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Basic ingredient for Bread

• Flour – Bread Flour(HPF), Cake flour(LPF), Rye,

Multigrain, Whole Wheat
• Yeast – Instant Yeast, Active Dry Yeast, Fresh Yeast
• Salt – Fine salt, sea salt
• Water – H2O
Type of Flour
• Bread flour(HPF) – Most commom flour used for Bread,
Protein content ranges of 11-13 %
• Cake flour(LPF) – Soft Wheat flour, Protein content ranges of
6-9 %
• Whole Wheat – is made by grinding the entire wheat kernel,
Used to combine with other flour
• Rye flour – Does not develop much gluten, bread made with it
will be heavy, commonly will used with other flour
Type of Bakers Yeast

• 3 type of common Yeast

• Instant yeast
• Active dry yeast
• Fresh yeast
Function of Yeast

• Yeast is a living organism, fungus that multiplies and produces ferments by converting
starch and sugars(fructose, glucose, galactose) into carbon dioxide(CO2) and alcohol.

• Yeast is the ingredient to put in the dough to allow our products to rise. The CO2
becomes trapped in the gluten network of the dough making the dough rise.

• First 30 minutes of fermentation, small amount of these simple sugars which represent
about 0.5% of the flour are used to. By then we get help from the Enzyme AMYLASE.

• AMYLASE is a enzyme that naturally found in flour. When it hydrated it becomes active
and starts to breaking down the saccharose and maltose into simple sugars, which can
be digested by the yeast cells.
Function of Salt
• Salt plays many roles in baking, but its contributions are most evident in
bread making.
• It helps to slow down the yeast growth, when it used in the correct
proportions, will help to control the rate of fermentation. But too much of
salt can damage or kill the yeast by dehydrating the cells, resulting in a
heavier and denser product.
• Salt should never come in direct contact with yeast
• Salt is an Important flavor component in breads. It enhances both the
subtle flavors in the other ingredients.
• Strengthens the gluten strands.
Scoring Knife
13 steps of Bread Baking

2. Mixing/Kneading
3. Bulk Fermentation
4. Folding
5. Dividing
6.Pre Shaping
7. Bench Rest
8. Final Shaping
9. Final Fermentation
10. Scoring
11. Baking
12. Cooling
13. Storing
• Scaling
-Proper scaling ingredient
• Mixing
-Formation of gluten, will generate heat to the dough
• Bulk Fermentation
-During this stage, yeast will begin to convert sugar to alcohol and CO2
-Gluten begin to relax into place and strengthen the bonds naturally
• Folding
-We may choose to fold our dough during the bulk fermentation. This
will allow to manually stretch and align the gluten Strands creating the
layers of gluten strands with strengthen the dough and give areas for
Co2 to become trapped.
-Allow us to redistribute the build up CO2 in the dough as well.
-Even out the dough temperature.
- There have 2 method for folding the dough. 1.Fold 4 ways
2. Fold 2 ways
• Dividing
-After the step of bulk fermentation has finished, now we can divide the
dough to individual portions.
• Pre shaping
-We decide to do pre shape the dough before going to final shaping. This
will help the dough to slowly move towards to final shape without over
working the dough.
• Bench rest
-After the dough been pre shaped, we will go let the dough relax for a
time of 15-30 minutes. This will allow the gluten to relax, so is easy for us
to do the final shaping later on.
-This step is important.
• Final shaping
-This stage is important to handle the dough with care.
-This stage also is our last chance to adjust any tension the dough is
- Avoid touching the dough too much, we don’t want to lose all the gas
that trapped inside the dough.
• Scoring
-Scoring the dough has multiple function.
-It controls where the dough will break during the oven spring.
-It help to release of CO2 and steam in a certain direction which will
effect the crumb and oven spring.
-Originally used as a marking of bread in the times of communal oven.
-It helps overall aesthetic of the bread giving a nice appearance.
• For yeast – 0.3%-0.7%= 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs
1%-1.5%= 1 hrs to 1.5 hrs
1.5%-2%= 45min++
• For water percentage we divide to 3 category
High hydration of dough needed more folding to get larger
crumb n strong body.

60-70% - Average hydration

75-80% - High hydration
80%+ - Ultra hydration
• Proofing
• Crumb structure
• Scoring
• Shaping
• Ingredient (Flour, Yeast)
• Mixing process
Milk Bread (loaf)
Rye Bread
Soda Bread
Soft Roll
Wholewheat Bread

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