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Historical Record Dimensions and Properties ROLLED SHAPES Steel and Wrought Iron BEAMS & COLUMNS As Rolled in U.S.A., Period 1873 to 1952 with Sources as Noted Complied and Edited by Herbert W. Ferris AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION One East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100, Chicago IL 60601-2001 COPYRIGHT, 1953 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC, PRINTED INUS.A, FIRST PRINTING. 1953, ‘SECOND PRINTING 1058 HIRO PRINTING 1957 FOURTH PRINTING 1086 FIFTH PRINTING. 1988 SIXTH PRINTING 1973 SEVENTH PRINTING 1978 EIGHTH PRINTING. 1931 NINTH PRINTING. 1983, TENTH PRINTING 1990, FOREWORD Over @ period of many years the American Institute of Steel Construction has re- ceived numerous requests for information on the properties of beam and column shapes which ore no longer rolled. These requests usually come from architects, engineers, builders ond investment trusts, interested in the alteration of, or addition to, existing structures which might have been originally constructed many years ago and for which no plons are presently available, It was felt that a valuable service would be rendered the engineering profession ifall available infermation on the subject could be published in one reference book, The Institute had in its library many catologs and handbooks of steel producing mills showing sections rolled in this country since the inception of the industry. With the desire of supplementing this information s0 tht the coverage would be as complete os possible, an extensive circulorization was made of rolling mills, structural steel fabrica- toes, engineers, railroads ond libraries, osking for assistance. These vorious sources re- sponded generously by loaning such historical material as they possessed. With the addi- tion of sections currently produced it is believed that information on practically all beam cond column sections produced in this country is provided. Coreful study of the Explonctory Notes will provide further information on the scope of this book. The tobular data is limited to steel and wrought iron beams and columns, since other sections such as angles, chennels ond tees were standardized at an early date ond have been produced with few significant changes, for many years. The carly unit stresses as recommended by manufacturers ore tabulated. In the light of present day recommendations, these eorly unit stresses con be considered ultra-con: servative. To assist engineers who must ossess and evaluate the strength of existing structures, the ASTM specification requirements for tensile strength and yield point are ‘olso tobuloted, together with the working stress recommendations issued by the A.1.S.C. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the mony engineers, fabricaters, rolling mills and others who cooperated so generously in lending handbooks and catalogs which would not have been otherwise aveilable, We olso wish to thank Herbert W. Ferris of our staff for his willing assistance in compiling end editing this book. JACK SINGLETON Chief Engineer CONTENTS STEEL SHAPES American Standard Beams W Beams, Regular and Special W Shapes, Light Columns and Stanchions Light Beams, Joists and Junior Beams Columns WROUGHT IRON SHAPES 3eams Pages I1- 32 35- 81 83- 86 89- 91 93-126 129-141 EXPLANATORY NOTES GENERAL NOTES: The oim of this Historical Record is to bring together into one convenient reference book @ comprehensive tabulation of all rolled iron ond steel beam and column shapes, mony of which ore not listed in current mill catalogs. The weights, areas, dimensions and Properties of all rolled sections appearing in this tabulation were obtained directly from rolling mill catalogs and handbooks issued from 1873 to 1952. Some of the shapes shown were first produced in the early 1930's and are being rolled today without change. Properties end dimensions of such sections may be found in current cotalogs. The early catalogs did not always furnish all of the information required. In those cases the missing data have been computed from such information os was given. All figures not token from catalogs, are marked with asterisks. Inaccuracies, and some minor errors, ere apporent in the properties given in some of the eorlier catalogs. Since designs may have been based on the information presented in these cotelogs, original data were used in this tabulation. The typicol cross section used herein for dimension nomenclature, hos sloping flanges. This wos chosen to accentuate dimensions m and n. Mony shapes have parallel flonges; they con be readily identified when m equals n ond the percentage of slope of inside flange equals zero. This presentation is in the form given in the cotalogs of mills now rolling structural shapes. AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS. Under this classification are included beams similar in weight ond dimensions to the AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS edopted by the Association of American Stee! Manu- facturers on Jonuory 17, 1896. These were rolled both before and after that date. (There were rollings of so-called “'Standard Beams" after the above date with weights and depths the some os American Standard Beams, but with other dimensions differing. Other rollings held the dimensions but changed the weights by @ small percentage.) BEAMS Under this category ate included shapes used more frequently os beams thon os columns. If dota is required for @ section heavier than those listed under BEAMS, such dota will be found under COLUMNS. COLUMNS The tabulation of columns, includes shapes designoted in cotelogs as Columns, end shopes used es columns as indicated by tabulor information given in various mill catalogs and in the A.1.S.C. Steel Construction Manual. SECTION NUMBER When @ shape was rolled over a period of years by a mill, ond the number or name of the shape varied in the catalogs issued by thet mill during this period, the latest designa- tion is shown in Column |. When @ shape has more than one number or name, all of them ‘appear under “‘References"” on each page. No shope or section numbers, or nomes, are given in this tabulation for American Standard Beams or Wrought Iron Beams. WEIGHT PER FOOT Prior to 1896, most mills gave the weight of shapes in pounds per yard. These we hove been converted to pounds per foot for consistent tabulation. DIMENSIONS. Dimensions d, b, t, m,n, R, R" for currently produced shapes are given in inches ond decimals of an inch, just as they oppear in the mill catalogs. In the cose of obsolete shapes, where these dimensions are given in fractions of an inch in the catalogs, these fractions have been converted to their decimal equivalent. PROPERTIES OF SECTIONS, AXIS 1-1 ond AXIS 2-2 In the eorlier catalogs Section Modulus $ or I, and Radius of Gyration r, about one of c both axes, were omitted; these have been computed and included herein. In these early catalogs, the ronge of weights and the dimensions m and n were some- times given for sections in a series, but dimensions b and t, and section properties, were given for the lowest weight only. The increment of the web thickness was given for each ‘odditional pound of weight for the section. This increase in the web thickness of shapes heavier then the lowest weight section of @ series, has been used for computing dimen. sions b and 1, the area, and I about exis 1-1, from the data given for the lightest section, ‘even though small errors were known to exist occasionally in the original data, This method was implied in the catalogs. EXAMPLE: Given 15°" 180 Ibs. and increment of web thickness. for each pound increase in weight ‘equal to 0.02" ben A 1 (Axis 1-1) From Catalog 1571 a0 lbs. 6.4177 23.5 785.9 For 15" 1 100 Ibs. ‘Add (20. x .02) = 140.40 (.40x15) = _ 6.0 (.40e15") = 112.5. 2 #2 EO (4191S For 15" I 100 Ibs. 681 1.17 29.5 898.4 Formulas used to determine 1, S ond r about Axis 1-1 ond Axis 2-2 where not given in cotalogs: Axis 1 ba? — Ye(b-t) [fd - any — d - 2m] te 4 2 COMPUTED AREAS When all dimensions were given but the area was not, it has been computed from the dimensions. The orea of the fillets was not included in the section area in early catalogs. Loter, some mills included the fillet areas in the section area. Where areas have been computed herein for sections rolled by these mills, the fillet areas of course are included. PERCENTAGE OF FLANGE SLOPE With few exceptions this information was not given in the early cotalogs. When suf- ficient dimensions were given the percentage of flange slope has been computed. REFERENCES “fReferences"’ appeoring at the top of each page, ond occesionally at the bottom of the page also, identify the rolling mills ond dates of mill catalogs from which the doto were taken. ters preceding the dote designate the company thot issued the catalog, os Bethlehem Steel Company 1907 The Carnegie Stee! Company, Limited 1893 10 1896 Cornegie Steel Company 1900 t0 1934 Combria Steel Compony Combria Steel Company Carnegie Brothers & Cou, Limited Carnegie-lIlinois Steel Corporation Cornegie, Kioman & Cou, Union Iron Mills Carnegie, Phipps &Co., Limited Mlinois Steel Company Infond Stee! Company Jones & Loughlins Limited 1893 t0 1902 Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Beginning 1903 Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, Beginning 1926 Kaiser Steel Corporation Lockawanna Stee! Company New Jersey Steel & Iron Co. ‘The Passaic Rolling Mill Co. ‘A. & P, Roberts Company (Pencoyd Iron Works) The Phoenix Iron Compeny Pottsville Iron & Steel Co. Bethlehem Steel Company, Beginning 1909 United Stotes Steel Company 2 Pee ze uRe DES ormpe> B ic c cl G c c cl c Hl H J J J k u N P P Pp Pp s u EARLY UNIT STRESSES USED IN TABLES OF ALLOWABLE LOADS AS PUBLISHED IN CATALOGS OF THE FOLLOWING MILLS. FOR WROUGHT IRON 1872 Camegie Kloman & Co. ("Factr of Sofety 3" 14000 psi a7 New Jersey Stee! & lon Co. 12000 psi 12000 psi 161-10. Btn & Coste fn [12000 psi ee eee ean {0 1865 The Phoenix rn Compony 12000 psi 1885-1887 Pottsville Iron & Steel Co. 12000 psi 1889 Carnegie Phipps & Co., Ltd. {00 7 For STEEL 1887 _Pettsyille ran & Steel Co. 15600 psi 1889-1893 Comegie Phipps & Contd. (Bldgs) 16000 psi (Bridges) 12500 psi 1893-1908 Jones & Loughlins Lids} feo Jones & Loughlin Steel Cof 12500 psi 1896 Comegie Steel Co., Leds (Bldgs 16000 psi (Bridges) 12500 psi 1897-1903 The Posscic Rolling Mills Co Hieoee at }16000 psi rm eee fe 1900-1903 Carnegie Stee! Company (Bidgs.) 16000 psi (Bridges) ..... 12500 psi 1907-1911 Bethlehem Stee! Co. (Bldgs. . 16000 psi (Moving leads) 12500 psi .ackawanna Stee! 11000 psi 1915 Lacavene St Co = fone HISTORY OF A.S.T.M. AND A.1.S.C. STRUCTURAL STEEL SPECIFICATION STRESSES Minimum viet Seucfieston Remerts ™ 1900 ‘ASTM, AT Rivet Steel 50,000 to 60,000 Bridges Soft Ste '52,000 to 62,000 Medium Steel 60,000 to 70,000 ASTM, AY River Stee! {50,000 to 60,000 Buildings _ Medium Steel 60,000 to 70,000 1901-1904 ASTM, A7 Rivet Steel 50,000 to 60,000 Bridges Soft St 52,000 to 62,000 Medium Steel {60,000 to 70,000 ASTM, AQ Rivet Steel 50,000 te 60,000 Buildings Medium Steel {60,000 to 70,000 1905-1908 ASTM, A7 Desired 60,000 Bridges Desired 50,000 Steel Costings not less than 65,000 ASTM, A9 Rivet Steel 50,000 te 60,000 Buildings Medium Steel 60,000 to 70,000 1909-1912 ASTM, A7 Structural Stee! Desired 60,000 Bridges Rivet Steel Desired 50,000 Steel Castings not less than 65,000 ASTM, AQ Structural Stee! 155,000 to 65,000 Buildings _ Rivet Steel £48,000 to 58,000 1913 ASTM, A7 Structural Steel Desired 60,000 Bridges Rivet Steel Desired 50,000 Steel Costings were deleted from A7 ASTM, A9 Structural Steel '55,000 to 65,000 ats. Buildings _ Rivet Steel 48,000 to 58,000 ats. 1914-1923 ASTM, A7 Structural Steel 155,000 to 65,000 ats. Bridges Rivet Ste £46,000 to 56,000 1ats. ASTM, A9_— Structural Steel 155,000 to 65,000 ats. Buildings Rivet Steel 46,000 to 56,000 ats. 1923 AIsc Allowable bosic working stress 18,000 psi (1) Neo definite requirements for yield point other than it be recorded in test reports. 19246-1931 ASTM, AT Structural Steel 55,000 t0 65,000 Rivet Steel 46,000 to 56,000 aT not less than 30,000 12TS. or not less than 25,000 ASTM, AQ Structural Steel $5,000 to 65,000 1/2 T.S. or not less than 30,000 Rivet Steel 46,000 to 56,000 1/2 T.S. oF not less then 25,000 AIsc Allowable basic working stress same as 1923 (18,000 psi) 1932 ASTM, A140-32T Plates, Shapes, 60,000 to 72,000 1/2 T.S. or issued os @ tento: ASTM, A7 (Bridges) &ASTM, AD (Bldgs.) ASTM, 141-327 issued os a tento- tive revision to ASTM, A and AQ AISC Bors Eyebor flats un- 67,000 to 82,000 onnecled Rivet Steel 52,000 to 62,000, Allowable basic working stress not less thon 33,000 VATS. not less than 36,000 12 TS. oF not less then 28,000 ——_ some as 1923 (18,000 psi 1933 ASTM, A140~32T dis- continued and ASTM, 7-33 (Bridges) revised Oct. 30, 1983 ASTM, A7 tentotively revised to ASTM, 7-337. (Bridges) (continued on next page) Structural Steel $5,000 to 65,000 Plates, Shapes, 60,000 to 72,000 Eyebars Eyebor flats un- 67,000 to 82,000 annealed ATS. of not less than 30,000 VATS. o not less than 33,000 12 TS. oF not fess than 36,000 Specitican ‘ASTM, A140-327 dis- continued and ASTM, A9 (Buildings) revised Oct. 30, 1933 ASTM, A9 tentatively re- vised to ASTM, AS 33T (Buildings) ASTM, A141-32T adopted os @ standard 1933 AISC 1933 (Cont.) 1934-1938 ASTM, A7-34 (Bridges) adopted as @ standard ASTM, A9-34 (Bldgs.) edopted as a stand- ord ASTM, A141-33, 1936 AISC 1939-1948 ASTM, A7-34 ond ASTM, ‘A9-34 consolidated into cone specification (in Structural Steel Structural Steel Rivet Steel ASTM Requirement Tonal inion stongth ‘55,000 10 65,000 60,000 te 72,000 52,000 to 62,000 Allowable basic working stress some os 1923 (18,000 psi) Plates, Shopes, Eyebors Eyebor Flats un- annealed Structural Steel Rivet Steel 60,000 to 72,000 (67,000 to 82,000 60,000 to 72,000 52,000 to 62,000 Revised allowable bosic working stress to 20,000 psi. 1939) for bridges and bldgs. to be known as ASTM, A739 (continued on next page) Structural Steel {60,000 to 72,000 Yield Point TATS. o not less than 30,000 1A2TS. oF not less than 33,000 V2 TS. o not less than 28,000 ATS. oF not less than 33,000 VATS. not less than 36,000 V2 TS. oF not less than 33,000 V2 TS. oF not less than 28,000 V2 TS. not less thon 33,000 Date Speet ASTM, ATAT-3602) 1939-1948 Rivet Steel ‘52,000 10 62,000 1/2 T.S. or (Cont.) not less than. 28,000 ASTM, 4141-3918) River Steel 52,000 t0 62,000 1/2 T.S. or not less than 28,000 AISC. Allowable bosic working stress some as 1936 (20,000psi) 1949 ASTM, A6-49T issued 05 @ tentative re- vision to ASTM, A7-49T covering requirements for delivery ASTM, A7-49T. Structural Steel 60,000 10 72,000 1/2T.S. or not less than 33,000 ASTM, Al41-49T River Steel '52,000 to 62,000 min. 28,000 AISC Allowable basic working stress 20,000 psi 2) This specific 2) Prior to from 1932-1935. NOTES BEAMS STEEL AMERICAN STANDARD AND SIMILAR BEAMS ROLLED BEFORE THE STANDARD ROLLINGS WERE ADOPTED REFERENCES B Bethlehem Steel Company C The Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd. 1893-1896 C Carnegie Steel Company 1900-1934 CA Cambria Steel Company CAM Do CIL Carnegie-lllinois Steel Corporation CP Carnegie Phipps & Co., Limited IL Illinois Steel Company IN Inland Steel Company J&L Jones & Laughlins, Limited 1893-1902 J&L Jones& Laughlin Steel Company 1903-1916 J&L Jones& Laughlin Steel Corporation 1926-1952 K Kaiser Steel Corporation L Lackawanna Steel Company NJ New Jersey Steel&lron Co. PA The Passaic Rolling Mill Company PE A.&P. Roberts Company (Pencoyd Iron Works) PH The Phoenix Iron Company S Bethlehem Steel Company US United States Steel Company 24" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (1) AND PAGE 4 Isio-t926 543938 a7 1934 5474030) |ssorsa9 se7-83¢|s0-130 ssi-iose 16 | cisie site| cig | eee wer pete tnigat | ci9I7 | Glas! /Jettoos| 22 [seebelow fse"s|es-ms issvoasssoroea| ie "| clave | tiaae (ative) sno fsr-iose sss-ions| 6 jssevoee|sauavo| cigz0| clase | 2) 13, [sr sejssarnee| covone Srea/ ni”) “V8 | nstoe (0 | poor di bit t™}O IRR ped IT] S |r} li str Sg to) Tansee tne ns inns fs pets) 16.0 | 6.177] .637 | 922 | 460] s6| 27 fe 10 [ 617 les 120 | 616 rn 18.0] 6.17 saan ah 18.0 | 6169) ra ¢50| 1993] 190 | ese! (sa A 12.0 | 6035) [ea 180 | 6.082| fs 18.0 | 608 | 54 [esorz26,3 18.0 | 6.08 | .55_ gf 12.0 | ¢.087] sez 36 16 (18.0 | 6083) 543 36 ra 180 | 6.00 | 47 56 20 18.0 | 6.00 | 46 56 22 18.0 | 6.000 460 56 les 180 | 6.00 |_a6 56 3258, [ i 18,0 | 6.000) 460 56 | 18.0 | 6.000 460 19.0 | 6.004 460 ‘18.0 | 7.50d,.380) 1.0 | 7509 360] “18.0 | 6.004 322 | 18.9 | 6.004 380, 56 34. 50. 38 15" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS, REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (1) AND PAGE 4 2) 4 | 2 | 20) 23) 33 | 30 erieee| c1896 | 1907 |secisoo| ca io09| piss | pxi908 | 3 acisoe| Ca fate | i938 | Piso 20 fiacises [La lois | 34 | puioie | 15” [istises "27. enigse |puisis | [ca 1990 rolseci906| re 1996 | 19. | Pri9es | Ek rinct/Jatioos 32" |sciase | Par 9e9 16 pecisia | pwiozs ls 98 cane [32°] otmo lt | Lecises|omisar) | i Eisz0 Lauisst | | Frane] Wee] DIMENSIONS —_ [SLOPE] wor] rHick| | nsioe| | R LR hmcel Ti 2 ai 90 30 ‘0128 3 Tas 90 aus 90 os 72 iagaze 20 401828 as 192028 su | 900/26.47) 15.0 1s 900] 26.121 15.0 zx [es.1[2503f 1 3 25.0 19 25.0 30 25.00] ioaoze | 88.0|25 04 01228 25.00] a 25 26 24.65] 2233 2391] 15.0 z3si[ 15.0 | sz 2357] 150 15" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (I) AND PAGE 4 aes ecco (esi |e [ew ep) paiee| ccriaes | c1g21 |s18-922|seL1885 | ve ape | puisos 16,820.23, Epiboe | E1825 [siscsee| 21 | pe i900 | puigoe [27,34 EFiea2 | eysze [sso-nes |sacioxs | PEI9 [onisiz [See Page 17 | 3 | claso leewmas| 25. | 22. [omar | iors |craar_[sariesaleaieer |pwies0 rise | S1313 | Glaze [Sscisge|Pa tose | lenises iCiase fesrmes) 26 teiape [17 lea woo thuiogo |m 921 Jpuiaor ee Tea teas | * computed cou. WEIGHT JFLANGH WEB DIMENSIONS: sLoPE|| AXIS I—I ees per | area locera|morn|{riiax] — | | |nsibe | poor iia) | | eee) De || eae ede Sane ee a jaiz23 | 80.0] 23.81| 150 | 6.400 si0|1276|.81 | 9! | 4s6| 16%3]1795.5 106.1 78] 41761 13.1 | 1.32, 8 20.0123." 15.0 | 646s _s¢ fiisa|sis|75 |— | ish|7ar4 "1050 5.76] 42.1 "| 13.07 13. tem | 20012357] 180 80 fiz? Leo [30 eealze0.1 lios2 | s.79] 4131] 29%] 132] [ig20 | e0.ol2sse 15.0 | 6.392| 902104 |s9 |.¢o |= | rets]719.3 | 959 | 553] 3250] 102] 118 2 soolzasq 150 | 663 | 03 ii7_|so 7s istsll773.e4| 1032 | s.z3| 4049] 12.31 122| 30 '80.0| 2353] 150 | 6.409, 90 [1.267 |.¢0 | 90 | 1637055 li06.1 | 5.78] 41,76] 13.05] 1.32) is 20,0233] 15.0 |630 | 98 fios [so | 69 [3s | 553] 32.48] 10,16] 1.171 s | eool23s [150] 6.41] 27 fi23 [sa | 72 | — s.g2| 422 | 132°] 135) 26 e0.o[235 [150 |630] 91 fis1_|69 | 62 [— | s6s[ 370] i6"| 1 75.0122.,1%| 15.0 | 634724107 [7s | sz [- s74| 3504) 113%] 127 s.86| 40.1 | 127"| 135 [s.72] 346 | 1109] 12s) 75.0 22.1 | 15.0 | 6.31 | 87 fi23 zsol22.1] iso [6.29 |e fun | rrolzza iso | az selon 7 asad sad a8 _75.0| 22.05] 15.0 | 6.375| 62 }127 = 5.86] 40.1 | 12.6°| rs.0\2105| 150 | 6.274 s06|104 | s90],e9 | 35 70.2|2079 180_| 6.36% 76101 | 60 |- | — 70.0] 2081] 15.0 | 6.196 7e6[104 | 59 | 69 | ~ 568] 2903] 9.4°| 1.13| 70.0 u7_[.es_73_|.30 sai [ 36.73 1.4 709|208 ‘ia [013/75 | — | i3ig}si.1 | ozad_s.5] 379 | v2u| 3s] =—Tiz«} 70037} 93.<41 5.89] s3.4] 1097] 26) ssilso6 | 98 s62| 303 | 97 ‘ or [73 hut [89. = 1s3"[e928 | 924 | 5.0] 32.5 | 105"| 126) Bisel 1041 |.s9 | 69 | 354] ic%s|ee3s | eas | 5.68| 29.00 9.4 | 1.19 zase"" | oa |.s9 |.co |.35 | sets|oses | 879| 559] 200 | 93 | 1.19 lary | iia [71 |= |= Trae! 590] 3623[ 11 3°1 1.33 18 | 1.125 | 750 136" fee. 5.06] 338°| 110"| 129) as} i [68 isa"feres [901 | s.67] 3.7 [1031127 ; 150 feu7'|-e7 Nhor_|-73 ras sectlios Tas] 15.0 | 6.090] 688 fi.oe [59 ve¥3]e366"| 849°] 5.77|27.48] 9.0°| 1.20) 15.0 | 6.096| 586 |1.041 | 59 1e%]636.0 | 048 | 5.77| 27.42| 9.0 | 1.20] rtf iso [627 | 65 fios [57 13 ]64 5.82| 29.13| 93°] 1.23] iat [150 [610 | 62 69 153 5.90| 307 [10.1 *| 1.27] 18.1] 15.0 | 6.082 672 1.081 |.590| 59 ists |esz1 | 543 | 578] 272 | 09 | 1.20 15" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUNN(!) AND PACE UTI3TTIB [234,102 24 prepeese| is isigeg n tosefusie Bus 298.27 Sbleniase [ny [ie Poaeie [33.34° "crc | So SeePoge 17 ale 3 ss 36-190 pea Flaned wes | DIMENSIONS SLOPE COL | bee | anea |oePTH|wioTH | THICK| , |INSIDE| (| Foor dib tte Em™ iP {RR bance sai none ia iat [33 608] 17.881 15.0 | 600 | s90|1.o4 |.s90| 69! 35 | 16%] eize [er7 | ese | 608! 17.69) 15.0 69 | 35. ai6.7 I 20,8123" 15.0 69 | 354 a 159) si | 25 28 15.0 65 | 30 a 150 e|- las 600] 176 | 15.0 f.o7 [73 | ez] - 85.9 25,26 00! 176] 150 | 600| 52 fi.11 | .69 | 62] - | 153"}637.7 [a5.0 75] = 150| 75 [ess 7877.84 79) 74.77| 8. 77s" | 8 744" 743 |S. at 500 20 | ai 681! Fda 4i 68.1 jee | 46 728 gpyss2s ai |_si| 25 78 [er 4 66.36] 120. [at 9.2" 652] 5.74] 16.13) 5.70] 1.04 50 Tat_| sr] zac 64.5 | 5.731 1 7] 104 [genet 41 | 51 | 246] 645 | 5.73] 16.04] 567] 106 20 as | se] 26 27 | 5.92) 19201 66°] 116 seas 55 | 55| - 108 | 600] 21.0 | 73'| 120. [asses a | si | 25 saz | s.7al 160 | 5.7 { 10s e215| 5.96] 19.71| 6.8] 117 6.1 | 593] 192] 674 116 s00| 55 | — A 375 ia7'fasi.1| 601] sia 1920 i ieefaste'}ei5"| s.ed| 15.17] 55%] oF 0 31 16%] 455.8 |508 | 5.67] 15.00] 544] 105 eam ai |_s 1685] 4559 5a7| 15.09] 5.44] 107 20 4 | 5 | 24 | 165} 460.3. 90] 1497| $4 "| 106 3 ao | s5| - | 14s] sane") 582] 1472] 53°] 106 [2s 40 | 50] — | 149%} a5 [] 145 [52°] 105 a: | si | 25 | 16%] 453.6 see] 150 | 54 | 107 as 15" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS. REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (1) AND PAGE 4 15,713,178 12,4,1012.15, | 8 Lev252629, |igia20z2, | wise so je3273233, ise [Seeroseis [341 teisse Seepage |S lui9ass Jseevoeero | cists lowiois | ciai7 | pniaes | | Sisto | puiges tise0 I * computed 7 TaNeg WEB] DIMENSI score] = co, Pom DIMENSIONS: AXIS. AXIS 2-2 PER | AREA | DEPTH) wioTH [THICK » | nsioe| 0 Lroor di b[e}™{ PIR ER prow I} S ir |i | sir A oe 15.0] 550| 41 | 934] a1] 28 | 1683] aaa | 59.2 | 5.93] 1462] 5.32 | 1.08 15.0| 550d 410] 934! 41) 51 | 25 | 16%] aa18 | 509 | 595] 146/53 | 108 42.4] 124a 15.0] 550| 41 | ss | ai | 51 | 26 | 165Jaar8 | 509 | 5.95] 1462! 5.3_| 1.08 fs F013) i ‘41 5.99| 1443] 52 51 | 2a | 16s']ae37i ler | ara’ = | = | 146" 4330 | 57.73| 598] 1485] 5.3 Les 41] 55 | — | 1494]4201 | 565% 5.96| 140/51 *| ueaze | ar.ol 55 | - | sa9"faze1 | 566 | 5.94] 140 | 5.1 “| i. 39.01 375, 55| — | 147% 4033 | 538 | 592] 131 | 48 ls 375) 319 30| — | 291%} 4055 | 54.1 | 6.10] 19.9 | 5.9 a aif 30| — | ar} 4oss 541 | 6.10] 199 | 59 s 3 ie =| ietal| 405.1 [54.0 | eizl iss | as 3a 36.0| 313, 47 | — | 1534]3815 [509 | 6.00] 120 | 433 bs | 36.01 sri a5 | — | iets] 405. [540 | 617/135 | 49 | ss 36.0) 37i| 45 | 06 | 16%] s009 | 53.4 | 6.15 agi > 350] 33 | 33 | — | 1244] 3679 [49.0 | 6.00] 11 5¢| 20 ba 330] 313| 47 | = | t53"[ 3650 | 237 | 613[ 116 | ¢22 12" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (1) AND PAGE 4 sa | exbse|cvde lala ln rd oe| xan Zion ve? lx3See | cpigsz | ciase| c1921 |sisi9z2 o907 rdot.1096| Jat 908 [LA 1909 | re 1896 [en 1923 [vat Soo 3° | Gis00 | ¢123 |sio-iez6 smozomactoge isv® |ca ais | 28" len tess (oetrae c1a9s | cio0s |iviazs |ssovmos 14 |sacio00|sauiaie ta aie [rw ra90 | 32°” (vecsoes| 3g | SIMS | $1286 437933 ca ses linc igog| "20 "| "24" Ion 1n0e [ow 19s /scra08 cxisas | itiote | c1as0 serine Sati9@s ac ise6 | 1900| pn 1908, ecises| Giti948 | ciois | crost [ssi-i93e| im i921 JBL 90s vaL9a1 [Pa i901 usiese | io |icrasz [esbiass|" 12" [lacioee| oe) [pa aes [onaoes | cisia |icisae | 12. (vacieas|""35.- [pa | 25° (pnises, Gis2e |'C abe ssanoee) tw 1946|Pa 1998 pe ea: |onr9es [Pe 900 eas mel liis40 ‘see I reisor | cou ETT *FLANGY WEST DIMENSIONS [SLOPE] AXIS er | area [oePrH|wioTH| rHicK insioe (0 | Foor rowed I |S |r | T| Sir B. Tas (ine _[ 16 Tas Tn | les 66.9] 1 ¥[20338|67.23| 453|29.74| oes} 125 [03.49)67.3 ee 393.3 [65.6 is '330.0°/563 Ls lez jses77]6a3 | 360] 2696] 9.19] 1.24 1339.46|58.6 | 439| ieee! 6.67] 103 375.7 [626 37.071 72HaA 3382°° | 40.6 11.84] 120 | 5.250] 260] ese |.46 | s6| 20 | 16% | 2609 |aas | a77| 136 | 53 | 108 12" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS, REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (|) AND PASE 4 ry 6 | 23 /234,70112, | BEE cores | css iplaisieitie | cise. Setage | C1317 13,20,2,m23, | cr923 5 i919 2425262728, isis | ci920 E158 | a Peary) fouisss icises | ficisas ic ese “computed con [WEIGHT] FLANGH WES DIMENSIONS: [SLOPE] AXIS. AXIS 2-2 er | area [ocers] worn |rHicK |issioe o {rool | db | t ET [9 {RL frog T |S |r |r| Sir eh A FETA soo] 1184) 120] 250] a0] 059 | 46 | se | 276 32] 1.08 pie | aooliie | io] sso | 39 | ee | 0 | 50 | — c.itt20| Pr soo] i177} 12.0] 525 | «2 [ee [40 | sz [2a S43} 10) Fa Soo 1176 12.0] 5250) asd) es9_| a6 | 58 | 276] 16¥ 5264 108 [135. 400] 11.76] 12.0| 5215! 558] 73e|.35 | 45 | 21 42 "| lez 40.0] 1173] 12.0[ 5.50 | 39 | 91 feaza | a00[117 | 12.0[ 5.50 | 39 | 96 ae 334) ite | 1e.0| 525 | «005 2 39.0] 115°] 12.0] 5.429) s2s‘] 72. a 35.01 1152| 120) 521d) 553! 72 es 3aa[ 129 120) 519 [53 | 62 sao[ iz [2.0/5 6a sea] sed 375] 114 12.0] s 414 soa] 703 36,6] 1080] 12.0) 5.153, 4937 672 > 36.0] 106] 12.0] 535'| 45 ‘Lr es Ssopos [Teo] 822 |ae[ 71 [2774 35.0] 10.29) 12.0 | 5086] 436] 738 7 35.0, 1029] 12.0) 5.088| 436/739 Fa 35/1029] 12 0] 507 [a2 | 7a SWE ?4 350] 1020] 12.0| 5.078] 42a | 736 les | sail tood) 12.01 503d e304 672 ee 32.0] sae] 12.0] 525,32 [76 igage | 320, 9.4 | 120/825 | 35 | 72 318 5.00 35_| 738 Bie 5.000350 | 730 33 Soot ses ere 318 74 315) a 315) [315] 3081 305) 300] 38 280) [280 Sear ars br 275) 5 is 275 255710 i 275 5000255710, 30 6.495 240] 485 A 250 5.00 | 270 | 570 sr 25.01 5,000] 240] 662 10" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (I) AND PAGE 4 veya eg) ist ag) 22) 28 coiaes| c1a96 | cigar | a 1907 [s1s-i922|care0e ro) saLie96| aioe |paies7 Grig90 | C1900 | c1ae3 |se-1919[sioi9z6 ca gi91mc,vaLieos |caiais | paises 107139 | Elaos |iLiaes | 12 [sz01g29| 20.” vaLi900) cargi6 |Pa1900 |origae | Gioia | claze |s7-\920ls484933]sat 1908 atisoa| 23° |raiaoi | 29 |pmia31 ‘33 3° |iCisia [erase | "16 [sarosr Javiave Jacisos wstees |eais0s |pHi800 nies | cisis |e1as1 foaisar [ser ase, 21. saLisos/msiesr | 26. | 30. [enisse | Siow |Sisse | 17. |sssioes|secioze |ieciso6| 25. [Peigo1 |pwigas |" "34 | loxigas | Cia? |i9s2 |iniger | 14 [aaci9st |Jeti90e | parg00 |e? |pnis08 | «i980 | ciu9a8 | cisia iciose | 16. [ose-a4e! {L100 [ea iaor [rete |rwoia |" 35 | Uus19s0 | 61920 ‘iL 1a¥o [vee 1a [e969 1903 15 lini9ee “computes cou. VOR] Fianed WEB | DIMENSIONS [SLOPE AXIS AXIS 2—2 | er | anes Jeri] mots |THICK| a | pw [Ns © | Bor mon RL t/slr ‘ b._[Salmn i The ase | asofisia iis [es | 25 | - l2oszie1 [432 "| 06" 24 sool tie e2_|.s7_| a5 | - | 151 “]izes [357 | 3291 e73|31_| a 367 1 [43 | 56 3.86 r*t.s2_| 47 | a5 30 2 4001 11.69] 3 388 rusieaizs | 400| 11.69] 3.68, lug [e001 377 aod 3 | 377, 3.99 hromiam Asaeas8 | 376 ‘ar 3 408 |_a5e 4.08) 3.8" 4.02 aed 38 | see 19 30.0] 8.8 [673 | 31 3.90) ayes BEE] 300] 0.02 73 | 31 390 ze 30.0] 682! 7 [3 3.92 ee _| 300 a8 35_| 32 390] 0: | 33] 96 zs2i33 | 30.0] 0.75] 100| 4.797| 447 | 673 | 31 soi[ 76 | 32 | 93 10" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (I) AND PAGE 4 5) 8 ee) isis | erves 3. | 8 cise iste cisi9 | i932 ae 1820 |SeePoge 23 | co. POO] | Plane web] DIMENSIONS JSOFET AXIS: en | anes locers|woTt | THick| el aw [ns (0 | oor d}bitym [7 Fue] T |S | or Lb._(Sqie fia Inn aa a Taya, 2 val 10.0475 | 35 [74 |41 |- |- | 149°] 141.40/2829| 4.01 10.0] 4.638, aD 59 45 | i 3.87| 62 10.0] 4.81 ss | 32 jas |- 149 "| 127.4 [255 | 400 rool esr 375] 5830 [as [= asd) 1o.ol 4.75 | 32 | 65 {32 [as |- | 149%f1237 [ear | 4.06 rosla7s | 30 [6s [3 vga"[137.3 [275%] 452 wool ass | 31 | 67a. 4.06 | 10.0 673, 8 65 so7| ¢ 4.08 4.06 407| 68s! eeei38 673 ee 4.10] 661 r “406! 73 j 525 | 313 388| 7.09] Tso 29 [- ‘59 03) 576 sodl sri ar 03) 957) 330/118 eae | 2601 22 | a7 Li? 98 | 260] 22 ei7| | ee7 | 277/37 a3 23 95 125 1.25 | 6.15) 1.03 | 64 | 235] 30 417| 930) 3242 2s 9" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (1) AND PAGE 4 3 7 ie) ie | at | 2a 1921 | 57-1920 | sat i896 ro Laisoe| pa i897 | pcie96 |enigos cises | "9 (Javioioinc|uaisis patase | 22. |puis0e c1a13 |ivises |careoe ro) 14 18 |Paisco | Pevese |enioiz iste |'Ctoze [ca ovemec,| sau igi | "17. | palgor pet900 purai3 isis | cis30 | 10 15" nue | paises |PeIso! | 26 c1a93 | Claie | Cis ca 921 | vau'igz6 jnoiase | "ZO" | 23" [pnioss « Bi |sac 93 38 Pues /PHI936 7] 919 forstoce, wn ‘i921 9 25 sé919 | C1920 si9-1926) | 12 Pees! pa923 3049291 vaviea3 | lonigea waist] Feancd wes | DIMENSIONS —_[SLoPe| 6%.) per | area loons] more |rHicK a | am (Nine) (1) | Foor eee min Lance] a 10.38 90 | 5014 s7af|75 | a2 15.0 1930] 90 476 | 72 [63 Teta 1 10.29) 9.0 | 1 lees [1oz3|_9.0 1683) He 35.0 | ozs) Isei0.s. les 130.0 1s 1300. 30 20 | 286. 30 plese essf 90 [a 2it1e3 1270 20. 2 6.0 | 20 fe 253 [7 138 1s 25.0.| Tad} 9.0 ane ads [sor es 22 ir ma he sworn 2 sail Jaaiziez3 @ 8" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (I) AND PAGE 4 et 8 | ia) 20. | 25 | 28 | 32 | 36 corsa [c1996 ro aise | yoor rol caveae [ua eaera| sates batearro oe ese o| 931 ebiges |Gioisine [oises [srsezow Uatigosme| sass: pagosmejeeiorine | "87 Fe eee ee ee eee eee eee ase cpraoe [cise To |. 10. si3-9e2 70|1n 1909 | vaLi90s |LA1909 |Pxiv00|ew1a90 | 38 SP Cid ne uu isos Ssmsesine) {2° |Yacoe (catas [panvos | "Sao | kaso cieos | Niciaue [iS |v iga) | ' 23" [caine [ratggs pxwo6 70 | “35 Beat to [icing exo ro)" 18. | vehi | "2 [sa mnie mies crdis Gutta |" 13" Ghivoine viens “*E4"° |naiaee jevaee P38, S188 [Pe ease ie | 22, | sate [notes [petoos | pytoes wise bsevsas) ca 192 loatiooe lpcteo | puisea | VEIGHT| JFLANGH WEB DIMENSIONS: SLOPE|) AXIS. cou er | area focers|woTH | Thick [isi © troorl td |b |e Pm [9 LR IR pc T |S |r | T| Sir DOSER Inn eee a Tae Cae Hine 1 19 32.0 | 854] 80 | 47091 539] 656 | 3aa| 375] - | 147] e285] 20.7") 3.11] 7.75] 324] 95° zr e0%s | 234, 20 | a7sd_soe.e? 35 | 37 | — | 151° e106] 2044] 3.13] 74] 33°] 97 2 27.0 | 298] 80 | ace] ass'| «7 [35 | 37 | — ree" 200% se] 757] 328] 97 ee 270 | 78] 80] ase | 43 | 65 [35 | 37] — 776 | 19.4] 314] 691) 3.03) 93 23 255 | 754] 80 | 4276) sa6| sei | 27 | 37| - | s%s| cece" 1717] 3.02] a.78] 22a) sc 1 lass | rsé]_go | aa7el sael ser [27 | 37| - | 16tal ca.scl 17.12) 303] 76] 223) of ass | 7s | 90 eae [17 | 3.02] 475| 222] 20 25s | 75 | 80 a4 | it e7s| 22 | 80 255 | 75 | eo 9.14] 173 [a7o| 221] 79 255 | 75) 8 604 [171 | 302] 71! 221] zo 258 | 743) 90 66.1 | 170 2222 | 80 25.25) 743] 0 68.64) 172 47s| 223] 80. 2525) 743) 80 69.0 | 170| 303] 471] 221) 20 737) 80 69.85! 172"| 308] 5.34] 237] 85 27 les.o | 7381 80 so"] eae] 172 237] 0s e 73 | eo zis [i79| 313] 66s] 294] 95, 2 [250 | 73] a0 35] 17.1" 306] 524] 233] a8 se l2s0 | 73] 60 196 | 320] 656| 292) 95 ss 43 | 7.15] 80 16.08, 3.09, Lz 2 |230 | sed] a0 read aos} aail zit] ei ei |230 | 6791 80 16.16] 3.08] aa 2if et seas’ [23.0 | 6.76l 0. 16.1 | 3.03] 439| 210] et a2caze* [230 | 676] 8.0 16.1 | 3.09] 439] 2.10] at x2 [230 | 676, 80 163d 3.10 435| 209] 8 36 3.0 | 676, 80 | 417 { 16.1 | 3.09] 437| 210] 91 BABS] e30 | ez) ao | air sei | 27 | 37| 16 | 16%) 642 | 160] 309] 44] 21 | or no _|22.78| 673] _e0 | ei] 481] se: |.27 | 37] - | 163] 642] 16.16] 308] a7] auf) or vas lea7s| eso] 00 | air | 2a | 50: [27 | 37] 16 | iets] cau a36| 208] 81. izes _l22.0 | es | 0 | 450] 27 er [3s | a7{ = [isit| 79 6 Jor fs |ze0| 6.2] eo [ase | 29 | 65 | 35 | 37] — | sar‘ oor | 174] 3.30] 6.02] 278] 97 te , sr__|z30 | 677} 80 | sa7 | 26 | 209 | 20 | 30} 03 | 9¥s'| 654 | 164 | 3.10] 7.07| 2591 102 8" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN(1) AND PAGE 4 reese 1.2,3456,7.89,10 eset pgiaaoeyee25, pazeecates, a sesisess SeeFage 26 wear Flawed wee | DIMENSIONS — LOPE cor PER | AREA |DEPTH|WIOTH | THICK) 7 [INSIDE] "| poor dflb tim i R|R I Ss r I Sir men eT Tone Ta Ha 4'| 80 [ase 307] 56 | 26 = 159°] 3.19] «08 af 624 80 | 414*| 40%} 53 | 25 | - | - 1507] 60.28 | 15.07] 3.11 cual 20 | 5.20 | 56_| 3.18 6.07] 20 | «ond 362 sz] 3.7 6.04 8.0 | 4.030] 360 15.19] 3.171 4.06] 200] 82] 03] 20 | sos2l_362 51 | a7] or] 19s _e2 eos 00 | 087) a57{ sei | 27 | a7 sez! seta} coe [15 | 3.17] 407] 20 | 02 6.03] 8.0 | 408 | 35 | se: | 27 | 37/16 | 6%) os | 152 | 3.17] 404] 198) 82 6.03] 8.0 | 407 | 34 = |= [ostsl eiz0 [5.3 [3.0] 502 196] 82 | 597] 80 | s07| 349] sei | 27 | sz7is6 | sis} co2 | is 40120] sz 6.06] 8.0 | 4.090 360] se: | 27 | 37|- | 16%) 60.74] 15.19] 3.17] 4.08 2.00] se] ssel_eo | oe | ss [se |-27 150 | 318] ¢o4l_1 98 so so] 420] 32 | se | 27 150 | 322 sssf_e0 532] 31 | «09| 20 4a | 326 be [ie.¢ | s.sif 201 400| 270] sa | 27 43 | 328] 378] 199] a4 ey BSS |e | 5341 0.0 | 400| 270] se | 27 | _a7| ie | ists} 569 | 122 | 326] 30 | 19 | 04 a, [18.0 | 534] 80 | 4.000.270 “37[ =| ie] sescl| 142d) 326] 379] 198] eal MEE eo | 253] 20 | 00g 270) se) | 27 | 37/.is2, sia) ose |is2 | s27| s70| 19] 24 vasarssia0 | 53 eolazs | 2s [se [26 | s7|- | 1s0'}sze | 14 | 330] 435| 208] 91 e [ieo {53} 20] sol eso] s63 [25 | ars] - [157] s73 [143 | 328| 27] zor] 09 32 iso | 529] 80 | 400 se | 27 | - |- | 1628] 5736| 143 | 329| 372| 196] 84 era | 529) 00 | 3.0 se1_|-27 | a7{.i62| 16%] seo |s42 | 327/370] 19s] 4 lee 130 | 52] 8.0 | 4.13 sé_|.27| 37) - | 149'|{568 | 12 | 330| 395] 1.91] 87! 6 17.73] 5.33] 80 [400 ser [27 | 37| 6 | 1683] 569 | 142 | 327] 378| 188] 241 po [ir 7] s.2a) 20 | a00% sei |27 | s7|- | 16%] see7| a2 | 31| 37a] ses] al 5 irs | 5.isf_e0|s.530| 210] se3| 24 | 33|- | vetq)sos [iss | sa7| 25 | eu | al fe is | $12} 80 [soo 220] 57] 24 | 18[- | s0}ses | 146 | 330] 62 | 2s | v0] Solita [siz] 80 [400 | 26 | ss_25 | — |— | iso"}sas | 13se{ sze| 3s2| 1.76 so [1723] so7|_e0|4o0| 26 | se |26 | 20] 20 | 139°} 5322 | 1331] aza| as2| 176 sea’ [170 | soo 005.5 | 2a | 409 |.20 | 30].03 | ev}seo | 140 | 35] 66! 2as[ 1.1 i 7" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS | REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN(1) AND PAGE 4 ig 2 ceises | cias6 ro [onieas jeeeg ine Tostase crise | cisai to | 7 2 i307] se-i9ra[eaisiswne,| 19. | Mules! eIGOlme. sr iszo 16 arises) 22, | 28 \iNi9es, 11 | BL 1993 J8L 193! |paiga? To PA 3 \ciueoine, |1. 1914 [sse9e6| 17/20" |eais03 inept e193 Io 8 (S56-1948.sAL1896 T0LA 1309 | 23 5181922 TO 1. 192514 JAL IBIGINE|LA IBIS |pAI900 TO 1) er | a6 | Jeaiese rolsar 0 | noises para leSineSue ic $98 |n tao0/™ 2a eee (S36 18 lee saee ro career | Jin 1921 /Pe 1831 INCIPE 1896! PH1890 “computed j co, MEST FLANGE WEB DIMENSION: AXIS 2—2 ren | anca JorPrs wots Tick ' 1 | poor d}b}tym|n Tisir Besa nina Soe a | 26% a] 70 | 4534 557) .65 | 35 | 33 Zt 3.04] 93 ‘Lesa | 224] 10 assed ssel soa aia] Taare’ etd] eos eet] a 220 | 649] 70| 4334 35a] 65 | 35 | 33 eT *| 2.83] fez 31 [sie] 248] 91 zeo | ea! ro] ai7| 36 | 63 2i¥s| ail 70 | azed 493] 53 33 431] 202] 32 202 | 594 70 | 399 | 30 | 20 36 4 Las! 79) 200 | ssf 70 | ss7d asal ssa] 25 | 35 | zee] 327 169] 24 200159] ro|42s| 276s | as | 33 552| 260|_97 200 3863456) 534 20 ja___| 200° ay a — — foal te es [7s 25 | .35| 15 | 16%! [sa1033931| 17. 250| 35 | 15 | 16%] izaia7 | 155. Lzs | 33] - | ias*| 0 15.3 25 | 35 | 15 | 16% gaa refuse 2s | 2 - [on] sre [soa | esol 30] taal an ee 15.0 25 15 | 1643} 36.61 | 10. 2e8| 264| 144] 78} 2a 1a6 | 426] 70 | 375] 26 | ae | 24 137‘]363| 989] 205] 268! 1431 79] r 6" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN(I) AND PAGE 4 4 To Ti | IS | 22) 2s) 29 #6 To [111914 |cA 1898 To|ss4v94e|saL 1931 [px 900] Pe i838 |pwises JEbiase c19z01NG,| 8. ChbI9 INC. ssersae) 19 [pa i9oi |e: a 2 3S inases 13 [tx 1909 /Px1903 | PEI901 Jepies? cisal ro |1L1932 | wai |Laisis | 23° | 28 ewes ‘uindoineiLisse yatineine) “1a |Laiais PE Tee8 PHi908 3 cies) 10.) 9 21 iw 1909| 20. Pe lees (emis08 PHI9se 16 |si3i922 70 ® i907, Pxie97T0|,"25. | nstaeo [reiesi euisi2 | 32 len teas Ss2vaesine, sein Paigoa nc. iw ro2s|nulgar 26. >HI9I9._K 1980 livises iseoiseo, 24 | 16. |" 27 #1900 33 2 i fsi9s0 E1096 aL i893 |eHi8s0 Ipei90r | wigs: ‘computed IGT] Flan wee] _ DIMENSIONS store|_axis ii [Axis 2—2 | cous Per | ane |ogeTH|wioTH | THICK 7 |INSIDE| 1 «1 [oor dib it | ™ iP [RI bow TPS |r | ti sir Tb. A CD Lisa) 262 | a7 Liste 26 sol 8.8 | 229] eal rar asts| 262 | 87 Sass] fie 30 5" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (1) AND PAGE 4 ie ee By ie ia) IS 2) es | P1889 ¢ 1896 70/11 1325 \cA1898 70 IN 1909 LA 1909) PH 1990 Ps 931 | i Slave ciseotine ic 1982 carping | "iS? [Cio 29 P38 [v2 5 jm i934! 13 law get | tase. 391 |p 1906 FH 1938. zie casio |S cals MIST AS" PIM ee BP cone | 6 90745? acigos /nssen im tre] x 1950 tans PTO" | ger sau ise 08 ar mio | “38 & _ | sie192270 S7-1920 vacisisinc, 0A 1926 22 PE io9e, 2B lin 1946 eu toa assineane) ii POET 185° mao [eae rw ees Jus 1950 | 1, 1914 S86-i948 PAwOS ING. Pargo3! i * computed seme FFLANGH WEB DIMENSIONS. SLOPE AXI: i—! AXIS 2-2 er | area Jocers|motn riick ~ nsioe| (| poor dibirymin{R[R Ne |ESE eta ela|poninG Esa tana ee itn 509) 50 | S564 sid) se | 33 | 25 |~ | ia6] ve3r| 738] 196] 258) ise] _71 4.84 50 486 | 563 | 313| 25 | - 19.2% 1757] 7.03) 1.97] 133 68 5.0 437] se [33 | 25 | - | 164 i754] 702 19: sad] rr 50 sis 23 25] — | isi sar! ed] 18 os si 38 [332s 137 13a 7] 508 a | Ls? vo | ss 31 a7) 10a 8 ro | 63 Lod) 63] 39] i27)_72 gf 1.8: 120] 63| “1ad] sé] 38 vail —zel_s7 lee fiz 130] 97] _2| ar astSe| 2. ies] 92] 63 jes liz.25 | 142] si] 6: be hiees 13] i] 3 [samyeso| 1225, 356 5.0 | 3 sa [91] 63! (zameeeael cgiod Laé] 95] 64] ee 120 1aal__s2'| 64] i2az06 [10.0 tes] 8é]_ 66] lee 10.0. 123] 62| 65 10.0 | 2845, 54 | 215] 140] 96] 69 “|10.0 | 2871 50 | 3.00 3.75[ 29 [0 | 3.0 287] 50 | 3.00 nf s0_| 3 12 | s2] 65 o6| 1.29] 86] 67 49 | 2.05{ sail eit ss. 46 | 205| 12 76 50_| 300 2.66] 5.0 | 3.00 463] 205| 114] 76] sa] 4.99/ 206] 1.12| 75) 65. 4" AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS REFERENCES, SEE COLUMN (I) AND PAGE 4 a \ ony rar Jervees | c1e96 10|s1:925| sse-i946| vaviess |Larsos wines 2 1ib8s | 2"? | seuss 1o|tarsre 7 close cian 10 ne) 18 vase 3% epson, TF wstaos 2 199s ee ee TS" | sadiaes [totes paisa e| sige farrieeol carser | Yocies | at 23 lewisae| “10 2 | 155" peinae i900) cists sisiozero, | mont |aaiear ro reises |pngos ro | “30 lisiose sebseni i ioaoa me. lPetear lemars NG, /awibee | cou PEO Feanod wes [DIMENSIONS [SLOPE] axis) pen | anea |ocers wots rie a lw ise ( Lroor dib{|t|[m ir eave] _T ____ Pte /S@ie Jina tne 3 13v3| 3arf 40 | 299% 143°] 9.0 piso 379] oT 2ard is) 7] oe) is nas’ sad) 20 [27s S07 a2 fae 3 33q 40 282 151" 7.60 % sai so | e86 ia 1s SBR os | a0] 20 | 2nd, s 2 arf 108 3 287 zh ps ios. TOT [sammie 105 ZA ps . 27 ars = eas" gam 100, 298) 40275 77, 20 ootze | so 2s9 eee BBR os | 2 rl 20 | zor ea 2p Sse yal 201279 a os [aml ao [ere a7e|_s0 | 276). “az so fers 2d 30 | 2738 [se eae ez es zac] «0 [2.86 pas] 0 [2.60 239] 40 | 2 22d = 23 | a0 [aso pean Faas so | 2esol fer 26] 4.0 | 266 [seen 40 | 266 es ao[ aes [a [ies s.0-[ 225] 0 “ao [280 A 20 [259 rm 40 [256 zt rao pes 20 ao [21 2 20 [218

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