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Part B- Individual Report (Academic Performance)


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WORD Count: 1000






This performance is the range of students, teachers and institutions that have attained from the
short-term and long-term educational goals. Academic performances are mostly focusing on
academic arguments. An academic argument is the individual's stance, a claim of an individual's
people and the taken position on the selected topics of arguments (Harrison, 2011). This report
will be constructing academic arguments in the view of the academic context and applying
various academic skills and knowledge with examples that improving academic performances in
an academic context. The aim of this report is to relate the child labour issues on global supply
chain activities and understand the concepts which are directly linked to the activities in different
position. The concept of this paper is to make the people understand about the different stages of
child labour and how this has affected the global supply chain works.

Constructing an argument in an academic context (L01):

This Area will be constructing the arguments against child labour that has been following some
academic factors. Those factors are enlisted given below:

 The instruction design is the first academic factor that helps to construct the design of the
academic arguments against child labour. This factor providing the guideline to the
students for designing the arguments that inclined with the academic performances
(Wilhoit, 2009).
 Trustworthy, relatable, and fresh data can be used by the students and teachers in the
academic context that creating arguments on academic performance.
 The student should evaluate some literacy of the selected argument that helps to boost the
knowledge about the academic arguments.
 The student’s motivation and effective engagement help the students for constructing the
academic arguments as well as assist in consciously performing their academic context
(Grover, 2007).

So, by following those academic factors, students will be able for constructing arguments against
child labour. Depending on the present scenario there has been multiple occasions related to the
consequence of child labour and through these activities the best way[ CITATION Muz15 \l
18441 ]. To arrange the scenario to make assessment on the connection of child labour in global
supply chain activities to the fullest of the concept. This argument is based on the availability of
the resources which are best suited to the ideal use of the cases related to child labour actions on
global based platforms[ CITATION Chu15 \l 18441 ].

The position of the academic Arguments (L02)

The selected academic argument is the stay against in the child and constructing an effective
discussion where the decisions will be taken a position for providing some arguments that help to

reduce the child’s labour that helps to enhance the educations enrolment of the child students
(Leonard, 2009). Now, those arguments for reducing child labour are described given below:

 Phelan, P. and Reynolds, P., (199 provided the first argument against child labour is the
legality issue and most of the researchers said that child labour is an illegal act that plays
a negative impact on the educational area of a country. For removing this illegal act all
the other illegal activities that are performing by the people should reduce which helps try
to remove this problem. In the global supply chain, his argument had linked with child
labour because in the global supply chain child labour is restricted.
 (Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz, 2013) provided argument of child labour is an ethical issue
and the researchers are said that ethically the child labour is not fruitful for the country. It
is a matter of regret that, for the feeding to the family most of the child needs to use their
labour for earning money without going to schools.
 Abdalla Ibrahim (2018) evidenced the next argument against child labour and the effect
of microfinance on child labour is needed to be varying to the academic context. It also
expresses the way to earning school fees and providing the ability to send their children
to the school for learning. In microfinance, child labour has more in line with the global
supply chain, because in the organisation child are used for increasing the production of
the company that imp-act on the microfinance of the global supply chain.

There may have been some modifications on the overall understanding of the activities that is to
develop and maintain the actual course of child labour that has been used at the premises on
global supply chain works[ CITATION Gre16 \l 18441 ]. In order to pursue the changes and
bring the best of the activities there may have been the slightest changes in the child labour based
acts and this is to relate the changes which may have a negative impact on the current
possibilities of child labour[ CITATION Muz15 \l 18441 ].

Applying a range of academic skills and techniques to a real case scenario

The ranges of academic skills are describing given below with examples:

Writing skills: This skill is using the students for effectively writing the assignment that is the
most important for the real case scenario (Harrison, 2011). According to this assignment the
writing skills is needed by the students for improving their writing quality.

Critical thinking: It is another important academic skill that helps the students critically
thinking about the report and assignment task. For completing this report, the students need to be
this skill for critically thinking about the information that is suitable for this report (Post and
Koenders, 2019).

Research: It is the most important skill that is used by the students for intervention and finding
out something new arguments and facts of the selected topics by researched skills. In a real case
scenario, students are using this skill to effectively completing this report.

Referencing: Students will be using this academic skill for provided the logicality and
authenticity for academic writing. In this real case scenario, there has been using the reference
that provided validly of the information.

So the above academic skills are playing more effective roles in the real case scenario for the
diffeent5 academic task.

Recommendation &Conclusion:
The academic performance and success are able for elaborating the success of the students and
described the capability and knowledge and skills of the students that are most valuable for the
future professional life. Lateral argument has been based on different positions of child labour
that is currently being active in the actions and surrounding acts of global supply chain works. In
order to achieve the target sequence there are some commotions that has to be developed in a
proper way and it will affect the global supply chain works.


Grover, S., 2007. Children's human rights. South Yarra, Vic: Sandstone Academic Press.

Harrison, R., 2011. Academic skills. Oxford University Press.

Leonard, M., 2009. Child work in the 21st century. [Bradford, England]: Emerald.

Post, G. and Koenders, L., 2019. Academic Skills for Interdisciplinary Studies. Amsterdam:
Amsterdam University Press.

Wilhoit, S., 2009. A brief guide to academic arguments. New York: Pearson Longman.

Module name: Academic Performance

Academic Skills Reflection

Word Count:

Academic performance is the consisting of the benchmark of the students that are able for
measuring the skills and expertise and academic subject knowledge of the students. In this
assessment area, I will be producing SMART academic performances skills that will be acquired
by the students for improving the academic knowledge and show the reflection of those selected

Practice Part an Assessment SMART Goal Setting:

Practice Writing a Smart Academic Goal:

What is the initial goal you have in mind?

Increasing my academic skills as effective communication, time management skills, and reading
and writing ability

Expand on this goal using the SMART attributes.

S What do I want to achieve? Be precise. 

1) Creating effective Communication,

Specifi 2) Focusing on time management and submit the academic task on time,
3) Improving verbal and reading accuracy with fluently

M How will I know when I’ve reached my goal? What are the metrics and
milestones I need to hit along the way?

1) Within the institution regularly meeting and communicate with teachers.

Measurabl 2) This skill helps to submit academic task before the deadline of the task
3) Students will able to read 50 words per minutes

A Is this goal realistic for me? What support do I need to make sure I achieve my

1) Students are capable of using various strategies for regular communication.

Achievabl 2) The student knows the values of time and conscious about doing work in a
e timely.

3) Daily practice as well as set a mentor for increasing these skills

R Why is this goal worthwhile? Does it support the wider team and my other

1) Improving communication skills

Relevant 2) Enhancing time management skills

3) Improving reading ability skills.

T When do I want to achieve this goal? Write down a target date. 

1) Needed 4 weeks

Timel 2) Continuing the whole academic year

3) Continuing for the whole academic year

Now rewrite your initial goal as a concise, defined SMART goal.

As a university students the initial goals is to develop my academic skills like; communication
skills, time management skills, reading and writing skills and so many that those goals will be
defined under SMART goals that proving a clear path to achieving the selected goals.

Track your goal progress

What are the action steps you need to take to achieve this goal? Order these by priority or by
their due date.

 Action: List down all the goals in a Notebook with the expected duration of time.

 Action: Following all the academic materials more effectively and be disciplined on your
own academic goals.

 Action: Continuously evaluating the progress and take necessary steps for motivating
own self.

Am I on track to achieve this goal? What obstacles have come up and what support do you

 Obstacle: The lack of effective material for practising the communication practice.

 Support: Regularly meeting with teachers and other stakeholders.

 Obstacle: The lack of a proper effective mindset.

 Support: The educators will tell the students of the value of time as well as effectively
monitoring the academic task will be completed on time.

 Obstacle: Fair of failure to complete the goals.

 Support: Daily practice and the effectiveness of mentoring.

Milestones achieved. Note down every time you hit one of your measurable milestones along
the way.

 Milestone 1: Increasing effective oral and written communication skill

 Milestone 2: Time doing the entire academic task that focused on Time management

 Milestone 3: Increasing reading and writing speeds that focused on improving reading

Target date: Have you achieved your goal?

The expected duration for achieved these goals is the academic years.

What is required to be a successful undergraduate student?
Every university undergraduate students will be needed for following some action that makes
them more successful. Thos required things are enlisted below:

 An undergraduate student required to creating effective networking with the course

teachers abide by all the lectures and directions of the teachers.
 Required for makes a clear objective for learning the academic knowledge.
 Need to be required for growing from failure.
 Effectively communicated with the teachers and the students for keeping all up-to-date
information about the academic perspectives.
 Students need to be set up clear objectives and be punctual for completing the entire
academic task.
 So under the above discussion, it can be said that the aforementioned things are required
for successful undergraduate university students. 

Reflection Summary

The academic performances are depending on the academic skills of the individual’s students.
The aforementioned SMART academic goals are consisting of various skills that need to be
acquired by the individuals for improving their academic performances as well as future

Assessment of Reflection:
According to the above SMART goals, the individual’s students should be creating effective
communication with the teachers that helps to enhance the great understanding with the teachers
and assist in improving my learning capacity. The goals of submitting academic assignment
within the deadline goals help to improve my time management skills and the teacher will be
seeing this in a positive view that helps to improve academic performances. The improvement of
verbal reading ability helps me for reading academic subject more fluently and the goals of
improving academic grade especially in math and English bare helps for improving academic
background and boosting the future development of my practical life.

For achieving those selected skills, I have been focused on some ways that are enlisted given

• Effectively and regularly talking with my teachers about the academic subjects

• Cresting positive attitudes towards the academic performances and context

• Focus on improving the attention on the study materials

• Increasing writing and note working capability

• Properly managing timer for learning some academic skills and knowledge.

The ways for my self-improvement capacity are enlisted below:

• Show respects and gratitude to others

• Improving act of kindness

• Make mind with positive talk and work and so on

The reflection of the academic goals helps to enhance the academic skills and knowledge that
helps to boost the academic performances and play an effective role in future professional
development. The SMART goals that have been shown in this assessment area help to improving

the reflection of the academic skills and knowledge’s that focus on self-improvement and assist
in improving academic as well as professional development.


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