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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways, including how we choose to

spend our time and deal with unprecedented circumstances. Previously, almost two years my

friends and I did online school. We who didn't have gadgets before, finally have gadgets to

support our online learning. At the first, we were enthusiastic for joining online school

because it was a new experience for us. However, some of our friends are starting to not

focus and don't even care about participating in online learning because they are distracted by

online games. Online games provide entertainment when bored staying at home. But, when

we can't control their use, then we will be controlled by them. Online games can also have an

addictive effect who gives bad impact on youth. What are they?

First, Because of the pandemic, we can't go anywhere and just stay at home. We lose space to

interact with friends. So, when we get to know online games, we like to get a new life.

as a young man who has unstable emotions, still full of ambition, and likes challenges, of

course, it will be very easy to make online learning become unfocused. Youth playing online

games until late at night. This makes them even more lazy to do assignments or attend

lessons because they play late at night which makes them sleepy.

Second, I believe that Mens Sana In Corpore Sano, in a healthy body there is a strong soul.

Online games make teenagers passive so they don't exercise, of course this affects their health

both physically and psychologically

Third, the impact of this online game also changes teenagers in terms of socializing, both in

terms of communication and social interaction with the community, personal development

and adaptation of a person, especially teenagers, even the ability to adapt to their social

environment. Can't we imagine, if all schools were opened then young people who rarely

interacted and socialized had to face the real world? Psychologically it can cause anxiety,

panic among the crowd. This was proven when my school had a learning trial from school.

Fourth, young people who become game addicts sometimes forget their true identity. They

often speak harshly even to older people.

We can already feel the changes in social behavior in youth due to playing online games. In

the past, youth spent time helping their parents, working in groups and gathering with peers.

now teens gather only to play online games late into the night and often forget about their


Plus the assumption that playing online games can also be successful by becoming an esports

player or youtuber. Come on, wake up, guys! Whatever your goals are, they can only be

achieved by learning, responsibility, discipline and hard work.

Sebelumnya, hampir dua tahun saya dan teman-teman melakukan online school. Kami yang
sebelumnya tidak memiliki gadget, pada akhirnya memiliki gadget demi menunjang
pembelajaran online. Awalnya kami antusias mengikuti online school karena itu hal baru bagi
kami. Namun, tak sedikit di antara kami mulai berguguran dalam mengikuti pembelajaran
online dikarenakan tergoda game online. Game online memberikan hiduran di tengah
kebosanan berdiam diri di dalam rumah, tapi di satu sisi game online juga bisa
mengakibatkan efek candu yang bisa berdampak buruk bagi remaja diantaranya:

Saat sekolah masih online, kami ada kesempatan berjumpa dengan teman-teman. Bermain
bersama di sela istirahat, sehingga kita tak jenuh untuk pergi ke sekolah untuk belajar. Ketika
pembelajaran online ditambah di masa pandemi, ini menjadi tekanan tersendiri bagi kami.
Pertama, kami tidak bisa ke mana-mana dan hanya di rumah saja. Sehingga ketika mengenal
game online, kami seperti mendapatkan ruang kehidupan baru. Ya untungnya, saya bisa
mengendalikan diri untuk membagi waktu. Bagaimana dengan yang tidak?

Terasa sedih, ketika pembelajaran online satu persatu teman-temanku menghilang dan tak
jarang penyebabnya adalah game online. Ada beberapa hal yang bisa saya amati terkait
dampak game online bagi remaja.
Pertama, game online membuat

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