Consumers' Attitudes To Frozen Meat: Irlni Tzimitra - Kalogianni

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he last years Gr~ece had a hi?h IAbstract

T meat consumption per capita
among the countries of E.U.
Greeks usually prefer fresh meat and
This work aims at identifying consumers' attitudes towards frozen meat in the region
of Thessaloniki, Greece.
The published data on the theory of the consumers' attitudes are used beside the quali-
not frozen. This research was undertak-
en to investigate people preferences tative research to formulate hypotheses and to structure the questionnaire. The quanti-
tative research shows that people mostly prefer local instead of imported meat and
and attitudes towards frozen meat. fresh rather than frozen meat for different reasons. Moreover, socio-economic charac-
Moreover, opinions about local or teristics of consumers' sample, particularly, were found significantly related to some
imported meat are included, because consumers' attitudes.
Greece imports huge quantities of fresh
and frozen meat respectively. Con- I Resume
sumer is the last link in the Marketing
Chain. So, his preferences and attitudes Ce travail vise a identifier les attitudes des consommateurs vis-a-vis de la viande con-
affect on the quantity and the quality of getee dans la region de Thessaloniki, Grece.
consumed meat. Also the socioeco- On utilise des donnees publiees sur la theorie des attitudes des consommateurs ainsi
nomic characteristics of the consumers que la recherche qualitative pour formuler des hypotheses et rediger un questionnaire.
La recherche quantitative montre que les gens preferent la viande locale plut6t que la
influence the consumption of frozen viande importee et la viande fraiche plut6t que la viande congetee pour differentes
meat.The primary research was con- raisons. Les caracMristiques socio-economiques de l'echantillon de consommateurs se
ducted in two phases, first the qualita- sont averees particulierement significatives pour certaines attitudes des consomma-
tive research and secondly the quanti- teurs.
tative research.

Food Marketing is very interesting
about consumer attitudes. Attitudes are
the most significant concept in con-
sumer behaviour "Generally a con-
sumer's attitude can be thought of as
his or her basic orientation for or
against various alternative products,
services, retail outlets, and the like".
(Block, Roering, 1979). In Marketing
research the specialists need to know
that people "think" in general, and
what are their attitudes toward new or
old products, brand names, prices, pro-
motion campaigns, sales etc. These atti-
tudes are strong or weak, changeable
or stable and what the consumers like
or dislike (Bliss, 1970). Attitudes are
produced from a combination of con-
sumer cultural and group constraints
with individuals own personality and
need recognition. The motivational
forces of human beings are very com-
plicated and they are a mixture of ratio-
nal forces which are for example,
dependability, economy, gain or profit
convenience and comfort, and emo- In general, attitude is the reaction to appear as learned inclinations to
tional forces such as social approval, some person, object or situation with a respond to an object or class of objects
pride, status, affection and fear Qacobs, positive or negative manner (Mag- in a conSistently favourable or
1972). nissalis, 1981). Attitude can be defined unfavourable way (Allport, in Cohen,
as the prejudice with which people 1981). Attitudes are used in marketing
react to a person, group, object, institu- surveys to predict the future behaviour
(*) Department of Agricultural Economics - Aris- tion or idea (Zeugaridis, 1970). Accord- of people to new products or different
tote lian University of Thessalo niki , Greece. ing to psychological literature, attitudes promotional campaigns. As a result,

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public opinion, like beliefs or attitudes, designed following a detailed study of square test of independence (Freund
play an important role in the develop- the relevant literature. It was used five 1984; Kempson, 1987).
ment of policy, f.i . the legislation of scales attitudes according to the
consumer protection. Method of Likert (Crimp, 1985; Ch is- The sample
Some scientists argue that attitudes con- nail, 1986). The five scales were scored
tain three basic components, cognitive, 4,5,3,2,1 from favourable statements to The interviewed people live in the
affective and conative (Krech, et al. unfavourable statements. region of Thessaloniki. Most of them
1962). The cognitive component refers live in Urban areas (80%). In the Munic-
to the way in which consumers per- Questionnaire hypothesis ipality of Thessaloniki live about fitty
ceive different information about prod- per cent of the people. In Semi-Urban
ucts, advertisements, services or a retail The questionnaire hypotheses were areas live an 10% and the same number
outlet. They believe that these two based on the results of the qualitative of people live in rural areas.
components (cognitive and affective) research. So, people tend to prefer From the interviewed people, 81 per
are highly correlated and moreover that Greek fresh meat, liver, poultry and cent were female, 72 per cent were 26-
beliefs and feelings of consumers for a fish, rather than imported fresh or 45 yearsold, about 7 per cent under 25
product etc., are usually constant. The frozen meat; poultry and meat from years old and the rest people were
cognitive, or "behavioural" component young animals, selfish, and meat from aged over 46 years old. Most of the
consists of the consumer's intention for free pasture animals in general. More- consumers were married (81%). About
acting or expected behaviour (Block, over a set of statements on the ques- the household composition, the com-
Roering, 1979). tionnaire referred to frozen meat. The mon is two children in the Greek
As mentioned above, there is a rela- discussion groups provided many dif- household. Furthermore, over 10 per
tionship between attitudes and behav- ferent statements about this, with cent of families included more than
iour. Even if both attitude and behav- regard to health and its characteristics. two adults. Even in today's society,
iour are found to have changed, it does We expected age to influence con- there are old people, usually parents,
not mean that a change in behaviour sumer attitudes to frozen meat in gen- who live with their married children.
was caused by a change in attitude eral. The education level plays an important
(Hughes, 1973). role in consumer behaviour. A 18 per
About food consumptio.n, it is very The methodology and analysis cent of the sample have a little educa-
important to know, "which food prefer- of the quantitative research tion, only to primary school level, and
ence patterns are established, main- a 44 per cent have gone up to the end
tained and changed" (Shaffer, 1963); The simple size was estimated or strat- of secondary education. The rest of the
also which psychological parameters ified according to population of every consumers (38%) have done further
differentiate food, sub-categories of area (Crimp, 1985; Freund, 1984). The than secondary school.
food and as meat, fruit, vegetables etc., number of the questionnaires collected The occupation of the head of the
differentiate types of food such as was 220 (Chisnall, 1986) and it was a house-hold is characterised as white
fresh, canned, frozen, differentiate random sample. collar, blue collar and dependents. So,
brands and so on. Moreover, whether The analysis of the questionnaires was 65 per cent of the heads of household
these psychological parameters are undertaken on the NUMAC computer are white collar workers, about 28 per
constant, or vary with age, sex, income, faCility at the University of Newcastle cent blue collar workers and the rest
social influences ete. (Bayton, 1963). upon Tyne. The SPSSX was the statisti- are dependents.
cal package. Sample frequencies and
The qualitative research percentages were calculated for all the Consumers' feelings about
data. The attitudes were also analysed Greek and imported meat,
The qualitative research was undertak- by the mean score. fresh or frozen
en in summer 1987. The total number In addition, demographic characteris-
of the consumer groups was eight. The tics of the consumers were cross-tabu- Consumers feelings in the region of
area of the research was the Greater of lated with different attitudes in order to Thessaloniki are represented by the
Thessaloniki and two villages around it. test the hypothesis, using the Chri- mean scores (table 1), where Greek
The consumers differed in age, educa-
tion, occupation and residence. Table 1 People's feelings about Greek and imported meat, poultry and fish, fresh or frozen
The findings of the qualitative research by the average scores.
was very important. It was found that
Average Score
Greek people usually prefer fresh local Kind of meat
meat and not frozen . This sample of Greek Imported
poultry, fish
consumers did not like frozen meat, for Fresh Frozen Fresh Frozen
different reasons as smell, freshness,
Veal 4.45 (1) 2.35 (3) 2.61 (2) 2.04 (4)
tasteless etc., and some for no reason.
There are some people, usually from Liver (veal) 4.20 (1) 2.17 (3) 2.33 (2) 1.84 (4)
villages, who buy frozen New Zealand Pork 4.24 (1) 2.29 (3) 2.52 (2) 2.01 (4)
lamb or frozen fish, because they can Kid 4.33 (1) 2.37 (3) 2.57 (2) 1.99 (4)
not find fresh fish. (Lioupis, 1990). Lamb 4.24 (1) 2.33 (3) 2.62 (2) 2.04 (4)
Rabbit 3.51 (1) 2.21 (3) 2.31 (2) 1.97 (4)
The quantitative research
Chicken 4.35 (1) 2.58 (3) 2.73 (2) 2.22 (4)
The quantitative research was done in Turkey 3.51 (1) 2.21 (3) 2.51 (2) 2.03 (4)
the Thessaloniki region in 1988, using a Fish 4.60 (1) 2.76 (3) 2.87 (2) 2.34 (4)
questionnaire which was based mainly
Note: Number in brackets is the rank of the meat kinds scores
on the qualitative research and

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frozen meat, people do not agree that frozen meat. Regarding "frozen meat is
these are as good as those of fresh not tasty as fresh meat", as the age of
meat. They believe that frozen meat is the people rises, the positive agree-
too old, is not tasty, is not as fresh, ments go up as well, The statement
does not smell pleasant, etc., (table 3). "frozen meat is harmful" is not believed
by a large number of people. As the
Relation between the age of doubtful people goes up, the
characteristics of consumers percentages of their answers drop.
and attitudes to frozen meat Most of the people say that "frozen
meat does not look nice". This is main-
Table 4 shows that there is relation ly believed by people who are older.
between the age of the interviewed Younger people stay more doubtful on
consymers and some attitudes towards this question.

Table 2 People's statements on frozen meat relevant to health by the rank

of the average scores.
Statement Average Score

People do not trust frozen meat because they are afraid of the condition of its preservation 3.94
People do not prefer frozen meat because they are biased 3.66
People do not prefer frozen meat without knowing the reasons 3.48
Frozen meat is not good for health 2.98
Frozen meat is fat 2.78
Frozen meat is harmful 2.77
Frozen meat is as good a source of vitamins and minerals as the same kind of fresh meat 2.62
Frozen meat is an nourishing as the same kind of fresh meat 2.52
Doctors recommend more frozen meat rather than less fresh meat for growing children 2.23

Table 3 People's statements on frozen meat relevant to its characteristics,

by the rank of the average scores.
fresh meat, poultry and fish have high-
er than average scores. Consumers Statement Average Score
don't like imported meat fresh or
frozen. Moreover, dislike frozen meat People believe that frozen meat is kept for a long time 3.91
even if it was Greek. The scores in Frozen meat is not as tasty as fresh meat 3.85
these two last cases are at very low lev- Most frozen meat is imported 3.75
els (A score of below 3 implies that the Frozen meat does not look nice 3.52
sample on balance do not like the
Frozen uncooked meat does not smell pleasant 3.45
product). In this way our hypothesis
that Greek people mostly prefer Greek Frozen meat is not as tender as fresh meat 3.34
meat poultry and fhish was completely The quality of frozen meat is not so good 3.24
confirmed. First class frozen meat costs almost as much as fresh meat 3.12
People prefer packed frozen meat 3.01
Consumers' attitudes to frozen Frozen meat is good value for money 2.93
meat People prefer frozen cuts straight from the frozen carcass 2.88
The qualitative research implied that People prefer ready cuts of thawed frozen meat 2.76
people do not react positively towards Frozen meat is as juicy as fresh meat 2.67
frozen meat in Greece, for various Cooked frozen mince is not any different from cooked fresh mince 2.64
health reasons or for its characteristics.
The flavour of frozen meat is as good as fresh meat 2.42
Ranking the statements referring to
frozen meat we can see the following:
In Greece, consumers do not prefer Table 4 List of correlates of consumer's socio-economic characteristics
frozen meat because they are afraid of and their statements towards frozen meat.
the way in which it is preserved,
because it does not have vitamins and Socio-economi ccharacteristic
Statement Significance
of the consumers
minerals, it is not nourishing, and it is
not recommended by doctors for grow- Age "Frozen meat is not as tasty as fresh meat" 0.0196
ing children. Some other people avoid "Frozen meat is harmful" 0.0004
frozen meat consumption, mainly
because they are biased against it. "Frozen meat does not look nice" 0.0037
However, people on balance disagree "Frozen uncooked meat does not smell pleasant" 0.0269
that frozen meat is not good for health, "People believe that frozen meat is kept for a long time" 0.0104
is fat and harmful (table 2). "Frozen meat is as nourishing as the same kind of fresh meat" 0.0442
According to the characteristics of

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smells unpleasant". About one third of That frozen meat is not as tasty as fresh sumers Behaviour, Concepts and Applications.
youngsters disagree, while older peo- meat, is mostly believed by the con- The Dryden Press, Hinsdale, Illinois, 2nd edition.
Chisnall PM. (1968): Marketing Research.
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statement. the positive agreements rise as well. tion.
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a long time". The majority of the con- believed by most of the people. That Process. Prentice-Hall International (UK) Ltd.
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sumers agree or strongly agree with the most doubtful people are aged 45 years Eurostat, Agricultural Statistical Yearbook, 1986,
statement. This is mostly believed by and under. The attitude that frozen 1988.
the younger people. At last about the meat does not look nice , is mainly Freud IF (1984): Modern Elementary Statistics.
statement "frozen meat is very nourish- taken by the older people. The Prentice-Hall In ternational Inc. 6th edition.
Household Expenditure Survey 1981/ 82 (1986):
ing as the kind of fresh meat" is not younger consumers are doubtful. More S: 9 Levels of Living-Private Income and Expen-
believed by the consumers. Half of the than half of the consumers believe that diture. Hellenic Republic Naitonal Statistical Ser-
people aged from 26 to 45 years old frozen uncooked meat smells unpleas- vice of Greece. Athens.
disagree with the statement. The high- ant. This is mostly believed by the Hyghes DR. (1973): Consumer Attitudes to Meat.
PhD. Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
er propotion (56 per cent) with no older people. jacobs L. W (1972): Advertising and Promotion
opinion belongs to younger people. The majority of the consumers believe for Retailing: Text and Cases. Scott, Foresman an
that frozen meat is kept a long time and Co. , Glenview, lllinois, London.
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mists. Statistics Unit., Wye College, University of
frozen meat is as nourising as fresh London.
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found out that Greeks usually have a tion, Consumeristics. Technique of Consumer
negative attitude towards frozen meat Behaviour Knowledge. Tyrovolas TP , lnterbooks
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