. The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
gaming, check out some of the products
problem with these is that they are either One Page Solo Engine was created by
in the Acknowledgements to get started.
PACING MOVES thematically tuned to a certain genre of taking the things I liked from other solo
Pacing Moves should be used to fill in the game, or they are so specific the results tools, stripping them down to the bare

DESIGN PHILOSOPHY gaps during those times when the players just don’t make sense. bones, and then adding in a bit of the
would normally look to the GM to see process I use for my own games. It would
There are a great many excellent tools out what happens next. They represent the When using the One Page Solo Engine, not be possible without inspiration from:
there to run a solo RPG game. I always little prompting and extra details that a remember that the answers are meant to • Mythic (Tana Pigeon)
found, however, that many of them were GM usually adds. Try using one whenever inspire an idea that makes sense in the • World vs Hero (John Fiore)
overly complicated. You shouldn’t have you want to move the action forward. context of your game. The answer should • Conjecture, UNE (Zach Best)
to read 15 pages of rules and make 10 dice have meaning, not just be a random detail. • Dungeon World (Koebel, LaTorra)
rolls just to determine what the guards in The result may be surprising, but it • The Black Hack (David Black)
a room are doing. FAILURE MOVES should always be logical. •

Maze Rats (Ben Milton)
The Lone Wolf Solo RPG community
Failure Moves represent setbacks or

Also, many tools only provide part of partial successes. Maybe the roll failed, Give all results meaning. Embrace the
what you need to actually play. Some but the character still gets part of what unexpected. Reject the nonsensical.
only answer questions, while others only they wanted or all of it with a cost. These Written by:
provide narrative structure or generate moves keep the action moving during Karl Hendricks – Inflatable Studios
random elements. A complete oracle
failures and can be used in virtually any Email:
should do all these things. RPG system instead of just saying “no Reddit: u/archon1024
that failed”. Many people who try this system wonder Download at:
why a deck of cards was chosen for
One Page Solo Engine was designed to
randomization. The reason is because a License:
provide every tool needed to run a solo
playing card carries more information CC-BY-SA 4.0
game using any game system while using
than a die roll and the suits work well for Free to use and adapt for your own
as few words as humanly possible.
applying a “domain” to the results. works (even commercially) as long as you
provide credit and share your changes.
See the link above for more details.

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