2012 Ansi Z49.1

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ANSI 249.1:2012
An American Hatienal

Safety in Welding,
Cutting, and
Allied Processes

Only sections applicable to the

API 1169 examination are listed
within this VTES study

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4. Pretectien ef Persennel and the

General Area

411 Pretectien ef the General Arts

4.1.1 Equipment. Welding equipment, machines, E4.1.1 Fer example, lecatiens such as passageways,
cable, and ether apparatus shall be lecated se that it dees ladders, er stairways sheuld be kept clear.
net present a hazard te persennel. Geed heuselreeping
shall be maintained. Signs. Signs shall be pasted designating ELLE Additieul precautienary infermatien sheuld
welding areas, and indicating that eye pr'etectien and be pested when circumstances present additienal hazards.
ether applicable pretective devices shall be wern.
4.1.1 Pretective Screens. Werlters er ether persens Radiatien-pretective, semitransparent materials
adjacent te the welding areas shall be pretected Erem the are permissible. Screens sheuld permit circulatien ef air at
radiant energy and spatter ef welding and cutting by fleer level as well as abeve the screen. Refer te NFPA
neneembustible er flame-reustant screens er shields, er Tfll, Standard Metheris sf Fire Tests fer Heme
shall be required te wear eye and face pretectien, and Prepsgrsien Textiles and Films, fer inferntatien en
pretective clething. ignitien relstance criteria. Fer additienal infermatien en
radiatien pretectien, see 422. The intensity ef arc radiant
energy depends en may facters, including current,
veltage, and the materials empleyed Refer te 422. Reflectivity. Where arc welding is regularly E414 Finishes fernudated with pigments such as
carried eut, adjacent walls and ether surfaces shall have titanium dieside er sine eside have lew reflectivity te
lew reflectivity te ultravielet radiatien. ultravielet radiatien. IIIL‘eler pigments may be added if
they de net increase reflectivity. Lamp blacl: has been
recemmended as a paint additive in the past, but it
reduces visible light and is accerdingly less desirable in
view ef the need fer geed lighting as well as ultravielet
radiatien abserplien.
Pigments based en pewdered er flaked metals are net rec-
emmended because ef their high reflectivity efnltravielet
Welding curtains are anether means efreducing reflectiv-
ity. Fer further guidance, see Uttrnvintet Rqflerrnnre sf
Paint, published by and available frem the American
Welding Seciety.
41.1.5 Welding Beeths. Where eperatiens permit,
welding statiens shall be separated by nencembustible
screens er shields with characteristics as described in
+1.2 Eye and Face Pretectien. Eye and face pretectien
shall eemply with ANSIFISEA 2.311, flrrnpnlienst
and Ednrnrisnsi Persenni Eye and Face Pmtectien

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4111 Type Selecticn

4111.1 Arc Welding and Arc Cutting with Dpen E12.1.1 Welding hehnets with filter lenses are
Arcs. Helmets cr hand shields with filter lenses and ccver intended tc prctect users Ercm arc rays and Ercm weld
lenses shall be used by cperatcrs and nearby perscnnel sparlrs and spatter which impinge directly against the
when viewing the arc. hehnet. Tc prctectthe user frcm intpact hazards whenthe
welding helmet may be raised during use, spectacles with
Fmtective .spectacles with side shields, arc gcggles, cr
lateral prctecticn cr gcggles shculd else be wcrn.
cther apprcved eye prctecticn shall alsc be wcrn.
The spectacles cr gcggles may have either clear cr fil-
tered lenses, depending upcn the amcunt cf espnsure tc
adjacent welding cr cutting radiaticn {see Table l}.
IClthers intlte immediate welding area shculd wear similar
eye prctecticn Welding helmets will act prctect against
the severe impact ct" fragmenting grinding wheels, abra-
sive discs, cr errplcsive devices.

4111.2 flayfuel Gas Welding and Cutting and E12.1.2 It is reccnunended that such eye
Submerged Arc Welding. Welding gcggles, cr welding prctecticn cffer lateral {side} ccverage. {See Table 1.}
helmet cr welding faceshield cver spectacles cr gcggles
shall be wcrn during all cayt'uel gas welding and cutting,
and submerged arc welding cperaticns.
4111.3 Resistance Welding and Brazing.
flperatcrs cf resistance welding cr brazing equipment
and their helpers shall wear welding gcggles, cr welding
helmet cr welding faceshield cver spectacles cr gcggles
fcr eye and face prctecticn.
4111.4 Large Area Viewing. Fcr large area
viewing, such as training, derncnstraticns, shcws, and
certain autcmatic welding cperaticns, a large filter
windcw cr curtain shall be permitted tc be used in lieu cf
eye and face prctecticn. The radiaticn transmissicn cf
windcw cr curtain material shall be equivalent tc that in
ANSII'TSEA 332.1 t'cr shade number apprcpriate tc the
welding cr cutting cperaticn.
Additicnally, suitable arrangements shall he prcvided tc
prevent direct viewing cf the arc withcut filter prctecticn
and tc prctect viewers frcm sparks and chipped slag.
41.2.2 Requirements fcr Eye and Face Prcterticn
4112.1 Filter Lenses. ter lenses shall be in E1111 See latest editicn cf AWE F22. Filter
acccrdance with ANSII'TSEA 332.1, and the shade shall lenses shculd be free frcm any flaws which may distract,
be selected in acccrdance with AWE 1312, Lens Hillside blcclr, cr ctherwise impair visicn.
Srircrcr, cr Table l.
Perscns with special eye canditilll shculd ccnsult their
physician fcr specific infcrmaticn cn prctective equipment.

12.12 Material Prcperties. Helmet and hand E1112 Welding hehnets, hand shields, and
shield bcdies shall be made cf material that is thermally gcggles ccmplying with ANSII'ISEA 332.] are limited in
and electrically insulating, ncnccmbustible cr self- ccmbustibility.
eatinguisbing, and cpaque tc visible, ultraviclet, and
infrared radiaticn, and shall ccmply with the requirements
cf ANSII'ISEA 332.1, flrruprrl‘icnal and Edurnl‘icnal
Prrscnnl Eye andFarr Pmrrrl'icn Devirss.

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Ta DIE 1
Gulrle tar Shade Numbers
{from aws Fri-snilmimta Lens Shade Sela-ever]
Shade numb-era are- given as a guide hunlyr and may be varied tu- auit individual needs.

Minimum Suggestedl
Elle-strode Sire Are Current Preteenve Shade He.
Freeesa in (mm) (Amperes) Shade [Cami-art)

Shielded Metal Less than 31'31 [2.4) Less than El] '7 —
Are Welding {mew} SHE—SHE (2.4—4.0) fill—161] S ll]
51'? 2—1f4 {4.0—6.4} lE-[I—lfifl ll] 12
More than U4 [IE-.4) 150—551] 11 14
Gas Metal Are Welding Less than I51] '7 —
{GLM'WJ and Flu: Cured Are fill—1E1] ll] 11
Welding [FCAWJ 160—151] IE! 12
ES III—SUI] ll] 14

Gas Tungsten Are Welding Less. than 50 3 1D

{GTAWJ fill—151] S 12
15 fl—Sflfl ll] 14

Air Carla-an Are {Light} Less than SIII ll] 12

C utling [EEC-A} [Heavy] SUD—1000 11 14

Plasma Are Welding {Fr-’1“? Less than II] IS IS ta 3

Ell—1 III S 11]
HID—401] ll] 12
MEI—SUI] 11 14

Plasma Are Cutting {PAC} Less. than 2|] 4 4

Ell—40 5 5
440—61] IS IS
Ell—SI] 3 S
Ell—3 III S 9
SUD—4110 '3 12
MEI—SUI] ll] 14

Tereh Erasing {TE} — — 3 cur-4

Tereh Seldering [TS] — — 1

Carla-en Are Welding [Cr-1W] — — 14

Plate Thielmesa Suggestedl

Shade. Na.
in mm [Cami-art]

Dnyfuel Gas Welding (CIFWJ

Light Under 11'3- Under 3 4 erfi
Medium US te 1L1 Ste-13 5 er I5
Heavy five: 11": Deer 13 I5 er 3-
Ditygen Cutting [CHZJ
Light Under 1 Under 35 3 cur-4
Medium 1 to IE- 15 to 151] 4 erfi
Heavy Clver E'- Cl'ver 150 5 er I5

Ilsa. a rule et' thutnh- start with a shade Ihat is tee dad: to see the weld zone. Thea ge- te a Jighter shade whieh gives suflieieat view efthe weld sane
witheut going he]-:--.I.l Ihe mirlinrura.1aer_|.-fue]gas Iseeming.eutting. er hraziag where the bireh aadi'er the flu: preduees ahigh yell-aw light- it is desir-
able to use a filter lens that ahseurhs Ihe yells-w er sediuln iine ef Ihe visihie light spectrum

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412.2.3 Arl- of Protection. 1'Illti'hen there is a £12.23 Some low current processes, such as with
possibility of hazardous exposure, helmets and hand micro Plasma Arcs, may not present a hazardous
shields shall protect the face, forehead, neck, and ea's to radiation exposure, but may have a .spatter exposure.
a vertical line in back of the eas, from direct radiant Therefore, operators should he provided with safety
energy from the arc, and from direct weld spatter. glasses even if there is no radiation hazard.
412.2.41 Effect of Materials on Skin. Materials in
contact with the body shall not readily irritate or discolor
the slrin.
412 .25 Coggle 1|Ir'entilation. Goggles shall he
verued to deter fogging of the lenses in accordance with
412.2.t'i Ctnter Cover Lenses. Cluter lenses shall he
provided to protect the filter lens or fiher lens in goggles,
helmets, or hand shields from welding spatter, pitting, or
scratching. Ctuter cover lenses shall he of clear glass or
self-extinguishing plastic, hm need not he impact resistant.
4'12 .23? Inner Lenses or Plates. When the “lift
front" type of welders' fishnet is used, there shall he a
fitted impact resistant safety lens or plate on the inside of
the frame nearest to the eyes to protect the welder against
flying particles when the front is lifted.
412.23 Marking. filter lenses shall bear some
permanent distinctive marking by which the manufacturer
may he readily identified. In addition, all filter lenses shall
he marlred with their shade number and in accordance
withthe requirements ofANSI ESL] .
412 .23 Radiation Tran smittance Properties. All
filter lenses shall meet the “Ultraviolet, Luminous and
Infrared Transmittance" requirements of ANSI EETJ.
412.2.1D Maintenance. Helmets, handshields, and E4.2.2.ltl For methods of cleaning, refer to the
goggles shall he well maiJuained, and should not he mamrfacturer's instructions.
transferred from one employee to another without being
413 Protective Clothing. Clothing shall he selected to E13 Heavier materials such as woolen clothing or heavy
minimise the potential for ignition, turning, trapping hot cotton are preferable to ligluer materials because they are
sparks, or electric shoclc. more difficult to ignite. Cotton clothing, if used for
protection, should he chemically treated to reduce its
comhustihility. Clothing treated with flame resistant
materials may lose some of its protective characteristics
after repeated washing or cleaning. Materials which can
melt and cause severe burns should not he used as
clothing when welding or cutting.
Sparks may lodge in rolled-up sleeves, pockets of clothing,
or cuffs of overflls or trousers. It is therefore recommended
eliminated from the front ofclclling.Whenpoclcets arepre-
sent,they shcmldhe emptied offlanunahleorreadily com-
hustihle materials. Trousers oroveralls should not hat-e cuffs
and shcmld not he turned up on the outsirh. Trousers should
overlap shoe tops to prevent spatter from getting into shoes.

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Frayed clothing is particularly susceptible to ignition and

burning and should not be worn when welding or cutting.
Refer to 113 and ”.4.
4.3.1 Selection. Clothing sltall provide sufficient £4.11 Appropriate protective clothing for any
coverage, and be made of suitable materials, to minimise welding and cutting operation will vary with the size,
slrin burns caused by sparlrs, spatter, or radiation. nature, and location of the work to be performed
Clothing should be lrept clean, as oi] and grease can
reduce its protective qualities.
41.3.2 Cloves. All welders and cutters shall wear Gloves made of leather, rubber, or other
protective flame-resistant gloves. Al] gloves shall be in suitable materials are recommended. Insulating linings
good repair, dry, and capable of providing protection should be used to protect areas exposed to high radiant
from electric shoclr by the welding equipment. energy. See E] [2.1.
41.3.41 Leggings. For heavy work, flame-relstant ELSA In production worlr, a sheet metal screen in
leggings or other equivalent means shall be used to give front of the worlrer's legs can provide further protection
added protection to the legs, when necessary. against sparks and molten metal in cutting operations.
41.3.5 Capes and Sleeves. Cape sleeves or shoulder
covers with bibs made of leather or otlter fiame-reustant
material shall be worn during overhead welding, cutting,
or other operations, when necessary.
4.3.6- Ctther Protective Clothing Properly fitted
flame-resistant plugs in the ear canals, or equivalent
protection, shall be used where hazards to the ear canals
Caps made from flame resistant material shall be worn
under helroets, when necessary. to prevent head burns.
dd Noise Control. Noise shall be controlled at the source Edsl. In welding, cutting, and allied operations, noise
when feasible. Winn control methods fail to bring noise results from the process and from the equipment. Processes
exposure within allowable limits, personal protective that may produce high noise levels are air carbon arc
devices such as ear muffs or ear plugs shall be used ctrtting and gouging, and plasma arc cutting and gouging,
plus some oxyfuel processes and equipment, and support
Equipment which sometintes have a high noise level are
engine driven generators. IEither equipment and processes,
such as chipping and grinding, may prcduce hazardous
ncise exposure, depending on .specific circtunstances.
41.5 Respiratory Protective Equipment. When controls E45 See 5.] for a discussion of allowable levels. For
such as ventilation fail to reduce air contaminants to guidance on use of respirators in confined spaces, refer to
allowable levels or when the implementation of such Clause T, Confined Spaces, of this standard
controls are not feasible, respiratory protective equipment
shall be used to protect personnel from hazardous
concentrations of airborne coruaminants.
41.5.1 flnly approved respiratory protective equipment Eat-5.1 Approvals of respiratory equipment are issued
shall be used by the National Institute for tcupational Safety and
Health {I‘JICSH} or the Mine Safety and Health
Administration {MSI-IA}. Whenever the use of respirators is required, a £4.52 Federal regulations for respirator use dictate
program to establish the proper selection and use of that respirators not be passed from one employee to
respirators shall be implemented another without being sanitized per DSHA 19 CPR,
Section l'iIDJS-ft, Respiratory Pratrrtian Standard

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415.3 Cempressed air fer air supplied respiraters er

ether hreathing equipment shall at least meet the Grade D
requirements ef the Illl'entpressed Gas Asseciatien
ANSFCGA (3-11, Cemmediry Spreifirntienfer Air.
M5 Training. Perseus espesed te welding hazards shall ELIE FErsens include waters and tlteir immediate
he trained in the use ef_. and understand tlte reasens fer, supervisers. See apprepriate ANSI standards en
pretective clething and equipment. pretective clething and equipment.

5. 1loi'entilatien

5.1 General. Adequate ventilatien shall he previded fer 13.5.1 The facters fer determining adequate ventilatien
all welding, cutting. brazing, and related eperatiens. include the fellewing:
Adequate ventilatien shall he eneugh ventilatien such that {l} VelInne and cenfiguratien ef the space in which
persennel esp-ensures te hazardeus cencentratiens ef eperatiens eccur {see Clause T, Cenfined Spaces}
airherne centaminants are maintained helew the allewahle {1} Number and type ef eperatiens generating centa-
limits specified by the autherity having jurisdictien. minants
{3} IEencentratiens ef specific tesic er flammable
Respiratery pretective equipment as specified inalfi shall
centantinants being generated {see 52}
he used when adequate ventilatien is net practical.
{4} Natural air flew {rate and general atmespheric
cenditiens where wed: is being dene}
{5} Lecatien ef the welder's and ether persen's
breathing series in relatien te the centaminants er seurces
In cases where the values fer allewahleerrpean'e limits vary
arnnng recegniaed autherities, the lnwer values sheuld he
used te effect the maninnrm persennel pretectien.
classified simply. The cempesitien and quantity ef fumes
and gases are dependent upen the metal heing werlred.
the precess and censumahles being used. ceatings en the
wnrl: such as paint, galvanizing, er plating, centaminants
in the atmnsphere such as halegenated hydrecarhen
vap-ers frem cleaning and degreasing activities, as well as
the facters itemized in this sectien fer adequate ventila-
tien. A geed practice te reduce the generaticn ef fumes
and gases frnm paints and primers is te grind er sand the
surface te bare metal prier tn welding. Nete hewes-er that
the methnd ef remeval may generate particulates that
require well-rer pr'etectien.
In welding and cutting, the cempeltien ef the fumes is
usually different fremthe cempesitien ef the electrede er
Reaseuahly expected fume prcducts ef nermal nperaticn
include these eriginating frnm censumahles, base metals
and ceating. and the atrnuspheric centaminants neted.
Reasenahly expected gaseeus prcducts include carhen
menerride, carhen dieside, fluerides, nitregen enides,
and esene.
The reeemmended way te determine adequate ventilatien
is te sample fer the cempesitien and quantity ef fumes
and gases te which persennel are esp-used {see 5.1}.

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The I[Il'ccupnational Safety and Health Adninistration

{DSHA}or others ntay be the authority.r having jurisdiction.
Although not an authorityr having jurisdiction, many of
these exposure limits are adopted from the publications
of the American Conference of Govermnental Industrial
Hygienists {ACGH-I}. Refer tn ELLE, Protective
Screens, and Clause T, Confined Spaces.

5.2 Era-till ng Eone Sampling. Where concentrations of

airborne fumecontaminarrtsaretobedeterminedhy
sampling of the atmosphere, sampling shall he in
accordance with AWE Fl.l,. Method for Satryoifisg
Airbomr Pmicuinrrs Generated by Weldmg nndAiiird
Prorrsscs. When a helntet is urrtrn, the samples shall be
collectedinside the helntet inthe welder's breathing zone.
5.3 Avoid the Fume. Welders and cutters shall take 13.5.3 Avoiding the hint. can be done by positioning ofthe
precautions to avoid breathing the ftune directly. work, the head. or by ventilation which captures or directs
the ftune away from the face. Tests have shown that fume
control is more effective when the air flow is directed
acrosstllsface ofthewelder,ratherthanfromhehind.
Most of the fume appears as a clearly visible plums which
rises directly from the spot of welding or cutting.
End Types of Ventilation. If natural ventilation is net ESJ-l Natural ventilation is acceptable for welding,
sufficient to maintain contaminants below the allowable cutting, and related processes lre the necessary
limits referenced in 5.], mechanical ventilation or precautions aretalzen to lreepthewelder's breathing zone
respirators shall be provided away from the fumes and where sampling of the
atmosphere shows that concentration of contaminants are
below the allowable limits referenced in 5.].
Mechanical ventilation includes local exhaust, local
forced air, and general area mechanical air movement.
Local exhaust ventilation is preferred.
Local exhaust ventilation means fixed or moveable
exhaust hoods placed as near as practicable to the work
and able to maintain a capture velocity sufficient to keep
airborne contaminants below the allowable limits refer-
enced in 5.]. Local forced ventilation means a local air
moving system {such as a fan} placed so that it moves the
air horizontally across the welder's face. General
mechanical ventilation may be necessary in addition to
local forced ventilation.
Examples of general mechanical ventilation are roof
exhaust fans, wall exhaust fans, and similar large area air
General mechanical ventilation is not usually as satisfac-
tory for health hazard control as low] mechanical ventila-
tion It is often helpful, however, when used in addition to
local ventilation

Ventilation should not produce more than approximately

lflfl feet per te {(1.5 meters per second} air velocity at
the worl: {welding or cutting} zone. This is to prevent dis-
turbance of the arc or flame. It should he recognized that

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approximately [ill] feet per minute {11.5 meters per sec-

ond} air velocity is a reconunended ntaxinnmt value for
quality control purposes in welding and cutting. It is not
intended to imply adequacy in coruaminant control for
worker health protection.
5.4.1 Recirculathn. Precautions sltall be taken to
ensure tltat excessive levels of contaminants are not
dispersed to other wor]: areas. When air is recirculated,
the buildup of tlte contaminants beyond allowable limits
referred to in 5.1 shall be prevented. Manufactruer's
precautions pertaining to consumables and processes
sltallbe observed.
5.£l.2 Air Cleaners. Air cleaners shall he used only if E5412 Air cleaners are devices which circulate
it has been determined by atmospheric sampling that tltey contaminated air through filters and return the filtered air
maintain tlte level of hazardous contaminants below the to the ambient enviromnent.
allowable limits referred to in 5.] .
The devices reduce the amount of air exhausted to the
outdoors and reduce make-up air requirements. Most fil-
ters do nrrt remove gases. Therefore, adequate monitoring
must be done to assure concentrations of harmful gases
remain below allowable limits.
5.5 Special 'v'entilation Concerns
5.5.1 Lovrr Allowable-Limit Materials. Whenever tlte E5.5.1 Certain materials, sometimes contained in the
frrllowing materials are identified as ether titan trace consumables, base metals, coatings, or atmospheres of
constituents in welding, brazing, or cutting operations, and welding or cutting operations, have very low allowable
unless breathing zone sampling under the most adverse limits.
conditions has established that the level of hazardous
Refer to material safety data sheets provided by the man-
constituents isbelowthe allowablelimits of 5.], the special
ufacturer to identify any of the materials listed here.
ventilation precautions givenin 5.5.1.] and 55.1.2 shallbe
taken: Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium Cadmium,
Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Mflflgflflflfifls Mercury,
Nickel, Ctsone, Selenium, Silver, vanadium. Confined Spaces. WVEI' materials
exceed the allowable limits referred to in 5.5.1 in
confined space operations, lose] exltaust mechanical
ventilation and, when required, respiratory protection
shall be used {see also Clause '1'}. Adjacent Persons. All persons in the
intmediate vicinity of welding or cutting operations
involving the materials listed in 5.5.] shall be similarly
5.5.2 Fluorine Compounds. In confined spaces, £5.52 Fumes and gases from fluorine compormds can
when welding or cutting operations involve fluxes, be dangerous to health and can hum eyes and skin on
coatings, or other materials that contain fluorine contact. See 9.15 for labeling of brazing and gas welding
compounds, local exhaust mechanical ventilation or fluxes containing fluorides.
respiratory protection shall he provided
In open spaces, when welding or cutting involves materi-
als containing fluorine compounds, the need for local
exhaust ventilation or respiratory protection will depend
upon the individual circumstances. However, experience
has shown that web protection is desirable for fixed loca-
tion production welding and for all prediction welding

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on stainless steels. Such protectionis not necessary when

air samples taken in breathing zones indicate that the flu-
orides liberated are below allowable liruits.
5.5J Einc or Copper. Welding or cutting operations Fumes comaining zinc or copper oompounds
involving crusstunables, base metals, or coatings may produce symptoms of nausea, dizziness, or fever,
containing zinc or flipper shall be done as described in sometimes called F‘nletal fume fever."
5.5.2 for fluorine compounds.
5.5.4 Cleaning Compounds. When ulng cleaning
compounds prior to welding, manufacturers' instructions
shall be followed. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. Degreasing or E5.5.4.1 A reaction product having a characteristic
cleaning operations involving chlorinated hydrocarbons objectionable. irritating odor, and including highly toxic
shall be so located that vapors from these operations will phosgene gas is produced when such vapors enter the
not reach or be drawn into the atmosphere surrounding atmosphere of arc welding operations. Low levels of
mohen weld metal or the are. exposure can produce feeling of nausea, dizziness, and
malaise. Heavy exposures may produce serious health
In addition, these materials shall be Irept out of atmos-
pheres penetrated by the ultraviolet radiation of arc
welding operations.
5.5.5 Arc and Gas Cutting. Claygen cutting using E5.5.5 Use of water tables. water curtains, underwater
either a chemical flur. or iron powder, gas-shielded arc cutting, ventilation or combination of these will depend
cutting. or plasma cutting shafl be done using local upon the individual circumstances. Experience has
mechanical ventilation or other means adequate to shown that such protection is desirable for fixed location
remove the forms generated. production welding and for all production welding on
stainless steels. Such protection is not necessary when air
samples talren in breathing zones indicate that the
materials liberated are below allowable limits.
5.5.ti Brazing Furnaces. In all cases, adequate Where complete combustion takes place in or
mechanical ventilation shall be provided to remove all at the furnace during the heating cycle. the ventilation
explosive or toxic gases which nray emanate from requirement may diminish.
furnace purging and brazing operations.
5.5.‘7:r Asbestos. Where welding or cutting is to be E.5.5.'TIr Protection of the employees in the area may
done on surfaces that are covered by asbestos insulation. require training. respiratory protection. wetting down the
the regulations of the authority having jurisdiction shall asbestos. and use of .special protective clothing in addition
be consulted before beginning the worlr. to special ventilation See also OSHA. asbestos standards.

ti. Fire Prevention and Protection Eti. Fire Prevention

For more information on the following precautions, as well
as on the fire protection and prevention responsibilities of
welders, supervisors {including outside oontractors}, and
management. see NFPA 5113, Standard for Fire
Prnrendon During Welding, Cutting, and flthrr Hot Work.
6.1 Areas Containing Comhustibles Eli.1 Welding and cutting should preferably be done in
specially designated areas which have been designed and
constructed to minimise fire risk. Good housekeeping
should be maintained.
6.1.1 Conditions for Cutting or Welding. No
welding or cutting shall be done unless the atmosphere is
nonflammable and unless combustibles are moved away
or protected from fire hazards.

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6.1.2 1Work t't'Iovable. Where practical, the work

shall be moved to a designated safe location.
6.13 Fire Hazards Movable. Where it is not
practical to move the work, all movable nearby fire
hazards shall be relocated to a safe location

6.1.4 1Work and Fire Hazards Immovable. Where

the work and fire hazards are not movable, safeguards
shall be used to protect the immovable fire hazards and
neadJy personnel from the heat, sparks, and slag. Combustible Floors. ltL‘omqstible floors
shall be clean md protected by wetting with water or
covering with damp sand, sheet metal, or the equivalent.
Ptovisions shall be taken to protect personnel from electric
shock when floors are wet. Exception: Wood floors laid
directly on concrete shall not be required to be wetted.
6.1.d.2 Illilearbutlr Dpenings. All cracks or openings
in the floor shall be covered or closed or precautions shall
be taken to protect flammable or combustible materials
on the floor below from sparks which might drop through
the openings. The same precautions shall be observed
with regard to cracks or openings in walls, open
doorways, or open or broken windows.
6.2 Fire Protection

6.2.1 Extinguishers and Sprinklers Sufficient fire extinguishing equipment
shall be ready for use where welding and cutting work is
being done. Permissible fire extinguishing equipment
shall be pails of water, buckets of sand, hose, or portable
extinguishers, depending upon the nature and quantity of
combustible material exposed. Where sprinkler system protection exists, it
shall remain operable during the welding or cutting.
Automatic sprinkler heads in the immediate vicinity of
the welding shall be permitted to be temporarily shielded
with noncombustible sheet material or damp cloth guards
where they could be activated by the heat of the welding
6.2.2 Fire Watchers. Fire watchers shall be qualified E6.2.2 FIJ'E'. watchers 3e persons assigned to work
individuals, knowledgeable about fire reporting procedures, with welders, to watch for fires resulting from welding,
and emergency rescue ptrmedures, who are assigned duties cutting, and brazing operations. When welding or cutting
todeteetandprevent spreadoffires. Fuewatchersshall be at elevated positions, care should be taken to protect
postedwhereweldingorcuttingis dons andwhere alarge against falling sparks and spatter. Accunmlations of dust
fire might develop, or wherever any of the following may be ignited by sparks or spatter, and carry a fire to
conditions exist: other locations.
{I} Profimiryrgt' Combustibirs. Combustible materials
Fire watchers normally would watch for fires in areas not
inbuilding oonstructionorcantentsarecloserthana
readily observed by the welder, such as on oppolte sides
radius of 35 feet {1113' meters} to the point of operation.
of walls, levels below, or hidden areas, or to observe in an
{2} flprnings. There are wall or floor openings within
area after the welder has lefl.
aradius of 35 feet (til? meters} which expose combustible

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ANSI 2491:3312 1ii'is'rt: www.11IEElce-rtifisdenm

material in adjacent areas, including ceneealed spaces in Precesses such as air carben are cutting and plasma are
walls, ceilings er fibers. cutting can cause sparlrs tn travel in exeess bf 35 feet
{3} Metal Walls and Pipes. Cembustible materials {[117 meters}.
adjacent te the eppesite side ef metal partitiens, walls,
In Canada, the reeernrnended distance is fifl feet
eeilings, er reefs, er in eentaet with pipes, and are likely
te be ignited by eenrhtctien er radiatierL
{4} Ship Werir. Ship werlr perfermed en eppesite Ides
ef tanl: shells, decks, everheads, and bulkheads, where
direct penetratien ef sparks er heat transfer in welding
may intreduce a fire hazard te an adjacent eempartment.
6.2.3 Additienal Fire Watchers. Where it is
necessary te ebserve areas that are hidden frem the view
ef a single fire watcher {ether side ef partitiens, walls,
ceilings, ete.} additinnal fire watchers shall he pested.
6.2.41 Fire Watch Duties. Fire watchers shall be £6.14 The duratien ef fire watch shnuld be extended
trained in the use ef fire extinguishing equipnuint. They IInitil the hazard ef fire ne lenger exists. Be alert,
shall be familiar with facilities fer seunding an alarm in cembustibles such as weed rhrst can IIIlder fer extended
the event ef a fire, and shall remain cruside ef any perieds ef tirne {days}. See NFPA Fire Pmtrrrien
eenfined space te be in eemnntnieatien with these Hmldbeel; Efltheditien, clause 9, page 5.
They shall watch fer fires in all exp-used areas, try tn
extinguish them nnly when ebvinusly within the capacity
ef the equipment available, er ntherwise seund the alarm.
A fire watch shall be maintained fer at least ene-half heur
after cempletien ef welding er cutting nperatiens tn
detect and extinguish pessible Illldering fires. Fire
watchers shall be permitted te have additinnal duties,
hewever, these additienal duties shall net distract them
frem their fire watcher respensibilities.
6.3 Het-Wed: Antherizafien. Befere welding er E62: Het werlris any werkinvelving burning, welding. er
cutting is begun in a lecatien net designed fer such sirnilfl eperatiens capable ef initiating fires er explesiens.
purpeses, inspectinn and autherixatien by a designated Autherisltien is usually in the ferm ef a written permit.
management representative shall be required. See NFPA SIB fer an example ef ahet-werlr permiL
6.4 Welding er Cutting Centainers. Welding er E64 All eentainers shnuld be eensidered unsafe fer
cutting werlr shall net be started until the centainer has welding er cutting unless they have been rendered safe,
been prepared fer het werlz. Werlrers shall he fully er declared safe by a qualified persen. When welding er
familiar with AWE F4.l, Sqfr Prsrl'ices fiar l‘flrE' cutting eentainers, there is the pesIbility ef explesiens,
Pmpnmtien eff Cement”: and Piping fiar Welding and fires, and the release eftexic vapers er fumes. Centainers
Cutting, prier tn the eemmeneement ef hnt werl:. include jacketed vessels, tanl:s, dunns, eevered parts er
ether equivalent Ituatiens. Seemingly empty enrrtainers
might have materials hidden in cracks and crevices,
which will release hazardeus fumes when heated by
welding er cutting. Ey-preducts ef cerresien can resrlt in
explesive atmespberes ihydregen} in a eerrtainer. Even a
water tanlr shnuld be eensidered hasardeus IIntless a
qualified persen has declared it safe te weld er cut.
Infermatien en preparing eentainers that have held has-
ardeus stbstanees can alse be feund in NFPA 326,
Standard fer the Safeguarding ef Tanks and Centainers
fer Entry, Cleaning, er Repair, and several API decu-
ments. See Annexes B and C fer details.

Page 12ef'lfi GEJ'EIIIED'lB

1u"is'rt: waver-.1 1 EBee-rtifiedcom ANSI 249.1 :2512

5. Public Exhibitions and E5. Refer to NFPA SIB. Local codes

Demonstrations and regulations may require
additional measures.

5.1 Application. All requirements of the standard sltall E5.l This section contains safety precautions specific to
apply to public exhibitions and demonstrations, except welding and cutting perferrned at [Jamie demonstrations
when superseded by this section. and exhibits. displays, and trade shows {referred to
hereinafter as the site} to ensure the protection of viewers,
demonstrators, and the public.
5.2 Supervision. Installation and operation of welding.
cutting. and related equipment shall be done by. or under
the supervision of, a qualified person
5.3 Site
5.3.1 Site Design. The site shall be constructed,
equipped. and operated so as to minimize the possibility
of injury to viewers at the site.
5.3.2 Site Location. Materials and equipment on the
site shall be located so as not to interfere with evacuation
of people during an emergency.

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ANSI 2451:2512 1iii-sit: www.1155eertifiedcom

54 Fire Protection E54 See also clause 5, FIIE Preveruion and Protection.
5.5.1 Extinguishers. 5ites shall he provided with
portable fire extinguishers of appropriate size and type.
5.5.2 Comhustihlea. Combustible. materials at tlte
site shall be shielded from flames, sparlzs, and molten
5.5.3 Fire Department. The fire department sltall be
notified in advance of such use of the site.

5.5 Protection of the Public E5.5 See also clause 5, FIIE Preveruion and Protection.

5.5.1 Flames, Flying Sparks, and Molten Metal.

The public shall he shielded Eront flames, flying sparks,
and molten metal.
5.5.2 Radiation. The public shall be shielded from
harmful ultraviolet, infrared, and other electromagnetic
radiation. Shielding shall protect direct viewers and
adjacent passershy.
5.5.3 Fumes and Cases. The public shall be
protected from inhalation of hazardous concentrations of
fumes and gases.
5.5.4 Electrical Shock. The public shall he protected
from contact with live electrical parts.
5.5 Cylinders E5.5 See also [5.5 and [5.9.
5.5.1 Capacity. Cylinders shall not he charged in
excess of one-half their ntaxinumt permissible capacity
by weight or pressure. Cylinders of non liquefied gases
and acetylere shall he charged to not more than one-half
their maximrnn permissible charged pressure in psig
{IrPa}. Cylinders of liquefied gases shall be charged to not
more than one-half the maximum capacity in pounds

5.5.2 Storage. Unconnected cylinders, stored at the

site, shall be limited to approximately one day's
consumption of each gas used. Clther cylinders shall be
stored in an approved storage area, preferably outdoors
but not near a tnn'lding exit.
5.5.3 Truclrs. 1'Iili'hen transported, cylinders weighing
more than dflpounds { l5 kilograms}, shall he carried on a
hand or motorised truck.
5.5.41 Cylinder 1Valves. Cylinder valves shall be £5.55 Cylinder valves sho he closed and capped
closed when equipmeru is unattended. when equipment is IIntattended for anextended time, such
as for several days. See 5.5.5.
5.5.5 Valve Caps. 1'Iili'here cylinders are designed to be
equipped with valve protection caps, the caps shall be in
place except when the cylinders are in service or
connected ready for service.
5.5.5 Protection. Cylinders shall be located or
secured so that they cannot be knocked over.

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1aris'rt: www.11IEElIce-rtifiad-mm AHS|E4Q.1:BD1E

Ii? Process Hoses, Cables, and Conduits E117 Sea alsn lilfi.
3.7.1 Physical Damage. Hus-as, cables, and canduits
shall ha lacaIad and pmtactad an that thus}.r will nut be
I:n11;l.rsic:allj,.r damaged.
5.7.2 Tripping. Hasas, cablash and canduits shall be
lncatad and Wanted ta minimize tripping hazard.

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Annex A (lnfcrmatiue)
American Welding Scciety Safety and
Health Standards List
This annex is net part cf ANSI 3.4-9.1:2012; Safety in Welding, Earring,
andflflfcd Prcccssrsl. but is included fer infcrmaticnal purpcses cnly.

All] Standard Welding Terms and Definiticns

CTJWCII Reccmmended Practices fer Electrcn Beam Welding

F1.1 Memcd fer Sampling Airbcrne Particulates Generated by Welding and Allied Princesses

F12 Lahcratcrjr METl'ltIl fcr Measuring Fume Generaticn Rates and Tctal Fume Emissicn cf Welding and
Allied Prceesses

F13 Evaluating CURIBJIfil’lBIltE- in the Welding Envircnment: A Sampling Strategyr Guide

FLS Metlrcds fer Sampling and Analyaing Gases frcm Welding and Allied Princesses

FLE Guide fer Estimating Welding Emissicns fcr EPA and "Ventilaticn Permit Reperting

F22 Lens Shade Selectcr

F23 Specificaticn fer Use and Perfcrmsnce cf Transparent Welding Curtains and Screens

F12 Ventilaticn Guide fer Weld Fume

ELI Safe Practices fer the Preparaticn cf IEcntainers and Piping fer Welding and Cutting

Fage'1Eicf'1fi DSJ'S‘IIED'IS

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