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Happenings with the Klepps

Summer 2021

Romans 5:3-4 “…..but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces
perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame,
because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit…..” There is a joy and
peace in this, even when things are hard, that we can be secure in His love for us. What other hope do
we have?

Hope at the Border

My (Kim’s) trip to the Mexico / US boarder was an eye opener for me.
I have been to refugee camps many times, but this time – there were
many displaced people, but no one in charge specifically (like UNHCR
or FEMA in other places). Many of these people have sold everything
and traveled for long – even walked so far and gone through so many
trials only to be turned away at the border. When that happens, they
are deported to Mexico, even if they are not Mexican and become
homeless there. The families have heard promises that seem to make
it worth the treacherous journey, but some said, “If I had known it
would be like this, I wouldn’t have come”.

It seemed that everyone had a terrible story and needed to share –

that can be a pathway to healing. One of the most shocking facets of
this is the number of unaccompanied minors that are being sent. It is
hard to see, and any mama’s heart breaks at the thought of that. It is This day was one of my joys. Just playing
also a set up for many vulnerable women and children to trafficking with children who have been through so
and enslavement. much but are still kids! I pray for their
protection and that one day they will find
YWAM Tyler is collecting hygiene packets and blankets and bibles to
“home” along with their family.
give to the displaced people just south of the Mexican border. We are
also sending teams on a regular basis to encourage the churches and
ministries working down there. Please let me know if you would like to be involved or visit:

Family trip to Uganda and South Sudan

Last time we wrote our newsletter, we were planning our trip to Uganda on June 6th. As we watched all that was going
on in India and also experienced some health emergencies in Kim’s family, we decided to postpone the trip to later
June/ early July. Then on June 6th, we found out that Uganda’s president called for a 42-day lockdown, then 2 weeks
later he has called for another 2 weeks. We are thankful not to arrive in the beginning of that time but concerned again
for the people of Uganda and South Sudan. The people in the refugee camps are without supplies and unable to travel
to get food and supplies. Our students had to leave school and find a place to live and rest during this time. Please pray
for them and pray that covid does not spread in a country with extremely limited healthcare.
Happenings with the Klepps
Summer 2021

Harvesters celebrated their 20th
anniversary! Its amazing to think that 20
yrs ago a couple from small town
Wisconsin (Lance’s parents) obeyed the
call of God and set off to war torn Sudan to
care for orphans. We have gone from
caring for a handful of children to over 150
children in our residential care, 3
elementary schools for over 1500 students,
3 clinics, one hospital, a vocational
training, a trauma healing program, and a
soon to be high school in Terekeka. This
speaks of the faithfulness of God and His
heart for the poor and the orphans. We
feel so privileged to be part of what God is
doing through Harvesters. We are so
excited about the building of the high school in Terekeka! We hope the community will continue to be taught the word
of God and life skills as they continue through education. We saw such a need for that when we were there, and so glad
to see lasting change in the community. See this link to read more:

Summer Plans
This summer is interesting for us as a family. There is much to be done in both
YWAM and Harvesters that it seems we are so busy – even though school is over.
Gideon is taking marshal arts and going to work with Kim a lot, swimming
whenever we get a chance. We have hearts to help where there is need and
continue to build community as we can.

We hope to travel and visit many of you during the next two months. We are
unsure of when we will go to Uganda at this time. Please pray that this will become

Praise Reports:
- Harvesters for 20 years! God has done so many miracles and led the staff and children well.
- Kim’s trip to the Mexico/USA border went well and they stayed safe.
- Gideon pursuing new things and making friends.
- Praise God for volunteers who come to help with practical needs on the YWAM campuses.
Happenings with the Klepps
Summer 2021

Prayer Requests:

- Please pray for Kim’s family, as there has been some major health emergencies and need for
- Please pray for the right time and provision for a family trip to Uganda and South Sudan. Please
pray for protection from covid for the people there.
- Pray for clear direction as a family as we continue to serve and grow where we are planted. To
know what to say yes to!
- Please pray for volunteers to come and help with the many practical needs here on the base
and at Gideon’s school to keep the ministry going. Are you interested? Do you have a practical
skill? Let me help give you an opportunity to serve!

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