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1.When did the 1st food law in history come into effect?
a) In Britain, 1266
b) In China, 1266
c) In USA, 1266
d) In UAE, 1266

2. Who is responsible for ensuring that food sold in the United States is safe, healthy, and
properly labelled?
a) FSA
b) FDA
c) FLA
d) FBA

3. What are the federal food laws that fall under the jurisdiction of the FDA?
a) The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).
b) Fair Packaging and Labelling Act.
c)The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and the Fair Packaging and Labelling
d)None of the above.

4. What regulates the food labelling requirements for the European Union?
a) The regulation of 2011
b) The regulation of 2010
c) The regulation of 2005
d) the regulation of 2015

5.Both US and EU had made their food labelling regulations at par with the international
standards named?
a) Codex Alimentora
b) Code alimentarius
c)Codex Alimentarius
d)None of above

6. EU has adopted a proposal to inform consumers about food. What is that approach?
a) Horizontal approach to food labelling legislation.
b) Vertical approach to food labelling legislation
c)Double approach to food labelling legislation
d)Standard approach to food labelling legislation

7. What is the aim of the Horizontal approach proposal?

a)This proposal aims to simplify labelling of exported and imported food.
b)This proposal aims to simplify the regulatory process while ensuring food safety and public
c)Both (a) and (b)
d)None of the above.

8. EU's food safety framework is comprehensive and one of the most stringent in the world
a) The framework covers safe food issues.
b) The framework covers labelling and food hygiene.
c)The framework covers safe food and plant health and food hygiene.
d) The framework covers not only safe food, but also animal health, animal welfare, plant health,
and food hygiene.

9. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China, food imports
to China in 2017 reached?
a)45.28 billion yuan
b)49.15 billion yuan
c)54.28 billion yuan
d)94.12 billion yuan
10. China will likely become the world's largest food importer by?

11. The Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China was revised and passed in?
a) March 2015
b) March 2012
c)September 2015
d)September 2012

12. What law governs food safety in China?

a) The PRC food safety Law
b) The RPC food safety Law
c)The CPR Food Safety Law
d)China food safety Law

13. What authority ensures proper food labeling in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi?
a) All food business operators (FBOs)
b) All food buyers operators
c)All food company operators
d)None of above.

14. FBO ensures proper food labeling is followed for?

a) The consumers only
b) The manufacturers only
c)The consumers and the manufacturers
d)the consumers, manufacturers and ADAFSA.
15. What is the role of ADAFSA?
a) ADAFSA is responsible for labelling food placed on the market in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
b) ADAFSA is responsible for ensuring that food placed on the market in the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi is safe and complies with the meaning of the Food Act 02 (02) 2008.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d)None of above.

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