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Introduction: The Spirit is an embodiment of dorms details and dimensions in which

understanding their operations makes us a living legend on earth.

Every manifestation and operation of God is carried out by the spirit. – 1Cor 2:10-13

“The Spirit is the carrier of the revelation of God’s intentions”

From John Wesley – Church Planter and Theologian – Notes on the Whole Bible

“He is called the seven spirits, not with regard to His essence, which is one, but with regard to His

manifold operations.”

In Isaiah 11 there are dimensions of the operations of the spirit in which are called the seven

spirit of God. The operational dimensions of the Spirit which reflect the details of the depth

of God’s ability.

When you encounter any of these dimensions, it brings out God’s possibilities to you and

through you, making you a deity living among humanity. – Exodus 7:1


The Spirit of wisdom is one of the characteristic nature of the operation of the Spirit. Every

achievement in life is not a function of strength but a function of the degree of wisdom

applied. – Proverbs 24:3, Proverbs 3:19, Jeremiah 10:12, Proverb 8:22-31

“A man of the Spirit is a man that walks in uncommon wisdom, tapping into the creative

abilities of God to bring realities of the Spirit to bear for the glorification of the kingdom.”
The Holy Spirit operates as a wisdom of God. When you become impregnated by the Spirit,

you begin to operate on intelligence of the Spirit which is always superior to any human

intelligence. – Prov. 1:20-23

Firstly, you have access into mysteries, sacred and privileged information that are not

accessible to common men. This high level of information will give you superior advantage

in life and your operations and opinions on issues will be from the application of the

information you have in the spirit, which is the wisdom of the Spirit.- Exodus 31:1-4

Crafts work distinction was a product of divine wisdom. - Exodus 31:1-4

There are three things that are proven to make you stand out in life


Proverb 4:7

Proverb 17:27

Job 20:3

Proverb 1:5

Understanding will keep and preserve you – Pro 2:11

Your actions will be directed by the understanding you have – Pro 6:32

Understanding will save you from trouble – Pro 10:13

What makes men outstanding is the function of their understanding – Ps 119:99, Daniel

1:17,20, Dan 5:11-12

Understanding is given by the inspiration of the spirit – Job 32:8

The word inspiration is a breadth of the spirit that produces illumination – 2Tim 3:16

The understanding you have propels the action you give.

Men of understanding are distinct in the affairs of earth – 1Cor 14:20

Ephesians 5:17, 1John 5:20

1. Creativity – Applied wisdom to bring obscurity to reality – Genesis 6:14-16, Eph 1:17-

18, Col 1:

Fashion designing was a product of divine wisdom – Exodus 28:2-3

2. Communication – Luke 21:15

3. Confidence – 2Tim 1:7


Father, in Jesus name, we call forth the fullness of the Holy Spirit into each of our lives, families and

spheres of influence. We want to be burning ones. Send an increase of Your Spirit’s power and

manifested presence among us. We welcome the Seven Spirits of God to be activated in our lives as

we consecrate our entire being to You. Amen and Amen!


Introduction: We have been studying on the dimensions of the spirit in the past few weeks.
We have considered and study about the wisdom and understanding dimension of the holy
spirit and how he empowers us in wisdom for witty inventions. – Proverbs 8:12
These dimensions are possibilities available for the operations of the spirit. The person of
the Holy Spirit broods over our lives to reveal God to us and us to us – 1Cor 2:10-16 (MSG)
The spirit has access into the depth of God which forms the basis of the dimensions of his
operations. The spirit reveals the father’s intention and connect to us through different
The spirit of counsel;
1. Reveals God’s will
2. Reveals God’s assignment for us
3. What is required
4. Next steps
5. Direction through revelation
Psalms 25:14
The literal meaning of counsel is to advice, guidance, direction, ideas, suggestions and
Counsel is also used in a legal world to mean a person responsible to advise, give guidance
and defend a course of his/her client.
One of the dimension of the operation of the spirit is to give counsel. In fact, the bible calls
him our counsellor. That is, someone who counsels – John 14:26-18 (MSG). the holy spirit
counsels from the perspective of his depth to the mind of God – John 16:14-5
The Greek word for counsellor means PARACLETE which is referred to as advocate -
someone that responds and defend another person.
Why do you need counsel?

 Proverbs 11:14 – there is safety in counsel. When you receive good counsel it helps
you make the right and timely decision.
What you are is a product of your own decision. Your experience is a result of your
 Listening to counsel is wisdom – Proverbs 12:15, 13:10
 Through counsel is success and victory – Proverb 24:6, 15:22, 19:20
 Direction : Psalms 32:8-10
One of the primary ministry of the holy spirit is to give us good counsel and teach us what
we didn’t know – Isaiah 30:21
Advocate : 1John 2:1

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