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The ancient Egyptian went through many levels in his life every aspect
made him wonder and think more and give questions for everything
around him. The ancient Egyptian was like the first generation of the
mankind going out hunting and trying to survive into his daily life and
gradually with the time he started to discover the stones and how to
make fire out of them and that was a great evolution at that time
because now he can cook his food and keep it longer than before also
that helped him from wild animals, darkness and the coldness of winter,

Then he was introduced to the agriculture and that discovery

was a revelation for the ancient Egyptian because now he
doesn’t have to go hunt everyday he had more than enough
which gave him the time and energy for his thoughts and
creativity to appear because he doesn’t have to worry
anymore how and when should he go out get his supplies,
now he got enough time for himself for his creativity, he
observed the sun how it goes and comes again in the next
day the plants how they grow and die and come again
seasons change all of these things around him made him
think and ask questions and from that point the idea of
resurrection and eternity emerged.

Then he took his first step towards art by creating some statues of
animals he was inspired with and other things like fire stones and
Mountains, with the time the population starts to grow and then
the ancient Egyptian had to find a way to share his thoughts he
started with the symbols and signs to be more understandable then
with the religious rituals and he had to find a way to record these
Rituals and the events specially when he had his military and one
of the main things was recording his name which was very
important at the time for the after life

We don’t know exactly the beginning date of how it started

For the creation of this language when exactly did start, but
we know that the first dynasty started at 31st BC,

The name of the language

One of the most important thing we have to mention is the
name of the language it is very common that the language is
called hieroglyphics but the ancient Egyptian language
actually is called the ancient Egyptian language,
hieroglyphics is just the text of the language but the real
name is the ancient Egyptian language in some books they
call it the holy words.

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