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Mark Foley

L E S S O N1.1
1.j (pa-5) LE550N
4.1 @2a-29)
R€ading: TheFi;E.rsrrreromeron -ih:
Reading: l:-:::.:!ori
Writing:roies Grarnmar: l,'s:',.:-_.: :l
Grammar: c-r.i:.:. iags W r i t i n sk:e e :- . . : : - ,
Pronunciation: ::-.raiionin question
LESSON4.2 03o-31)
LESSON 1.2 (p6-0 -.,
: ..o.r history
ofjuggling Writing:
ro,, .o:tr somethins
.:r. ere /no/sone Listen
Vocabulary:n;krrg adjectiv€s
Howto::g.e€. d'sagree I-ESSoN
4.3 (p32-33)
Reading:Howmuchdanger canyoJiake?
LESSON1.1 (p8-9) Grcmmar:€mphasis
s--/e,roi nobilephones Prcnunriation:
phrasalverbswith o.rf
GlBnmar: :'.:e-i fLriLrre
rnodalsof possibiliry Howto: comparephotos
Reve.r ard consotidationunit1 (p10-41) Reviewandconsolidationunit4 (p34-35)

LE550li 2.1 (p12-13) LESS0N
Listeri.g:::: Listening:
Americathemelting por
Vocibulary: .:'b phrases
aboutwork Gralr'ma.:
usedta/get usedta/wauld
G|?Jnmar: =-:r.€soverview
Howto: :: i arouifutureplans Writing:descriptiors
of peopLe
L55ON 2-2 (p"4-15) LESs0N5.2 (p38-39)
Reading:S:-iotLreof guitt Reading:A holiday
ir raLy
Glanmar::r:!.e Perfe(andFutufeConiinuous Grammar: expressingab lity
sirofgandwea(forms ofhrv€ Howto: taLkaboutmernories
voceb!tary::i€r work'activities
rESSOlt 2.1 (p16-17) Vocabulary:
R e a c i n g_: : n ! a r t i c l e s Readins:
Themus;cian withno rnemory
ed erdings
Wrfi rg: . .-:_::!lying for a job Gftmmar althaughI butI however I nevetthe
i . d c o n s o L i d a t i ounn i t 2 (p18-19) Reviewandconsolidation unit 5 (p42-4B)

LESSo:i1.1 (p2o-2r)
List€nirg::: ::1.1s
Granmar: -:--::re renses
Vocabularyi : -: e;pfessions
W.iling:: s_r-:.:!rv

LESSONl-2 (p22-4)
: =:-enipronurciaijons
Pronunciation: of leiiers
:i :_ :-::-.irrg

H0wto:.o--,- :::: rii!ractively

3.1 (p24-25)
Reading:nlul:;1::i.-: ;a.lle
G r a m m a ra: d l e c : ' . . . a - c e d v e r b s
Vocabulary:ve.. prie... 11iihlake
R e v i e wa n d c o n s o l i d a i i o u
n n i t3 (p26-27)
LESSON 6.1 LESSON 9.1 @6aae)
Reading:Chnesetourists in cermaiy Vocabulary:
Grammar: PresentPerfedSimple andContinuous Read;nS:
or legi .-::_:s
with.ed/.!ngeftri€s Grammar:sequencing
an infornral
LISSON9.2 (p7o-7rl
LESSON6.2 \p46-47) Gramma.:n ust/ n iI ht/can't have
Uiusualdestinations Vocabulary:
conrpound adjectives
wealhef jobspotlight
L|SSoN 9.3 (p72-71t
LESSoN5.1 (p48-49) Reading:
a TheHoundafthe
verbphrasesaboutmoving/tmvelLins Grammar: relative.lauses
Grannar:comparat ve& superlaiive
and Prcnunciation:
pausesin r€lativecLauses
a shoftarticle
weakformsin comparatives
and Reviewandconsolidation unit 9 $74-7Sl
unit 6 (p5o-51)

LESSON1o.1 (p76-77)
LESSoN 7.1 Listening:lUesmer the originaL
Gaammar: reflexiv€ pronouns
tistenins:take-awayfood Vocabulary: belef andopinion
Grammar: countable
nouns Howto:askaboutotherpeopl€3 views
Vocabutary: foodandcooking
LESS0N (ps4-55) LESSON 10.2 \P7a-79)
Reading: Readlng:Thesmellof money
Vocabulary: advertising
verbphrases aboutnroney Pronunciation:wordsires5
Grammar: gerundsandinfinitves
Writing/Howto: wrte a letterotcompLaint
Writing:an essay
LESSON 7.3 (p56-s7)
LES50N1o.l (p8o-€1)
Gramnarhave/getsomethingdone R€ading:[1indconiroL- is ]t real?
Graftmar:f structures
Reviewandconsolidation Review
unit10 (p82-63)
unit 7 (p58-59)

LESSON8.1 (p6o-61)
R€ading:Leadlng by example
Gtammar: ft'tinelld rotherllAbercr
VocabuLary: describingpersonaLity
LE550N8.2 (p6z-63)
Grammar: feported speech
LESSON 8.3 (p64-55)
Readin$ Who'sa clev€r
Gramna.:hardard hardly
Howto: giveyouropirlon
Reviewandconsotidationunit 8 (p66-67)
a Readthe textabo!t Fr€rds. lMatchthe fhe F'r't'E'u'D'5 Phenomenon
A-E with the paragraphs
i-5. O Everybody lovesthen
A Explains
the background
andcontentof friend, BULdo yolrlove
tirerds?lfyou areonc of
B Describes
to thehalfabillionpcoplc
theshown thathaveseenthlshLrgcly
c Introduces
ustothethemen popularAmcrican TV
D CivesiactuaLinfofmation
aboutthe showhcn the ans$'eris
Frierdsseries n probab) 'yes'
E Explainsthesuccessofthe showif af @ sy larthe most
contexi.n and profitable
h Readthe textagain.Answerthe comedyscriesof recenttimes, tlerrb hasbeenshou/njn
questions. mote lhanthit), LountriesaroundtheworLdTheserieshas
beennomlnated for a recordnr mberof fonvfour Emmys,
1 Wereanyofthe maina.totslr Friends
AmericafTVt equivalent of theOsca6 fie previously
unkfown actos $,hoplay themainchafacicrs arc now
2 Wasthe showpopuLar in ihe earlydays? intemational
hoL6eho d namcsafd multimillLordres
I Who nventedthe show?
(, [irt shownin LheUSAin 1994,thc showquicklybecanre
4 Whydo peoplelikethe characters in
d Javoudte wilh the viewlmgpublic,achievng top |atings
forAfierican1eevlsionnetworkNBC 218 episodes were
5 Whatcreates mostoi the comedyin
rccordedandr,vhenthefinal eplsodcwassho\ln in 2004
molc thaniifly N\/oml lion peoplctunedin to $,atchThe
6 Whicht\\'ofeatures madeit hardto believe ' l u s b " ' " r F o p o tL r r r \ r b \ t l - pi n - . i r l , :r l , . ,
in the characters? eachof itsslxstarswasablcio commanda fee of fl Lnillion
7 l o w d d . h e o l o o" -\ l / o r " - p . 1 - , o1 s
(rThe bfainchildof$,dtersMadaKauffmanand DavidCrane,
I W ' " . w d , 1 1 i c . i nbC/ L h "e 1 do f r h es e e . ?
theromafticand personaadvenLures ot a
c Findwordsand phrasesin the text that grolp ol sixfriendsin theiflrventiesandearlylrldresllving
me a r : in Ne$,Yorkc q, Kauffman andCranervee careiulto creaLe
1 makea Lotof money(adl,para2) a caslofbclicvablecharact€rs thatalmosie!,erybody can
ideniiiywith Llkerea people,eachof thecharacteB has
wassuggested formaL[y/put
forward bothcncleafjfgand irritatingqua lies Theyareverydlflcrcnt
(.v.paraz) iromeachother,butsharea comnronbond ln theirfriendship
equalto/thesameas (n,para2) ird I r ['^nr'rdolb-^\', or'.rr rg
personallLiesthatprovides mostolthe humourin theshow
whichshowhowmarypeop[e \,\11".8't t, r. ,.p,oi r -o b,,o," \.).
watchsomethrng (r, para3l beena hit$,irrlhecritlcs. SonrcioLrnd it hardto trelievein
5 a group oite €vision stations!,rhich
covers these1,orng peope who, alth.ruglr slLpposeclydoingvery
(r, paralJ
anentirecountry ord nar) jobs,seemedto eadliles or endcssleisLrre in
watcheda partcularrystation
@hrv, unieasibly largeapartnrcnts And i didnl escapenoticethat
paraj) overthe yeafsthc produccrs beganto becomernoreand rnore
as(forandrecelve(y,para3) dependent on brifgingln ne\\.rha acteEand guesL starsln
orderto keepthe showiresh As a resul theresccmcdto bc
8 attractiveand appealirgladj, pa'a4) an endless streamoi ne\\'or ex-bof,liiendsand gifLfrlcnds
appe;ringThefocusof the irx main.hafacicrs,t\,hichhad
providedthe nragicingredient in theshor,'seary succcss,
ng thatuniflespeople(r, pafa4)
9 sonreth beganto be ost N4osicrlii.sagreedrhalbv the tenLhscrics
theshowhadrun out oi steamandthe announcement thnl
10 lostiis ef€rgy(phrase,
cpisodc number lj8 \\ouldbe the astcame asno grcat
Writing 4 Fiveofthe quesiionstags areircorrEcl.l:ck (,,
-hecorrec.senlenresard corre.iI-( -i_.:aKes
2 a Readthemessages1-3.lMatch
themwith in the others.
1 NobodyLikes cabbag€, doeshe?
A a workcoLleague
! 2 Let'sgeta taxithisiime,shallwe?
B a friendn
3 Youcan'tusea mobilephoreon the plai:.
c a neighbourn
4 Somebody toldyou,didn'the?
9// 5 Leaveihe keysunderthemat,willyou?
7 iank.J t., .1r.cru t. tee4 t/c 5 Hilaryisn'tmarried,
I1/: .at {....1 /5 .n t/.e 1./.:/E/! 7 Nothing'sexpensive in thisshop,arethey?
8 Takeoneofmy business cards,willyou?
),rl /r.,: /! :.j,!.:. !.: !1. ,.i-t. :.tE ,.t1.,...
! t:t la,.l .'t Pronunciation
5 a @ Cover thetapescript.Listento ten
o Pe.+r+c.ah+a+I D.n'.
tagsrising(R)or falLing

ale gade.:|.+ .+ t1 i4..AevlieRaat

2 7 -
11 slu:1 leA,n! r b9 su|ersry- rupem: ei
i,nrE sone nce :,ocdi

5 _
b Listenagainand choosethe best
A D for eachsentence.
A Thespeakerexpects the listen€r
to agree.
t : t . tarrrer r.._9:rt :. Iy-t9.!t:: VPLl:::"_+!i4E! .
t' '" B Thespeakerisn'tsureaboLlttheanswer
?t .l C Thespeakerwants thelistenerto do
?Le^re eao- l l^q i^. fl.'ur"r f& the '.q:1hra^
a r'-r'| . (
D Thespea(ers makinga suggestior] oroffer
'D '. ! ,- .* '"
?: :l:::::::: 6 _
7 _
3 8 _
9 _
b In notesandmessageswe oftenleaveout
at leastfive
wordsin eachmessage whichwe canleaveout,
1 W e c a nt s m o ( e i n h e r e c, a n w e ?
Grammaf I qLlestion
tags 2 T a < e ac o p yo f t h eb r o c h u r ew,o r ' t y o u ?
3 Comptete thesentences withthecorrect 3 l d o e s r ' to p e nu n t i Lm l d f i g h rd, o € si r ?
questiontags. 4 N o b o d lyi ( e sh e r ,d o t h e y ?
5 LetstrythatnewThairestaurafr,shattwe?
1 Weshould havewaitedlonger, _? 6 Th€weathe/sawfultoday,isn l ir?
2 MrBolton couldn't come,_? / P L _l l p p / , b . r t v L - r \ o . . e i | . 1 " a ,a i l ,
3 Hardly anybody writeslettersnow, ? 8 l ' m n e x ti n l h eq u e u ea, r € n ' lt?
4 Let's a pizza thisevening,
_? 9 T h o s ed e s i s r e sr L r r g l a s saerset e d b l y e x . e - :
5 Youwenito creece Lastsuramer, ?
6 Nothngworksonth;scornputer, 1 0 C e tm e a g l a s so f w a t e .w
, illyoul
7 You won'tforgetto ringme,_?
I Nobody arswer€d theadvert,_?
9 Helpyourself to a drink,
rc Im lateagan, ?

Woman: Or today'sl,.Ieeith€/utholwe're talkingto David
Stourton,authorof4 srort Hisraryoliugglng
D a vd , w e l c o m teo t h ep f o g t a m m e .
David: Thanks
W o m a n : N o w ,l s u p p o s ew e a l l h a v ea b . o a di d e ao f w h a t
juggling k , b u t c o u l dy o ut e l l u sw h a t y o um e a nb y
David: 5 u r e . l p r e t t ym u c hs t u c kt o t h ei l a d i t i o n a l i d e a
o f j u g g l i n gl .t h i r k t h e d k t i o r a r yc a l l sj t k e e p i n g
t w oo r m o r eo b j e c t isn l h e a i r a t o n e t i m eb y
a l t e r n a t e tl yo s s i n g a ncda t c h i ntgh e m ' . I nt h e
p r o f e s s l owne c a u t h a t ' t o sjsu g g l i n Sl' t. h i r k t h a t ' s
t h et y p eo f j u s s l i f sm o s tp € o p l ea r ef a m i l i a r w i t h
H a s l u g g l n g b e eanr o u n df o r a l o n g t m e ?
to David: 0h yes. I foundreferences to jugslinsfrommore
a @ Coverthe tapescript.
ihan jooo years ago.Thereafe someEgyplian
froma radioprogramme
anextract and i o m bp a i n i i n sw s h i c hs h o w j u s s l e rf sr o mt h e
choosethe besttitte. l \ 4 i d d lKei n s d o m p e r i o da, n dt h e r e 3a n a n c i e n i
TheRecentHistoryofiuggling Egypiianstatueof a jugglerin the Siaatliche
of lugglingaroundthe
woman: what aboutwrittenrecords?
David: Well,ihe earliestwrittenrecordihatwe knowofis
in AncientTmes
fromancientChina.Therc\ a book fromthe 3rd or
b Listenagainandmarkthestatements 4 t h c e f t u r ys . w h i c hd e s c r i b easj u g g l e r w h oc o u L d
true (T)or false(F). throwsevef swordsin the air
W o m a n : T h a t s o u n dlsk e s o r n e t hr g f r o r no n €o f t h o s e
David Stourton isa iugglern
C h i n e sm e a r ta La d s n r o ve s l
David: Y e s j,u s s l J r s w r hs w o r d si s a v / e l l - € s r asbhl e d
jugglins'n t r a d l i o nl f t h eF a rE a s t
ls from Woman: 50 was jugslifs confinedto the A4iddle Eastand
China. n A s i ai n a n c i e n t u m e s ?
isa pLcture
There jugglers
ol Egyptian ir David: Not ar all Therewerelois ofluggLersin ancient
a museum in Berlin.n R o m eW e e v e fk n o wt h en a m eo f o n eo l t h e m ,
is noevidence ofjuggling
W o m a n : D i dt h e R o m a r jsu g g Lw e i t h ( n i v e sl,i k et h e
Americas.! Chifese?
tirsuswasa Roman juggler. ! David: P r o b a b lfyo t . W € k n o w t h a t T a g a t U u sr s u si u g g l e d
7 There
were probablyjugglers
in lreland in s L a sbs a U sb, e c a u steh e y t es p e c j f i c a lm l ye n t i o n e d
times.n of his gravestone And,interestifgly,whenthe
8 iugglerswereusualty or
alsocLowns S p a n i s dh i s . o v e r etdh eA m e i c a st,h e y n o t e d
jesters.! i n t h € i rr e p o r t sa n dd i a r i e tsh a t t h eA z t e c sh a d
c Nowreadthetapescript andfindwords W o m a n : A r et h e r ea f y r e c o r dos f j u g g l i n g h e r ei n B r i t a i n ?
thatmean: David: Welln , o te x a c t l yb,u t l u g g L e ar sr em e n l i o n eidn
1 writerofa particular
book s e v e r a l o f t h er i s ha n dN o r s em y l h sw , h c hd a t e
fromthe fifth io the iweLfthceniuriesOfcoulse,
2 rnrowtng_
A S e st h e r ea r ep l e n t yo f
b y t h et i m eo f t h e [ , l i d d l e
3 a pLacewheresomeone isburled references to jusglersin Britain.
W o m a n : Y o ut a l ka b o u tj u s s l e r sa sr f i h e yw e r ep a r to f a n
4 metalweapons
withsh.rp blades actualprofession.mean,is that reallythe case?
Davidr l t ' sh a r dt o s a y w i t ha r y . e r t a i n t yn. s o m ec a s e s
jusslerswerealso clownsor jeste's,or even
5 restrictedto one area_
something thatshowswheresomebody
W o m a n : Y e s , c a ns e eh o w t h es k l l sm g h t b e l i r k e d .N o w ,
is buried(2 words)__
canyou iell us aboutthe morerecenth storyof
spokenstoriesabouttheancientpast jusslins..

E connected
Grammar I any/eve
ry/no/son e 3 Rewrite thesentences usifga single\yord
to replacethe phrasesin ltollcs.
2 Complete
the text usingwordsfromthe box. grammatical changes thatarenecessary
alL anybody anything everybody
Iherearcnogoodprogrcmmes to watchon\a.
everythingnothing orty some Thereis nothingto watchon IV.
somebody something 7 Noneafthe cantestarFs wonanyprz€s.

youLkea glossofwater?
2 Would

to CDs We'vebeenthrougha11te fllesandwe can'i
in the old days the (1) _ $ay ro gel your
lavourile pop song was to walk irto a record shop
'm sorrybutwehaven'tgolony
and buy a CD But (2) _ stays sri1l n the hotelraoms
world of technology and when you talk to yolng in july.
people today it seens thcy are (3) geung
their music from the Internet, with the res]llt rhar 5 Allthe peopleir my streetown cars.
manyr€co1dstoresare experiencingdroppingsaLes
and can often be viftually deserted. lwartedat reception for agesbut I couldn't
N o w d d a y .| . e e m , r a ' r, doqnl^d,rir! find q singlepersanIa help ne.
, o n g sa sd i g n ,I f i l e s k o r r h el f l c r r I b n J I n e n i r g
to them on MP3 players and mobilc phones
We'vegot lotsofsrLkdresses but 'm afraidwe
a<\ {lo.r:llbry. mer nl.i. lorr.\op. i,
haverrosl/k dressesin your size.
regafded as a dinosaurl
In fact in Bntain the 'pop charr'- rhc list of
8 iane alwayshasa nunbet af flowetsin het llat
the most popflar songs is now based equally
on sales in shops and on thc number of songs
d o w n l o d d e Jl o m r h e l r . | . . R e c o r ac o n p ar , e s
hale recognised the impol1ance of this ne\)l, way Vocabulafy I making
of dishibuting nusic and (6) you could
posslbly wan! to lrcar is now availablein digital 4 Completethemissingwordin eachsentence.
tbrrn lrom the latcst avanrgarde groups to thc 1 lvlynephew's
verya painting.
c. HeLoves
most obscure nedicval church music. there ls 2 | a.l'' _P lo_o-r d'rercalF.5e-\'ce
ahvals (7) - ready and willins to record evcn 3 lce'skating wellrequires greats I
the nrostesotericpicce ofnusic and upload it onto
4 Neverurderestir.ate the i_e of having
the Net goodfrieids.
Of course,(8) tlmt can bc do$nloaded
5 Dorotea ruf s a verys_lbusiness
r o o n e L o r t ,r e - c J n a l . o b e d{ ,, l u u ! e d , o J n o r h e r ,
6 Peoplein bigcitiesareoftenmoreL_y
so rt3 easyto swapmusic tracks\,ith you| fiiends
thanpeoplein smalL towns.
But (9) _ musiclans .ren't happy with ilns
7 I've got very big feet so I often get f_d
situation.Making illegal copies oftracks depri,es
when!'mtryifgto buyshoes.
them ofroyalties They bellevc (10) should
be done to prevent whal thcy fccl is liftle rnore rhan E AlbertErnstein wasfamousfor hisincredrbte
do$1lrighl theft.

How to ... I agree/disagree

5 Matchthesenience
halvesto mal<e
of agreement/disagreement.
1 That'sabsolutely a al alL.
b in that.
I I'mnotsureif c flgni,
4 lhat3 nottrue
5 ldon'tthinkthats
5 thinkthere's sometruth f a g i e E, , : ' _ .

W: Excuse me-Wetedoingasurveyor nrobiLe

p h o n e sC- o u l dl a s k y o ua f € w q u e s t i o n s ?

W: Doyou owr a moble phonel

W : A n dw h a ld o y o um a i n l yu s ei t f o r l
l \ 4 :S e n d i n g t e xmt e s s a g e ss, u P P o s e
W : H o w m a n y w o u lydo us e r do n a n

M: Well,aboutnveor six LrsualLy.

W : A n da r €t h o s em a i f l y f o rb u s i r e s so r

M : O l r , l u sst o ca L I c a nt u s em y p h o n ea t
work Imanarlinepilot
a Gl Cover thetapescript.
Listen 1-4
to thedialogues
andmatchthemwiththesituations A-D. Honesily. Youwaftsome peaceandquiet
,l onatrain! c a survey! a n da l l y o uh e a ri si h o s ea w f u l n r o b i l e
B i f a s h o pn D i n a c a f cn phonesnof stop. t drivesme madl
Y e a ha, n dp e o p l e i a l k s u crhu b b i s h ,
tr Thefotlowing arefactually
statements incorrect. d o n ' t t h e y ? ' E rm , o nt h e t r an , a n dn o w
the mistakes. w e ' r ep u l l i n g i na t a s t a t i o n . '
DialogueI S o m e o i t h e sp e e o p Lm e u s th a v em o r e
m o n e yt h a ns e n s el.t m u s tc o s ta b o m b
1 lh" .ndro- v rsesLi, phoneLo.e. d e\t mecjdgF5.
i o m a k ea l l t h o s ec a l l s
2 He'sableto usehisphoneat work. M a y b et h e y l eo n o n eo f t h o s et h e a p
3 The mar expectstrainjourneys
to be noisy J
4 Thewonranthinksit's expensiveto makemobilephone Is thai a n€w mobileSteve?
call5, 5 : Y e a h . I g oitt o n s p e c l aoLf f e l
Diatogue3 Ir looksverysophisticated.
5 : r d n l t w a sr e a L lgyo o dv a L u e . l tgs o ta
5 Steve'smobilewas expensive,
cameraand it can play lirlPlfiles
6 Johndoesn'tthinkSteve's
S o y o uc a nl i s t e nt o a l l l h el a t e s t i l a c k s . . .
Dialogue4 5 : Exactly. Butthe reallyneatthingis
7 The customerdoesn'thaveanychildren. that ;t's got this specialtext messagirg
I fhe isn'thappyafterten canget a
days,thecustomer servicethai g vesyou allthe latest
different shouldget one,
J o h nI h e y h a dl o a d so f t h e n ri n s t o c k
c Nowreadthe tapescript. Findthe wordsand phrases
1 ro and Tatchthem wirh the mearingsd j. W h i c hm o d e l a r ey o uj n t e r e s t ei dn ,s i r ?
nor-stop! price
for saleat a reduced - u tl w a r t a p h o r e
W e t l , I ' mn o ts u r e B
memadI maintain
3 moremoneythan someDooy wneny0uare 0 K .M o s to f t h e md o t h a tr o w a F y w a y .
! 0h, right WelL,I likero keepin touch
-^.'-q^-r rl w l h t h ek r d sw h e n ' m a b r o a ds, o l n e e d
songsor shortpiecesof music
a p h o n et h a tw o r k si n o 1 h € r c o u r e t rs
5 tarrifs
n d a largequantity l n t h a tc a s ey, o un e e da t r i b a n d ' p h o n e
6 onspecialoffer
n allthetime t h e nA . n y t h i negl s e ?
7 tracks! havelotsof moneybut noi Yes,l wantsonreihrng that3 reallysmall
8 thereally verymuchintelligerce and light,you know,easytocafryaround.
neatthingn g pricesfor usinga service WelL,what aboutthis [rlinirola? Wehave
9 loads! a t e nd a y t r i a l p e i o dp o l i c yh e r el f y o u t e
h makesme very angry
not happywithlt, you coLrldbrifs it back
keepin touchE yourmofey.
ard we'lLretLrrn
j pafticuLarly
The Miracle Ghio
\L'en r.rr J .npe rd r ui Plre I ora, :
d f r r u l .e l l p l r . r o l - . ; n f t l l - * . l e . d . ^ '
,le\i.c vticr tl) - re\o
D e o f r ; r hs e r o J ,r , e d r . r . o r a r o f . . d. ..
ls a rninrature sensor less than two millim.LJ.
squarc$'hrch (2) _ nonitor changesin th. bodl
ard is ableto sendout rvljrnhg signalsvia a mob,re

l h e . . , r . . r a n i c - o o ' " " .. . r i" p . dro<

the skin of a patient'.slody and (3) derecL
any d;iDgerouschangcs long before the tatienl
Vocabulary I noises is evcn awafe ol lhcm This means tkrt patienrs
wiLh scrious co|dift s who woxld usuall)' have
@E Listento the sounds1-5 and complete
to slay rn hospilal (4) now live at home and
the sentences with appTopriate words.
(j) _ lead more or lcss no|nal lives
1 D o e sy o u rd o g _ a t t h e v a c u u m c l e a n e r ? Whcn it detecls changes in the body. rbe
doesl lnrcroprocessor scnds out a frc pfogramrned
2 ) when sawa spiderin the baih. tcxt messageto the palienrt doctor or hospiral.
3 Thewallsareso thin\t'ecanhearour descfibingthc Ofcorrse parlcnrs
nelghbour's phofe wiih lhe dcvice (6) _ c[ry thejr nobrlc phone
0ur hoLrse is veryo d so . the iloors lvilh then !t all tirnes. bur thjs will be 1hc oDly
5 She was so angryshe herfiston the resiflctlon oD their lilestylcs
ta0fe Although it \1i11ptubably be eapensivc ro
Thedictonaryiellto th€ fLoor witha Loud develop, the device (7) _ be a boon ro thc
economy becalrsethoscpatientswho (8) _ lvork
be.i, .. o tie reeu . b. neJr I eu("1 JL-i ie,
lvill be able io go back to tull-tinrc emplolnen{,
Gfammaf I present/future
modalsof sxving the govcmmellt nillons in sickness aDo
possibility unemploymcntbenefits
The trsl pxtientsro be givcn the im|lant will
3 Thetapescr;pt forEx.1 contains severaImodal
bc djabetics,bnt doctorshope tu extendrhe lial ro
verbs.Lool(at theextracts l 6 andmaichthem
urosewith hcul or lun-qdiseascsAnd in years10
withthemeanings a-[
co'ne the derlcc (9) be adaprcdto cover cvcD
Dialogue 1
1 Co!/d askyoua fewquestions? n l f a l L g o c st o p l a na n d L h ch i a l i s a s u c c c s sh,r e
2 | .irr'tusemyphone at workE device (10) be a\arlableto rhe gcncral !!b1ic
Diatogue 2 \ritlin threeto forr yc,rfs
I i mrslcosta bonrbn
Dialogue 3 Readthe text.Choose
4 lt's a camera andit canplayl\,1P3
filesn completeit.
5 You shorldget one n
Dialogue 4 B might c may
6 youcouldbr rg it bac( n
I A caf't B can C mighi
B must C should
a describjnganabilrty
5 A C a n B raust c cani
b askifglorpermission
B could c raust
c giving
B could c must
d descnbing a futurepossib
lity I A can't B could C can
e sayinglhatsornethifgsn'talLowed
9 A might B can
f making a strongpredict
on B couldf't C should
Vocabulary any/every/no/some
1 Usethecluesio complete
thecrossword. 3 Ti€k(/) thesentences whicharepossible andput
a cross(rObythesentences whichareincorrect.
Sometimes bothareposslble or incorrect.
1 A wasntableto findanything to fit me n
B wasr'tableto findnothing to fit me n
2 A Woutd youtikeanydessert? n
B Wouldyoulikesomedessert? n
I A There'sanythingwroig with this phone.n
B There'ssom€thing wrongwiththisphore.n
4 A Everyth ngonth€listwere unavailabl€. n
B Anything onthelistwereunavailable. !
5 A Dd anyone callwhiL€ wasout?n
B Dd someone callwhLle lwasout?n
6 A 'vetriedanyihing.
lt stilldoesn't work.n
B 'vetrLedeverything lt stilldoesn't work n
Across 7 A There'snowheretostore thinss in my flaLn
1 I'raonthesame asheriwefeelthe B There arenowhere to siorethingsin myflat.n
samewayaboutthings, I A Welebored; wehaven't goteverything to do. n
H€rnadea good on hisnewboss B Wet€bored; wehaven't gotanythins to do. n
9 She isn'tmarried butshe'sgot a
She'sperfect for you.l'msureyou'lL_
don'tseeeyeto w ih mysister Corplele he l"x_L.'ng the bo\.
He'san old ft endi we arevery-. Fourofthe wordsare not needed.
artistic importanceimportantintelLectual
I don'tknowhimweLl.He'sonlyan _. jealouslone[inesstonely responsibility
I He'sthesonofmy mother's newhLrsband. responsible skilI successsuccessful
He'smy_ brother
his_ got s ck. qqitz a larq. Thr qrat
Clare'sa of m ne we both work in +JrihA.
the travetagency.
+Nr a
latqa fa'Iil,.' is tfat uou neva<
fazl bzcairsz thzra's alwals sornaona
Z We?e ifseparable; myreal
E 've gottwo -sisters
prevrousmarriage, Mq .lda- brot}1.r. Jahrs. rs a u^ilE6itq",. .1.\ (l) I hLs hoDuu
veadurg Grak phJosoplal I'm tfa (3)
Cluestion tags
in tfa fani)1. I'm a g'a9hic &sgr€r. m!
2 Choosethe correctatternative. twir b<otfzv, Marsr) i-s th. g,ac{rcal onz- Hz's
1 Somebody hasbeenusingmytoothbrush, a cq(t.Lr a d h. ca. db d i]!a! tl.iags ^irj.
haven'ttheyI hasn'the? {ood. lds a (!) J ,..I1"
2 I'm golngto be [ate,arer'rldre l?
But "'rn ro"'q- sLsL,. lal . Ls rh ^lost
3 Let'sbookonline,5han'tlshaLl we?
(5) - of us all; sFa's tla hanaAurg
4 lh6v.oJla havepho ed. ouldhove.
dtLy.ctoy a hqAe cohpant. Sh€ has tJl€
cauldn'tlhey? 91
ulti'natz (6) fo" mo"e tfan 3.5o
5 lMirandanevereatsm€at,doesn'tldoesshel
w".dzvs- Of cou"sa, she
6 SonethinglNathingn€edsto be done,
s"1" af ch *. ar. all a littL (?) ofr
doesn'tt? "
3qt ia tJ.e end moneX doasn't rnatter-
7 We hardlyevergo to thetheatte,don'Ll
T.- (t) thino is rjtt *- "rl sumoa
E Havea pieceofcal(e,haven'tlwon'tyou?

Usewordsfromthe boxto completethe Vocabular5r
Changetheformsas necessary
Twoofthe wordsarenot needed. 7 Usesuitableformsofthe phrasalverhsin the
boxto finishthe secondsentenceofeachpair
crash bark Snore ring so that it hasthe samemeaningastltefirs
creak Screamthud bang sentence,

Bobs kepime awakeallnightl bringup faLlout geton gooutwith

lookupto showoff sptitup lakeafter
Katrina ' whenshesawtheaccidert,
1 Ihatedogsthat_ allthetime.
Brendaand Lucyhavea good relationship-
Put someoil on that door; it whenever
Brenda with Lucy.
you open it.
l've alwaysadmiredmy grafdmother
5 Pleasedon't_the doorwhenyouleave!
l'vealways_ my grandmother.
6 My mobiledoesn'i_, itvibrates.
Itcan'tbe easyraisingthree on your

Present/tr'uture modals of threechildren on yourowncan'tbe

possibility easy,
l\4ichael andlanehaveendedtheir
6 Choosethe correctwords to completethe
lMichaeland Jane
,im: Wherearethe children?Theytenot in the
Whydoesyourbrothertryto impress us allthe
Sue: I'm not sure.They(1)_ be playingin the
Whydoesyourbrother_ atl thetime?
Jim: No,they(2)_ be there its locked.
Surinda _ hermother.
Sue: Oh,theyG)_be in the gardenthen.
There'snowhereelse. I'vehad an argumentwith my be$ friendand
jim: l'mnotspeaking to himanymore.
OK.l'll havea look. (Iwo ninutes loter)
l_with my bestfriend.
Henry'shavinga relationshipwith one ofthe
Stie: lsuppose they (4) be next door,
girls in his office.
althoughits untikely.
Henry oneofthe girlsin hisomce.
Jim: No,theyG) be there.Theneighbours
areon holiday.
Sue: You'reright.Whataboutthe park?They
(5)_ be there.
Jim: Butthe parkis closedon Sundayafternoons.
sue: That'snot true.You (Z)_ go thereuntil
six o'clock.
Jim: Well,pelhapswe shouldgo andget them.
Sue: Yes,we (8)_take you. car.
lim: No,we G) . I lent it to my siste..
Sue: Oh yes.I forgot.Well,let'sasklohn, he
(1o)_ lend us his car.

B might c must
B mustn't c might
3 A could B must c cant
B mustn't C could
5 A mUSt B cant c m;ght
B might c couldn't
7 A mUSt B might c can
8 A can't B could C couldn't
9 A cant B might c must
B must c might
1 a @ Coverthetapescript.Listento four
peopte abouttheiriobs.lMaich
tall(ing the
speakers1-4withthejobsin thebox.Fourof

balletdancer engineer secretary

actor architect photographer
journalist hotelreceptionist

b Listenagainandcompletetheexpressions
1 'ma naturat , lsuppose.
2 lh" es d \or o_ LLayol gel 'o-n a-
3 | nevermeantto get intothis -. n l'm a nalumlshowofl I suppose.Everas a kid loved
p e . f o r m i ni g n t u o not f o t h e rp e o p l eW . h e n e v e r l hf ea m i l y
4 .. itallsodof lrom there n gottogethernryparentsLrsedto get me to standon the
5 But I'm sobasically..- ! t a b l e s, i n g i n g s o n gasn dd o i n gl l t t l es c e r e sT h € r e ' s a
Speaker3 s o r t o f b u z zt h a ty o ug e tf i o ma na u d i e n cteh a tn o t h i r g
6 .. sorneol theguestsare-l n e l s eq l i t e r n a t c h eusp t o I n f a c t ,l _ o ns t a s €
Speaker4 a g a i nr e x t m o r i h ,w h i c hs h o u l dm a k €a n i c €c h a n g e

7 | had_ spaceshipsand futuristiccities

for somereason.!
I t a l l h a p p e n ebdy a c c i d e nrte, a l l y .m e a n I n e v e r
8 .. designingis somethingthats-. n m e a n t o g e ti n t ol h i sl i n eo f w o r k I n f a c t w, h e rl w a s
l o l . 1 gl w a n r " d. o b e d b " l L e . i r "Bl r w , e - 1 6 " ' d t
a difficulttomanage/dealwith universitya frierd persuadedmeto rakesomepictures
f o r t h e . o l l e g e m a g a z f e , a nt d
b p a s o nw r r ol i , e sl o b " l r r ec e n . ' eo a . t e n i o l
f i o mt h e r eT h ef a s h i o sn h o o l sa r et h e o n e sI e n l o y
c an obsession with most But lh freelanceso basicallyI any
d developed/grewrapidly assignmentthat's on offer.Evenweddingsl
e careeror profession 3
T h er e a l l yg r e a lt h i n s a b o um
t y j o b i s t h en u m b ear n d
v a i e t y o f p e o p l e y om u e e t N o t t h a t h e y a r ea t l n c €
g feelingolexcitement - s o m e o f t h eg u e s t sa r ea r e a l h a f d f u lBl u th o w € v € r
h self-er.ployed b a dt h e ya r e ,y o ua l w a y s k n otwh a tt h € y_ ina few
d a y ss, o t h a tn r a k eist b e a r a b l e A n do f c o u r s e ,o f t e f
c Comptete the tapescriptusingappropriate
getth€ chanc€to use my languages.
Futureformsofthe verbsin the box.Thenlisten
E v e nw h e r l w a s q u i t es m a L l l l o v eddr a w i n g .h a d
! L li 1 gt o _ . o a c er h p . . 1 d ' ' J . l i , . _ " . ' o r ' o - e
appear take leave live r e a s o n l W eol lf,c o u r s e ,d o n ' tr e a l l yd o a n ya c t u a l
d a w i n gn o w - t h ec o m p u t e rdso i t a l l f o ru s l B u t
d e s i s n j njgs s o m e t h i ntgh a t si n t h e b l o o d a, n dt h e
e r e d l' r ' r gd b o Lm . yj o b 5 . h " r ' . ' , 1 0 tL s t t 5 " o r F l : ' " 1 ,
b € c a L r ys oe u k r o wr e a lp e o p l e a n dw o r ki r t h e

Vocabulary I verbphrases
aboutwork Grammar I futures
2 Complete thesentences usingappropriate
formsof Comptete the sentences
the expressionsin the box.Twoofthe expressions formsol thewordsin brackets.
are not needed. 1 I'mnotreallysurebutI thinkI
be a peopleperson 2 We'reso excitedabout our holiday we
be ableto meetiight deadlines (see)
be goodat usingyourowninitiative
Themeeting at tentomorrow so
be goodwith figures be maderedundant
pleasebehereby nine-thirty. (stari)
be promoted do voluntarywork
getthebestout ofotherpeople Nothanks, J'mfuLlup.l_any more.
havea 'cando'attitude
hiYeff-ete-fu++e+ai{ Peterhatesbusesso he_ by car
keepcatmunderpressure (probably/come)
tal(eearlyretirementworkwetlin ateam Thecompany_the newfactory on
Jane's reallygoodat seeing allthesmallthings
in Lookat thosedarkclouds, I thinkthere
documents andreports. _ a storm.(be)
Mia'sverywell qualifiedso she
lal].ehason eyefor detoil.
getthe job.(be/bound)
1 lt doesn't matter howrushed heis,lavier
always i can't seeyou nextTuesdaybecause/
getsthingsfinished in time.
a conference.
We haven'tset an exactdate but the
Working withSelemais great.Shealwaysseemsto wedding_ sometime in the spring.
encourage hercolleagues to do welL. (definitely/be)
Evenwhenthingsare reallyhectic,Dimitriis ableto
stay relaxed, How to ... I talkaboutfutureplans
Dimitri 4 Usethe wordpromptsto writeaboutyour
Hendettais at herbestwhensheis huddtedover tutureptansandpredictions/ideas.
hercalculatorworkingon numbers. think/have/bath/this evening_
I think I'll hwe a both thisevening-
helpsatthe locatold people'shome,
t havedecided/start/do/exercise
she doesn'tgetpaid.
My mother
2 notsureabout/buy/that
6 Alisonis so positive,shethinks anythingis possible.
3 planon/have/lie-if/Sunday
7 George reallyexcelswhenhe is workingas part ofa
George 4 bound/get/marry/oneday
I Clarewantedto travelsosheleftworkwhenshe
5 probably/n
ot win/lottery
Youneverneedto giveRachel
anyguidance.She 6 like/have/holiday
always managestothinkofwhatto
io Afterworkingasa salesman
hasat lastbeen
a Readthe text.Answerthe questions.
1 Whatdoesthewordg{./l/f;n thetitlereferto?
2 Whyis the weightofthe sculpturesignificant?
3 Whathappens io 9o% of Europe's waste?
b Readthe text againandfind two moreexamplesof eachof the followingtypesof


c Findwordsor phrases in thetextthatmean:

whensomebody worl((v,para1)
paidanartistto makea particular
1 wasteful
advalcodIer -olagyt(onpaundadi,pat" i -
5 wiresconnect ng electrical (r, para2)
6 devices heldin yourhandwhichcontrolcomputers (n,para2)
7 promote/persuade (v,paraj)
8 at thepresent time(ddv,para3)
9 whererubbishis storedandthencoveredovetwith eafth(conpoundn, pata3)
10 burned(v, para3) -

Sculpture of Guilt
'w""" Man',a terirying surprising elcments Thc teeth are
@ rn' i. in fact computer m' ce. the eyes itre
metal and plastic scltlptr'tre
deated bY Paui Bonomini from rvashing machine doors and thc
disgarded conputers. eleciionic earsafe satellitcdishes
components and domcstic @rl" ."-" of lhe sc lllure'
producrs.comnissioned bv the 'weee', cones irom the llfase
RovalSocietvof Arts (RSA), ihe WasteElecLricaland Electronic
scutpnlestands2,1feei(7 metes) Equipment,and its weight. i 3
high beside the river Thamcs il tonnes,is fie s.nneas ilre werght
London and serves as a shockhg of clectrical cquipmenttnrown
remhder of fhe huge amount awavbv 'l11avcragepe6on ln a
of wasle producedbv todav's lifetime The RSA hopesthat lhe
cxiravagant high-techsociety sfl pturen'ill encou gerecvchDg
O fte m.,in ooa) ur ne f'sr rF bv drurr'"ic'll) -emilJ'rg L" of
j 1 . u r i e , . q . 1 \ e q a . h . r s n' r, ce r, h e ' f e c rq r r n n Ro r l - o ! r L r \s e
tenftidges,scvenvacuumcieaners, throw awavunnecessarilvCitizens
thirty-five mobile phones and of tle EuropeanUnion currentlv
twelve kettles, plus assorted producc 6 5 miliion tonnes of
micrownves, televisions, Iadiato|S electfonic wastea yeat most of
andsections ofdxctingardcabling which ends up in landfill sites
The artisthasingedouslycreated or is incherated,^. mere l0% is
ilrc bead ftom a combinaiion of recvcled

Gfammar perfect
I Future and Completethe mini-diatoguesusingthe Future
Continuous Perlector FutureContinuousfoms ofthe verbs
in brackets.
2 Usethe pronptsto writeanswersto the
1 A: CanI watchthe cadoonsnow' Mum?
Useappropriate folmsofthe Future
or Future B: No.Youcanwaiturtilafterdinner.
A: But they_ by thenl(finish)
A: Willyouhavefinished
2 A: Doyouthinkwe'llgettherejn time?
B: No,l/notfinish/unril B: No, donl. By rhelin e we get Ll^Frethe
train_. (leave)
3 A: Nextweekb goingtobe reallybusy.
1 A: WILIyou begoifgonholiday nextJuly? B: Notfor melThistimenextweekI on
B: No,l/go/inAugustinstead a beachin Sardinia. (lie)
A: ls Deirdrecomingtothe partyonherown?
B: No.She_ herboyfrjend.(bring)
A: Doyouthirk Henrywillhave finished
the A: I don'twantto spendhourswaitingfor her
projectby the time I get back?
at theairport.
B: Yes,he/should/finish/it by then B: Dor'tworry.l'msurelan by the time
we get there.(arrive)

3 A: Will[,lrSimpsonbe ableto seeme between

four and five?
B: No,I'mafraidhe/see/another clientthen 4 a, @ Lookat the examptes oflroyeln
sentencesA the pronunciation
sameor different?Listenandcheck.
Ar Canwe start work on the buildingsite next I won't havea coffee,ld prefera glassof
B: Yes,we/should/receive/planning lwon'tXGIC
finishedby then.
permission/bythen b @ Look at the following sentencesand
decideifthe pronunciation ofroye is the same
as A or B above.Then listen and check.
5 A: Willthechildren forthe 1 Shedidn'ttlye thesilkone,itwastoo
summer? expenstve,
B: Yes,they/stay/with
usfiomJulyto 2 Shewilltlfqdone it bytheendofthe week.
3 l'llhqyq the fried chickenplease.
4 WilLyoubqvqfixedit by the tlme tget back?
5 Theywon'tIglq heardthe newsin time.
6 A: Canwe meetin the officetomorrow
B: No,l/work/athome/altdaytomorrow VOCabulary I'afterwork'activit
Fourofthesentences contain
Tick(/) the correctsentences
andcofect the
Howareyougettingonwiththedecorating? mistakes in the others.
B: Prettywell.Bytheendof nextmonthwe At rhewpel"nds l:keto 5ocidtwilh my F;e1ds.
ol it A good wayto meet new peopleis to make
evenrng classes,
It'simpoftantto spendqualitytimefor your
6 A: WillcabrieLla's
reportbeready forthe children.
meetingthisafternoon? My sister'sgoingto studyfor a degreeonl;ne.
B: Yes,she/do/it
bylurchtimeat thelatest 5 By theendof themonthwe'llhavefinished
redecoratingthe kitchen.
Youshouldalwaystry to keepup to daywith
b Readihe Listof dictionary whlch
Reading alLcontainthe word Maich
rl,or'k. the
1 a Read thenewspaperextracts.Underline allthe withihewordsin thebox.
exarnpLes offormsoFthewordt1lork in theheadlines
phrasal verb(phrv).

Ncw report claims shift lvork can damage he,lrh I worl(marshipwork-shV

A .epon publLshcJto.lav cLannsshiti ]'.,rke.s sufterfront
sigrificantly worschcalLhdnn,narhour
ScieLiristsin FDr*1it t eramincd ltrJ iactorr {orken, hall O - vhr t') to sPerldtime u'orkins
of nlloLr rwkcd regulu rigLrt Jrit: anJ coqrared drcn 1norder to Produceor rePar
heaLthwith rcg"lar oliice so$.

reduceworkforceby 10,000
Carmakers (r, a beliel rn the moral \.alue
A leadnH Jrparcsc c.. n:i.: ,.: innlonc.d massrr and imporlanc€of r^rork.
rcdu,dxndes rr t3 8.._,n!hi phnl Hdi oa drc 2{l,00ll
ro-lers Ie Lkeh ro l.:.:l:.,, lbs \ st.rre\drn lo' Hon (prr' l)) to make _vourboclyfit
Tang \uonod\e triti:'-:.: ::: cls:irponaas :11,\ oi rr\ and shong by doing exercises
oc\, sal.or.,f \er.:i, r :.:::: : rr l-.,s.1
- (r4) someonc who avolds
iiorking because ihey dorl't like ii
'lworkouttwicea \4eek'admit5 star
- (,r) somebod)'l'ho chooses to
('ork a lot, so that they don'l have
time to do aI]-vthing elsc

- 0, all ihe people r\-ho work in

a Particular lndustry or compan)'.

(r4 thr a lount of h({L thJi a

Workaholicpartners blamed for 40% of failed madlages
personoI orgarisationhas io do
Socrologistsal aDAmericrnunlveISilvhavefouDdthrt 1nore
than r lhnd of dirorces rrc c.rusedb]' partnersspcndmg (r, the group ofpeople n1
too little tirne at hone Somc husbandsor wives can bc societyra.hotradiiionalllr do phl,sical
obsessc.lwith sork, slending as nuch ls 50 horrrs' \eek work anctdo not have mrch money
awayfLolr homc.' clams seDiorf.searcherCmolDilnklns

- (tr) \^ften workers rvork ror a

working phoneregulations
particulai tilne du ng ihe da,vor nght
Thc Ministry of s.icnce an.t Tect otogyis plmnnrg lo
and aJethcn replacedbyothersso tllat
iutro.hcenew lars goverdngLhefse oi mobuepx(!{,s
thcre are alwa]-s PeoPleworkmg
/, r'mi r-.of o.. o \Fot,ri6 .d...
of new re$na[ons desjgrlcd ro prevcnL rt]e misrLseof - (r, skiil in nakint thnts,
phones by childfcD Thci. p.oirosaLsare liketv fo jnclude cspeciallyin a wa)i thar makesthem
the Lranningol all mobitcsar schoolsand coLlcges took goocl.

'l'm - 0, an offrcialdocumentthat
still wofting dass' clainrs millionaire roak star
you need lJ ]rou Nant to \\rork rn a
Zed Tayloalead slngerrvidr Crnadlanrock groupThe foreitn colr-'rEy.
Zecls,hrs been defendinglns socralbrc\,ound rn a
rccenrTv nter.,,ieu Despite enning over S'1million last - (r) the desk,usualiy $,irh a
year and owninghomesjn Los Anselesar Vancower computel;whcre an officeworker
the sinser32, sayshe is scillthe samex l.hen hc greu
up in one of the pooresrneighbourhoodsollbronto
Grammar I rncose Writing
2 Rewritethe sentences
using 3 tenwordsor phrases
This[ettercontains whichareunsuitable
tn cose. in a iobapplication.
the undertined
Wethoughtwe mighthaveto appropriatewordsor phrases.
Lookatpage28 oftheStudenG'
waita longtimeso we tool( Bookto hetDvou.
lotsof books.
Wetook Lotsofbooks in cose
we hodto woit a long tine. 79 GreatGo{on Way
1 l\4aria HambleyWWG89X
ha.r"<6 (Fa rh^"oFr rl'ia
mightget bored.

We?egoingto get exira
Headof HumanResources
copiesof the keysmade
becausewe couldlose
PO Box899
parcelihismorningso Dear(1)L!c?d
doorbell. I am writingto (2) makeaoplication
for thejob of traineetfavel
agent(3) advertised bv thisweek'sJobsL4leekly.

Leaveyourmobile turned (4) | thinktravel'sf-.allvinierestinqand I havevisitedseveral

onbecause I rnight
reed foreigncountriesin the lastthreeor fouryearc.I feel (5) I'd be veru
ro contactyou, qoodfor the iob becauseI haveconsiderable personalexperience
of the problemstravellers face in foreigncount es.WhenI was in
l/exicolastyearI helpedtwo Englishtouristswho had losttheir
traveltickets,andthis (6) motivatedme to feelverv confideniabout
I thoughtthe loodon
thetrainmightbe too
expensive so tooksome
sandwiches, I havejust completedmy deg.eein ModernLanguages at Hambley
I canspeak(7) reallvqoodSpanishand ltalianand I
havea .easonable knowledge of Frenchand Poftuguese.
(8) | havea fantasticknowledqeof the touristfesortsin southern
EuropeI believethiswouldbe a considerable advantage to a
so youshouldtakeyour traineeiravelagentin youfcompany.
sparepa r

I am 22 yearcold I livein Hambleyat the momentbut I would

(9) be OK aboutmovinoto Edinburghif I was offeredthejob.
7 Wemightmeetsomeone (10)Youcan callme on my mobilephonenumbefaboveai
famousso we'retaking anytrme,
our autograph

Therewasa chanceol
Dannl Liu-1>tan
rainso theypackeda
coupleof umbrellas. DannyKingston
Vocabulary Futures overview
1 Useihe cluesto complete
thecrossword. 3 Choosethe besiway to compLeie
1 lwon't be ableto seeyoutomorrowbecause
A I go to the hairdressels.
B I'mgoingto the hairdressets.
2 Lookat the damageor thesetyres;
A theyaren'tgorngto Lastmuchlonger
B theyarent lastingmuchlonger.
I I'mnotverythirsty;
A I thinkI won'thaveanything to drink.
B don'rrhinkI'tLhaveanyihing to dr nk.
4 David3sucha goodengine€r
A I hopehe'llgetthejob
B I hopehe'sSettingthejob.
5 Tania'sjustgiv€nme thetickeis
A we?es tting in the fiont row
B we'regoingio sit n the lrort row.
6 v o u rs p a r ' . 1( F p r s r o t a F n . p ,
1 SheLoves compary. She'sa person
A beIevehe'llwi the competition.
4 He knows how to get the out oi people B believehe'swini ngthecompetition
5 Daa5 o a'Lo-nLor_so h- \ Coodrith
10 | [ikecompafy.workwell]n a
12 Youmustbe ableto meet
Future Perfect and Future
1r, "e enioV.\ic wo'1..lF SF\ a ot of joo Contirruous
Down 4 Complete thesentencesusinga Futureperfect
1 DoctorsFollowa verystrict car€er or FutureContinuous
formof a verbffomihe
2 I'mgoingto tak€a year_ b€twe€n jobs. box.lJsethe pronounyou if necessary.
3 lt just
wasn't a job,it wasa _ of love.
ask finish watch repa;r
6 Candidaies
surbathe travel clean visit
7 t6c \Fr, orer"6. p ro,a eJ e/" br
I Ana'sverysyrnpathetic She'sa good 1 lMaria all theroomsby the timethe
9 Youmustalwayskeepcalr.Llnder guestsarrive.
11 | Wantworkerswith a rcando' 2 BythistimenexiweekI on a beacntn
13 l'm fed up at work. t's time lor a _ of car€er. theJ\4aldrves.
3 - yourbrotherpLayfootballon Saturday?
2 Choosethe correctatternative. 4 Do youthrnktheengine€r my compuier
1 /l,,liranda's
beenon /1ness/si.kleavefor the by thisaft€rnoon?
lastthreeweeks, 5 Bythe efd ofthe journeyshe_ more
, He'soiLyfiftybut he'sdecided to takeeart, than20ooomiles
retirementlretiringltan his jab. preparing thosefiguresin trmeforihe
J Petetdaeslnakesa goodlivingas an directors'meeting?
independent financiaI
consultant. _ yourhaLfsisterwhileyou?ein the
Theyhavebe€nd o,,strikesinceThursday. States?
5 Caroline doesshiftiob/work so shesometmes Dufng thelunchbreaktomorrowI
hasto sLeep duringthe day. evelybody io fill in a specialqLrestionnaire
Theycloseddownthe facloryandmode/did
my uncleredundant.
7 J€ffreyhasbeenrdlsed/promoted ta manage(
I D.v d roldTe qe rac F5g eo o/./,omhiqjoo.
5 i\4atch
the diaryentries1-5 with the
descriptions is not
a t 0ne ol thedescriptions

visit chat rooms

sociali5ewith friends
do research on the lnternet
studyfor a qualificationonline
spendqualitytime withyourchildren Vocabulary
redecolatethe kitchen
7 Thereareeightmistakes
in thetext.Findthe
ur case mistakesandcorrect

the sentences
rsing in cose. I thinkone of the mostimportantthingsin
1 | put on someinsectrepelLant life is beinghappyat work.I m a website
designerand I rememberthatwhenI applied
2 You'dbettertakean umbrella to my cufrentjobI toldthe interuiewer I
wasn'tjust keenof design,I was passionate
3 | always
keepsomeaspirin on itl Pefhapsthat'sone of the reasonsI got
the job. I supposeI'm quiteluckybecausenot
onlydo I lovemy work,I alsoget on really
4 | thirkyoushould
wellwiih my colleagues. Theyare all very
differentat me,butwe all believeto whatwe
are doing,so there'sa greaiteamspiritin ihe
5 Youshould
takea rnap
office.I workfor a s
a very busyand competitive business.Some
of my colleagues wory of that but I just gel
on and do my work.I thinkI'm prettygoodof
whatI do and I'm reallyproudin someof the
workl'vedonefor the company.
a @ Coverthe tapescriDt.
Listento an
exhactfroma radioprogramme
aboutepicfilms. O n eo f l h e m o s lr e n r a . k a bdl ee v e l o p n r e ni rt st h er e c e n r
Completethetablewitha numberorword. h i s t o r yo f f i l mm a k i n g( 1 )_ l h e r e v i v aol f r h €
lristoricalepic.Afterly rg dormantfor almosrforry
y e a r st,h i ss p e c t a c u l a nr dl a v l s hg e r r eo f f i l mm a kr g
Hotlywood's historical
epics ( r )_ a n u r e x p e c t erde a p p e a r a r wc ei l h R i d l e y
ScottbGladldlorin2ooo.Wh€nit wenton ro win five
0 s c a r s a r dt o e a f no v e r $ 4 s 8m i l l i o ra r t h e b o xo f f c € ,
. earfed morethanG) $_ H o L l y w o owda sf o r c e d t or e - e x a m i nt hei s a r € ao f l i l m -

. G) _ byWiltiam
Wyter 5 0 ,w h a te x a c d y l a s h l s t o r i c a l e p i c ?eTxop L a i n l h a t w €
h a v €t o s o b a c <t o t h e l a t e1 9 5 o sa n dt h ef i l mr h a r
d _ e d ' r F\ o t . l e b _ e t o od F ra o "o F F p j . 6 e r
sparracus14)_ H u r B e nH u r e ) a l l t h ed a s s l .i n s r e d i e r co f l n e
h i s t o f i c a l e p l c . l t wlaosn g ,i t w a s s e t r a l o n s d i s t a n t
p € r i o do f h i s t o r yi t, f e a i u r e ldo t so f b a t t l e sa, r d i t h a d
ElCid (5) ' t h es t o r y o f( 5 ) hero b l Ss t a r sa r d e v e rb i g g esr e t s .D r e c t e db y W i l l i a m WyLer
RodrigoDia2 a r d f e l e a s eidn 1 9 5 9t,h €f i l m( 4 ) _ s i x y e a r tso
m a k ea n dh a dc o s t$ 1 5m i l l i o n t h e n r o s e t x p e n s i vrei l m
. ieaturinga younClrish
evermadeatthetjm Bu etitwertoutg oaineleven
Oscarsand hugeprofiislor rVG^4.
. (9) Elizabeth
Taylor 3
(8) T h e r ef o l l o ! / e d
a s e r i e so r s L p € r be p k f i l m s I n 1 9 6 0
i h € r e( 5 1_ L e g e n d adr lyr e c t oSr t a n L eKy! b r i c ks
Ttoyl1a) poiled!, srarfingKirkDougLas and Lawfence
OLi,ier th€ fiLmlhat was if fact Ridleyscorr3
'ispllalion for Glddlatorlh€ nextyearCharlrofHestor,
the star ofAe, H{rr,(6)_ alorgsideSopha Loref
i n E l C l d t, h em o v i n g s t o royf S p a n i s h e r oR o d rg o
b Listenagain.Whichfilmis thespeaker D d / i o l t d p s o d - \ a t l " l V o o ro5r t o . p a i 1 .9 o '
talkingabout? saw th€ releaseof perhapsthe greatesrepicofthenr ar,
DavidLeaisLawrence af Arabla,leat!rlng a yo!fg lrish
1 perhapsthegr€atest
epicofthemaLL actorwho (7) or screenberor€,Petef0'TooLe

2 RidleySiotts inspiratianfot
Gladntar T h ee f d o f t h s s h o r ts o l d e na g e( 8 )_ lr 1961wirh
l e . o ' e a- o t I t - o D o . . a
D . e c . " a o /o, . " p l { r t " 1e ^ , r
3 the mostexpensive
Flmevermadeat the time and starringELizabeth Taylor,the film had costa fo Lfe
i to makeand was revef ableto nrakea profii at the box
o l l e B / 1 " " " 1 / , o o , r " " i qo r t , r
4 disappointng boxoffice
almostban(luptedits makers
5 aLmost n
6 wenton to win frveOscars
c Nowreadthetapescript. Findthewordsand
phrasesin the texithatmean:
1 beingignored/sleeping
2 type_ i Suddeflyitwap
s o s s i b l teo h a v ea s m a f y s o l d i e rasr d
3 lookat something a second

periodof greatness
5 buildingscreated
[or a film
6 epicnrayalso proveto be shoft.liv€d.
/ together w th
a hugeamountof morey
9 numberof peoplepayirgto seea filrn

actorsin . filmwho dont speak

Gf ammaf I narrative
tenses Writing
2 Lookat thetapescript
for Ex.l again.Complete
the 5 Writea shortstorybasedonthepictures.
formsoFtheverbsin the box. Writeoneor two sentences
for each
Thenlistenandcheckyouranswers. pictureusingtheprompts.

be appear make neverappear

have come iake begin be earn

theverbsin thebox.

go eat Lre meet

rain release work
Deborah/love/Tiddles MrandMrs
David_an applewhenhebrokea tooth. upset/when/missing Brarksome/enjoy/
we to notices/offer/reward
belore. TV/veryold
j BVlunchtime shewasexhausted becauseshe
hardaI moning.
Theweatherwastefiible.In fact,it_on the
day we arrivedand on the daywe left!
WhenI openedthe fiidge,I foundthatmy flatmate
oliverStore'sfilm,,Alexarder, in 2oo5
7 When shecame intothe house, Carla's
red she_ inthesunallday.
oneevenrng/ take torch/outside
rvlvnoLher_ ny fathe'dra nighf.lub
in r982. somethingwrong/ somethingwrong/
picture aerial?
Vocabulary I timeexpressions nothingwrong/TVset

Completethe sentenaes
usingwordsor phrasesfrom
the box.Oneofthemis notneeded.

afterthat at thatiime until for the previous

From that pointon sincethen throughout
upuntilthatpoint while

1 _ century,th€ two countrieshad beenat war

2 stoppedsmokingthreeyears agoandlhaven'thad
see/cat firefighter/ladder/
a singlec;garette_.
3 Hegot sick lastyearbut he had beenvery
Thatcher wasPrimeMinister_the 198os.
5 It wasthe late195osard _there werealmost
no supermarkets in England,
Wemissedour connecting flightand things
Giovanni usedto lookafterthe children

wewereableto continue
onourjourney, return/cat/Deborah use/money
Vocabulary I materiats Reading
lJsethectuesto complete
thecrossword. a Readthetext(don't thegaps).
1 Whatarc canvenience stores?
2 Whatis sornetimes
surprising abouttheseplaces?
3 Whousually works rn these storesin London?
4 Howdo thesestoresfind empLoyees?
5 Howarefamilymembers paidforthe r work?
b Reptace wordsand phrasesin
the underlined
the followingsentenceswith wordsand phrases
from the text.
1 Harrods storein
is a famousdepartment
justboughta l4ge house.
2 They've
3 People who livein thecountryaresometimes
prejudiced against peqple]{hqljvqilajiu.

Acro5s We hardLvevertake hoLidays.

1 cheapshoesand toys (n)
5 Thegovernnenr is con<idFi-g cha-girgtfe ldw
2 antiquevasesare madefrom it (r) o- DeoDlenovinqro rhi, cou-irylror anotfer
5 good materialfor summerclothes(r)
7 slishttyelastic(ddl) My parentsownandmanagea drycleaning
9 hasa brightsurface(ddr) business.
10 cartyres(nJ I haveneverunderstood the finarcialbasis
11 the oppositeofsmooth (ddl) internationaltrade.
4 perfectfora weddingdress(r) I Theql!g!! ofthe RiverNile is n Uganda.
comesfromtrees (r)
shoesand belts (r)
opposite ot hard (adj)
hasan evensuface (adj)
whensomethinggetswet (odl)
likesomething animalshaveto keepthem
warm (ddj)
a weddingring(r)
a strorg metal (r)

2 E Answerthequestions.
Whichletterisn'tpronounced in:
iron silver
Visitorsto London,New \brk and LosAngeles
ls the letter'o'pronounced the samein:
oftenrernarkon ho$,easyit is to buv
gold bronze (1) thingsat anyiime ofthe dayor
ls the letter'c'pronounced the samein: night lt isn'i the well-known department
cotton lycra stores,largesupermarkets or huge shopping
ls the stresson the firstor secondsyllable
in: mallsthat they are talklng about but thosetiny
rubber denim 5hoDs2 Amerildn,.-ll
stores'and the BritishcalT'cornershops'.
GrammaT I artictes How to. .. I communicate
Cornplete the numberedgapsin the readingtextin Ex.3
with d, on, fhe or the zeroafticle( ). 6 Choose
the correct
A : r - l o wd o y o . l t t \ ; n l f p c l d b o tF" t t
5 Tenofthe sentences
containmistakes. Tick(/) the TVshows?
and correctthe mistal(es
;n the B: Youmeanthingsli(e Blg 8r'orher?
1 Wouldyouprefermilkor creamin yourcoffee? B: I thinkthey'requlteexcitingWhat
2 lanineand/\rlike havegot beautifuIgarden. (2)for/abautyot? 3) Haw/Whatdo
3 Sh€'d beenlivinglf th€ LosAngeles sinc€the 198os. youthink?
4 Heathrow is the busiestalrportin the UnitedKingdom A: i th fk they'reawful.Theyma(e
5 Whenlwas youngI want€dto be astronaut ordinary peoplelookstupid
6 L€t'shaveanotherLookat a firstonetheyshowedus B: PerhapsButisn'tit (4)real/truethat
7 lthink mobilephoneis the greatest rnventionever p"oplF oo.Plo bF on Ll-efl:\oboa)
8 Teresa's firsthusband wasan engneeT. forcesthemto iakepart
9 Rudolf's planringto studythe ph Losophy at universty. A: l q poocFco. B t I5r do ir,.eyo . dg ee
10 Have you got thedoubleroornwitha s€av €w? thatTVcompanies takeadvantage of
11 TheAzoresarein the middleofAtlantc 0cean.
12 Geography B: Notreatly. ButI think t's irnpoftant
wasmyfavourite subiectat school.
thatth€ peopleLinderstand whatwil(
13 lovelookingat a moonat night
happento ther.afterwards
4 Thisis nrostexciting book 'vereadfor a longtirne
A: Yes.Youte right.What(6)nore/else
15 St [4oritzis oneofthe most€xp€nsive skiresortsin do youthirk is importaft?
ihe Alps

Thcy rnaynot alwaysbc situatcdon corners, Butwhat arc theeconomics oI suchplaccs?

but they arecenainv convcricntfor tourists How cantiny shopsmakeany profitwhef
andfof thosec ty dlvellerswho work long hou6 employceshaveto be paid Lowork (5)
and don t havetjme to shopduringthe day.As -r, h o r. loLal b d r . $ p rl , - , o " r I
peopl,.in largecitieswork longerand longer in theAsiancLltureof hardwork,but rs
hoursthc availabilityof aLenightshopping haJ mainlydue to the t|aditionof ihe exrended
becomca n€cessrty ratherlhan a luxLfy tamily.Thisis verydiffefentfrom the typical
Westernfamiy in whichthe indrvidual
1l) otherthins thrt somenrnes cau5es rnembershavcscparateTivesand careers
surprise i5 thattheseshopsare rarelyo\dnedor When 17r Asranfamrr ownsa shoD
staffed by localpeopleTheEng|shsounding everyoneSetsinvolved- brotherc,sisters,
namcsol'SuperSavef','BargainSupplies'or uncles,aunts,cousins, grandparents and
'Mjni market'giveno clueto theorigino[ the chrldren evefybodyk expecLedto work
peopleworklnginsidethe store.In fact,they behindthecounterThusthcreis (8)
often seemto bc staffedby (4) people Suaranteed sourceof staffavailableto \\.ork
from variolrspartsoi Asia Theirnationalit'es lromearlymorninSuntil lateat {9)
often refleclthc historyof immigrationto the ni8ht And EtherfhanbcinBpaid salaric..
countrvconccrncd/ and theyirequently come fhc rnemberc of thefamilysimpl,v sharc -
from natronswith a feputatiof fof successful {101 p-ofiBartheendoithc\c2_'
r d d p .r d . h o t l ^ . p r r 6 t - \ " ^ \ o r t d r d . o , is a fecipethai hasL)roughlwealihi. ":1'
Angelesil is oftef Koreans andChinese who immigrant familiesand nradeliie: ,..:- .
run thesestoresand in Londonit is people for thoseof us $,horln out oi.-i -. : .
Iromihe lndiansubcontincnt o'clocl(on a Sunda!evenif-!l
a Readthe inforrnation andtick(/) thecorrect
aboutfiveleading column.

NestL6 Zara 5hell Gap

1 t h e y o u n g e s tc o m p a f y
2 t h e o l d e s tc o m p a n y
I hasthe mostshops
4 hasthe highestvalueof sales
5 basedin 5anFrancisco
6 foLrnded
in London
the mostpeopLe
7 emPloys
the fewestpeople
8 employs
9 famousfor its advertisements
10 ownsbusinesses in 2oocouftries

1, Findwordsin thetexithatmean:
drjnks(r) 6 famousnamesor Labels
to a
y . t m a fe sp r o d u c r( sr )
c o m p a nt h
doesni incLud€ at.ohct(rdll i n T o L g r 0 u i n e \.!atld ladj)
5 ! a i L e Ca C O - f , : - , o i 1 S : : - i c n 1 . , '-- 6 eai of drink(v)

_ Zaraisoneof Europe's besiknown brandsof

clotrossrores. i q pa.Io-thekdite\qolp.
Multinational fffi{
q!-llJ oaseo il la corLla. Spa..lfelrr,t/ardslop
opened inLaCoruia ln 1975. Theqroup nowowns
Factfile 2391stores
inffty seven
(around seven
are5 7
colntriests sales
biliondolars)andi employs
47046 people infifty-seven countries

byHenri Neste Shelis a multinatonalcompanyfamolsfor
in 1866ltsheadqladeFarein 4.^J ttsoetrostauons anoot orodLction lacilties
.a.taf [ -
Vevey, Swi?erlandNestlds culrcntly /ft 0 Foufded bylvlar.u.Sarrer in Lofdol r 1833
0ffoodand thecomparyrnerged withtheRoyaDltchgrolpin
salesofeighty 1907Shel'snternational headquaders js now n the
bjLlionSwiss (sixty-eight
Francs bili0n Hague, HollandShelloperates in 140countries and
Nestleemploys 247000peoplea lover empoys aro!nd112000 people Shelgenerates salesin
theworld the fegon of ejghteen
Coca-Cola is basedinAtanta,GeoIg
LISAFolnded in 1886,tisnowthe , F"rorsIo il, ,loife"slorpsardin"q:r"lvF
world'slargestmanulacturetand E-- 4 dovF4is:rganpaig rs.G"p s ofF ol .]F
0i nonalcoholjc beveragesThrough € *o.o" nosl,e.ogni\ab e,l0ll-rg orard..Tfe
the400businesses ii ownsin200dfterent llrstGapstoreopenedin SanFrancisco, CaLilornia,
countdes,il empoysaround onemilliofpeope T969,andlhecornpany is sullbasedn thisciry.There
It isestimatedtiat 1 3 billion
Coca-Coadrinks arenow3000Gapstores,rlorldwjde, employing 150000
areconsumed every dayltssales areworth peopleThecompany achieves salesof aroLnd sixteen
a rnosttwenty threebillion dolarsperyear. biliondotarsannuaLly

Gfammaf I adjectives
andadverbs 3 [4atchthe undertined phrases y/ithi1o_:s3-.
phrases in the box.Threeof the\vo-cs:-:
2 Rewriteeachsentencewith ihe word irl phrases arenotneeded.
bracketsin the correctposition.
Someofthesenewcomputer gamesare compLetelyruined recentlyhard
challenging. high late near nearLyprobably
Sameofthese new conputetgamesare reasonablypriced unbeiievably
i ncredibly challenq ing. unlikely well
1 WhenI havea headach€
all I wantto do is lie
down.(bad) 1 Thisnewcomputer
is notexpersive
at all,

0ur holidaywastotallvspoiltby theawful

Hedidr'turorkso he wasbourd to iailthe
exam.(hard) Shehasn'tbeencomingtolessons
in thelast

Theclassfoufd the€xercise
5 My unclespeaksPolishlLuentLv
3 Youteveryearly;didyoudrive?(fast)
moveto thecountrynext

Annas alwaysdressed
in d€signer
outfits 7 lMysonis almostsixyearsoLdnow
{exp€nsively) 8 iimmygeltinga promotionseemsratherhard
to believe
Sheilahandedin her essaye.fteli!t!.a9!Ue.
Theclentswillexpectto get a discount.
(certainLyJ 10 Theplaneflewat a ereatheiehtoverthe city.

6 l l . n o w e d h r o u g l - o .ol u , l o l a d , '(.. F a . l J , ' Vocabulary I verbphrases

wordsto complete
Heinteruptedme in the m ddleof myspeech.
, NF:r v ,l rhp qt dpnt< tha q 'n/av
A took partof B took in C took partin
8 Doyouknowthern?
(wel0 A for grant B as granted C for granted
A l(oreancompanyhas that old factory.
A takenover B taL(en up c takenollt
'm goingiotakethe FirstCertificate
examthis triedit for a monthbut d dn't real[y that
year (definitety)
A taketo B takeat c takein
Seeirgthesunset overthe mountains
Theweathercaf be hot in September too( raybreath
(surprisingly) A over B out C away
H€wasn'tpayng muchattentiofso h€ didn't

A it in all B it all in C it all through

It djdn'tworryme ai all,I took
A it in the stride B allin my stride
c j t a l l i nm y s t r i d e
ir theUSA.
A takenoll B takenpartin c lakef o,

Narrative tenses 3 thecrossword.
Usethecluesto complete
1 Compleietheseniencesusingthe
correct ofverbs
;n thebox.

build cLean have invade play

start take wait watch work

1 /\,lillie
wascovered ln dust.She
the loftallnrorning.
Russia in 1812.
I managed to Finishmyessaywhile
the children in the gardef.
for morethantwo hours
wasde{ayed bythe traffcsowhen
got to thegollcourselfoundmy
friends withoutrne.
4 Whatis the_ dressol yourcountry?
TheGreatPyramid about
yearsag0, 5 I got a job if lMarch
but lor ihe two months was
W€ television
6 Thepyramids of- Egypt
heardan enorrnousbangin the
I Therewasrationing th€Second
9 l!,ly jn
is a homefor people
By thetimeI got downto the
sw mmifgpoolthe otherguests Down
all thesunbeds. Som-"of my auni'sclothesarevelyold--.
Whei h-"got homelackcollapsed L.lp
untilthat I hadbeenan engrneer
ontothe sofa,exhaust€dhe
3 _ clothesarer't aLways expensive.
at the factoryall day.
6 Thatold hotel s full of beautiful furniture.
10 a bathwhenI heardihe
7 wharwill lifebe I k€ in the 22rd 1
newson tne laoro-

4 thecorrect
Choose alternative.
2 Matchthe objectsl-12 with the
describing/materiaI Isambard Kiflgdom Brunel
1 a weddirgring a lycra IsambardKlagdom Brrmel was (1)nast/ttu nast/anast lan/].ous
2 a mtrror Bdtushengineerof thc 19$ centuy.
Bom m 1806in (2)d Poltsinauth/thePorcLnautwattsltlDlltlLhjs
3 a pairof c rough
tust major work was the co.shution of a nilway behvcm London
swimming trunks d oentrn
and Brjstol in the west of England The construchonot (3)a htilra:ty/
4 bed sheets e gold
therailun{nilulty ]nyolvedbdldjr.g (4)a tunleL/tunftl/thLt1ltLtlcl
5 lce0n a toao f slippery near the towr of Boxin Some$et.It l\as ihr€ekiomehes lon&
6 acushion g streichy (s) langest/alongest/ttulal:.€tsftunnel e\-erconslruciedai the ume
7 a pairofjeans h soft AJterhis successwith raiLwal's,Bnmel tumed his aiiention to
8 cartyres i leather (6)Lhtships/ships. He wanredio connecthis railwav line in B siol
9 a weddingdress j shiny with Ner{,York nr (7) UniledSlnks/aUnitedStdtes/the Ulited Stafesh1
'GreatWestern',fie tust large steampo .eredship,
10 an elasticband k rubber 1838he built the
11 a mountaln paih I cotton which crossed(8)lle ,,ltlantic/Atl0nth/a11 Atknth n ody fiJteendays.
Bnmels' next project$.as to b.uild theshiplaship/shipmadeor
12 expens ve 5hoe5 'Creat Bdtain' It was also d1e
iron- He achievedthis ]n 1843r'ith ihe
tust to be driven by (10)/1ptupeLLelrhe pnpellet
(11)'Iheambinan/Ananbilian/Anbitian and (72)thestubbarneiss/
a strtubamness/stubbainness were the Sreat€sifeaturesof Bruneys
chffacterrhe alvays slrova to desi8nthe bitgest:Lnd best
Adjectives and adverbs Vocabula,ry
5 Eightofthesentences contain mistakes.
Find 7 Choose
themistakesandcorrect them. 1 Watchingthe sursei in Hawaiitook my breath
1 Heinrich
2 We hadio driveslowlybecauseofthe heavy 2 lt's very hardto take/r/ort allthis
raln, information,
3 I findpeoplearoundherearegeneral quite 3 Marco's relaxed aboutwhathappened;he took
friendly. 1l all I his stepslstride.
4 She'smuchbetter;she'sleeling flnelytoday. 4 Mr Lesteris goingto take undetlaverthe
5 Mysistercantypeamazingly
quick. Glasgow branch.
5 Despitestudylnghardly,l\,lariafailedthe test. 5 Youngpeopleoftentake rnoderntechnology
7 flaveyou seenanygood films recentLy? completely
E lihoughtthat bookwasmoreinterestingly 6I'mtakingpartin/afademonstrationagainst
thanthe others. thewar,
9 Haveyou evernoticedhow h/ghlylrogscan 7 Dantook ot/to his fianc6e'sparentsas soonas
iump? he metthem,
rc Thisis definitethe best restaurantwe,vebeen 8 Ptayingcrickethasn€verreallytakenoui/offin
to lor ages. Europe,

6 Rewritethesentences
withthewordsin the 8 Rewriiethesentences usingnounsto replace
c0rre.1otoer. the phrasesin itorcs.
r Theprofessorin a friendlywavtreatsallhis Shewritesbooksfota living
students. Sheis o writer
t Ernmalovesbeinga mother,

2 lsabelisthe oldestdefiritelystudentin our 2 Hovingfriendsisthemostimportani

rlasr. pepe.

3 Davidplays the piana professionally.

3 washedthismorfingthesheets.

4 We needto incrFaserh" onounl weptodutc.

4 [4ybrorheforgers
somptnec hi9P.Nnunoe-. = ; .
5 Beinghoppyis morc importdntthanwealrh.

6 l'mnotverypleased
5 Daniela
leftin thecornerof theroomher

7 Professa(GtanI invents things.

6 Th€children
to bringtheir
5wimmingcostumes. a Chil&en love feeling excited.

9 Thereis a lot ofcrime 1nthisplacewhere

7 Hawasn'rdangerougly
driving,buI he wa: neighboutslive.
goingquite Fast.
ro Mv o /iring tLudyingphysis.

8 5he hasa personality

a Readthenewspaper ihe
I Newspapers'DeadLyRivaL
2 BloggingWebsites @ rhi, i' ivt,no'"ag.,
3 TheInternet
b Readthe articteagain.Markthesentences
true (T)or fatse(F).
1 Drudge catlshimseli'the ultimate blogger'.
2 Helovednewsandcurrent affairs even asa
3 Hewasa joumalist fot TheWashington Star.a
4 lhe Intemet didn'texistwhenDrudge wasa
the descriprjon He co.sjders the D dg. Re?ai
child !
t., be r propet nwrFper, very different ftoLr rhe
5 Drudge gothisnewsfiomtalkingto people.!
trousdds of weblogs which havc spflng !p on
6 Heinterviewed l!4onicaLewinsky in 1998.n
7 TheDrudgeRepottisveryusefulforpeople Dtu.tge's fxscidtron for news xnd gossrp
whowantupto datenews.! steds ftoh 2 childhood iob deli\-e.hg pzpers for
8 MattDrudge doesn't thifk thelnternet wjll Tbe llTtLngto, .vaf, It ga\e hh plerq' ot tinre
takeoverFrom fewspapers in thefuture.n m.L oppoftdty to catch up qth tbe hiest navs
c Findthefoltowing phrases in thetextand Uoinrcrcstedin school vork or spo.! DNdge
matchthemwiththe meanings a-j. devciopcd a f,nxticil obseslbn n'lth tu@u.s and
polidc.l gossip ,\t schoolris on\. good lnades
sprung up(para r) ! qete fbr clurelt afiens. FoIowDS a sedes of
stemsfrom (para 2) n dead-endlobs Drldge cndcd!p n los Angelcs
!--^.:--' -L----'--,--,- ^, T-
3 ,d 'duLd, uu5r55LU,, rPd,d z, t l h the 1990s,just in time for d1e be$ndng of
deadendjobs(paraz) ! vhaL was to become fie htenet.
5 siftingthrough(para3) ! Thc flcdglng Wodd vlde N/eb rv.s x ferble
lnsidestones(para3) n hunung grounl for Dtudge He spdt hours
7 juiciestgossip(para3) n sirug dlrough the newsgloups and ru.Lhehtary
I breaking news(para3) n vebsitcs that L\en cisted, se.tclans ft. rumous
'must see'resource(para4) n an.l insi.te stotles ftom the polincxl and
9 a
cntct jndent earlds He l2unched the ,,24r
newsjunkie(para4) !
a4,r rvebsltei. 1995,a drily 'rmour bule|n'
con'ainirg las versioDoi rhe la|estend juiciest
thjngsthatarehapperingnow gosslf from Hollvood aod Vhshington Alwars
b someone
whowantsto knowthe latestnews man,glng to be .he nrsr witn Lrtcaling news,
allthetime Drudge'ssuccesswas assuiedwho hc bccdac
lookingverycarelullyataltthedetailsto find dt ntst person 'o publicise rhe Monica Lcwinskl
d an overridinginterestin something Nou'vid, a tunovcr of ovcr $1 nillion a led
began/originated with hd hary thousands of subscribets, the ,zljd
f a veryusefuLor valuable placeto flndthings -Rl,i7 hasbccomea'hust see'tesoucefot those
hugty for the hrest nels and gossi| But vill
c informationfrompeoplewhoareinvolved in
actualevents drc everincre,sing avaiialriliryof oqvs oo the
lntehet nexn the end for ifs older rival, the
workthathasno futureanddoesn'tleadto a
convcntlonl newspapet?Dtudge doesnt &lnk
so He sees$e t\o wddng together r\s f2r as dre
appeared iromnowhere
nc$Bju.lie Dtudse6 corcetnedtherecrnroer
or shocking

Lifammaf I fstructurest1) 3 Completethedialogue
formsoftheverbsin brac{E's.
2 Rewritethesentences
Excuserne.I G) _
withf. Becarefulwith
modaL verbs.
0fficer: 0fcoLrs€,madamLet
(rstConditional) detaLs.Yourname?
I hopeheasksmeto marryhimbecause I would l\4rsAnn Kendalt.
accept. OFficer: Andwhereandwhendid thisha:: =-
lf he asksne to morryhtn, I'll accept. At Denham's department store,a::_
1 'mplaningto geta Laptop so I cansend tweniyrninutes ago.I put my bagc:,,_
emailswhenl'mtravelling tvhilelwas payingatthe r€gister.
Officer: Andsomeone too( yourbag?
ldon't wantto be Latefor my ifterviewso l Ann: Exactly.lf ld beenpaytngattention, ii
hopethe traincom€son tirae, (,) _ (nothappen)
Officer: Anyideawhodid it?
Malibelhopesto passthe drivingtestbecause Notreally.
lt thereb) _ 0e)
slrewantstobuya car anyonesuspicious,I wouldhave
Officer: Werethereary security cameras there?
Ann: d o n. , h i n l . o n s u . or l a ! t 4 l
Thegoverrment wantsto buiLdmoreroadsbut (tetl)me iithey hadhadany.
Officer: Andwhatwasin the bag?
lfthe governmenLhad moremaney,it wouldbujld Everythjng. My mobilephone,keys..
Of{lcer: Anycreditcardsl
4 d li(eto swimmoreoftenbut ldon't liveneard Yes,one Thethtefmighitry to useit.
Well,ifyoLrG) _ (phone)
y0urcredrtcardcompany now,you
Tery wouldI ke to traveL
aroundthe worLdbut (6)- (beabte)to cancelthecards
he'sscaredof flying- be[oreanyonecanusethem
OK.Butwhataboutmy keys?Thethref
dreamis to joina choirbut
Cel;a's mightbe ableto get intomy house_
shecant srng. Officer: Wasthereanyth;ng in yourbagthathad
y0uraddress on it, likea drivinglicence?
(3d conditional) No, don'tth nk so
I methim because Officer: Well,don'tworry lithe threi(7)_
I wentto thecinema.
(nothave)youraddress, he (8)
lf I hodn't gane ta the cinena, l wouldn't have
(notknow)whereyou live,wiLlhe?
No,I suppose not Doyouthinkthere's
7 Davewof th€ prizebecause
he knewallthe anychanceof meg€ttingthebagback?
it3 hardto say,bLrtifafybody
(9)- [nnd)the bas,we (1o)
HeL€na didn'tgo to the concertbeca!seshe (contacuyou straght away.
lostthe tickets.
m ght havegot a promotion
l\4aLi( but hissaLes
weredisappointing. lrnagineyouarea famouspersor],Writea
diaryentryor a bLogaboutanexcitingdayin
yourlife.Writeabout1oowords.Lookat thc
Wehadto queueup lor ticketsso we missed
questionsandpage5oof theStudents' Bookio
the startofthe show
Wher€ wereyou?/Why wereyouthere?
Whathappened?/What rimedidit happen?
Howdoyoufeelabout whathappenedl
Vocabulary I physicaI
Choosethe correctalternative.
1 Graham feltveryrelieved
whentheplaneleared/ldrded safelyon the runway.
2 'n gairsta leaplflipacrossthe streamlt'sof Lya rnetr€wide
'j Dan'tleanlbendautoiihe trairwindowlt'sdargerous.
4 YoushouLdalwaysstretchlbend yarf kneeswhenlifiing heavyobj€cts
5 A goodcurefor backache is io [ieon yoursideandledr/frckyourkneesunderyourchrn
6 A goodsenseof bal6r.e/sr1l/rg is thesecretto ridinga b cycle.
7 Katrehit the ballandwatchedt,.oi1/fllp alongtheground.
8 ln the forestthe monkeyswetesMngng l stretcrlrq fromtree to Vee.

Wfiting I explaining
howto do somethrng
2 Rewrltetheexptanaiion
of howto change a flattyreas instructions.
Thefirsttwo instructions
havebeendonefor you.
. Stopthecar
. Puton thehandbrake.

How to change a flat tyre

GetUng a puncture in oneof yourcars
tyrescan be \,eryannoyingand rt's
dangerous to aitempito drivea car ihat
hasa flat tyre.Luckiy,changingthe tyre
is reallyouiteeasy Firstoi all you should
stopthe carandmakesurethe handbrake
is on Thenlookin the bootof thecarand
findthe sparetyre,take t out and put it
on the groundThenyou cantake out the
jack andthe wrefch they'reLrsually kepi
n a fragsomewhere in the car boot,
lf yourwheelhas a cover,you should
rernoveit. Us ng the wrench,eachof lhe
nutsshouldbe loosenedslightly(onefu I
turn counter-clockwise) Nowyou are
readyto raisethe car off the ground.
Carefullypositionthe jack (yourcar
owner'smanualw ll te I you whereyou
needto place i) and graduallyraiselhe
car about 10centmetresoff the ground
by turningihe handleon thelack
Now you can use the wrench to completelyunscrewthe nuts on the whee, After removingthe
nuts you'll be able to pullthe wheel off. Don't fofget to put it in the boot so you can take it to be
repairedlaterl Now you should ift up the spare wheel and slip it n1opositlon, putt ng the nuts
t'ack and tighleningthem up by hand- don't use the wrench
Once you've done lhat you can ower the car back on to the ground Now it's time to really
tighten the nuts - so use the wrench and tLlrnthe nuts clockwise as hard as you can Replacethe
wheel cover if you've got one N,4akesLrreyou've put ihe jack, the wrench and the old wheel in the
t'oot and you're ready to gol
Listening and grammar TAPESCRIPT
obligation Atice: C o m eo n G r e aG
t r a r d p as,m i l el w a n r r o r a k ey . - '
3 a @ Coverthe tapescript.Listen
Gmndpa: O K A l i c eb,u r w h e r e br h ec a m e l a ?
to thedialogue
between Aliceand
Alice: Th s is a camera.
questions. Gtandpa: l t h o u g h lt h a t w a s am o b i l ep h o n e
Alice: W e l l y e sb, u t y o u( 1 ) h a v ea s p e c i a l c a m e E
1 WhatisALice using? to takeplrolosthesedays,you can useyourphone.
2 Whatdoeshergreatgrandfather do Grandpa: Amazinsl(r) _ | so overro ihe windowwhere
withhishand? there3rnorelight?
3 Whyisn'tAlice'sphotoa success? ALice: No,fo, you b) _ do's sot a flash
Grandpa: Oh, righr Well,I'mready.
4 WhyisAlicelgreatgmndlather
confused? Alice: U m my, o u ( 4 )_ p u r y o u rh a n dt h e r e t. c a n ' ts e e
5 Whatwasdifferent abouttaking
Grandpa: Oh OK.
photosin the195os?
Alice: creatOh,thathasntcomeoutverywell;it'sabit
b Listenagain.Whosaysit?Write o u t o f f o c u s . I t h i n Ikm G ) _ fu herawayfrom
Alice(A)or greatgrandpa(G).
Grandpa: Howdo you knowit'sout offocus?(6) take it
r ...youcanuseyoLrr phone.!
forthe film to be developed?
2 lt'sgota flash.n Alke: 0 l c o j c F , o . ,i t s d r g i r aI y o l . a 1 s e e n F p r l J r F
3 Howdoyouknow... ?[ strarghtaway.
4 There wereplentyofcarneras Grandpa: 0 h , ' d i g i t a lo
' , f c o u l s eC. a m e r ahsa v ec e r r a i n l y
around. I changedsirce was youngl
5 .. I likethjngs
to beinstanrn Alic€: I nt h e 1 9 5 o s D ? i d n ' t y o uh a v ec a m e 6 st h e n ?
Grandpa: N o -T h e r ew e r ep t e n t yo f c a m e m a s rourdB . u ty o u
4 Nowreadthetapescript. k) _ usefilm andthenyou had ro takeit in to a
chemistto get it processed ard madeinto prirts
textusingthewordsin thebox.Then
Alice: Boring.
Glandpa: Notreally.twas quiteexcitinsWaiting for the prints
needn't mustn't don'thaveto Ali.e: Oh, couLdn'tbe botheredto wa r
should shouldn'tsupposed to be Grandpa: Well,Alice,you (8)_ be so rmpatienr
don'tyouhaveto hadto Everyihirgcomes to thosewho wairl
Atic€: I know,but I like thingsto be irsrant Anylvay,ler me
t a k ea f o t h e rp i c t u r eo f y o u _
again.Findthe Grandpa: A.tuallyI'm a bittired now,Alice.Canwe do it later?
foltowingwords. Alice: creat Grandpal
1 Twoothernounsthat meanphato.
5ix ofthesentences
containmistakes. Tick(/) the
Twoverbsthat describea procedure c0rrectsentences
andcorrectthe rhistakesin the
involving chemicals. _ others.
A noutl lhat .rrears the parLaf a 1 You?esoakingwet.Youshouldhavegoneout in the
comerothatnakes o brighLlight. rarnl
We oughtto hurry;iherei5n'tmuchtlme left.
A tlrree-Word
that means
l Don'tworry.Youmustn'tpayto gei in - it's free.
blurredot not clear.
/\4ustyou weara schooluniformwhenyou werea
An adjective thathasa sirnilar
.rrearrnglo elecLranic, Wereallymustbuyoneofthosenewl\/Pl players.
In Britainyoushouldgeta licence
to usea TV it'sthe

7 Excuserne,Youneedn'tsmokein isn't arLowco-

8 youfailedthe test;youshouldn't
havedore morework.
Reading c Findwordsor phrases
in theiextthat
m e an :
1 and choosethe best
a Readthe advertisement to makesomething
1 anopportunity
Whois theadvertsementmairLyaimedat?
1 peopLe who playextreme sPorts andtateried(dd,
2 mostirnpoltant
2 pFoplewfo niql".lir'eIo trv "\lIemespo L\
fitness havinga strongdesireto do something
3 peoplewhowantto improve
b Readthe text againand answerthe questions. well Wolected(conpoundadj)
1 Howmanyextlemesportsarementioned by name
in the text?
5 extremelyexciting[dd,
Whattwo thingscanyou get iromthe websitei the same(od,
3 ls theweekend suitablefoI peoplewho arent
physicallyfii? whenyouknowwhatwill happenin
low nany en_eTl.gpoas weteavdilablpl"st ve" ? advance(odl)_
5 Howmuchdo ticketscostiFyoubuythemat ihe teachersof physicalskiLls(,?)

How muchdangercanyou take?

foin us for NationalExtremeSportsWeekendandfind out!
. Havc you ever\ratchcd snorvboarders anrj
'l cou d do
. Are you tiredoi the hLmdrumdaiy
foulineand reaclv to .h.rllengeyoursell2
. Are you longinSk,r somefcal risl(lf youf

well, nou, is yolr .hance to turn lantas,vinfo


Thisyear Natiofal ExtremeSports$lcekend

is bcttcrthan ever \'Vearc oiferirrgvou the
chafce to try oul overiift,vdlfF-.fent
sports,twicc ns manyas prcvousyears100 skateboarding
l€adinginstrLLclofsi om around lbe ',\'orL.late
waltingto shaf,. lheirtop tlpsand tlovrl,v
glrdrclcd sccreLsAnd vo! don'l evennccd1.)
for everyonel
free running
bc superfii, !/e hayesomclhlng

Ar€ vou
Are voL rcadyior the nskof a lictime?
readyior ihe chalcngc?
lf you don'tLomc,!ou' I nevefknou,r

\alional Extrcnrc Sports\^/eekefdis rl Falrii.'d

Park,Binnlnghem ll 22 it lv
Ticketsa1|l a iLrllschecule of cvcntsavaLab c
iom \!',!w N.rtl:\spols .om
I20 on the.lav,r15 if advafce

Grammar I emphasis VOCabulary I phrasalverbs
Rewritethesesentencesusingan appropriate
formof a Choosethe correctattemative.
do to makethememphatic. I wasn't ahleto findIgive out whattim€
1 I likeyournewsuit. thefiLmstarts.
You'lL haveto useanotherprinter- This
2 Amanda
a lot. ore'srunfsorted out of ink,
It washardworkbutit fellltunedo$
3 Hesaidhewassorryseveraltimes, alright intheend.
lllel,pleasegiye/lokeouta copyto
4 | asked
thebosslorpermission. everyone in class3C.
5 ijm'sgoingtosoftltnd outthefiles.
5 Weknowwhatwearetalkingabout. b Fourofthesentences contain
mistakes.Tick(/) the correctsentences
andcorrect themistakes in theothers.
a Choose the correctalternative. 1 Weweren'tsureaboutthebabysitter
\ | suchlreolly didn'tunderstand whatshewassaying. butshetookoutto bereallygood.
2 Theirnewhousewasso/iusfexpen sive. 2 Dan'shadto goto the gymon hisown
3 Thecotton suitismuch,/5u6r, muchcheaperthan sincehelelloutwithhisgympartner.
thesilkone. 3 Mycarbrokedownlastweekandthe
4 MiLlion DaLlor Bobywassuch/soa goodfilm rnechanic wasn'tableto putit out.
5 lt'sa 5uch,/yery verygoodhotel. 4 I'm afraidweonlygiveout cataloguesto
6 ClintEastwood issa.hrasffantastic in thatrole- establishedclients.
7 His sisteris so/sr., beautiful,don'tyou agree? 5 Makesureyoufalloutyourcigarettes
8 Thisnewartistis yery beforeyouenterthe building.
6 lfl havea problem withmyhouse, my
4 Rewritethe sentencesto emphasise neighbourturns it out-he'sa builder.
wordor phrase. Begineachsentence with/l
I can'tstandhernewbovfriend. How photos
to ... I compare
It's hernewboyfriend
thatlcon't stand.
1 TheyloveChinese food.

2 5h€spoketo hisassistant.

I I didn'tlikethe firstfilm.

4 Mv thumbhurts,not my finger.

5 CiarafeaLly

6 | realLy

5 @ Undertine the word whichhasthe strongest Compare andcontrastthetwo photos.
stressin thesesentences.Thenlistenand check. Writeabout15owords.Makesureyou
1 'r'ras
yesterddyLhatlwent there.
mentionthe foltowing
. twothings thatarethesame
z lt'sthe blackonethatwe need.
. twothings thataredifferent
3 lt'sthe hallthathe wafts youto decorate.
. speculations aboutthesituations
4 No,it'smy Lefthandthats hurting.
. yourownreactions andopinions
5 lt wasjanethatwantedto seeyou.

Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 Complete
thesentenceswithwordsfiomthe 3 thepictures
lvlatch withthewordsin the box.
balance berd land lean
ambition substantialincredibly roLl stretch swing tucl(
gamble hardly luck vast endurante
dream oppodunity tr
Shecan'truniastbut shehasa Lotof
- shecankeeprunning ior hours.
Tobe successiul
in 5usinessyou needa lot of

ALihoughkrer/ li ryasa ,Iinvestedall

my moneyin ny.est ftiend's newshop
lI sor.! Jn . d dr'r wir. I hop-yo- l-dvFb-| "'

i l ' r e -i , , " . ' ld Iwd.r) o bp'o-re


0 . r o r o " v n d o ea o l o ' _ o e y . h i 5v e a . o tr
,ire'ie€xpecting a payrise
Yo. , o-ld c,\,ir du :19a rhrnder,rorr:
ii's_ dangerous,
8 I'mvery gladthat hadthe to traveL
whenI wasyoung,
If structures (1)
2 Choosethe correct
1 lfStevenhadn'tpassedtheexam,he- to
Expressing obligation
A didn'tgo B wouLdn'tgo
C wouldn'thavegone 4 Choosethe correctaliernative.
fyou - someicein a dr nk, tmakesitcooler 1 ln Austratia yourav€lreedto drve on the Left,
A haveput B pLrt C w Llput thai's the law.
I forthecinenra ifyoupayforthe restauranl 2 Youmustn'tlneedn'tuse rnobil€phoneswhilea
A paid B 'll pay c am paying planeis takingoflorlanding.
lfyoLr a positive attitude,youwon't 3 You're covered in mud,YoushauLdn't I mustn't
succeed in business, havebeenplayingin the gardenl
A don't'have B didn'thave c haven'thad 4 I wassuppased tolmlsf be therebysixbut
What- if youfcarbrokedownon the mrsseomy Dus.
motoIWay? 5 She'sbeenso helplulDoyou thirk I hry€ iol
A willyoudo B wou[dyoudo ouqit to takehera bunchofilowers?
C areyoudoing 6 Don'tworry;we mrsfr'tldan't haveta slayvery
by taxiif I wereyou. LOng,
A d g o B m u s t g oc w i f l g o 7 We didn't havetolshouidhove askedfal
fiohn got a payrise,we to a bigger permission beforewe borrowed herl(eys
apartment, 8 | ieetveryguilty- perhapsoughttalmust
A mighthavemoved B mightbe moving apologise to him.
C mjghtmove 9 Thedoctoris very busyso you mustn'tldon't
They thathoteliithey'dknownhow hrv€ fo be lateior the appointment.
70 you mustn'tlneedn'thavebroughtsoapithe
A didr't choose B wouldn'thavechosen hotelsupplies it Free

C wouLdn't choose
Emphasis Vocabulary
5 Putthewordsin thecorrect orderto make 7 Comptete the sentences with suitabtephrasaL
emphatic sentences. verbswith ouf.
that/ ihechildren / gothere/ tt / wantto / is 1 (arl goesto tl'e gvrr"vel ddyand_
IListhe childrenthat wantto go there. 2 Althoughthe heatwas interse,the
1 maderne/ lt was/ Feelsick/ that/ thesheLlfish F elighlersma-dgeoto tle fire-
3 Excuse me,Alex.Couldyou_the time
ofthe nexttrainto Exeter?
2 try / She/ you / did / to contact Canyouget me a fewthingsat the shops?
We've_ of bread,coffeeand milk.
Don'tworryabouttidyingup I'Llhelpyou
the mess.
really,/ dovoluntary
workI I I who lrcall/I
people We weregood friendsForyearsthen
suddenly,for no reason, we
Whilewe werewaltingthesecretary _
somemagazines for us to read,
a | | tt / ny /h)utedI is / leftles/ that Ithoughtthe carhadbrokendownbut in Fact
it_thatwe hadjustrunout of petroll

5 sucha / footballer/Gerald
/ good/ is a Usethecluesto complete

morey/ give/ Henrietta

/ a lot ofl to charity/

7 that/ lt / rllobilephone/ wasstolen/ was/ my

expensive/ very,/ IVly/ was / new computer/

9 d o / i a v i e r /d i d/ w o r k / a l o t o F /f o r u s 1 Thecurtainsdon't quite touchthe ground;
we needto _them by aboutten cm.
3 Temperatures canbe quite in winier,
does/ the housework
/ t / hiswife/ is / that/ 5 My hLrsband's
verytallso we're increasing
rnostof the ofthe doorsin our house,
7 lF ncedsa la-ge;ackFbecarseof lhF_
of hisshoulders.
8 Don'tdisturbher;sheb in thought.
6 Comptete
withwordsfromthe box. 9 The government is goingto the
motorwayfromthreelanesto lour.
is so that such does did reatly it
rc | don'tmihdshortflightsbut I hate_ ones.

It is iohn'schildren I feelsorryfor. Down

I thinkSylviareally lovehim. 1 lwishthe govemment wouLd_taxes.
3 Thatflat screentelevisionis _ expensiv€ 2 Theyaregoingto the bridgeso that
Elizabeth largetruckscanpassunderneath,
_was that lwas tryingtocontact
|_ try to get lront row seatsbut theywere 4 How isthe gate?willthe carget through?
sotoout, 6 How in lllount Everest?
6 Ivlonet'spaintingsarereally, beautiful. 8 Reading thisbookwill increase and_
yourunderstanding of philosophy.
7 Clareis _ a worderfulmother
9 l\/ybossis quite -minded
a It-the finalepisode Lwantyouto record.
c Nowreadthe tapescript.
a @ Coverthe lapescript.Listento 1 whenpeople manybackgrourds
From mixtogether
anAmerican Complete
the notesin thetabte. 2 managersoffilmcompanies
3 do somethirgthdtLrritates
UK:(1) consra_lly
supervic ng andw".c\ingso-nebod

Film.Faking us:(2)
5 makingfiLmsin realpLaces,
not in stlldios
Shopping Us:(a)
lr Hieverybodyand w€lcomeanceagairta Anei.a - the Melting
US:(6) Pot.Thlsweekwe haveas our gLlestthe Bitish film director,
UKi lt wos always .loudY. l e t c o m e ttoh e s h o w , l o e
l o e G r e n d aW
t : Thanks.Lt'sgreatto be here
b Listenagainandwritethequestions t : Now,you'vebeenin the ll5 fotthe last fiveyears sthatrighi?
for the foltowinganswers. t : Y e a h . l c a mhee r cw h e nl w a s t w e n t y _ e i g h t .
aboutten Whatmadeyou chooseto tve in the States?

HowoldwosJoewhen hisparents
qave J :Welt,work really. hada r€asonablysuccessfulcareerbackin
c o m r n e r c r a lnsds h o r tf i l m sb, u t L r e a u y
L o n d o nm, a k i n g T V
hin o moviecomero? wantedto 8et into leatutefiLms
Youmadethosefamouscommercials fortrainets,didn't you?
Yp. , \r/ r o
a o l o . 5o l w o r l . s p o r t 5 6 e a' o - l p " r i e s .
Someofthe comnercialsI madeweteshownin tlreStatesand
2 twenty-eight thatSrealLyhowthe.onnectionwith Hollywoodbegan Some
Ameicanstudioexecutives saw mywotk on ry hereand invited

l: Wereyou alwaysinterestedin movie-makins?

j : l s u e s ss o .c e r t a i n t y w h el w
n a s a c h r l dI t 2 )- spend
hourswakh ng Holl!,vvood movieson ry and my parentsgave
rnea moviecameGwhenI was aboutten. I b) drivethe
familymad rushingaroundfilming everythingl
4 three
l: You'vemadethreefilrnsoverherenow Howdoesfilm_making
h e r ec o m p a r e t B o riiarn?
l: lt's notthat different,really.Butthere'sa loi moremoney
5 Thereis moremoneyInvoLved, involved.Backrnthe UKwe (d -have muchcontactwith
the accountantsBut herethey'reon top ofyou all the tlme!
L Doyou find thai difficult?
5 walkingto theshops ,: Well,let\ just say I'm still (5)- Ltr
l: s th€re anything you reaLly miss from the old country?
J : F o rn r e n, o .B u tm y w i l em i s s e w s a l k i n g t ot h es h o p sT h e
distancesbetween places are so eno.moushere,so you have
Because distances
ofthe enormous
to driveeverywhereLnLondonwe had lots of localshopsso we
(6) usuallywalkto set our shoppins
l: Yes Nobody walkshere.Theygo to the gym rnsteadl
J: I know Peoplednveto the gyrnand thenspendhourswalking
8 Becauseit was alwaysso cloudy, on thetreadmills.Crazyl
RightlEr,the weather,surelythat'sverydjfferentherc?
S u r eI t o v et h es u n n y w e a t h h eer r ei n s o u t h e rCn alifornia
Lnfact,it meanswe can do a lot oflocationwotk.That's
somethng new for me becauseit wasalwaysso ctoudy n
Enslandwe (7) do muchourdoors- latwaysprelerred
t o b e i n s i d ea n i c e w a r ms t u d ! o l
W l - d d o o r tr ' " w a yw a r a ' l h e A r p k a r a r . e r l . , ,
Oh,I [8)- that. Lt'sptobablymoredLfflcult foryou lot to
've r€allyhadany p.oblems
undersiand me Althoughlcan'tsay
Gfamrnar I usedto/get usedto/would Writing
2 Lookat the tapescriptfor Ex.1 again.Completethetext a Lookat the photosandwdte
usingappropriateformsof usedto,get usedto o( would. notesin thetabte,

Tick(/) the formswhicharepossibtein eachsentence

andput a cross(X)by the oneswhichare not possible.
Morethanoneformmaybe possible.
1 Whenj wasa childl_ playfootball allthetime.
n w o u LId B g o t u s e d t o ! c u s e d t o!
2 Gerald beoveMeighi.
A u s e d t on e w o u l d! cdidn'tuseton
3 We goto bedearlywhenweweresmaLl.
A d i d n ' t u s e t o I e w o u l d! c u s e d t o!
4 lt iookmeagesto thisnewdiet.
A g e t u s e t o n B g e t u s e d t o n c g e t t i nugs e tdo E
5 thatnewcomputet?
A Areyougetting usedto ! B Doyougetusedto n
c Areyouusedto E
_ beintheschool swimming ieam?
A Aretheyusedto n B Didtheyuseto ! Harry
c Didn'tthey useto n
Doyouthinkshe_ livingonherown?
A getsusedto n B witlgetusedto ! c isusedto I
Ouryoungest child_ watchtelevision forhoursonend.
a would! B usedto ! c wasusedto n
_ livein thecountryside beforeyoucamehere? Hair
A Doyougetusedto ! e oid youuseto !
c Would you n Buitd
- driving ontheright?
A Doyouusedto ! e Areyougeftingusedto ! CLothes
c Areyouuseto n

Vocabulary I appearance b llsetheinrormation

4 with wordsto
usethe cluesto completethe crossword

2 like the sea

4 top modelsarelikethis
8 gracefuland attractive
9 a typeof hair,but not straight
rc no hair
1 ArnoldSchwazenegger
2 old peoplehavetheseon the;r laces
3 nota naturalhaircotour
5 light brown
6 you'reLikethi5ifyou sunbathe
7 notslirn,notfat,nottall
1 a Readthe shortstoryquicklyand choosethe besttitle.
1 TheSwissBurglar
2 Drivingin I!4ilan
I TheDisastrous Holiday

Kirsten xnd Dieter wefe vety c\cited abo!t About twent! mimtes hter thcy sa$ra polic€ car
- r' , ' o l
their d.ivifg holidrv in ll2ly. Thcy peckedtheit J r' t e . , F e rn J l '
coa'ertible Metcedess,ith drrcc slircxsesand rord ro fl,g ir do'!n. Dieter [ic.l ro c\p]aiD vhat
set oiT fr.,m drei. home in Znrich carlr rn rLle hrd hrptened lo the police off,ccr: But &e oftlcet
nording The N€rther wes uam and, as they drove (7) understxndGerman and deci.Le.r
rcross the Swiss boder into Ital), thcy loverc.L lhe to |2hc the nlo Sviss tou.lsrs bxck to thc policc
roof md enjoyeddre pleasmt sensdlonof the \h_.n srattoLlHe $.assure ore of lrts colleagueswould
sprlrg at shlng past Lhenhe2ds (8) tradslatefor rhen. Unfortunately
as hc \\as dJi\ing back ro drc poLicestation
,l-( . '. ' .,!
Br rhc rmddle of drc afrernoon rher harl rc:ched "" " I o n \ r t u L i o , nl h c
'\d. i.r-Lr I ro &n- ro Lh.s.-n oLs.10-
lllan Kuren i1) rxD r.:dhg bui
'2 Dicrcr and vere forccd to sit tn
she \as sure rher a::e ner $:r
. . . . - ; . . . : - . . . 1 d dlc bxck of thc policc car fot xnofid n\o hours
enloi a d.ircou! lir. l flch ar a loc:l re.raueDr \hile the ofilcer deaL\ifh the emergencl.
\s rhc\ &o!e inro o1e oi'&. cr6's quiei suburbs
15 rhel suddenh heard a loud bang rnd ttft something Br. the trme thel armccl ar.he local pohce starior
crashinrc the back of rlier lrercedes.Turnng 55 tr $'es cight o'clock ln thc ci'cnlng and lhey rvete
rronnd rher sari'a small motorbilre Jyingon irs cxhxuscd Using the policc statioD'sphoDc,Dicter
side behind rhen car srth nvo young men sprxslc.L (9) coDtxctinghis crcdt cerd company
on die road besiden Dteret stoppedthe cxr an.t to cxnccl hs cards Once thcy'd donc this thcy
jurred ont to seeif he (3) help one .lcod.d drc bcsr dingsls ro gcLhomc as quicllrr as
of rlie loung mcrs'as groamng loudll Kjrsren possible A police officef drove them to thc milvay
J. g..|l.,",1 , .< '1.- sfxtion xnd lent them rhe honey to buy tvo tickers
door xnd ^pproxc|ed the groeoing mar SuddenLl Ther. iust (10) catch i\e lasr t|l1n
, re s u - n . r t rut.nd' F ..,J ' rhc slov orroighr sc.-ice back to Ziirtch
I{ercedes In 1es fian nvo seconds.hev h"d lcxpr
into rhe cat and drivcn off ar high sLreed, Rclic\.cdto bc on |nclr var, honc, &c couplc sooD
Dieter tu1.IKirstetr sran.hngln the sreef 65 .J ..p |. n m'rrin!
dlc miD pulcd iDto Zii|lcht ccntIll stxtion \Vith
Dterer strted shorting for he\r h German Bul no rnoDcvlor a reIi, rhcy u'dc forced to \rall back
rherevas nobodv around to hert |jm At fist ro drelr housc Jusr xs thel, tLrded into rheir sr€ct
Ksto $.aso1roo vorrlcd She (s) the\ sxv 2large remo\"]truck lexvirg Kirscr w1s
spexkItnlian either,bur she sN surc rhet'tl surpttsed;she drdnt dlnk any of therr ncghbours
(6) fn a police st tiod ncarLr Attet srre mdinghousc As thcv rpproachcd Lheirhouse
iielf m horr of rvalkingther hid still fdled to f,n.l hc od. I ro .,, .r ^P -r'ar :,o
a poLtceofficer or anpne to heb drem and thc) thc honsc, Dictcr gaspedvith shock Thc housc
t 5 began to get more ivorried. Tlej. pxsspotts.crcclit complctch cmpfr hc rcmcmbcrcd lheir
cards,moblle phonesrnd Lncnet h)d xli been in 75 housc kcys hrd Lccn on thc samcing !s thc car
fie cr aLrdDietervas noricd drat the fhie\cs
mighr bc using his c(cdiLc,rcls ro go o! x misstre
b Readthe textagainandnumber the 3 Comptete the sentences usingone wordonly.
eventsl-12 in the correctordet,
1 l'mafraidwe weren,i_ to getyoudny
f] Twoltalianrnendriveoffin theirl!4ercedes. tickets.
n Theyhaveto waitwhile thepolice oiFlcer 2 Djdyou_ in gettinga payrise?
3 lf they hereor time,they,ll_ ableto see
n Theycatch theslowtrainbackto ZUrich. the fireworks.
E] DieterandKirstefteaveZdrich. 4 I'mterrible _ cookirgso I eatout most
! Theygetjntoanltalian police car. rtgnts,
n D'erer dno\irslF"ge bacl.lo fl-eirl-oJ5c 5 _you ridea bicyclewhen youwerea child?
inZiirich. 6 Clam'sreally_ at languages;shespeak5
n Theyget outoftheircarto seewhathas threeor four flLrently.
Z My uncle_to get mea job in hisofficeLast
n I n e. r a l i anne ns l e a l e v e r y Ltrrionm
gt h e i r
house anddriveawayin a van. a Excuse me,Doyouknow_to ope| rnts
! theywalkaround tryingto finda police
9 At theendof thecourseyou_ be aDlero
n ThepolicetakeDleterandKirsten to the takethe diplomaexam.
ratlway station. ro Do-'t dsltlaneto avigate.she5 _ a, lrdp
n They drive intothesuburbs oft!4ilan. readtng,
n A motorbike crashes jntothebackoftheil
HOw tO .,. I tall(aboutmemories
c Findwordsandphrases in thetextthat
mean: 4 Lookat the photograph andreadthetext.There
1 a carwjthanopenjngroof(ddrh) arefourfactualerrors in thetext.Findthe
mistakes andcorrect them.
lettona;ourney (phr" y)
I movinsqLrickty (y)
lyingwith the legsafd armsspreadout (y)

5 makingnoisesas iijn pain(y)

spendrng a Larg€
amountof moneyat ofe
Iime lphrose)
srgnalacaror taxitostop(phry)

8 verytired(adi)
9 gavesometh;ng to sornebody
to repayit Later
(v) llii fe,rrj hiEi b:ck nen,re f liil
' t ' d l o o a , o d " .r.p. - . a B a . " - 1 " r "
a largevehicleus€dto movefurntture o ,,
''" t\" \t.A t" ."sh.
, " - a n " , , c a\
I reneftbefthal tue d .!s haaa d of +u^ \te
wdt't spud ltuts 5!1nnti9i, the sza *.a pfuirg
Grammar I expressihg
ability Ba\esa^.lhebea.^.I tavedt\iid)\es
rattj4ptt otj,dllAr;,t" q
2 Complete the textin Ex,l usjngtheworostn €"d
spenino+ af the tine ttuS\:tv,nd praj[rlrr.lG on
the box.
€. lr.1la vt9erc--).\"d.,,Bd:Baa oa,
acPp^A i. haw ?i.^i.stnIE f6ed. a ueld st|
be ableto could(x2) coutdn't(x2)
ah theBta' uirh n! three siae.j a^dn\ ^other.
knewhow to manageto
]'\9ferher L'ait, seNe B d.ih|G^d t@d f.Zn e
managed to succeededin
wasn'tvery goodat fl.nL haslel. Ever:rhigBd avere.4 n s;]i.d6+ jt
dlt'a,"d d"t a, k- L atw
E"t tur;b .\
rhaeedW ulen a see plptas af the seasjde.

Vocabulary I reetings Reading
thestaterneftswiththe 3 a Readthenewspaper article. thetextwith
in thebox. the extracts arenotneeded
A-H.Twoof theextracts

annoyed confused curious

excited relieved scept;cal The Musician with no Memory
shocked susplcious Polce in Sheerness,Kcnt
hNvc appcalcdfor help in
T l n k q , . , d r P $ ) o r ' r c \ a f . I t r . 1 ss ! ideDtirynrga myslery man
$'orded aLro!tlouL - whowasfoundwxDdcrmg on
a beachhlo da]'s ago
The mysteryman scens
unableto speakor writc and
may not even undentand
\Vhat otr earth are s,e E glish when hewaspicked
?-l do?I rcalrycan'Lrnd€rstandthese upbyihepolicehewas smartly
&essed 1n a sxit and tie,
It had been raining a d his clothes were soaking \,l'et
1:1f------ lue is whrle and in his twenties
His beliaviolr reall), S.6 on my rer !.s (3)f andpulunder thesupe,ltsron
of Michacl Cam!. a local socirl worker The myrtery
decpcncd *hcnnursesat the-hospitalgavethemanalen and
pupe.,"d. (a) f J, he drewa picturcoI
a grand piano Thcrcis a piano1n the hospital'schapel--l
ivlr Camp rook the rnan the.c (s) f--
Y o u. I - , n . - , i r t r 0 o r a . r r L s lpcr r " f
ornookersdescdbed his peformince as 'virtuoso' Staffat
Z.f ,r, ..: r'r.u' !rLrs'ou.t-
the hospitaldubbedhim'The PianoMan'
The dock. saiclI should l.ise\rcigh' Kenl Polrcebelievetbe miu n1aybe a lrofessional
but.r.i d.crors doni kno$ \hat musician who is sutrering ftom amtlesiaafter
- sonc knd
tl!e\"re Lalkingabont - of tralnatic accident (O) f l pt'otos
and a dcscriptionof the man harc beencirculatedaround
2 Choosethe cofiectalternative. Eurofe'slolice forces
Anyonevho thinks they may be ablc ro idenrii' this man
1 Sarahdoesi'tlikefootballortennis;
is askedto get in torch with fie NatioDali\,Iisstug Pemons
in lact,she'sprettyrrlnlercsiedl
lrersy in sportsin geneIaL.
2 Thechildrengot very excitedlcuriaus
when toldthemweweregoLng to
Disn€yland nextsummeL A Themanwastakento MedwaylMaritime Hospitat
3 I'll geta goodgrade;I'malways B Othersthirk he maybe a conartistor an illegal
optin isticI sceptrcoLabouttests. immjgrant ftomEastern Europe.
c Themaf wastakento the Local hospitaL,however
4 Clive'svetyrelievedluneosy abaul
ma(ingthepresentation - theidea D Heproceeded to sit downafd playc{assicaImusicfor
of standirgup in lrontof a groupol two hoursnon-stop,
peoplealwaysworriesh m, E ratherihar writingh;snameandaddless
5 Theyte quite !ri, ferestedI suspicious F but the labelsweremissing andhe hadno documents
abouttheirnewneighbour, Heseems o nn t m ,
to do a lot of strange thlngsin the G NevertheLess he is probably
not Briiish
middleoFthenight H Althoughhe did not haveanyobviouslnjuries the rlran
5 '!"!e\Nete\!etyrelievedIuneasy when seemedcoriusedanddisorented,
we heardthatnobodyhadbeenhurt
in thecarcrash.

b Complete thesentences
usingtheprompts Grammar I otthough
in brackets
fromthetext. nevertheless
wei) 5 comptete thesentences usinga linkingword
2 Althoughhe themissing
man fromthe box.ljseeachlinkingwordonceonty.
(speak/pLaypiano) Lizzie
hasa lotof money. 5helivesin a smallflat.
3 ne was How€ver,
the AllhoughLizziehoso lot ol money,sheIivesin a
Hehadno . Nevertheless,
he (rrjuries/conlused) eventhough however nevertheless
5 Thoughhe can't he but although
6 lle may However,
the 1 | lovevegetables_ | hatefruit.
[illegalimm]g 2 Yourbankaccountis in credit._, we are
musician) unableto authorise the Loaf,
c Findthefollowingwordsandphrases f -there wasa lotof rain,a lot of the
meaningsa-i. 4 Wespenttwohoursatthe museum, _, we
Forgot to lookat the impressionlstpaintings.
r appealed! 6 dubbed n
z warderirg! 5 He'sgoingba[d, he'sonlynineteer.
Z virtuoson
3 disor;entedn s amnesia ! Eachsentencehasa mistakewith punctuation
a chapel! 9 traLrmatic n and/orword order.Rewritethe sentences
5 non-stopn rc conartist n coriectly.
1 Thechildren
we meiwerehealthy.
a gavesomeonea specialname badlyeducated.
b s0rne0ne
who makesmoneyfromtricking
l've beento NewYorkalthough,I'veneverseen
in whichyouloseyourmernory ihe Statu€ofLibeny.
d askedforasststance
stressfuL Yourvisahasexpired,nevertheless, We are
confusedaboutwhere youare/what
youare p.eparedto allowyou to stay for a iunher
d0rng three months-
h walkingaroundwithouta purpose is greatForskiing
I hearAustria holidays
talent thoLrgh.
I a roomforreligious
I ve livedFven.ho-ghin -o don o, four]ears
Pronunciation I stillgetLoston the underground

@ Howdowe pronounce the-edendings of 5 My grandparents

werepoor,but, happy.
Tick(/) the correct
the followingad,ectives?
column. Although
we enjoylongwalksWedo fird
hdl td/ Itl
Petsarenot usuallypermitted ir the hotel
however.In this case!./ecanmakean
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 Choosethe co(ectwordsto comptetethe text. 3 Replace the wordsin bracketswith
1 Ashegetsolder,he\ geLting
moleandmore-. a suitableword to completethe
It'sso sad. sentenceS.
A 'o.gelablF B b-g"l'Ll ( 'o'gel ng 1 Derekis (hedoesn'thavea
2 get really_when llookattheseold photos. beard)andhasdarkblondhair
A nostalgic B remembering C nostalgia z MrsArkwrightis ejghty-fiveand her
fuceis coveredin (Lines)
3 - me,whatwasthe nameoFyourflrst boyfriend?
A RememberB Remind C Reminisce 3 Whenhe wasyoungiasonhada full
headofhairbut now 'm afraidhe's
4 Doyou whenwe usedto go to thebeach?
_ Got no hairon hishead).
A remind B memory c rernember
4 Althoughher parentshavestraight
5 IVlygrandparentsloveto aboutthe old days. (shaped
hair,lo's hair is rather
A reminisceB nostalgic C remind likethe Letter'S').
6 Thefantastic atmosphere madethe tripreally My brotherstarteddoingbodybuilding
A mernory B memorablec nostalgia a few yearsago and now he'svery
_ (hasLotsof muscles).
used tol get used. tolwould Evenwhenhe wearssuitsHenry
manages to lookquite- (untidy).
2 Rewrite
thesentences usingihewordsin brackets. Everyone in myfamilyhas-
Hedoesn'tswimin theseaanymore.(used) (lighibrown)hair.
Heusedto swimin thesea, Tobe successfulin Hollywood you
1 Areyoubecoming to lifeinthebigcity?
accustomed usuallyhaveto be- (handsome
Gettins) or pretty).
I thoughtDaniela's hairwasnaturally
SaUydidn'thaveanylriendswhenshewasa child. blondebut in fact it's
(use) (artiflcialLycoloured).
Shehasa smaLl_ (shaped like
wentto thelibrary when wasa theletter'O')faceandthickdarkhair.
Expresshrg ability
doesn'texportcarsto Asiaanylonger
(used) Completethesentences using
expressions olabilityandtheverbsin
Did he becomefarniliarwith the 50ftwarefairlyquickly? brackets,
(get) Jane (noteator drink)fortwo
hoursafterthe operation,
6 WhenI wasyoungI didn'twatchmuchtelevisjon. )anewon'tbeableto eatot dtinklot lwo
7 Howofter did you get the bus to school?(would) David_ (repair)hiscomputer
afterhe hadspokento thetechnician.
_ 've Whenlwasa youngchild -
I becomeaccustomedto stayingtrp Late.Got)
(play)footballfor hourswithoutgetting
with thenewcomputer.
It waseasyto becomeFamiliar
(used) Thechildren (notcome)on
holidaywithus nextsummer,
l\4yhusbandis really (cook)but
10 Pepelivesrf a big housenow (didn't)
he'shopeLess at cleaning.
(you/find)their websiteon the
Bythe endofthe courseyou
(type)thLrtywordsa minute.
Vocabulary although I but /however I lrevertheless
5 ljsethecluesto complete
thecrosswoTd 6 Choosethe bes{way to corlinueea.f se-tence.
withadjectives. 1 Although shehadllownmanyt mes,
A Lucyflew quite often.
B LucywasstiLlscared of flying.
2 Youfailedto passthe entrancetest,
A Nevertheless, we areprepared to offeryoua
placeon the course.
B Eventhoughwe areprepared to offeryoua place
of thecourse,
3 | wantedto buya newLaptop
A but all themodeLs I lookedat weretoo
B -ev"rt'elecsd LhenodF.s!\,"-etoo ".p"..ive.
4 Theshopwouldn'tgiveus a refund,
A ahhoLgLtreVdio LagrFero o"v'or rFpairc.
B aLtiougl- lrev did dereero pdvtor repairs.
5 EventhoughI ioundhrmboring,
A ltriedto makeconversation withh m.
Across B Ld dn'i botherto makeconversaiion with him.
2 whenyoutenotsureyoubeLiev€ that Buylngilrstclassticketswasmoreexpensive.
something is true A How€ver, w€ thoughtit wasworth it.
5 the oppositeof pessimlsti. B Butwe thoughtit waswofihit
6 whensomething youwerewofiiedabout Teresa decided to go to work,
turnsout to be 0K A however shehada headache
7 whenyouwantto fird out what's B eventhoughshehada headache
happening andwhy Werealis€thatthe parceL wasrngoodcondition
9 the waychildren feelbeforea holidayor whenyousentlt
birthday A Nevertheless, it wasdamaged whenrt arrived
10 slightlyworried,not relaxed B Eventhoughit wasdarnag€d whenrt arrived
1 the opposte of/rferesred Vocabulary
2 whenyou thinksonrebody is hiding Six ofthe sentences
something bad
mistakesand correctthem.
3 not certain,
not sur€,not clear
1 A|soncanbe veryirritating;
she'sa realpainof th€
4 angry
8 wher youseeor hearsonrething you 2 lo€ maybe a bit boringbut h s heartis in theright
werent expecting or prepared for position
I Lp doec.lLfind:f Fd<,v to na?e .p.ros: . td,I, he,5
rathera coldfish
4 Karenoftensaysthingsthat hurtpeoplebut she
doesn'tcare- she'sas hardas a nail.
5 lvlikerssucha loow,everythrng; he alwaysth nkshe
knowstheansw€rto everyquestion.
6 W h e nl w a sy o u n gl w a sa b i t o l a l o n e r ;d i d n ' t
7 l\,lycolleague's notveryambitious andshecertainLy
isr't a high-ftying.
8 Kurtcanbe sllchan awl(ward custom,he,salways
creating problems for us
Reading b Readthetext again.Writethe
a, Read thenewspaper quickty
article the
1 ChineseIVlotorways
2 SpeedTourists
3 Europe'sNewDestination

3 speed

4 8ooo

lo the castlcs of Scotland,

5 Mercedes,
Exrope has somelhing for
every kind of hokdaymaker
to enjoy. Now travel agents
5 24o
(2) - a new ard rather
mexp€cted attraction lo the Fo. the lL< ftw Y€zrs the
list - the Germanmotorsay chines€ €ffnoEy (s) -
sysr€m. Ior the last tfuee rapidly and as a rcsult
years Favel companies &erE are pledy of Chinese
(3) - Chinese rourists tmve ers wealthy enoughto
to Germany to experience afiod the €3000 chfiged for 8 600
the thill of &ivtug on iLs a six-day'autobahlou'. The
' 'a{toba}ns'- Thrs year more pricesthey are chaqing may
to 'sPe€d
tbm 120000areexpected se€m hjgh, but the
c Findthesewordsor phrasesin the
toudsts' clam that rhe thrill
@ wrrat ;s it auout of driving at speedswhich
GemaDy's autobahns that would almost certa$ly lead 1 tWOmorenounsthatmeanrourisfs
temptstounsts to travelfiom to prison sertences back
hal$ ay across the world? ar home far ouhveighs the 2 threemorenounsthat meanrodd5
The answeris sinple - speed
More than 8000 kilomehes @ But tbis new folln of anotherexpresslon
of German motomays bave tounsn (6) - so
tro speedlimit - somethrng popular wlth the locals
which is virtually unique Geman road safeb, $oups 4 ar adverbthat m€ansdifiosl
in the modem world lcw (7) - negativelyto the
Europeans realise that a ival of the Chmesespeed an adjectivethat means/ike
G€.many'ssuperbroadshave tourisrs Figues PubiishedbY sonethingflon a story or Legend
an alnost m),thcal reputation theWorldHealtbOrganisation
in Asia, where hghways are showthatmore tban600PeoPle an "edadiectiv€ that meansthe
often overcrowde4 poorty die on Chinat roadseverydaY opposile of put aff/discouraged
maintained and full of Evenrating into cotrsideratron
the hugepopulaiionof China,
(a) thisrs shl1ahorifying statistic
O rour opentors -
that otrerins a Mercedes, But the Chinesednven are
Audi or BMW capable of undeterre4 Pohijng ort
240 kilometes per hou to that smce they fist slarted
holidalmakers is the besi coming tbreeyearsago there
way of bringing in much- (8) - no na:or accltents
needed foreign exchange. nvolv jng speed tourists
Gfamfnaf I present
simpleand Vocabulary wirh-edl-ns
I adjectives
Continuou5 endings
2 Complete the newspaper articlein Ex.1 ustng 4 Complete the summaries usingsuitabledor
PresentPerlect Simpleor Continuous forms -rr9 adjectives
fromthe tist on page8/ oflh€
ofthe verbsin the box.Youmayneedto use Students'Book.
negativeor passiveforms. 1 Miranda:Dafiel'sbehaviour mademevery
add be bring discover expand
flock ptove react
David:After listeningtoher speech,I decided
Writeresponses usingtheprompts and to becomea doctor.
appropriate formsof the PresentPerfectSimpte Hetspeechwas_,
or Continuous. Addanyotherwords thatare Davidlelt_ by thespeech.
necesSaty. Mary:lthoughttheexhibiiion wasincredibly
Whyoreyouso red? interesting.
l/lie/sun/atlmorning Theexhibitionwas_. beenlying in thesun oll morning. IVlarywas_ bythe exhibition.
jos6: Thatwasthe scariestfilm I'veeverseen.
1 Canwe gobackto thecarnow?
l've neverbeenso scaredl
Jos6was_ by the film.
Whyare the childrensoakingwet?
Eloise:I knowtheiob is quite difficult,butthar
hasn'tput me offdoingit.
Eloise doesn'tthinkthejob is
HaveyoutriedthatnewFrench yet?
Sheisn't_ by ihe job.

lookstanned. Writing
Beach 5 Youareaboutto finisha three-monthholiday
Aspartofthe holidayyou
in Kenya. havebeen
Whyaren'tyou havingany pudding? helpinga charityproject
whichteaches Engtish
l/follow/strictdiet/forllast two months to youngchitdren.Complete thisemaiIto your
Shalllfeedthe cats? tookat page162ofthe Students'Bookto hetp
Paragraph 1
ls Mariasiillworkihg whereyouare/whyyouarethere/howyouleel
on thatreport?
yes/she/type/lunchtime aboutit
Paragraph 2
You'rea good teacherandyou seemvery
Paragraph 3
howyouFeel abouttheexperience/howfeelabout

10 Do you stil[ go to the tennisclub?

Reading b Readthewebpageagainanddecideifthestatements
aretrue(T)or fatse(F).
a, Readthewebpagequicklyand 1 TheceHotelisnl ihesortof building people expectto find
matchthe headingsA-Gwiththe in a northern country.
paragraphs n
l-5, Twoheadings
are 2 PeopLe inJukkasjaryi don'tspeak Swedishn
I t takestwodaysto buildthehotel n
A Facilities
4 T h eh o t e t im
s a i n lbyu i Lotf i c e n
B Reseruations ! 5 A French artrstbuiltthefirsilceHoteln
c Locationn 6 Guests sometimes worryaboLrt thecoldtemperatures n
D Lapland n 7 Guests canwaichfllms.n
L nrsroryLl 8 Visitors canhuntreindeer ln thedaytimen
F TheceHot€ln
c constfuction c Weoftenuseparticularadverb andadjective
combinations, e.g.heayllyinsuloted(patagtaph i. Findfive
moreexamples of thistypeof collocation in thetext.
| , '
i File Edit View History Bookhark :lr6lpi' : , : ,
:; X
- numperzz
unusuarDesrnauons re

s:rrlgert-3nihelceHLleil S\'rele_.
,ah:.h t Z Vffiffii :
visileooya n'osr3/000peope eac wntelBJrl - f I !!ltt IMW*h

wenormally associate
wih northern
Ralherthanifsulaieitselffromthecod (t fte storyof ihe ceHotebeqan inthewinterof
ii, thehotel 1989-90.There wasanexhibition
of iceartinthe
embracesthewintrysurfoundings andmakes ocalvilageanda cylinder-shaped
igloomadeof ice
themntopartof itsatiractlof wasbuiltforanexhibitionbyFrcnch artistJanoot
DeridSomeol thevisitors decidedto sleeDof I
jn lh€smallviiageof
rendeersknsin iheiglooandfoundil a surprisingly:
9 ThelceHotelis situated relaxing
environment yngve :
Jukkasjarv,nellto theriverTornealven. Beruqvist,
theownefofthesmalltoca inn,reatised
ljes200kilometres northof theArctic thaioiheE mightwaniio share
in Saamiland (formerlyknownasLapland), andiheconc€;t oiiheJceHotelwas trorn
themostnorthefly partof Sweden.Before the
affiva/of the lceHoleltherewerca mostno
touristsrnthisspafselypopulated region,wherc (') Visitorsio thelceHotelaresometimes nervous
thereis ro industryor pollution lemperature in winteris oftenminusfortydegrees
CFrlig'aoe B .t of cour)eocalpeop" rrvebeen
ai\ - lr' ng in r_ise1v'onre't b- rl o.\dndso'yedts.
\l/ InelceFotelrs nota permanert building butis andcondt onsinside the ceHotelarc reasonably
rebult eachwifier Construction of the 5000 conrfortable The temperaturc is usua
squaremekebuildingstartsjn lateOctoberwhen . ryarouno
m nusfoufdegrees, andguesisareprovdedwth
shoottonsof snowonto
are ;:il',|[fl,iff*::llHJlT;:iilili:t',''j:,,
removed leaving soid snowarches liveor six 'ice
rntheelenngsthehotelincudesan cinema'
metres wideOvefthefo towing weeks thesection< anda wel stoc[edicebal Duringthedaythe
arcreused to makemoTe archesHugeiceblocks
hotelcompany orgalsesspodsactjvities suchas
arecarved trornthelrozenriverto makewals and
p I arsAbout30000tonsof snowand4000tons wnlte'tatellafting'dogsleddingandfishingand
of ceareusedto buildthehoie thercaretoursol localvil/agesand,safaris,to
observe reindeerin theirnatural
Vocabulary I weatner 4 Putthewordsin theco ectorderto make
2 Usethectuesto complete
getwhena refundmecanyoutetlI'lt
Conyoutellne whenl'll get a rcfund?
1 to waswhoialkingshe

2 ilmy do knowyouthisseatis

3 muchcostsit cantellyoume how

4 theycarwherethe did take

5 asktotheopencoLlldlyou window

6 the howyoucomputer
do t!rn off

7 correctare the answersthese

1 veryhot I beenhowyouherelonghaveworking
5 Lightrain
6 no clouds
9 rainlromtimeto iime 5 Rewritethedirectquestions questions.
as indirect
11 ltol warm0rvetycoLd Staftwiih the wordsgiven.
(an youtell ne whereyouareftom?
2 greysky
3 neverthe sarne 1 What'syouremaiL
4 a lightwind Canyou
7 adjectivefrornclue4 ?
E quitecoLd 2 DoesGrdham
10 moveltquid CouldI

3 ls this the correctplatformforthe tlain to

Grammar I questions Brighton?
3 Matchthequestions Doyou
1 n a v ey o u _ a Whichseatsin the planehavethe mostlegroom?
holidaythisyearl Dubai. ld liketo
Where_ yougo? b Faftasticr
Wher go? s the doctoravailable
3 _you c fhreeweeks
or0youget Can
d Yes,probably.
e ToThailand
go 0n your Whereexactlydoesshe live?
5 _you f Yes,it was
s No,I didn't.
- wentwrthyou? h Yes,I have.
Howmuchdo theticketscost?
7 How_ didyougo i lMyboyffiend.
for? Doyou
j LastJanuary-
a What_it like?
it expensrve? Whois in charge?
9 _
you goifgto go youtell
aga n?

R : E x c u s e m eC-a n a s k y o us o m e q u e s t i o nasb o u t
l i v i n sa b r o a d ?

R : H a v ey o ue v e r c o f s i d € r endr o vn g t o a f o r e i g n

W N o tr e a t l yI .m q u i t eh a p p y w i t h
m y l i f ea s i t i s l A n d
Ive got four kids,so ii wouldbe a bit difficultto
u p r o otth e mf r o mt h e i rs c h o o l as n dt h i n g s ,
w o u l d n 'itt ?

R : H e l L ol '.md o i n g s o m ree s e a r cohn e m i g r a t i o C n -a nI

lalk to you for a minuie?
l l : O h .l l i l < q u i rk . l n d b i l l a F " o r a na p p o i r- e n t .
Rr Tharks.Er Haveyou everthoughtaboutrnoving

l \ l : Y e s . I ' mq u i e i n t r i g u ebdy t h ei d e ao f l i v l r g

a, @ coverthetapescript.Listento five R: Anyparticularreason?

peopletalkingto a researchet Matchthemto M : T h e w e a t h elrs,u p p o s e . l t ' s sgor i mh e r ei n t h e
the statements A-E.
A usedto liveabroadn R : 50 you'dpretersomewhere
B hasseenTVprogrammes aboutemigrants : Probably.
in Livingabroad 1
C ! me.canlaskyousomequestions
R : Excuse about
D isplanningto liveabroad at somepointn livingIn a foreisncountry?
E wouldliketo liveabroadbuthasn'tgotan, M: Alright. Youdon'tneedmynameorarything, doyou?
deRniteplansn R: No,nothrng likethat I'djusltrkeioaskyouhowyou
b Listenagainandmatchthesedescriptions feelabout theideaofmovinsabroad
the people. lvl:Oh,yes.I've seenthoseTV aboutpeople
movingtoAustralialt alwayslooksiempting.
1 is a university
studert n R: Have youeverconsidered doingityourselP
2 hadproblems withtraveldocuments
! l v l :r M yp l P I v " n o t p a l y . h o r g h a
. b o L ri L ob p h o l e c .
: i s i n a h u nr r y
4 isworiedaboutbeinsidentified
n R r E x c u sm e e .H e l l oC
. o u l dl j u s t t a k ea f e wn i n u t e s
responsibilit;es o f y o u rt i m e ? ' md o i n g s o m ree s e a r cohr p e o p l e
5 f]
emigratingfor my colLege course.
c Nowreadthetapescript. W: Really?| livedin Canadafora yearwher lwas
1 thought R r o h . B u to b v i o u s lyyo uc a m eb a c k . . .
2 makesomeone theirhome(v)
leave W: well, I hadthis canadranboyfrrendBut t didnt realLy
woft out. And rtwas reallydifficultgetnngthe ght
visasand things .
3 interestedin/lascinatedby(-edadj+ prep) 5
R : H i .W o u l dy o u m i n da n s w e r i n gfae wq u e s t i o n sl t?' l l
depressing(odl) o n l yt a k ea m i n u t eo r t w o .
5 givingyoua feeLingyou wantto do something . op r c b l e m .
M : 0 f c o u r s eN
I'in9 odj) R: Haveyou everconsidered emrgratng?
(phrase) 'd
M: I certainlyhave. loveto do it.
this is my true Feeling/opirion

7 clearly(odv) M : W e L tl ,h ej o b o p p o r t u F i t i erse,a l l yI .' n ri n t h em i d d l e

o r , r ne r g n e a i r g d e 8e Fd n dw ' r e rl 1 1 . h I 1 1g o i l g
8 chances(n)
to applyforlobs n ihe ['liddteEastThereare loads

VOCabUlafy I verbphrases
aboutmoving/travelling Thereis one mistakein each
sentence.Findthe mislakesand
Matchthe sentencehalves. correctthem.
1 l'veatwaysdreamed aboutE to emigrate, 1 lthinkleremy's gotthemosi
2 SeeyoulaterI'm n b to movehouse, heavybag.
3 Makesureyou've gotyour 2 Th;sexercise;s bit morediffirxh
passpoftandticketsbeforen d to seehimofl thanthe lastone,
4 Wehatethecoldweatherhereso 3 Hewas bad hurt ln the accident-
wele goingn the beaches. 4 I'rnsorry| arrivedso lately;I
5 Nowthatl'meighteen I thinkit's settingoFf. missedthe bus-
time! c livingabroad. 5 TheMayback is mostexpensive
6 Shewentto creece and n to leavehome. carBIVIW hasevermade.
7 Hisgirlfriend
didn'teven botherto 6 TheysaySevilleis alwayshoter
goto thestationn thanMadrid.
8 Wedor'thaveenough bedrooms 7 Thjsnovelisn'tas interesting
soweneed! thanhisprevious one.
8 Mobilephonesarequitelot
cheaperthan theyusedto be.
Gfammaf I comparative& superlativeadjectives
9 Antonlo lives more far fromthe
s c h o o l t h al d
3 Comptetethe newspaper articleusingappropriate 10 l'm not as taller as my sister,
aoflparativeor superlative
formsofthe wordsin brackets. 11 5hespeaksltal;anverygood.
Addanywordsthat arenecessary. 12 Thatwasthe rnostbad DVDl've

The Ultimate Thrill Pronunciation

With the latesttechnological
new rollercoaster
5 a @ Arethe underlined sounds
in eachsentence thesame[S)or
1 Lifeat universityis hardCr
at home,butit isn'tashardasat
school. !
2 He'sisn'tAslAtas hisf4ther.n
b GEl Markthe underlined
Sounds in thesentences thesame
aremuch(1)- (excitindeverbefore.Butthrill seekeAlooking (S)or diFferent
fur theultimaterollercoaster ridearenowtorn betweentwo cnecK.
monstefrrdeson opposrte sidesofthe world (2) (bi9 is
1 Thishatisn't4sexpensive asthat
SteelDEgon2000 in Nagashima Spaland, a themeparkin Japan, plate.
about200 mrleswestof Tol9o.Therideis overoneanda halfmiles
2 lworkedhardgrthan
long,lastsfour mlnutesandrncludes a 68 degreedrop.At times
ridersrcachspeeds(3)_ (great) brothgr.
95 nrilesperhour.Costrng
j Thette notAs cqrtainas they
$55 million,the dde is also(4) (expensive)ever built.
SteelDragon2000'sarchfivalis thebrandnew KingdaKaride
to be.n
al SixFlagsGreatAdventure Par( ne Philadelphia, 4 Thefiidgewas moreexpensive
(5) lnot long)asitsjapanese competitor, but whatit lacksin
sizeit makes-up for in speedandheightWith riderstraveTling ar up 5 ls it as expersive
asthe morning
to 128milesper hour(206kilomeires per hour)it is by far clqss?
(6) (fast)rollercoasterrJdeon is also(7) (talD,
with a maximumheightof 456feet{139merres)Butat lessthan
oneminute,therideis much(8) (short)thefouFminute
expeflence oi SteeL Dmgon2000

Vocabulary Vocabulary
I Thereis one mistakein eachsentence.Findthe 3 Usethe cluesto complete
mistakesand cofrectthem.
1 | didn'tSowith a groupjlwent as an independence

2 Experiencing cultureshocked canbe ofe ofthe

mostdifflcultpadsof livlngrna foreigncountry.
3 Doyou ma(eitchyleetorareyouhappytostayin
4 /\4ysisterhasalwayslovedtraveLlingslrewas
bittenby thelourneybugas a teenager.
5 I Loveth€unknowniI ador€goingthrolgh
uncharted territory
6 We nevergo on organised tours,we preferto
wonoeT aloundon out own,

Present Perfect Simple and

2 CompLete thetextabouiEonousirgPasiSimpLe,
PresentPerfeci 3 lt'sa siory,
or Pteseni
forms youhooked.
oithe verbsln brackeis.
I can'tstandcabbage
T)^--^ Babiesareoften by brightly
D(JNU 1t7 'a.r15
1 b e a; r o c l , . r a rl 'i r rl h " coloured objects.
\car. Bflr _elen.hhe {2) lbecorne) lamou, fi,r
- Thatnewhorrorfilmwasabsolutely
someihingcompl€telydillercnt his rvork for
.har:t\r sirce 2ooilBonor3l r'"aJ) tl', fieht
t'svery whenpeoplepush n
againstpor'er-tyin Africa, trying to get more pcoplc frontol youat the supermarket
to understandthat continent'sterrible problemsof
l'amineand disease.For severalyearsnolv he A lot of peoptewouLdfeel by
(,1) (appear)regularly on TV showsand at runninga marathon but ltake it in
internationalcvcnts,attcnptilrg to get the $orld's
meJia to Da\ allrntion to thi' i.sue.He /;)
(have)meetjngs$,ith many rl'olld leadersand in
1 I'ma bii aboutJ\4iriam.lsihere
2oo5 he (6) (help) orgaDisethe l,ive6 conccrts
in London ald aroundthc world. Bono lives in
2 Shefoundthetask butshe
Dublin but spendsmucL of his time travellingwith
managed to achieveit intheend
h i . g r o u p .t z . B o n ob , . l ir, , s l r i rp o r i , i o na . a n
5 Youshouldn't have toLd thechildren
iDternationdlc.'lcb ty (;)- (give) him a unique
oppodunity to inlluemceyoung people.He (s)
6 P;cassowas byAftlcan tribalart.
( r i s i t ) \ l ' , , a . e r e r a lt i r n e s a n rJh c . , . c \ f ,r i c n c c \
fJ) (clearlv rlluence)hi' r,oliLicalr ieu '. Tn
luo3 Bono llo\ trcet) Nclsol -Valtrlelain opposrres
a n.
t.aocToun antl irr.lLl\ 2oo.-,LeIII) fsoeaLl
a grey
to torld leadersat the GE Conf-ercncc in Scotland,
b seitled
hclping to inlluencetheir decisionson rcducing
3 Drgnr
Afiica's debt. Crjtics sonretimessaythat Bono
4 dt zzle
(I2) - (only do) this fbr the last fen l,carsto
5 cool
compensatefor his group's dec.lilingpopularity.
6 chilly I pour
But rlith their latcst CD ligh in the charts,this can
7 bteezy g scorcntng
hardly bc the case.
8 chargeabLe h overcast
Questions Comparative & supertative
Thereareeightincorrectquestionsin this adjectives and adveibs
dialogue.Findthe mistakesand correctthem.
7 Tick(/) the phraseswhichcanbe usedto
Woman: l'm doingsomemarketresearch. fill the gapsand put a cross0Obythosethat
CouldI askyousomequestions? cannot.Sometimes morethanoneis possible-
ly'lan: Sure. r I don'trhinkBa(etoa is _ Malaga.
Woman: Wl-Fre wentvoulor yournoliadys? A assunnyas I e surnyerthan!
5 Man: Wewentto Florida. c sunnier rhanfl
Woman: Whodid go on holidaywithyou? 2 l\,lynewmobile is_ myoldone.
Man: [4y girlfr]end. A moregoodthann B a lotbetterthan n
Woman: CanI askwhatis hername? c manybetter thann
Man: Ofcourse. Hefname,sLucy. 3 BjllGates is_ jn America.
10 Woman: Couldyou iell me what doesshefor a A therichest mann
tiving? B themanrichest fl
Man: Yes.She'sa hotelreceptionist. C themostrichmann
Woman: Doyou knowhowold sheis? 4 Thisrnodelis_in theshop.
Man: She'stwenty-one. A the lessexpens;ve n
Woman: Canyou tellmeis sheBritish? B themostlessexpensive n
Man: No.She'sAustralian. C the leastexpensive n
Woman: Howlongshehaslivedhere? 5 LosAngeles is usually SanFrancisco.
Man: Aboutsixmonths. A notdshoLos I e horerLran!
Woman: ld Uketo knowwhere didyou meet c hotterthan L I
20 her 6 Ellaarrived theothers.
We met at a party. A abitlarerthan n B muchlaterrhan n
Whydidyougo to Florida? c justas lateas n
Well,we wantedto seeMiamiandKey 7 Didyoudrive wedjd?
West. A morefarthanI s asfaras!
29 Woman: Wouldyoutell me howlongdidyou c furtherthan !
stay in Florida? 8 Hetakes liFe_mostpeople hisage
Man: We stayedthereforthree weeks. A moreserious thann
B moreseriously thann
c iustasseriousas n
6 Choosethe corect alternative. Vocabulary
1 Theneighbours wereverynojsyso I hadto
navelchongehouse, 8 Cornpletethe sentenceswith expressions
with 90,
2 WhenI left for universitymy parentscarneto
the stationto see me out/off 1 Whichcardidyoudecideto go_ rI|rne
3 Theirdaughterlivesobroadloutsideso they
don'tseeherveryoften. 2 ld loveto _a go at ice-skating; t,venever
Over a millionScotsmigratedlenigratedto triedit before.
the USAin the 19thcentury. 3 D oy o ut h i n kj o h a rw i l l b ea b l e t o _ d go
ofthe newbusiness?
5 Thepolicefounda small chikl raamingraundl
orornd in the streets. 4 Of coursewe ll Dav- Lrdrgoes _ soytng.
6 YoLnust be veryerc tedaboJrVo.r rrip, 5 TrLsL re; I never go _ on a pro.ni5e,
Whendo yougo/set ofp 6 | hopeyoulrkethisCD.I warLto greal
7 WhenI wassixteenllefthanelhousetojojtj to findit foryou.
the army. 7 What'sgoirg_ in the BigBrotherhous€?
E lcan'ttalknow;t'moff/orfto meetmy brother a Kjerar'salwayson _ go she never
fromthe bLisstation. seemsto standstilll
g Ateyou gong overforlldyior the bank holiday
or are you stayjnghere?
n Shewolked/setoul afterthey had a terribte
I a, @ Cover thetapescript. to the
1 Howmanyspeakers arethere?
2 Whataretheytryingto decide?
3 Whatdotheydecide to do!n theendt
b Listenagainandtick(/) thecorrect
column. T5Az3
\o^V a, o
1 farcieseatinga burger n tr n
2 likes fiied chicken n n tr
3 s u g g e s tgso i n g t oa p r z z a
n n n
Tom: I haven'teatensincelunchiime and I'm
5 i s s u p p o s etdo b e o n a
diet n n n s t a r v i n gD. oe i t h e ro f y o uf e e l l k e p o p pn g o u t
fora take-away?
6 thinks burgersaren'tas
fattenirgaspEzas n n n Ben: Greatidea,Tom I'm ravenous
A t i c € : i , 1 e t o o . l c o u leda ta h o r s e l C o u lydo ug e i
7 doesn'ttike vegetarian
bu€ers n n tr somethingfor me as well?
Tom: Whatdo you fancy?
E l o v e sk i n g p r a w n s tr n n A l i c e : U m .I ' r nn o ts u r eA
Tom: oK.Whataboutyou,Ben?
. b u r g e rl ,s u p p o s e .

Ben: I'm nottoo keenon buryers,reaLLy. Howabout

c Nowlookatthe iapescript.
f r i e dc h i c k e o
dndwJle rher in Lhe
Oh,that'sdisgustng, so greasy.
g f p i z 2 af o rm y s e l f .
A c t u a l l y , l w at sh r n k i n o
There'sthat new p zzaplacerear the station.
greasy to be sickofsomething starving l 1 3c a l l e dP i z z aD e l i g h o t ,r s o m e t h l nlgi k et h a t .
delicious not too keenon disgusting D o e st h a ta p p e a l t oe i t h e ro f y o u ?
yummy tasteless ravenous Alice: Yummy.llovepizza-
I couldeat a horse scrumptious B e n : Y L r kI ' m s i c k o p f i z z a s . ' v e h a d t h e tnwni c e t h i s
Tom: I thoughtyou wereon a diet, Ber.
Atice: Y€ah He'son the pizzadiet
Benr very funny,Alice.Andlsupposeburselsare
Alice: well l'm suretheyte not as faltenlngas pizzas.
Anyway, was goingto havea vegetarian
Ben: Avegetarianbu€er?They'recompLetely
i'<ip rs< ila F:tino.arilh^,rrll

Tom: Look There'sno polntarguing.We needio

a g r e eo r s o m e r n r r g
Ben: W h a ta b o u tk e b a b s ?
Ton: O hn o . l h a do n eo f t h o s ea . o u p l e o f d a y s a s o
a n di t g a v em e a b i t o f a s t o ' n a c h - a c h e .
I k n o wW . h a ta b o u tC h i n e s e ?
Ben: Good dea.There's a ch nesetake awayin
ArnoldStreet.Lt'sjustaroundthe cornertuom
the supermarketTheydo thatdeliciousPeking
Tom: Yes.And theyve got thoses*umptioLrsking
^r:h,nc Crc:i ahina(a it i<l
Gfammaf I countable
wordsto complete
the text.

A nuch B many
c any
A lotsof B any
Hercare iu.r 'l | _ the tacitilie\\( providefor our rrudenr..
We hope you'll agree we have something to offer eleryone! A an B many
c son€

StudentCafe Colege Sports Centre c 1\,luch

MdBd \ghy not nlprove your A afew B aLittle
(s) studentsenjoy healthwith (8)_
taking their lunch exercise? llivcrsidehas an
Aa B apieceof
here we havea range extensiverangeof sporis
(2) _ computefs c little
faciliti€s Wc havesrateof
-Jliitabie,all wifh i.e A many B little
rndudinghealthy the a.t excrcisemdcliines
accessto the Intemet saladsand satrdwiches. iir our gym and a fabulous
T h e r ea r c ( i ) heatedsrrinrmnrgpool.
A a greatdealof
pnnlels ioo so yor midnight, so rvhy not B many C alot
Dvite (6) trierds studentsspend(9) _ A afew B littLe
essays\\ritheaseAnd and spendthe cvening ther Ee€ tine hefe There
i f y o u n c e d( 4 ) _ with usi Orjust pop in are (10) collegcsnl the
rDt 17) cotreeand a conDtryrvhich can rn'al
sliceof our honremade our sportsprovrsion,and
techniciansavailablc itt lU $ee for studenbl

Decide ;f thesentences in eachpairarecorrect Vocabulary I foodandcooking

(/) or incorrect (X).Sometlmes bothsentences
arecorlect. a Combine wordsfromboxA withwordsfrom
1 A I eattwoeggseverymorning.! boxB to maketenexpressions,
B Sh€goteggalldowftheirontof her
dress.! B
2 A Hebought mesomechocolates lormy an eLectricgrilled milk eggs cook
birihday! grated a wooden cheese recipe pan
B She's diabetic soshecan'teat a talented cool<ersausages
chocolate a cornplicated plate spoon
scrambled a chira
3 A needsomelegaladvice n sour a frying
B Thedoctor gaveherthreeadvicesn
4 A lvlynewcarhasexcellent equipments n
B Wiltyou bringth€camping equipmen! b Completethe sentences
from Ex.4a.
5 A Pedro's knowLedge ofcompuiers is
inrpr€ssive. ! 1 lLoveputting_ on top ofpasta.
B l(nowledge areveryimportani in the 2 Wedon'thav€gaslf our areaso we hadto
modern world.! bLiy forthe k tch€n
5 A oftenleelnostalgic fortheoldtirnesn I We?€havinga barbeque with_ and
B Ther€ neverseems to beenough tinre n DUrgers
4 Wouldyoupref€rtoastor for breakfast

5 Edwina's husband
6 T h es m e l L o f S IeVOltng,

Reading c Findwordsor phrasesin ihe
1 a, Readthe textqujcklyandchoosethe besttitle. (dd,
1 wortha lotof mon€y
1 lmpressiorist
Paintingsat Sotheby's
2 TheStoryofSotheby's statean opinon thatoth€rs
I Britain's
Auction House mightdisagreewith (y)
b Readthe textagainandmatchtheinformation 3 competitor(r) _
a-h. copys0meofe's exampLe
1 Sothebys n JohrSotheby's
2 > a m u e tL l a . e r L l effect/mpression/influence
b 1958
(r) _
3 James Christie
n chairman ofSotheby's
4 theauctionof d the mostfarnousauction
ofworksof art (r) _
libraryE hotrse
iimewhenthe economy is bad
5 PeterWilsonn
(r) -
6 thefirstpublcauction
oi (ddl)
n JohnSotheby's
7 Parke-Berietn c 1793
8 ALfredTaubman n h a NewYork
aucton house

O There is itiledoubtthatSoiheby's is tlrese

(6)_ private
(sell) y or
theoldest andmostlamous auciion throlghdealersWlsontorned the
house rnther,itot
d lt hasbeengotng \iihole
auctionntoa lashionable
lorrnore thanh^/oanda half eventHesentinvitationst0lilmstars
centurles andhassod many olthe andpolticiansandheldtheaucilon in
mostlamous andvaluabletreasures theeven nq Joumalsis fromthe
andworksofarievercreated. lts leadngpapers (7)_ (jnvite)
rivalsmlqhtdisagree butmanywould everyotewasasked to wearblack tle
argLre thattheintemationalair orevennqdTess Notsurprisingly,
market asit exists
today(1)_ aLctiongota hugearnoLnt of
(create) bySotheby's.The ideaof pubicityandtheprices setnew
enoTmo!sly valuableworks oj art recofds,
being soldatpubLic aucton is
somethlnq wetakeforgranted, butin @ Wthitsgrowing reputation inLondon
Sothebys decdedto erpand;nto ihe
Jactit isa relatively
new auctioned
Talleyrand's ibraryandjn American market
phenomenon andboLghtthe New
Sohowdidit a I come1823he(4)_ (score) a pLblc Yorkauclion house Parke-Bernet Bul
aboLrt? relations
t umphbyaLctioning thingsbegan lo golirongduring the
Napoleon'scollectonof booksfrom
O ftallbegan backn 1744whena oilcrisis
andtherecession ofthe
bookdeaercalled Samuel StNelena 1970s andthecompany
Baker stai@dlo
opened a smallbookstoreinthe O Sotheby's
bus ness qrew throuqhout getintof nancia difficLliesInl97l
Stmnd in London.After
hisdeathin the1gihceniufy bLiii wasonlyin theyeven triedto raisernoney by
1778thebLsiness (2)_ (iake themidde ofthe20thcentury thal launchnga Sotheby's brandof
oveibyhisnephew, JohnSotheby. Sotheby's
began to make a huge cigarette Evenlually,in1983
Sothebyhada greatrivaL,
James impactinternatonally n 1958 its Sotheby's (8) (boy)by
Chrslie,who(3)_ (starl)the charsmatic PeterW
chalTman, son. Ametican bus nessman, AlfTed
aLctionhousein 1776 (5) (organlse)
ihefirstever laubman Based n Detroit Taubrnar
ataLciion publcauctionof impressionisi tnnsformed Sotheby's ntoa wholy
Wasmade fashionable
byJames mast""Tp
ecesbyCezanne, Renoir American cornpany t wascedainly a
butJohnSotheby wasqLtick andVanGogh Beforethatljme longway irornihe lltte bookshop jn
tofollowhisleadIn1793he extremely
valuableworkssuchas theStrand

VOCabUlary I verbphrases
money Rewliteeachsentencebegiirai-s-
.l :- :-a
2 0ne word in eachsentenceis incorrect.
word and correctit. Peterpublished thereportlastyear.
1 lt'sa goodideato ke€ptherefundwhenyou Ihe rcpoft wospublishedlostyeor.
buyexpensive things. 1 T h e d o c t o r h a s g i v e n A l i s o n a n e v / p r: e- s . - :
2 lf w€ buytenofthes€,canwe geta bdrBdn
2 Youmustn't openthepresent untilyour
Auctions ar€lun but do get nervotrswher Thepresent
peoplestad haggling forsomethng I want. 3 Thepoliceareinvestigating
the crime.
I wantto buya few coraputer but I can'tworth lhe crime
r yer. Theyaregoingtooper the hotelinNovember
lovebuyingthifgs in streetmarkets - it's Thehotel
greatfunb ddrngwiththe markettraders. Wewilldrivethe children
to the party.
They're movinghousenextyearso they'renot lhe children
sureif it'saffordbuyinga newsoFa. Youcanseemy houseftomthetop olthe hrlL

Grammar I passives Somebody

Conrplete thetextin Ex.1 usingappropriate
activeor passive Theyhaven'treleased
formsoltheverbsin brackets.
Rewr:lpthesertenCesir ifdljasin there\t usirg Somebodymighthaveseenthe burglaL
etrlypassiveforms. Theburglar

11) How does the Mint make coins? Writing/How to ... wrire
a letter
Longsheeisof metaLarriveat Lhemint comptatnt
(2) son€body feeds the metalsttipshto a
6 Rewrite ihisinformal letteras a formalletterot
complaint. Lookat page163oithe Students,
(3) Thc cuttingnachiDe cuts the metaltnta
B o o kt o he l py o u .
raund shapescalled' blaDks:
t,4)Afterthe nachine hascut thetn out
sonebody heatsLheblanksin a fumace
(5)Sanebody washesthe hlankswhile DeacJanLes0'Bcien
sanebody E heatingthetn
Thehot blanksgo intoa pressing machife
I'm ufilir5 1o lell yat abofi a nobi\e
and (6) rhe mach/re stampseach Lain with a $oneA bay;fuirrgour.slop+he(nheraa:j.
patternan both sides
V.lheI Bcfrhonei+didn'tuark.a u.tas
17)Sonebaclycoolsthe Loinsant! a special
macllt)e coLtntS them real\ slloekedbecavseil easl€ZSOI
lA)Sonebady distributesthe cainsto the banks ?teasesendne anolherphone or yive
ne a refundinnedi*e1y.
Haware coinsmode? I d lovela Be+a epl! saah,
love feon

Li.steni:rg TAPESCRIPT
a @ Coverthetapescript.Listento five
Matcheachperson WeLl,Inr not sureyou'dcall thempets,really. mean
you don't haveto takethem to the vet, or forwalks,
withananimaliiomthebox.Threeanimals are
o b v i o u s lB y .u tt h e yd o r e q u i r e
q u i t ea l o t o f c a r ea n d
a t t e r t i o nl s e e m t o s p e n d a g e s c t e a n l n g o u tpt h oend
a n dr e p a i r i ntgh ew a t e rl l t e B . l t b a n r g h t m a ri e n
snake cats spider tropicalfish a u t u m nw i t ha l l t h ef a l l e nl e a v e sA n dr nw i r t e r y o u
mouse horse goldfish dog lraveto ma(e surethe surfacedoesnl get coveredIn
ice.But theydo giveme a lot ofpleasure,watching
t h e md a r t i n g a r c u n d .

We'vehad him for aboui fouryearsnow He'sgot a

k € n n e L itnh eb a c kg a r d e nH. i sn a m e SW o l f i eD . avid
boughthrrnfor the children,really.Everyone knows
rctrieversare greatwith kids-so genlleand playfu
H e ' ss o l b e a u t i f u l b l o nf u
d r a n dh e l o v e sb e i r s
L d d l e d . 0 t ( o L \ "h.Fa d oF sb e ' s a l " r o rw d I '
-which is a greatexcusefor us to get someexercise
d sw e l l l: h F o r l y d o s l s i d " i < L r . do u , t o r o o d l - e
e a i s A n dw h a t e v € r wgei v eh i m ,h e a l w a y s e e n st o
be starving.
S o m ep e o p l e t h i n k k e e p i n rgeap t l ei s a b i t w € i r db, u t
' , o r db " c r p r ' - " d a l h o sp o p u . a rii,. | \ l o w l o a d s
o f p e o p l ei h a t d o i t . l g o t s a . a hf f o ma f r i e f da n d
w a s nt t o o s u r ea b o u ti t a t f i 6 t l t t a b i t o f a f u s s
b Listenagainandrnatchthestatements
with becauseyou haveto havea bigtank and keep i at a ceftaintemperatureArd whenshe shedshersk n it3
1 isalwayshungry_ a b i t d i s g u s t i f gB u tl t h ; n k s h e tb e a u t i t u l t h e w a y
liv€sin a big field she movesis so slowand sinuous I Lovelettingher
crawrup 'rryafmsand aroLrnd my neck
3 needa lot ofcareandattention
lovesgoingfor walks W h e nl w a sy o u n g eIrL r s etdo t a k eh e r o u tj u m p i f g
5 doesn'tiumpanymore a n di h i n g s b , l t l h u r t m y b a c ka f e w y e a r sa g os o
6 providecomparlonship _ n o ww e j u s tg o f o r w a l k O r a b i t o f a g e n t l e t r o t i f
moves I'rnteelingenergeticlWeve got a big fl€ld behindthe
/ very slowLy
h o ( c o - h p ! g o . p l e n l o l o o m ,. n a I r e F \ a < m d l l
8 costsa lot ofmoneyto maintain s t a b l ef o r t h ew i f t e rm o n t h sB. i g a n r m a a l sr ea l w a y s
@ Nowlookat ihetapescript.
Findthewords qrila"rpF1)ir'e . o l o o l a 1 e _b, L _| r h i l t r ' <w o . L irL
in theboxandputthemin thecorrect l m e a nl g e t p l e n t yo f e x e r cs e ,a r d I l e e l w eh a v ea
reaLlystrcngbond.I certaintywouldn'tlet anyoneeLse
Therearethreewordsin eachcolumn.
dart crawl iank sinuousgentte
n e v e rh a da n yc h i l d r e nb,u t l t h i r k i n s o m ew a y s
kennel trot playful stable t h e y l eb e t t e r t h a cn h l d r e nA - l o t l e s st r o u b l e r l ' v e
got two atthe rnomeni,Tiddlesand Spark Tiddlesis
iust a kitten,realLy. Nowthat I'm retired dof't reall,
gel out muchso lhey'reidealforme, andthey're
mucheasiertotookafterthandogs They?epreity
i n d e p e n d eb nut tt h e yg i v em ea l o t o f c o m p a n i o n sph
t a l k t ot h e m a l l t h et i m e , w h i c ihs a b i t s i ! p i dl k n o w ,
b u t a t l e a s tl d o n ' tg e t l o r e l y .
Gfammaf I hovelgetsomething
done Vocabulary lanimats
, Complete thepicturelabelsusingformsof 4 lJsethe cluesto comptetethe crossword
hovelget somethingdore. Useverbsfromoox animaIwords.
A andwords/phrases fromboxB.

check paint do car 0to0optessute
test service wash house boiler hair

2 theycaf be verysharp
4 it livesin the sea
E to takethebullbythe_
they keepbirdswarnr
1l ifyou seethisabovethe
waterit couldbe a
1 lvlrsAldersor everymonth.
2 Daniel oncea week,
1 planesandblrdsdo this
3 TheSmiths everyfive years.
I Carsnavevery long ones
4 Ltz onceeveTy
sx months_ 's mouth
5 straightfromthe
5 l\rlrGrant wh€nhe goesto the
clinic. 6 the biggestanimal
6 We beforethebeginning
of 7 birdscouldn'tfly withoutthem
8 toenailslor a horse
9 lotsof peopleareafraidof thisinsect
3 Rewritethe sentences
usingthe wordsin 12 it'sat thebac(of a horseordog
Heneedsto finishthatprojectsoon.(done) Pronunciation
Heneedsto get Lhatprojectdonesoon.
5 @ Lookat the underlined soundsin each
1 Somebody
leftthe bagbehind.(Sot) groupofwords.Circletheoddoneout,Then
2 ThemaidwashesLinda's
clothes(has) t horns claws cow
2 frqthers brqk bCqr
3 Theyforwardmy post to me. (l)
3 wings fins tiger
4 eagle whale rqil
4 Willsomebody
5 halse fu| paty

5 Howofter do they cleanyourwindows?(you)

I shouldflrishmy honrework
by sixo'clock.

Vocabulary Vocabulary
Completetheseniencesusing 3 Usethecluesio comptete
wordsfromthe box.Twowords

spending exces5ive
extra-large far-fetched
luxury extravagant

llly car isn't a -: iis a

Youtereniinga fve starhoiel
ior yourwedding? Ho,'r I
<.mp np.nlF c,,, fhF_F < lilF

on f\'\arsbui the ideaseeins

novedlvewenton a
spreeandboughtLots Across
oi newfurniture-
4 Heatthm e i l (i n a s m a l l _ .
Dont buyan!,thrngfromthat You have to _ themixturequicdyuntilitbecomes stjf[
shop allthergoodsarevery
7 don'teatmeat I'ma
I Don'r(ool 1lt .re.l 'o \e / o']q, ikFi.
6 think t'sgreedyto order
12 Thesoupisn't enough,adda litttemore.
poftionsin restaurants
13 Thjsvegetabte contains a Lotofvitamifs
4 lt'sa ftLrit
whjch we often seruewithcream,
Countable and 15 | don'tput sugarin teaor coffee- | hate drjrks
uncountable nouns
2 Eightofthe sentencescontain 1 Theysay_ areverygoodfor you.
mistakes.Findthe mistakesand 2 vo r fd\'e-'l cookedrhis, ti corplerely
3 Coff€ewithoutsugarhasihis taste.
1 0ur shopstocksluggages 6 Doyoupreferto eggsor fry them?
iromalI overthe world. Couldyougivemethe ?
9 Thistastesdelicious.
2 Thereare few placesas 10 | liketo a littleparrnesancheeseon top of my pasta.
beautifulas KashmiL
11 Wouldyoulikea _ of cake?
3 There isn'tmany trafflcaround
he'eon su-ddv,
4 CompletF
these-ter(esJsingwordsfior thebo\.
4 lMayI havelittleslgar in my
coffee,pLease? afford bargain bidding discount
5 ld liketo havea lotsof money. haggling worth receipt refund
They?enot very busy,they
only havea [ewwork this onlypaid€1oforthisDVD- gota I
L'dloveio get a neurcarbut I'mnotsureI can it,
3 Welovevisitingthe localmarketsand_ for th ngs
but they?ehappy
I'mafraidyoucannotreturnth€ goodsiIyoudo nothavea
Wouldyou likea spaghetti,
5 Don'tinterrupthimihe's_ forsomethingof ar lntemet
Weareoffering a 2o7o to anycustomerswho buymore
frierdstothe paftyifyou like.
It'sa reallyexpensve tripbut wethifk it's_ lt.
courseson foreignlanguages
a Dueto the cafc€llation oftof ght'sperformancewe areoflering
a fult to alltic(etholders.
Passives have/get something done
5 Youhavejustbooked
a holiday
ontheIniernet. C o m p l eet ea c hs e n i e n c e:,_' ,: - : n : - : .
Readthewebpageandcomplete thesentences 1 | thecentralhaa:_:_:-::.=,,!
forms. so itshould be fineno\y.
2 Sheneverreceived herne\'rr:.. : ::_: : -:
have_ lostin thepost

Thankyou 3 I ' m s o r r y a b o u t s p i l l i n g owni ny e

haveit _ foryou

for makinga TellthebossthatjamiewrLI the re!c-:

bookingwith flnished by louro'clock
5 Haveyougotthe brokenchair ?
You buor rB rofercr, F r\ lro80l- arrested by ihe localpolice
7 Doyou_ yourphotocopying done[ocally?
We havedebited€450 from your credri I llike to havemy hair_ by Silvia.She'sthe
cafd Foryoursecurity we use128 KB beststylistin the salor.
^ .ol!(nr- ror, ll . r"o , .
f orp " 9 I'mgoirgto get my photo_; I needit for
the iob application.
\Vp nrp ,pnd r- )o r- iri ,.r" t bl
"|| ", . tt- 10 lt blocksthelightsowe are_that bigtree
$ i l \ - r r \ o I f l S l - 'r' ( " r . \ , i r . , | * p " , r
llPr.e 1(r 'l c .l o$ i rD:
. Youmustbrlngyourpassport to checkin i Vocabulary
or a ho.r h, or- dppI u.p
. You cannotchangethe clateand timc of 7 a Circle
wordin eachgroup.
yourflighls A bulLhas: horns hoovesfin talL
. Youcan pre bookseatson the website
A cat hd.: wf .l Fr be"( pawc , d!rr(
. CoAwayTravel doesnot allowsmoking J A e a g i Fh a . : w i n q c p d w 5 l e a r h .s b e " .
o r r ' o r ' .f l " h .
A b e a rh a s : f u r p a w s h o o v e s c l a w s
. Youmay purchase mealson theplane
. Tnppr rP r, -dp. ' ,1,rp . ro-n r- b Complete
arrport Shewasinsucha badmoodshewaslikea
witha _ head.
seeour FAQSiFyou haveany furthef I 2 Don'taskgrandma
to readtheinstruction!,

a Choose
1 €45o lt doesn'ttake longto preparc,just rewormf
reheafit in the microwave.
2 128(B protection
softwar€ He'sgot a fantastic lob with a huge
n ultinational/ manynatian.ilcompany.
I Yourit n€rary Catl I ha\!e the ex lorgeI extrola rge burye\
4 Yourt ckets Wethoughttheseatson the planewerevery
uncon fo rtqbIe/ incan forta bIe.
r passport
5 YOU sue'sbilanguoged I btlinq ual;she speaks
Englsh andGetman equaltywell.
5 Thedateandtimeofyourflights Thechildren getverybadlybehaved when
they'rc extro tied I overtired.
7 Seats Haveyou seenyour ex-bayfriendlexboyfriend
8 Smoking Th€film was morofonorslmonalogueard
9 A/ieals Thatchickenwas les5-co okedlu ndercoaked it
waspinkin the middle.
10 Translers
fromtheairport l'vejusi boughta multpurposefmonopurpose
printer t canprint,scanandphotocopy.
R eadin
a Readthe text quicklyafd
Leadingby Example
choosethe bestheading
for eachparagraph.Two Candh is one of history'sgreai leaders
headingsare not needed. B|t udike otherleadershe rever lect
an arm_v,he neler a president or
A TheFightfor Freedom
p me miinster ar1clhe nelcl used force
B Independence or \-rolenceto ilnpose his lcadership on
c Siudyingin London people His principle oi lcadership\ras
D ntroduction simplc - hc lcd bv €xanrpleHe believe.l
E Gandhi'sLegacy that thebesl rvay to influencecver ts rfas
F Gafdhi'sEarlyL fe throughpeacefl prokst rather thanbv
viol€.ntrevollrtior or bloodshed
H Philososphy
xlohand.s Karamchandca,1dli was born on 2nd October1869rn
t! Readthe text againand
Rrrbandarrn \\.est€mIndia Hc was senrto Engtandro shldy t.raranct
decideif thesestatements
l,as olferedajob in SouthAfiica afterhe qu.lified in 1893 A!thar
are true (T) or false (F).
finle both India and Sou$ Alrica rfere colo es of Bdrain U,brkrng
1 Gandhiwas president oi as a lar]'ea Gandhi soonbeganto expcrjencethe prcjudicethar locaj
n d i a .! peoplc sufferedunder the colonialregime
2 c a n d h i w o r ( ei n
dS o u t h
Car.lhi retumcd io India jn 1915,detcmrnredto fighr.garnsr
3 SouthAiricausedto be part colornalismand injustice Hc reaiis€dthai ll1dtanslvould r1everbc
ofthe Britishernpiren ableto bril.t a fair societvuntil thev had ird€pendcrce from ihc
4 LOcaL peopLe w€re Bntish empile He jonled tiic indi.n narionatistmovementanct
s0metimes treadedbadLy beg.n to iight for lrdia'.) nldepen.lencellre BrifishregarciedCandh
jn the coLonies as a tlorblcrraker and he r{as aDesredmanv LimesRathcr ilun
TheBritsh wereneverabL€ resist,Candhj lras qrdtepreparcdrobe senrto prison for l]is betiefs
i o p u tc a n d hlin p r i s o nn Altosciher he spentmorc than sevenyearsLr€hrndbars.
Someelements of
Satyagraha comeftorn Most nldep€ndencemoYementsin hstory have dependcd.rn \-iotence
Hinduism. I an.l rcvolutronto aclieve their aims cardhi r{as sureth.r th€ same
G a n d h i w a n tI€ndd i at o b e effcct could be achieved th.ough non \.iolL'rlt protest and a potrcy of
mainlyHlndu.n cilil clisobedlence Hc clevelopcd a philosophy kno\\n as ,Satyagraha,
A religious extremist k Lled which was pafi\' basedon the teachingsof Ifmduism Accolcling
c a n d hni . io Satyagrahathc best 'ay to changcsocietywas throughpeaceful
mearrs Th.ough his o\,vnbehaviour atandhi pr ovid€d an c\ample or
@ Writebriefnotesto
this philosophyji actiorl
complete thistime-1ine
Alter morc than ihirq, vearsof sftrggle India cvcnruallyachn\-ed
1469 nrctependencc in 1947 candlx's policy of pea.etutFrotests,strikes,
trad€ boycottsand ci\.rl disobedience hactl{,orkcd candhi waDred
In.lia to bc a sjnglecourlrl' .hich inclu.tedall rac€sand rcligionsbut
his wish u'asnot grantc.l The lndian sub-.oftjnent was splir inro tno
stales th€ malily Hnrdu India and thc largety\4usti pakistar-L
C.|c ri's belief in rcligjousirccdomlvas ro cosrhim his tife On
30th]anuary 194Ehe i-as assassinated bv a yoLr,lrg
Hindu lanatic,
Nathumm Godse But his legacy$.asro lasrtong after his death
Candln'sph osophyof peaccft,lprotestand civil clisobedience has
bccn an inspiration to numer ous peoplc arounct rhe u,orld By his own
actionshe sho red that the besileadersare ihose ho lead bv example
rather than bv fo.ce
Grammar | ft'stinelt'd rutherlt,d
bettel Vocabulary I describing
Tick(/) the sentencewhichhasthe same lJsethe ctuesto completethe crossword
meaning asthesentence in itdtas. wordsto describepersonality.
7 lL'stine you wentto bed.
A Youshoutdbein bedby now.n
B Youarealready in bed.n
2 I'dtothertakethebus.
A There isnootherwaytogetthere. E
B I prefer buses io trains.n
j WeAbeftertoketheea ierflight.
A Weprelerearlyflights.n
B Thelaterflightmightnotarrivein time.n
4 WouLd you ratherI repliedby enaiL?
A I preFer to sendemaib.n
B Doyouwantmeto sendanemait? n
5 lt'shightine youlookedfar a jab.
A You'vebeenLooking butyouhaven'tfound
theperlecijobyet. n
B Youareunemployed. Across
6 lA tuthershedidn'tcome. 1 Carol'sreallyhigh_; she needsexpensive
A l d o n ' t w a nh te r t oc o m en. presents allthetimel
B Shedoesn'twantto come.n 5 I've got strongideasabouteverylhing;I
supposei'm pretty_.
7 YouAbetLertoke thecar
5 Hedoesn'thaveanysecrets.He'svery ard
A There's a busstriketoday.n
B Youpreferdriving.E
ro Actorslovean audiencebecausethey like to
a lt\ sbouttimeweleft.
be the centreof
A lt'squitelate.!
11 Dorlnda's ; shelikesmeetingnewpeople
B Welefton time.n andshetalksto everybody.
12 We alwayslaughwhenlake iells a story
Rewritethesentences usingthewordsin becausehe'sso _,
13 llly bossis verysingLe- ; he nevergets
1 | reallythinkyoushouldmoveto a biggerflat. distracted.
2 Youshouldtakean umbrella. 1 My girlFriendtrickspeopleintodoingwhatshe
Lizzienevermakesa fuss or complains;she's
3 | prefergoingthe cinerna.
Gathed very_-gorng,
_ peopLealwaysdo what they wart and
4 Johrneed5to gei a bettercompurer.
refuseto listento advice,
4 Tosucceed youneedto be -to-
in business
5 Doyouwantmeto bringmycamera?
(would) earthandrealistic.
I wishI couldbemore but I tendto let
6 | wouldpreferhernotto smoke.(didn't) otherpeopletakethe lead.
Juanita goesoutto clubsevery
7 | don't like workingat the weekend.(rather) real animal.
Youshouldn't bea _; trytobemore
8 'Lhink t'5sateriiyou l-averhesa dd. fyoud) assedive andindependent.

Listening Vocabulary I adjectives
and intensifiers
a GE Coverthetapescript.Listento Amandaand Steven
andanswerthe quesiions. 2 Complete thesentences using
1 Whereare they? intensifiers.
2 Whatis Amanda'siob? non-gradable adiectives
j Whatare Steven'saims? redllywithgradableadjectives.
1 Saturday's gamers_
b Listenagainand completeeachstatementwith one word.
1 Stevenhas beentrainingfor weeks. pr0motron,
z He hasn'tdoneany realexercisefor years. 2 I always feel_ hungry
3 Steven thinksthreemonthsis an lorg time. afterswimming,
4 Heis _ eatingdesserts. 3 oftenfeeL tiredat the
5 He hungry allthetlme. endof theday.
6 AmardaasksStevenabouthis levels. 4 Terrywas devastated
7 Stever used to feel ir the afternoons. wherthefactorycloseddown,
8 Amandahasn'tprepared the sheetlor Stevenyet. 5 Suzanne was_
exhausted aftertherace.
c Now read the tapescripi.Match ihe phrasesin ifdlrcswith
6 Poorloe!He's upset
the reportingverbsin the box.
ask admit complain promise remind explain suggest 7 What\thereto eat?I'rn
8 Take yourtimeto decide.This
isa importantdecision
Amanda: Comeon Steven,keepgoing.
Steven: Thisis exhausting...
Amandar Onemorcrepetition.Youcando rt - Grcat.Welldone.Letb Pronunciation
takea shoft breaknow
3 a @ undertine thetwo
YoLr're doinsreallyw€ll,you know wordsthat havethe mainstress
Steven: G) t'n stilltindng tqune difrcuLt in thesesentences, Thenlisten
WeLl, can'texpectto get completelyfit in just a nonth.
you andcheck.
12)Actually, tt's been six weeks. 1 Whenthechildren gotback
Sixweeksthen Youknowit usuallytakesabout threemonihs fromtheparktheywere
to gei ft. Afterall, you haven'tdoneany realexercisefor more absolutely
than fiveyears,so you'vegoi sonrecatchingup to do
2 Clarewasreallydevastated
st€ven: [4m lt seemsan awfulLyLongtime.
whensheheard thenews.
Amanda: Be postive.Wele aLmosthalfway there
steven: 6) Howlons beforetstad to lase weisht? b IE Lookat thecompleted
A m a n d a : T h a t d e p e n dH s a v ey o uc u to u t a l t t h o s es w e e st n a c k s ? sentencesEx,2 above.
S t e v e n : E r ,s o r to t B u tI ' ma f r a i dI ' ms t i t l e a t i ndge s s e r t s j.u s tf e e l s o lJnderline
h u n g r ya l l t h et i m e withthemainstressin each
Ananda: (4) How abaut trying frutt tnstead of a dessert? sentence.
steven: OK () I'll give it a try. cnecK.
Anandat 16)fyou cut down the anount afsugaryou eat,youle bound
to los€ welghi.Now,how aboutyourenergylevels?Areyou
stilLfeelinglethargc in the aftemoons?
Steven: No,thafs defintely improved.I havef't reallyfelt as tiredas I
u s e dt o .
Amanda: That'sgreai
Sieven: Oh,haveyou preparedthat rutritior sheeifor me?
Anandat sony.17)t'n afntd lfargoL t'llda t nextweek So, areyou
readyto moveon to the rext machrneT
Siev€n: Gosh.Youtrainersaresuchslavednvelsl
Gf ammar I reported
speech 6 Reporttheseexamples
of directspeechusing
fromthe box_lJse
4 GD Coverthetapescript.listen to six eachverD0nce.
examples ofdirectspeech fromtheconversatron
in Ex.1.Wriiethemin reportedspeech,using admit decide explain promise
reportingverbs fromthe box. feffi|ne suggest warn

admit ask promisesuggest

to getcanpletely
frtin justa nonth

5 Steven

the backdoor.
Choosethecorectwordsto complete
sentences, Dovidrenindedne to lock the backdoor
1 Whenwewereyoungourparents notto talk 1 My brother
r0 Strange15.
outfora meal?
A told B told to us c told us
Jamesaskedrnewhat for my birthday.
A I wanted B did I waft C wantedme
My gjrlfriendaskedrne go to the party 2 John
I can'tcomebecause
with heL to workthatevening.
A willi s iilwould cthatlwould
Hesard alreadyboughtthe tickets
A rnehe had B he had C to me he had
I Thechildren
ThesalesassistantsLrggested_ a new /\4pl
player do it agair.
A buying I to bLiy C nrebuying
Davina askedme_ beenthedaybeFor-".
A whereI had B wherehadI c wherewasI
4 Thelifeguard Swimmingtherecan
Thepoliceofficerwarnedme_so fastin
future. Deveryoangerous,
A notdriving B notto driving c notto drive
us_the filmlastWednesday.
A did we efjoy B ilwe hadenjoyed 5 Maria I haven'tdone
c if we enjoy
Sheaskedmewhether_a schooluniform
whenI wasat infantschool.
A I mustwear B I hadto wear
c did lhaveto wear Customer l'lltakethe
Thecriminalpromised_ out oltrouble. smallermodel.
A to stay B staying c he willstay
Reading Who'sa cleverboythen?
Is it rvrsefor ctuldren agedsn and seveDto be taktrg GCSE
articleard matchthe
a Readthe newspaper cxa'rs. askr Zoe BFnnan
halves. Likc manr- youngstersacfoss the counnf,, Pic* Shanna
I H t e T5
snarmaI a tookMathsGCSE at will be wairig for the postmanwiti trcpidation nc{ monlh,
2 [4ikeRyden the ageoffiv€. whm exam results corne out Benrg sevcn yca* old, he is
b ls a colleg€principal not thc averageGCSE student,howel€r
I Arran ' ' r r , r ' . o r r r f f ( 1 a n d a oe ia J .\ e '
Fernandez c is takinga GcSEnext )..1I'i e\drr'n
! 'The hafd bi! \ms the video coDfcrencing,
year, cornputer skills
d is sixyearsold. the applications bit was easy-'
5 Freder
ck !
Does he exlect to pass?Shama soundsmomenLtnly
e is waitingfor his
examresults. s|lessed.'I did really well in thc pnctical, I got an A+,' hc
sa],s 'In dre exam, I might halc gol a C+ or a B+
b Readthe text againand correctthe factual Most students do their GCSESal Llrc age of fifteen or
mistakesin thesestatements. sr-teen, bxt Sharma is one ofa glowing number ofpupils
1 Examresultsarecornng out laterthisrnonth, siiting exams extmodindfily cady. Ths year, he is oDc of
2 PiersSharmagotan A* in the exam. ar en&e class of nine childrcn lonl seven-yearolds
at and live six-year-o1ds who in May look a GCSE in
I ThereareFivestudentsin Piers'class
5CnO0l infomrahon and com udcation technology (ICT) at ihe
hasa mathscoursefor babies. p vate Ryde Collcge r,l Hertfordshie
4 ThecoLlege
The course takcs r year to complete \'Iikc Ryde,
sonis top ofthe classat school.
5 MikeRyde's
pfncipal ofthe collcge, coulirmed that three ofthc chldren
6 Theparents
decidewhenchildren atereadyto
rvere five years old whcn they embarked on thcir GCSE
strdics. having 'gadualed' lioln the collegc'sbaby a d
7 Mikesavsthe olderch [drenloveworkng with toddlcr compuler course-\\,here leaming stdtls at elghteen
computers nonths Al the age of tkee of four the iDfants aftend
8 Mikethinksfewchildren couldiakea GCSEat 'primer' lessonsThen Rydejudgeswhenthey d'e rcady Lo
the ageofeleven
'The most we'1e eler had bcforehas been one or two
c iMar.l-r1e follow:ngwo'dsand phlases'ro-
'The very
the text with ihe meaningsa-j. chndren of this age doin-sa GCSE.' saysRyde
Iacl that x€'ve got nine studentsthis yclll sho$,slhat a lot of
1 trepidationn
slx and seven-year-o1ds would be capablcof dong tbls lt is
2 momentarily n no colncidellce that the) all stafted nr classesso early'
3 extraordirarilyn The youngest ever to have iaken a GCSE at Ryde vas
4 embarked n Anan lemandez, $'ho $'as five rvhen hc tooll Maths in
5 coincidence n 2001.Rydc'so\{n daughtefFlancesca, sevcD,will lake the
6 knock-on effectn ICT GCSL next ycal and l]ls son Frcderick, six, is on Lhe
7 gravitaten pdmer couFe 'The woDdcrful Lhing is that studying ai a
a horified! le\el designedfor a fifteen has a knock-on etrcct,'
he says 'Fmncescais toppiDgthe classat school'
e dumbdowr ! 'We aho havc childrcn doine English and Maths rcally
ro lowest
common denominator
ear1y,but the )ourgcr childrcn seem to gravitate torvrds
'Thcy lovc $'orkmg $ith comlute$ '
lCT,' he says
a whentwoth ngsarethesamefornoleason lvlany educationists and parenrs $'onld be hodfic4
b surpas
ngry arguing that six is too yourg to burden a child wiih
lowerthe standard exans Ryde, howeve! belie!€s that e,tly GCSES shorld
d causes otherth ngsto happen bc nrhoduced wid+ claiming that such a systcn $ould
slightnervousness or fear reduce the sress on yoxngsterslater on
f shocked, frightened At prcsert, you see children taking upwards of len
'Thatt a
g teastdifficutt understands
thingthateveryone GCSES rt once at ihe age of sixteen,' he sn)s
r.1 tr ,dol'pre'.Lre \[4.) nor p;\e fen 11 oooo rur r o
h for a veryshortperiodof time
tahc one or h{,o a year? lt seemsto rnc thxt nosl children
are attractedtowards
Nrcr€ady to do a GCSE by the age ofeleven Wc slrcLrldnot
I b€gan d r m b J n r l 1 1. ) . c r r o h e o s e ' c o r n o I J ' n o l i r " r o r
edxcation is aU about otporturily.'
Grammar I hordandhordty How to ... I giveyouropinion
2 Complete
thesentences usingthe 4 Readthe dialogueand chooseihe correctaltemative_
in thebox.
Sue: Did you see that item aboutstudentson ihe nerrs?
It saidthatnowadays morethanhalfofihemiakea
hard (x2) hardly(x2)
yearoff betweenschooland uriversiiy.Theycail ii a
hardlyever(x2) hardlyanyone(x2) 'gapyear'.
hardlyan!thing hardlyanywhere
lake: Whatdo iheydo?
You've_ Sue: Theyusualtygo t';rve]'jt.lg.I G) an thinkinglthink
touchedyour foodl
js it's a reallygood idea.
This a tfeat; we _ go to
restaurantsthes€days. Jake: ldisagree.Aslar as )'m (2) concernedfcancerning
it'sa wasteoftime.
AlthoughSamstudied_, he
wasf't ableto passthe test, sue: Well,| (3) trusf/belteyeit canbe a very Lrseful
Byten o'clocktherewas_ teft in
theclub. lake: Whydo youthinkrhat?
0urteacher Sue: Well,(4)forlofs evetalrcasans.(5)Firs ylFirstane,
It getsthernawayfrorntheir parenrsano maKes
I!4onica but she
jake: Getttfga job andearning yourownmoreyts wnat
c0uldn'topenthe door,
i.akespeopleindependent, (6)of//, my opinion.
7 Ther-"'s to parkin central
Su€: That'strue. But studentsor gapyearsoften get
jobs whilethey aretravelling(i
8 | didn'tspendmuch;Jbought forlbecousethey
needmoneyto liveon.
lal(e: I thoughttheirparentsusuaLly pajdfor everything.
9 l've_seen lsabelsince
marfled. Sue: Perhaps sorneofthemdo, but / don,tthinkthat,s
a verygoodidea.I mean,if theparentspayior
10 - in mystreetownsa cat
everything,(8)so/ihe, theirchilorenare never
gorfgto becomeindependent.
3 Complete
the picturelabelsusingapproprjatefotmsol hord,hordlv,eIc.

It wasveryd;sappointing. Dennistriesreally
_ butI I can'thelpyou.I'vegot
camero my barbecue. don'tthinkhe'lleversucceed. anymoneymyseLf.

Irnnotsurprised workisso I'm afraidthere's_

Jare's left to eat We looked_ but we coutdn't
oad,she_ comesto theclass_in ihe fridge. seewhereour frierdwas.

Vocabulary Vocabulary
I Matchthesentence halves. 3 Choosethe correctalternative.
1 lfthisproduct doesn'tsell,thecompanywill 1 /\'lycousindoesn'thaveunrealisticideas;he's
definitelyn vety downto groundI eatth.
2 Deborah's delighted- thebookshewrotehas 2 I'.n ptetly headstrang I proactive I don'ttake
become a! dnyno-i(eof n'hatorherpFope .hink.
3 People don'twatchcowboy filmsanymore;I 3 lsabellovesparties;she'svety outgaingl eosy-
thinkthey've n gotn9.
4 | ihinkyou'llhaveto pulIit downandstart 4 My bosscan be very opinianatedlnanipulotive
again; thiswork really
isn'tn so I don'treallytrusthim.
5 People saythatinthislifeyouneeda lotof 5 You11-stinvi'eLa'olto lf e parlv:chc5 vel
luckin orderton highnaintenoncelwittyandshe'I makeus atl
6 We've neverdonethlsbefore butwetewilling laugh.
ron 6 Everyone takesadvartageof David,but then
7 Afterfailingthe drivingtestfourtimes,Jimhas he's a canplele doarnat f dootvvoy
decidedto n 7 We'relook/ngfora newmarketing manager
I NobodyboughttheirnewCDjit wasa wha will be prcactivelope,in developingthe
complete! buSlresS
8 Likeallactorshe lovestobetheheartlcentre
a up to scratch. ofattention.
b flop. 9 Don'tbe so se/tsrlsi ngLe-ninded,leavesome
ofthe chocolate for us.
d bestseller rc Sheneverlistensto reasonable arguments;
e grveup. she'sveryopinionatedI sing!e-ninded.
f go under,
4 In sevensentencesthe adjectivein ifdllcs is
g havea go,
Tick(/) the correctsentences
incorrect. then
h had theirday.
replacethe adjectivesin the others.
1 Alexwasverydeyasfdf€dwhen he heardthe
It's timell tl rather ll:d better
2 Complete eachsentence withone$/oroonry. 2 Thechildrerwerereallyexhoustedaftet Lhei
1 lt'sgettinglate;1thinkits we left.
z Would you_take 3 l\ruranda
lovescleaning,her kitchenis very
3 Yourbedroomb filthy;it's timeyou
ridiedup. 4 My flat is in a greatlocatior but it's absolutely

4 Lookatthosedarkclouds, yorrd take

anumbrella. 5 Withoutthe air corditioning ourofficewoutd
get extremelybollrrg.
5 I'ma bjttired;l_rathernot goo!tthis
6 I'm teallyhungry.What'sin the fridge?
6 Dof'tyouthink you_your 7 Theguidedtourofthe castlewasabsoluiely
rnother-you canusemyrnobile
8 lt's absoluieLy
vitalthat you take out the
7 She'sLookrngveryil[;you_ bettercalla
E _you paymenoworwaituntil 9 Robertwas verye6sfdtl.about his payrise.
10 NewYorkcanbe absolutely6dldin Jaruary.
9 Youdbetter_interrupt himrightnow,
he'switha cliert.
10 I'drather poorand happythan richard
Reported speech ha,rd a'rd hard)y
5 Matchtheexamplesofdirectspeech
A-Jwith 6 Choosethecorrect
wordor ohrase
io complete
speechsentences1-1o. thesentences.
thesentences, 1 Sincehegotmarried
we_ oJrao-.
Don'ttouchthese n A hardly
see B hardlyeversee
they?everyhot. c hardly
Running the marathon was work
n A reallyhard B hardof C reallyhardly
passport? lfyou youcanjustseethe nodhstarabove
I'malraidthe doctor's
sick n A hardlylook B lookhard C hardlook
todaysohe can'tsee you 4 I can'tgo oLrtthis week,I'vegot _ left ri my

Don'i forgetto be at the arrpoft n A hardlyno money B hardlymoney

twohoursbeforeyourdepafture. C hardLyanymoney
Hardly_came to the show
Doall theexercises
on n A nobody B none c anyone
page65 oftheWorkbook. She- but shecouldn'treachthe topshelI

I'll paybacktheloan n A triedhard B hardlytried c hardtried

johnmadeonelasteffortandhit the hammer
withins x months.

Areyoufee{ing n A hardly B hard C veryhardly

Afterthe accdentI my arra,
A couldhardlymove B couldmovehardly

Whydor't we go to the n c couldn'thardlymove

I thoughtlastI ght'shomework was
cinemaon Friday
A so hardly B a lot hard C veryhard

I stoLe
the n - if thrsshopis in our prlcerange,
A HardLy nothing B Hardlyanything
c Anything hardty
I think 'll havethe n
spaghettiBoLognese. Vocabulary
7 eachgapwltha wordfromtheboxto
1 Therec€ptionist
explained w;thphrasal
mal(eexpressions verbs

catch come cut for get look

2 Ourteacher
told u5
looking made on put to (x2) with (x4)

3 /!ly bestfriendsugg€sted I ie's my hero.I rea y up _ h m.

2 ifyou wantto los€weight,you'llhaveto
4 Thewaitress
down_ allthosesweetsard cal(es!
3 | hearyou'vegot a newcar; 'm _ foMard
5 Thecriminaladmitted seeng it
6 Theimmigration
howyou_ up it
a d r o lf " . _ Jp a g r e a l 1 e , i d e aI o
7 lvlymotheraskedme
6 They've caughtthe bankrobbers; I'mgladthey
I Thecustomer
didn't away_ it
7 Therunnerwasslowat firstbut she up
9 Thetravelagentreminded
it in the lastfewmetresandwon
8 He'sjustgoneto th€ shops.Youcan up
rc Ellzabeih the banl mdnaser
hinrif yourun.
VocabularY | lawandinsurance b Readthe text againandwritequestionsfor
the foltowinganswers.
a Eachsentencecontainsonewordwhich I lt maintainsthevehicLe's
shouldbe in a differentsentence. Findthe
wordsandputthemin thecorrect sentences.
r Theiudgeconvicted thpman[o lhreeyearsin 2 Tomakehimselfacupofcoffee.
2 Therewasa lireat thetactorylastweekirhe
poli€ethinkit is lraud.
j A brokenarmandlegandcutsto the head.
3 lfell downthestepsat worksoI sentenced
thecompany andgotcompensation,
4 You shouldn'tusesomeone else'screditcard,
that's premium. 4 To avoidpayingtheentrancecharge.
5 I'mgladto sayI'veneverbeensuedolany
5 Thecriminaldecided to guaranteeagainsthis 5 $rzooo.
7 Thearsononourhouseinsurance seems to
gethighereveryyear. 6 Fortenyears.
E Weappeal allournewcarsforthree years.
b Completethe sentences.
7 Becausethe ownerswereon vacation-
1 | wasshockedwhenmynext-door
wasconvicted fraud.
2 Theinjuredpedestriansuedthe driver
€1oooo. 8 A supptyofdogfoodandsomecansof Pepsi.
3 Theconvictedmanwas sentenced-
yearsIn pnson.
4 Eachnewcar is guaranteed-three c Findthefollowingwordsand phrasesin
years. thetext andwritethemin the coriectcotumn.
Therearefivewordsin eachcotumn.
acceleratorawarded btoke
2 a Readthe websiteon page69 quicklyand compensationcourt cruisecontrol
matchthe headingswith the stories.Three expensesFelLjury knocked out
headingsarenotneeded. mph owner'smanual speed starvation

Injuries/Harm L€gaL
E tr - ' :_:
I December 2002Joseph Grazinsk boLght n Apil 1998KafaWatof F. lpn !a,r( Torr.r: :
a brandnewmotorhomeHewasthflled -:::'
oi Claymont Dear4rafe hlri h:n : : : :

llecause t ftadctuisecontro a s$'iichonthe vr'antedto gelintothe

steeingr'rheel n... ! ( h. 'eoch,h o ini __ -:
whichcontfoh iheaccelerator BlackCatnightc ubbut ::

afd mafiansthevehce'sspeed ata constant sheddnt wantlo pa! the ln October

2004herlasabc: :r :. : .
rateA Telvdaysafterbuyngthefoolorhomehe $3 50 entfarce charge h^' e! ho hrd ' .r ,^hh..l
decided totaket ona tripto Yelol,{/stoneNatofa Soshedecded tosneak inthegafage Afterenterngthe!.a':::':-
ParkHa!ngjoined themoloMay hesetthe ntothecLrbbyclirnbfg theholsehereasedthedooT coua :: ::
crusecontfoal tjs mphanddecded to stepinto throLrohth""lvindow oJthe opened fromtheinsideBecause lhea,i ;_-
theback0flhemotofhometo makehimself a adestoiet ljnfortunately, wercof vacationhewastrapped n in:
cupof coff€eWithn secofds thernotorhom€ whle strugglinltto get gafage fofanothereight
daysDurng iirs
hadveefed otftheroadsid downa h sdeand through lhe,rvindor'/
shefe tirneheiivedonlhesLrpplyofdogfoodaf.c
tLrfedLpsdedown.lurcrazinskibfoke anarm tothefloofandknocked sorne cansofPepsr whjchtheowners kepi
anda egandsulfered cutsto hjshead outhefi\i/offc ieelh althebackofihegarage.
[4rGfazifskisued themanLfaclL]tersbecause N'lsWaltofsLred theowner N4rDicksonsuedlhehorneowners
it dd fot sayin theownefsmanLathalt was of theBlackCatI ghtcub nsurance company,ca mngthalhehad
dafgefols to ealethesleefjfgwheevhile ardwasawafded Sl2000 been thevictimofkdnapp fq,statuation
d v ng evenfthecrLrise controwass!r'itchedon compensatof plLrsdeftal andmentallodure Theluryarvarded him
ThecoLirawarded h m $175000 anda brand expenses, $500000 compensation

Grammar I sequencing
devices Rewritethe sentences
usingthe wordsin
3 lJnderline
threeexamplesofsentences containing
l(arLtook thetestthenhe wentoutto celebrate.
inthetextin Ex.2. (tal(en)

4 Readtheseniences Havingtakenthe test, Ka wentout to celebrote.

anddecide whichaction
happened (orstarted) first,A or B. 1 Dav€told hisbestFriend
beforehe announced
the newsto hiscolleagues
g( e rt w oa s p rnr,l b e g a n t o l e e l a
1 H a v i nt a
A takingtwo aspirif B beganto leelsick H€got up andwentintothe v Llage
to get
somefood. (after)
Beforegoirgto b€d, haveaglassofmilk.
A goingto bed B havea glassof milk
Afterleavingho'n€,he gota job in a circus. Theywentto bedaftertheyhadwatched
A Leaving home B got a job in a circus
0n heafingth€news,I r!shedout to tell my
girlfrlend. Suriidawaswatching
strange (while)
A hearing thenews B rushedout
Having crashed hiscar,Gerryhadto comeby
taxi. Beforewewentto thecomputer
lotsoFconsum€r (reading)
A comingby taxi B crashed hiscar
Whilewaitingforthe train,I noticeda small
ch ld cryingon the platform. Jackiehadto get a taxibecause
ihe bus.(having)
A watjng forthetrain B noticeda child

IVlyuncLewent to Americaandstart€da ne,r,


and:-: -
lhe k ds usuallydo theirhor.ework
waichTVfor an hour.[doing)
I nustlmightlcon't Complete
the text with ,, ustlnight lcan't hove.

lMatch l-1o withthe The Mystefy of Tutankhamen's Tomb
'Ihe n,tdkhdcnl tonb is
1 Whydidn'tshepassthetest?n discolc{.ol
all Lhanksto ole Ln.n. Ho\'.r{ Czttcr Tf 1r
2 Whydidshemarry him?n
hldn'r beeo for Cdter's endle$ cuilosiq' xnd
3 Why get
didshe anA+inthetest?n bcei
peAisreoce,thc inc.e.lble tonL (1) -
4 Whydidshedivorcehim?n lost fore.e! Catrer\'^s sortrng i. fhe \ralle!
5 Whyd dn'tshecorneto work?n of the KLrgs in E$Pt when he noticed a Pjle of
6 Whydjdshedothatjob?n ^ocienr rubbsh ncar tlt e iarce of the tomb
7 Whydidn'tshesayhelloto me?n of RaLncses\ri C^rrei lealised dr.t the luLbish
8 Whywasshewavins? (2) -been thcre ftr arcalrn md he asked lns oer to d'g!rr')
t l-rtec Detres bdor drc oriin l surhce the! tofnd x stone stcP

a ShemusihavefallenrnLove. ..$ed irno the sdc oi thc Qller Fron lrs dePdl md Posilion hc
kncw th2r this step €) - been a' le,st thtee thousdd re'6
b Shemighthavebeensick. ft'j the
ol{l Ittuned ort to be the nrstof nznv stcps thn led doM
c Shecan'thavelovedhimanymore
iabulous tonb ol Tuta.Lhrncn
d Shecan'thaveseenyou It rook Carter nun-1'moLrths o fLJl,! excrvare tlre 'omh
gul tho
e Shemighthaveneeded thenroney. the mha<nogist was tefts'ifh lust as d.ot guestions 's ansvds
f Shecan'thavedoneenough N,lo etacdr Ms TutaLrkhemen And hov hed t1e dled? Irtonr Lhc size
of the bod./ he knes Lhlt htmlhr,ren rvas onll a bov, he
g Shemusthaveseenyou, !f been more tha, e(hteen 01 nineteer \i'hen he died
h Shemusthavedonelotsofworl( ButNhrr krle.l hiLn?Hc (5) - be.n nudcred bl' a jexloN
rchdlc 01 he (6) -.lied f(o'r thc loscr4rbons id
thc tomb cartcr kne{ L\a1 ruta.}tDlen (l - come U L\e
Rewritethe sentences in italicsusing
thrcne at d1. +e of about cightor ne As he drcd lodg' E
nust, mightot con't hove.
' | " l
1 Theplants loo(veryhealthy. ".r
ha toLnb \qas Elled \itli frhxlous f.e.sures,\ortrv of a gleat krnij.
Sanebodydefinitely watered them.

Em.r,aisr'thete.Perhapsshe didn't Vocabulary I comoound

teceivethe invitatian.
Complete thesentences usingcompound
I'n surehe didn't qo out sawthe afy othernecessary words.
Lighton in hLsbedroom. Damien useshislefthandforwriting.
Damienis left-handed.
TheirfLatis empty I'm certainthey 1 IMrLockwood is fiftyyearsold.
2 Shemad€the chocolate
3 lMysisteronlyworksfor two hoursa day.
4 I r o o l r e w e o . < d d , F p k q t o , o " l p e . " IF p o p c l .
l4oybehe fargot to tqkeit with hin.

l atia'sprobablypossedthe exom. 5 Elzabeth flndsit easyto concentrate

6 lwait a ticketto HongKongiI'mnot corning
yoururnbrelLa? I want a
Where\ /m
absaLuteLy sureyouforgatto 7 hada changeof mindjustbeforeI wasdLrero L€ave.
bting it.
8 Th€re's
a reallymodernhospitalhereiit'sjustopened.
w twl

5 a @ Coverthe tapescript.
Listento a radio Voice: lt3 ihreeotlock andtime for tbis ueeks
programmeand choosethe bestanswers. edi on of lab spotlightwith ZackDesnond.
Zack: HeLloeveryoneand wel.omeonceagainio
1 Theradioprogramme is probably
designed for
/obSpotl&hf In today'sprosrammerve ll
A lawyers B sixteer-to eighteen-yeaaolds be lookingat job opportunitiesin the legal
C youngchildren. professiof Frcmyourleitersand emailsI
2 Howmanyguestswill therebe on the knowthis is a careerthata lot ofyou are
considerirg,so we ve also put togethera
factsheetwhichyou can dowfloadfiom
A none B one c morethanone our website Now,as usualwehaveseveral
3 Emilysaysthe majority of lawyers
work g u e s t sh e r et o h e l pu s u r l a v e l s o m oef t h e
A in court. B for cr;minals.C in offices. mysteriesofthis particularprofessionl\4,
first guestin the studiotodayis top lawyer
4 Divorce is pan of
A civillaw B criminal law C court. Emily: HelLo.
5 EmiLy thinksthe mostimpoftantqualityof a Zack: Welcometo the prcgramme,Emrly.Now,
barri5teris you'rea barlster,aren'tyou?
A self-conflderce. B communicatior. Emily: Y e s a, c r r m I n a l b asr t e .
Ca good memory. Zack: C a f y o ut e l L u se x a c t l y w h aatb a r r i s t e r

b Listenagainand completethe sentences.

Emity: l L d om y b e s t . A c t u a l l yt h, Ii n km o s t
1 There'sa Factsheetthat you can from peopleare familiarwithbaffstels from
the website. T V a n df l m s W e t et h ep e o p l ew h os t a n a
2 Emilywlll helplisteners the mysteries u p i n c o u f t a n dp r e s e r t t h ec a s e f o r t h e
p r o s e c u t i oonr o n b e h a l t otfh ea c c u s e d ,
oIthe legalprofession.
t h a t t t h e p e E o na c c u s eodt a c i m e
3 Barristerspresenta casefor the prosecutionor Zackr Don'talllawyersdo that?
Emily: Not really.In Enslandonly a small
4 Onlya small of lawyers
workin courtin p r o p o t i o no f l a w y e r w s o r ki r c o u r t . I 4 o s r
England. l a w y e r s w o ri kn o f f i c e s h e l p i r g p e o p l e
5 What qualltres
do youthjnka good buy houses,maketheirwills,gei divorces
- t h a t k i n do f t h i r g -
Zack Yousaid you werea crimi'ralbarister.Does
6 Y o uv e q o tr o _youk on,w\a.youie that meanyou work for crirninals?
E m i l y : N o ,r o e < a y .l t n e a r 5| w o l i - i m i ' 1 .
c Comptete the sentences
with wordsand L a w m t h e r t h acni v i l l a w
phrasesfrom Ex.5b. Zatk: So,whai'sthe difference?
1 lam writingthisLetter_the E m i t y , W e l l c, i m r n a l l a wi s t o d o w i t ha c r u a l
crimes murder,arson,robberyard so
o n C i v l l l a wi s n ' ta b o u tc r m e sa t a l l ;i t \
2 You'reverytanned,You you'vebeen _ h Fl a wl h a l g o \ e r n 5t l i 1 8 s i k er o 1 o
SOmewnere sunfy. i n h e r l t a n cbeu, s i n e s tsh, n g sl k € t h a t .
3 I'mgoingto_sorne MPj songsfromthe zach S o ,y o uw o u l d n 'bt e a b l et o h e l pm e i f l
Internet, wantedto get a divorce.
Emily: l'm aftaidnot.Well,not urlessdivorce
4 Thisisn'tthe_ behaviour I expectfrom
you. s L r d d e nbl ye c a m a e crim€l
someone like
Zackt Right Nowfor our lisienerswho a.e
5 Can you heLp me thesecables,theyare t h i n k i r ga b o u tb e c o m i nbga n i s t e 6w , hat
alljumbledup. s o r to f q u a L i t i edso y o Ltrh i r k a s o o d
6 Youshouldtry to havea large_ of banisterneeds?
vegetables ir yourdiet. Emjly: Themainone s self-corfldencethink.
You'vegotto look Likeyou krow what
youle doing And commuficationis very
m p o r t a r te, s p e c i a lilny c o u r t
Za.l\t supposa e g o o du n d e r s t a nndg o f h u m a n
naturecornesin useful
Emily: Yes,and a goodmemoryhelps,too-
Zach 0K. Lefstalkabout the train;ngyouneej io
Sherlock Hofmes and The
a Readthetextquicl(ly.Whichstatement is Hound of the Baskervilles
1 t summarises plotand
chatactercol TheHaundoftheBaskervilles.
2 lt descrbesConan Doyle's
Haundofthe Baskeruilles
3 ltgivesthebackgroundlolhe Haund ofthe
b Readthe textagainanddecideifthe \ / r r r / 1 / P \l \ o r c o " r ( n o . l
statements areirue O) or false(t). lamous and adnncd detective stofles evcr written
1 TheHoundafthe Boskerylllei wasorisinalLya Published in 1901 and 1902, it origlnally appeared
oimagazine storiesn i r r i r e m o n - b l y' f . ' a l m e n ri5n t h e \ t u n a n r ; j / i f . .
2 People Like Dickens'sseialised novelsof lhe sarncem. each
believe thata houndhaskilledSir
Charles instalmeff endedlvith a suslenseful'clltrhangef ' that
BaskervrLLe. !
\ c p r J L - b o rA r \ L r C o n a nD o y l e i a r d r i l . . , r i m o L r i r g
3 SirCharl€s was Henry Baskervilte'sunclen
4 Henry Baskeruille comes to seeSherlock r;rri
Holmes. L , | | l h e r o r y . h e o d a , d I o ' . i eB r 5 k e 1 l l e J
! 'A
is threatenedby a culse: great,blackbeast.shaped
5 DrMortimer is a friendof Sherlock Holmes.n likc ^n enormous{1ld dog or hound. yet larger than
6 Drl\4ortimer hassorae shocklng newevidence an), hound ihat has evcr been seen' tffroljses and
aboutthemystery. n krlls any fanily membcr who comes io livc at the
Z Sherlock Holmes believeslf scientific Baskerville estate As the story opens, thc hound
explanations. n seems to have claimed its latest vicLm, Sir Charles
6 Holmes andWatson immed atelysolve the Baskcn'ille Sir Charles'snephe\ Hcnry. tLrenew helr
mystery. ! to the estate-ls .lbout to kke up residence the next day
A ftiend ofthe family. Dr Morljmer comesto consult
c FindthefoLtowing words;n thetext Declde
the thmous Sherlock Holmes in his roons ar 221b
if theyareverbs,nounsor adjectives andnratch
Baker Sheet,though hc admitshe doesn'tk os,ifthe
themwiththedefiniiiors a-h.
casers mofe surrable'foru detedive or apricsr' The
r cLiff-hanger ! 5 h e i r! firsl instalment of the novel originally endcd as Dr
z curse! 6 consultn
3 beastI 7 nquest! l!) ... Onefdlse statenent was mo.le by Batttmorc
4 estate! s rational ! at the inquest. He said thdt therc vere na truces upon
the ground round the bo\). He did not observe utt!.
a (r) an arimat(€specially a wildor dangerous But I di.l- a shat rlktinte dwdr, butfrdh and cledt
b (r) a courtcasewhichexamines the caLrses
a pers0n s death A rian i or a wonan\?
Dr Morhner loaked sttungely at ts for dn instdnt,
c (v) ask for advicefroman expert
dncl hiswi. e sankdlnost ta d whispet.t! he unsNercd:
d (n)a promiseor legerdthatsomething tefiible 'Mt
Hohies, the) were the foatprikts of a gigannc
e Inl d ldrgeJ-edo[ ld_dI\ ir1 a -ouceo. or g g (g) Into this aiinosphere of ancient sccrets, deadly
to onepersonor family culscs aDd sxpematual beastscomes the supremeiy
f (adl)scientificandlogcal ratioDal Sherlock Holmes a 11landescribedby hrs
g (rl an excitingdeveloprnent in a plotthat liiend Watson as 'the most pedcct reasonng and
makesthereaderwantto knowmore o b ' c \ i n g m " c r r : n rr f e s o r l d f a s e \ . | . e e n P i e c eb y
h (r) somebody who inheritslandor rnon€y piecc Holmes and Watsonsolve the nystery and find
whena relative dies l l e . r ' D r . Lr n r l e c , d I n e )r e d .J r e , " L h r a c l e r . r r
the novel (aswell as ConanDoyler Victorian readert,
that behind the threatof a sxpemaruDl 'houd ofhell'
]s a pelticdy scientific explanation
Gf ammaf I relative
clauses Pronunciation
2 Matchthe statements
l and 2 with the explanations 4 a" @ ThesymbolO in these
Sentencesrepresentsthe placewhere
1 1 Westayedin the onlyhoteLin the townwhichhada we usuallypausain normalspeech. Are
seaview ! the symbolsin the correctplace?Listen
2 W€stayedin the onlyhoteLin the town,whichhad andcheck.
a seaview. ! 1 b-nped inloldneO. w\o us"d lo be
A Therewereseveral hotelsbut onlyonehada vrew married to Steven0, lastfight.
ofthe sea, 2 I bumpedintothegirlO who usedto
B Therewasonlyonehotelinihe towr. be ma(ied to Steve.
z 1 l\,lysister,who livesin Paris,hasiust hada baby.n 3 My old tiera Sreve(), who uqedlo be
2 l\'lysLsterwholivesin Parishasiust had a baby. n marriedO, wasat our schoolparty.
A I haveseveralsisters ard oneoFthemlivesir Paris. b GE Markthe pausesin these
B I onlyhaveonesisteL sentences.ln somesentences there
I 1 Allthestudents, who canspeakFrench, were may be no pauses.Listenand check.
invitedto the party. n 1 We foundourcar,whichhadbeen
2 Allthestudents who canspeakFrench wereinvited towedawaytlvo hoursearlier,at the
to theparty.n policecarpound.
A Allolthestudents wereinvited to theparty. 2 ltwasmycarthatwastowed away,
B sore ol rhesrucenrs we e invirec Io thepa ty. 3 Thepollcetook thecar,whichhad
4 1 Thecinema, whichisopposite thesiation, isgoing beenbLockrng someone's gate,to the
to become a rightclub.
n carpoundin Lennard Street.
2 Thecinema whichis oppositethestation isgoing 4 Thisis the gatethat our car was
to become a rightclub.
! blockingwhenit was towedaway.
A Thereisonlyonecinema in ourtowfr,
B Thereis morethanonecinema in ourtown, Writilg
3 Complete thesentences withrelative
using 5 Writea shortarticlebasedonthe sioryin
the informationin the box.Addcommas andrelative thiscartoonstrip.Usethe gujdetines
ptonouns if necesSaty, Ex.1l onpage126of theStudents Book
to helpyou.
Wemetthe girlon hotiday. Thehospitalis veryold.
It waselectedlastyear. Herboyfriendlivesin Athens.
5+rej+5Pafii5'h.Westayedin the hotel lastsummer.
HewasScottish. I'mLiving in that house.
lsaw that film yesterday.

iohn'ssisteFin{aw,who rs sparrslr,is trainingto be an

1 l!4ircnda's
boyrriend s a doctor
2 Thehouse is overa hundred yearsold.
3 ArthurConanDoyle wasbornin 1859.
4 Thegovernment hasintroduced a new
5 our localhospital is aboutto be closed

6 Thegirl is comingto staynextweekend.

7 Spielbergs
newfilrn wasfantastic.
8 Thehotel hada heatedswimming pool.
i:::,;t ,:.l.)

Vocabulary Sequencing devices

1 Usethecluesto complete
thecrossword. 2 Choose
. BFk -to.,innllah lF.FAina JFhdndedmener
0ustness card,
2 Havryseeinglseenthe filmmysell wouldr't
recommend t.
3 At/0n arrvrfg at the airportthe touristgroupweremet
by thetravelagent.
4 An.r'B"totp\dl -g t"e .ooe ' | 'ell a .oroet." - r1./
5 Havingopenedthe door,sherrrs/ro, ifto the garden.
6 Belorcbaokinglbaoked the holiday,
we did a Lotof
7 \ lhilelivedllivingin NewYork,Kirstenrnadernanynew
a TahdvelHavingtaker the expresstrain, Derel< arr ved
in plentyof tifie
9 On ihe frnishlfinishinghis speech,the polrtican got a
r o u n do f a p p t a u s e ,
rc HavingleamedI being ledrr€dSpanishat school,the
1 T h ec r i m i n a i h ai odp a ya _ o f S 5 o o childr€n wereableto communicate duringtheir
2 Weflledan insuian.e afierour
surtca5e fraSSioler.
mustlmightlcan't have
5 ln English courrsihe _ wearsa wig
I f2 miLliof,,,/as stolenn thebank 3 Readthesituation
andcomplete thesentences using
10 Thernurderer wasg vena ofthirty appropriate
formsof mastI nightI con'thave.
yearsrn prison
1l Thepolicefoundhimbecause he left Lastnight €50,000wassrolenfrom thc safcof Wesicrn
ns on th€weapon UniledBankNoneofthe doorsorlockslvasbrokensothe
14 IVlycarinsurance wentup by 2o% policethinksonebodyworkingri Lllebankstolethemoney
thrsyear There$,creno fingefpriots on fte saledoor butthepolice
lbxnd a cigaretteendon the floof nearlhe s.tfc Nobodl, is
allowedto smokein thebant Onlytircc members ofstaff
1 He'sgorngto a claimwith his
tlavekcys to the safe:Mr Biggs thc m.tnager,Jenniferthe
Insurance cornpany
managef andDancn,thc chiefcashierMr Briggs
3 A[though she hasbeenconvicted, her $2sat homewrthhls lvifelll lastnight His wife conljms
lawyeris goingto r.akeaf _ to a this Jemrifersaysshewasat home,but shelivcs aloDc
highercourt, Daffensayshc rus at homeHe iivesuilh hisparcnts. His
4 After
the carcrashwe hadto _ the mothersalshc wasat homeal1niglll,exceptwhcnhewent
oth€rdriverfor compensation, outsidelo takethc dogfor a v,"1kat middght
6 TheDVDptayercomeswitha 12 month
fromthe manufacturers, 1 Thernoney_beenstolen bya nremberof stafl
Z Thepictures fronrtheshop'scaraeras because non€of thedoorsor locl(swasbroken
heLpedto _ the shopljfter 2 t_ beeneitheriMrBriggs, leff feror Darren
9 The_ stolemy handbag whileI was becaus€ theyarethe onlyoneswithkeysto the safe.
3 Thethief beena srnok€r b€cause therewasa
11 Thatwasn'tan accidentaLfire,it was cigaretteendon the floor.
4 t- beenI\4rBriggsbecause h€ wasat homewith
12 Credt card is oneof the fastest' hisw fe allnight
growrngcr mes
5 lennrfer stolenthe r.ofey becauseshecan't
ploveshewasat homelastn ght-
6 Darren stolenthe moneywhenhe wentout for
a walkat midirght.
Vocabulary lJsedefiningand non-defining relativeclausesio maKe
eachnumbered pair oFsentences into one senience.The
the sentences with firstone has beendoneas an exampte.
compoundadjectives. Thefirst letter
ofeachadjectiveis given. 1 is the housewhere, ii5:.:c
playasa child.
1 Thiscakeis delicious, is it
2 lt belorgedto an old lady.Theold ladydied.
h ?
2 | neverbuysecondhandth ngs,I I Wfen I wa. vou g theolo lacval o ,Fore to pldv - -:.
garden.Theold ladyusedto be a schoolteacher
likeeverything to be b_
4 The garden hadlotsoflemontrees.The gardenwashuge.
I Yes,sir.A flrstclassticketto
Glasgow o_ or return? 5 | usedto p ck the lemonsfromthe treesThetreesgrew
4 l'm aftaidwe onlyhavep
jobsavailable 5 Theold ladyusedthe lemonsto makelenronade. I had
at the morn€nt.
pickedthe lemons
5 Youcantellfromherwritingthat
she'sI fhe hausewhereI usedto ploy as a childhos beensold
It was a l_ decisionto corae
herebecause we didn'tknowour I
lfind fillingin mytaxform 5
incredlbly t
She'srea y determired and
s_ about gettingwhatshe Vocabulary
Carinsurarce is mLrchcheaper ? Read thenewspaper
headtines anddecide
for m people thanfot stater.ents (F).
aretrueO) or False
I reallywouldnltrustthat Manchester
United player
s- lriendof yoursishe's
qu te dishonest BBC to axe iop comedy show

Relative clauses Ministers

5 six seniences containmistakeswith
grammarand punctuation. Rewrite
FrenchActrcssquits Hollywood
the incorrectsentences.
Add relative
pronouns and commaswhele Prime Minister backs strikers
1 l\4ybrotherthaiworksin cardiffis CHILDREN
an operastnger
2 Jennyofwho ltold youabouilast Oscar-winningdirector in divorcedrama
we€kis gettrngmarried.
3 Thehousewe sawLastweekendis Government aid forhomeless dses 25%
worthoverfl m [ion.
4 Thechildren didn'tpassthe test 1 l\4anchester
lJnitedhasboughta Portuguese
hadto takeit again. ptayer.
5 Ourcarwhich,we boughtlastyear 2 | raBBCw ll cancela ooprlarconedvsrow. !
hasbeenstolen,fromour garage. J Government minstersdisagree aboutimmigration. n
6 Thefilmwasor TVlastrightwas 4 A Frenchactresshasleft Hollywood.n
absolutely fascinating. ThePrimeJ!4in;st€rwants
5 the strrkersto go backtowork. n
7 Pilar,
who guided us aroundthe Firefighters
6 haverescuedsomechiLdren froma hotelfire.n
town,is a reaL experton Spanish
7 An award-winringdirector is makinga Flmabouta
8 My colleague, whichshowedus
8 TheGovernment saysa quarterof homeless peoplehavea
howto usethe computer hasbeen
promoted, to the LosAngeles
1 a @ Cover thetapescript.
Listento the l: Thisweek'sbiographychaiceislqesnet TheA ginal
extractfiom a radioprogramme Hypnotist.I is rhe sloty of Fn nzAnion fvlesnrer, the
and choose
18th-cenlury scientistwhois olten regardedas rhe
ihe bestsummary. f o u n d e . o f h y p n o t i s m . Wm
r tehi r t h e s t u d i oi s i t s
1 Theextractis a bookfeview author,ALeianderBond ALexander, can I start by
2 Theextractis anirterviewwitha writer. askingyou what attractedyou io this character?
B: Yes Well, 've alwaysbeer interestedin hypnotistsard
3 Theextractis abouta famousFrench
lwanied to find out how hypnotismfirststa(ed, so
obviouslythat led me to FranzA4esnrer
b Listenagainandusethe information to t: Now,fi,lesmer is quite unique,isn't he?
completethe noteson Franzillesmer\ life. B: Yes.Hebon€ of theveryfew peoplewhoserame has
Writeonewordor numberin eachgap. becomean EngLish verb
t: A si n ' t o b em e s n r es e d b y s o m e t h n g ' . .
t734 . bornin (1)_ B: ExactLy. Andthat showsjust how influenraLafd

1766 (2)as a doctorfrom t: H ew a sF r e n c hw, a s nt h e ?

b) _ university B: Adually he was bornin Germany, !n 1/j4 And he
startedusing(4) s t u d l e dm e d i c i f ei n A u s t r a a t t h eu n i v e r s i t y o f
t: 50 how did he flst becamefamous?
1777 movedto (5) B: WeLl,afterhe qualifiedas a doctorin 1/66 he started
became famous treating d o i n se x p e r i m e nwt si t hn r a g n e t s[ l.a g r e t i s mw a sa
French(6) r e c e r t l yd i s c o v e r epdh e n o m e n obnu t i t w a s r t p r o p e r l y
, he even
understoodP€oplesaw metalobjectsflyif g towards
treatedthe (/)
e a c ho t h e fa n d t s e e m e tdo b e a k i n do f m a g k .
hecuredpeoplebuthe Anyway,lvlesmer staftedapplyifg magnetsto his sick
also(8) them.
1745 . he was (9) _ lo go B: Yes In fact,it wassLrrprisingly effectrv€Lotsofhls
backto Germany. paiientsgot befterand lvlesmersoonbecamethe best
. h ed i e d knowndoctorif Vienna.Butihe otherdoctorsresented
hc!r !e5\oraforadlim o n o / e , o P . - sI / . .
And that\ wherehe becamereallyfamous?
c Matchthewordsandphrases 1-8with B: YesP . a r i sw a sp r e t t ym u c ht h ec e n t f eo f E u r o p e a n
the thingstheyreferto A-D.Thentisten cuLtureatthe tjme,and the Fr€nchwerelasclnaredby
againor readthe tapescript to checkyour llesmer and his magieticcures l,lanyrnembersof
anSwers. tlre FreFcharistocracy werelreatedby him EvenK ng
1 quiteunlquen Lous XV becarneone of h s patierts ButthenlUesmer
was a greatshowman,histreatmentswerenrorelike
z a kindof magic! t h e a t r k adl i s p l a y s ,o a sw e l L a sc u i n g p e o p l eh e
3 a greatshowman n
4 a recentlydiscovered phenomenon ! t: Blt how did it work?
5 were treatedby l\4esmer n B: W e l lw, e t h i n k t h a t w h aht ew a sr e a l l yd o i n g w a s
h y p n o i i s i npge o p l eF. r o md e t al e dd e s c i p t i o nw
s ritten
6 surprislnglyeffectiven
a t t h et i m ei t s € e m sh e p r o b a b luys e dt h e p o w e ro f
7 liketheatricaldisplays n lrypnotisnrlo convincehis patientstheywer€feeling
8 gulliblen
H em u s t h a v em a d ea l o t o f m o n e y f r o m
t h o s eg u L l i b t e
A Franz
Y e s h, e m a d ea f o f t u n eB u t h i ss u c c e s s d i d nl a' ts t i o ,
B Mesrner's
treatmentsof patients
LongHe failedto curesoire influentaLmeirbersof
c French
aristocrats Frenchsocietyand in 1785he was forcedro go backro
D magnetism
t: D d h e c a r y o n h s i n e d i c a l w o rtkh e r e ?
B: N o tr € a t l yB. u th e h a da h a p p ya r d c o r t e n t e d
f e l i r e n , e nAt n dh e l i v e du n t r l 1 8 1 5 .

Vocabulary I betiefandopinion 4 Rewri usingteflexivepronounsor

te thesentences
2 Thereis oneunnecessary or incortect
wordin eachsentence. Correctthe
1 Areyouin favourthatthe lawagainst
smoking in restaurants?
2 I'mquitesceptic thatanyone canread
another person'srnird,
3 Nlyftiendis reckons thatthereare
ghosts in hishouse.
4 He'sconvenienced thatthegovetnment
is lyingto us.
Thepolicesuspectof themulderer
knewthe victim
lannalookedat herrenection in the milrot
l'm againstgivemoneyto beggars.
Jonnolookedat heselfin the miror
1 Darren cut hishandwhilehewasgardening.
Grammar pronouns
I reftexive
2 | madethe cakewithoutanyone's
Completethe sentenceswith the correct
3 We'vemadeallthearrangements;
1 They'vegot an oventhat cleans
A himself B itself c them
to Sylviaand Sylviasert
lvlandysent a text rnessage
2 ourteachertold -to do exercise 3.
A ourselves B we c us
Successfulteam workdepends on ifthe
My centralh€atingturnson automatically
A eachother B ourself
C eachothers
The Bensonsoftensendpackagesto their home
Whenhe went on holidayDavidtook addresswhenthey are abroad.
A itself B hirnseLfc him
7 Did you paintthis pictureon yourown?
Ihurt_when Iwas liftingaheavy
lsabeldoesnt worclo'anyoodyelse:she'5sell.
A myselF B me C my
Emmasatdownandrelaxed -twenty
A herfor B herselFforc for
Thechildren reallyenjoyed- on the How to ... I askaboutotherpeople's
5 Putthe wordsin the correctorderto makequestions.
A themselves B itself c eachother Thenanswerthe questionswithyourownopinions.
We couldn'taffordbuilders50 we
1 aboutdo you strongfeelings have
decidedto buildthe house-. polluiionany?
A myself B eachother c ourselves
It'svery importanttoconcentrate-
z poverty feel how aboLrtdo You
A white B yourselfwhile
j the for are death penaltyyou or against
c yourselves
At the end ofthe presentations
I want
youto give marksout oFten, 4 on what fast food are views your
A themselvesB eachother c you
5 think divorce of what do you

a, Readthenewspaperarticlequicklyand
The Smell of Money
choosethe bestsummary, /;\
Ior many years large supermarkels halc been
1 Artificialsmells
encouragingus to spendrnoDeyby prn1plllg thc smetl
of hcshly-baked breld nrto their srores Now Dale
Ar, a leading frrm of arorna consxltants.has beeD
approachedby Barclny's Bant to develop surtable
will increase
their aftificial smells for thei banks Rcscarchers have
suggesiedthat surfoundingcustomcr wjth the 'snel1
b Readthetexiagainanddecideif the of money' lvill encouiagcthem to feel relaxed and
fol owirgstalemeqts
aretrue(l) o. alse(F). optinistic and give lhen rdded confidence in thc
r D a F A i r f a q p r o d u . e dd n d r i ' L d l , 1 1 " . 1o - ba*ls securE and profcssionaljsm
money'lor BarclaysBank n u)
Butbeforc a
2 Thebankis having problems withitsair smell canbe naDufictued ard intoduced
conditioning systemsn into banks' air condilioring svstems it m|st be
identificd and chemicallyan.tlysedand thishaspmved
3 t isdifficuLt to isolate
therealsmell of
money. to be difficult Theprcblcm is that barknoresand coiDs
lcnd to ljck up thc smelI of their sxn-oundnrgsSo cash
4 Shoppers areaware oftheefiectsmelLs have
that hasbecn sittnrgin a cashregistc'rata fishrnonger\
ontheirspending. n willsmell offish, and banhrolesuscdto pay for meals
5 The smell of coconuts seems to €ncourage ir restauranlss,illteDd to smell oflbod
people to buyholidays. n
6 Caf€s oftenputcofiee machines nearthe
It may be a challengc, but afoma experts hlve litue
entrance ! doubt that the usc of al1ificial smells c,n be an
7 Thehunran s€nse ofsnrellishlghly ettecti\'e folm of subconscious advertising Lunn
developed n Poly, a Bilish t|avel companl introduced rhe sme1l of
8 Mostof thesciertiflc prob[ernsof producing coconutsinto jts travelagcnciesandsaw a bigincrcrsc
alsmells havenowbeensolved! in spcndiirgby holiday makeN Many ca-l6s!o!v have
c F;ndthefoLlowing wordsandphrases in elecldc dispensen lhat rclease the smell of licshly
thetext. f o , s r e Jc o F e e r e d r f c , r * r , e . . 5 u b l y e . . o J r r t s r, g
a compoLrnd
to describe
breadwhjch customcrsto come in and havea dfinh or snact( EveD
hasjustbe€nmade_ preshgccar maker Rolls Rqce has been sprayng thc
insidc of its ca$ to cnhanceihe smel1of thc lcather
an adjective
mearingthe opposLte

a phrasalverb whrchmearsta collector 'The

attractsonethtng senseof smell is probably thc most basic and
primrtive of ail human senscs,'expiains rcsearchcr
4 a compound noLlnthatdescribes
a machine
Jim O'Riodm 'There is a dircct pathway lio111rhc
usedto storemoneyin a shop
olfactory organsin the nose to n\c brain u is certainly
5 an adverbwe usewhensomething is donein a
tlue that rnost people find ccrhnr srrells incredibty
cleverard almostnv sibleway
cvocative, sliring memories and feelings in a way
6 phras€whichdescribes
a scjentific thepartsoi thlt fex' olhe. stinulants can dvxl It js a phenonenon
the bodywe smeLlthings with 'narketng consuLtanls havc long fecognised,bur unhl
Z an adiectivemadefromtheverbto evoke recenily have been unable to harness Wc'vc made
greatprogressbut thc tcchnologyof odour prcduction
a verbwhichmeansto control somethingand is still in its inla,c),,' says O'Riordan 'Who knows
useit fat yourown benefit_ where it will nkc us'
Vocabulary I advertising Grammar I gerunds
, Labelthetexts/words
1 4 usingthefollowing 4 Choosethe correctaLternai;ve.
words(noiallthewordsareneeded): r Didyou-co ledsue,.efu.e ,-ga,i. r,o'.i E
publicitymakes advertisement "i
the weekends?
ad marketingtargetmar(et 2 The bosssuggested/b inljoining het iat \||'ch.
5LOgan et me (nowwfen yo- ve flni'hed,,/.i:._9o
[,rife the report,
/ -e encouagFo/lerro gotlto gel hera .er: .ab
5 Carldyou proniselimaglre livingwithoui a
'Youdeserve mobt€ phone?
Sheilashouldpractjse speakinglto speak
Spansh beforeshe goesto /\4adrid
Willyoum/ss/cgree playinglootballon
Didyoupersuade herconinglto came?
2003Toyota Cofiolla Matchthesentencehalves.
40,000 miles
1 1 LstoppedwatchingTv n
, I stopped
to watch
TV n
f[*y;l t3,000
A andanswered thephone.
B becausetherewasa fascinat

I regretto say !
I regretsayrng!
Mar.ried wonen fiving in the
United States between the B ihatyouhavenot b€enselected for the
ages of 30 and 45 with anrua1 team,
incomes in excess of $25,000. l 1 I remember lockingih€ doorletore !
Rememb€r to Lock
the doorletore !
yougo home

H larytriedclosingthedoorbut n
Pronunciation Hilarytriedto clos€the doorbut n
3 GD Hownrany sylLabtesdolnesew0r05 therewasstilla colddraughtin ihe room
have? Putthewordsintothecotrectcolumn B jt wasjammedafd shecouldn'tdo it
andmarl(themainstress oneachword.Then
listenandcheck. Writing
advertisementcornmerciaIcustomers 6 Lookat youranswersin Ex.5 on page77.
informatlonmagazinespersuasion Writean essay,usingone of thesetitLes.
poLiticians supermarket . Pollution
is themostseriousthreaifacingthe

. ThedeathpenaltyshouLdbe usedfor all

. to peopLe's
Fastfoodis dangerous healthand
shouldbe bannedcompletely.
lool( at the guidel;nes
in Ex.11onpage117of
the Students'Booktohelpyou.
MindControl- is it real?
a, Readthetextquicklyandchoosethe
A SubconscrousSuggestion
B TheFuture
C Advertsing
D Fiction
or Reality?
E Pavlov
F NewDrugs
c Cofditionirg
and ndoctrination
b Readthetextagainandwritequestions Urith
thereeas€oJFierral Srnihlneof reSpoi/ess,l"dthe
fottheanswers. of mndcontros onceaganinthenewsI thefinrloe hasbad
memoriesof a faiedromanc€removed fromhs mndbythesinister
of a fa ledromanc€. Lacunaorganjsaiion0f course,
thefim s onyficton.
sucha thing
happ€n n reallfe?
in brainchemisiry.
S r i e n t spt so i n t t ot h er e c e ndte v e o p m e n st oefv e r d
a f u g sw h c h
l\rlorethan tody. appefftoinfluence the brain.Knovm asmemory-management
drugs,th€s€irew.ompoufds cancausechanges n bralnch€mstry
ard seemto nflLren.e thepartof the brainthalstofesand
subtL€ sugg€stion
pro.ess€s pasiexperences Neuroscientsls hopeio makeproducis
ri'ch can rnprolememory skl s andevefense n€gatlve thoughts
Ihe An€riranFoodandDrugAdministration (FDA)is t€stingmor€
F!orrocc r"1 o .1. r.6r',6n oS.
6 ?
partsof thebraincontrolindividual
Which Drugsarenoilheonywaythenrind .anbecontrcled.Vieu/ers
movements, of Channel
4'sseresonmndconirofeatudng DerrenBrc\{n
c Findwordsor phrases
in thetextthat haveb€enamazed athowh€canputdeasntopeoples mnds
mean: through
subtesugqestion andmanipulation
1 something true(n,para1)
invented/not achieved
byhypnotsts athoughtheyahlays
n9ihemiM'soLvn hddeidesresandwsh€sSome elen
2 peoplewhostudythe brain(n. para2)
to makeus\rantpartcular

3 chernicals
(r, para2)
ingfedients f4oretfaditonalfo.msof mndconlroarewel-knouln For.entures
(v, para2) arrnieshalebe€nkanng sod ersto obeyordersL{thout thnkjn!
4 takeaway/remove
usng a meihod forvknownas Pavlov ancondjton ng,namedafter
5 surprsed/impressed (.edadj,paft 3)
Fussafpsychologst lvanPa!ovByendessly repeatngtasksand
sequenc€s andbyempoying sirnpl€taciicsol pufishm€nt
gettingpeopLeto do whatyouwant reward, peopl€canbepersuaded to carryoutinstructlons
by secretly quesion0na argerscaethetechnique of indoctrndtoncanbe
employed Throu!hthe useof educaton andpropaganda orcraors
lnstructions g vento youby a superror andgovernmenis througholt peopleof
\n, pata4 _ thngswhch ar€obvioLrs y uitrue
E do a tasl( (prrosdlv, para4)
9 distorted inforrnationgrvefto peopleby Thelutu.ehodsev€nmofe\rofrying possiblti€sResearch
a government or organLsat
on to influence hasslro{rn
us exactywhchpartsof thebranconlro ndvdual
them (r, para4l _ movements oncewehav€l€afned horvto slmuatethese dredswe
suddendesireor wish(/'r,para5) wilb€ abe to mak€peoplemovenvrhichevefwayve\\'ant lhe
conceptofa humanrobot,ils rnindandbodyob€dentto anothef
hasbecome a distincipossibiitjl
Vocabulary I speat<ing b Answerthesequestionsaboutthe
completedsentencesin Ex-la.
2 complete
usingthecluesDelow. 1 ls sertence13rdConditionalor Mixed
2 ls sentence5 ZeroConditionalor1st
3 ls sentence
5 jrd Conditionalor^lixed
4 Whichtypeolconditionalissentence 4?
5 Whichtypeolconditionalissentence 2?

Completethe secondsentence so that it means

the sameas the first.
Youcanpul on Lhelitejacket,but onlyi hereis
an emergency.
Acros5 Don'tput on the life jacketunlessthereis an
1 Please_; ldon'twantanyoneelseto hearus. energenay,
4 Youshouldspeakmoreclearly don'i_ 1 Wewentto the salesandboughtan lncredibly
5 l'mafraid| _ whenever I seea spider. cheapsofa.
7 The newswasso shocking lwas_forwords, lf we hadn'tgone
8 She'sneverafraidto speakher_.
2 Cha'F5forgollo lu'- on hisa.drm,loc\ ,o he
2 Please don't_ mewhenl'mir the middleof
tetlinga joke.
3 car't k€epa secret;I thingsout at the Plantsgrowwhenyougivethemwater
6 Excuseme CanJhavea with you about
4 OnedayI mightgeta payriseandthenI'll be
ableto buya nicehouse.
Grammar (2)
I fstructures lf I got a payrise

3 a Matchthesentence halves to mal(ecorrect

conditionaI 5 Onlyusethe generator
ifthereis a power
fcLause Don'tusethegenerator
1 lfwehadn'tmissed theplane,n
2 lfyoudon'ilikeColdplay, n Wewillgiveyoua guarantee
ifyou payby
I Provided youpayforthetickets,n creditcard.
4 fl hadplenty of money, E Provided
5 lfwed gone to theconcert, n
6 Aslongaslworkove(ime,n Z lfthe neighbours youcan'thavea
7 Unless youpayforit, n party.
a lf wehadf'tmanaged to gettickeE,n Youcanhavea party
lfyou showus a receipt,
we cangiveyoua
a l'dtakea six-month holiday.
b wewouldn'i haveseenColdplay.
c wewouldbeonholiday now
d I'llgoto theconceftwithyou.
e I canhaveanextraweek'sholiday.
f youshouldr'thaveboughtticketsfortheirshow.
g wewouldhaveseenthebard.
goto th€corcertwithyou.
h | !^ron't
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 the correct
Choose atternative, 3 thesentences
Rewrite usingsuitablefornrsof thephrases
1 Haroldwasknocked thebox.Llse
once only.
subconscio usI uncanscious by
the fallingtree
therebefore hada strong
teelirg of sixthsenseldAjAvu
sureaboutthis newjob.
I alwaystrustlbeLieve my
intuitionaboutnewpeopleI Janethashet doubtsabout this newjob.
1 certainthatJimmyis guiltyof the crime.
am absolutely
B€forewe left for the a rport
I had an awfulpremanttianl 2 Enrjly the ideaol longerprisonsentences
supports foI criminals.
irtulfion that somethng bad
wasaboutto happen
I thinksh€couldbe our newmanager.
It isn'treaLly
diffcultto learn
na$, .l illc irt i cr r . ecti.n
Atl my lifeI havehadthe opinjonthat peoplearebasicalLy
al brainlnind ouetnattel
Youreed a lat aFprenonitionl
to gLVe
r1lr1powe,. up smoking 5 S o - r ep o l i r i ' a ndco _ s . p p o r . f e n e " r d '
abouihiswork; thinkhe has don'iconrpletely
6 | realLy irustor beli€ven hypnosis
a subconsciousf uncans.iaus
iearoi iailure
Hypnoiists areexpertset uslng 4 usethecluesto comptete
the crossword.
the powef oipers1]dslori

R eflexive pronouns
2 Sixoithe sentencescontain
mistakeswith pronouns.Find
the mistakesand correctthem.
1 Emmac!t herwhiledoingthe
wasnrng up,
2 l\4ike
hLmselfwhen he goeson
3 Juanita Mariophofeeach
4 I'mgoingtoteachmysetfto
playthev olin. 4 A smalL
advertisement na 1 What is it?Sony
newspaper sa ad or Philips?
5 Tosavemoneywe paintedo!r
5 that makes
Publrcity 2 Pictures/Words/Short
something seemimportant filmthattriesto sellyou
5 lMrandl\4rsWrightdecidedto
6 A breakis a seriesof a product
taketheirgrandchitdren w th
themselves whentheywenton
advertisementsbetween I A shortcleverphrase
TVprogrammes <a.l hv ,drp, t <ar< ^r
8 A nounmadeiromtheverb politicans
7 haveno objections to
the productitsetf;it'sthe 7 Forthisproductour
advertisement thatannoysme- 9 Decidingwhereandhowio
me the brokencharr.
8 I repaired
Gerunds and infinitives If structures (2)
5 Comptete the sentences using 7 Comptetethe sentenceswith the conect words.
appropriatefolms of the words in go to the party
1 I'LL you agreetocomewith me.
A unless B as longas C ilnot
1 Jane'sfatheragreed From 2 lfwe_stuckinthistrafficiam,wewouldbe
thereby now
2 Didyou.enenber oe.oe A didn'tget B donl get c hadn'tgot
3 lf the filrnhadntendedso late,we_the last
3 Haveyouconsidered in bLlshome
o he'counries:rapply/toJnivers,t'Fc)
A wouldmiss B wouldn'thavemtssed C don'tmiss
4 We regret that yourjob
application 4 We'llgive youa refund backthereceipt.
(inform/you) A provided youbring B provided you brought
c unlessyoubring
5 /\,\ygrandfather
untilhewas80. (work/asa doctor) fshe isn'tathome,_ the;nvitation throughthe
letter box.
It was an expensivecity but we enjoyed
A youwouldput B put c youhavepui
. (live/there)
- th€ytaste l f , - L o a p a r ' - L i T e i o b , l d h d v e a el ot ir nn eo
I wouldavoid
disgusting.(eat/thepmwns) with thechildren.
It was a very lorg driveso at one A changed B willchange c hadchanged
o'clocklstopped lfyou'velivedthereallyourtiFe, you_ how
(have/lunch) beautifulitis.
Hernewjob involves and A willalreadyknow B hadalreadyknown
publicity materlals. (de5;gn/websites) c alreadyknew
Myteacherpersuaded ll wed a" vedearl:er, we rhe tillr sLa-s a- v .rg.
the first certiRcate examnextsummer. A mightsee B saw C mighthaveseer
(me/take) 9 Youmustn'tusethatexpensive mobilephone_ tt's
a realemergency,
Vocabulary A if B provided C unless
rc Darren in the winningteamil he hadn'tDroKen
6 l\4atch
the descriptions
1-5 with the hisLeg.
phrases a-h.TwooFthephrases arenot A wasn't B couldhavebe€n C canbe
Whenyouspeakquietlybecause you Vocabulary
onlywantone personto hearyou, !
Whenyou can,tthink what to say. n 8 Matchthe lettersin the boxwiththe gapsin the
3 Whenyoutell peopleexactly whatyou words.Eachgapmaybe two orthreeletterslong.
thinkaboLit something,evenifit is
shocking. ! cc ea ei el eLl il iou ou ss syc
Whenyousaysomething quickly
withoutthinkingaboutit. n 1 int igence
Whenyouspeakquietlyandnotvery 2 p-hologist
clearly.I 3 subconsc_s
Whenyousaysomething whileanother 4 th_r
personis stillspeaking.
n 5 responsib_ity
6 defirit_y
to be lost for words 7 chang_ble
io shrlek a nece_ary
to interrupt 9 gener_s
to whisper rc o asionally
to lravea word with
f to mumble
to blurtout
h to speakyourmind
Unit 1 People 3 1 N o b o d y w oann yp r l z e s 2 W o u l dy o uL i k e s o m e / a n y w a t e r ?
3 Wevebeenthrougheverythingand we canl findyourapplr.atior
I<o- rorm 4'm sorrybulw€ havent got anythingavajlablein luLy.
5 Everyone in my streetown .ars, 5 lwaited at.e.eptionforages
R€adi:Dg b u t l c o u l d n 'fti n da n y b o dtyo h e l pm e 7 W e ' v e s oLt o t s o i s l L k
1 a r - - 2 E l A 4 C t B dressesbut 'h affaidwe havenone/nothlngin yoursize
b 1 \c. 2 Yes 3 Marra(auffmanand Davidcrane a lane aLways hassomenowersln her flat
4 ::-use theyarebelievabL€ andalmostevefybody can
:::itrrnth lhem 5 Theinteractionbelweentheconna5 ns voca,bulary: makhg adjectives frorxl nouns
: € _ 1 o ri ar i e ( 6 l h e y s e e n e d . o l i . e ve)o " d"(a p( - 4 l a r t i s t i c 2 r e s p o n s i b3l es k i l l 4 l m p o r t a n c e
l u n i e a s i b l y l a r g e a p a r t m e n t s a l t htohuesyh a d v e r y o r d i n a r y 5 su..€5sful 6 Lonely7 frustEred I nt€lle.t
rJbs- 7 By bringinginhewchah.tersandgueststars.
3 i h e f o . ! s o n t h es i x m a i nc h a m c t e r s How to: agree/disagree
c 1 plol dblp 2 or dLed I eq thl"- 4 nr\ 5 1 c 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 d 6 b
5 nehvo.k 6 lunedin 7 .ommand a endearlng 9 bond
Lesson 1.3
l a r c 2 A 3 D 4 B
b 1 Themanndt,/yuseshisphoneLosendtexthessages-
b h l sp h o naet w o r k 3 T h em a ne x p e c t rsa i n
2 H e sc d r ' l u s e
SiLl )onneystabepeorefuland quiet 4 Thewomanthinksit3
Thanksfofasreeingto feedth€.atsL cheaplhat etpensive to nakenobjLephonecalls 5 Steve's
+he cat lood is on +ie top sheLfin tlecupboard
nohi\ewasa borgainlcheap 6 lohnthinksSteves newphone6
soph6tlcored, 7 Theclstomerhos chrldren I lfhe isn'thappy
H don t forgettogve them51]Rwater aftertu davsthe.ustomer cansetr €f,,d
c 1 € 2 h 3 f 4 l 5 g 5 a 7 c a j 9 d l o b

Vocabulaxy: noises
P a r t vl o n i s h t € + p
qm Z r b a f k 2 s c e a m e d3 r i n g 4 c r e a k 5 b a n g e d6 l h u d
+hegardenflat als2 rMandevlLLeRoad Gxanunax: present/future nxodals of possibility
lt€jusr belrnd a blg supersaver
suFermarket. A l b 2 e 3 l 4 a 5 c 6 d
4 a B 2 A ) B 4 A 5 A 5 C 7 B A A 9 A l o C

Review and consolidation unit 1

Hadet from$eAccountsD€!ar{s€i+ calL€dat 3 otlock
emailher$€ fisureslortl€Smithson accountbefore
org !.
Gra.rnmarr question tags T I
3 I s h o u L d n ' t w e2? . o u L dh e ? 3 d o r h e y ? 4 s h a L l w e ?
E ,c
5 didi'tyou? 6 doesit? 7 willyou? 3 ddthey? 9 wonlyou?
R E 5 5 o N
4 1 Nobodylikescabbage,!€€s+a?do lhey? 2./
1 ' o . " - . - e " 1 o b e p o 1 e o h " p " n " ,- - - ! " s ? c a - v o u .
1r 0
4 SomebodytoLdyou,drdcr}€? didn'ith€y? 5 / 6 HlLarysnt R T rulrlnl L c t K
na.i"d,i.r,<6, <(1". 7 NoLlst-.p"1\i.Fin,'., op.F

c G
5 a 1, R 2 R 3 R 4 F 5 R 6 F 7 R 8 R 9 F 1 0 R ttr
b l B z D 3 B 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 A 6 C
o 5 E E
Lesson 1.2
Listening Questions tags
1al 2 l haventth€y 2 aren'l 3 shalL4 .ouldn't
b r T 2 T3 F4 F 5 d o e s 6 S o m e t h i n7s d o 3 w o n ' t
c l a u t h o r 2 t o s s i n gI tomb 4 swords 5 confin€d
6 gravestone 7 myths
a,Lyt evefy not some
3iAr'Br 2 a/e! 3\rBt 4AIBI 5a/8,/
Gr a/'jl'lar I any I every lno I Eome 6 AxBJ 7 A,/ B, a AIB/
2 1 o n L y 2 n o t h i n g3 a l l 4 e v e r y b o d5y A n y b o d v
6 ever!4hlns7 somebodvI anythins9 sohe ro somethrng
Vocabulaxy 3 I will lravefinished 2 willhave lett 3 'llb€ lying
4lloneLy 2 intelle.tual 'LLbeb nsing
3arusti.4skitl 5 su.cessruL 4 5 will havearived
6 responsiblLity7 leaLous I impoftanr
S lsnoring 2 sfteaned 3 bark 4 creaks5bang 6ring Pxonu:nciation
4s, Thepronun.iatonis djifefent
Present/Future moata,tsof possibility b 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B
6 1 8 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 B 9 A b C
Vocabulary:'a,fter work' activities
Vocabular'y 5 1ai+sociaLse 2 si+e do t fe+wth 4,/
7 1 setson 2 Looked upto 3 Bringingup 4 havesplftup
s showotr 6 takesafte. 7 have/vetutlenour
Lesson 2.3
1a A shftwofk(n)
B workrorce(n)
c workout(phrv)
Unit 2 Work D qofkaholicGdD E wo(ingon (phrv) F workinsclass(n)
Lesson 2.1 b l w o r k o i s o m e t h i n g2 w o r k e t h i c a w o r k o u r
4 work-shy 5 workaholic 6 work force 7 work Load
Listenirg I workjngcLass9 shiftwoR tu workmanship ! workpermit
la l a.tor 2 photosrapher 3 hotelre.eptionist4 ar.hiied
b l s h o w o i f ( b )2 b u z z ( s )3 L i n e o r w o r k ( € )
4 snowbaLled id s freelanc€ (h) 6 a realhandtuL(a) Gramllrar: in cas€
7 a thingror(.) I inrheblood(r) 2 1 Maih took pGntyoftoysin caserhechitdrensor
c I 'm appearins2 lltake 3 lLbeteavins 4 aregoingto Uve bored. 2 wete goingto setexrh copiesofrtre keysmade n case
we Lo5eone. I PLease Listenfor the doorbeLt in .a5€ rheydetiverthe
p a f c e L t hm l so r n i h s .4 L e a v ye o u r m o b i L e r u moendi n c d s e n e e o
VocabDla.ry: verb phrases about work
to c0nta.tyou, 5 took somesandwi.hesin casetherou! or ure
2 1 k ableto meettightdeadltnes2 sersthebesroutof trainwastoo expensive. 6 Youshouldrak€yoursparepatrrn.ase
o|rerpeople 3 keeps.alm undefpressufe4 s soodwirh y o D r s L a s s e s s e i b r o k e7ni.r y e t e t a k i n g oauuf t o g r a pbho o k w i t h
figures 5 doesvoluntary
work 6 hasa'cando,antuoe u s i i . a s e w e h e e t s o m e o nfea m o u s 8 T h e V p a . k eadc o u p l eo f
7 woli i4ll 1ar-"- 8 -oo,"or.r.ei6ndit9i(soooa._ing umbreLLas in caseit ra ned
rretown nitiative $ hasbeenpromoled
Grammar: futures overview
3 r s i r / M a d a n 2 a p p l y f o r 3 a d v e r t i s e d i n4 a m v e r y
3 1'lltry 2 tesoingtosee issrarung
4 don'trhink
have 5 'lLprobabLy.ome 3 interestedin traveL 5 twould besuitabLeforthe iob 6 morivated
6 i so p e n i n g 7 i s g o t i st o b e me lo haveconRdeicein myown abiliti€s 7 fLuentSpanrsn
a '5bo!nd 9 matteidins o wiLldefiniteLybe/isdefinitely a haveai extensiveknowleds€ 9 bewittinsto move

How tor ta,lk about future plans

4 I v e d e c i d e dh s o i n gt o s t a r t d o i n s s o m e e x e r c i s e
2Ia-o \ redbou_o.vih r gr ' a r , " . i I r p . a n . i n g t o n a v p
Review and consolidation unit 2
a l e . i no ns u n d a v 4 I m b o u n d r o g e t m a i r e d o n e d a y Vocabulary
5 | probabLy wont win the lottery 6 t'd Likero havea holday.
1 1L
Lesson 2.2 E
1a 1 lt refe.sto the feelinsspeopLe shoutdhaveabourrnc snacKrns T T rB 5 T
amountofwastein modeh so.iety. 2 tissignificanrbe.auseir
weigristh€ sameas the anount of€le.tri.alequipmenrthtuwnaway o
b y a na v e r a spe€ 6 o ni n a L i l e t i m e 3 t e n d s u p n L a n d n L L s o
i t rei s G E 5
R 7D
b (Anyrwo orrhe rolowins)
AdjectiG: 5hocking,exrravagant,
assorred,surprising,avemse, E
Adverbs:dhmari.aLLy, unie.es5arily,cuftenrly
T s
Partsof the hunan body:reeth, eyes,ears
E t e . t r o n €i cq u i p n e n r t e t e v s i o n s , m o b i t e p h o n e s , s a r e t L i t e d i s h e s ,
E t: T T
5 T E L
Domestjcappliarces:waslring ma.hines,fridses,vacuumcLeaners, T 5 c T o
c l drscarded 2.ommissioned I e{ravagani
4 high tech 5 cablins 6 mice 7 €n.ourase a cudentty R E G D R
9 landfillsites o in.inerared
Gra,mnar: Future Perfect a,nd Future
21sick 2 r e t n e m e n t3 m a k e s 4 o n
2 r N o , l ' l L b seo i n gi n A u c u s t i n s r e a d2 Y e sh, e s h o u L d
h a v en n i s h e idt b y t h e n 3 N o , I m a l r a i dh eL L b see e i n g
o o h " 4 n r. r A n 4 e w " . h o u r a d . " r " e v e dp t a r - g
permlssionby then 5 Yes,rheywilLbestayinswithus from
l u L yt o S e p t e m b e L6 N o , l ' L L bweo r k i n g ahr o m ea t L d a y
tomotrow 7 PrettvWelL By the €nd otnext Fonth we shouLdhav€
f i n i s h e d m o s t o f i t a Y e ss, h ew i l th a v €d o n e f tb y t u n c h r i maet t h e
Futurcs overview Lesson 3.2
3 1 8 2 A t B 4 A 5 A 6 A Vocabulaxy: materials
Future Perfect efld Future ContiDuous
4 1 will have.l€aned z wiLLbe sunbathing 3 WiLLyou be o c
watching 4 will haverepaned 5 wiLLhave traveLLed6 Willyou
h a v ef i n i s h e d7 \ 4 i l l y o ub e v s i t i n g I w i l l b ea s k i n s o E
Vocabula.ry 'c o T T o
5Lb zc a | 4d 5e (notneeded:a)

s T E T c
6 Guggesledanswerc) 1 lputoi sofre insectrepeLlent m case
thereweremosqutoes 2 Youd betlertakean umbrellain caseit L R o
6ins. 3 alwayskeepsomeaspninin case!setah€adache. r5 o
4 r L - v o h o u l o p . l o n i o r e r . r . r p d lr r a < d _ h 4 s L r i 5
5lrong 5 Youshouldtakeamap in caseyou getlost U B B E R
7 I ( l i n e 3 )a p p L h d t o
r o r 2 ( L i n5e) k e e n € f o n
E o
q about 4 (Lrn€ o '4sI
3 (liiet passionate r) difturentariiom R
5 (line1oJbeLievetein 6 (lineq) wo4 sf about
7 (Line1d goodefal I (ine16) prcudiuor

Unit 3 OId or new Pronu:ncie,tion

2 i T h eL e t t e r l ' i s n tp r o n o u n c e d2- N o . I Y e s
Lesson 3.1 4 Stressis onthe f[stsyllabLe
1a 1 458 mill'on z !959 3 dnected 4 196. 5 7961
6 Spanish 7 a.tor I 1963 9 stadng & 2oo4 3 a 1 T h e ya r et i n y s h o ptsh a t s t a y o p elna t ea t n i g l r t .
2 Theyarenot staffedby Localpeople 3 Peoplefromthe lidian
b t Lawrence ofAtabid 2 Spattacus JBenHur sub.ontinent 4 lMenbersof the ownefsfamiLyworkthere
4InyatuAlexander 5 cleapattu 6 Glddiatar 5 Theysharein the profit5
c l lyingdohant 2 genre I re.examine 4 goLdenase b 1 wellknown 2 huge 3 .ity dwellers 4 rarely
5 sets 6 superb 7 alonsside I rortun€ 9 attendances 5 jmmisElon 6 run 7 economics a soufce

GraJnmar: axticles
Grammar:: narrative tenses 41 2the 3the 4- 5 6 the7an aa 9
2l hasbeeh 2 made 3 had 4lradtakeo 5 was
6 a p p e a r e d7 h a dn e v e ar p p e a r e da . a m e 9 w a s b e g i n n i n g
5 I / z Janrneand]Mke havegola beautifulgarden
J she! beenLivinsin t!.e LosAngeLes sincethe 198os 4 /
3 Guss€sl€dansweu) 1 waseatins 2 hadn'tbeen/had
5 When wasyounsI wantedto b€ an astronaut
neverbeen I hadbeenworking 4 rained 5 hadeaten 5 Letshaveanotherlookatathe firstone theyshowedus.
6 was reLeased7 had beenlVns A met p h o n ei s l h eg r e a t e s t i n v e n tei ovne r I /
7 l t h i n kt h e m o b i l e
9 Rldoli!pt -lsro.rudy!phro.oph/d..r rersn).
Vocabula.ry: time e4)ressions 10 Haveyou got t$ea doubleroon with a seavi€w? r TheAzores
4 l F o r t h ep r e v i o u s2 s n c e t h e n 3 u p u n t i l t h apt o i n t areinthe middL€of theAtLanticAcean p / 13 LoveLooking at
4 throughout 5 atthattime 6 rromthatpointon athe moonat nisht 4 Thrsis the mostexcitingbook ve readfor

Writing How to: commurica,te irteractively

61tue| 2 about3 What4 true 5do 6 else
Deborahlovedhef catliddles verymuchso shewasvery upsetwhen
' l w e n t n i s s i n g5 h e p u t u p n o t i . e s o r i e r i n s a r e w a r d f or rei itus m Lesson 3.3
l V d r M r ,B d n l l o m ee r j o y e dw a r c L i g " l p v i o ni r ' e e v e ' s , , Reading
althoughtheirTVwasveryold, lalZara 2 Shell 3 Gap 4 N€stl6 5Gap 5 shelL
one evenjngtheywee watchjngTVwhentheynoticedtherewas 7 co.a-Cola 8 Zara 9 Cap rc CocaCola
sohethinswronswithth€ pictureon their teL€vis on MrB.anksome b r beveases 2 manutuciurer I noftaLcohoLic4 fouided
couldnt seeanythingwronswiththeTV 5er- 5 distributor 6 bEnds Z worLdwde A .onsume
Th€ytooka torchandwent outsideto find out ifthe.e wassomethng
GrarrrEar: adjectives arrd advexbs
Theysawa cat at thetop oftheTV aerialsothey phonedthe fir€ 2 1 W h e nr h a v e ab a dh e a d a c haeL Lw a n tt o d o i s l i e d o w n
2 H e d i d n ' t w o & h a rsdo h ew a sb o u n d t of a i l t h ee x a m ,
A n.efightefona Longladdermaiasedto fescuethe cat I Youteveryeadr did you drivetust? 4 Anna s always
expensively dressedii d€risneroutfrts- 5 The.lent5wiLl
Theyreturnedthe car to Deborahandshegaverhemthe reward, .ertainLyexpect to geta discouit 6 ltsiowed heavilythroushout
Theyusedlhe noney ftomthe rewardto buy a brand-newtelevlsion ourholiday. 7 He rudelyinteiiuptedme in rhe middleofmy
speech a Doyou knowthemwell? 9 Im definitelygo ngto
takelhe FirstCertificate exah thjs year rc Theweather.anbe
surprisinslyhot in 5eptember
3 1 reasonabLy prlced 2 .ompLetely.uned 3 recently
4 hard 5 weLl 6 probably 7 neany 3 uhLikeLy9 late

Voca,br ary: verb phrases with take Grannari ff struchrres (1)
4 7 C 2 C j A 4 4 5 c 6 B 7 C s A 2 1 f l s e t a L a p t o pf l,l b ea b L teo s e n de m a i t w s h e nt I
lEvelling. 2 lfthe traincomeson time,twon t be larefor my
hteruier 3 lf lr,raribelpasses the drivj.gtesr,shellbuyd
Review and consolidation unit B . a r 4 l r l i v e dn e a r ap o o l , I d s w i mm o r eo f t e n . 5 t r r e r r y w a s n , t /
vJerent scaredofflyrng,hewouLdrravelaroundthewono.
Naxrative ten8es 6 llC€lia couldsing,shewouldjoin a.hoir 7 tf Dav€hadnt known
a l l l l r e a n s w € rhse, w o u L d n ' t h a v e w o n t h e p r i a
z et.f H e t e 0 a h a d n t
1 t hadbeencleaning 2 nvaded 3 wereplayins/ Lostthetickets,shewo!ld havegonerothe.oncert. 9 tfMalik\
played 4 had beenwaiiins 5 hadsrarted 6 was buiLt wefe saLes
7 figureshadnt beend'sappoinring, he mishrhavegot a
wat.rrng a had taken 9 hadbeenworking tu washavins promolion. ft lfwe hadn'thadto queueup forti.kers,w€woutdnt
havem ssedthe starrof rhesh.w
Voca,bulary 3 1 would/d Like 2 wouldnt havehappen€d 3 had/d been
2 r e 2 j 3 a 4 L 5 f 6 h 7 d 8 k 9 b t u s 4 w o u Lh d a v et o l d 5 p h o n e 6 w i L LL/ L b a e b l e 7 d o e s n rh a v e
I wiLLnot/won't [now 9 finds o witl/ tlconract

Lesson 4.2
D T 0 Vocabula,ry: physical moven1ents
5 5 lllanded 2leap llean 4 bend 5ruck 6 balan.e

R E o U 5 Writhg: explaj oing bow 10 do something

o 0 2 Gussestedanswe6)
7a ,D U . Takeoutth€ sparetyreand putiron the ground
T N G . Takeourthe jackand the wren.h
E E . l i y o u r w h e ehl a sa . o v e r , . e m o vt le
t Usethe wrenchto loosenthe nutssLighrty.
T D B . Positionthe ja.k accordingto the insrrucrions in yourcar owne.s
T L D R . Raisethe caraboutrc centimetfes
offthe gound by ruhinsthe
a U
u . Nowusethe wench to complerely unscrewthe nurs
. A n e r r e h o v i n c t hneu t sp u l lt h €w h e e L o n
t P u tt h ew h e e l i nt h eb o o t
. L i nu p r h es p a r e w h € e L asnldi pi t i n t op o s i r o n
t P u t t h eh u t sb a c k a n dt i g h t e nt h e n u p b y h a n d d o n r u s e t h e
4lthemost 2 P o r t s m o u t h3 t h e r a i L w a y4 a t u n n e L . L o w e r t h cea rb a c k o nr o r h eg o u n d
t the Longest 6 ships 7 the Unit€dStat€s I rheAttanric r U s et h e w r e n cahn d t u h t h en u r s c l o c k w jas seh a r da 5 y o ! c a n .
9 a ship 1o a prcpeLLeru Ambjrion f stubbornness . R€place the wheeLcover ifyouve Cotone.
. P u tl h e j a c kt,h e w r e n cahn dt h eo l dw h e e l i nt h eb o o t
Adjectives and adverbs
5 I rir+ a " ,
"/ 3 e+ nl
ge-qa tv a 4'.fin" Listedng aJ1dgrammar: expresshg obLigation
5 q#+quckly 6 he4+r'natd 7 t I ii+erei+ih€ty interesring 3a I A mobilephonecamera. 2 Fe pursitin frontofhis fa.e.
9 l+,€,hly high $ d€fsi+edefiiitely
3 she was too close/wassupposedto be furth€raway
6 t Theprofessortfeats aLlhisstudentsin a friendlyway 4 F e d o e s i ' tu n d e r s r a nhdo w A l i . e . a n s eteh ep h o r o s oq u i c k L y .
2 r s a b ei L
s d e f i n i t € l y t hoel d e s t s t u d e n roi nu r c L a s s 3 . I wa5re. 5,Youhad to take the lLmto be processed beforeyou couLdsee the
tlie sh€erstfrismohins 4 lMybrothersometimes ro€ets his p N
n u m b e r 5 D a n i e llae f th e r s u t c a s ien t h e . o r n e r o f t h e room b 1 A 2 A 3 G 4 G 5 A
5 I h e c h i l d r esnt u p i d l y f o r s root b r n g r h e i r s w i n f r j r s . o s t u m e s
7 H e w a 5 nt d r i v l i s d a n g e f o u sbLuyt ,h e w a sg o i n gq u i t ef a s r 4 t donlhaveto 2 Shoutd 3 needn't 4 musrnt
a S h eh a sa w a m a n d . a rn gp e B o n a l i t y . 5 s u p p o s etdo b e 6 D o n r y o uh a v e r o 7 h a dt o 8 s h o u L drn
5 1 picture,prior 2 process,d€velop 3 flash
Voca,bulary 4 oDtoffocus 5 disital
? l a w a y 2 i n 3 s t r i d e4 o v e r 5 f o r 6 i n 7 r o 8 o f f 6 I sn*ld shouldd't 2 ,/ 3 hsstR+needn't/don,rhave
8 1 Emmalovesnotherhood. 2 Friendship to 4 ,s{s+-ye Did you have ro 5 /
is the mosrimporrant 6 a&e!{d have ro 7 i€€!i+ mustn't a +€!t!i+ shouLd
thins forPepe- 3 Davidis a pianist 4 We needro increase
produ.tion/p.oductivity.5 Happiness is moreimporrantthan
weaLth. 6 m notverypleas€dwith the aifahq€menr. 7 Prcfessor Lesson 4.3
Grants an inveitol 8 ChildrenLoveexciteoenr 9 Therersa lot Readir1g
oidime n this neighbourlrood tu Mybrotherrsa physicjst la3
b l e i g h t 2 t i . k e t s a n d a f u l l s c h e d u l e o f e3v €ynerss 4 2 5
Unit 4 Risk c l v o r ' ! d r _ po r u r f d n ' a \ V o h r h n g . " J t i v 2
" a a 1g
Lesson 4.1 3 L o l q i nl so 4 . 1 o . "y s u od " d 5 h r' l i n s 6 h u n d . L n
7 predictableI instru.rors
1^3 Grammar: emphasis
b r F 2 T3 F4 r 2 1 d ol i k ey o u r n e w s u i t2 A m a n ddao e sc o m p l aai nL o r
c r 2 e 3 d 4 h 5 . 6 s 7j a a 3 Hedidsayhewasso.rysevehL times. 4 tdid askth€Dossrcr
9 f t u b permissio5 n .w ed ok n o w w h a t waer ct a l k i n g a b o u t
S l r e a L L y2 s o 3 m u c h 4 s u c h 5 v e r y 5 j u s t / s u
4 I L t sc h l n e s reo o dl h a tt h e yL o v e .2 l t w a s h i s a s s i s t a n t t h a t s h e
s p o k el o 3 t w a s t h ef i r s tR L m that didn'tll<e 4 ltt mythumb
Unit 5 The past
that hurts,not my finger 5 lts modernpoetrythat CLanreally
d o e s n lL k e 6 l f s h i sa t t i t u d e
t h a tl r e a L l y d otnu n d e r s t a n . l
Lesson 5.1
Pronunciatio11 1a Grsgestedanswe6) 1 loe madeTv commefciaLs and
S l y e s t e r d a2y b L a c ( 3 h a L L 4 l e f t 5 J a n e s h o ni - L m s 2 A l o t o f h o n e vi s l n v o L v e d3 T h e r ei s nt m u c h
. o n t a . t w i t far c c o u n t a n t s4 T h ed i s t a n . easr ee n o r m o u s s o y o u
Vocabulary: plrasal verbs with out hale to d. ve to thc sfrops 5 They'dusualLy waLkrodo the r
shopplng 6 Sunnyweather
6 a l f i n d 2 . u n 3 t u r n e d4 s i v e 5 5 o r t
b r H o w l o n gh a s J o e b e e ni n t h eU s ? 2 l l o w o l d w a s n e w n e n n e
b r l € € + t u h € d2 / 3 M s o r t 4 / 5 f a { F u t cametothe Us? j Whydid he chooseto Liveinthe states?
4 fowmany fiLmshasJoemadein the U5? 5 Whatisdifferent
abouti-Lm-making in the U5? 6 Whardoeshiswlle miss?
7 WhVdopeoplehaveto driveeverywhere/to the shops'
Review and consolidation unit 4 a W h y d i d n 'tth e y d om u c hf i l m i n go u t d o o rlsn E n s L a n d ?
c 1 meltingpot 2 studioercculves t drivesomebody
Vocabulaxy m a d 4 t o b e o nt o p o f s o h € b o d y 5 l o . a t o n w o r k
l l e n d u r a n c e2 a n b i t i o n3 g a m b L e
4luck 5dream
6 substantial7 in.r€dbLy I opportuniiy Grammax: used to /g'et l.] lwoulil
2 1 ut€dto 2 wouLd/d / usedto 3 wouLd
/'dl usedto
If structures (1) 4 didnt useto 5 seftnsusedto 6 wouLd/'d7 didn'tuseto
2 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 B
3 1 A , / B X C , /z A / B X C , / 3 A , / 8 , / a , / 4 A X B / a t
Vocabula"r5l s A/BXa,/ 6 AXB,/aJ 7 ArB/C/ A A/B/C)/
3 1 s w i n s 2 s t r e k h3 o L l 4 l e a n 5 b a L a n c6el a n d 9 A ) (B J C) < 1 0A X B / C ) (
Vocabulary: appearance
E4)ressing obliga.tion 4
4 I l r a v e 2 m u s t n t ! s h o u L d n4' t w a s s u p p o st eo d
5 o u s h l t o 6 d o n t h a v e l oi s h o u lhda v e 8 o u s h t t o U
Emphasis c
5 I l t w a s r h seh e l l n st hha t m a dmeel e e l s i . k 2 5 h ed r d t r y
t oc o n t a c t y o uj I r e a l l ,r e a l l y a d h ipJeeo p Lweh od o v o L u n t a r y rD
wo.k 4 t is hy LeftLesrhatinjured 5 Gqaldissucha good I
iootballer 6 Hen ettadoess&ea Lotolmoney to charity 'T 7s

H 0
7 t w a sm ym o b i lpeh o nteh a t w asst o l e n a [ 4 Vn e w . o m p u t e r
wasvery,veryexpensive9 lavierdiddoa Lotof workiof us E G T
10 | is hiswifethardoesnostoithehousewon< s D 0 5
6 1 t h a t 2 d o e s3 s o 4 l t 5 d i d 6 r e a L L 7 ys ! . h 3 i s ec R
2 p u t o u r3 n i d o u t 4 r u n o u t5 s o r t D
7 gaveoul a turnedoui
a E G T
Lesson 5.2
0 E 0 Reaaling
E;-r: G T La)
L! tl b 2 T h € yd r i v ei n l ot l r es u b u r b s o f M i L a n3 A m o t o r b i k e
E G D 'd) a\'rlo !"b" lo .1" .r
. r h " y g po u o l -
,B E D T G E r o . e e w a i L a \ ! d p p -F d 5 t r o r o i q r 4 r d i . 4 o t r l " 1
- ! " r
I p ve "d"\ 6 , a l d r o. 1 d . r r ' g t o - d , p o t i "
T E s t a t i o n 7 T h e y g eitn t oa n l t a l i a np o L i . e . a L 8 T h € y h a vteo w a l t
,B R
o D E E w h l L teh eF o L i . o
e m c e r d e a l s w iat hr a c . l d € n t . 9 T h ep o l i c et a k e
D eterandKirstento lhe raiLwaystauon.rc TheVcatchrhesLow
trainbackto ZLirich r The taLianmensteaLeverything ffoh their
o houseanddriveavrayIn a van r DieterandKnstenset backto
cr on\"r,b" 7\dor' jr.hinq 4 portec 5g.od119
D 6 s p e n d l i s s p r e e7 f h g 0 0 d o w n 3 e r h a u s r e d9 l e n r
Grammax: e4)ressing abitity Expressing ability
2 l w a s n ' t v e r y g o o d2a rc o u t d3 . o u L . t 4 k n e w h o w r o 4 1 w a sa b l ei o r e p a i r i f t a i d s =i o: dr e r ar i s u ( . e d e di n r e p a n r n s
5 c o u L d n5
, t m a n a steo 7 . o u L d n , rA b e a b t e t o 2 c o u L pd L a y 3 w o ni b ea b L e i o . c f , e 4 g . o i a i / g r e aar t . o o k t n s
9 su.ceeded n rc managed to 5 D d y o um a n a s teo / D r dyol su...e. -irc ig Lr:re),ouabLerofnd
3 r a b L e 2 s u r e e dj b e 4 a r 5 C o u L d 6 good/srear
7 h a n a g e da h o w 9 w i l l r t e t r b t e
How to: talk about memories 5
4 I l h e y w e n t ttoh e s e a s ildnes u m m enro, r w t n t e L2 T h e h
y ad
plcnksonlhebeach, notin theforest 3 Therearetwoskte6,not 0
rhree 4 Th€yaresetuins roodrorhefather, norotherwaya.ound 5
Lesson 5.3
Voca,bula,Iy: feelings
l l r e l i e v e d 2 . u r i o u s 3 . o n f l s e d 4 e x c i r e d5 a n n o v e a
5o T -Tit t-
6 suspicious7 sho.ked a scepti.aL E s
2 1 n i n , e'-" 0 2 " , . r . 1 l o i n i t , . . e . , L ev rlol E
5 suspl.ious6 reLieved D E o D
5 c U o 35
3 a 1 2 H 3 ^ 4 5 D 6 B d e \ ' , t e o, , , d " i T 5

b I Fe wassmafiLydfess€dbur his clorhesweresoakirsweL

E o
2 d,i o gh 6.di .od,r.. , . . Lq b !d pto hdp; o D c T D
3 H e w a s w e a r i n g a s uHl to w e v etrh, eL a b e wL se r em i s s i n g
4 Fe hadno obvious iju.l€s Nevertheless, heseemedLU' useq
5 Though'twrjte w o r d sh, e c a nd r a w p t c r u r e s E 5
6 H em a y b ea ni l L e g a l l m h i s r aHn ot w e v etrh, ep o u c et h i n k h em a y
be a prolessional m!slcian D
c 1 d 2 h 3 l 4 ) 5 g 6 a 7 i a . 9 e 1 0 b
althoagh|but/howevellneve heiess
6 1 8 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 B a A
4b 1/d/ 2 /d/ thdi 4l{ 5lti 6ttal 7 I €+ln 2 poaitis pLace 3 no misrakes 4 ffiil naiG
t k$s€+e+tt$i€ knowaLL 6 no nistakes
Grarl]]]if'J| a,lthollgh I bLt / however / nevefiheless 7 hig,hfulie hish{Lyer 3 ai €+a{C€!5+# awkwatu .usromer
5 1 but 2 Nevertheless3 ALihough/Even though a nldeve,
5 e v e nt h o u s h / a l t l r o u g h
6 I T h ec h i l d r ew n e o e t w e r eh e a L t hbyu t v e r yb a d Ley d u c a r e d Unit 6 Explore
2 v € b e e nt o N e w Y o r ka,l t h o u g h' v en e v e r s e e n t hSer a r u o
b" r vo . ,i\a d.p,obdN44 .ed.,,^Fd"p."pdred
3 Lessol 6.1
t o a l l o w y o ul o s t a y f o ra f u r t h etrh r e em o n t h s 4 l h e a r A u s t r iias
sreatiorsIiins hoLidays, thoush ve neverbeentherenyseLi.
5 E v e nt h o u s hl ' v el v e d i n L o n d o fno r f o u r y e a r s s, r i L t g et o
r sr
on lhe lndetgro!Ddsystem 6 l!,lygnndparentswerepoor but b G u g g e s t €adn s w s t 1 f o w L o n s h a vCeh i n e s e ' s p eteodu r s r s
rrappy. 7 A trroughwe €njoyL.nswalks,we do find themquire b e e n . o m l n g tcoe r m a n y ?2 f l o w m a n yr o u r t s rasr ee x p e c t e d
tr ng 3 Petsarenot usuallvpermiftedn rhe lroreLftowevef,n t o a f f i v e l l r iyse a r 3 W h a tr si t t h a tt e n p Gt h eC h i n e s € t o u r i s r s
tnre.ase w e c a nh a k ea ne x . e p t i o n t o ' l n v e o n | r € a u t o b a h n s 4? N o l v m a n y k i L o m e t r e s o i G e r m a n
m o t o n r a yhsa v en . s p e e dL m i t ? 5 W h a rm a k e s / r y p eo sr c a r d ot h e
toui 0peratorsofferrothe rourisrs? 6 Whatspeedare rhesecars
Review and consolidation unit 5 c a p a b L e . n / F o w f a s t c a n t h e s e . a r s g7oF ? o wm u . hd o e sa s i x .
' l a ya u t o b a htno u r c o s t ?3 H o wm a n yp e o p Ldee o n C h i n a ,r so a d s
1 1 8 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 E c t hoLidayhakers, travellers 2 autobahns, mororways, hishways
3 t o u f o p e r a t o r s4 v n t u a L l y5 m y r h i c a l6 u n d e r e n e d
'.lsed tolget I'j.sed to/would
Gramrllar: Present Perfect Simple and
2 I A r e y o us e t u n gu s e dt o L i f el n r h eb g . i y ? 2 S a l t y d t d n , r
u s e l oh a v ea n yi r i e n d s w h esnh ew a sa . h l L d 3 v r o u Lgdo r o
t h eL i b r a r y e v e r y m o r n i n g q hweansa s t u d e n t 4 T h e . o m p a n y 2 I havebeenfLo.kins 2 haveadded 3 havebeen!flns ns
u s e d t o e r p o r t . a r s t o A s i a5 D r dh e g e i u s e dt o r h es o f t w a r e 4 havediscovefed 5 hasbeenexpandins 5 hasnotproved
r a t r Lqyu i c k L y ?6 w h e nl w a s y o u n s d i d nr u s er o w a k h n u c h 7 fraver€a.ied I havebeen
t e L e v i s l o n7 F o w o f t € n w o u L d ygoeut t h e b u r i o 3 . h o o L ? 3 1 N o , h a v e n 'pt a i df o rt h es h o p p l n s y e r 2 T h e y ! eb e e n
I ' v €s o t u s e dt o s t a l i n s! p l a r e 9 r w a se a s yt o g e tl s e d r oi h e n r l i r g r ' " a " 3 N o . , , d e . . 0 " " , B or e h e .
n e w c o h p u t e l 1 0 P e p ed l d n l l s e t o L i v eI na b g h o l s € 4 Y e sh, e ' s , u s t c o mbea . k r r . mM l a n i B e a . h 5 I v e b e e nf o l t o w i n g
a s t r l c t d l €fto r r h et a s tr w om o n r h s 6 N o , v e a t f e a d y d o n e i r
Vocabulary 7 Yes,shes be€ntypingitsin.e Lunchrme I Yes,t,vebeen
3 1 dean shaven 2 winnes 3 bald 4 wavy/.urLy tea.rring<aiatelor morethan ten years 9 've beenwashtnsth€
5 mls.uLar 6 rruffl, 7 mousy 3 sood looking 9 dved n o o r sa L l a l t e r n o o n1 0 N o , l h a v e n b' j e
t e na m € m b e r s i n c2eo o 4

Vocabulary: adjectives with -edl-ine. endings

4 1 annoyed,annoying 2 jnspirins,inspned
j iascinating,
fasclnated 4 petrine.t,perrirvtng
Lesson 6.P
Readirrg 5 a I A L L l hw e d e r L i n esdo u n d sa r el h e s a m e( / r / s . h w a J
r a l f 2 ! 3 b 4 L 5 a
2 A l lt h eu n d e r l l n e d s o u nadr e
sd l f f e r e n t / 3 / , / € 1 , 1 J 1 , / c r /
b 1 T 2 I 3 F 6 t a F b r D 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 D
4 F i F 7 1
c Builtentifely .enr.aLly
heared iornerLy
5parseLy reasonabLycomfortable
Review and consolidation unit 6
Vocabulary: wea,ther 1 1 F!€Fsd€€ independent 2 5}€€*€! sho.k
tc i Fi+e have 4 i€#e/rraveL 5 t!+€!g$ into 6 +€ilswander
5 c G
4B Present Perfect Simple and Continuous
5D z z E 2 t h a sb e e n 2 h a s b e . o m e 3 h a s b e e nL e a d i n s / h a s l e d
4 h a sb e e na p p e a r l n s5 h a sh a d 6 h e l p e d 7 h a sg l v e n
E I h a s v i s i t e dt h a v e . L e a n y l n f l u e n . e
1d0 mel r spo<e
.a E c G 7B

z E Vocabulary
E 5 E 3
T B E o
z 5 c T 6

o 0 E
U 4D 5 6 u S T G
Gra,mnar: questions FFFT' E D
3 1 ( h a o h 2 ( d i d l e3 ( d d ) i 4 G r o w ) 5a ( D d l s 5
6 0 ^ / h o ) i7 ( L o n g ) c3 ( w a t b 9 ( w a t f r { A r e ) d E T I G
4 I W h o v r assh et a L k r nt so ? 2 D o y o u k n o w i r t h l s i s m y s e a t ?
3 C a n y o ut e L L mheo wm u . hi i . o s t s r 4 W h e r ed i d i h e yt a k e r h e
.ar? 5 couLdlaskyoutoopenthewindow 6 ?H o r Jd o y o ul u r n R 0 G
oiithe compute.l 7 Are lhesethe cotre.t ans\rers? 8 HowLong
haveyou beenworkinshere? E
5 1 C a ny o ut e l lm €w h a t y o u r e m a r l a d d r iess?s 2 c o u l d a s k T E D
V o ui f l v r h e l h e r G € h aRma n d aLLN l eh s e r € l 3 D o y o uk n o w l r t h i s
i s t h e . o n e cp t lafform i o r t h e l r a i n t oB r i s h t o n r4 d I k e t o k n o w 4 1 e 2 n j a 4 r
whi.h seatsintlre pLanehavegot the mostLegroom 5 Cai ask 5 . 6 g 7 d I b
you f/whetherthe doctorisavailabLe now? 6 Canyou explain
€ x a c t L y w h e r e sLhi vee s ?7 D o y o uk n o wh o wm ! . h r h e u . k e t 5 Q11estions
. o s t ? a W o u Lydo ut e l L m e w h oi s i n . h a r s e ? 5
lLine4JWh€rew€*riau for your hoLidays? r Wheredld you go
Lesson 6.3 ( L l i e6 )w h o d i dg e o n h o L d a w
y i t hy o u ?) W h o w e n t o nh o l i . l a y
Listeni]1e lLlne3Jcan askwhati5+ffi? r Can askwhathernameis?
1 a A 4 B : l C 1 D 5 E 2
lLlneroJCouldyou tell mewhard€€5rlefora Living? r whatshe
b t 5 z 4 j z 4 ? ,s t
c l . o n s l d € r e d 2 u p r o o t 3 i n t f i g u ebdy 4 $ m 5 tehpting (Lne15Jcan you telLmeis+!+ririell J lrlwh€tlrershes Bntsh
6 to be honest 7 obviousLy I opportuniues
lLne17)l-lowlons5+€hsLived hefe?t hasshe Livedherel
Vocabulary: verb phrases about movilg/ lLlnel9Jl'd llke to knowwlreredld y€!+€€++s + whefeyou
lLne251Wouldyou teLlne how Loisdi+j€sit'ay in Florida?J
2 ! s 2 ( 3 | 4 a 5 h 6 e 7 d 3,r: comparative & superla.tive adjectives Voca.burary

6 l m o v e 2 o f f 3 a b r o a d 4 e m i g r a t e d5 a r o u n d 6 s e t
3 1 moreexcilingthan 2 Thebiggesi I greaterthan 7 home a off 9 away 10 walked
4 the mostexpensive 5 isn't as lons 6 the fastest 7 the taLLest
Compa,ra,tive & superlative adjectives and
4 I m€:++€ry heavrest 2 l5++ is a bit 3 bad+!* badlyhurt adverbs
4 k{€$ Late 5 i5 ft+ is the rost 6 h€ts hotter 7 +}+ as 7 !A,/BXa/ 2A/8,/Ct3A/BrCX 4AXAta/
3 q{*€l€+ quitea Lot 9 F€+€-fn+ farthetrurther io tdl€I tal!
11 B€€! weLL 12 F€s++i3 worst
5 A/BXC,/ 6 A,/6,/4,/ 7 p,tB,/C./ I AtrB./CX
8 1 f o r 2 h a v e3 m a < e 4 w i t h o u 5t b a c k 6 l e n s t h s
Unit 7 Excess Lesson 7.3
LeasoD 7.1 l a l s o l d n ^ s h2 d o s 3 s n a k e 4 h o r s e S . a r s
Listening b ldog 2ho6e 3fish 4dog 5 horse6.ats
1a 1 Three. 2 whichtake-awav restauEnt rosoto.
3 Togoto rheChinese takeawav c Waysaninals move:trot,dart,crawl
b l A l i . e 2 B e i 3 T o h 4 A L i c et B e n 6 A L c e T B e n Placesarimals live:rank,stable,kennel
Aninal ch.raderisti6: sinuous,ptayfut,sentte
c Feelingveryhungry:staruing,
Posltive yummy,
opinion: deti.ious,
scrumptious Gram]nar: havelg€t so}Jaething done
notiookeenon,disgusring,geasv,robesickot 2 t h a s h e r h a i r d o . e 2 h a s h i s . a r w a s h e dI h a v € t h e i r
h ! - d o d i e d 4 h d sh e . e -
" v " \ t p . r p c 5 h d sh i . b t o o dp - " \ ,u
.rrecked 6 haveoIrboiler setoned
Gramna,r: courta,ble a,rld uncouitable nours 3 1 Thebassotlen behjnd- 2 LindahashercLorhes wd5,eu
z 7 c 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 3 6 A 7 A S C 9 A r o C (bythe maid). 3 I havemy pon foNarded(to me).
4 \4illyou ser
37A,/8./ 2A,/B/ lA,/8, 4A;(8,/ 5A/Bt y o u r h a n c u t t h jw
s eek? 5 Howofted n o y o uh a v e y o u r w i n d o w s
. l e a n e d ?6 s h o u Lhda v em y h o m e w o r k d o n be y s i x oc L o c K .

Vocabulary: food and cooking Vocs,bularyr a,nima,ls a,nd anima,l exllressions

4a aneLectrlc.ooker griLled sausagesgratedcheese 4
a w o o d esnp o o n a t a l e n r ecdo o k a c o m p L i c a t € p de.€.
s.ranbLed g s s a . h i n ap l a r e s o u r m i L ka r r y i nps a n L 5
b l sratedcheese2 anele.rriccookef3 griLtedsausases 5 5H
4 s c r a m b Leegdg 5 a t a l e n t e d . o o6k s o u f m i t k LI
Lesson 7.2 ! o es 5

E ;i
Reading 0 L
o G L E
b i d 2 l 3 a 4 g 5 . 6
c lvaLuabL2 e a € u e 3 v a l 4 followhk L€ad 5 impact R
6 masterpie.€s 7 re.ession a E 5
Vocabulary: verb phrases about mooey 5
2 r €nfd receipt 2 barg3ti djs.ounr 3 hag€+Febidding
4 w€rt+ afford 5 biddius haggLing 6 €r4€Cworth L
GrarrErar: passives
3 1 wascreated 2 wasrakenover 3 hadstart€d 4 scored
51.ow 2 b e a k 3 r t g e f 4 e a g t e5 f u f
5 oBanised 6 had beensoLd 7 wereinvired B wasluugrr
4 ? - h d , a d ) r o ! a r p t { 1 . o a , . r 8 n o . ' r r d .I . p n e . d l
ri.l o ound! qpe_rdFd bdrl\'. -plha\dDF"1
cutoutthe blanksare heatedin a furnace. 5 Thebtanksare
Review and consolidation unit ?
washedwhiletheyarebeingheated./White rheyafe beinsredLeo
|re blanG arewashed. 6 eachcojnis stampedwitha Darcrnon Vocabularl.
borrsrde7 . - F . o \ a " , o o e d J - oo u ' p a . a n e . o : n s d r e l l Luxury 2 eitravasant j fa.fet.hed 4 spendins
d i s r r i b u t et o
d r h eb a n k s 5 overpriced 6 extrala€e

Countable al1d rEcountable nouns

Z 1lu3€ass luggase 2 / 3 Riiy much 4 {R+teatifle
5 a - r o t 5a L o t o R a L o G 6 i F * a t i f l e 7 . / a a s p a g h e f t i o R
(somelspaghefi 9 f€+ afew o R!+ manv

Writing^Iow to: a letter ol complaint

!a*ril slo!olpt qbou'ano!

" p r o n e b o u q -i n \ o , ,

V l h e n g o th o m e w a s s h o c k erdo f i n dt h a ri t d i d n o r w o . k ,
e s p e c i a LaLsyi t c o s t € 2 5 o ,
l w o u l db e s r a t e f u L i f y ocuo u l ds e n dm e a n o t h e r p h o nl ef r h i s i s
n o l p o $ i b L € ,w o u L d l i k €a f u L L r e f u on fdm Vm o n e ya ss o o na s

look foryardto hea.ngiroh Vou

Vocabriary 3 1 i's hishtime yo! movedto a brss€rrLar 2 Y.u'd benertake
3 a n u m b . e L l a3 d € t h e r g ot o t h e . l n e m a 4 l t ! a b o u t i n e J o h n
s o 1a b e t l e r . o m p u t e l 5 W o u Lydo uL i ( em e t o b f l n gm y c a m e r a /
rB a E W o u Lydo ur a t h e . b r o u s hm r V . a m e r a T6 d r a t h e r s hdei d n i
s m o k e 7 l d r a t h e nr o t v o r k a tt h e w e e k e n d 3 Y o u db e t t e r
.B T E
Vocabula,ry: descdbing pexsonality
J c T 4 2E
T E c

rH s 4D

E o
0 T E D
B s G E le E N
T c ,D

55 E E T
tr E c E
T o
T E T o

T G o G c
4 l b a r g a i n 2 a f f o r d I h a s s L i n s4 r e c e i p t t b i d d l n s T
6 dls.ount 7 worlh a refund I

5 I € 4 5 oh a sb e e nd e b i t e d t r o my o u r . r e d i t . a r d 2 1 3 l ( B T T lv D E D
po4 o- otro! u"do,!.'q ,. Ivo in"",
beingsenlby enail 4 Youft.ket5 wlLLbe sent by i-fstcLasspost
Lesson a.2
5 Y o ! . p a s s p o d m u s t bber o u g h t t o c h e c ( ionn e h o u r b e f o r e
d e p a r t u r e 6 I h e d a t ea n dt i m eo f y o u ri L r s l r t s . a n nbo€l . h a n s e d Listening
7 s e a i sc a nb ep r eb o o k e do n t h e w e b s l t e 3 S m o k l n s jns o t 1 a t T h e y a r ei h a s y m 2 s h el s a t r a i n e f / f t n e s s
allow€o dna n y G o A w a y T r a v e L n i g h 9 t s( 4 e a hm a yb e D u r c h a s e d instru.tor 3 Toget rit, Loseweightand inprovehls eneGyLe!els
o t"odr" ro F. o " " F o d".r .dFd blsx 2 f v e I a w f u l l y4 s l i l 5 r € e L s6 e n e r s y
7 Letlrargic/tred a nutr lion
have Ig et so',trethi're' done
cr o n D d i '2 F a r ' d3 d . 4 . . . 9 . Ipo-""
6lhad 2 s o t / b e e n 3 ( d r y . l d e a n e da h a v e / s e l
5 repaired/fired/m€nded6 sot/was 7 setr'have
I d o n e 9 t a k e n / pn t e d / . o p i e d i o h a vn g / g e t u n g Vocaburary: adjectives a,nd intensifiers
Vocabulary 2 Seeans\veisto Er tb beLolv

3 a 1 W h e nt h e . h l L d r esno t b a . kf r o m t h ep a r kt h e y w e r a ebsoluteLv
muLtinational3 €rtra La|se 4 uncomfortabLe Ill\. 2 cLarewas!e4\devastat€dwh€nsheheardrhe news
ove{lred 7 ex boyfriend 8 nonotonous b I Saturdavssameis absoLutelv !tq!for our hopesoi
promotion 2 aLways feeLIe4!!hunsrvafterswimmins
3 l oftenreeLlelllytledatthe eid of the day. 4 leirywas
a b s o l u t e l v d e v a s t a t e d w h e n t h e i a c t o r y c L o s e5d dSouwzna n n e
Unit 8 Success was absoLutelv -"xhausted aftertherace 6 PoorJolHesEqlly
4!q!about his examresuLts 7 what'stheretoeat?Im absoLut€ly
Lesson a.1 5tarvinel a Ta<eyour rine to de.ide Thisi! aEqlqimponant
1 a 1 D 2 F 3 A 4 F t5 B 6 E Gramlnar: reported speech
b r F 2 T j T 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 F a T 4 1 A h a n d as u s s e s t erda k i n sa s h o r t b r e a < t h e n
3 A m a n de a x p L a l i e(dt h a t i)t u s u a L tLayk e s / t . o a
k b o u t r h r em
e onths
to set fft 4 stevonadmitted(lhatl hewas suLLeaunsdesserts
bDn in Patbanda.vtetten lndia 5 s l e v e ia s k e d( A m a n d ,i ? w h e t h e i s hhea . l p r e p a r e d t hnaut t f l t i o n
s r r e erto rh i m 6 A m a n d a prohisedto d ! i r t h ef o l o w i n s w e e k
5 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 C B B 9 B 1 0 A
rc(uned ta lntlid,aetetninedta liqht against.aloniolism
6rVbo " u s q -" o s o i ' s o o r " e o , J o
tndta gai ned ind epend enee e x p l a i n etdh a t h e c o u L d n ' t c o h e b e . ahu€shea dt o w o r kt h a t
e v e nn s 3 T h ec h i L d r epni o m i s e (dt h a 0t h € y w o u Lnde v e dr o i t / t h a t
ossassinatedby o Hindu fonatic again 4 Th€llreguardwarned(uslthatsw mhing therec.uLd
b e v e r y d a n s e r o u s5 [ 4 a n aa d m ] t t etdh a ts h eh a d n ' dt o n eh e r
Gramnrar: rt's hornework 6 The.ustomerd€. ded to takethesmallernodel
2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 A 7 A a a
Lesson 4.3 c V e h i c l e s :u, r s ec o i l o l , d ' i " r e r a r o r , s p e "nop, n , o r n " , r a n u d .
Reading lniurles/Ham r .:h q e o , l e . , o . o t p ,L n o r l p do u , \ t a r y d i v n
1 a 1 e 2 b 3 a 4 c S d Legrt.ourt, awarded,.ompensation, expenses, jury
b 1 tbis+€i+S nextmonth 2 er@p6cricaL 3 Ssnin€ GraJnnlarr sequencing devices
4 rn{i5computer 5 sdaughter 6 +h€+arei+sRyde
7 olrl€+younger I rsmosr
3 1 Havinsto
and decidedto step into the ba.kofrhe mororhomeronake himself
c l e 2 h l b 4 j s a 6 d 7 i a f 9 c 7 o g a cupolcotree. 2 ..-wlrilestrugglingtosetrhroushthe window
she lellto the fLoorandknockedour herrwo front reeth. 3 After
Gxammar: hard and ha.rdlr €nteringthe sarasefromthe househe realisedrhe doorcouldnot be
Z l h a r d L y 2 h a f d l y e v e r3 h a r d 4 h a r d L y a n y o n e
5 hardLyever 6 hard 7 hardlyanywhereI haidlyantrhtig 4 1 4 2 8 3 A 4 4 5 B 6 A
t hardLy tu hardlyanyone 5 1 HavingtoLd his bestfrend, Daveannouicedthe new5to his
S l hafdlyanyone 2 hard I hardLy 4 hardLyever c o l l e a g u e s2 A l t e r g e t t i i g u pl r, e w e n t i n t toh e v i L l a s e gt oe r s o m e
5 hardLyanything6 hard lood 3 Theywarchedthe midnishtmove beforegoingtobed /
B e f o rg eo i n g t o b e d , r h e y w a t c h e d t h e m i d n i s h t m o v i e
How to: giv6 yorrl opinion 4 W hL €G h e w a t w a ! . h j n g l v S u r i n dhae a r da s r r a n g e s u u r/o
4lthink 2 c o n c e h e d 3 b e L i e v e4 f o f Surindahearda strangesoundwhileshewaswat.hinsTV.
5 Firstly6if
5 Wew€nt to the computershopafterreadlnglots of.onsumer
repo.ts-/After .eadinglots ofcoisumerreports,w-aweni to the
. o n p u l e f s h o p . 5 H a v i i g m i s s et d h eb u s , l a c k ihea d t og e t a t a i .
7 My unclestartedanewbusinessafterhehad sonetoAmerica/
Review and consolidation unit 8 'avine
s o n e o A r o r ' r a ,n y L r . l e , . d t e d a - p w o . . : 1 * .
I l h e k i d su s u a l L y w a t c hiToV r a nh o u r a f t s d o i n gt h e n h o m e w o. /
Voca,bula,rJr Aftei doingihejfhomework,thekidsusualLy wat.h TV for an hour
1 1 f 2 d 3 h 4 a 5 c 6 s 7 e 8 b
Lesson 9.2
Itb timeltd ntherryd better Grammar: musthrig.h tl cal't
21time z rarher3 heh/about 4 betrer5 wouLd/d 1 1 f 2 a t h 4 c 5 b 6 € 7 d 8 g
6 p h o n € d / € L L e d / s p o k e t o / r a7 nhsa d / d I W o u l d
2 I somebodyhust havewateredtheh 2 slre mighrnorhave
feceivedthe lnvitatjon. j He canthaveSoheout. 4 Theymust
haveleft already. 5 Th€ thave Leftthecountry. 6 He mighl
Vocabulary fraveforgottentotakeftwith hih. 7 MariamusthaveFassedrhe
Slearth 2 h e a d s t r o n s3 o l t g o i n g 4 m a n i p u l a t i v5ew t t y exam, a Youhusthave forgoriento brinsir_
6 doormat Z p.oactive 3 cenrre 9 seLi^sho opinionated 3lmishrhave 2 musthave3 musthave4 can'thave
4 t upser 2/ !.lean 4 tiny 5 hal 6,/ 7 fa\tta e 5 mighthave 6 mighthave 7 hust have I cant have
a / t happy ro freezins
Vocabulary: conlpourld adjectives
Repoded speech 4 1 l V o ,l * o o d \ r ' o o " a c p d 2 ' - e ( . o ( o a - a L a [ - .
5 1 ICI{that)the doctorwassickthat davso he couldn'l home-made.3 ]v!yssterworksparttime 4 Theprojectwas
s e em e 2 l E l t od o a i l t h e e x e f c l soens p a g e 6 5o r t h e time.consuming.S Elrzabeth issinglehinded 6 twant a
Workbook, 3 [Hlgoihsto the cinemaon Fridayevenjng on€wayticketto HongKong 7 hada last hinutechangeof
4 [A] not to touchthoseplatesbecausetheywerevery hot mind I Thereba brandnewho5pitaLhere
5 lstealinsthe moiey/(that)he hadstolenthe money.
6 [B]whefemy passpodwas 7 [Gl jrlwhetherI was feelns Listening
aL sht- a ljllo havethespagheftiBolognese-9 [Dlto be ar rrre
5 a 1 B 2 C 3 c 4 A 5 A
anportiwo hou.sbeforeourdeparture ro [F](thaoshewoutdpay
ba.kthe loanwithinsix months b ! download 2 ln6vel 3 o. behalfof 4 pbporrion

haxd alnd hatdly c l o n b e h a l f o i 2 l o o k l i k e ! d o w n l o a d4 s o r t o f

6 r B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 B a A 9 C o B j unhvel 6 proportion

Vocabulaqr Lesson 9.3

7 ! look,to 2 cut,on 3looking,lo 4 put,with 3 Lurre, Reailing
with 6 get,with 7 made,for I catch,with la3
b i T 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 1 7 I a F
4 e 5 h 6 c 7 b a f
Unit I Crime
Grfinma,r: relative claus€s
l€sson 9.1 2 11A28 2 tB 2a 31A28 41A28
Vocabulary: law and insur€flce 3 1 ^4irahdasboylriend,who livesinAthens,rs adocror
la 1 .€+ii!-d <"1.en ed 2 ',iMdr.on 3 *nr€r€,ued 2 ThehouseL'hli;insin isove'" Luna,.ay"l'i j e,tr,,'
4 psrs fraud 5 s*d convicted 6 e,uarai+s app€al Conai DoyLe,who wasS.oftish,wasborn in 1359. "ra The
7 irssprem um 3 aPpeelsuarantee govemhent,wfrich wasele.tEdlasryear,hasintbduceda new
blof 2for lto 4for t a x 5 0 u r l o c a L h o s p i t a l , w hi si .vhe r y o l di,s a b o u t t ob e c l o s e d
down 6 Thes rlwe mei on holidays.oF ngro sraynextweekend
(pieLbg et n"r filn,
Reeding 7 w h i c _l \ a * v a ( " r a d , * d ) t a n r or
I T h eh o t e l w es t a y e dn L a 5 t s u m m e r haahde a t e d s w i n m ngpool
2a,7F2D jc
b t W h a t d o e s c r u i s e . o n t r o L d2o ?W h yd i d t h eM r G 6 z i n s k i
stepinto the ba.kofthe motorhome? 3 Wharinjuriesdid
hesufferfrcm? 4 Whydid KaraWaltoncLihblhroushthe
windowofrhe Ladies toilet? 5 Howmuchcompensation was
sheawarded? 6 HowLonghadretrenceDi.ksonScareeras a
bursLarlasted?7 Whywashe trappedin the garasefor€ight
d a v < : A W h o .d i dl ' F l i v Fo n w r L eL e w a \ t r a p p d d ' h d s d d s "
ltl. Unit 10 Memories
4a seltences 1 and 3: pausemarksarc.oiie.t b€.aus€we pause
at tlre begrnnrng and endoinon defnlns r€lativ€cLauses Lesson 10.1
S e n t e h c2e: t h ep a u s em a r k i sn o t c o n e c t b e c a uws e d o nt p a u s ea t Listening
the beginningofdefiningreLauve clauses
b I We foundour .ar ( ), wh ch had beentowedawaytwo hours
e a n d [ ) , a l t h e p o l i c e . d p o u n d 2 t w a s o u r . a r t h a tr r a db e e n b r Germany : qua[fied 3 Vienna 4 magnelism 5 Paris
6 arlstocfats 7 kins 3 enr€rtained 9 fo(ed ro 1315
towedaway. j ThepoLicetook the car ( l, whi.h hadbeenblocking
s o h e o n e ' s s a (t e) , t o t h ec a r p o u n d i n
L e n n a f d S t r e e4t T h j s i s c l A 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 B a C
l h e g a t et h a to u r . a rw a sb l o c k i nwg h e ni t w a 5t o q e da w :
Voca,bulaxy: belief and opinion
2ltlatof 2 s€€ ji5 4 €{}}rgler]e
Review and consolidation unit I coivln.ed 5 €+that 6 ei4 giv ns

Vocabulary Gra,mmar: re{lexive pronouns

1 3 1 8 2 C 9 A 4 c 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 A 1 0 B
4 l D a i r e nc u t h i h s e l f w h i lheew a ss a r d e n i n g 2 l m a d e t h e c a k E
h y s e L r 3 \ l e v e m a d ea l L t h ea f t n s e m e n r s e l v e s 4 M a n d y
andSylviasent text messages to eachother 5 l\ y .enrraLheatins_
5 L
lurnsitseLfonautomaucaLLy ifthe tenpehture drops 6 The
D 6G E 7C Bensonsoftei sendpa.kas€sto themselveswhen theyafeabroad
7 Drdyou paintthlsplct!fe yourseLn 3 lsabeLworks for herseLr
th o B B E
How to: ask about other people's views
L 5 I D oy o uh a v ea n ys t r o n s f e e L r nasbso u t p o l L u t i o n ?
2 l l o wd o y o uf e e L a b o u p to v e r t y ?3 A r e y o uf o r o r a g a i n st t r e
I I deathpenaLty?4 Whatareyourvlewson fad rood?
T c 5 W h a td oy . u t h r n ko l d i v o . c e ?

tr T Lesson 10.2
I G E T 5
b i F 2 F l T 4 F s I 6 F 7 F a F
o bak€d 2 optimisti. 3 pickup 4 .ash resGter
c 1 freshLy
E 5 sublly 6 oliadory orsans 7 evo.ailve I harness
D Vocabulary: advertisirg
2 1 sLosan 2 makes 3 dassiRedad 4 larset marker
Sequencing devices
2lleavrng 2seen 30n 4Aftef 5ran 6 bookins
7 Livins I Navrng 9 iinkhlns o learned 3 (malnstres underlined)
T h r F e5 v l l a b l e so. F i " . , .orer- ,qgo41.pdr d\'o
'llrlstl'night lcan't have F o u r v l l a b l e sq: - q : :,lp-" -o ,
" ' i orro,, poft
3lmusthave 2 mlsthave 3 musthave4 can'tlrave
5 mlghtlrave 6 mlghthave Grammar: gerunds and infinitives
4 1 s u g g e s l 2 j o i n i n s f w . t r n s 4 h e rt o g e t
5 i m a s i n e 6 s p e a k i n g7 h i s s a t o . o m e
4 t home-made 2 band new 3 one.way 4 part-time
5r 2 8 2 1 3 2 A j 1 B 2 A4 28
5 left handed 6 last minure 7 time.onsumins
3 slisle minded 9 middleaged rc so calLed
Lesson 1O.3
Rela,tive clauses Readtug
5 1 lMybfothe(who worksin Cadiff, is an opera 1 a 1 D 2 F 3 A 4 G 5 B ( n o r n e e dce, dE )
s i n g e r 2 J e n n yw, h o / w h o m l t o l d y o ua b o u t l a s t w e eiks,g e f rn g b 1 W h a l r sr e m o v eidr o m l o e l 'm s i n di n t h €f i L F ? 2 W n a i c o
nanied 3 / 4 ThechiLdren thavwho didnt Fassrh€ r€st rrad m e m o r y m a n a s € mdernut g sc a u s e ?3 H o wm a n yo r f t e s ed r u s s
, h l c hw € b o u g h t l a syte a f h, a sb e e n
t o t a k ei l a g a i n 5 0 u r c a r w l s l h e F D A c u i i e n ttLeys t i n g ?4 F o w d o e sD e ( e i B r o w np u ri d e a s
stoLenfron oursarase 6 TheRLmthatwas on TV Lastnightwas l n t op € o pe s m i n d s ? 5 F o w c a np e o p Lbee p e r s u a d et d o c a i r yo u i
absoLuleLy fascinating 7 / 8 [4V.olleasu€, who showed!s how l n s t r u c u o n s w i t h o u i q u e s u o6nW? h a t h a sr e s e a r .shh o w nu s ?
t o u s e t h e . o m F u t ehra, sb e e np r o h o t e dt o t h eL o s A i s e L eosi n c e ',
"nr i . o' p o d . 4 . " . "
6 z l t b e l o n g e d t o a n o l d L a d y w h o d i eI d W h e n w a s y o u n s 5 anazed 6 manipulation 7 orders 3 caryout
'!"od dd,,r o-
" " h " . " l o ^ " dn " r o p L / 9 p.opaganda r wh m
l n h e r g a f d e i 4 T h eg a f d e nw, h i c hw a sh u g e h, a dl o Go f L e m o n
trees 5 usedto pi.k the lemonsftom the treesthatgrew
there 6 lhe oLdLadyusedthe Lemons (thao had ptrkedto make

7 L l 2 7 3 1 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 F
Vocabulaxyr q)eaking Gerunds and hfiaitives
2 5 r o . o l " , r . , 2 t o . 1 o , " ! r g b . " t . n r . p p/ , s r o
5 E v"Ta6<
u 4 orntor,ou 5 ^o|qa,"do.o. b
rB (e,a.7 od .e reo.dn.. a o!d.ptu(. 9
9 daio..q
B L Vocabulary
61d 2a rl4s 5l 6c Gorneeded:b,e)
T E rf structures (2)
7 1 8 2 a 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 A B c 9 [ r B

7L o s T a l intelLisence
2 p:Ehotogkt3 subconkious
4 rhqir
R 5 responsibiriry6 definit4y 7 chans€bLe I nece*ary
9 generous 1o o(asionally

Gramllrar: ff structures (p)

3 a i . 2 r 3 d 4 a 5 s 6 e 7 h s b
b lmxed 2 zero 3rhnd 4 se.ond 5 mixed
4 1 f w e h a d nt s o n er o r h es a L e sw,e w o u t d n ,hra v eb o u g h t
an lndedibLycheapsafa, 2 CharL€swouLdn rhavelvers ept
' f h " L " d r1 b r e o r r o r
"r o l n i cd d r r o ! J | ' o Lq F
p L a n lws a t e rt,r r e v s r o w .4 f t g o t a p a y s e ,t w o u L d
b ea b L e t o
5Dor'l'" eqe"aor'". .erer|
F o w e r f a i L u r e6 P r o v i d eydo up a yb y o e d j rc a f dw, ewjtLsve
, o o q u o dt . p 7 Y o u , q I h a . d d p d f r u n t e \ 'Fnidq o o . -
o _o d i n . a ^ . o - g o . , o u 5 L o r

Review and consolidation unit lO

l l un.onscious
2d6javu3 rrust4 premonjrion
6 willpower 7 sub.onscious B persuasion

Reflexive pronous
2 1i+he6eLr 2 hiF5elf hrm 3 6ths other
4,/ 5 erE€l+ourseLves5 r!€s5€]!€ them
7 ,, 3 repairedtu repairedthebrokenchanmyseLf

3 1 r a m c o n v i n . etdh a t J i m mi ys g u i l t y o f r h e . r i m e .2 E m j Liys
In favouroflongerFrisonsenten.esforcrintiats. 3 reckonshe
o e P 4 l \ d o ^ d \ ) b e t e \ a d ro rp p o p t "
, 5 <o1" pol: :a- \t " n"^
tax 6 r'n scepticalabouthypnosis "r- "e"
4 '1,1 rs
rc L 5 5 D
5H E E 6
,c 0 M R c L
D E T 5 l G


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