Background of The Study: 3. Research Objectives

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Procrastination is act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. Therefore, if

you refer to it as procrastination or akrasia or anything else is the force that keeps you from
doing what you set out to do. Procrastination seems to create university students defer and
delay their tutorial work where they turn to be unreasonable by copping out and ignoring
their tutorial responsibilities throughout the complete course of studies especially during this
online distance learning (ODL). It becomes habitual for university students to hold their
tutorial work such as they delay in getting ready and submitting their assignments and
presentations, finishing tasks and even getting ready for the examinations. In education and
coaching, the term academic procrastination is usually accustomed to denote the daily in
tutorial activities. It should be intentional, incidental and habitual however considerable
affects learning and action of university students. This research is therefore undertaken with
the intention of identifying the effects of procrastination on the academic performance of
students, especially for UiTM students. Specifically, we want to know whether those reasons
are loss of inspiration, lack of coordination, lack of vision. Other than that, we are also
interested in analyzing the level of procrastination conditioned by the students' tasks, tests
and presentations. Last but not least, we want to know whether the procrastination could
affect the student's mindset by having low depression and anxiety, fear to face certain tests,
making the students want to discontinuous of studies and more.


Procrastination may have a negative influence on the tasks, qualifications, and also
mental wellbeing of learners. In certain examples, students who procrastinate feel stronger
degrees of anger, remorse, fatigue, and anxiety, leading to severe disorders such as low
self-esteem and depression. The impact of procrastination will have a much larger influence
on institutions of higher education. Students that procrastinate to the last minute appear to
earn lower grades than their peers once students begin obtaining more assignments and
bigger tasks. This will produce a spiral of poor grades and low self-confidence that can be
hard to conquer for students. At a time when marks tend to impair student opportunities, this
may lead to a lot of increased tension and dissatisfaction and they may plan to discontinue

3. Research Objectives:

The study was conducted with the objectives:

 To assess the role of procrastination (in assignment, presentation, examination) in

deferring academic performance of university students
 To analyze the impacts of procrastination (low achievement, failure of examination,
depression and anxiety) on learning of university students
 To examine the factors contributing (lack of motivation, guidance, coordination and
laziness) towards procrastination among university students
4. Research Questions
 Does the procrastination in assignments, examinations, presentations affect the
academic performance among students?
 Does the lack of coordination, lack of guidance and laziness of the students could
affect on education achievement of university students?
 How significant is the relationship between the low achievement of students, failures
in examination and low depression and anxiety that can cause the academic
procrastination among them?

5. Hypothesis Statements:

 H0: Procrastination in assignments does not affect the academic performance

among students.
HI: Procrastination in assignments does affect the academic performance among

 H0: There is no significant effect on education achievement due to the lack of

HI: There is significant effect on education achievement due to the lack of

 H0: There is no significant relationship exists between procrastination and low

HI: There is significant relationship exists between procrastination and low

6. Significance of the Study:

We obtained that procrastination are just getting worst among the students. It has
become the most common issues that causes interruption in the everyday life of the
students, especially in the academic context. Students who procrastinate are typically unable
to accomplish critical academic assignments on schedule, and their academic functioning
may cause considerable anxiety. Because of that, are interested to make a survey on this
problem and will come out with the outcome of a research that can provide a clear sense of
direction to any responsible party to introduce we ways to control or minimize
procrastination. The results also could be a suggestion towards ministry of education or any
responsible party to filter down or improve the quality of education provided to students.
Other than that, this survey can encourage the students to be more effective and systematic
in making decisions on completing their tasks and aware of their procrastination problems
may lead to negative consequences. The aim of the study is to pinpoint causes of
procrastination, for example explored the prevalence and the reasons of academic
procrastination associated among the students, the level of motivation and the efficiency
reactivity of students. It may help the lecturers to gain insight on students’ procrastination
problems which help in improving their teaching skills or plan lessons to boost up students’
motivation and self-efficiency. In a conclusion, we could suggest that procrastination habit is
substituting one payoff for another. A payment can be enough as a payoff for students to
combat the incentive of postponing the unwelcomed assignments. For professionals, a
paycheck is rarely sufficient, then they need something better and stronger in order to
improve their attitude.
7. Limitations of Study

1. Research Design
Research designs are the basis for a researcher's preferred research methodology and
methods. The design enables researchers to analyze and improve their research methods that
are appropriate for the subject. Furthermore, the researcher must consider the type of data
required, design technique, the sampling methodology and procedures, the schedules and
budget. There have two common types of research design which are non-experimental
research design and experimental research design. In non-experimental research design, there
has two types such as Exploratory and Descriptive. This type of research design includes a
variety of different methods that describe relationships between variables. While
experimental research design is Causal and Quasi-experimental. This type is a way to test the
association between cause and effect.
There was a descriptive aspect in the study research. The survey methodology was
found acceptable and followed in order to obtain data from the respective respondents.
Descriptive research is intended to reliably and consistently identify the population,
circumstance or phenomena. It will answer questions about what, where, when, and how, but
not why. This type can use a wide variety of research methods to analyze one or more
variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does not control or manipulate any
of the variables, but only observes and measures them.[ CITATION Sho20 \l 1033 ] The
purpose of the study is to investigate the academic of procrastination among University
Technology Mara, Arau students.
2. Population/Sample/Sample size

2.1 Population

A population is a collection of equivalent objects or events in data that are of concern

to some topic or experiment. A collection of current objects or a possible and theoretically
limitless group of objects conceived as a generalization of knowledge may be a statistical
population. The present study was delimited in the University Technology Mara, Arau. The
population of the study consisted on all the faculties’ level students in the University
Technology Mara, Arau.

2.2 Sampling technique

Studying a whole group while conducting a questionnaire survey, would usually be

impractical. Sampling is a technique that enables researchers to infer demographic data on the
basis of findings from a subset of the population without having to analyze each person. In
this research, we decided to use a stratified sampling method. There is a population 4264 of
students. Since, it is a large population, we decided to use stratified sampling method, we
could divide the population into subgroups (strata) based on the faculty in the university. To
reduce the scope, each of the strata will be divided by 150 students out of 4264 students in
the University Technology Mara, Arau.
2.3 Sample size

The population of the study is 4264.The sample size for each faculty will be calculate
as below:

Types of Faculty Calculation of sample size Sample size every faculty

FSKM 963 34

FSG 1189 42

FPA 472 17

FSPU 598 21

FSR 710 25

FA 332 12


Therefore, the sample size of the Computing and Mathematics Science faculty (FSKM) is 34
students. 42 and 17 students, respectively, was the sample size for Faculty Science Geometry and
Faculty Plantation and Agrotechnology. Then, the sample size taken for Faculty Architecture,
Planning and Surveying (FSPU) is 21 out of 598 students. Last but not least, the sample size of
Faculty Sports Science and Recreation and Faculty of Accountancy are 25 and 12 students
respectively. The total sample size that we required is 151 students of University Technology Mara,





Dependent variable:
 Factor of procrastination
Independent variable:
 Role of procrastination
 Impact of procrastination
In the above diagram, the study believes that role of procrastination and impact of procrastination are
two independent variables while factor of procrastination is intended to be dependent variables.

3. Sampling Design
A sampling design is a structure that acts as the basis for the collection of a survey
sample and it influences many other essential aspects of the survey. It is also providing
information on the target and final sample sizes, strata definitions and the sample selection
methodology. Besides, choosing the appropriate sampling design in the study really depends
on certain factors that deemed to be crucial. The sampling design have two types of
techniques which are probability and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling
techniques are widely used because the collection of participants will often require some
form of "random" operation. The types of probability sampling techniques are Simple
Random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Cluster sampling and
Multistage sampling. While non-probability sampling design is very economical and easily
performed, even though the result of the study is only applicable to the particular sample and
does not necessarily reflect the whole population. The types of this technique are
Convenience sampling, Judgmental sampling, Quota Sampling and Snowball Sampling.
The sampling method that used in this study is Stratified sampling. By using this method,
the total population will be divided into smaller groups or strata to complete the sampling
process. The strata are formed based on some common characteristics in the population data.
A sample estimation in this sampling method is more reliable since it guarantees that all
strata are displayed in the sample. The process of stratified sampling in this study is:

1. We decided to stratify (divide up) the population in University Technology Mara,

Arau into 6 heterogeneity strata by different faculties. Such as FSKM, FSG, FPA,
FSPU, FSR, and FA.
2. As we choose a sample of 150 students out of 4264, we calculate the sample size for
each stratum by using the formula:
Number of students∈faculty
× sample=sample ¿ ¿
Number of population
3. Then, we separate sampling frames for each stratum. Thus, one name list from each
faculty: FSKM, FSG, FPA, FSPU, FSR, and FA are required.
4. By using SRS method, we will choose the students according to the number of sample
size found from each stratum in step number 2.
We need to choose 34 students from the FSKM, 42 students from FSG, 17 students from
FPA, 21 students from FSPU, 25 students from FSR and 12 students from FA.

4. Data Collection Method

Data collection is the systematic approach to gathering and measuring information
from a variety of sources to get a complete and accurate picture of an area of interest. The
collection of data helps a person or organization to answer specific questions, analyze results
and make predictions about potential probabilities and trends. Surveys, interviews and focus
groups are key methods for knowledge collection.

A questionnaire is a research device or instrument that is made up of a series of

questions which are closed-ended or open-ended. Since the issue that have happened in this
world, Corona virus, it is hard for us to get make a face to face interview. So in this study, we
are using online survey method. Online survey is one of the most popular data-
collection sources, where a set of survey questions is sent out to a target sample and the
members of this sample can respond to the questions over the world wide web. Online
Questionnaire was sent via email or other online mediums. We are using this method because
it is generally cost-effective and time-efficient. Respondents also can fill up the questionnaire
at leisure.

For this study, we create Google form to get respond from the peoples. Google forms
are commonly used to easily and quickly produce surveys because they allow you to schedule
activities, ask your employees or customer questions, and gather different types of
information in an easy and efficient way. We are using Google form platform because it’s
easy to read the next question while typing the response for the previous. It also is a free
online tool which allows you to collect information easily and efficiently. So from Google
form that we are created, the link will be share through media social such as WhatsApp,
Telegram, Facebook, Instagram and others. Before we share the link, we will make sure that
our Google form can fill up without any problems.

This method may have disadvantages such as limited internet access, respondent
cooperation issues and others. So we will make sure that we overcome this disadvantages, we
will save data for those who completed the questionnaire and who suddenly lost connection
when answering, the data will not be save and must be repeat. We also will ask them to
continue their answer after their internet connection better.

There are three steps in data preparation which are data editing, data coding and data
entry. For our study, we are using the second step (data coding) only to ensure the data are
ready for further analysis. The reason why we are not using first and third steps is because we
are just preparing for a proposal; there is no result and the questionnaire is not distributed to
the respondents.

Data coding is the process of identifying and classifying each response with a numerical
score or symbol. To be precise, since codes are numbers or symbols, the researcher needs to
assign a code to each potential answer in question. If the data is not coded systematically, the
lack of data consistency can have an effect on severe uncertainty in the study.

Coding qualitative data makes input from respondents easier to interpret. Also, by assigning
codes to words and phrases helps to capture what the response is about, which in turn helps
us to further interpret and summarize the results of the entire survey either our research
objective, analysis and hypothesis can be reached or not. This process makes it easier for us
to accurately interpret and analyze respondent satisfaction.

There are three steps in the coding process. First, we review the completed questionnaire by
looking for the types, orders, scale used in question and the number of responses. Then, we
properly check and sort out the factors to ensure the accuracy of the coding especially on the
variable name, variable label and value of responses. Lastly, we write down all the factors
according to their codes.

1. Name: __________________________ ……………… (1)

2. Student ID: ________________ ……………… (1)


Male ……………… (1)

Female ……………… (2)

4. AGE

18 - 20 years old ……………… (1)

21 - 23 years old ……………… (2)
24 - 26 years old ……………… (3)
Above 26 years old ……………… (4)


Less than 2 semesters ……………… (1)

2 but less than 4 semesters ……………… (2)
4 but less than 6 semesters ……………… (3)
More than 6 semesters ……………… (4)


4.0 - 3.5 ……………… (1)

3.4 - 3.0 ……………… (2)
2.9 - 2.5 ……………… (3)
2.4 - 2.0 ……………… (4)
Below 2.0 ……………… (5)

7. Think of the previous time you have procrastinated on academic task; in which area you
find yourself delay or procrastinate? You may tick more than one.

Writing a report ……………… (1)

Studying for exams ……………… (2)
Keeping up weekly assignments ……………… (3)
Attendance tasks ……………… (4)
Universities’ activities in general ……………… (5)


Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statement
concerning the reasons of your procrastination.
You can mark your sincere response anywhere between 1 to 5 (1 = Strongly
disagree, 5 = strongly agree). Please remember, there is no right or wrong answers.

1. You were concerned the professor would not like your 1 2 3 4 5

2. You had a hard time knowing what to include and 1 2 3 4 5
what not to include in your task.
3. You were worried you would get a bad grade. 1 2 3 4 5
4. You didn’t trust yourself to do a good job. 1 2 3 4 5
5. You had too many other things to do 1 2 3 4 5
6. You looked forward to the excitement of doing this 1 2 3 4 5
task at the last minute.
7. You couldn’t choose among all the tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
8. You didn’t have enough energy to begin the task. 1 2 3 4 5
9. You liked the challenge of waiting until the deadline. 1 2 3 4 5
10. You knew that your classmates hadn’t started the 1 2 3 4 5
paper either.
11. You were concerned you wouldn’t meet your own 1 2 3 4 5
12. You just felt too lazy to write a term paper. 1 2 3 4 5
13. Your friends were pressuring you to do other things. 1 2 3 4 5
14. I spend time worrying about making mistakes before 1 2 3 4 5
starting on assignment/projects.
15. I leave difficult tasks to the last minute and complete 1 2 3 4 5
them under pressure.
16. You waited until a classmate did his/hers, so that 1 2 3 4 5
he/she could give you some advice.


Think of the last time the following situation occurred. There are reasons why you have been
procrastinating on the task. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the
following statement according to how much it reflects the outcome of you procrastinated at
the time.
You can mark your sincere response anywhere between 1 to 5 (1 = Strongly
disagree, 5 = strongly agree). Please remember, there is no right or wrong answers.

1. You lose time and track to fulfill your tasks. 1 2 3 4 5

2. You blow opportunities. 1 2 3 4 5
3. You unable to meet your goal. 1 2 3 4 5
4. You ruin your academic performance. 1 2 3 4 5
5. Your self-esteem is decreasing. 1 2 3 4 5
6. You make poor decisions. 1 2 3 4 5
7. You risk your health. 1 2 3 4 5
8. You damage your reputation. 1 2 3 4 5



1 1 Name Categoric Name of Name = 1 Nominal
2 2 Student ID Numeric Student ID of Student ID = 1 Nominal
3 3 Gender Numeric Gender of Male = 1 Nominal
respondents Female = 2
4 4 Age Numeric Age of 18 - 20 years old = 1 Interval
respondents 21 - 23 years old = 2
24 – 26 years old = 3
Above 26 years old = 4
5 5 Length of Numeric Length of Less than 2 semesters = 1 Interval
time in time 2 but less than 4 semesters = 2
university respondents 4 but less than 6 semesters = 3
in university More than 6 semesters = 4
6 6 CGPA Numeric CGPA of 4.0 – 3.5 = 1 Ratio
respondents 3.4 – 3.0 = 2
2.9 – 2.5 = 3
2.4 – 2.0 = 4
Below 2.0 = 5
7 7 Area of Categoric Area of Writing a report = 1 Nominal
procrastinatio procrastinatio Studying for exams = 2
n n Keeping up weekly assignments
respondents =3
Attendance tasks = 4
Universities’ activities in general
8 8 Reasons of Numeric Concern Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
procrastinatio professor not Strongly Agree = 5
n (ROP) 1 like work
9 9 ROP 2 Numeric Had a hard Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
time Strongly Agree = 5
10 10 ROP 3 Numeric Worried get a Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
bad grade Strongly Agree = 5
11 11 ROP 4 Numeric Didn’t trust Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
yourself Strongly Agree = 5
12 12 ROP 5 Numeric Too many Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
things to do Strongly Agree = 5
13 13 ROP 6 Numeric Excitement of Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
doing task Strongly Agree = 5
last minute
14 14 ROP 7 Numeric Couldn’t Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
chose among Strongly Agree = 5
all tasks
15 15 ROP 8 Numeric Didn’t have Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
enough Strongly Agree = 5
16 16 ROP 9 Numeric Liked the Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
challenge of Strongly Agree = 5
17 17 ROP 10 Numeric Knew Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
classmate not Strongly Agree = 5
started yet
18 18 ROP 11 Numeric Wouldn’t Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
meet own Strongly Agree = 5
19 19 ROP 12 Numeric Felt too lazy Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
Strongly Agree = 5
20 20 ROP 13 Numeric Pressuring to Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
do other Strongly Agree = 5
21 21 ROP 14 Numeric Spent time Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
worrying Strongly Agree = 5
22 22 ROP 15 Numeric Leave difficult Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
tasks last Strongly Agree = 5
23 23 ROP 16 Numeric Waited for Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
classmates Strongly Agree = 5
24 24 Impacts of Numeric Lose time and Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
procrastinatio track Strongly Agree = 5
n (IOP) 1
25 25 IOP 2 Numeric Blow Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
opportunities Strongly Agree = 5
26 26 IOP 3 Numeric Unable to Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
meet goals Strongly Agree = 5
27 27 IOP 4 Numeric Ruin Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
academic Strongly Agree = 5
28 28 IOP 5 Numeric Self-esteem Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
decreasing Strongly Agree = 5
29 29 IOP 6 Numeric Poor Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
decisions Strongly Agree = 5
30 30 IOP 7 Numeric Risk health Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
Strongly Agree = 5
31 31 IOP 8 Numeric Damage Strongly Disagree = 1 Interval
reputation Strongly Agree = 5

→ [ CITATION Sho20 \l 1033 ] (but dah paraphrase)

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