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Name Md Abdullah- Al- Mamun_

NO AGRS 20 20 000015

4Asignment 02 Praatieing aquacuHuve in Pond eeoptem

Auacuture Aqucculture s the farming aquotie

omSmuch a sh, erotáceans, mollupes and aauatie

Thare are ome key Pois cohich- JDhould be máintai
Tor Practicing aquacuHure in-Pond ecosuotenm.
sted aD beloo

( chooina a suitable ite. Jor a fish Pond..

(i) Build a pond layout

(i) Pond management

(iv Surveillanee Pond eviroment

A Shor-- explanation above tuse key Points are des@ribed


ChoosingA Suiteble Site For A FiSh Pond

Notmallythtee types Pond ike. co nurse Pand, Taaring

Pond4 Produetion Pond ave ineluded. sith tish ultue

S0 a uipble site is very needed vey point- to buid

Pond. A Suitable. i t e muo falloa Some
any tyP d
CTiteria Jor -t Creation ish Pond

Criteriafor a SuitableiBe including ap

Adeauate- cdater

eloser to home

hoay From any
aily aeeessible ?ace

tha. ite
To PogaPly df 0 water stemPaYatue

Gouree ater 4|watey qualty water PH (7-10)

Dissolved. oyaen

Soil Quality

Juild. A Pond. layout

to Construct+
Aaad Pond layou- is very needed
a POnd. For buiding a pod layou-L many
uke an nlet-deign,ouBle}t
ohould be keep in mind

Proper slopes maintuning,

twater syorem ete

Pond Managemen

For rac-ticing aqua cul-ture, Pond- managemen-mwt- be.

taken in-a Proper cy arically Pónd management

dind Pre-stocking,, aad stoekins

inelu ding-
nelu and Post-stoeking


#Pe-staeling maragement ineluding

Eradica-fion and ontrolf aquatie weeds Gnd algae

By four away

-0 Preventive ontto

tetiity Trimming Pond margins, decoatering and de-Silting

old Ponds, uprmoting or burning the dried márgina coeeds

-0 Manual and Mechani ea) Contso

we o
Ac-vity age-od Prac-tice ike hand Pieked , drag4ed by
we ston4 rope nets to vemove ree flaasing oeeds uke lemma,
a2olla, wolHHia ete

o Chemical Contro
Hetivity: wing aproPriate herbicides at Proper dose for
deinite SPecieD -coeeds
-o Biological Conto)
ACtIVty: wina oeed-eatinA dishes uke a lommon earp, tilaPia, Jras
CAYP, sarputi ete Ho eraditate submerged and flaating toee ds
ApPlucction fTaxi cents tor eradication df unaantsá sh

Rotenone (Mohua oi|caue)(Bleaching Poude)Ammonia)

1-2 Pm Dose 250 pem Dose 35-50 PPMDose: 20-25 PPm

Ercdicction- redabry insects

S0aP oi| emulsidn_,diesel oil , kernsene-di| ,teTpenine

oil ete to eradi ccte insects ike a Cyister, ternobphu), Anise

Belgtomá, Ranartrcs enu

Application fertiliae
Doth inorganie) 4 (organic twice. in a month

NAN (A eat le dun

Po- P (rSRS59) Urea

+ Stoeking manaaemet
ld Fixed in the Pond
1-2 day 9ior to 5tocking,
a hapa hou

maderiak hould be. Put

inside the haPA. Absence
the complere
distress andmortality Jtes 24 hs Confim
deeoxifcotian and the Pond dhould ue Tegarded. ay reádp

for sHocking
stockin4 Dhoul . PrePerably be. done in the cool evening
To minimi2e Past-srtocking mor-elity t ylinaerlings
uhould be. loaly anel radually caeli mati2ed to ha.
Tempe ratuve and iualty f cocter in tha stocking Pond.
Maintain oper value lankton nthe Stock)ng
Pond cwith t coneem_about- th elationship ebetween
Sutviva level and Stcking densily.

Stoeking density
dig: Relation_between sL sp

# Post 3-tocking Management-:

t-hould be. operly mdinTain_to hamesing the

Pond Produe-tvidy Poviding feeding and apRing periodie

Maintung ade4uate amount dj- Pankton
E SupPlementay Jeed bnoadcaton he

Feedin thePond n_th form Poöder

I n rearing Pondl pelletized Heed. hould be 8ive

keep note on Supplying deed.

feriodically apPly b0th inorganic orgamie

Ferklizers Shoud be apPlel when Phxoica) (ondihons
fFerHli 2oi
2 weter ave mst suitable.
Belbto tha. &.5 PPm NitaBe -Phosphate Shouk be GPPked
2 O aPply whenthe orgonic Corbon level beloo 2%
SuYveillanee Pond Environment

Biot Factoy!
To main-tain_ a Proper Pon a
ecosystem and keeping-
a wel (Phodueer) Decompaes
Algae angume
Procuc-tivity n a Pond for HydroPhyhie

PKac-ticing a q u a e t u y e , 5ome Plants Fungi


be monitored
PrimaSecondav") Terkar
Porametern mw- Pro to 2oa Tnsects
dh enwtaeea lanvae Fishes
an well afish damer hould-
Abiotie Foctars
Yecord some. dota ineluding

nature Pond, wader are Light Heat water Minerals

ish 4ge-, jertilizey aPpliation
Hmea, feeding quan-tity ete. Fi Pond Ecosyntem

And the. Jollowing qcyameterS hould. be. moniter on

Youtine bsiD

() water eolor

(u) water hansParen ey

(u) water depth
(iu soft sedimen-+ depth
Solid sedimen- depth
(vi) chemi cal environ mer-t n_ waBer talumn_

viy Dacov_0xyaen
(viy) Fin health mani-tanng
ttast-Pathogen-envionment Gnkage
x)ttealth_monimoring Pmramme

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