Advances in Reproductive Technologies in Cattle: From Artificial Insemination To Cloning

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Rev. Med. Vet. Zoot. 2009.

56:184-194 Revisión

Advances in reproductive technologies in cattle:

from artificial insemination to cloning
Bertolini M1 and Bertolini LR
Center of Agroveterinarian Sciences (CAV)
Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Brazil

The urge for the control of reproductive processes in animals has propelled a great gain in
knowledge, also setting off the development of four generations of assisted reproductive
technologies (ART) for humans and animals. The use of assisted reproductive techniques
has been of great importance in livestock production. In general terms, the main first three
generations of ARTs, including 1) artificial insemination (AI) and gamete and embryo
freezing, 2) multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) and 3) in vitro fertilization
(IVF) procedures, have matured into successful commercial applications, facilitating the
increase in production through genetics, the reduction in generation intervals, the control of
diseases, and the cutback in production costs. The fourth generation of ART encompasses
processes that are still more experimental, comprising cloning by nuclear transfer (NT) of
embryonic or somatic cells, transgenesis, and stem cell biology. Such technologies are in-
tertwined with one another and with currently available molecular tools, being completely
dependent upon the previous generations of technologies. However, many reproductive
challenges still hinder maximal livestock reproductive performance, affecting productivity
and profitability. It is clear that the application of such technologies as lucrative activities
will remain questionable if not associated with other components of animal production,
such as animal health, nutrition and adequate animal husbandry practices.

Key words: Reproductive Technologies, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, cloning, IVF

Avances en biotecnología reproductiva en

bovinos: de la inseminación ARTIFICIAL a la
El afán por controlar los procesos reproductivos en animales ha llevado a una gran ganancia
en conocimiento, impulsando el desarrollo de cuatro tecnologías reproductivas asistidas
(ARTs) para animales y humanos. El uso de ARTs ha sido de gran importancia en la produc-
ción ganadera. En términos generales, las tres principales generaciones de ART, incluyendo
1) inseminación artificial (AI) y congelación de gametos y embriones, 2) superovulación
y transferencia de embriones (MOET) y 3) procedimientos de fertilización in Vitro, han
madurado en aplicaciones comerciales exitosas, facilitando el incremento en la producción
a través de la genética, reducción del intervalo generacional, control de enfermedades, y
reducción de costos de producción. La cuarta generación de ARTs incluye procesos que aún
son muy experimentales, como transferencia de núcleos (NT) de células somáticas, trans-



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génesis, y biología de células madre. Estas tecnologías se intercalan las unas con las otras y
con las herramientas moleculares actuales, dependen completamente de las generaciones de
tecnologías previas. Sin embargo, hay muchos retos reproductivos que no permiten alcanzar
el potencial reproductivo máximo, afectando la productividad y la rentabilidad. Es claro
que la aplicación de tales tecnologías como actividades lucrativas se mantendrán cuestiona-
das si no se asocian a otros componentes de la producción pecuaria, como la salud animal,
nutrición, y prácticas de manejo adecuadas.

Palabras clave: Biotecnología de la reproducción, inseminación artificial, transferencia de

embriones, clonación, IVF

Introduction mal management, disease control, nutrition,

The biological and technological advanc- and reproduction. Therefore, the benefits of
es observed during the past six decades have ART and genetic improvement can only be
spawned the development of four generations expressed if other aspects of livestock man-
of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). agement are improved, including the produc-
Historically, aside from the mere scientific ers’ education, in which any implementation
curiosity, the emergence and development of of reproductive biotechnology and genetics
reproductive technologies have been driven should be part of a broader program to im-
by the economical gain offered by the poten- prove health and nutrition.
tial increase in the number of offspring from The most consolidated reproductive tech-
genetically superior animals or simply to niques that have been genetically relevant in
safeguard the genetic pool of infertile or sub- the past half a century take part of the first
fertile animals. In other words, reproductive three ART generations, including artificial
technologies were developed to offer possi- insemination, cryopreservation of gametes
bilities for wider use of superior germplasm or embryos, induction of multiple ovulations,
(1). For one to take full advantage of the ben- ultrasonography, embryo transfer and in vi-
efits of assisted reproductive technologies tro fertilization. Third and fourth generation
there is a need for the support of long-term technologies such as sexed semen or embry-
and basic research for the understanding of os, cloning, transgenesis, stem cell biology
the complex mechanisms that underlie the and molecular diagnosis have the potential
physiology of the female and male reproduc- to enhance the influence of superior animals
tive systems and their reproductive cycles. on production, but their commercial applica-
As novel findings emerge, new perspectives tions have been limited. Furthermore, the use
and applications are proposed, tested, re- of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and
fined and, finally, put in practice. However, bioinformatics in the study of reproduction
it is not possible, for example, to separate will allow a greater understanding of the lim-
reproductive and genetic biotechnologies for itations to efficient reproductive processes.
a successful genetic manipulation program. Some relevant aspects of such technologies
Consequently, application of biotechnologies are discussed below.
to livestock usually falls within four catego- First Generation
ries: a) management or husbandry, b) herd
health, c) nutrition and growth, and (d) re- of Reproductive
production and genetics. In this view, genetic Technologies
improvement is seldom introduced without Artificial Insemination (AI). Artifi-
other improvements in aspects such as ani- cial insemination is the first generation of


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ART, which has been in use for more than Cryopreservation of Gametes and
200 years. As a modern technology, AI Embryos. It was the attainment of suc-
with fresh or frozen semen has been the cessful protocols for semen cryopreserva-
most successful and efficient reproductive tion that made AI thrive as an accessible
technology in animal production for the reproductive technology that allowed the
last six decades. The use of AI had a major widespread use of genetically superior sires
impact on genetic improvement programs (3). Frozen semen boosted the dairy indus-
in developed countries, associated with try, for making AI simpler, economical,
1,0 to 1,5% annual rates of genetic gains and successful, with more than 60 percent
in dairy cattle (2). Through the prospec- of dairy cows in the USA bred by AI. Con-
tive genetic gain attained by using AI, it versely, due to the typical extensive produc-
is estimated that approximately 50% of tion system, AI accounts for less than 5
the increase in milk production efficiency percent of inseminations in beef cattle.
observed in developed countries during the Similar to AI, embryo cryopreservation
second half of the 20th century can be at- allowed the global commercialization of
tributed only to the genetic gain obtained by animals of high genetic merit, as embryos.
the widespread use of AI over conventional Embryo freezing has been a successful
breeding, with the other 50% corresponds procedure in cattle for almost three decades
to significant advancements in the produc- and it became of routine use in the field.
tion systems per se, including herd health, However, in vitro-produced (IVP) bovine
general management, and nutrition (3). The embryos are more sensitive to cryopreser-
use of AI has boosted the development of vation than their in vivo-derived counter-
efficient programs involving synchroniza- parts (4). Many efforts have been focused on
tion of estrus or even ovulation, without the adjustment of cryopreservation methods
requiring heat detection. With the advent to special requirements of IVP embryos,
of commercially available prostaglandin with vitrification procedures appearing as
F2α and its analogues in the 1970s, estrous a promising approach for the cryopreserva-
synchronization systems were developed to tion of IVP bovine embryos than any other
assist producers to incorporate AI into their freezing methods (5, 6). The open-pulled
operations by reducing time and labor asso- straw (OPS) technology has been proven
ciated with estrus detection. Recently, with successful not only for the vitrification of
better understanding of endocrine profiles bovine oocytes and IVP embryos but also to
of females throughout the estrous cycle, be combined with the in-straw warming and
economical and efficient systems have been cryoprotectant dilution method for direct
developed for the synchronization of ovula- embryo transfer (6).
tion, which allows producers to AI animals Second Generation
at a predetermined fixed-time, eliminating
estrus detection. These fixed-time AI sys-
of Reproductive
tems work well for the synchronization of Technologies
estrus/ovulation, and also for the induction Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Trans-
of cyclicity in anestrous animals. In addi- fer (MOET). Embryo transfer (ET), initiated
tion, programs can be scheduled in advance about four decades ago, is a more advanced
for the AI at the most appropriate period, reproductive biotechnology that also takes
under each specific circumstance. advantage of AI procedures, being consid-


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ered the second generation of ART. The worldwide. However, MOET programs are
progress achieved during the past 25 years expensive, mostly due to the cost of labor
has positioned commercial bovine embryo and hormone treatments. For those reasons,
transfer as a large international business (7, MOET will probably continue to be more
8). Contributing factors that significantly intensively used by elite cattle producers.
added for the increase in worldwide market- Ultrasonography. Ultrasonography is
ability of embryos were the development among the most important image techniques
of successful cryopreservation and the use for a wide number of applications in repro-
of washing procedures to obtain specified duction in cattle, with interests ranging
pathogen-free embryos (7). In 2005, approx- from scientific to commercial purposes.
imately 130 thousand bovine females were Since the mid-1980s, many reports have es-
flushed, for more than 600 thousand bovine tablished the accuracy of ultrasonography
embryos being transferred, representing a as a tool for the study of reproductive pro-
10% worldwide increase over the previous cesses in cattle (11, 12, 13). This noninva-
year, with North and South America and sive technology allows the study of the same
Asia accounting for 45, 21, and 19% of the specimens for the course of gestation with-
total worldwide activity, respectively (9). out compromising the viability of the con-
The combination of multiple ovulation ceptus. Using ultrasonography, the phenom-
and embryo transfer (MOET) represents enon of follicular dynamics was discovered
for the female what the AI has been for the and well described in cattle, which has al-
male, allowing the production of multiple lowed a tremendous advance in our ability
progeny from genetically superior females. to understand and manipulate the estrous
However, ET and AI can be very useful, cycle and, consequently, fertility. Ultraso-
provided that good production practices nography can exceed rectal palpation under
(husbandry, nutrition, and management) are field conditions for the assessment, charac-
in place. One of the limiting factors associ- terization and enhancement of the bovine
ated with MOET technology is the variabil- reproductive status of both the individual
ity and lack of predictability in follicular animals and the herd as a whole. This meth-
development response and embryo produc- od has been effectively used for the a) as-
tion following a superovulatory treatment sessment of ovarian activity and structures;
(7). The real causes for such problems are b) diagnosis of pathologies of the genital
likely to be associated with changes in the tract in males and females; c) detection of
endocrine profiles of donor females by ex- abnormal pregnancies; d) determination of
ogenous hormone treatments (7). In reality, embryonic and fetal viability; e) identifica-
little progress was attained, as the average tion of twins; f) prediction of fetal gender
number of transferable embryos per donor and; g) for the early diagnosis of pregnancy
and the side effects on the reproductive per- and embryonic/fetal losses, among other
formance of the donors remain unchanged uses (13). Ultrasonography is an early and
in the past two decades (9, 10). As for AI, the accurate diagnostic tool used to improve the
use of MOET schemes forced the develop- reproductive efficiency of herds and to en-
ment of estrus or ovulation synchronization hance bovine reproductive management.
protocols that have facilitated and shortened Low conception rates and embryonic mor-
considerably the whole process. Fixed-time tality are common problem in dairy herds,
ET and direct ET of frozen embryos are particularly when managed intensively. For
satellite procedures currently in broad use the optimal re-utilization of such animals,


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the ultrasound scanning can assist with the stages of development that allow them to be
characterization of the reproductive status transferred to female recipients. Today, the
of each individual. In that way, the most ef- IVP of bovine embryos became routinely
ficient treatment or management decision used for scientific, conservation, and/or
can be made in order to reduce the open in- commercial purposes. The IVP technology
terval by early re-breeding. has shown a remarkable increase in effi-
ciency over the years, both qualitatively and
Third Generation quantitatively, which has been manifested
of Reproductive by ascending pregnancy rates obtained after
Technologies the transfer of embryos to host recipients.
Many advantages have been identified for
The third generation of ART includes
the use of this technology over conventional
gamete and embryo sexing, oocyte recovery
systems for the production of embryos, with
and in vitro fertilization (IVF). Additional
cost of production being one of the most
procedures have also evolved, such as gam-
ete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote Ovum pick up (OPU). The in vivo as-
intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), and intracy- piration of antral follicles (ovum pick up)
toplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), but still is a nonsurgical technique adapted from
with limited practical applications. the human in late 1980s that uses an ultra-
In vitro Fertilization (IVF). The in sound-guided needle to aspirate immature
vitro production (IVP) technology evolved oocytes from the ovaries of females of any
from the interest in developing a system to age (14). Once the immature oocytes have
produce embryos completely in the labora- been removed from the ovary, they are sub-
tory. The achievements attained by this mitted to IVP procedures. The application
technology are truly remarkable if one con- of OPU/IVP has progressed from treating
siders that, in the early days, embryos were infertile high genetic MOET cows in com-
usually produced using in vivo-matured mercial situations to enhancing breeding
oocytes and, after IVF, zygotes were tran- scheme designs. Also, the use of prepuberal
siently in vivo-cultured into the oviducts females for OPU/IVP may increase the ge-
of surrogate females (sheep or rabbit) be- netic gain in up to 22% (2). Potentially, via
fore the definitive embryo transfer. The OPU, a donor European or zebu cow may
subsequent development of complete IVP yield 15-20 oocytes each week (collection of
systems not only facilitated the process but 5-10 twice a week or 15-20 oocytes once a
also paved the way to studies that resulted week, respectively). Considering the usual
in tremendous technological advances and rates of development and losses obtained
novel knowledge in many related areas. The after IVP and ET, a cow may potentially
in vitro production (IVP) of embryos from produce 50 to 100 calves each year. Not
IVF procedures for bovine embryos con- surprisingly, a rapid expansion in the com-
sists of three steps: first, in vitro maturation mercial application of OPU procedures
(IVM) of primary, germinal vesicle-stage coupled with the IVP technologies was seen
oocytes collected directly from the ovaries in the past decade. Such phenomenon can be
of donor females; second, IVF by combin- clearly seen in Brazil, where approximately
ing in vitro matured oocytes with in vitro 130,000 IVF-derived embryos, mostly from
capacitated sperm cells; and third, in vitro zebu breeds, were reported as transferred
culture (IVC) of presumptive zygotes to in 2005, accounting for nearly 50% of all


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worldwide IVP activity, and surpassing by embryo diagnostics for genetic traits and
far the total number of in vivo-derived bo- diseases (7).
vine embryos transferred during that same
period in that country (9). Fourth Generation
Sex Determination of Sperm and Em- of Reproductive
bryos. Naturally, the beef industry prefers Technologies
male calves for theirs higher body weights The fourth generation of assisted repro-
and feed efficiency, whereas the dairy in- ductive technologies is now on use and en-
dustry prefers heifer calves for milk produc- tails embryo cloning, transgenesis, stem cell
tion. Thus, methods to determine the sex of biology, also including molecular tools that
sperm or embryos were developed to control may assist in selection and understanding of
the sex of the livestock’s offspring. As the physiological processes to increase fertility.
X-bearing sperm in cattle contains about Cloning by Nuclear Transfer (NT).
3,8 percent more DNA than the Y-bearing The first livestock animal (sheep) was
sperm, sperm cells can be segregated based cloned in 1986 using cells from early em-
on their DNA content using a specific dye bryos (15). Then, the birth of Dolly in July
that binds to DNA and a flow cytometer/ 1996 by transfer of a somatic-cell nucleus
cell sorter. Several companies market sexed of an adult (16) represented the fall of an
semen through that process. Although the important biological dogma, i.e., that dif-
process to sort the X and Y bearing sperm ferentiated somatic cells could not be re-
is slow, with approximately 10 million live programmed to a toti- or pluripotent state
sperm of each sex obtained per hour, which that would allow development of a new in-
is about the number of live sperm required dividual. Subsequently, cloning by NT from
for one dose of frozen semen for AI, this adult somatic cells, or somatic cell nuclear
procedure determines the sex with higher transfer (SCNT), was repeated and con-
than 95 percent accuracy. Nonetheless, the firmed in an increasing number of animal
use of sexed semen technology is associ- species. Even if still relatively inefficient,
ated with a reduced number of sperm that cloning by SCNT, along with IVF, has also
could be separated in a specified time pe- contributed to advances and generated great
riod, lower survival of sorted sperm after interest in many related field
cryopreservation, and lower fertility (8). Somatic-cell cloning may be accom-
Therefore, producers contemplating the plished for reproductive purposes, i.e., to
use of sexed semen should understand that produce a genetically identical copy of the
the product will be more expensive than individual that supplied the donor cell, or
conventional semen and fertility may be for therapeutic purposes, i.e., to produce
compromised. cells or tissue for transplantation back to
Embryo sexing using molecular tools the individual that supplied the donor cell.
attained a significant interest in early 1990s, Somatic-cell cloning is a rapidly develop-
but has lost importance in the past few years. ing area and a valuable technique to copy
Polymerase chain reaction technology is superior genotypes and to produce or copy
currently being used for sexing embryos on transgenic animals. The promises behind
a small scale. It is likely that this technology SCNT technology include the possibility
will be replaced by sexed semen. However, to duplicate a number of copies of animals
its importance will be shifted for its use as using somatic cells and the feasibility of


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cloning a valuable animal. However, the ef- yield pluripotent EG cells that display char-
ficiency of the cloning technology remains acteristics similar to ES cells, but much less
low. Along with IVF procedures, SCNT research has been conducted with PGC cul-
is associated with increased rates of preg- ture and EG cells compared with research
nancy losses, placental and fetal alterations, involving ES cells (18).
dystocia and birth of large calves with lower Despite potential uses for ES and EG
postnatal survival. A relatively low number cells in biomedical research and application,
of cloned embryos survive to term (1 to 5%), documented isolation of ES and EG cells
with approximately a third of cloned calves having proven in vivo developmental capac-
not surviving to weaning, and more than 8% ity in the homologous species (i.e., chimera
dying before reaching 4 years of age (17). production) is limited to the laboratory
Clearly, more research is needed for the mouse, the rabbit and the pig. Since the pigs
understanding of the process involving the share many anatomical and physiological
failures in pre- and postnatal development. features with humans, the isolation of por-
In the USA, the Food and Drug Ad- cine ES cells from nuclear-transfer cloned
ministration (FDA) recently considered blastocysts offers an enormous opportunity
milk and meat from cloned animals safe to create an animal model for therapeutic
for human consumption, which will boost cloning and resolve a critical issue in most
the use of such reproductive technology in cell and tissue transplants, i.e., graft rejec-
that country. Most likely, other countries tion by the host. Once created, such animal
will follow, causing the same phenomenon. models could be used in clinical trials fol-
Despite that, many breed associations may lowing therapeutic cloning from wild-type
not approve the registration of cloned cattle. stem cells of the same origin.
Stem Cell Biology: Embryonic Stem Transgenic Animals. A transgenic ani-
(ES) cells and Embryonic Germ (EG) mal is defined by having a genetic material
cells. Embryonic stem cells are charac- from another species added to its genome.
terized by their self-renewal capacity for Genetic engineering allows us to bypass
indefinite proliferation in vitro in an undif- species restraints altogether to produce ge-
ferentiated, pluripotent state. Embryonic netically modified animals with beneficial
stem cells possess the in vitro and in vivo traits and transmission to future generations
capacity to differentiate into any special- in a Mendelian fashion (21). Transgenic
ized cell type, from in vitro formation of mice, pigs, goats, sheep and cattle were pro-
embryoid bodies to in vivo differentiation duced by the pronuclear microinjection of
into somatic and germ cell lineages (18). a foreign gene. Nevertheless, the efficiency
Since the first isolation of mouse ES cells of such procedures is still very low, i.e., in
(19, 20), they have been extensively used general, less than 5% carries the transgene
both as a model for the study of cell lineage (22). Alternatively, cloning by SCNT offers
and regulation of gene expression during the possibility of genetic manipulations of
mammalian embryogenesis and as a vehicle somatic cells in culture prior to cloning, ren-
for genetic engineering, functional genom- dering offspring that are transgene carriers.
ics, and cell-therapy studies. Primordial This technology has been proven effective
germ cells are embryonic cells that migrate for the production of transgenic animals by
from extra-embryonic origins to the sexu- random integration of the foreign DNA into
ally undifferentiated gonad and ultimately cells (23, 24). With further modifications,
give rise to gametes. Culture of PGC can gene insertions and deletions are possible


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through gene targeting, albeit still techni- MAS (26). A substantial number of genetic
cally challenging and rather inefficient. markers are available to study the genetic
At present, no transgenic animal was structure of traits and its use in MAS. By
incorporated into breeding programs. genotyping, accurate detection of specific
However, the use of transgenic animals to DNA variations that have been associated
produce therapeutic proteins in the milk has with measurable effects on complex traits
been heavily invested and the shortage of can be made. By this way, combining phe-
human cells, tissues and organs and thera- notypes with genetic markers seems to be
peutic proteins has increased the pressure a promising approach for improving health
for the creation of transgenic herds. An- and welfare traits in farm animals. These
other application for genetically modified traits are often difficult to define since they
animals has been directed at engineering bear low heritabilities and a corresponding
animals to render their organs immunologi- lack of genetic gain in conventional selec-
cally compatible for human transplantation tion and breeding programs (27). Several
(xenotransplantation), with the pig being QTLs have been identified for farm animals
currently the species of choice for this re- and MAS is currently been used in com-
search (25). mercial livestock breeding. As an example,
The fact that the generation of trans- markers associated with marbling and
genic livestock is expensive and inefficient, tenderness in cattle are currently available
joined by the reality that most agriculturally in the market. It is anticipated that MAS
relevant traits are complex and controlled by schemes will eventually be more widely
more than one gene, has limited the use and implemented (14).
application of transgenic technology. The
sequencing of the bovine genome, in con- Conclusions and Final
junction with new methods for modifying Considerations
the genome, is encouraging a resurgence of The control of reproductive processes
research using transgenic livestock. in animals offers numerous advantages,
Marker-assisted selection (MAS). Su- serving as an essential instrument for the
perior phenotypes have been the focus for application of biotechnology to livestock
selective breeding in livestock improvement production. The use of farm animals and
for centuries, which has proven to be very their products have significantly contrib-
successful. However, in recent years, infor- uted to the quality of human health and for
mation on the organization and functioning the establishment of civilization. It is within
of genomes of livestock are becoming avail- this scope that the first three generations
able, which can be used in breeding pro- of ART have contributed tremendously to
grams to improve certain traits. Many traits the satisfaction of the increasing demands
are controlled by several loci, where each of the modern society (28). Many produc-
can contribute to the variation in the trait ers are now familiar with more advanced
and hence are called quantitative trait loci methods to enhance reproductive efficiency,
(QTL). These molecular markers are used which may further add potential economic
to identify loci or chromosomal regions efficiency to cattle operations. Artificial
that affect single gene traits and also QTLs. insemination, estrous synchronization, em-
The idea behind this is to use these genetic bryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, sexed-
markers rather than the phenotypes in a semen, and cloning are all procedures that
process called marker-assisted selection, or have already influenced or will further in-


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fluence livestock industry in the near future. Advances in animal reproductive tech-
With the development of the forth genera- nology promise new possibilities, but many
tion of ART, the potential of farm animals ethical challenges have emerged with the de-
for improving human health is growing and velopment of the fourth generation technol-
many areas remain to be explored and, when ogies, including therapeutic and reproduc-
associated with modern molecular tools, tive cloning, stem cell biology, cell and gene
will further advance progress in animal therapy and transgenesis. The religious,
breeding and genetics (28). In this regard, ethical and political turmoil caused by these
the use of molecular markers will favor an reproductive technologies is important and
even faster pace in our ability to manipulate absolutely necessary, and should serve as an
animals genetically, either through breed- alert for responsibility and accountability to
ing or by means of genetic engineering. professionals in the field and related areas.
Still, as genome resource banking contin- Since reproductive technologies can benefit
ues to arise, the most applied reproductive mankind, any emerging new development
technology remains artificial insemination should be extensively and fully tested in
(29). In this reality, reproductive biotechnol- laboratory and domestic animals before any
ogy cannot be dealt as the solution for poor attempts are made to make them available
management. Indeed, genetic advancement for humans. Consequently, more restraint
can only be attained when good practices in and thoughtful consideration of each tech-
livestock management are improved. To be nological advance should be made before its
successful, the application of biotechnolo- application to human medicine (31).
gies must include good practices in animal
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