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Collaborative Project

Group 1102:

Nicole Lugo Rincón

Paula Andrea Medina Florido

Julian Andres Doncel Ariza

Deivid Alexander Amado Amortegui
Paula Alejandra Escamilla Mora
Hana Pinilla Manrique
Julián Murillo Merchán
Laura Sofía Sosa Páez
Juan David Ardila Diaz
Santiago Peréz Dueñas
Álvaro Nicolás Zajec
Interests, Skills, Qualities:

Types of vocational (John Holland Theory)

Personal Questions:
1. What interests, skills and qualities do you have? (Using the information in table)
2. Additional information about your interests, personal qualities and skills.
3. What type of vocational we are or we fit most?

Juan Ardila:
1. -Interests:Socializing, surfing the net, other: reading and cooking
-Skills: Science, math, ICT, other: programming, literature
-Personal qualities: plan ahead, help people around you, Meet deadlines, Have original ideas
Other: Use reason and logic to solve problems
2. My interest are the things like science or math, that kind of things where even if you have
different ways, the answer is always the same, I don't like things like philosophy,
communication when you have a lot of answers depending on your way to defend it, I really
prefer the science, math, chemistry, physics, and others. I think I'm well using reason to
analyzing a situation to find the answer.
3. In my case I'm investigative, conventional, and a little realistic, cause science, using
reason, logic, analyzing things, is the field where I'm good, on the other hand, I'm so bad at
talking in public, I feel scared all the time, that's why I couldn't be an enterprising or social,
and I don't have very good motor skills, so I can't be artistic

Nicole Lugo:
1.-Interests: art, other: read, hang out with my friends
-Skills: communication, creative work, sports, crafts, other: languages
-Personal Qualities: work well in a group, plan ahead, help people around you, have original
ideas, meet deadlines, listen to people with different views
2.My greatest personal qualities are that I am brave, I have great adaptability to change, for
that reason I would like to travel around the world and know all kinds of culture.
For that, I have a great ability for languages and it helps me to express myself and be
empathetic with other people. Debate is one of my fortes, to know and have the ability to
defend everyday and controversial topics.
3.I have a good communicative activity, I like to know and analyze people, build models of
arguments to persuade, debate controversial issues, have public relations to have contacts is
my forte for that reason I would be social.However I consider that I am very versatile and I
can be enterprising, since I like to help people in a certain way, such as, to know and become
part of their culture and appearance, to study the phenomena of the problems and to give
integral solutions.
Finally, I consider that I like to know the cultures and their people, so that I can improve my
communicative and adaptability skills. I can be analytical and observant and at the same time
versatile and nomadic, but I definitely don't like rules.

Paula Medina:
1. Interests: Art, sports, socializing, surfing the net, watching series.
Skills: Math, communication, creative work, crafts.
Personal Qualities: work well in a group, help people around me, have original ideas, listen
to people with different views, meet deadlines.
2. If I am honest I am interested in many things, like science, crafts, the world of cinema,
painting, sports, music, dance and reading. I guess I really enjoy learning about the world,
regardless of categories.
3. I consider that my manual and creative abilities are quite good, so I think that design is my
vocation. I also work well in a group and when it comes to leading I am organized, friendly
and responsible.

Deivid Amado:
● Interests: Surfing the net, pets, sports, arts and cooking.
● Skills: ICT, science, math, creative works and sports.
● Personal qualities: Help people around you, have original ideas, meet deadlines.
2. My interests are very varied like, I love skating, I'm very good at math, one of the things
that fills me it’s the drawing and technical drawing. I'm very good at math but I don't like it
very much.
3. I really think that I fit really well in the artistic type of profession, but I don't think that I
will do a bad job in the investigative or social type of work.

Paula Escamilla:
1. My interests are socializing, surfing the net, I enjoy watching movies or series a lot, algo
watching soccer. I don't have a lot of skills, but probably communication, crafts or hand work
would be my strongest ones. In terms of personal qualities, I would say help people around
me, listen to people with different views and work under pressure.
2. I am really bad at thinking about what I am good at, but I think that my creativity and my
ability to do things the simplest possible helps me. I am interested in literature, cinema and
3. I think the vocacional theory I fit the most would be something creative but not exclusively
artistic, I definitely don't like maths or anything to do with it, and that excludes a lot.

Julián Murillo:
1.My current interests are academic and in regards to college in the near future. I consider
myself to have skills with communication, I express myself very well in a very sensible way,
I also like arts such as painting and cinema, I am also going to the gym and I feel very
comfortable with this.
2. My interests are related to the humanities, such as anthropology and philosophical studies,
and I am quite fond of the human and intellectual aspect of people.
3. I consider that without good critical thinking and reading skills, which I am very
passionate about and enjoy very much.

Hana Pinilla :
1. + Interest: Art, pets, socializing and surfing the net. Other: Singing, reading, music,
putting puzzles together, series and lettering.
+Skills: ICT, science, math, communication and crafts. Other: Programming and
+Personal qualities: Plan ahead, help people around me, meet deadlines and listen to
people with different views.
2. My interests vary between the science and art world, I like crafting, writing and
reading, as a hobby. On the other hand I enjoy programming and physics, as work. I
don't like any sport activities related to running and cardio in general, and the worst
subject for me is statistics, I really hate everything related to it.

3. I’m half realistic and investigative, because before making any decision I think about
all possible paths, consequences and rewards to take some of them, but, on the other
hand, I love work with tools and machines, technology is my friend and I consider
that I take advantage of it a lot to make real my choices

Julian Doncel:
1. Interests, Skills, Qualities:
● Interests: Sports, Music, To travel, Outdoor activities, surfing the net and Pets.
● Skills: Math, creative work, sports and ICT.
● Personal qualities: Listen to people with different points of views, Help people around
me, and work well in a group.
2. Personally I'm considered good at music and sports, but I think that I will be good at
reading criticism.
3. Types of vocational (John Holland theory): Personally, I think I have a good way of
convincing others, and trying to incline them in favor of my personal interests. I like to lead
and I consider myself good at that. and to look for alternatives when there are problems. I
think I'm bad when it comes to science. I'm considered a tinker.

Sofía Sosa:
1. -Interests: art, pets, surfing the net. Other: Reading, music
-Skills: ICT, science, creative work
-Personal qualities: help people around you, have original ideas, meet deadlines, listen to
people with different views
2. I like writing, listening to music and walking outside, and I'm good at solving logic
problems and learning new things.
3. Investigative, because I give priority to logical thinking and enjoy science more than other

Santiago Perez:
● Interest: arts, sports, socializing.
● Skills: science, sports, craft, creative work
● Personal qualities: plan ahead, meet deadlines.
2. My favourite art is cinema, and my favourite sport is boxing. I'm especially good at
problems that involve logic. I also like to know other people's perspectives.
3. Investigative (thinker): one of my favourite thinks about everything is research and apply
concepts because knowledge is power working

Alvaro Zajec:
● Interest: Arts, Reading, Others (Reading, music, making crafts, working at the
workshop, learning new things from experiences)
● Skills: Science, Math, Creative work, Sports, Crafts and Other: Workshop
● Personal Qualities: Plan Ahead, Help people around, Have original ideas,
Listen to people with different views ando Other: Work better alone
One of my favorite activities right now is reading, mostly in my freetime I read until
get bored, basically before this School i don't liked to read, also I understand better
with cult people, I like basketball a lot, I´m good at science and math but I admit that
I'm lazy and one of my skills are making people do what I want.

3. Investigative and Enterprising (Thinker and persuader): Because I always want to go

ahead with the information and with that, having some knowledge to make some cash
or control the situation.

Conclusions about the Results:

1. Do we share the same interests/skills and personal qualities with a partner?
2. Personal conclusion about the results
3. Comment and argument of the reason of the conclusion

Juan Ardila:
1. I share interests with Sofia, Hana, Deivid and Julian Doncel, some interests like surfing the
net, or reading. I share some skills like math, and science with them . In my opinion I have
some common things with Hana and Sofia about the abilities for science, or to be
2. Most types of vocational, are between investigative and artistic people.
3. Even if the group has so many different people, we can see that almost all partners choose
investigative and realistic, or artistic, in some way we have similar interests.

Paula Medina:
1.Most of my classmates are interested in surfing the internet, with others I share reading,
art, and series.
2. Sometimes we have more similarities with our classmates than we think
3. Because sometimes we don’t give ourselves the opportunity to meet those around us.

Deivid Amado:
1. I shared interests with various of my partners but the person whom I shared the most
things in common it's Julián Doncel.
2. In conclusion I think that it's possible to end working on the things that I really love.
3 I end with this conclusion. I think that that's correct.

Paula Escamilla:
1. I think that I do, because I don't have rare interests. Most of us like to surf the internet
so we share that ando also read.
2. We usually don't care for the things that our classmates like.
3. Because I was surprised by most of the things my classmates liked.

Hana Pinilla :
1. Since I am interested in all the listed ones, I share them with my classmates, and as
for "others interest", skills and personal qualities I agree with David and Sofia.
2. Stepping out of my comfort zone to expand my horizons as of interests and abilities
allows me to appreciate and share them with others
3. I concluded the aforementioned, because seeing that despite certain differences I can
adjust to various environments due to the number of topics of interest and skills
developed by them

Sofia Sosa:
1, Yes, I share interests with several of my partners, specially art and reading
2, We all have a combination of interests, skills and qualities that make us unique, but we also
share some of those and can use our strengths to work better in a group.
3, I wrote it because I think it's important to know everyone's skills when working together, so
we can achieve better results.

Julián Murillo:
1. I agree with the majority of colleagues, especially academically, otherwise no mkch.
2. Because most of us by age are at a similar age, also belonging to the same society
and city.
3. Because our results are speaking for themselves

Julian Doncel:
1. Yes, I share interests with some of my classmates, especially sports and pets.
2. In conclusion, I can say that the vast majority of my partners (Including myself) have
interests in other types of beings such as pets, and in special or ludic activities such as sports
or listening to music.
3. I choose that conclusion since I can see that my partners have very similar interests,
mentioned above. Alaso thit this I can know my partners better and have more clarity about
their interests.

Santiago Perez:
1. I share interests with almost all my partners, especially art and sports.
2. Because of our age and context we all share the same interests. accordingly to this wy also
share a few skills.
3. because all look to be especially good at math and is curious that in class they often don't
know what to do, so, i think the school aspect make us think we’re good at something we
really aren't

Alvaro Zajec:
1. I share a point with almost all my partners and that is Arts.
2. I think that some of the skills may be because they are a trend worldwide and that maybe
are why we all do things like arts and crafts.
3. It seems to be interesting that we all share at some point a signature or skill, more or less
someone that is better at a particular skill but in the same way that makes us what we are

Grupal Questions:
4.Build a chart about the results (Table, graphic, etc)

# People Interests

4 Art

3 Sports

2 Pets

5 Socializing

6 Surfing the internet

7 Other

# People Skills


6 science

6 math

5 communication

7 creative work

6 sports

7 crafts

5 others
# People Personal Qualities

4 Work well in a group

5 Plan ahead

9 Help people around

6 Have original ideas

6 Meet deadlines

6 Listen to people with different views

10 Other

5. Write an analysis about how many students represent each category

The most common interest is surfing the internet, and the least are the pets, sometimes our
interests are defined by the standpoint of the school. Also the skills are tied because all of us
have been educated the same way. About the types of vocational we can see that the most
types of vocational chosen in the group are the artistic and the investigative with 3 and 3
people each one, next, the realistic, social and enterprising with 2 people each one, and just
one person chose the conventional type.

6. Answer the next questions

a. Are any of the categories absent?
In the last chart, referring to personal qualities, we all adjust our way to being
according to any of those categories, so, no one is identified as "other". As for the
rest, at least 2 people identify themselves or possess some of the interests, skills or
personal qualities of those charts
b. Is there a category that has disproportionate results?
Only two of them, first of all the interest in "pets" had two mentions. On the other
hand, the personal quality "work well in group" is the one that has the least results,
with this we see a tendency towards individualism, however it is not that it doesn't
have representatives with 4 people
c. If you were to start a new town, how would you organize things considering your
different vocations?
We’d have mostly professions involving art, science, math or informatics, since most
of the groups are either investigative or artistic. There also would be positions for
those who have other vocational personalities, like the socials, which would help
make sure everyone’s job is suitable and that everyone is comfortable.

7. In what ways are our interests, personal qualities, and skills similar to most of the other
members of the group?

Mainly in terms of academics, but also family, sports, arts and crafts.
We can say, according to the graphic of the types of vocational, that as group, we are similar
in the investigative and the artistic, the group is almost in two sides, the first is the part that
includes science, math, thinking, reason, logic, and other things like that, and the other side is
the artistic side, we don’t have so much people interested about be a leader or boss. Besides,
hardly ever we can see a member of the group choosing a conventional way, we aren’t
interested in a profession which involves organization.

8. Do you think all people can fit into only one of these categories? Why or why not?

No, because every human being is very complex, it's impossible that one person has only one
kind of skill and interests because we all grew up in different contexts that give us different
abilities beyond being good at solving problems or manipulating people. if we look closer
we’ll find each one has two or three different skills that help them in their day by day. for
example, a kid whose parents have different interests and teach them to the kid will grow
with two different skills besides his natural ones.

9. What have we learned about ourselves by doing this project?

A/ We have learned that every person has their own interests and skills, and there are groups
of people that share very similar qualities, which means they have similar personalities. Some
enjoy certain things more than others, have special talents and have strengths that are useful
when working in a group. According to their vocational personality, they can be realistic,
artistic, enterprising, investigative, social, conventional or a combination of the above.

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