DungeonQuestRevised Rulz Rev1

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DungeonQuest Revised

rules version 1
Objective: Exit the Dungeon alive with the most Loot. Game Over when either Sun sets or all Players Exited or Dead.
 Follow any Loot Card end-of-game instructions.
 Highest total Gold value of Loot wins. Tiebreakers = Single Loot Card of highest Gold value, then greatest # of
Loot cards. Else everybody wins!

Setup: see Learn to Play booklet page 3. Use Torchlight rule to setup 2 Chambers next to each Start space.

 Attribute Tests:
o 2d6, succ = roll ≤ Attribute called for (Strength, Agility, Armor or Luck)
o Can spend any # of Determination Tokens to modify roll, -1 per token.
o If fail (and you don’t die), get a Determination Token.
 Taking Wounds: take Wound tokens. If >Health (upper right), Player Dies. Heal only via special cards.
 Die / Death Can Wait:
o Discard *all* Cards (incl. Loot) and Tokens (incl. Determination and Wounds).
 Optional House Rule (BGG Ressless): Loot stays in place of death (Chamber or Catacombs,
mark with Traveling Token). If a Hero tries to snag via Search action, draw/resolve Corpse Card.
o Optional Respawn Rule: Player to Left places your pawn on a Tower of their choice. Repeat Setup for
this Player.
o If First Player died: pass First Player Token to next player unless using Respawn rule.
o House Rule for Instant Death card FX (BGG magmaxtic): take 2d6 Wounds instead.
 Encounter Monster/Combat:
o Put a Monster Token on the Chamber if not already there.
o Player to left draws a Monster Card, hides it, tells you only the monster’s name.
o Round of Combat.
 Multiplayer rules
 You secretly pick 1 Hero Combat card. Player to left secretly picks 1 Monster Combat
 Faceup simultaneously, compare, allocate Wounds accordingly.
 If Player out of Health, END. Player Dies, discard Monster card, leave Monster Token
 If Monster out of Health, END. Discard both Monster Card and Monster Token.
 Player can optionally try to Escape if accessible adjacent spaces exist. Test Agility.
o Success = END. Player takes Wounds = Monster’s Escape Penalty. Move to
adjacent space, ignoring Doors/Porticullises. Ignore Chamber FX.
 Repeat until END.
 Solo rule, but can also use for Multiplayer. Roll d6
 6=Monster 2 Wounds, 5=Monster 1 Wound, 3-4= 1 Wound each, 1-2= you 1 Wound.
 Order of Player Abilities Resolution: Current Player first, then order he picks for the others.
Turn Sequence
1. Throughout: Game Over if either Sun has set, or
2. Status Phase
a. If you are the First Player (Key token), move the Sun one space, even if you’ve lost your turn. If Sun
reaches a numbered space:
i. Roll d6 and if <= number on the space the Sun sets and Game Over.
ii. All Players trapped in the Dungeon Die.
b. Resolve any Card FX (e.g. Catacomb Lingering Shade)
c. Stuck in a Dead End? Die if unable to MOVE, SEARCH or ENTER CATACOMBS.
d. Start Turn in Spider Web? Struggle thru the Webs (see MOVE below).
e. Start Turn in Treasure Chamber? Either stay - draw/resolve a Dragon Card (ends turn) or MOVE.
f. Beginning Turn in Catacombs? …choose 1
i. EXPLORE CATACOMBS: Draw/resolve a Catacomb card and place by Hero Sheet. End turn.
ii. EXIT CATACOMBS: only via Card that lets you.
1. Count #Catacomb cards including any just drawn.
2. Move Travel Marker token that many spaces in its dir. (stop at board’s outer wall).
3. Rotate Travel Marker 90 degrees in direction you choose.
4. Roll d6 and move Travel Marker token that many spaces (stop at outer wall of board and
take 1 Wound for each space you couldn’t move).
5. Put Loot Catacomb cards with your other Loot cards.
6. Discard remaining Catacomb cards.
7. Resurface: treat as if you had MOVE’d into that space, incl. draw new tile for unexplored
space (orient however you want), resolve Chamber FX.
3. Action Phase: choose 1
i. Move to an adjacent space thru a Hall.
1. Players block moves except for exiting Catacombs. Tiles may create Walls that block
2. Door(s)? Draw/resolve a Door Card first (only 1 even if passing thru multiple Doors).
3. Porticullis? Test Strength. Fail = end turn. Succ = move thru.
4. Unexplored Space? if empty, draw Chamber tile and place w/ Arrow in direction moved.
5. Torchlight: for each Hall, draw a Chamber tile and place w/ Arrow in egress direction
6. If Monster Token: Encounter Monster/Combat. Else Resolve Chamber FX
a. Dungeon icon – draw/resolve a Dungeon Card.
b. Bridge –
i. Enter from Hall, either end turn or choose to Cross
ii. Exiting, either backtrack or Cross.
iii. Enter from Catacombs: pick side you egress on.
iv. Cross: test Agility at +1 per Loot card (can discard Loot cards before
roll). Succ = move 1 space. Fail = take d6 Wounds and Enter
c. Bottomless Pit – Test Luck. Succ = end turn. Fail = Die.
d. Cave-in –
i. Enter from Hall, draw/resolve a Dungeon Card.
ii. Exiting, if crossing the cave-in, Test Agility (Fail = end turn).
iii. Enter from Catacombs: pick side you egress on, then draw/resolve a
Dungeon Card.
e. Chamber of Darkness – roll d6 and move again (ignoring Portals). Die if
egress blocked by a Wall or Hero,
f. Chasm –
i. Enter from Hall, draw/resolve a Dungeon Card.
ii. Exiting, can’t cross the chasm; only egress thru Halls on your side.
iii. Enter from Catacombs: pick side you egress on, then draw/resolve a
Dungeon Card.
g. Corridor –
i. Enter - immediately move again (ignoring Portals).
ii. Exiting - can’t backtrack unless all ways forward are blocked.
h. Rotating Chamber – when entered, rotate 180 degrees and end turn. Check for
death by Dead End.
i. Spider Web –
i. Enter from Hall, immediately move again (ignoring Portals). If you
cross the webs, test Strength (Fail = end turn, Succ = exit normally).
ii. Enter from Catacombs, pick a side then resolve as Enter from Hall.
j. Trap – draw/resolve a Trap Card.
k. Start / Tower – upon Entering, one of the following
i. Exit dungeon if you have at least one Loot card. Once exited, no longer
take turns, you’re waiting for endgame.
ii. Free move, either to adjacent space or to any other Tower Chamber.
l. Treasure Chamber – counts as one space / one explored Chamber. Any #
Heroes can be here.
i. Enter from Hall, draw/resolve a Dragon card
i. Chamber must have Torch Icon, NO Monster Token, NO Searched Token.
ii. Draw/resolve a Search Card.
iii. Put a Searched Token over the Torch Icon in the searched Chamber.
i. You must be starting Action Phase with a Chamber Tile that has Catacomb Entrance (either
illustrated on the tile, or previously drew a card that placed a Catacomb Entrance token on the
tile). Or a card drawn in another part of turn may involuntarily force you here.
ii. Remove Pawn and replace with Travel Marker Token in a direction you choose. End turn.

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