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Reeder 1

Journal Entry: My Personal Moral Code

On a scale of one to ten, if I were to rank myself on my personal moral code, I would
most definitely place myself at a six. The ideas I took into consideration while ranking myself
came down to lying, disrespect, and cheating. The way I was raised has a detrimental effect on
my moral code and how I carry on my everyday life.

A lie can and does spread quickly, spurred on by forms of multimedia. Meanwhile, the
truth struggles to gain momentum, suppressed by simple human nature. Lies and truths can be
compared on three levels: a local, personal level, a national level, and finally, a universal level.
Nothing is crazier than getting caught within a lie. My views on lying are straight-forward;
refuse to succumb to doing so. I choose not to lie because of the simple fact that I was raised not
to do it. Lying is something that everyone does, but that does not give me the reason to join the
bandwagon. Lying comes with its consequences; one can lose respect and trust.

Respect, in definition, means to hold in esteem or honor or to show consideration for. I

say to earn respect, you must give respect. I hold this accountable to my every day actions.
Respect is something everyone strives for, and is something everyone should be given. I keep my
disrespect level at a minimal one percent. Disrespect shows character. I feel as though someone
who disrespects another has disrespect for themselves.

Cheating is when you take an answer from someone or something, that was not your idea
or your answer to have, or when a person is not faithful to another. For example: When you are
taking a test with other students around you who are taking the same one and instead of coming
up with your own answer you just copy there answer. When you cheat on an exam, you don’t get
the grade you may deserve. There are many reasons on why you should not cheat on an exam or
on anything for that matter, but can cheating help relieve stress when it comes to certain work.
When you do not look for your answers or take the test on your own you may get a worse grade
than if you did do it all on your own. Another reason for not cheating is you don’t learn as much
as you could. You don’t get the satisfaction of doing it all on your own when you cheat, but on
the other hand, you get done faster. You also most likely will not learn as much as you could by
looking up answers on your own. One big thing I have learned about cheating is that when you
cheat, you lie, when you lie, you get caught. My personal opinion on cheating is to not do it. It’s
wrong, it’s shameful. You don’t learn; you lose out in the end, and I also feel that when a person
cheats on another they should not love or be loved by anyone other than family.

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