The Unfair Sex?: The Politics of Violence Against Women

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a devastating analysis of Card and raised, demand for it falls.

The of redistrihuting power from the ruling

Krueger's study. Berman analyzed ac- Berman analysis even quantifies the class (men) to the oppressed class
tual payroll data, instead of responses effect: "Every 10 per cent increase in (women). VAWA defines "gender-moti-
to a single telephone question, and the minimum wage decreased employ- vated crimes" as federal civil-rights vi-
found that Card and Krueger had got ment hy 2.7 per cent." olations, converting domestic violence
it wrong. In fact, Berman concludes, So the minimum wage turns out to and rape into "hate crimes." The law
"New Jersey's employment growth he one of our leading killers—a killer recognizes men and women as antago-
lagged Pennsylvania's hy 5 percentage of economic growth and economic op- nistic classes to he governed hy differ-
points." This study reaffirms what portunity among the young, the poor, ent standards of law.
everyone already knows: when the and the minority community. It's time VAWA allows not only criminal pros-
price of a good (in this case, lahor) is to stop it hefore it kills again. D ecution hut also civil suits for "the re-
covery of compensatory and punitive
The Politics of Violence Against Women damages, injunctive and declaratory
relief, and such other relief as a court
may deem appropriate." Just as
"crimes motivated hy race" can he tried
under federal civil-rights statutes, so

THE UNFAIR SEX? too can "crimes motivated hy gender."

In effect, a man can he tried (and pun-
ished) twice for the same crime.
Furthermore, hy making rape a civil
In the fight against rape and domestic violence, offense as well as a crime, feminists
avoid the need to prove rape "heyond a
men are now presumed guilty. reasonahle douht." All a civil court re-
quires is "a preponderance of the evi-
The success of "hattered woman sjm-
drome" as a defense in murder cases

HE April 9 march on Wash- onds. This research indicates that 54 also illustrates how standards of jus-
ington to protest violence per cent of all "severe" domestic vio- tice have heen warped hy the politi-
against women was yet another lence is committed hy women. It's cization of violence against women.
attempt to politicize the crimes of rape strange that we rarely hear these sta- Traditionally, a plea of self-defense re-
and domestic assault. Boosted hy fresh tistics. quired imminent danger without the
funding from last year's Omnihus In the current climate of hysteria, possihility of escape. Today, courts are
Crime Act, feminist advocacy groups those who question the conventional acquitting women who kill ahusive
are pushing the images of women as wisdom are denounced as enemies of hushands in their sleep.
victims and men as heasts. Gloria women. Radical feminists are using
Steinem declares that "the most dan- the issues of domestic violence and What the Research Shows
gerous situation for a woman is . . . [to rape to create a new jurisprudence

he with] a hushand or lover in the iso- that assesses guilt and imposes pun- UCH deviations from tradition-
lation of their own home." A massive ishment hased on gender. In Feminism al legal standards are driven
hillhoard campaign proclaims: "One Unmodified, University of Michigan largely hy the perception that do-
woman is hattered every 15 seconds." law professor Catharine MacKinnon mestic violence is something that men
Upon appointing the head of the argues that "some of the same reasons do to women. As we have seen, this is a
Justice Department's new Violence children are granted some specific myth. The research cited ahove is far
Against Women Office, President legal avenues of redress . . . also hold from an isolated case. In 1975 and
Clinton declared that rape has in- true . . . for women." Lenore Walker, 1985, sociologists Murray A. Strauss
director of the Domestic Violence Insti- and Richard J. Gelles conducted what
creased three times faster than other
tute and the leading exponent of "hat- may he the hest availahle studies of
crimes in the last decade. Yet accord-
tered woman syndrome," explains the family violence. They found that men
ing to the latest National Crime Vic- were as likely as women were to he vic-
timization Survey, conducted hy the political underpinnings of violence
against women: "A feminist political tims of domestic violence (though
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, sex- women are more likely to he seriously
ual assaults on women declined 20 per gender analysis has reframed the proh-
lem of violence against women as one injured). Indeed, in the decade hetween
cent from 1992 to 1993. And the same the two studies, the rate of violence hy
of misuse of power hy men who have
survey that found that a woman is men against women dropped, while the
heen socialized into helieving they
heaten every 15 seconds also found rate of violence hy women against men
have the right to control the women in
that a man is hattered every 14 sec- rose. To counter the charge of "gender
their lives, even through violent
Miss McElroy, a contributing editor to Lib- hias," Strauss reran the 1985 numhers
erty, is the author of Freedom, Feminism,
The Violence Against Women Act using only the responses of women—
and the State (Holmes and Meier) and XXX:
(VAWA), which Congress approved last and came up with the same results.
A Woman's Right to Pornography, forthcom- year as part of the Omnihus Crime Other studies also indicate that men
ing from St. Martin's. (Continues on page 88)
Act, advances the radical-feminist goal

74 NATIONAL REVIEW / M A Y 1, 1 9 9 5
McELROY The FBI, of course, is not using the tions, 45 were officially declared false,
(Continued from page 74) expansive feminist definition of domes- meaning the complainant later admit-
tic violence. In its 1994 "Fact Sheet," ted that no rape had occurred. i,
are victims of violence more often than the San Francisco-based Family Rape allegations can have a disas-
women. In 1994, according to the Violence Prevention Fund describes trous impact on the accused man. Last
Justice Department, 55,5 per cent of "domestic violence" as "the actual or summer the New York Times reported
domestic murder victims were men. threatened physical, sexual, psycholog- that a male student at Pomona College
Last July, the 13th World Congress of ical, or economic abuse of an individual had been denied his diploma because a
Sociology reported that in 1992 by someone with whom they have or woman decided to denounce a sex act
American husbands assaulted wives at have had an intimate relationship," that had occurred two years earlier.
a rate of 4,6 per cent, while wives as- Feminists are also pushing a redefi- She claimed rape based not on the use
saulted husbands at a rate of 9,5 per nition of rape. In 1991 Canada passed or threat of force but on the lack of ex-
cent. The latest National Crime Vic- a "no means no" rape law, which re- plicit consent.
timization Survey found that women versed the burden of proof and nar- This sort of injustice is the inevitable
were 40 per cent less likely to be vic- rowed the definition of consent. Under consequence of treating men as a sepa-
tims of violent crime than men. this law, sex is rape whenever a man rate and antagonistic class, rather
Dogmatic attitudes have crippled fails to "take reasonable steps" to make than as individuals who share the
honest research into domestic violence. sure he has the woman's consent. Even same humanity as women. Men are
In 1988 R, L, McNeely, a professor at if the woman yells "Yes!" repeatedly not monsters. They are our fathers,
the University of Wisconsin's School of during coitus, the sex act could be con- brothers, sons, husbands, and lovers.
Social Welfare, and a graduate stu- sidered rape if she is in a "diminished They should not be made to stand be-
dent, Gloria Robinson-Simpson, pub- state"—say, drunk or on drugs. fore a legal system that presumes their
lished an article noting that men are Courts are coming dangerously close guilt. Feminists must resist the temp-
the victims of domestic violence about to accepting the definition of rape of- tation to wield power as unjustly as
half the time. According to the Wash- fered by Catharine MacKinnon: "Polit- men have in the past, D
ington Post, a women's organization ically, I call it rape whenever a woman
threatened to use its potent influence has sex and feels violated." The new RODMAN
in Washington to have McNeely's re- feminist definition of rape reverses the (Continued from page 42)
search funding pulled. In 1978, when presumption of innocence. Tradition-
Suzanne Steinmetz published an arti- ally, a man accused of rape was consid- realism—and likewise our China pol-
cle on the "battered husband syn- ered innocent until lack of consent was icy. Foreign aid needs to be put on a
drome," distressed feminists called proved. Now the onus is on the man to firmer grounding of strategic interest.
anonymously and threatened to hurt prove that the woman, in a sane and The U.S, role in UN peacekeeping
her children. sober state of mind, gave an explicit must be based on strategic judgment
Such zealots are aided by others who "yes," And since sex is rarely preceded and constitutional accountability. A
unthinkingly accept propaganda as by explicit consent, such proof is hard foreign policy motivated by the un-
fact. In October ("National Domestic to come by, ashamed defense of freedom will not
Violence Awareness Month") of 1994, A man's sincere belief that he had apologetically seek the blessing of the
when members of Congress rushed to consent is no longer a defense, Susan UN for things we need to do in our own
express their support for battered Estrich, a law professor at the Univer- interest, nor will it look to the UN for
women, accuracy was lost in the stam- sity of Southern California, maintains guidance as to when and where we
pede. Representative Oiympia Snowe that women should be empowered "in should spill our blood and treasure.
(R., Me,) declared, "Domestic violence potentially consensual situations with Republicans shouldn't be anti-inter-
, , , is the leading cause of injury to the weapon of a rape charge," Consent vention all the time, or pro-interven-
women aged 15 to 44, according to re- can never be assumed, even in the tion all the time. Tbey can be the
cent research by the Surgeon General light of cooperation or a past history of grown-ups, asking the tough questions
and the American Medical Associ- romance. about our strategic interests and mili-
ation." The study to which Repre- Even explicit consent may not be tary realities, so that we commit our-
sentative Snowe was alluding actually enough. Dr, Andrea Parrot, a Cornell selves only where it's important and
found that violence in general was the University psychiatrist, defines a rape when we commit ourselves, we prevail.
leading' cause of injury to women in a victim as "anyone who is psychologi- This is hardly isolationism, as
single black West Philadelphia slum. President Clinton has lately charged.
cally or physically pressured into sex-
In only 12 per cent of the cases was On the contrary, this approach is syn-
ual contact," By this standard, a
onjrmous with a strategic view of the
the perpetrator identified as the wo- woman who is persuaded to have sex-
world. The mushy multilateralism of
man's husband or lover. Repre- ual intercourse is a rape victim.
the Clinton Administration has meant
sentative Eva Clayton (D,, N,C,) In the rhetoric of radical feminists, deference to others to the point of abdi-
claimed that "in one year more than false rape accusations almost never cation—what Walter Lippmann once
four thousand women have been killed occur. The data say otherwise. A recent called the "internationalism of the iso-
by their husband or partner," Imagine article by Eugene J. Kanin in the lationist," The Republican opportunity
how surprised the FBI must be: its Archives of Sexual Behavior reported is to rebuild domestic support for the
Uniform Crime Statistics place the on a study of rape allegations that had job that America must continue to do:
number somewhere between 1,200 and been brought in a small community keeping the world safe for freedom. D
1,400, over a nine-year period. Of 109 allega-

88 NATIONAL REVIEW / M A Y 1, 1 9 9 5

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