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Clinical Chemistry 62:1

20–23 (2016) Reflection

Evolution of Quantitative MALDI-TOF Mass

Spectrometry for Clinical Applications
Marvin L. Vestal1*

The nearly simultaneous discoveries of electrospray ion- developed the cinnamic acid derivatives that enabled
ization (ESI)2 (1 ) and MALDI (2 ) 27 years ago removed many practical applications of MALDI (6, 7 ).
the volatility barrier for mass spectrometry (MS). The further development of TOF-MS has been

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ESI-MS developed very rapidly, at least partly due to the driven by advances in hardware and electronics that im-
ease of interfacing with commercially available quadru- proved resolving power and allowed high-speed data ac-
pole and trap instruments widely used for analytical ap- quisition over a broad mass range. These include appli-
plications. TOF is particularly well suited to MALDI cation of pulsed ion extraction, improved ion mirrors,
with pulsed ion sources compatible with pulsed laser de- tandem TOF-TOF analyzers, fast digitizers, and kilo-
sorption, but applications developed more slowly, at least hertz lasers. The general conditions for “time focusing”
in part because higher-performance instruments were not with pulsed acceleration were first described by Wiley
initially available. The potential of MALDI has stimu- and McLaren (8 ), and these conditions apply to MALDI
lated development of improved TOF instrumentation (9 ) as well as other ionization techniques. During the
particularly tailored for this ionization technique. first 2 decades after the discovery of the TOF-MS, these
Laser ionization MS has been extensively studied for instruments were generally considered a useful tool for
⬎60 years, but until the introduction of an appropriate exotic studies of ion properties but were not widely used
matrix for absorbing the laser energy was introduced, to solve analytical problems. Cotter (10 ) has provided an
biological applications were very limited (3 ). Karas and excellent description of the history, development, and
Hillenkamp (2 ) found that the use of a suitable matrix applications of TOF-MS in biological research before
could reduce the required photon intensity for desorp- 1997, and Standing and Vestal (11 ) recently summarized
tion by an order of magnitude and coined the description the development of TOF-MS from the beginning in
of the process as “matrix-assisted laser desorption ioniza- 1946 to the present.
tion.” Further development of the time-of-flight instru- Samples for analysis by MALDI are embedded in
ment enabled the observation of proteins of masses ⬎100 matrix crystals deposited on the surface of a sample plate
kDa, such as ␤-D-galactosidase at approximately 117 made up of 1 electrode of an ion accelerator. A laser pulse
kDa reported by Hillenkamp (4 ) at the Bordeaux Inter- impinges on the crystals and produces a pulse of desorbed
national Mass Spectrometry meeting in 1988. This sig- material, including ions within a plume of neutrals.
naled the beginning of a new era in biological MS. The Pulsed and static electric fields may be applied to accel-
resolving power obtained in this initial work was rather erate and focus the ions in both space and time. Early
low, and it was quickly realized that a major limitation MALDI-TOF instruments were limited to laser rates of a
was due to ion fragmentation in flight. The first practical few hertz by both the laser technology available and the
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer for high m/z was built speed of available digitizers developed originally for dig-
by Beavis and Chait within a few months of the discovery ital oscilloscopes. More recent work has focused on im-
of MALDI (5 ). This was a simple linear TOF with a proved TOF instruments and software that allow the full
static single field source, drift tube, and detector. A major potential mass resolution of MALDI to be applied to
advantage of the linear analyzer is that ions dissociating in difficult biological analysis problems (12 ). Laser pulse
flight arrive at nearly the same time. Beavis and Chait also rates have increased to 1 kHz in many commercial instru-
conducted an extensive study of matrices for MALDI and ments, and some are now available with a laser rate of 5
kHz. The advantages of higher laser rates include higher
sample throughput, with increased sensitivity and dy-
namic range and better sample utilization.
SimulTOF Systems, Sudbury, MA. Current Applications
* Address correspondence to this author at: SimulTOF Systems, 60 Union Ave, Suite 1R,
Sudbury, MA 01776. Fax 978-783-2512; e-mail
Received June 8, 2015; accepted June 30, 2015. MALDI-TOF MS has become an established technique
Previously published online at DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2015.239467 for analyzing a variety of nonvolatile molecules including
© 2015 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Nonstandard abbreviations: ESI, electrospray ionization; MS, mass spectrometry; FDA, proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, lipids, glycans, and
US Food and Drug Administration; Hb A1c, glycated hemoglobin. other molecules of biological importance. This technol-


ogy has been applied to many analytical applications, but automated. No other interaction between the user and
widespread acceptance has been limited by many factors, the instrument is required.
including, for example, the cost and complexity of these
instruments, relatively poor reliability, and insufficient Determination of Glycated Hemoglobin by
speed, sensitivity, resolution, and mass accuracy. Accep- Quantitative Maldi-TOF
tance has also been limited by the widespread belief that
MALDI-TOF is not quantitative. Diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes mellitus relies on
More than 25 years after the advent of the enabling measurements of glycated hemoglobin (Hb A1c), the rel-
approaches of MALDI and ESI, there has been only mar- ative amount of glucose attached to the N-terminal valine
ginal success in the implementation of MS in routine of the ␤-subunit of hemoglobin (15 ). Application of
clinical determinations (13 ). Linear MALDI-TOF in- quantitative MALDI-TOF to this measurement illus-

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struments have recently been approved by the US Food trates the power of this technology for an important clin-
and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical application ical application (16 –17 ). Blood samples are collected in
to pathogen identification. In these instruments, the laser a phlebotomy protocol and analyzed at a 1:2000 final
rate is limited to ⱕ50 Hz, and a small number of laser dilution as 5⫻ replicates spotted in 5 g/L sinapinic acid
shots (typically 50 –500) is summed to produce a spec- MALDI matrix. Positive ion mass spectra in the 5- to
trum. These spectra are acquired by looking for “sweet 20-kDa mass range are acquired on a linear instrument.
spots” on the MALDI samples, and with samples depos- Spectra acquired from each sample spot are averaged and
ited on a spot with a nominal diameter of approximately calibrated using the M1⫹ and M2⫹ ions of hemoglobin
3 mm, only a small fraction (typically ⬍1%) of the sam- ␣- and ␤-subunits. Hb A1c is calculated from glycated ␣-
ple molecules are ionized and analyzed. The databases or ␤-subunit by comparing the signal from the unmodi-
used with these instruments were developed to identify fied species to that of the unmodified species, 162 Da
pathogens from mass spectra in which neither the mass (glucose). Results are presented as a ratio of the percent
total glycation of each chain using the following
nor the intensity were reproducible.
Recent work (14 ) has focused on developing
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers that generate accurate 100{I(␤⫹162)/[I␤ ⫹ I(␤⫹162)]} and
quantitative data by providing reproducible spectra on
complex samples. In these instruments, the laser rate is in 100{I(␣⫹162)/[I␣⫹I(␣⫹162)]}.
the 1- to 5-kHz range, and the laser spot is rastered over
An illustration of the accuracy and reproducibility of the
the sample spot to ionize and analyze a large fraction
technique is shown in Fig. 1. In this example, the same
of the sample on a sample spot. At least 10 000 laser shots sample was deposited on all 80 sample spots on the
are typically summed to obtain a spectrum, and as many MALDI plate. In this case, the final sample spectrum for
as 200 000 laser shots can be used if necessary to com- each spot results from the compilation of approximately
pletely ionize a sample. This provides reproducible mass 160 individual spectra, averaged in 100 laser-shot bun-
spectra with no significant noise that are consistent for dles. These are acquired by rastering the laser beam over
multiple instruments and multiple users preparing sam- the sample spot in a systematic pattern that evenly spans
ples. It also minimizes effects due to variations in the the spot. Overlaying the spectra from all 80 spots illus-
amount and distribution of samples on the sample plate. trates the excellent reproducibility. As shown in the fig-
These instruments effectively reduce the variability of the ure, the average CV for each set of 5 spots is ⬍1%, and
results due to instrument imperfections to the point that the SD for the Hb A1c determination for the whole plate
this effect is negligible in the quality of the results ob- is 1.2%.
tained. The remaining sources of uncontrolled variability Results obtained by MALDI-TOF assay can be
are sample preparation and deposition on the sample compared with those obtained in a clinical laboratory
plate. These effects are the dominant reasons for variabil- using clinically accepted HPLC methodology. Measure-
ity in resolving power and measured masses and intensi- ments on analytical standards and clinical patient sam-
ties of the peaks in the spectrum. ples for quantification of total glycation on the ␤-subunit
These instruments designed for routine clinical ap- of hemoglobin exhibit linearity over the range from 1.4%
plications are fully automated and require little or no to 18% with CVs ⬍1.66%. MALDI-TOF MS detects all
expertise in MS. The user prepares the samples according glycation of the ␣- and ␤-subunits of hemoglobin, but a
to a protocol established for the application, loads the direct relationship has been established between the
sample plates into the instrument, and receives and inter- MALDI-TOF method for the determination of the gly-
prets the results. The instrument parameters are deter- cated ␤ chain and the HPLC method for determination
mined from data provided with the samples, and data of Hb A1c. Additionally, the strong correlation between
acquisition, processing, and database searching are fully glycation of the ␣- and ␤-subunits allows their ratios to

Clinical Chemistry 62:1 (2016) 21


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Fig. 1. Illustration of the accuracy and reproducibility of quantitative MALDI for determination of Hb A1c.
The same sample was deposited on all 80 sample spots on the MALDI plate. The spectrum shown is an overlay of the spectra from all 80 spots;
each is the summation of ⬃16 000 laser shots. Sample plate is μFocus Plate from Hudson Surface Technology.

be used as a QC check for the determination of the gly- TOF mass spectrometer, ionizing the sample extract,
cated ␤ chain. generating a TOF mass spectrum, and analyzing and in-
terpreting the MALDI-TOF mass spectrum generated to
Future Clinical Applications Of Maldi-TOF provide meaningful results. The components of the
method can be designed to meet the requirements im-
These data show the utility and value of the MALDI- posed by the nature of the bodily fluid, the analyte, and
TOF MS method for performing a quantitative protein the various specifications of sensitivity, selectivity, and
assay. This application demonstrates the ability to mea- accuracy of the assay. The methods have considerable
sure and quantify proteins at micromole concentrations flexibility and are not “one-size-fits-all.” Instead, the
with CVs of ⱕ2% from analyses of diluted, whole blood choices made for each step of a method for a specific assay
samples. These methods for assaying an analyte in a reflect the requirements imposed by these limitations.
bodily fluid can be applied to any sample that is amenable Although there has been only marginal success in the
to analysis by MALDI-TOF MS. Steps in a method in- implementation of MS in routine clinical determina-
clude sampling bodily fluids from subjects, processing tions, and only 2 applications have been approved by the
the samples of bodily fluids collected to produce a sample FDA for use in pathogen identification, analytes could
extract suitable for analysis by MALDI-TOF MS, load- include almost any nonvolatile molecules of biological
ing the sample extract into the ion source of the MALDI- importance. The components of interest could be the

22 Clinical Chemistry 62:1 (2016)


intact analytes themselves; chemically or enzymatically ture, where standardized technologies will be routinely
derived stable molecules (e.g., molecular fragments) de- applied to help define the pathobiology underlying dis-
rived from the intact molecule, such as proteolytic pep- ease, the clinical status of individuals with disease, and as
tides or polysaccharides; or chemically modified forms of part of advanced work flows toward novel biomarkers
the original analyte (e.g., methylated, acetylated, or oth- stemming from numerous protein-based discovery ef-
erwise intentionally modified forms). forts currently ongoing worldwide.
There is no reason MALDI methods could not be
used to analyze any bodily fluid containing an analyte of
interest, including blood and blood products, breast
milk, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph fluid, saliva, urine, gas- Author Contributions: All authors confirmed they have contributed to
tric and digestive fluid, tears, stool, semen, prostatic the intellectual content of this paper and have met the following 3 require-

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fluid, vaginal fluid, amniotic fluid, and interstitial fluids ments: (a) significant contributions to the conception and design, acquisi-
derived from tissue. tion of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (b) drafting or revising
The following applications may soon be accepted for the article for intellectual content; and (c) final approval of the published
routine clinical use in addition to expanded use for
pathogen identification: (a) cancer typing directly from Authors’ Disclosures or Potential Conflicts of Interest: Upon man-
serum, tissue extracts, and other bodily fluids; (b) tissue uscript submission, all authors completed the author disclosure form. Dis-
closures and/or potential conflicts of interest:
imaging; (c) proteins for cancer typing; (d) small mole-
cules for drug disposition; (e) biomarker identification Employment or Leadership: M.L. Vestal, Virgin Instruments Corp.
and validation; (f) MS immunoassay; (g) peptide quanti- Consultant or Advisory Role: None declared.
Stock Ownership: M.L. Vestal, Virgin Instruments Corp.
fication; and (h) clinical assays of biomarkers for diagno-
Honoraria: None declared.
sis and treatment. Research Funding: None declared.
Improved ionization techniques and technical ad- Expert Testimony: None declared.
vances are driving MALDI-TOF toward this bright fu- Patents: None declared.

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