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Project: “Build the center brokerage to support students and workers
easily and properly”

Lecturer: Mrs. Nguyen Hoang Lan

Department: Business Administration

Name: ID:
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Gấm 20198011
Trần Thùy Linh 20198026
Trần Duy Khánh 20198020
Nguyễn Văn Chiến 20198008
Phạm Quốc Trung 20198048

Hanoi, June 2021

Before starting the project report, we would like to express our deep gratitude to
our lecturer of Project Management subject-Master Nguyen Hoang Lan. During
teaching and learning process, you took your precious time to answer all our
questions as well as take care and help us in the most dedicated way so that we can
comprehend and get useful knowledge for our future work.
In the process of completing this report, we have tried to apply the knowledge we
have learnt to do the report best. However, there is a shortage of our knowlegde as
well as other external factors that lead to shortcomings, we is looking forward to your
comments and further guidance in order that our report is more complete and better.
We sincerely thank you.
A/ FOREWORD:..........................................................................................................1
B/ PROJECT CHAPTER:............................................................................................2
1. Overview:..............................................................................................................2
2. Business model:.....................................................................................................2
3. Stakeholders:........................................................................................................3
C/ STAKEHOLDER REGISTER:...............................................................................4
D/ PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT:....................................................................5
1. Project Scope Description:...................................................................................5
2. Constraints:........................................................................................................... 5
E/ PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN:......................................................................5
1. Project scope:........................................................................................................6
1.1. Production scope:...........................................................................................6
1.2. Resource scope:..............................................................................................6
1.3. Time range:.....................................................................................................6
2. The planning tools:...............................................................................................6
3. Work breakdown structure:................................................................................7
F/ PLAN SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT...............................................................8
1. The milestones of the project:...........................................................................8
2. Estimate Activities Durations:..........................................................................8
3. Gantt chart:........................................................................................................9
G/ PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT......................................................................10
1. Estimate Material costs:..................................................................................10
2. Estimate Facility cost:.....................................................................................10
3. Cost estimation and budgeting for expenses:.................................................10
4. Cost estimation work:......................................................................................11
5. Costs incurred:.................................................................................................12
6. Total costs:.......................................................................................................13
7. NPV:.................................................................................................................13
H/ HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN..................................................14
1. Positions in project management....................................................................14
2. Personal position in the project:.....................................................................15
I/ COMMUNICATION PLAN:..................................................................................15
K/ RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN..............................................................................16
1. Client requests to change project requirements...............................................16
2. Project ruptured time plan................................................................................16
3. The members of the project team are not united, contradictory to each other
.................................................................................................................................. 17
4. A member unexpectedly asked to withdraw from the project........................17
5. Customers cancel contracts, withdraw project sponsorship...........................17
6. The project is out of funding..............................................................................18

Nowadays, information technology has become popular and very important. It has
been applied in many fields of life, and, of course, the benefits and effectiveness that
it has brought are not deniable. It is obvious that it helps us solve the optimization
problems such as minimizing manual and inefficient work stages, saving much time
and cost for manufacturing. In the current period that the world is entering the 4.0
revolution, the application of information technology in management and
administration is always a top priority for business and the projects based on
information technology (Internet of Things) are increasingly invested and developed.

Inspired by life, we have cherished and decided to launch a project to solve the
problem of finding accommodation for everyone and of course, it is based on IoT.
Accommodation and hostel are always an urgent need of everyone, especially
students, and finding it is always completely difficult. We had the intention of
building a center brokerage which runs both offline and online for accommodation
brokerage to help customers update with a large, diverse and accurate information
about accommodation. We hope that our project will provide new experience to
people in finding accommodation and bring maximum efficiency and convenience
when using it.

When our project is launched, it will be a potential project and attract the attention
of many customers due to its convenience, diversity and quick update.

1. Overview:
- Name of project: “Sweet home”
- Starting time: 5/8/2021
- Finishing time: 5/10/2021
- Budget: 10000$ (220,000,000 VND)
- Project manager: Nguyen Thi Hong Gam & Tran Duy Khanh
a, Approach to project:
- Determine specific requirements for the software and do survey about some
sample systems for orientation.
- Define the stakeholders clearly.
- Specify the work breakdown structure, scope statement, milestones to complete
the project within 2 weeks.
- Carry out the analysis, designing, development and software testing within a
- Organize the meeting between the members of project team every week to
report project progress.
b, Reasons to establish project:
- The number of students increases rapidly every year and most of them come
from other provinces. So, the need to find accommodation is increasingly high and
becomes the important issue in the society.
- The demand for accommodation is constantly increasing while the ability of the
brokerage firms to meet is not enough.
- Many students are tricked into losing money into disreputable accommodations.
- Strong development of technology informatin and the explosion of Internet-
based technology.
c, Objective of project:
We will be the middle bridge between those who want to rent out and those who
want to rent.
- Help and support students to find accommodation with quality assurance and
reasonable price.
- Reduce the hard work of students and their families when looking for
- Save time and money for finding accommodation.
2. Business model: 
- Combining online and offline.

- Firstly, providing internet-based environment for landlords to post the photos
and basic information about the accommodation to attract tenants. Students or
workers can access to our website to find accommodation which suits their interest
and finance.
- Secondly, we can set up (design and decorate) according to request. We have a
system of vacant accommodations rented by ourselves, we provide basic
information about it such as size, lighting level, location on the website. They can
find a suitable room, then we will design layout, installation and decorate following
their request which is stated on the contract.
3. Stakeholders:
- Definition: Project stakeholders are individuals, groups, or organizations who
may affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision,
activity, or outcome of a project.

- Internal: 
1. Owner
2. Managers
3. Employees
- External:
1. Suppliers: landlords

2. Customers: students and their parents
3. Competitors: other brokerage centers
4. Regulators: local goverment


Name Position Organization Internal/ Support Major Main

/Role External s / Requiremen Expectation
Resists t

Owner Project Company Internal Resists Control The project

Manager projects as proceeded
efficiently as successfully
possible and

Managers Project Company Internal Resists Control The project

Manager projects as proceeded
efficiently as successfully
possible and

Employees Supporte Company Internal Supports Provide Software-

r information runs stable
about sales

Suppliers Supporte Landlords External Supports Provide home The project

r and market and home proceeded
information successfully

Customers Sponsor, Students, External Supports Provide Software

Supporte their parents specific works
r and market requirements effectively,
and finance reducing
for the costs for
project supermarkets

Regulators Supporte Local External Supports Provide legal Reputation
r governme-nt documents

Competitors Compete other External Compete    



1. Project Scope Description:
- Product scope: 
Develop a center brokerage to meet the needs of finding cheap motels and
accommodations in Hanoi for students and employees. 
-Project scope:
Project includes creating a website, collecting information about
accommodations, displaying this information on the interface of the website, and
customizing the accommodation for customers if he/ she wants. In here, students
and low-income people can look for affordable accommodation or motel in our
system of accommodations that the landlords and our center provide and the basic
information about the accommodation (space, size, cost, services, position, etc.).
2. Constraints:
a, Business Constraints:
-Products: Meet the requirements of customers (mentioned in section before).
-Time: The project is completed as soon as possible, at the latest….
-Budget: Do not exceed the initial approval cost , the maximum difference is not
more than 5%.
b, Team Constraints:
- Project team members need to be serious, proactive in their work, obey in
accordance with the instructions from the Project Manager.
- When a problem arises in the project, must meet together and discuss it
- Each member is responsible for helping other members fully grasp,
requirements and necessary information about the project.
- When feeling difficult or unable to complete the work on schedule, must notify
the PM immediately.
- Have a cooperative attitude and respect for other members in the group

1. Project scope:
1.1. Production scope:
The final website had to respond to this requirement:
- Easy and comfortable to use
- Intuitive interface
- Works well with all required functions
- Coded by JSP language
- Used on multiple platforms: Google chrome, safari, firefox, internet explorer
1.2. Resource scope:
- The total expense of this project: 40 000 000 VNĐ:
+ The salary of staff
+ The renting cost of the office
+ The renting cost of the accommodations
+ The costs incurred:
+ The reserve cost: 8% of this project
- The number of members: 5 people
+ Layout and design the website: all of the members 
+ Collect and analyze the data: all of the members
+ Contract with the IT designer: Gấm and Linh
+ Contract to rent and decorate the office: Khánh and Trung
+ Marketing: Chiến 
1.3. Time range:
- The project implementation time: no longer than 2 months (around 60 days)
- Estimated time due to the small project, so if there is a change, not too large
at about 10 days 
2. The planning tools:
- Microsoft Word 2016 (Public text editor)
- Microsoft Excel 2016 (Computational and drafting tools)
- Microsoft Project 2016 (Construction tool for project management scheduling)
- Eclipse, Subtext (Software programming)
- SQL Server (Construction tools database)
- Star-UML (Design tool to build Usecase organization chart)
- References to other project

3. Work breakdown structure:


1. The milestones of the project:

I Milestones Description Verification

1 Project initialization Introductory information Gấm
project news: guest request
goods, budget, deadline, the
team member sentence
2 Collect and analyze the Collect them all requirements Linh
data requitment customers about the renting
acccommodation online
3 Complete the software Complete code for all the modules Khánh
coding  according to the template
4 Complete testing and To conduct the test entire units and Khánh
debugging functions of the software
5  Contract to rent and Find out and rent the office where Khánh and
decorate the office working, signing the contract with the Trung
And decoration the office
6 Marketing Plan Applying the knowledge of the subject Chiến
into this project,
Advertisement on many platforms like:
facebook, instagarm,…
7 Meeting with authorities Learn about legal issues, legal documents, Gấm
and local governments request of local government, health
8 Project finished Summarize project experience, pay All of the
surcharges members

2. Estimate Activities Durations:

Activities Predecessor Duration (week) Cost ($)

(1) - 3 60
(2) (1) 1 150
(3) (1), (2) 2 130
(4), (5) (1), (2), (3) 2 600
(6) -  3 100
(7) (6) 1 10
(8) (6), (7) 2 70
(10) (8) 1 380

(9) (10) 1/2 80
(11), (12), (13) (6), (7) 0 0
(14) - 1 0
(15), (16) (14) 1 150
(17) - 1/2 0
(18) (17) 3 250
(19), (20), (21), (22) (18) 1 300
(23) - 3 130
(24) (23) 1 700
(25), (26), (27), (28) - 2 350
(29), (30), (31) - 1 100
(32) (31) 1 320

3. Gantt chart:

1. Estimate Material costs:
Project budgets presented as material costs such as : 
Categories Number Cost Total
Data Base 1 30.000.000đ 15.000.000đ
Copyright registration 1 1.000.000đ 500.000đ
Total costs 15.500.000đ

2. Estimate Facility cost:

Categories  Number cost Total amount
Office  1 65$/month 3.500.000đ

Internet 5
1 22$/month 1.500.000đ
Utility bills 1 22$/month 1.500.000đ

Switch  1 22$/month 500.000đ

Network cabling 100m 0.5$/month 1.000.000đ
Total costs

3. Cost estimation and budgeting for expenses:

Number Name Position Payment


1 Nguyễn Văn Chiến Solution Designer 300.000đ

2 Nguyễn Thị Hồng Gấm Project Manager 300.000đ

3 Nguyễn Quốc Trung Business analyst 300.000đ

4 Trần Duy Khánh Quality Assurance 300.000đ

5 Trần Thùy Linh Business analyst 300.000đ

6 Programmer 100.000đ

7 Tester 100.000đ

8 Interface Designer 100.000đ

4. Cost estimation work:

Mã Period  Work EST Payment

Number of

1.0 1 Survey 7.7 3.700.000đ
1.1 1 Customer meeting 2.1 1 1 500.000đ
1.2 2 Requirement 3.4 1 3 2.000.000đ
1.3 3 Requirement 1.0 1 3 500.000đ
1.4 4 Report 1.0 1 4 700.000đ
2.0 2 Analytical course 27 9.950.000đ

2.1 1 Requirement 7.64 1 3 3.000.000đ

2.2 2 Work brief Sheet 7.56 1 2 3.000.000đ

2.3 3 Usecase 2.16 1 3 1.000.000đ

2.4 4 Performance plan 6.48 1 1 1.900.000đ

2.5 5 Work division  2.07 1 0 400.000đ

2.6 6 Report 1.08 1 4 650.000đ

3.0 3 Design course 28.08 7.360.000đ

3.1 1 Software design 16.01 0 2 3.000.000đ

3.2 2 Web design 10.9 0 3 3.360.000đ

3.3 3 Report 1.08 1 3 1.100.000đ

4.0 4 Construction course 72.3 31.750.000đ

4.1 1 Diagram construction 10.9 1 3 5.000.000đ

4.2 2 Database 11.1 1 3 5.150.000đ

4.3 3 Functional software 32.4 1 4 10.900.000đ
4.4 4 Website construction 16.7 1 4 10.100.000đ

4.5 5 Report 1.08 1 4 600.000đ

5.0 5 Test run 7.83 4.450.000đ

5.1 1 Testing 2.16 1 3 1.150.000đ

5.2 2 Error fix 3.42 1 4 2.100.000đ

5.3 3 Software update 1.169 1 3 500.000đ

5.4 4 Report 1.08 1 4 700.000đ

6.0 6 Test course 7.56 3.500.000đ

6.1 1 Test module 2.16 1 3 1.150.000đ

6.2 2 Integral test 3.24 1 3 1.250.000đ

6.3 3 Running 1.08 1 1 650.000đ

6.4 4 Report 1.08 1 4 500.000đ

7.0 7 Transfer course 7.91 4.970.000đ

7.1 1 Document 1.08 1 2 870.000đ

7.2 2 Hand-over 2.51 1 1 1.500.000đ

7.3 3 User manual  1.97 1 0 800.000đ

7.4 4 1.26 1 0 500.000đ

7.5 5 Report 1.08 1 4 1.300.000đ

Total 65.680.000đ

5. Costs incurred:

Categories  Number Cost Total

1 Customer meeting cost 4 5$ 400.000đ

2 130$
Party cost 2 6.000.000đ
3 Setup cost 5 10$

4 Telephone
44$ 1.000.000đ

Toal costs 8.400.000đ

6. Total costs:

Number Categories  Total 

1 Material costs 15.500.000đ

2 Facility costs 8.000.000đ
3 Salaries 108.000.000đ
4 Website 65.680.000d
5 Costs incurred 8.400.000đ
Total 205.580.000đ

This is the total estimated cost for Sweet Homes project , this cost is under control
as the initial costs prediction 

7. NPV:
  Material costs 15,500,000
Investment cost Website 65,680,000
Sum 81,180,000
2 Useful life (N) 5
3 Salvage value (S) 10,000,000
4 Revenue (R) 160,000,000
Facility costs 8,000,000
Expenses Salaries 108,000,000
Costs incurred 8,400,000
Operating expenses (Sum) 124,400,000
6 Depreciation 14,236,000
7 Tax rate (i) 25%
8 Firm interest(MARR) 15%
9 Taxable income 21,364,000
10 Income tax 5341000

Years Investment Cost Revenue Operating Expenses tax Cash flow
0 -81,180,000       -81,180,000
1   160,000,000 -124,400,000 -5341000 30259000
2   160,000,000 -124,400,000 -5341000 30259000
3   160,000,000 -124,400,000 -5341000 30259000
4   160,000,000 -124,400,000 -5341000 30259000
5 10,000,000 160,000,000 -124,400,000 -5341000 40259000
NPV 25224628
IRR 27%

NPV is positive  Our project is attractive.

1. Positions in project management

Positions Responsibility Skill require Quantit Time Duration

y starting working
Project Leader the Project 1 5/8/2021 2 months
Manager whole project management,
Experience in
Quality Project quality Testing, 1 25/8/2021 1.5 month
Assurance assurance Experience in
Engineer similar
Business Collect and search, foreign 2 25/8/2021 1.5 month
analyst analyze business languages,
requirements of analysis
the system
Programmer Software Program, 2 25/8/2021 1.5 month
construction database
Solution Offering Experience in 1 25/8/2021 1.5 month
Designer solutions to similar
build software position
that meets
Interface Interface design Design web, 1 25/8/2021 1.5 month
Designer for web photoshop

2. Personal position in the project:

Positions Quantity
Business analyst team Total: 5
Leader  1
Members 4
Design team Total: 5
Leader 1
Solution Designer 1
Interface Designer 1
Database designer 2
Programming team Total: 3
Leader 1
Programmer 2
Deployment team Total: 2


Communication  Purpose Form Frequency Stakeholders Documents

Type transfer
Project statement Introduce the Meeting 1 time Project Project
project and Manager, Charter
the project Project team,
team Stakeholders
Project team Assign work Meeting, 1 Project team Project
meeting to project phone, time/week Scope
team create Statement,
members group on Project
Faceboo Schedule
System design Assign work Meeting, At least 1 Design team System
team meeting to System phone, time analysis,
design team create Design form
group on
Coder team Assign work Meeting, 1 Coder team Minutes of
meeting to phone, time/week group
programming create discussion
team group on
Project progress Monitor the Meeting 2 Whole Project
report meeting work times/week project team schedule,
progress of Slide report.
the project


1. Client requests to change project requirements
- Special point: The customer barrier changes some important points in the
- Show time/frequency: Anytime during the project planning or execution phase.
- Cause: Due to customers
- Laboratory risk: Leakage of shortage, progress before parship gives the product
to the customer. So many designs are offered for customers' reference, only one is
given. During the implementation of the PM, it is necessary to often contact the
customer to update the changes, to avoid leaving it too soon.

- Feedback method: Ask the customer to finalize the final change.
- Estimated cost of response: Depending on the stage of change, additional costs
may be required from the customer.
- Estimated response time: Instant.
- Personnel to deal with: PM, system analyst.
2. Project ruptured time plan
- Characteristics: The work is not completed on schedule leading to delayed
handover of products to customers.
- Appearance Time / Frequency : At the beginning and end of the project
- Causes: Due to the subjectivity of the project team members, it takes time to
learn the business process of the customer supermarket, there is no specific
- Hedging: PM needs to clearly identify the work to be done from the beginning,
creating a specific schedule for each member.
- Response method: Determine the number of days behind schedule, shorten the
time some work does not matter, if it is not possible in time, it must notify the
customer in advance with an apology and explanation.
- Estimated response time : Immediately after the PM holds a meeting to resolve
difficulties with members.
3. The members of the project team are not united, contradictory to each other
- Characteristics: Members do not really cooperate at work, slander each other
affecting the quality as well as project progress.
- Appearance time / Frequency : At any time, but most often during the project
execution phase.
- Causes: It is possible that because the team is newly formed, the members have
not had time to get to know each other.
- Hedging: PM needs to hold a meeting for the entire project team before starting
to work on the official project so that everyone understands each other better.
- Response method: When assigned to members, the PM must ensure fairness.
During the implementation period, the PM must pay close attention to the team,
promptly resolve small conflicts. · Estimated reaction time : Instant.
- Human Response Personnel : PM.
4. A member unexpectedly asked to withdraw from the project
- Characteristics : A team member suddenly started his intention to leave the
project despite the ongoing progress.
- Appearance Time / Frequency : At any time during the project implementation

- Causes: There can be many causes such as: That member has health problems
or family reasons, sometimes due to being attracted by another company.
- Hedging: Before starting the project, the PM needs to establish strict team
contracts with the project team, which stipulates that each member who wants to
quit must notify the PM at least 2 weeks in advance.
- Response method: In case of risks, the PM first needs to carefully determine the
large amount of work that employees leave behind. It's best to give other employees
that part of it. If there are not enough personnel, we need to recruit new people to
complete the job.
- Estimated reaction time : 1 to 2 weeks.
- Personnel Reaction : The remaining members of the team or new recruits.
5. Customers cancel contracts, withdraw project sponsorship
- Characteristics: Customers want to terminate the contract or cut off funding for
the project team.
- Appearance time / Frequency : At any time during the project execution phase.
- Causes: Due to many reasons such as customers not satisfied with the work or
products of the project team, or due to uns warranted financial capacity.
- Hedging: There should be strict binding terms in the contract with customers to
prevent them from unilaterally canceling the contract.
- Response method: Try to convince customers to retain the project, and if the
customer resolutely wants to cancel, claim the project money then go find another
potential customer.
- Reaction time : 1 to 2 weeks
- Personnel Response : PM.
6. The project is out of funding
- Characteristics: During the implementation of the project, the PM found that the
remaining amount was not enough to spend on the remaining activities of the
- Appearance time / Frequency : At any time during the project implementation
- Causes: It may be due to an unsynced cost plan that leads to a rupture of funds
for the project, or because members overs spend, not complying with the plan can
also lead to a fund rupture.
-  Hedging: PM needs to agree with the whole team on a clear spending plan,
requires the entire project team to strictly implement, and takes the form of
discipline with members who do not comply with the spending plan.
- Response method: Identify the cause of the project budget deficit, then meet
the whole team to propose a solution. It is possible to minimize activities that are

not really important to the project, in case it is difficult for the PM to contact
customers immediately, try to apologize and ask for more funding for the project.
-  Reaction time : Immediately.
-  Personnel Response : PM

1. Lectures note. 
2. A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK, by Project
Management Institute. 
3. The Toyota Way, by Dr. Jeffrey Liker.
4. Be Fast or Be Gone: Racing the Clock with Critical Chain Project Management,
by Andreas Scherer.
5. Agile Project Management with Scrum, by Ken Schwaber.
6. How Stella Saved the Farm: a Tale About Making Innovation Happen, by Vijay
Govindarajan and Chris Trimble. 
7. Some other Vietnamese documents.


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