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. '.",

. .. .." '.:""'" " ,; -;.'",c'
'. X
1. log b '" c, 'haisan;crelation-as b~ aC -Sin- '"
JogiOx =;Iog. x is c.alled tbe'or Briggsian lpg.
. . 2 cBs f == ~ 1 + ~OS~
, (Named after Henry Briggs) . x
tan ~ = I -7cosx = 1 -. ens x , sinx
. loge X = jn X is co!nmonthe natUra} or Naperian log. 2 j ,. cos~ . sin x 1+ COsx
(NaP,1edafter la!.n Napier) ;' ..
2. logaxy= logax + log. y
cot -- = f!-~.+ cosx
sin x ! + cosx
J !og"x/y= logax -'Iog~ y 2 ~. 1- eosx 1 - cos,,' 0' sinx-
" 4. fogaxm = m log. x
5. a'= blOgb" Spcci2Icasew!)enb'=e. a" elna PRDDUCTFOR~11~AS~~
The abovf!- properties
are sufficient to pro\'e the fallowing
. .
2sii) x cosy = sin (x + y) + sin (xy) -
lcas); siny = sinex-!-yj - shl(x -y)
1. x = a loga x 2. Io!:! a
= 1 Zcosxcosy = cos(x+y) + cos(x -y)
- 2sinxsiny = cas(x +y) - cos(x - y)
3. log. I ""0 4. 'Iog. a n = n
5. log. 0 = 00 a'" 0 - SUM A.NDDIFFERENCE OF ANGLES
sinx + siny = 2sin ~ cos ~
aC;i . - . 2 2
L ,sinO .~" 5'P '} cas E1 =
hyp ~'. h'"".;.,
I- 2
sm x - smY'
= 2 cos.
~t+v -
::;-'- ian --::;-
adj L L
3. tanG = opp '.

I adj 4. cot,e = opp 3.

CCtsx+ cosy "".2cos~ cos ;c- Y
. , 'hvp
5. seeS = --<-- 6. csc6 =.~
,. hyp 2 2
I , adj ". opp "
i'r.f]'t/EMONfCS:SOI1-Cili-TOA-c.4 O'-{;HA -cFio cosx- cosy =, 25m,---
. x -!-y sm-
. 'x - y
2 2
' ' 5. tanx +t.any = sin (x+ y)
1 . 2 " + ,2,
. smx ,cas, x' =. !
.. ?1
_. + 2,
tan x =.See x
" 2 cosx CQ:;JI
3. ] +c.ot2x = csc2x
6. tcnx - tany' = sin (x- y)
.. FOR.,,'\1ULAS .
sin (x + y) = sin x cosy + siny CGSX
$iw(x+y) =sinxcpsy -"sinyc,JSX <'n
-A = (5-- b)(s :"c)
co;o(:c + y) = cosx cosy
C:JSex - y) = cosx
-- sinx
COS}' + sin x siny
siny ~, 2. -"be
2' =
cos --<\ J ---vc-
s(s -a)

A I "

tanx-ttany tanx~lany tan-= (0 - b)(s- C)

where- . <- -- a+b+c
tan (x + y) ==~ta,"'ly tan(->;- y) = l+ranxtany 2 ~ . s(s: ) .
0;-- '"
. cotxcoty-]. corxcoty +I ....
,cot(x + y) = -;;t7~'. 'C:)I(X-'y)'. CNX - C(}ty' OBLIQUE TRIANGLES
DOUBLE ,4 ~GLE FOfu"\1DL<\.S (DAF) Sin Law:' sin A = sin B - s;n C
S"in2x ,;, 2 sin x cosx a b --C-
C(!~j'-'t r ."",/~
1. Un.'ei; the base band heighllL
~.'" '.. h" 'c ,,"-ihe C(:,~.A
'02 = ;;.:.; c2 Co;;H AS; ..:... bh
c" c.2d',.l:.:osC,
2. Giver! the two sides a' and ba;nd4lt,J
L,;w 0' T1,~g"r;t:,:
inchrh!d !lhg;e c.
a .'h = ~":'~WI -;~
." .t tan~;A,~ 1'5)
A'" ::;-
.. absinC
3. Given the ti!rfe sides a, b a,'idc. (Hen}' '"
b -(;
h " ('
t-. --
")(5- o)ls. s)

s ~

4. Given the three angles A,R C qndoue

HALF Ai'iGLE FORMULAS f(lr Triarigi~s
. sirle a or b ()i' C.

sin !.~
= I(s - hi! 5-0
V-b~ -',
i\ {3!Js-~!..
cos -::;-.~ V be A =(1:> sT~i~'C =~ b:>l?1'*;-1iG;= c2

Sin ~ = fs -:c5i~~'~ (',$ -~ c'. J" (5"~-b],

Cirde Inscribed in a TiLingle (Circumdrc!e)
,., ri:s-aXs. 0) A.'.' '~Rs, ~
cos 'C = J;:(S~Cl
3m -'i ={"";'b;:~ :2 11 a b
f "'-

fan .,


t"r1-"! = ---L-
s -;(

" ,.
,;"ere: r~o

= -.-S.-
s.. b

S .-

/, r ..,

~ n


/ . ~--~~
- ' ;1-'. bj-S. c
" .. 2

Circle Circumscribing a Tdangle(Ckmmdrde:

HALF AJ ;'GLE FORMULAS for Triangles
l. a-b = ~nt(~""B)
Ail = 4R
e COStC 2 a: b = CQ:~';c-B)
1L- = Q.~- = _::: =" R
sinA. . SiDE. sinC ~.


. "'~ ,
' A
c '~ ~,

A / ~ c
/ b


em.,e = 17 em.
I. Evaluate Jogz 5.
C. 1.83S (A;' 3 em. . C.l.8 em.
A'L623 l~ . 8.5 cm . D. 5.0 cm .
(g) 2321 D. 3.185
12. Fir,d the n:;dius oftlw smalle:st c1rc!t>ihat;:an
Q.lf1og 10X = 0.25, find logx10 eircums!;libe the triangle in the previous problem..
A. 1.5<:::2.. A.) cm: C 1.8 ern.
11.0.50 (R)4 (J3)3.5cm D.5.0cm ..
13. Chords AB= 12 cm and BC ooSernofa circle
'... lOi!.slS
~. Find x ifiog7x +log7(x- 2) =- . 1~-' --::;- furm~ 120c Fmd theradiusofthe circle;.
lUg 3 (
A. 1007 -:m C. 12.64 em
1\.3 B. 14.59 em D. 11.58 em
B.7 Prove lh;~t;"rty,leinscribed .in a st'mi-cird;;
4. Find x in Inx + logx = 5 is always a r-ighc\Jiangl\(.
A. 26.327 32.656 15.Thc radius of the s;na1JeS1circ!e that can'
B. 56.423 42.656
dn;umcribe '" right triangle of sides a, band c 1S ~

J, Find x: xlogx =1 OOx +o-c

A. 1.5 C 12 A.a+b+c c. .,"-
Co.lflog6 + x log4 = log4 + Iog(32 J- 4") B. a - b+ c ~

A. 2 C. 5 2 - .t.
B. 4 D.3 ~6. The radius of the largest circle that canoe In-
1-. Find the aTea of thc folded triangle ;;hown be low. scribed in a right triangle of sides a, band c.

/1,. a..,. b .+-c

1--- /~ -//'l 2 ",

J...'. -C

l_~g ~
B. ~~b+c

6md j 7. T0.reecirdes of radii 2, 4and 6em are externally

tangent to each other What is the radius of the
8- The area of a triangle witb vertex angles A = -fourthcircle containing the three centers on it?
69.159°, B = 34.246° and C '" 84'.595° is 680.8 A. 4 5
D "'
sq. m. Thelongest side will be £). j- D. 6
A.lS.387m C.52.431m
B. 37.853 ill D, 64.974 m , B
.Find the area of a decagon that can be inscribed
in a circle of radius Weill.
A.326.261 C. 293.893
B. 261.129 D. 331.165
}t.The radius onhe circ1einscribed in a polygon is
. caned as . .

A internal radius C. radius of gyration

(§Jap,.'1them D. hydrauJieradius Ac 472.5 cm C. 5
.O.Find-the area of a regular 5-pointed star t."1atean B. 3 D. 6. -1;'(;(:1,\,"
beinseribedin a circle of radius 10 em. 19. Find the S1J1)1oftheinterior angles of;" IS-sided i.A
A.112.257 C. 56.129
polygon, not necessarily a reguhr polygon.
B. 114.535 D. 124.431 A. 2160 C. 2340
\1,Fin.d the area of the largest circ1ethat can be in- B. 2520 D. 2700
scribed II'!.a triangle with side:;a= 8 em., b = 15 20.\Vhat is the perimeter ofan 18-sided polygon in-
s(.~ibedin a Wem. radius circle. 29L~tD be th", setofvertice,,; ofa reguiar t1odeca-
A. 62513 C. 85.011. . gon(12-sjdedplanepojygon);H6wmar1)/!riangle~
B. 50.901 D. 1 n.246 maybe t:onstnLcted havlngD as its H:rtice3?
.n Findihe are~\Ofthe cydic.q..I driiatcl"al bdow. A.220 C. 240
. . .
B 12(1
n . Sn
A ~" B.
/ ?-
, ." . ' f
' , " -, . ~
30.f'> pOiV gron "'-11th L: ~ldes
;s . ca!!c d as ,

\. .
~ ..

(1'- ..~. .

! . .\\\ 30° \ Act;)",A A . -{".A".N£ A.bidecagon


~/ ~
. . I . .' . Ii;. >:-,' . . ,

't-- ,,;./'"
\\. \\ ( .~'\

" .


.' . \'\.
.~.~ (,"") l!;,o)SH. 'c'"

B. nont.gon
-'i;(?l()(cr) t\1\,:;,;'310~ie"ide ofa regular po1ygon i52. Find the area
1>1 S'-t.C:,.\f,)'\ ollhepol)'gon,
'1 ') , ";";nledecagon.

1;\ X--", 't,('t1'i -C\;'\.~f; A. L.' C.14..S~q.~11..
;~ ~""
.\ n.
A P ~,. SO .'. "" "k' 8 ~'-'
\'-' (11~"',' t,\.tr"
' ,-"t. B l ' l Q<::q
.' .J. oJ~ . Cm
J.. [ ~,..l ' 9 ..J-
.1>;~~ ~m
-4, ~I,. .
" -.0'
'~ .\ -' "" (C""",

. OTI,
A.,'t' ern
.. ..
32. l wo en'des
- ".
ot radms
4 and 6.9 j aTe placed m a
~: .,'°;\",' '. DP'" 56 em, e = 30° . C~',:.'Z\' plane'so that their circumferences intersectat right
22.In atirc1e with 20 em.diameter, a triangle is dra"\>TI,
such thatnpe of its sides 185 em distant to the
angles. Find the area afthe interlapping region.
A.14.813 C. 13.927 .
~;: center ofthe cb::le. What is the area ofthe tri~ B, 14.175 D. 1 ~.632
'angle7 . 33. Wnat value ofF satisfy the equation tan (8F + 1)
~ A. 2800 C. 3000 =
" cot(17) where ail angles are in degrees?
t.: B. 2500 D 2250 A. 10 ' C. 7 '
i?-3. The sum of the interior angks of a polygon is B. 9'. D'. 8 ~,
1 540 de\2Iees. Find ttenumber of sides. 34, If tan(2D- 3) = 1!ta.11(5D
-. 9), det:::nnine D in
. . ..-
.~,,~ C' 6 .-<:-- j """"('f\-.i)
0'"', ' d p~gre. .-,'o
f" '. '

;j D.8 'fI"(;'" A.13,88dCgrees @!4.S7degTees

24. The imemai angleofa polygQnI~i sac ~i':;a!er B. 15.30 degrees D. 16.97 de!!"ees
than its external angle. How manvsides has the 35. Two equilateral triangles, each with 12-cmsides,
polygon'} - overbp each other to form a 6-.point."Star of
A. 8 .' C. 24 David".peterID1.'1ethe overJappmg arca,msq. em,
B.12 D.16 ... A.34.64 C. 41.57
'&25Th ° 1 30°-60°-.90° n",
_. ~. B,28.87 D.49.88
,e 60 angeora 1 . . .
d es are L4 em,30 em,
"' '

: . . '. . .. 36.Gwen a tnang . 1e wh ase 81

. - '

bIsected. Fmdt.1-teratJoatwhlCh the OpposIte sIde 1-. \. ' ~"

, . : . ~ . an d 36 Cm. F 1.(1 He ra JUS 0 1 a clrc lew :It Ic 1,J"'
dt d
. IsdIVI d en . " , . .,'"
" A. 1:2
. -. '. C. 1:3, 'tangent tothe shoitest and' 1ongest
side of the
. tn'::
~ '

.;." " ang 1e, an dhw ose ccnter Iles on th e uh ITd Sld e.
~ B. .J2:2 D. 1:4 A: 14.598 cm C. 13) i2 cm .
~.'- 6.Anyang1egreaterthim~strai&htanglebutless .B. 12.908cm D. 11.90lcm
t.~aI}two ~~a.lghtangles IScalled ~s
;;&:'.' B. complex D. re.f1ex
C supphment
. . . 37.The diagonals of rhombus h~ ve}ength 4~d
bus but outside the circle that is inscrib~d.inside

~:27.Given a trianglewhcsesides are 24 em, 30 em, the rhombus. '

d' and'36 em. Find the radius ofa circlc which is A.3.3 C. 3.4
;~'\\" tangeIJttothcshortestandlongest.sideofthetri- C.2.9" . D.2.,85 ,
!:~ angle, and whose centerlies onth.e third side. 38.Theperpendicular bisectors ofthe sides ofa tri-
A. 14.598em. 'C. 13.712 cm anglepassthroughaeomrnonpoinfca1ledthe-
\ . B'. 12.908em D. 11.906 cm A.compiiment C. suppJiment
: 'f8.Sixlines are situiitcdin a plane so that no two are B.complex, . D, reflex
: parallel and no three are congrucnt How many. 39. The bisectors of the 3 angles of 3.tnangle me~t ~t ~
pointsofintersectionarethere? cornmonpoint calledthe -' '
A. 13 C. 14 A. orthocenter' C. centroid.
'B. 16 D. 15 C.incen.ter D.cireumcenter


j/::'. ,"",I; . ;;'t~r;{,~75.~ '

""" .-
J'"" "j; C"", """."""

""i¥",:TeiH,,!,-1' ~""

'!QC~~;'~~~i~';;;;~osce1~~~>~ :j¥!'~~l1"'. ",,"" ,,'~:!~W~¥fi

rochffiiit'one'ofifssid€ids S'cm::{77:.A . "~Cribediri ' 'T~iri~

;tet~ftl1{~irdly. )\lJ)at is the~~a:.. .', ""l?",t,~~g(§i$)%2Q~frt " ',,", ",,'" """. '~~~'is;2J
Qfth~mqn~le7 " """,." " ..' "'" till'l1ine;*~ 4istaH9~9st)1{~~11 thefWOB~Jiitspt

d "" "

71.~~~~~~i~eA~~~1r" ~J1&~¥"si~~~~~~t~~;.

", dqck- lli1gJearrdriii?v1ng
P.pas a mi.asure.of12Po
wise ardUndthe'pol:yg?ri~ebd1s\ltces'siye
js 5°1~ger~.anitsJ:)~~~>;30r. HoW'iilanyi@es ..
does thispolygvnhas'! " "

A. 1'6 -'" "(;.9

B. 10 J)~ ,13
73 .AryisosceJes tra.p<~zoid;
Af3CD, AD :=.5, BC ==
! AD=1 and CD."=8. FirlltheJer:gthofthe.di- em
agonals. . " .A.8

B. 12 . .' .: D. 14. . to the,comer eODtairiing the right angle ofllie.tri.

81.In ~fipht!ri<#1~}9~?!~~~ ~(t#er~11tp;i*g]~ ,ang1,1l<!!,top fo.rtnth~ h:;rpotenu$e 1$ 1.5 andfiOrrl

~iyidestlwJ~~t!)riti~.jWt1lt: WppJ:;2. m.~hat its midpoint is 1,&1\Ildif that leg which is vertical
ratloil). fJ1e:hYPPt"nt1~~'.di:viC,I~Ci~~th" altitm:j~ is. 1mlong,find the area of the top.
droppedITo!n theverr.ex of the right ~gJe? '- A. 1%.9 C.35
A. 4:1 C.2:l '. . B. 1,68 p. 17.36
B. 3:2 D: 4:3 . 8it.A 541perprndicular line is erected on one of the
82.In" 30-.60-90 ri~ttJ:iatigle iliebisector 0 ftile 60 ':, ~ertices of a regular octagop. with area 100 cm"'2.
degrees angle divideS itSopposite in the ratio .FhId the dista..'1cefrom fhetop of the perpendicu-
.A. 1:2. C. 1:3 .
lar to the vertex next to the'succe<:s1ing vert"x.
B. 2:3 D.3:4 A. 5:.025 .c. 9.67
83.A regular quadrilateral is ihscibedin aciideand B. 4.56 D. 3.78
a regular triairgJe is circumscribed about'it, the 9.(}.PointP which is 10m distance trom (he vemce.s
diffei'ence bet'i'f~en these sides of the polygons is of a triangJ;; with sides 4, 5 and 6. Find the dis-
equal tQlOcm. Determine tbearea ()f the circle. tance from point Ptothe plane of the trilli-{gle.
A. 7451 C. 7541 A. 9.53 C. IOA3
B. 574t D. 7415 ..' B. 8.23 D. 7.5
83.1n a trapezoid the ratio oftbe lateral sides and 91'PoL'll0 is 1GIr1distance furm all sides of a rhorn-
OTIeof the base.s is 72:93: 115. If the.base ~ngles . bus. Wh()sediagc:nais are 15 m and 20 meters.
are equal to42degn~es and 62 degrees, find rhe Find t!",edistance from point 0 to the phme of the
ratio of the !cq,'1h of L'J~diagornls. rhombus. .
0.7 C. 0.5 '" .,,
,.. C.9
'Od) D. 0.4 B. 85 D. 8
E4.A segment interseDts anot'1er segment and euHt ABC is inscribed in a eii'cle. Angle A
into 2 segmel1t~ 2 and 3 meters !ong.lfthe first measures 50°. Ifpoint 0 is the center.Oftllc circle,
segment is 6 met0fs, findL'1e diameter of a can" find the rneasure of the angle BG'C Undefsees)
vex quadrilateml havingrhese chords as thedj. A. 40 C. 80
agormls iftlw angle ofthe diagona1sis 83 degrees. B. 50 D. 100
A. 17.925 C. 13.645 9j..The lateral side of an isosceles triangJe is 40 Cm.
B. 15.425 D. J2.545 Ifpoint 0 is) cm distance Yeomeach side ofIhe
E5.Ina triapgle ABC,the sidesBC and AC 'lreequa!
triangle and OQ is 4, finrl the length ofth~ base..
to 3 cm and 4.4 cm, respectively and the angle 'Note: PointQ i5 a point on. the plane of triangle
between th'emis n° 28'. Find rhe smallerseg- directly below O. .

ment 0f4'1" side BII. dJpetriangle into '.vhich it is" A. 13 C. 12-

divided by the bisectorQfthc angJc C. B. 14 D. ]5 I
i\. 1.85 C. L6
B. 24 D. 2.1 "
94.Fim! theangk bet'.Neen the diag0naJ of ~ cubo
a1',j Its 180e.
,1(.;-{ 'L.,.P -"' l'~~"> r .,r' he tr " ,,'" AD c '. :.( ",.,] .") ,, A. 35.26° ('-'. '1,: (,~o
..v. t1-. "~U'."':: '.'." ..anc",-"u 'O"'.""": .':
m. S1[:/\: sm1:) : SJl",C,= 3: 4: 5. fme :.hJ~s;",,1Je;;( B. 5420 D. 34°
95. The sioes of tho cyclic quadri::iteral measures 2,
1\. ! C2
n'. -" 3,4 and 5 ur:itsrespectivdy.(2and 4 ,:'it:oppo-
site). Find ,lie:pr'->Guct0 [the diagonals.
37.In a tri'lr1gJe t\BC: b.. a = 22 em., 51nB : sinC ; A. 20 C. 22.
Sluo" = 63 : 25 52. find the smp!lkst sid-, ofthis B. 23 D. 25
96.Find :he aDg!e between adjacent [~ces ofa regu-
A. 126 C. 52 . Jar cct?]; edron.
B.I04 D.30 A. 45.5° C. 35.34°
8-8.Auniquethree-kgged table has a right triangular B. 109.47" D. 122.5°
top. If the distanceofthe foot of the leg attachl3d END

L ~"""' =

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