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Online Plagiarism Checker using Data Mining

Plagiarism is defined as to take or theft some work and present it has one’s own work.
This grammar and plagiarism checker system is used to analyze the plagiarism data. Plagiarism
affects the education quality of the students and thereby reduce the economic status of the
country. Plagiarism is done by paraphrased works and the similarities between keywords and
verbatim overlaps, change of sentences from one form to other form, which could be identified
using WordNet etc. This plagiarism detector measures the similar text that matches and detects
plagiarism. Internet has changed the student’s life and also has changed their learning style. It
allows the students to get deeper in the approach towards learning and making their task easier.
Many methods are employed in detecting plagiarism. Usually plagiarism detection is done using
text mining method. In this plagiarism checker software, user can register with their basic
registration details and create a valid login id and password. By using login id and password,
students can login into their personal accounts. After that students can upload assignment file,
which will further divide into content and reference link. This web application will process the
content, visit each reference link, and scan the content of that webpage to match the original
content. Also, students can view the history of their previous documents. Students can also check
the grammar mistakes on the content.

❖ Modules:
The system comprises of 3 major modules with their sub-modules as follows:


• Login: Faculty can login using credentials.

• Add Topics: Faculty can add topics

• View Assignment: Faculty can view the student’s assignments

• Change Password: Faculty can change the password


• Login: Students can login using credentials

• Upload Assignment: Student can upload their assignments.

• View Previous Uploads: Student can view previous uploaded assignments.

• Change Password: Students can change their passwords.

Project Lifecycle:

The waterfall Model is a linear sequential flow. In which progress is seen as flowing
steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of software implementation. This
means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete.
The waterfall approach does not define the process to go back to the previous phase to handle
changes in requirement. The waterfall approach is the earliest approach that was used for
software development.

❖ Hardware Requirement:
➢ i3 Processor Based Computer or higher
➢ Memory: 1 GB
➢ Hard Drive: 50 GB
➢ Monitor
➢ Internet Connection

❖ Software Requirement:
➢ Windows 7 or higher
➢ Visual Studio
➢ SQL Server
➢ Google Chrome Browser

❖ Advantages

• The system designed to detect similarity among text documents calculates

content similarity among specified documents.
• Checking for code also, that is structure-oriented detection.
• Implements WordNet, this will detect synonyms as well.
• Applying efficient string-matching algorithm, which will further reduce the time
and increase the efficiency.
• This system is simple and easy to access.
• System will give accurate results based on the content provided.
• This system will generate results in very less time.

❖ Limitation

• Active internet connection required.

• If user uploads an incorrect document, then the result won’t be accurate.

❖ Application

• This system can be used by the multiple peoples to get the counselling sessions
2. Automated College Timetable Generator

Most colleges have a number of different courses and each course has a number of
subjects. Now there are limited faculties, each faculty teaching more than one subjects. So now
the time table needed to schedule the faculty at provided time slots in such a way that their
timings do not overlap and the time table schedule makes best use of all faculty subject demands.
We use a genetic algorithm for this purpose. In our Timetable Generation algorithm we propose
to utilize a timetable object. This object comprises of Classroom objects and the timetable for
every them likewise a fitness score for the timetable. Fitness score relates to the quantity of
crashes the timetable has regarding alternate calendars for different classes. Classroom object
comprises of week objects. Week objects comprise of Days, Days comprises of Timeslots.
Timeslot has an address in which a subject, student gathering going to the address and educator
showing the subject is related. Also, further on discussing the imperatives, We have utilized
composite configuration design, which make it well extendable to include or uproot as numerous
obligations. In every obligation class the condition as determined in our inquiry is now checked
between two timetable objects. On the off chance that condition is fulfilled i.e. there is a crash is
available then the score is augmented by one.

Modules & Description

There are 5 Modules in this project as follows:

1. Course Details
2. Department Details
3. Staff Details
4. Time Table Allocation Details
5. Subject Details

1. Course:
▪ In this module both the entry and view of the course details can be done. If the
entry should be done, then the details will be checked. After that the details will
be added in the database and a message will be displayed to confirm the entry.
2. Department:
▪ If the Department details entered then the Id of the corresponding Department
must be entered, then the entered Id will be checked against the database. If the
match is found, then the Department details of the Corresponding Department
will be shown in that module, Else an error message will be displayed.
3. Staff Detail:
▪ In this module both the entry and view of the staff Details can be done. If the
entry should be done, then the details must be entered and checked for duplicate.
Then the details will be added in the database and a message will be displayed to
confirm the entry.
4. Time Table Allocation:
▪ In the Time Table Allocation Details the staff, subject of the Corresponding staff
will be entered, then the entered staff Name will be checked against the database.
If the match is found, then the Time Table Allocation details of the corresponding
staff will be generated and stored in database, Else an error message will be
5. Subject Details:
▪ The subject details master includes subject name, id and the staff handling the
subject will be entered and stored in database. In time table generation the details
will be retrieved and used as per the requirement.

Software Requirements:

• Windows 7
• WAMP Server
• Notepad++
• My SQL 5.6

Hardware Components:

• Processor – Dual Core

• Hard Disk – 50 GB
• Memory – 1GB RAM

• Faculty did not need to worry for time clashes.

• Authority now does not need to perform permutation and combination
• Authority can concentrate on other things rather than wasting their time on preparing


• User has to format it a bit after it is prepared.


• This system can be used by Schools and Colleges to create Time-Table

3. Android based Mobile Attendance System

The mobile attendance system has been built to eliminate the time and effort wasted in taking
attendances in schools and colleges. It also greatly reduces the amount of paper resources
needed in attendance data management. The system is divided into following modules:

This android app runs on android phones. It’s built to be used for school/college faculty so that
they may take student attendance on their phones.

Student Attendance List Creation: Once this App is installed on a phone, it allows user to create
a student attendance sheet consisting of name, roll number, date, Absent/Present mark and

Attendance Marking: The faculty has the list on his phone now. He may see the list call roll
numbers and select absent id the student is absent or select present if student is present.

Attendance Storage: This data is now stored in the faculty mobile phone. Faculty may also view
it anytime on their phone.

Attendance sheet transfer: The faculty can transfer the file to a server (normal computer) via a
Bluetooth connection where this data can be stored and maintained by the school or college.

Front End: Android Sdk

Backend: Android Phone Memory

Software Requirements:

• Windows Xp, Windows 7(ultimate, enterprise)

• Android Development Toolkit(ADT)

Hardware Components:

• Processor – i3
• Hard Disk – 5 GB
• Memory – 1GB RAM
• Android device
• The system eliminates the use of paperwork needed for attendance marking and
• The file can be transferred from mobile to computer or server via Bluetooth.
• This gives the overall performance of class in attendance.
• There is no need for laptop or computer in every class to run the system as the system is
run on mobile so no need of extra efforts and resources.
• The app is easy to install and use.


• The system can be run on android platform only. Though most of the mobiles now are
android version and available in reasonable rate so it won't be a big issue.


• The system can be used in schools, college or coaching classes.

• Also it has wide scope in future where there is attendance to be taken. This app is best
to use.
4. Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography

The proposed model is liable to meet the required security needs of data center of cloud.
Blowfish used for the encryption of file slices takes minimum time and has maximum throughput
for encryption and decryption from other symmetric algorithms. The idea of splitting and merging
adds on to meet the principle of data security. The hybrid approach when deployed in cloud
environment makes the remote server more secure and thus, helps the cloud providers to fetch
more trust of their users. For data security and privacy protection issues, the fundamental
challenge of separation of sensitive data and access control is fulfilled. Cryptography technique
translates original data into unreadable form. Cryptography technique is divided into symmetric
key cryptography and public key cryptography. This technique uses keys for translate data into
unreadable form. So only authorized person can access data from cloud server. Cipher text data
is visible for all people.

❖ Software Requirements:

• Windows 7 or above
• SQL Server 2008
• Visual Studio 2010

❖ Hardware Components:
• Processor – Core i3
• Hard Disk – 160 GB
• Memory – 2GB
• Internet Connection

❖ Advantages:

• The stored image file is completely secured, as the file is being encrypted not by just
using one but three encryption algorithm which are AES, DES and RC6.
• The key is also safe as it embeds the key in image using LSB.
• The system is very secure and robust in nature.
• Data is kept secured on cloud server which avoids unauthorized access.

❖ Disadvantages:
• Requires an active internet connection to connect with cloud server.

❖ Application:

Data security is a major priority. This system can be implemented into banking
and corporate sectors to securely transfer confidential data.
5. Personality Prediction System Through CV Analysis

This will enable a more effective way to short list submitted candidate CVs from a large
number of applicants providing a consistent and fair CV ranking policy, which can be legally
justified. System will rank the experience and key skills required for particular job position. Than
system will rank the CV’s based on the experience and other key skills which are required for
particular job profile. This system will help the HR department to easily shortlist the candidate
based on the CV ranking policy. This system will focus not only in qualification and in experience
but also focuses on other important aspects, which are required for particular job position. This
system will help the human resource department to select right candidate for particular job
profile, which in turn provide expert workforce for the organization.

Candidate here will register him/herself with all its details and will upload their own CV
into the system, which will be further used by the system to shortlist their CV. Candidate can also
give an online test, which will be conducted on personality questions as well as aptitude
questions. After completing the online test, candidate can view their own test results in graphical
representation with marks.


• This system will automatically determine the key skill characteristic by defining each
expert's preferences and ranking decisions.
• The presented system automates the processes of requirements specification and
applicant's ranking.
• The proposed system produces ranking decisions that were relatively highly consistent
with those of the human experts.
• This system will enable a more effective way to short list submitted candidate CVs from
a large number of applicants providing a consistent and fair CV ranking policy.

Neuro Fuzzy Logic Explanation

• We use neural network

• System will assign weight age for each requirement
• Resume will be shortlisted based on overall weight age

Example: -

Weight=0.75 Java

Input Output

Requirement Weight = 0.80

C++ Resume>=2.05


The system comprises of 2 major modules with their sub-modules as follows:

o Login: Admin need to login with its valid credentials to access the below
o Add Personality Questions: Here, admin can add all the personality related
o Add Aptitude Questions: Admin can add aptitude questions of three subject as
English, math’s and programming with its respective four options.
o Add Job Details: Admin or any authorized person can add the requirement or job
details on behalf of company. System allows admin to job details such as
position, experience, salary, etc.
o Preferred CV’s: Admin will add some CV’s which are preferable and will be used
to shortlist the scanned CV’s.
o Scan CV: Admin can scan CV’s received from candidates which will undergo the
process of shortlisting the CV’s. Based on the company requirement, the
candidate who have submitted their CV to admin or any authorized person, will
be uploaded by the admin into the system.
o Shortlisted CV’s: Here, all the shortlisted CV’s of candidates will be displayed.
The shortlisting of CV’s is performed by system itself.
o View Candidates: Can view all the registered candidates with its details.

o View Result: Can view the results of individual candidate, which can be easy to
admin or concern person to select a desired candidate.
o Candidate:
o Registration: To access the below given modules, candidate must fill up
registration form and create login credentials in order to get the access to the
system. While registration process, candidate need to upload their CV.
o Login: Candidate need to enter valid credentials to access the below given
o Give Test: After successful login, candidate can now proceed with online test
based on personality and aptitude.
o View Results: Once the test is completed by the candidate, the results will be
displayed in a graphical representation.

Software Requirements:

• Windows 7 or higher.
• SQL 2008
• Visual studio 2010

Hardware Components:

• Processor – i3
• Hard Disk – 5 GB
• Memory – 1GB RAM
• Internet Connection

• This system can be used in many business sectors that may require expert candidate.
• This system will reduce workload of the human resource department.
• This system will help the human resource department to select right candidate for
particular job profile, which in turn provide expert workforce for the organization.
• Admin or the concern person can easily shortlist a candidate based on their online test
marks and can select an appropriate candidate for desired job profile.


• This system requires large memory space as it stores data related to CV’s.
• Requires an active internet connection.
• May provide inaccurate results if data not entered properly.


• This system can be used in many organizations in order to shortlist expert candidate.

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