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Soft Skills Corporate Life Skills Aptitude topics  

Corporate Communication Setting SMART Goals Verbal Intelligence Non Verbal Intelligence
Creative Problem Solving Professional Traits Series completion Series completion
Time Management SMART Working Analogy Analogy
Classification/ Odd man
Change Management Networking out Water Image
Working in Teams Crisis Management Coding and decoding Mirror Image
Building Aptitude Worklife Balance Blood relations Cubes and Dices
  Stress Management Distance and Direction Paper folding and cutting
  Financial Management Sitting Arrangements Embedded figure
Working in Global
  Locations Logical vennn diagram Incomplete figure
  Future proofing Career Number and Ranking Test Analytical reasoning
    Alpha numeric sequence  
    Arithematical reasoning  
    Mathematical operations  
    Inserting missing character  
    Alphabet test  
    Clocks and calander  
    Logical sequence of words  
Verification of truth of
    Situation reaction test  
    Logical reasoning  

9th Sem syllabi

Module 1: (General for all branches)
Technology Courses (.Net)
.Net Framework
C# Features
Module 2:
C# Example
 C# Variables
 C# Data Types
 C# OperatorsC#
Technical training Keywords
(200 hours of training):
C# Control Statement
C# if-elseC# switch
C# For Loop
C# While Loop
C# Do-While Loop
C# Break
C# Continue
C# Goto
C# Comments
C# Function
C# Call By Value
C# Call By Reference
C# Out Parameter
C# Arrays
C# Array to Function
C# Multidimensional Array
C# Jagged Arrays
C# Params
C# Array class
C# Command Line Args
C# Object Class
C# Object and Class
C# Constructor
C# Destructor
C# this
C# static
C# static class
C# static constructor
C# Structs
C# Enum
C# Properties
C# Inheritance
C# Aggregation
C# Polymorphism
C# Member Overloading
C# Method Overriding
C# Base
C# Polymorphism
C# Sealed
C# Abstraction
C# AbstractC# Interface
C# Namespace
C# Access Modifiers
C# Encapsulation
C# Strings
C# Exception Handling
C# try/catch
C# finally
C# Custom Exception

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